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Icons representing 図書


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文化庁[ほか]監修2009年5月以降の出版社: ぎょうせい

Related materials as well as pre- and post-revision versions

写経Leave the NDL website. 二王像Leave the NDL website. 供養具と僧具Leave the NDL website. 神道美術Leave the NDL website. 印籠と根付Leave the NDL website. 狩野探幽Leave the NDL website. 茶湯釜Leave the NDL website. 上代の寺院建築Leave the NDL website. 正倉院の金工Leave the NDL website. 江戸建築Leave the NDL website. 年輪年代法と文化財Leave the NDL website. 国分寺Leave the NDL website. 京都 : 古都の近代と景観保存Leave the NDL website. 墨跡Leave the NDL website. 平安絵画Leave the NDL website. 人物・動物はにわLeave the NDL website. 飲食器Leave the NDL website. 調度Leave the NDL website. 文人の書Leave the NDL website. 狩野一信Leave the NDL website. 鎌倉彫Leave the NDL website. 物語絵巻Leave the NDL website. 雪舟Leave the NDL website. 狛犬Leave the NDL website. 化粧道具Leave the NDL website. 和物茶碗Leave the NDL website. 唐津Leave the NDL website. 辻が花染Leave the NDL website. 大谷光瑞と西域美術Leave the NDL website. 出土建築部材が解く古代建築Leave the NDL website. 明治の日本画Leave the NDL website. 女性の肖像Leave the NDL website. 山楽と山雪Leave the NDL website. 縄文時代Leave the NDL website. 清凉寺釈迦如来像Leave the NDL website. 阿弥陀如来像Leave the NDL website. 十二支 : 時と方位の意匠Leave the NDL website. 民家Leave the NDL website. 天平彫刻Leave the NDL website. 正倉院の陶器Leave the NDL website. 女の装身具Leave the NDL website. 小川破笠 : 江戸工芸の粋Leave the NDL website. 刀装具Leave the NDL website. 風俗版画 : 役者絵・美人画Leave the NDL website. 三蹟 : 道風・佐理・行成Leave the NDL website. 乾漆仏Leave the NDL website. 頂相彫刻Leave the NDL website. 寫樂Leave the NDL website. 密教画Leave the NDL website. 染の型紙Leave the NDL website. 原始・古代住居の復元Leave the NDL website. 仏伝図Leave the NDL website. 谷文晁Leave the NDL website. 木簡Leave the NDL website. 鬼瓦Leave the NDL website. 書院造Leave the NDL website. 絵巻物Leave the NDL website. 鍋島Leave the NDL website. 城と天守Leave the NDL website. 慕帰絵詞Leave the NDL website. 鎌倉絵画Leave the NDL website. 高松塚古墳Leave the NDL website. 有職文様Leave the NDL website. 田能村竹田Leave the NDL website. 画家・文人たちの肖像Leave the NDL website. 中世の童子形Leave the NDL website. 曽我蕭白Leave the NDL website. 染付Leave the NDL website. 正倉院の舞楽装束Leave the NDL website. 歌麿Leave the NDL website. 華厳経絵Leave the NDL website. 鴟尾Leave the NDL website. 縄文土器 : 晩期Leave the NDL website. 塔 : 塔婆・スツーパLeave the NDL website. 縄文土器 : 中期Leave the NDL website. 小袖Leave the NDL website. 文化財と科学技術 : 東京文化財研究所のしごとLeave the NDL website. 遊楽図と歌舞伎図Leave the NDL website. 古墳の絵画Leave the NDL website. 平城宮跡Leave the NDL website. 光琳芸術の基層 : 小西家旧蔵資料を中心にLeave the NDL website. 蒔絵Leave the NDL website. 正倉院の歴史Leave the NDL website. 縄文草創期~中期Leave the NDL website. 室町彫刻Leave the NDL website. 琳派とデザイン・装飾・かざりLeave the NDL website. 石造美術Leave the NDL website. 信貴山縁起と粉河寺縁起Leave the NDL website. 染織Leave the NDL website. 正宗 : 相州伝の流れLeave the NDL website. Leave the NDL website. 正倉院の武器・武具・馬具Leave the NDL website. 