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A series of books on recent developments in astronomy and astrophysics

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A series of books on recent developments in astronomy and astrophysics

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The physics of galaxy formation : proceedings of the meeting held at University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan 3-7 July 2000Leave the NDL website. Hot star workshop III : the earliest stages of massive star birth : proceedings of a workshop held at National Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 6-8 August 2001Leave the NDL website. The astrophysics of cataclysmic variables and related objects : proceedings of a meeting held in Strasbourg, France, 11-16 July 2004Leave the NDL website. The Interpretation of modern synthesis observations of spiral galaxiesLeave the NDL website. Annapolis workshop on magnetic cataclysmic variables : proceedings of a conference held in Annapolis, Maryland, 13-17 July 1998Leave the NDL website. The scientific impact of the Goddard high resolution spectrograph : proceedings of a meeting held at Goddard space flight center, Greenbelt, Maryland 11-12 September 1996Leave the NDL website. Large-scale structures and peculiar motions in the universeLeave the NDL website. 14th Cambridge workshop on cool stars, stellar systems and the sun : proceedings of a workshop held by Spitzer Science Center and Michelson Science Center at Hilton Pasadena Hotel, Pasadena, California, USA, 5-10 November 2006Leave the NDL website. The dynamics, structure and history of galaxies : a workshop in honour of Prof. Ken Freeman : proceedings of a meeting held at Dunk Island Resort, Dunk Island, Queensland, Australia, 30 July - 2 August 2001Leave the NDL website. Cool stars, stellar systems and the sun : eleventh Cambridge workshop : proceedings of a meeting held at Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain 4-8 October 1999Leave the NDL website. The Minnesota lectures on extragalactic neutral hydrogen : a series of lectures presented at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota from 27 March 1994 to 2 June 1994Leave the NDL website. Single-dish radio astronomy : techniques and applications : proceedings of the NAIC-NRAO summer school held at National Astronomy and Ionosphere Center, Arecibo Observatory, Arecibo, Puerto Rico, USA, 10-15 June 2001Leave the NDL website. Workshop on Laboratory and Astronomical High Resolution Spectra, held in Brussels, Belgium, 29 August - 2 September 1994, in honour of the 150th birthday of Charles Vievez (1844-1890), the pioneer of astronomical spectroscopy in BelgiumLeave the NDL website. Clustering at high redshift : proceedings of a conference held at Marseille, France 29 June - 2 July 1999Leave the NDL website. The extragalactic distance scale : proceedings of the ASP 100th Anniversary SymposiumLeave the NDL website. Radio emission from galactic and extragalactic compact sources : proceedings of IAU colloquium 164 held in Socorro, New Mexico, USA 21-26 April 1997Leave the NDL website. Active OB-Stars : laboratories for stellar and circumstellar physics : proceedings of a confernece held at Hokkai-Gakuen University, Sapporo, Japan, August 29- September 2, 2005Leave the NDL website. Astrophysics of variable stars : proceedings of a meeting held in Pécs, Hungary, 5-10 September 2005Leave the NDL website. The seventh Pacific Rim conference on stellar astrophysics : proceedings of a workshop held at Sejong University, Seoul, Korea, 1 - 5 November 2005Leave the NDL website. Multi-feed systems for radio telescopes, Workshop held 16-18 May 1994, Tucson, ArizonaLeave the NDL website. The future utilisation of Schmidt telescopes : IAU Colloquium 148, held 7-11 March 1994 in Bandung, IndonesiaLeave the NDL website. Science with the atacama large millimeter array (ALMA) : proceedings of a confernce held at The Carnegie Institution of Wasington, Wasington, D.C., USA 6-8 Octber 1999Leave the NDL website. The Second Stromlo Symposium: the nature of elliptical galaxies : proceedings of the symposium held at the Australian Academy of Science, Canberra, Australia, 26-30 August, 1996Leave the NDL website. The second annual Spitzer science center conference : infrared diagnostics of galaxy evolution : proceedings of a meeting held in Pasadena, California, USA 14-16 November 2005Leave the NDL website. Next generation wide-field multi-object spectroscopy : proceedings of a workshop held at National Optical Astronomy Observatory, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 11-12 October 2001Leave the NDL website. Future directions in high resolution astronomy : the 10th Anniversary of the VLBA : proceedings of a meeting held in Socorro, New Mexico, USA, 8-12 June 2003Leave the NDL website. Cosmic flows 1999 : towards an understanding of large-scale structure : proceedings of a conference held on the Campus of the University of Victoria, on the Island of Vancouver British Columbia, Canada 13-17 July 1999Leave the NDL website. Spectroscopically and spatially resolving the components of close binary stars : proceedings of a meeting held in Dubrovnik, Croatia 20-24 October 2003Leave the NDL website. Chemical enrichment of intracluster and intergalactic medium : proceedings of a meeting held at Vulcano, Eolie, Italy, 14-18 May 2001Leave the NDL website. Solar drivers of interplanetary and terrestrial disturbances : proceedings of Sixteenth International Workshop National Solar Observatory/Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico 88349, USA, 16-20 October 1995Leave the NDL website. Tidal evolution and oscillations in binary stars third Granada workshop on stellar structure : proceedings of a workshop held in Granada, Spain, 26-28 May 2004Leave the NDL website. Unveiling large-scale structures behind the Milky Way : workshop at the Observatoire de Paris-Meudon, 18-21 January 1994Leave the NDL website. Stellar atmosphere modeling : proceedings of an international workshop held in Tübingen, Germany, 8-12 April 2002Leave the NDL website. Mass loss from stars and the evolution of stellar clusters : proceedings of a workshop held at Lunteren, The Netherlands 29 May - 1 June 2006Leave the NDL website. Engaging the Heavens : Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena V : proceedings of a conference held at Adler Planetarium, Chicago, Illinois, USALeave the NDL website. Observational aspects of pulsating b and a stars : proceedings of a workshop held at University of Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, 24-25 July 2001Leave the NDL website. Hydrogen-deficient stars : proceedings of a workshop held at Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, Germany 17-21 September 2007Leave the NDL website. High resolution solar physics : theory, observations, and techniques : proceedings of the 19th Sacramento Peak Summer Workshop held at National Solar Observatory, Sunspot, New Mexico, USA 28 September - 2 October 1998Leave the NDL website. Workshop on astrophysical opacities : proceedings of a Workshop held at Fetzer Center, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, USA, 1-4 August 2017Leave the NDL website. Solar polarization 7 : proceedings of a workshop held at Expo Garden Hotel, Kunming, China, 9-13 September 2013Leave the NDL website. Celebrating the 2017 great American eclipse : lessons learned from the path of totalityLeave the NDL website. New Trends in Radio Astronomy in the ALMA Era the 30th Anniversary of Nobeyama Radio Observatory : proceedings of a symposium held at Hakone, Japan, 3-8 December 2012Leave the NDL website. Airborne Astronomy Symposium on the Galactic Ecosystem: from Gas to Stars to Dust, 5-8 July 1994, NASA-Ames Research CenterLeave the NDL website. Cape Workshop on Magnetic Cataclysmic Variables, held in Cape Town, 23-27 January 1995Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XV : proceedings of a meeting held in San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain, 2-5 October 2005Leave the NDL website. Galaxy Dynamics : a Rutgers symposium : proceedings of a symposium held at Rutgers university, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA 8 - 12 August 1998Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems VII : proceedings from a meeting held in Sonthofen, Germany 14-17 September 1997Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems VIII : proceedings of a meeting held at Urbana, Illinois, USA, 1-4 November, 1998Leave the NDL website. Precise stellar radial velocities, IAU Colloquium 170 : proceedings of a meeting held at Victoria, B.C., Canada 21-26 June, 1998Leave the NDL website. The Be phenomenon in early-type stars : IAU colloquium 175 : proceedings of a meeting held in Alicante, Spain, 28 June - 2 July, 1999Leave the NDL website. Evolution of compact binaries : proceedings of a workshop held at Hotel San Martín, Viña del Mar, Chile, 6-11 May 2011Leave the NDL website. New technologies in VLBI : proceedings of symposium of the international VLBI service for geodesy and astrometry held in Gyeong-ju, Korea 5-8 November 2002Leave the NDL website. Panoramic views of galaxy formation and evolution : proceedings of a conference held at Shonan Village Center, Hayama, Japan 11-16 December 2007Leave the NDL website. Active galactic nuclei : from central engine to host galaxy : proceedings of a conference held in Paris-Meudon Observatory, Meudon, France, 23-27 July 2002Leave the NDL website. Interacting binary stars : a symposium held in conjunction with the 105th Meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Diego State University, 13-15 July 1993Leave the NDL website. The fate of the most massive stars : proceedings of a meeting held at Jackson Lake Lodge, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA, 23-28 May 2004Leave the NDL website. The George Gamow symposium, sponsored by the George Washington University and the Carnegie Institution of Washington, 12 April 1996Leave the NDL website. RS Ophiuchi (2006) and the recurrent nova phenomenon : proceedings of a workshop held at Keele University, Keele, United kingdomLeave the NDL website. EPO and a changing world : creating linkages and expanding partnerships : proceedings of a conference held in Chicago, Illinois, USA 5-7 September 2007Leave the NDL website. Light pollution, radio interference, and space debrisLeave the NDL website. 