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劉壯肅公奏議Leave the NDL website. 崇禎記聞録Leave the NDL website. 臺灣遊記Leave the NDL website. 陶村詩稿Leave the NDL website. 碑傳選集Leave the NDL website. 閩海紀要Leave the NDL website. 閩海紀略Leave the NDL website. 清季臺灣洋務史料Leave the NDL website. 三藩紀事本末Leave the NDL website. 臺陽筆記Leave the NDL website. 清代琉球紀録集輯Leave the NDL website. 巡臺退思録Leave the NDL website. 臺灣旅行記Leave the NDL website. 臺灣采訪冊Leave the NDL website. 重修臺灣縣志Leave the NDL website. 臺案彙録丁集Leave the NDL website. 臺灣中部碑文集成Leave the NDL website. 青燐屑Leave the NDL website. 清史講義選録Leave the NDL website. 庭聞録Leave the NDL website. 平閩紀Leave the NDL website. 臺灣三字經Leave the NDL website. 無悶草堂詩存Leave the NDL website. 呉耿尚孔四王全傳Leave the NDL website. 藏山閣集選輯Leave the NDL website. 安平縣雜記Leave the NDL website. 後蘇龕合集Leave the NDL website. 甲申傳信録Leave the NDL website. 臺灣詩乘Leave the NDL website. 海紀輯要Leave the NDL website. 東南紀事Leave the NDL website. 明季南略Leave the NDL website. 東瀛紀事Leave the NDL website. 續碑傳選集Leave the NDL website. 臺游日記Leave the NDL website. 欽定平定臺灣紀略Leave the 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website. 臺灣通紀Leave the NDL website. 鮚埼亭集選輯Leave the NDL website. 琉球國志略Leave the NDL website. 崇禎實録Leave the NDL website. 海東札記Leave the NDL website. 崇禎長編Leave the NDL website. 金門志Leave the NDL website. 靖海紀事Leave the NDL website. 左文襄公奏牘Leave the NDL website. 賜姓始末Leave the NDL website. 馬關議和中之伊李問答Leave the NDL website. 臺案彙録壬集Leave the NDL website. 中復堂選集Leave the NDL website. 爝火録Leave the NDL website. 恒春縣志Leave the NDL website. 臺灣日記與禀啓Leave the NDL website. 臺灣番事物産與商務Leave the NDL website. 清宣宗實録選輯Leave the NDL website. 福建臺灣奏摺Leave the NDL website. 潛園琴餘草簡編Leave the NDL website. 法軍侵臺檔補編Leave the NDL website. 法軍侵臺檔Leave the NDL website. 臺海見聞録Leave the NDL website. 欽定勝朝殉節諸臣録Leave the NDL website. 臺灣鄭氏始末Leave the NDL website. 石匱書後集Leave the NDL website. 漳州府志選録Leave the NDL website. 浙東紀略Leave the NDL website. 臺灣志略Leave the NDL website. 臺戰演義Leave the NDL website. 臺案彙録戊集Leave the NDL website. 臺案彙録甲集Leave the NDL website. 北郭園詩鈔Leave the NDL website. 蠡測彙鈔Leave the NDL website. 斯未信齋雜録Leave the NDL 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臺灣銀行經濟研究室 タイワン ギンコウ ケイザイ ケンキュウシツ
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Taiwan wenxian congkan