陶芸Leave the NDL website. 蓮華紋Leave the NDL website. 備前鍛冶Leave the NDL website. 根来塗Leave the NDL website. 釈迦如来像Leave the NDL website. 函館と北海道の開拓都市Leave the NDL website. 祭礼図Leave the NDL website. 鎌倉地方の仏像Leave the NDL website. 宋紫石と南蘋派Leave the NDL website. 白描絵巻Leave the NDL website. 海北友松Leave the NDL website. 酒井抱一Leave the NDL website. 伴大納言絵と吉備入唐絵Leave the NDL website. 宋・元の青磁・白磁と古瀬戸Leave the NDL website. 久隅守景Leave the NDL website. 町家と町並みLeave the NDL website. 浄土図Leave the NDL website. 奈良の鎌倉時代彫刻Leave the NDL website. 舞楽面Leave the NDL website. 毘沙門天像Leave the NDL website. 近畿Leave the NDL website. 水墨画 : 能阿弥から狩野派へLeave the NDL website. 小袖からきものへLeave the NDL website. Leave the NDL website. 室町絵画Leave the NDL website. 妙見菩薩と星曼荼羅Leave the NDL website. 聖徳太子絵伝Leave the NDL website. 城と御殿Leave the NDL website. 町人の服飾Leave the NDL website. 日本建築の構造Leave the NDL website. 弥生時代の装身具Leave the NDL website. 禅宗建築Leave the NDL website. 光悦と本阿弥流の人々Leave the NDL website. 霊廟建築Leave the NDL website. 技法と表現Leave the NDL website. 川原慶賀と長崎派Leave the NDL website. 日本建築の装飾Leave the NDL website. 山城鍛冶Leave the NDL website. 正倉院の書跡Leave the NDL website. 像内納入品Leave the NDL website. 観音像Leave the NDL website. 光悦Leave the NDL website. 庭園とその建物Leave the NDL website. 中世真宗の美術Leave the NDL website. 都市と寺社境内 : 江戸の三大寺院を中心にLeave the NDL website. 踏絵とロザリオ : キリシタン関係遺品Leave the NDL website. 南蛮工芸Leave the NDL website. 日本刀の拵Leave the NDL website. 紀伊路の仏像Leave the NDL website. 鹿子木孟郎と太平洋画会Leave the NDL website. みちのくの仏像Leave the NDL website. 肖像彫刻Leave the NDL website. 古神宝Leave the NDL website. 桃山時代の書Leave the NDL website. 四天王像Leave the NDL website. 舞楽装束Leave the NDL website. 飛鳥・奈良絵画Leave the NDL website. 赤絵Leave the NDL website. 京都の鎌倉時代彫刻Leave the NDL website. 正倉院の木工芸Leave the NDL website. 縄文土器Leave the NDL website. 地蔵菩薩像Leave the NDL website. 日本人建築家の軌跡Leave the NDL website. 垂迹画Leave the NDL website. 大宰府跡Leave the NDL website. 一遍上人絵伝Leave the NDL website. 梵鐘Leave the NDL website. 肖像画Leave the NDL website. 舎利と宝珠Leave the NDL website. 古代の鏡Leave the NDL website. 近世の禅林美術Leave the NDL website. 和鏡Leave the NDL website. 刀剣 : 大和と美濃Leave the NDL website. 装身具Leave the NDL website. 遺跡の探査Leave the NDL website. 図像Leave the NDL website. 交通編Leave the NDL website. 仏舎利と経の荘厳Leave the NDL website. 江戸の狩野派Leave the NDL website. 截金と彩色Leave the NDL website. 光琳Leave the NDL website. 良寛Leave the NDL website. 山田寺 : その遺構と遺物Leave the NDL website. 長谷川等伯Leave the NDL website. 柄香炉と水瓶Leave the NDL website. 春日権現験記絵Leave the NDL website. 山岳信仰の美術熊野Leave the NDL website. 環境考古学Leave the NDL website. 文人画Leave the NDL website. 近代の住宅建築Leave the NDL website. 中世・近世の鏡Leave the NDL website. 鎌倉時代の書Leave the NDL website. 幡と華鬘Leave the NDL website. 民具Leave the NDL website. 冷泉為恭と復古大和絵Leave the NDL website. Leave the NDL website. 東北・北海道Leave the NDL website. 飛鳥・奈良時代の書Leave the NDL website. 日本の宋元仏画Leave the NDL website. 