12th European Conference on White Dwarfs Stars : proceedings of a conference held at The University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware. USA 12-16 June 2000Leave the NDL website. New perspectives on the interstellar medium : proceedings of a conference held at Naramata, British Colombia, Canada 22-28 August, 1998Leave the NDL website. From x-ray binaries to gamma-ray bursts : proceedings of a symposium held in memory of Jan van Paradijs at the "Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen", Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6-9 June 2001Leave the NDL website. Multi-object spectroscopy in the next decade : big questions, large surveys, and wide fields : proceedings of a conference held at Teatro Circo de Marte, Santa Cruz de La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain 2-6 March 2015Leave the NDL website. Particles and fields in radio galaxies : proceedings of the Oxford radio galaxy workshop held at Oxford university, department of astrophysics, Oxford, United Kingdom 3-5 August, 2000Leave the NDL website. Observational cosmology : the development of galaxy systems : proceedings of the International workshop held at Sesto Pusteria, Bolzano, Italy, 30 June - 3 July, 1998Leave the NDL website. Scientific frontiers in research on extrasolar planets : proceedings of a conference held in Washington, D.C., USA 18-21 June 2002Leave the NDL website. AGN physics with the sloan digital sky survey : proceedings of a conference held at Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA 27-30 July 2003Leave the NDL website. Galaxy mergers in an evolving universe : proceedings of a conference held at Farglory Hotel, Hualien, Taiwan, 23-28 October 2011Leave the NDL website. Library and information services in astronomy V : common challenges, uncommon solutions : proceedings of a conference co-hosted by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 18-21 June 2006Leave the NDL website. XVth IAP meeting dynamics of galaxies : from the early universe to the present : proceedings of the IAP meeting held at Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, IAP, in Paris, France, 9-13 July 1999Leave the NDL website. Extragalactic gas at low redshift : proceedings of a workshop held at Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena, California, USA, 4-6 April 2001Leave the NDL website. Tetons 4 : galactic structure, stars, and the interstellar medium : proceedings of a conference held at Jackson Lake Lodge, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA, 28 May - 1 June 2000Leave the NDL website. Radio astronomy at the fringe : proceedings of a conference in honor of Kenneth I. Kellermann on the occasion of his 65th birthday held in Green Bank, West Virginia, USA 10-12 October 2002Leave the NDL website. Energy transport in radio galaxies and quasars : proceedings of a Workshop held in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 19-23 September 1995Leave the NDL website. From stars to galaxies : the impact of stellar physics on galaxy evolution : conference held at Porto Elounda Mare, Crete (Greece), 9-13 October 1995Leave the NDL website. The formation and evolution of massive young star clusters : proceedings of a meeting held in Cancun, Mexico, 17-21 November 2003Leave the NDL website. Computational astrophysics : proceedings of the 12th 'Kingston meeting' on theoretical astrophysics, held in Halifax, Nova Scotia, canada, October 17-19, 1996Leave the NDL website. Radial and nonradial pulsations as probes of stellar physics : IAU colloquium 185 : proceedings of a colloquium held at Institute of Astronomy, Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium 26-31 July, 2001Leave the NDL website. Blazar continuum variability : An International Workshop held at Florida International University, 4-7 February 1996Leave the NDL website. Amateur - professional partnerships in astronomy : proceedings of a meeting held at University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada 1-7 July 1999Leave the NDL website. LiBeB, cosmic rays, and related X-and gamma-rays : proceedings of a conference held at Institute d'Astrophisique de paris, France 9-11 December, 1998Leave the NDL website. Physics of the gaseous and stellar disks of the galaxy : proceedings of a workshop held in Nizhniy Arkhyz, Karachai-Cherkessia, Russia, 22-25 September 1993Leave the NDL website. Catching the perfect wave : adaptive optics and interferometry in the 21st century : proceedings of a symposium held as a part of the 110th annual meeting of the ASP Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA 28 June -1 July 1998Leave the NDL website. Resolving the future of astronomy with long-baseline interferometry : proceedings of a conference held at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, New Mexico, USA, 28-31 March 2011Leave the NDL website. From Clark Lake to the long wavelength array : Bill Erickson's radio science : proceedings of a conference held in Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 8-11 September 2004Leave the NDL website. Astrometry in the age of the next generation of large telescopes : proceedings of a meeting held at Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, 18-20 October 2004Leave the NDL website. The origins, evolution, and destinies of binary stars in clusters : an international symposium held at the University of Calgary, 18-23 June 1995Leave the NDL website. Small-telescope astronomy on global scales : IAU Colloquium 183, Proceedings of a Colloquium held in Kenting, Taiwan 4-8 January 2001Leave the NDL website. Numerical modeling of space plasma flows : ASTRONUM-2006 : proceedings of the 1st IGPP-CalSpace international conference held at Palm Springs, California, USA, 26-30 March 2006Leave the NDL website. CNO in the universe : proceedings of a conference held at Saint-Luc, Valais, Switzerland 10-14 September 2002Leave the NDL website. Stellar and circumstellar astrophysics : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Washington, 9-11 September 1993, in honor of the 70th birthdays of Karl-Heinz Bohm and Erika Bohm-VitenseLeave the NDL website. Cool stars, stellar systems, and the sun : tenth Cambridge workshop : proceedings of a workshop held at Cambridge, Massachussetts 15-19 July 1997Leave the NDL website. Astrophysics from antarctica : proceedings of the ASP summer scientific symposium conference held at Chicago, Illinois 30 June - 2 July 1997Leave the NDL website. Pulsars : problems and progress : IAU Colloquium 160, proceedings held at the Research Centre for Theoretical Astrophysics University of Sydney, Australia, 8-12 January 1996Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XXII : proceedings of a conference held at University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois, USA, 4-8 November 2012Leave the NDL website. Observing dark energy : proceedings of a meeting held in Tucson, Arizona, USA, 18-20 March 2004Leave the NDL website. Mass outflow in active galactic nuclei : new perspectives : proceedings of a workshop held at the Catholic University of America Washington, D. C., USA 8-10 March 2001Leave the NDL website. Fresh views of elliptical galaxies : proceedings of the INAOE International Meeting, held in Pueblo, Mexico, 14-17 March 1995Leave the NDL website. Binary radio pulsars : proceedings of a meeting held in Aspen, Colorado, USA, 11-17 January 2004Leave the NDL website. Galactic halos : a UC Santa Cruz workshop : proceedings of a conference held on the Campus of UC Santa Cruz 11-15 August 1997Leave the NDL website. Brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets : proceedings of a workshop held in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, 17-21 March 1997Leave the NDL website. Abundance profiles : diagnostic tools for galaxy history : proceedings from a workshop held at Université Laval, Québec, Canada, 12-15 October 1997Leave the NDL website. Eta Carinae at the millennium : proceedings of a workshop held at 320 Guest Ranch, Gallatin Gateway, Montana, USA, 19-23 July, 1998Leave the NDL website. Large-Scale structures and their role in solar activity : proceedings of the 22nd Sacrament Peak workshop held at the national solar observatory, Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico, USA 18-22 October 2004Leave the NDL website. Cool stars, stellar systems, and the sun : Ninth Cambridge Workshop : dedicated to the memory of Olin C. Wilson : proceedings of a Workshop held 3-6 October 1995 in Florence ItalyLeave the NDL website. The nature and evolution of disks around hot stars : proceedings of a meeting held in Johnson City, Tennessee, USA, 7-9 July 2004Leave the NDL website. Molecules in the Atmospheres of Extrasolar Planets : proceedings of a conference held at Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France 19-21 November 2008Leave the NDL website. The new era of wide field astronomy : proceedings of a conference held at University of Central Lancashire, Preston, United Kingdom, 21-24 August 2000Leave the NDL website. Stars with the B[e] phenomenon : proceedings of a meeting held on Island of Vlieland, The Netherlands, 10-16 July 2005Leave the NDL website. AKARI, a light to illuminate the misty universe : proceedings of a conference held at Fukutake Hall, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 16-19 February 2009Leave the NDL website. Stellar collisions, mergers and their consequences : a symposium in celebration of the opening of the Rose Center for Earth and Space and the newly rebuilt Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History : proceedings of a symposium held at American Museum of Natural Hisotry, New York City, New York, USA May 30-June 2, 2000Leave the NDL website. Issues in unification of active galactic nuclei : proceedings of a meeting held in Marciana Marina, Elba Island, Italy 21-24 May. 2001Leave the NDL website. The evolving sun and its influence on planetary environments : proceedings of a workshop held at Instituto de astrofisica de Andalucia, Granada, Spain, 18-20 June 2001Leave the NDL website. Proper motions and galactic astronomy : a small topical workshop at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 12-13 December 1996 : in recognition of its first 100 years in astronomyLeave the NDL website. The cool universe : observing cosmic dawn : proceedings of the 2004 IAOC workshop held in Valparaiso, Chile, 4-8 October 2004Leave the NDL website. Astrophysics in the far ultraviolet : five years of discovery with fuse : proceedings of a conference held at University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2-6 August 2004Leave the NDL website. Evolution of binary and multiple star systems : a meeting in celebration of Peter Eggleton's 60th birthday : proceedings held in Bormio, Italy, 25 June - 1 July 2000Leave the NDL website. Accretion phenomena and related outflows : IAU colloquim 163Leave the NDL website. Synthesis imaging in radio astronomy : a collection of lectures from the Third NRAO Synthesis Imaging Summer SchoolLeave the NDL website. GAIA spectroscopy, science and technology : proceedings of a conference held at La Residenza del Sole Congress Center, Gressoney St. Jean, Aosta, Italy, 9-12 September 2002Leave the NDL website. Galaxy disks and disk galaxies : proceedings of a conference sponsored by The Vatican Observatory held at The Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Italy 12-16 June 2000Leave the NDL website. Seeing through the dust : the detection of HI and the exploration of the ism in galaxies : proceedings of a conference held at Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory Penticton, British Columbia, Canada 20-25 October 2001Leave the NDL website. Radio pulsars : in celebration of the contributions of Andrew Lyne, Dick Manchester and Joe Taylor a festschrift honoring their 60th birthdays : proceedings of a meeting held at Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Crete, Greece 26-29 August 2002Leave the NDL website. Astronomy with millimeter and submillimeter wave interferometry : IAU Colloquium no. 140, Meeting held 5-9 October 1992, Hakone, JapanLeave the NDL website. A half century of stellar pulsation interpretations : a tribute to Arthur N. Cox : proceedings of a conference held in Los Alamos, New Mexico, 16-20 June 1997Leave the NDL website. Inspiration of astronomical phenomena VIII : city of stars : proceedings of a conference held at American Museum of Natural History, New York, United States, 7-12 July 2013Leave the NDL website. High energy blazar astronomy : proceedings of an international conference held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Tuorla Observatory, Tuorla Observatory, Piikkiö, Finland, 17-21 June 2002Leave the NDL website. Bioastronomy '99 a new era in bioastronomy : proceedings of a meeting held at the Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel, Coast, Hawaii, USA, 2-6 August, 1999Leave the NDL website. The physics of liners in view of recent observations : meeting held in Baltimore, Maryland, 6-8 September 1995Leave the NDL website. 