唐三彩と奈良三彩Leave the NDL website. 土佐光信と土佐派の系譜Leave the NDL website. 琉球の金工Leave the NDL website. 旧石器時代Leave the NDL website. 桃山絵画Leave the NDL website. 組紐(くみひも)Leave the NDL website. 染織品の修理Leave the NDL website. 初期水墨画Leave the NDL website. 長澤蘆雪Leave the NDL website. 普賢菩薩像Leave the NDL website. 縄文〜古代Leave the NDL website. 鎌倉彫刻Leave the NDL website. 借景Leave the NDL website. 如意輪観音像・馬頭観音像Leave the NDL website. 浅井忠と京都洋画壇Leave the NDL website. 正倉院の漆器Leave the NDL website. 仏教版画Leave the NDL website. 浄土教画Leave the NDL website. 豊国と歌川派Leave the NDL website. 水墨画 : 大徳寺派と蛇足Leave the NDL website. 北斎Leave the NDL website. 古墳時代の装身具Leave the NDL website. 美術を科学するLeave the NDL website. 宿院仏師Leave the NDL website. 葦手絵とその周辺Leave the NDL website. 美人風俗画Leave the NDL website. 西行物語絵Leave the NDL website. 天皇と公家の肖像Leave the NDL website. 河鍋暁斎と菊池容斎Leave the NDL website. 塔の建築Leave the NDL website. 室町建築Leave the NDL website. 乾山Leave the NDL website. 茶道具Leave the NDL website. 洋風版画Leave the NDL website. Leave the NDL website. ガラスLeave the NDL website. 鎌倉建築Leave the NDL website. 初期洋風画Leave the NDL website. 古文書Leave the NDL website. 頴川・木米・道八Leave the NDL website. 高橋由一と明治前期の洋画Leave the NDL website. お伽草子Leave the NDL website. 横浜版画と開化絵Leave the NDL website. 漆工Leave the NDL website. 両界曼荼羅Leave the NDL website. 夏雄と勝珉Leave the NDL website. 水墨画Leave the NDL website. 18・19世紀Leave the NDL website. 修学院離宮Leave the NDL website. 北斎と葛飾派Leave the NDL website. 宿場と本陣Leave the NDL website. 渡邊崋山Leave the NDL website. 武家の服飾Leave the NDL website. 16・17世紀Leave the NDL website. 器財の意匠 : 器物文様Leave the NDL website. 水墨画 : 雪舟とその流派Leave the NDL website. 四国の仏像Leave the NDL website. 飛天と神仙Leave the NDL website. 須恵器Leave the NDL website. 金銅仏Leave the NDL website. 能装束Leave the NDL website. 離島の建築Leave the NDL website. 能狂言面Leave the NDL website. 風景版画Leave the NDL website. 明治の洋画Leave the NDL website. 仏具Leave the NDL website. 文房具Leave the NDL website. 十一面観音像・千手観音像Leave the NDL website. 三彩Leave the NDL website. 信楽と伊賀Leave the NDL website. 繩文土器Leave the NDL website. 公家の書Leave the NDL website. 貞観彫刻Leave the NDL website. 春信Leave the NDL website. 閻魔・十王像Leave the NDL website. 寛永の三筆Leave the NDL website. 明治の工芸Leave the NDL website. 結髪と髪飾Leave the NDL website. 似絵Leave the NDL website. 近世の芸能施設とその空間Leave the NDL website. 志野と織部Leave the NDL website. 南蛮屏風Leave the NDL website. 丹波Leave the NDL website. 密教建築Leave the NDL website. 浦上玉堂Leave the NDL website. 伎楽面Leave the NDL website. 武家の肖像Leave the NDL website. 不動明王像Leave the NDL website. 甲胄Leave the NDL website. 一乗谷遺跡Leave the NDL website. 文書・写本の作り方Leave the NDL website. 染織Leave the NDL website. 風俗画の近世Leave the NDL website. 枯山水の庭Leave the NDL website. 肉筆浮世絵Leave the NDL website. 日本建築の空間Leave the NDL website. 英一蝶Leave the NDL website. 古代の農具Leave the NDL website. 水墨画 : 黙庵から明兆へLeave the NDL website. 鉄仏Leave the NDL website. 高麗茶碗Leave the NDL website. 