18th European white dwarf workshop : proceedings of a conference held at the Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland, 13-17 August 2012Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems IX : proceedings of a meeting held at Hilton Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, USA, 3-6 October, 1999Leave the NDL website. Cosmic dust-near and far : proceedings of a conference held at the Heidelberg Convention Center, Heidelberg, Germany 8-12 September 2008Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems V : meeting held at Tucson, Arizona, 23-25 October 1995Leave the NDL website. Properties of hot luminous stars : Boulder-Munich WorkshopLeave the NDL website. ω Centauri a unique window into astrophysics : proceedings of a conference held at the institute of astronomy, Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 13-16 August 2001Leave the NDL website. Galaxies : the third dimension : proceedings of a conference held at Cozumel, Q.R., México 3-7 December 2001Leave the NDL website. Astrophysical ages and time scales : proceedings of a conference held in Hilo, Hawai'i, USA, 5-9 February 2001Leave the NDL website. Blazar demographics and physics : proceedings of a conference held at Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, USA 12-14 July 2000Leave the NDL website. Subsurface and atmospheric influences on solar activity : proceedings of a workshop held at National Solar Observatory, Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico, USA 16-20 April 2007Leave the NDL website. The Galactic Center : 4th ESO/CTIO Workshop, La Serena, Chile, 10-15 March 1996Leave the NDL website. Progress in physics of the sun and stars : a new era in helio- and asteroseismology : proceedings of a Fujihara Seminar held at Hakone, Japan, in 25-29 November 2012Leave the NDL website. A new era in cosmology : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Durham, Durham, England, 11-15 September 2001Leave the NDL website. Highly redshifted radio lines : proceedings of a conference held in Green Bank, WV, USA, October 9-11, 1997Leave the NDL website. Physics of magnetic stars : proceedings of a conference held at special astrophysical observatory, Nizhny Arkhyz, Russia, 1-5 October 2018Leave the NDL website. From quantum fluctuations to cosmoloical structures : proceedings of the first Moroccan school of astrophysics, Casablanca, Morocco, 1-10 December 1996Leave the NDL website. Exotic stars as challenges to evolution : IAU Colloquium 187 : proceedings of a colloquium held at Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA, 4-8 March 2002Leave the NDL website. Solar active region evolution : comparing models with observations : proceedings of Fourteenth International Summer Workshop National Solar Observatory/Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico 88349, USA, 30 August - 3 September 1993Leave the NDL website. P Cygni 2000, 400 years of progress : proceedings of a workshop held in Armagh, Northern Ireland 21-23 August 2000Leave the NDL website. Galaxy wars : stellar populations and star formation in interacting galaxies : proceedings of a conference held at East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee, USA, 19-22 July 2009Leave the NDL website. 15th European workshop on white dwarfs : proceedings of a meeting held in Leicester, United Kingdom, 7-11 August 2006Leave the NDL website. Third advances in solar physics euroconference : magnetic fields and oscillations : proceedings of a meeting held in Potsdam/Caputh, Germany 22-25 September 1998Leave the NDL website. Astrophysical discs : an EC summer school : proceedings of a meeting held at Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences Cambridge, England 22-26 June 1998Leave the NDL website. Spectrophotometric dating of stars and galaxies : proceedings of a workshop held in Annapolis, Maryland, USA 25-29 April, 1999Leave the NDL website. The 16th Cambridge workshop on cool stars, stellar systems and the sunLeave the NDL website. New perspectives on solar prominences, IAU colloquium 167 : proceedings of a meeting held in Aussois, France, 28 April-4 May 1997Leave the NDL website. AGN variability from X-rays to radio waves : proceedings of a workshop held at Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Crimea, Ukraine 14-16 June 2004Leave the NDL website. Thermal emission spectroscopy and analysis of dust, disks, and regoliths : proceedings of a meeting held at the Lunar and Planetary Institute at Houston, Texas, USA 28-30 April 1999Leave the NDL website. Advanced solar polarimetry theory, observation, and instrumentation : proceedings of the 20th Sacramento Peak Summer Workshop held at National Solar Observatory, Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico, USA 11-15 September 2000Leave the NDL website. Historical development of modern cosmology : proceedings of an International Summer School held at Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, València, Spain, 18-22 September 2000Leave the NDL website. The tenth pacific rim conference on stellar astrophysicsLeave the NDL website. New century of x-ray astronomy : proceedings of a symposium held in Yokohama, Japan, 6-8 March 2001Leave the NDL website. Cosmology across cultures : proceedings of a workshop held at Parque de las Ciencias, Granada, Spain 8-12 September 2008Leave the NDL website. Thermal and ionization aspects of flows from hot stars : observations and theory : proceedings of a workshop held in Tartu, Estonia 23-27 August 1999Leave the NDL website. The low-frequency radio universe : an event commemorating the birth centenary of Dr. Homi J. Bhabha : proceedings of a conference held at National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA), TIFR, Pune, India, 8-12 December 2008Leave the NDL website. Ensuring STEM literacy : a national conference on STEM education and public outreach : proceedings of a conference held at San Jose State University, San Jose, California, USA, 20-24 July 2013Leave the NDL website. Fifty years of wide field studies in the Southern Hemisphere : resolved stellar populations of the galactic bulge and Magellanic Clouds : proceedings of a conference celebrating CTIO's 50th anniversary held at La Serena, Chile 06-09 May 2013Leave the NDL website. Delta scuti and related stars : reference handbook and proceedings of the sixth Vienna workshop in astrophysics : a workshop held in Vienna, Austria 4-7 August 1999Leave the NDL website. Cosmic evolution and galaxy formation : structure, interactions, and feedback : the 3rd Guillermo Haro astrophysics conference : proceedings of a meeting held in Puebla, Mexico, 15-19 November, 1999Leave the NDL website. Formation of the galactic halo .... inside and out : a meeting held in honor of the 65th birthday of George Preston, Tucson, Arizona, 9-11 October 1995Leave the NDL website. 19th European workshop on white dwarfs : proceedings of a conference held at the Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada 11-15 August 2014Leave the NDL website. Quasars and cosmology : proceedings of a meeting held at La Serena, Chile, 18-22 May, 1998Leave the NDL website. 1604-2004 : supernovae as cosmological lighthouses : proceedings of a meeting held in Palazzo del Bo, Università degli Studi di Padova, Padua, Italy, 15-19 June 2004Leave the NDL website. New quests in stellar astrophysics III : a panchromatic view of solar-like stars, with and without planets : proceedings of a International Conference held at Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, 12-16 March 2012Leave the NDL website. Chondrites and the protoplanetary disk : proceedings of a workshop held at the Radisson Kaua'i Beach Resort, Kaua'i, Hawai'i, 8-11 November 2004Leave the NDL website. Stellar evolution at low metallicity : mass loss, explosions, cosmology : proceedings of a meeting held in Tartu, Estonia, 15-19 August 2005Leave the NDL website. Satellites and tidal streams : proceeings of a meeting held in Los Cancajos, La Palma, Spain, 26-30 May 2003Leave the NDL website. Mass ejection from AGN : proceedings of a workshop held at the Carnegie Observatories, in Pasadena, California, 19-21 February 1997Leave the NDL website. Debris disks and the formation of planets : a symposium in memory of Fred Gillett : proceedings of a meeting held in University park Marriott, Tucson, Arizona, USA, hosted by National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO), 11-13 April 2002Leave the NDL website. The central parsecs of the galaxy : galactic center workshop : proceedings of a meeting held at Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A. 7-11 September, 1998Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XIX : proceedings of a conference held at the Renaissance Sapporo Hotel, Sapporo, Japan, 4-8 October 2009Leave the NDL website. Emission lines in active galaxies: new methods and techniques : IAU Colloquium 159, meeting held in Shanghai, People's Republic of China, 17-20 June 1996Leave the NDL website. Solar polarization 3 : proceedings of an international workshop held in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain 30 September - 4 October 2002Leave the NDL website. Preserving astronomy's photographic legacy : current state and the future of North American astronomical plates : included are the proceedings of a workshop held at the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute, Rosman, North Carolina, USA, 1-3 November 2007Leave the NDL website. Current theoretical models and high resolution solar observations : preparing for atst : proceedings of the 21st Sacramento Peak Workshop held at the National Solar Observatory, Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico, USA 11-15 March 2002Leave the NDL website. The Minnesota lectures on clusters of galaxies and large-scale structureLeave the NDL website. Cosmic abundances : proceedings of the Sixth Annual October Astrophysics Conference in College Park, Maryland, 9-11 October 1995Leave the NDL website. Revealing the molecular universe : one antenna is never enough : in honor of the academic retirement of Jack Welch : proceedings of a symposium held at University of California, Berkeley, California, USA 9-10 September 2005Leave the NDL website. The neutral ISM in starburst galaxies : proceedings of a meeting held in Carlsten Fortress, Marstrand, Sweden, 24-27 June 2003Leave the NDL website. Stellar coronae in the Chandra and XMM-Newton era : proceedings of a symposium held at European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk, the Netherlands, 25-29 June 2001Leave the NDL website. Planets beyond the solar system and the next generation of space missions : proceedings of a workshop held at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, 16-18 October 1996Leave the NDL website. Astronomical polarimetry : current status and future directions : proceedings of a meeting held at Waikoloa Beach Marriott, Waikoloa, Hawai'i, 15-19 March 2004Leave the NDL website. Calibration and standardization of missions and large surveys in astronomy and astrophysics : proceedings of a conference held at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois, USA, 16-19 April 2012Leave the NDL website. Spectroscopic challenges of photoionized plasmas : proceedings of a conference held at University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA, 15-18 November 2001Leave the NDL website. The central engine of active galactic nuclei : proceedings of a workshop held at Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China 16-21 October 2006Leave the NDL website. The biggest, baddest, coolest stars : proceedings of a workshop held at the Millennium Centre, Johnson City, Tennessee, USA, 16-18 July 2007Leave the NDL website. Fifth meeting on hot subdwarf stars and related objects : proceedings of a workshop held at Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa 25-29 July 2011Leave the NDL website. Young galaxies and QSO absorption - line systems : proceedings of a workshop held in Santos, Brazil, 8-12 April, 1996Leave the NDL website. Connecting people to science : a national conference on science education and public outreach : proceedings of a conference held at Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 30 July- 3 August 2011Leave the NDL website. Symbiotic stars probing stellar evolution : proceedings of a Euroconference held in Los Cancajos, La Palma, Spain, 27-31 May 2002Leave the NDL website. New solar physics with Solar-B mission : proceedings of the sixth Solar-B science meeting held at the International Community House, Kyoto, Japan 8-11November 2005Leave the NDL website. Dark and visible matter in galaxies : proceedings of a conference held in Sesto Pusteria, BZ, Italy, 2-5 July 1996Leave the NDL website. Interacting winds from massive stars : proceedings of a workshop held at Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Québec, Canada, 10-14 July 2000Leave the NDL website. Transiting extrasolar planets workshop : proceedings of a workshop held at Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany, 25-28 September 2006Leave the NDL website. The MK process at 50 years : a powerful tool for astrophysical insight : a Workshop of the Vatican Observatory, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A., September 1993Leave the NDL website. CCD Precision photometry workshop : proceedings of a meeting held at San Diego, California, USA 6-7 June 1998Leave the NDL website. 1997 pacific rim conference on stellar astrophysics : proceedings of a conference held in Hong Kong, PRC 13-16 August 1997Leave the NDL website. 11th European workshop on white dwarfs : proceedings of a conference held at Tromsø, Norway 29 June - 3 July, 1998Leave the NDL website. Hubble's science legacy : future opticalLeave the NDL website. Preserving the astronomical windows : proceedings of joint discussion number 5 of the 23rd general assembly of the international astronomical union held in Kyoto, Japan 22-23 August 1997Leave the NDL website. Science with a next-generation very large arrayLeave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems IV : meeting held at Baltimore, Maryland, 25-28 September 1994Leave the NDL website. Atoms, ions and molecules : new results in spectral line astrophysicsLeave the NDL website. Third Rome workshop on gamma-ray bursts in the afterglow era : proceedings of a workshop held at Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) Headquarters, Rome, Italy 17-20 September 2002Leave the NDL website. Radio emission from the stars and the sun : a conference held at the University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 3-7 July 1995Leave the NDL website. Tridimensional optical spectroscopic methods in astrophysics : proceedings of I.A.U. Colloquium 149, Marseille (France), 22-25 March 1994Leave the NDL website. Stellar populations and the distance scale : a conference in honor of Jeremy Mould : proceedings of a conference held at Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University, Beijing, China, 11-15 September 2017Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems : XXIV : proceedings of a meeting held at Calgary, Alberta, Canada 5-9 October 2014Leave the NDL website. Galactic archaeology : near-field cosmology and the formation of the milky wayLeave the NDL website. Eta Carinae and other mysterious stars : the hidden opportunities of emission line spectroscopy : proceedings of an International Conference held at Tycho Brahe's Island, Hven, Sweden, 24-26 August 2000Leave the NDL website. 370 years of astronomy in Utrecht : proceedings of a conference held at Hotel Leeuwenhorst, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, April 2-5, 2012Leave the NDL website. Hydrogen deficient stars : proceedings of a colloquium held in Bamberg, Germany, 28 August - 1 September 1995Leave the NDL website. The light-time effect in astrophysics : causes and cures of the O-C diagram : proceedings of a meeting held in Brussels, Belgium, 19-22 July 2004Leave the NDL website. Science with the NGST : meeting held at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 7-9 April 1997Leave the NDL website. Optical astronomy from the earth and moon : Astronomical Society of the Pacific Summer Scienctific Meeting, San Diego, California, 13-15 July 1993Leave the NDL website. Astrophysics with infrared arraysLeave the NDL website. GONG '94 : helio- and astero-seismology from the earth and space, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, 16-20 may 1994Leave the NDL website. From Z-machines to ALMA : (sub) millimeter spectroscopy of galaxies : proceedings of a workshop held at the North American ALMA Science Center of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville, Virginia, United States, 12-14 January 2006Leave the NDL website. The Star formation in early-type galaxies : proceedings of a meeting held at Guanajuato, Gto.,Mexico 29 June - 3 July, 1998Leave the NDL website. Probing the physics of active galactic nuclei by multiwavelength monitoring : proceedings of the meeting held at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA 20-22 June 2000Leave the NDL website. Cosmic microwave background and large scale structure of the universe : proceedings of the 5th Taipei astrophysics workshop on cosmology held at Chung-Li and Taipei, Taiwan, 18-21 December 1997Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XVI : proceedings of a meeting held at the Westin La Paloma resort & spa, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 15-18 October 2006Leave the NDL website. Stellar dynamos: nonlinearity and chaotic flows : proceedings of the International Workshop held at Medina del Campo, Valladolid, Spain, 28-30 September, 1998Leave the NDL website. Matter and energy in clusters of galaxies : proceedings of conference held at National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan 23-27 April 2002Leave the NDL website. Microlensing 2000 : a new era in microlensing astrophysics : proceedings of a meeting held at Cape Town, South Africa, 21-25 February 2000Leave the NDL website. Millisecond pulsars : a decade of surprise, Aspen Colorado, 3-7 January 1994Leave the NDL website. Stella novae : past and future decades : proceedings of a conference held at the Pavilion Clock Tower, Cape Town, South Africa 4-8 February 2013Leave the NDL website. Astronomical site evaluation in the visible and radio range : IAU technical workshop : proceedings of a workshop held at Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco, 13-17 November 2000Leave the NDL website. From stardust to planetesimals : symposium held as part of the 108th annual meeting of the astronomical society of the pacific held at Santa Clara, California, 24-26 June 1996Leave the NDL website. NASA office of space science education and public outreach conference : proceedings of a meeting held at the Union League Club of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 12-14 June, 2002Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XXVI : proceedings of a conference held at Stazione Marittima, Trieste, Italy, 16-20 October 2016Leave the NDL website. Astronomical heritage of the middle east : proceedings of a symposium held at Yerevan, Armenia, 13-17 Nov. 2017Leave the NDL website. Solar polarization 8 in honor of Egidio Landi Degl'Innocenti : proceedings of a workshop held in Florence, Italy, 12-16 September 2016Leave the NDL website. RR Lyrae/Cepheid 2019: frontiers of classical pulsators - theory and observations : proceedings of a conference held at Cloudcroft, New Mexico, USA, 13-18 October 2019Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XXX : proceedings of a virtual conference held on 8-12 November 2020Leave the NDL website. Learning from inquiry in practice : proceedings of a conference held in Santa Cruz, California, USA, 16-17 January 2010Leave the NDL website. Galactic star formation across the stellar mass spectrum : proceedings of the 2002 international astronomical observatories in Chile workshop held in La Serena, Chile, 11-15 March 2002Leave the NDL website. Massive star formation : observations confront theory : proceedings of a conference held at the Heidelberg Convention Center, Heidelberg, Germany 10-14 September 2007Leave the NDL website. Approaching micro-arcsecond resolution with VSOP-2 : astrophysics and technology : proceedings of a workshop held at Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, 03-07 December 2007Leave the NDL website. The dynamic interstellar medium : a celebration of the Canadian galactic plane survey : proceedings of a conference held at the Naramata Centre, Naramata, British Columbia, Canada, 6-10 June 2010Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems VI : meeting held at Charlottesville, Virginia, 22-25 September 1996Leave the NDL website. Polar motion : historical and scientific problems : proceedings of IAU Colloquium 178 held in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy 27-30 September 1999Leave the NDL website. Massive stars in interacting binaries : proceedings of a workshop held at Hotel Sacacomie, Mauricie, Quebec, Canada, 16-20 August 2004Leave the NDL website. Modes of star formation and the origin of field populations : proceedings of a workshop held at Max-Planck Institute of Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany, 9-13 October 2000Leave the NDL website. The Third Stromlo symposium : the galactic HALO : proceedings of a symposium held at Australian Academy of Science, Canberra, Australia 17-21 August, 1998Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XXVIII : proceedings of a conference held at the Hotel at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA, 11-15 November 2018Leave the NDL website. Astronomical polarimetry 2008 : science from small to large telescopes : proceedings of a workshop held at Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu, La