飛鳥白鳳の仏像 : 古代仏教のかたちLeave the NDL website. 縄文人の祈りの道具 : その形と文様Leave the NDL website. 天皇の書Leave the NDL website. 漆と漆絵Leave the NDL website. 鎌倉時代の彫刻 : 仏と人のあいだLeave the NDL website. 北野天神縁起Leave the NDL website. 飾金具Leave the NDL website. 縄文土器 : 草創期・早期Leave the NDL website. 古墳Leave the NDL website. 弥生時代Leave the NDL website. 縄文土器 : 前期Leave the NDL website. 仏・菩薩と堂内の荘厳Leave the NDL website. 正倉院の地図Leave the NDL website. 公家の服飾Leave the NDL website. 日本刀 : 藤澤乙安コレクションLeave the NDL website. 職人尽絵Leave the NDL website. 古代の瓦Leave the NDL website. 香道具Leave the NDL website. 室町時代の書Leave the NDL website. 師宣と初期浮世絵Leave the NDL website. はにわLeave the NDL website. 江漢と田善Leave the NDL website. 池大雅Leave the NDL website. 住居 : すまいLeave the NDL website. 雪村と関東水墨画Leave the NDL website. 遊戯具Leave the NDL website. 鳥獣人物戯画と嗚呼絵Leave the NDL website. 扇面画Leave the NDL website. 伊万里Leave the NDL website. 羅漢図Leave the NDL website. 鏡像と懸仏Leave the NDL website. 装飾経Leave the NDL website. 土佐光吉と近世やまと絵の系譜Leave the NDL website. 更紗Leave the NDL website. 東国の鎌倉時代彫刻 : 鎌倉とその周辺Leave the NDL website. 備前Leave the NDL website. 愛染明王像Leave the NDL website. 古絵図Leave the NDL website. 縄文後期~晩期Leave the NDL website. 茶室Leave the NDL website. 天平の彫刻 : 日本彫刻の古典Leave the NDL website. 桃山建築Leave the NDL website. 金碧障屏画Leave the NDL website. 近江の仏像Leave the NDL website. 茶湯釜-芦屋と天明Leave the NDL website. 九谷焼Leave the NDL website. 古鏡Leave the NDL website. 銅鐸Leave the NDL website. 三十六人家集Leave the NDL website. 禅宗の彫刻Leave the NDL website. 近世の寺社建築 : 庶民信仰とその建築Leave the NDL website. 融通念仏縁起Leave the NDL website. 九州・沖縄Leave the NDL website. 涅槃図Leave the NDL website. 中尊寺の漆芸Leave the NDL website. 正倉院宝物の装飾技法Leave the NDL website. 山車Leave the NDL website. 螺鈿Leave the NDL website. 燈火器Leave the NDL website. 喫煙具Leave the NDL website. 近世初期風俗画Leave the NDL website. 八部衆・二十八部衆Leave the NDL website. 別尊曼荼羅Leave the NDL website. 弥勒像Leave the NDL website. 金剛鈴と金剛杵Leave the NDL website. 初期狩野派-正信・元信Leave the NDL website. 塑像Leave the NDL website. 金襴Leave the NDL website. 不空羂索・准胝観音像Leave the NDL website. 出雲大社Leave the NDL website. 仁清Leave the NDL website. 僧房・方丈・庫裏Leave the NDL website. 明月記 : 巻子本の姿Leave the NDL website. 木竹工芸Leave the NDL website. 一木造と寄木造Leave the NDL website. 発掘された庭園Leave the NDL website. 革工芸Leave the NDL website. 七宝Leave the NDL website. 飛鳥・奈良建築Leave the NDL website. 華厳宗祖師絵伝Leave the NDL website. 外国人建築家の系譜Leave the NDL website. 婚礼道具Leave the NDL website. 文殊菩薩像Leave the NDL website. 山岳信仰の美術出羽三山Leave the NDL website. 宗達とその様式Leave the NDL website. 平安時代の書Leave the NDL website. 中国・四国Leave the NDL website. 虚空蔵菩薩像Leave the NDL website. 桂離宮Leave the NDL website. 清長と錦絵Leave the NDL website. 親鸞・日蓮の書Leave the NDL website. 江戸絵画Leave the NDL website. 五大明王像Leave the NDL website. 古写本の姿Leave the NDL website. 経塚とその遺物Leave the NDL website. 秘境の建築Leave the NDL website. 運慶と快慶Leave the NDL website. 平安時代前期の彫刻 : 一木彫の展開Leave the NDL website. 