Malbaie, Quebec, Canada, 6-11 July 2008Leave the NDL website. Astrophysical applications of stellar pulsation : proceedings of IAU Colloquium 155, held in Cape Town, 6-10 February 1995Leave the NDL website. Young stars near earth : progress and prospects : proceedings of a workshop held at the NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, California, USA, 28-30 March 2001Leave the NDL website. First advances in solar physics euroconference : advances in the physics of sunspots : proceedings of a meeting held in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, 2-6 October 1996Leave the NDL website. Structure and dynamics of disk galaxies : proceedings of a conference held at The Winthrop Rockefeller Institute, Petit Jean Mountain, Arkansas, USA, 12-16 August 2013Leave the NDL website. Photometric redshifts and high redshift galaxies : proceedings of a workshop held at Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena, California, USA 28-30 April 1999Leave the NDL website. The young universe : galaxy formation and evolution at intermediate and high redshift : proceedings from a meeting held at Rome astronomical observatory, Monteporzio 29 September - 3 October 1997Leave the NDL website. Order and chaos in stellar and planetary systems : proceedings of a meeting held in Saint Petersburg, Russia 17-24 August 2003Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XII : proceedings of a meeting held at Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 13-16 October 2002Leave the NDL website. Cool stars, stellar systems, and the sun : Sixth Cambridge WorkshopLeave the NDL website. Working on the fringe : optical and IR interferometry from ground and space : proceedings of a conference held at Dana Point, California, USA, 24-27 May, 1999Leave the NDL website. The solar-B mission and the forefront of solar physics : proceedings of the Fifth Solar-B science meeting held at the International House of Japan, Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan, 12-14 November 2003Leave the NDL website. Groups of galaxies : proceedings of a Conference held at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland USA, June 1992Leave the NDL website. Disks, planetesimals, and planets : proceedings of a euroconference held at Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain 24-28 January 2000Leave the NDL website. Astrophysics of dust : proceedings of an international symposium held at Estes Park, Colorado, USA, 26-30 May 2003Leave the NDL website. Solar polarization 4 : proceedings of a meeting held in Boulder, Colorado, USA, 19-23 September 2005Leave the NDL website. The future of photometric, spectrophotometric and polarimetric standardization : proceedings of a meeting held in Blankenberge, Belgium, 8-11 May 2006Leave the NDL website. Physics and evolution of magnetic and related stars : proceedings of a conference held at special astrophysical ovservatory, Nizhny Arkhyz, Russia 25-31 August 2014Leave the NDL website. Radio interferometry : theory, techniques, and applicationsLeave the NDL website. CCDs in astronomy : proceedings of a conference held in Tuscon, Arizona, 6-8 September 1989Leave the NDL website. High energy processes in accreting black holes : proceedings of a workshop held at Gräftåvallen, Sweden 29 June - 4 July, 1998Leave the NDL website. Clusters, lensing, and the future of the universe : a symposium held in Conjunction with the 160th Annual Meeting of the ASP at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 26-28 June 1995Leave the NDL website. Second advances in solar physic[s] Euroconference : three-dimensional structure of solar active regions : proceedings of a meeting held in Preveza, Greece, 7-11 October 1997Leave the NDL website. Synthesis imaging in radio astronomy II : a collection of lectures from the Sixth NRAO/NMIMT Synthesis Imaging Summer School held at Socorro, New Mexico, USA, 17-23 June, 1998Leave the NDL website. Earth and space science : making connections in education and public outreach : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 31 July -4 August 2010Leave the NDL website. Origins of the expanding universe : 1912-1932 : proceedings of a conference held at Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, 13-15 September 2012Leave the NDL website. Third Pacific rim conference on recent development on binary star researd : proceedings of a conference sponsored by Chiang Mai University, Thai astronomical society, and the University of Nebaraska-Lincoln [i.e. Nebraska-Lincoln] held in Chiang Mai,Thailand, 26 October-1 November 1995Leave the NDL website. The 9th LISA symposiumLeave the NDL website. Stromlo workshop on high-velocity clouds : proceedings of the workshop held at Mount Stromlo Observatory, Canberra, Australia 14-15 August, 1998Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems IIILeave the NDL website. Optical and infrared spectroscopy of circumstellar matter : proceedings of a workshop held in honor of the 65th birthday of Josef Solf at the Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenberg, Tautenberg, Germany 10-12 March 1999Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XIV : proceedings of a conference held in Pasadena, California, USA, 24-27 October 2004Leave the NDL website. Barred galaxies : IAU Colloquium 157, conference held at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 30 May-3 June 1995Leave the NDL website. Boulder-Munich II : properties of hot, Luminous star : proceedings of a workshop held at Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park, 21-24 July 1997Leave the NDL website. Living together planets, host stars, and binaries : proceedings of a conference held at the Litomyšl, Cech Republic, 8-12 September 2014Leave the NDL website. Origins : proceedings of the international conference held at Estes Park, Colorado, 19-23 May 1997Leave the NDL website. Imaging at radio through submillimeter wavelengths : proceedings of a meeting held at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 6-9 June 1999Leave the NDL website. Advances in computational astrophysics : methods, tools and outcomes : proceedings of a conference held at cefalù, Italy, 13-17 June 2011Leave the NDL website. Blazar variability workshop II : entering the glast era : proceedings of a workshop held at Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA 10-12 April 2005Leave the NDL website. Massive stars : their lives in the interstellar medium : proceedings of a symposium held as part of the 104th annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 23-25 June 1992Leave the NDL website. Frontiers in radio astronomy 2015 : proceedings of a workshop held at Guiyang, China 29-31 July 2015Leave the NDL website. Variable stars in the local group : IAU colloquium 193 : proceedings of a colloquium held at University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 6-11 July 2003Leave the NDL website. Mapping, measuring, and modelling the universe : Workshop held in Valencia, Spain, 18-22 September 1995Leave the NDL website. Four decades of research on massive stars : proceedings of a scientific meeting in honor of Anthony F.J. Moffat held at Auberge du Lac Taureau, St-Michel-des-Saints, Québec, Canada, 11-15 July 2011Leave the NDL website. From darkness to light : origin and evolution of young stellar clusters : proceedings of a meeting held in Cargèse, Corsica, France, 3-8 April 2000Leave the NDL website. Luminous blue variables : massive stars in transition : proceedings of a workshop held in Kona, hawaii, 6-12 October 1996Leave the NDL website. Stars : from collapse to collapse : proceedings of a conference held at special astrophysical observatory, Nizhny Arkhz, Russia, 3-7 Oct. 2016Leave the NDL website. Preparing for the 2009 international year of astronomy : a hands-on symposium : proceedings of a symposium and related workshops held in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 1-5 June 2008 in conjunction with the 212th meeting of the American Astronomical SocietyLeave the NDL website. Solar polarization 5 : in honor of Jan Olof Stenflo : proceedings of a workshop held at Centro Stefano Franscini - Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, 17-21 September 2007Leave the NDL website. 14th European workshop on white dwarfs : proceedings of a workshop held in Kiel, Germany, 19-23 July 2004Leave the NDL website. Electromagnetic radiation from pulsars and magnetars : proceedings of a conference held at University of Zielona Góra, Zielona Góra, Poland, 24-27 April 2012Leave the NDL website. AMiBA 2001: high-z clusters, missing baryons, and cmb polarization : proceedings of a workshop held at National Taiwan University, Taipei and Taroko National Park, Hua-Lien, Taiwan, 11-15 June 2001Leave the NDL website. High energy phenomena in massive stars : proceedings of a conference held at University of Jaén, Jaén, Spain, 2-5 February 2009Leave the NDL website. The B[e] phenomenon : forty years of studies : proceedings of a conference held at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 27 June-1 July 2016Leave the NDL website. Astrophysical applications of powerful new databases : Joint Discussion no. 16 of the 22nd General Assembly of the IAU, The Hague, Netherlands 22-23 August 1994Leave the NDL website. Astronomical surveys and big data : proceedings of an International Symposium dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Markarian Survey and the 10th anniversary of the Armenian Virtual Observatory held at Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, Byurakan, Armenia, 5-8 October 2015Leave the NDL website. Gamma-ray bursts : the first three minutes : proceedings of a workshop held at Gräftåvallen, Sweden, 6-11 February 1999Leave the NDL website. Gravitational lensing : recent progress and future goals : proceedings of the conference held at Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 25-30 July 1999Leave the NDL website. Physics, chemistry, and dynamics of interplanetary dust : proceedings of the 150th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union held in Gainesville, Florida, USA, 14-18 August 1995Leave the NDL website. The Evolution of the interstellar mediumLeave the NDL website. Stars, gas and dust in galaxies: exploring the links : proceedings of the 2000 CTIO/ESO/LCO joint workshop held at La Serena, Chile 15-18 March 2000Leave the NDL website. Fifth Hinode Science Meeting : exploring the active sun : proceedings of a conference held at Cambridge, Massachusetts, 10-15 October 2011Leave the NDL website. Extragalactis jets : theory and observation from radio to gamma ray : proceedings of a workshop held in Girdwood, Alaska, USA, 21-24 May 2007Leave the NDL website. Star formation through time : a conference to honour Roberto J. Terlevich : proceedings of an conference held in Granada, Spain 24-28 September 2002Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XXIII : proceedings of a meeting held at Waikoloa Beach Marriott, Hawaii, USA, 29 September - 3 October, 2013Leave the NDL website. Communicating science : a national conference on science education and public outreach : proceedings of a conference held at Tucson, Arizona, USA, 4-8 August 2012Leave the NDL website. Multi-spin galaxies : proceedings of a conference held at INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Napoli, Italy, 30 September-3 October 3 2013Leave the NDL website. Cool stars, stellar systems, and the sun : Eighth Cambridge WorkshopLeave the NDL website. NGST science and technology exposition : proceedings of a conference held at Hyannis, Massachusetts 13-16 September 1999Leave the NDL website. The eighth Pacific Rim conference on stellar astrophysics : a tribute to Kam-Ching Leung : proceedings of a workshop held at Merlin Beach Hotel, Phuket, Thailand, 5-9 May 2008Leave the NDL website. Galaxy evolution : infrared to millimeter wavelength perspective : proceedings of a conference held at Guilin, China, 25 - 29 October 2010Leave the NDL website. At the edge of the universe : latest results from the deepest astronomical surveys : proceedings of a meeting held at Sintra, Portugal, 9-13 October 2006Leave the NDL website. Robotic telescopes : current capabilities, present developments, and future prospects for automated astronomy : proceedings of a symposium held as part of the 106th annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Flagstaff, Arizona, 28-30 June 1994Leave the NDL website. Tracing cosmic evolution with galaxy clusters : proceedings of the Sesto-2001 workshop held in Sesto Pusteria, Alto Adige/Südtirol, Italy, 3-6 July 2001Leave the NDL website. Astronomy education : current developments, future coordination : proceedings of an ASP Symposium held in College Park, MD, 24-25 June 1995Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XVII : proceedings of a conference held in Kensington Town Hall, London, United Kingdom, 23-26 September 2007Leave the NDL website. Star formation in the interstellar medium in honor of David Hollenbach, Chris McKee and Frank Shu : proceedings of a meeting held in Lake Tahoe, California, USA 30 June - 3 July 2003Leave the NDL website. The high energy universe at sharp focus : Chandra science : proceedings of a meeting held in conjunction with the 113th annual meeting of the ASP, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, 15 - 18 July 2001Leave the NDL website. Why galaxies care about AGB stars : their importance as actors and probes : proceedings of an international conference held at University Campus, Vienna, 7-11 August 2006Leave the NDL website. Nearby large-scale structures and the zone of avoidance : proceedings of a meeting held in Cape Town, South Africa, 28 March-2 April 2004Leave the NDL website. Imaging the universe in three dimensions : astrophysics with advanced multi-wavelength imaging devices : proceedings of an international conference held under the auspices of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Walnut Creek, California, USA, 29 March-1 April 1999Leave the NDL website. Seventy-five years of Hirayama asteroid families : the role of collisions in the solar system history, 29 November - 3 December 1993, TokyoLeave the NDL website. Fiber optics in astronomyLeave the NDL website. AGN surveys : IAU colloquium 184 : proceedings of a colloquium held at Byurakan, the Republic of Armenia 18-22 June, 2001Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XI : proceedings of a meeting held at Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 30 September - 3 October 2001Leave the NDL website. The history of the milky way and its satellite system : The Fourth Workshop on Galactic Chemodynamics Ringberg Castle, Bavaria, Germany, 10-14 July 1995Leave the NDL website. High energy solar physics-anticipating HESSI : proceedings of a conference held in College Park, Maryland 18 - 20 October 1999Leave the NDL website. The nature of V838 Mon and its light echo : proceedings of a conference held at Los Concajos, La Palma, Spain, 16-19 May 2006Leave the NDL website. Mapping the hidden universe: the universe behind the Milky Way the universe in HI : proceedings of a meeting held at Guanajuato, GTO, Mexico, 23-29 February, 2000Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems X : proceedings of a meeting held at Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 12-15 November 2000Leave the NDL website. Magnetic fields across the hertzsprung-russell diagram : proceedings of a workshop held in Santiago, Chile, 15-19 January 2001Leave the NDL website. 20th European White Dwarf Workshop : proceedings of a conference held at University of Warwick, Conventry, West Midlands, United Kingdom, 25-29 July 2016Leave the NDL website. Quasars and cosmology : proceedings of a conference held at La Serena, Chile 18-22 May, 1998Leave the NDL website. Astronomical instrumentation and the birth and growth of astrophysics: a symposium held in honor of Robert G. Tull : proceedings of a meeting held at the University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 20-21 October 2000Leave the NDL website. 6th conference on hot subdwarf stars and related objects : proceedings of a conference held at Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 19-24 May 2013Leave the NDL website. From stars to galaxies : building the pieces to build up the universe : proceedings of a workshop held at Istituo Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venice, Italy 16-20 October 2006Leave the NDL website. Solar-stellar dynamos as revealed by Helio-and asteroseismology : GONG 2008/SOHO 21 : proceedings of a conference held at the High Altitude Observatory, Boulder, Colorado, USA 11-15 August 2008Leave the NDL website. The formation and evolution of star clustersLeave the NDL website. Formation and evolution of galaxy disks : proceedings of a conference organized by the Vatican Observatory held at the Centro Convegni Matteo Ricci in Rome, Italy 1-5 October 2007Leave the NDL website. Wild stars in the old west : proceedings of the 13th North American workshop on cataclysmic variables and related objects held at Jackson Lake Lodge, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming 14-19 June 1997Leave the NDL website. Galaxy evolution : emerging insights and future challenges : proceedings of a conference held at The University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA 11-14 November 2008Leave the NDL website. The Spitzer Space Telescope : new views of the cosmos : proceedings of a meeting held in Pasadena, California, USA, 9-12 November 2004Leave the NDL website. The physics of the interstellar medium and intergalactic medium : a meeting in honor of Professo George B. Field, EIPC, Marciana Marina, Isola d'Elba, Italy, 20-24 June 1994Leave the NDL website. Bright emissaries : be stars as messengers of star-disk physics : proceedings of a meeting held at the University of Western Ontario, in London, Ontario, Canada, on 11-13 August 2014Leave the NDL website. Clouds, cores, and low mass stars : The Fourth Haystack Observatory Conference, Haystack Observatory, Westford, Massachusetts, 18 - 20 May, 1994Leave the NDL website. Stellar clusters and associations : convection, rotation, and dynamos : proceedings of a meeting held in Mondello, Palermo, Italy 25-28, May 1999Leave the NDL website. Reverberation mapping of the broad-line region in active galactic nucleiLeave the NDL website. The central KPC of starbursts and AGN : the la Palma connection : proceedings of a confernce held in Los Cancajos, la Palma, Spain, 7-11 May 2001Leave the NDL website. Neutron stars in supernova remnants : proceedings of a workshop held at Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 14-17 August 2001Leave the NDL website. Galactic and cluster cooling flows : proceedings of a Conference held at the University of Haifa at Oranim, Israel, 5-8 August, 1996Leave the NDL website. Serendipities in the solar system and beyond : proceedings of a Symposium Celebrating Prof. Wing-Huen Ip's 70th Birthday held at National Central University, Taiwan, 10-13 July 2017Leave the NDL website. SINS-small ionized and neutral structures in the diffuse interstellar medium : proceedings of a workshop held at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro, New Mexico, USA, 21-24 May 2006Leave the NDL website. Very long baseline interferometry and the VLBA : proceedings of a Summer School held in Socorro, New Mexico, 23-30 June 1993 : NRAO Workshop, No. 22Leave the NDL website. Completing the inventory of the solar system : a symposium held in Conjunction with the 106th Annual Meeting of the ASP held at Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, 25-30 June 1994Leave the NDL website. The physics of cataclysmic variables and related objects : proceedings of a conference on the occasion of Klaus Beuermann's impending 65th birthday held in Göttingen, Germany, 5-10 August 2001Leave the NDL website. Magnetic reconnection in the solar atmosphere : proceedings of a Yohkoh Conference held in Bath, England, 20-22 March 1996Leave the NDL website. Harmonizing cosmic distance scales in a post-Hipparcos era : proceedings of a colloquium held at Haguenau, France 14-16 September, 1998Leave the NDL website. BL Lac phenomenon : proceedings of a meeting held at Turku, Finland 22-26 June 1998Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XXV : proceedings of a conference held at Rydges World Square, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 25-29 October 2015Leave the NDL website. The national virtual observatory : tools and techniques for astronomical research : proceedings of summer schools held at Aspen, Colorado, USA in 2004, 2005 and 2006Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XIII : proceedings of a meeting held at Strasbourg, France 12-15 October 2003Leave the NDL website. Gas and galaxy evolution : a conference in Honor of the 20th anniversary of the VLA, proceedings of a conference held in Socorro, New Mexico, USA, 21-24 May 2000Leave the NDL website. New horizons in astronomy : Frank N. Bash symposium 2007 : proceedings of a workshop held at the University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA 14-16 October 2007Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XVIII : proceedings of a workshop held at Hotel Loews Le Concorde, Québec City, QC, Canada 2-5 November 2008Leave the NDL website. Theory and tests of convection in stellar structure : first Granada workshop : proceedings of a meeting held at Granada, Spain 30 September - 2 October 1998Leave the NDL website. The second ATST-EAST meeting : magnetic fields from the photosphere to the coronaLeave the NDL website. AGN winds in Charleston : proceedings of a conference held at the College of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina, USA,14-21 October 2011Leave the NDL website. Confrontation between stellar pulsation and evolutionLeave the NDL website. The proceedings of the IAU 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting : a meeting held at National Center of Sciences, Hitotsubashi Memorial Hall, Tokyo, Japan, 2-5 July 2002Leave the NDL website. Numerical modeling of space plasma flows : ASTRONUM-2007 : proceedings of the 2nd international conference held at Hotel Concorde Montparnasse, Paris, France, 10-15 June 2007Leave the NDL website. Solar system formation and evolution : proceedings from a meeting held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-6 November 1997Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XXI : proceedings of a conference held at Marriott Rive Gauche Conference Center, Paris, France, 6-10 November 2011Leave the NDL website. Celebrating science : putting education best practices to work : proceedings of a conference held at Burlingame, California, USA, 2-6 August 2014Leave the NDL website. The space distribution of quasarsLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of a workshop on optical surveys for quasarsLeave the NDL website. Virtual observatories of the future : proceedings of a conference held at California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA 13-16 June 2000Leave the NDL website. 