大仏師定朝Leave the NDL website. 料紙装飾 : 箔散らしLeave the NDL website. 友禅染Leave the NDL website. 服飾Leave the NDL website. 陶質土器と須恵器Leave the NDL website. 梵天・帝釈天像Leave the NDL website. 文様Leave the NDL website. 蒔絵鼓胴Leave the NDL website. 誕生仏Leave the NDL website. 法然上人絵伝Leave the NDL website. 床の間と床飾りLeave the NDL website. 與謝蕪村Leave the NDL website. 僧侶の肖像Leave the NDL website. 近世の学校建築Leave the NDL website. 酒器Leave the NDL website. かなLeave the NDL website. 正倉院の調度Leave the NDL website. 平安建築Leave the NDL website. 歌仙絵Leave the NDL website. 十世紀の彫刻Leave the NDL website. 刺繍Leave the NDL website. 曼荼羅Leave the NDL website. 土偶Leave the NDL website. 武人の書Leave the NDL website. 石仏Leave the NDL website. 出土銭貨Leave the NDL website. 漆芸Leave the NDL website. 雲谷等顔とその一派Leave the NDL website. 飛鳥・白鳳彫刻Leave the NDL website. 漆工品の修理Leave the NDL website. 若狭・丹後の仏像Leave the NDL website. 織物Leave the NDL website. 密教法具Leave the NDL website. アイヌの工芸Leave the NDL website. 擬洋風建築Leave the NDL website. 書跡・典籍、古文書の修理Leave the NDL website. 城と城下町Leave the NDL website. Leave the NDL website. 器財はにわLeave the NDL website. 伊藤若冲Leave the NDL website. 黒田清輝と白馬会Leave the NDL website. 近世の住まいと屋敷構えLeave the NDL website. 繍仏Leave the NDL website. 人面をもつ鳥-迦陵頻伽の世界Leave the NDL website. 古瀬戸Leave the NDL website. 正倉院の錦Leave the NDL website. 名所風俗図Leave the NDL website. 六道絵Leave the NDL website. 山岳信仰の美術日光Leave the NDL website. 押出仏と塼仏Leave the NDL website. 僧侶の書Leave the NDL website. 貝塚と骨角器Leave the NDL website. 新刀Leave the NDL website. 酒井抱一と江戸琳派の美学Leave the NDL website. 絵馬Leave the NDL website. 薬師如来像Leave the NDL website. 正倉院宝物の素材Leave the NDL website. 藤原彫刻Leave the NDL website. 蒙古襲来絵詞Leave the NDL website. 金工Leave the NDL website. 平安時代後期の彫刻 : 信仰と美の調和Leave the NDL website. 校倉Leave the NDL website. 縄文土器 : 後期Leave the NDL website. 清親と明治の浮世絵Leave the NDL website. 宗達Leave the NDL website. 小田野直武と秋田蘭画Leave the NDL website. 京都御所と仙洞御所Leave the NDL website. 室町時代の彫刻 : 中世彫刻から近世彫刻へLeave the NDL website. 近代和風建築Leave the NDL website. 産業編Leave the NDL website. 合戦絵Leave the NDL website. 唐草紋Leave the NDL website. 大日如来像Leave the NDL website. 文化財建造物の保存と修理の歩みLeave the NDL website. 明治の渡欧画家Leave the NDL website. 南北朝時代の彫刻 : 唐様の仏像と伝統の残照Leave the NDL website. 伊勢物語絵Leave the NDL website. 黄金細工と金銅装 : 三国時代の朝鮮半島と倭国(日本)Leave the NDL website. 水墨画 : 如拙・周文・宗湛Leave the NDL website. 源氏絵Leave the NDL website. 港都横浜の都市形成Leave the NDL website. 鉄砲と石火矢Leave the NDL website. 紅型Leave the NDL website. 彫刻の保存と修理Leave the NDL website. 江戸時代の書Leave the NDL website. 男の装身具Leave the NDL website. 正倉院の楽器Leave the NDL website. 十二神将像Leave the NDL website. 歌麿と写楽Leave the NDL website. 楽 : 長次郎と楽代々Leave the NDL website. 木竹工Leave the NDL website. 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ニホン ノ ビジュツ
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Nihon no bijutu
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