4th Hinode Science Meeting : unsolved problems and recent insights : proceedings of a conference held at Mondello, Palermo, Italy, 11-15 October 2010Leave the NDL website. Revolution in astronomy with ALMA : the third year : proceedings of a conference held at the Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan, 8-11 December 2014Leave the NDL website. Milky way surveys the structure and evolution of our galaxy : the fifth Boston University astrophysics conference : proceedings of a meeting held in Boston, Massachusetts, 15-17 June 2003Leave the NDL website. Evolution of the universe of galaxies : Edwin Hubble Centennial SymposiumLeave the NDL website. New horizons in astronomy : Frank N. Bash Symposium 2005 : proceedings of a meeting held at the University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA, 16-18 October 2005Leave the NDL website. Extrasolar planets : today and tomorrow : proceedings of a meeting held at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France, 30 June - 4 July 2003Leave the NDL website. Polarimetry of the interstellar medium : conference held at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, 4-7 June 1995Leave the NDL website. Why galaxies care about AGB stars III : a closer look in space and time : proceedings of a conference held at University campus, Vienna, Austria, 28 July-1 August 2014Leave the NDL website. 3D stellar evolution : proceedings of a conference held at the Department of Applied Sciences, University of California, Davis, Livermore, California, USA, 22-26 July 2002Leave the NDL website. Library and information services in astronomy VII : open science at the frontiers of librarianship : proceedings of a conference held at astronomical observatory of Capodimonte, Naples, Italy, 17-20 June 2014Leave the NDL website. Synoptic solar physics : proceedings of the 18th national solar observatory . S. Balasubramaniam, J. W. Harvey, and D. M. RabinLeave the NDL website. Solar MHD theory and observations : a high spatial resolution perspective : in honor of Robert F. Stein : proceedings of a meeting held at the National Solar Obsevatory, Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico, USA, 18-22 July 2005Leave the NDL website. Interplay of periodic, cyclic and stochastic variability in selected areas of the H-R diagram : proceedings of a workshop held in Brussels, Belgium, 22-24 July 2002Leave the NDL website. Cosmic rays in the universe : proceedings of the 7th Taipei Astrophysics Workshop, National Central University, Taiwan, Republic of China, 18-20 October 2000Leave the NDL website. The inspiration of astronomical phenomena VI : proceedings of a conference celebrating the 400th anniversary of Galileo's first use of the telescope organized by Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, Dipartimento di astronomia, Università di Padova, INAF-Osservatorio astronomico di Padova, Specola Vaticana held at Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti, Venice, Italy, 18-23 October 2009Leave the NDL website. International conference on magnetic fields in o,b and a stars : origin and connection to pulsation, rotation and mass loss : proceedings of a conference held at University of North-West, Mmabatho, South Africa 27 November - 1 December, 2002Leave the NDL website. Solar and stellar physics through eclipses : proceedings of a workshop held at Ankara University, ÖRSEM Campus, Side, Antalya, Turkey, 27-29 March 2006Leave the NDL website. The starburst-AGN connection : proceedings of a workshop held at Shanghai Normal University 27-31 October 2008Leave the NDL website. Frontiers of stellar evolutionLeave the NDL website. The last total solar eclipse of the millennium in Turkey : proceedings of a symposium held in Istanbul, Turkey 13-15 August 1999Leave the NDL website. The physics of chromospheric plasmas : proceedings of the Coimbra Solar Meeting held at the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 9-13 October 2006Leave the NDL website. Ground-based solar observations in the space instrumentation era : proceedings of a meeting held at the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal in 5-9 October 2015Leave the NDL website. Magnetic cataclysmic variables : IAU Colloquium 190 : proceedings of a conference held at Cape Town, South Africa 8-13 December 2002Leave the NDL website. The stellar initial mass function : 38th Herstmonceux Conference : proceedings of the meeting held at Institute of Astronomy and Royal Greenwich Observatroy, Cambridge, UK, 14-18 July 1998Leave the NDL website. Cosmic abundances as records of stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis in honor of David L. Lambert : proceedings of a symposium held in Austin, Texas, USA, 17-19 June 2004Leave the NDL website. The ninth Pacific Rim conference on stellar astrophysics : proceedings of a conference held at Lijiang, China, in 14-20 April 2011Leave the NDL website. The First Symposium on the Infrared Cirrus and Diffuse Interstellar Clouds : conference held 7-9 April 1993, Tucson, ArizonaLeave the NDL website. The evolution of galaxies on cosmological timescales : invited papers delivered at a Euroconference held at Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain 30 November - 5 December 1998Leave the NDL website. The Low surface brightness universe, IAU Colloquium 171 : proceedings of an IAU Colloquium held at Cardiff, Wales, 5-10 July, 1998Leave the NDL website. Numerical modeling of space plasma flows astronum-2008 : proceedings of the 3rd international conference held at the Westin Hotel, St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands, 8-13 June 2008Leave the NDL website. Hot subdwarf stars and related objects : proceedings of a workshop held at Otto-Friedrich-Universität, Bamberg, Germany 23-27 July 2007Leave the NDL website. Observed HR diagrams and stellar evolution : the interplay between observational constraints and theory : proceedings of a conference held in Coimbra, Portugal 18-22 June 2001Leave the NDL website. Astrophysics with infrared surveys : a prelude to SIRTF : proceedings of a conference held at California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA 22-24 June 1998Leave the NDL website. New observing modes for the next century : proceedings of Workshop held in Hilo, Hawaii, 6-8 July 1995Leave the NDL website. The variable universe : a celebration of Bohdan Paczyński : proceedings of a symposium held at Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 29-30 September 2007Leave the NDL website. Extra-planar gas : proceedings of a meeting held at Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, 7-11 June 2004Leave the NDL website. Progress in the search for extraterrestrial life : 1993 Bioastronomy Symposium, Santa Cruz, California, 16-20 August 1993Leave the NDL website. Hinode-3 : the 3rd Hinode Science MeetingLeave the NDL website. The First Stromlo Symposium : the physics of active galaxies, Becker House, Australian Academy of Science, Canberra, Australia, 27 June - 2 July 1993Leave the NDL website. UP2010 : have observations revealed a variable upper end of the initial mass function? : proceedings of a conference held at Sedona, Arizona, USA, 20-25 June 2010Leave the NDL website. Star formation with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) : meeting held in Lisbon, Portugal 24-26 June 1997Leave the NDL website. Numerical modeling of space plasma flows, ASTRONUM-2013 : proceedings of a 8th International Conference held at Biarritz, France, July 1-5, 2013Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XX : proceedings of a conference held at Seaport World Trade Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 7-11 November 2010Leave the NDL website. Progress in solar/stellar physics with helio- and asteroseismology : proceedings of a Fujihara Seminar held at Hakone, Japan, in 13-17 March 2011Leave the NDL website. Non-stable universe : energetic resources, activity phenomena, and evolutionary processes : proceedings of an International Symposium dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO) held at National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (NASRA), Yerevan and Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO), Byurakan, Armenia, 19-23 September 2016Leave the NDL website. Ultraviolet-optical space astronomy beyond HST : proceedings of a meeting held at The Regal Harvest House Hotel Boulder, Colorado, USA 5-7 August 1998Leave the NDL website. The future of solar exploration, 2003-2013 : community contributions to the NRC solar system exploration decadal surveyLeave the NDL website. Submillimeter astrophysics and technology : a symposium honoring Thomas G. Phillips : proceedings of a symposium held at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA, 23-24 February 2009Leave the NDL website. Bioastronomy 2007 : molecules, microbes, and extraterrestrial life : proceedings of a workshop held at San Juan, Puerto Rico, 16-20 July 2007Leave the NDL website. Radiative signatures from the cosmos : proceedings of a conference in honor of Ivan Hubeny held at Sorbonne University, Paris, France, 23-26 October 2018Leave the NDL website. Continuing the challenge of EUV Astronomy : current analysis and prospects for the future : proceedings of a conference held at the Jenner Inn, Jenner, California, USA 22-24 July 2001/ edited by Steve B. Howell ... [et al.]Leave the NDL website. Small galaxy groups : proceedings of IAU Colloquium 174 held in Turku, Finland 13-18 June 1999Leave the NDL website. Asymmetrical planetary nebulae III : proceedings of a meeting held at Mt. Rainier, Washington 28 July - 1 August 2003Leave the NDL website. Extreme solar systems : proceedings of a conference held on Santorini Island, Greece 25-29 June 2007Leave the NDL website. Fifty years of seismology of the sun and stars : proceedings of a workshop held at The Westin La Paloma, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 6-10 May 2013Leave the NDL website. Structure and kinematics of quasar broad line regions : proceedings of a meeting held in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA 23-26 March 1998Leave the NDL website. Solar and stellar activity : similarities and differences : proceedings of a meeting held in Armagh, N. Ireland, 2-4 September 1998Leave the NDL website. Pathways through an eclectic universe : proceedings of a conference held at Santiago del Teide, Tenerife, Spain 23-27 April 2007 to celebrate John Beckman's 40 years in astrophysicsLeave the NDL website. Statistical challenges in modern astronomy IV : proceedings of a conference held at Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA 12-15 June 2006Leave the NDL website. 2nd crisis in cosmology conference, CCC-2 : proceedings of a conference held at Port Angeles, Washington, USA, 7-11 September 2008Leave the NDL website. Robotic telescopes in the 1990s : proceedings of a symposium held as part of the 103rd annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, at the University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, 22-24 June 1991Leave the NDL website. Pulsar astronomy - 2000 and beyond : IAU Colloquium 177 : proceedings of a conference held on the Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany 30 August - 3 September 1999Leave the NDL website. Cosmic frontiers : proceedings of a conference held at department of physics, Durham University, Durham UK, 31 July- 4 August 2006Leave the NDL website. X-ray astronomy 2000 : proceedings of a conference held in Mondello (Palermo), Italy 4-9 September 2000Leave the NDL website. Circumstellar dynamics at high resolution : proceedings of a joint ESO/Brazilian workshop held at Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 27 February-2 March 2012Leave the NDL website. Disks of galaxies : kinematics, dynamics and perturbations : proceedings of the 4th Guillermo Haro conference held at INAOE, Puebla, Mexico, 5-9 November 2001Leave the NDL website. New horizons in globular cluster astronomy : proceedings of a conference held at Università di Padova, Padova, Italy 24-28 June, 2002Leave the NDL website. Asymmetrical planetary nebulae II : from origins to microstructures : proceedings of a conference held at Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 3-6 August 1999Leave the NDL website. Binaries-key to comprehension of the universe : proceedings of a conference held at Brno, Czech Republic 8-12 June 2009Leave the NDL website. The impact of large-scale surveys on pulsating star research : IAU Colloquium 176 : proceedings of a meeting held in Budapest, Hungary 8 - 12 August 1999Leave the NDL website. Microwave foregrounds : "this volume was produced as a part of the Sloan Summit on Origins held at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton 1998-99" Princeton, New Jersey, USA 14-15 November, 1998Leave the NDL website. Numerical modeling of space plasma flows, ASTRONUM-2014 : proceedings of a 9th International Conference held at Long Beach, CA, USA, June 23-27, 2014Leave the NDL website. Frontiers of astrophysics : a celebration of NRAO's 50th anniversary : proceedings of a symposium held at National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA 18-21 June 2007Leave the NDL website. Outstanding problems in heliophysics : from coronal heating to the edge of the heliosphere : proceedings of a 12th Annual International Astrophysics Conference held at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA, 14-19 April 2013Leave the NDL website. First results from Hinode : proceedings of a workshop held at Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 20-24 August 2007Leave the NDL website. Progress and opportunities in Southern hemisphere optical astronomyLeave the NDL website. The Hy-redshift universe : galaxy formation and evolution at high redshift : proceedings of a conference held at the University of California, Berkeley, California, USA, to celebrate the research interests of Hyron Spinrad on his 65th birthday, 21-24 June 1999Leave the NDL website. The second Hinode science meeting : beyond discovery-toward understandingLeave the NDL website. M.A.S.S. model atmospheres and stellar spectra 5th Vienna - Workshop : proceedings of a Workshop held at the Technical University, Vienna, Austria, 6-11 July 1995Leave the NDL website. Diffuse infrared radiation and the IRTS : proceedings of a symposium held at institute of space and astronautical science, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, 11-14 November 1996Leave the NDL website. Advancing astronomy for all : ASP 2018 : proceedings of a conference held in the California Wine Country, Sonoma Valley, California, USA, 10-13 September 2018Leave the NDL website. Embracing the future : astronomy teaching and public engagement : proceedings of a virtual conference held 3-5 December 2020Leave the NDL website. Protostars and planets VIILeave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XXVII : proceedings of a conference held at Sheraton Santiago Convention Center, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 22-26 October 2017Leave the NDL website. Astronomical data analysis software and systems XXIX : proceedings of a conference held at MartiniPlaza, Groningen, the Netherlands, 6-10 October 2019Leave the NDL website. ASP 2022 : a virtual conference : proceedings of a virtual conference held 8-10 December 2022Leave the NDL website. Galactic Center Workshop 2019 : new horizons in galactic center astronomy and beyond : proceedings of a Workshop held at Keio University, Yokohama, Japan, 21-24 October 2019Leave the NDL website. ASP 2021 : sharing best practices : astronomy teaching and public engagement : proceedings of a virtual conference held 18-20 November 2021Leave the NDL website.

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Astrometry in the age of the next generation of large telescopes : proceedings of a meeting held at Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, 18-20 October 2004
The origins, evolution, and destinies of binary stars in clusters : an international symposium held at the University of Calgary, 18-23 June 1995
Small-telescope astronomy on global scales : IAU Colloquium 183, Proceedings of a Colloquium held in Kenting, Taiwan 4-8 January 2001
Numerical modeling of space plasma flows : ASTRONUM-2006 : proceedings of the 1st IGPP-CalSpace international conference held at Palm Springs, California, USA, 26-30 March 2006
CNO in the universe : proceedings of a conference held at Saint-Luc, Valais, Switzerland 10-14 September 2002
Stellar and circumstellar astrophysics : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Washington, 9-11 September 1993, in honor of the 70th birthdays of Karl-Heinz Bohm and Erika Bohm-Vitense
Cool stars, stellar systems, and the sun : tenth Cambridge workshop : proceedings of a workshop held at Cambridge, Massachussetts 15-19 July 1997
Astrophysics from antarctica : proceedings of the ASP summer scientific symposium conference held at Chicago, Illinois 30 June - 2 July 1997
Pulsars : problems and progress : IAU Colloquium 160, proceedings held at the Research Centre for Theoretical Astrophysics University of Sydney, Australia, 8-12 January 1996
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XXII : proceedings of a conference held at University of Illinois, Champaign, Illinois, USA, 4-8 November 2012
Observing dark energy : proceedings of a meeting held in Tucson, Arizona, USA, 18-20 March 2004
Mass outflow in active galactic nuclei : new perspectives : proceedings of a workshop held at the Catholic University of America Washington, D. C., USA 8-10 March 2001
Fresh views of elliptical galaxies : proceedings of the INAOE International Meeting, held in Pueblo, Mexico, 14-17 March 1995
Binary radio pulsars : proceedings of a meeting held in Aspen, Colorado, USA, 11-17 January 2004
Galactic halos : a UC Santa Cruz workshop : proceedings of a conference held on the Campus of UC Santa Cruz 11-15 August 1997
Brown dwarfs and extrasolar planets : proceedings of a workshop held in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, 17-21 March 1997
Abundance profiles : diagnostic tools for galaxy history : proceedings from a workshop held at Université Laval, Québec, Canada, 12-15 October 1997
Eta Carinae at the millennium : proceedings of a workshop held at 320 Guest Ranch, Gallatin Gateway, Montana, USA, 19-23 July, 1998
Large-Scale structures and their role in solar activity : proceedings of the 22nd Sacrament Peak workshop held at the national solar observatory, Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico, USA 18-22 October 2004
Cool stars, stellar systems, and the sun : Ninth Cambridge Workshop : dedicated to the memory of Olin C. Wilson : proceedings of a Workshop held 3-6 October 1995 in Florence Italy
The nature and evolution of disks around hot stars : proceedings of a meeting held in Johnson City, Tennessee, USA, 7-9 July 2004
Molecules in the Atmospheres of Extrasolar Planets : proceedings of a conference held at Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France 19-21 November 2008
The new era of wide field astronomy : proceedings of a conference held at University of Central Lancashire, Preston, United Kingdom, 21-24 August 2000
Stars with the B[e] phenomenon : proceedings of a meeting held on Island of Vlieland, The Netherlands, 10-16 July 2005
AKARI, a light to illuminate the misty universe : proceedings of a conference held at Fukutake Hall, the University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 16-19 February 2009
Stellar collisions, mergers and their consequences : a symposium in celebration of the opening of the Rose Center for Earth and Space and the newly rebuilt Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History : proceedings of a symposium held at American Museum of Natural Hisotry, New York City, New York, USA May 30-June 2, 2000
Issues in unification of active galactic nuclei : proceedings of a meeting held in Marciana Marina, Elba Island, Italy 21-24 May. 2001
The evolving sun and its influence on planetary environments : proceedings of a workshop held at Instituto de astrofisica de Andalucia, Granada, Spain, 18-20 June 2001
Proper motions and galactic astronomy : a small topical workshop at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 12-13 December 1996 : in recognition of its first 100 years in astronomy
The cool universe : observing cosmic dawn : proceedings of the 2004 IAOC workshop held in Valparaiso, Chile, 4-8 October 2004
Astrophysics in the far ultraviolet : five years of discovery with fuse : proceedings of a conference held at University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 2-6 August 2004
Evolution of binary and multiple star systems : a meeting in celebration of Peter Eggleton's 60th birthday : proceedings held in Bormio, Italy, 25 June - 1 July 2000
Accretion phenomena and related outflows : IAU colloquim 163
Synthesis imaging in radio astronomy : a collection of lectures from the Third NRAO Synthesis Imaging Summer School
GAIA spectroscopy, science and technology : proceedings of a conference held at La Residenza del Sole Congress Center, Gressoney St. Jean, Aosta, Italy, 9-12 September 2002
Galaxy disks and disk galaxies : proceedings of a conference sponsored by The Vatican Observatory held at The Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Italy 12-16 June 2000
Seeing through the dust : the detection of HI and the exploration of the ism in galaxies : proceedings of a conference held at Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory Penticton, British Columbia, Canada 20-25 October 2001
Radio pulsars : in celebration of the contributions of Andrew Lyne, Dick Manchester and Joe Taylor a festschrift honoring their 60th birthdays : proceedings of a meeting held at Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Crete, Greece 26-29 August 2002
Astronomy with millimeter and submillimeter wave interferometry : IAU Colloquium no. 140, Meeting held 5-9 October 1992, Hakone, Japan
A half century of stellar pulsation interpretations : a tribute to Arthur N. Cox : proceedings of a conference held in Los Alamos, New Mexico, 16-20 June 1997
Inspiration of astronomical phenomena VIII : city of stars : proceedings of a conference held at American Museum of Natural History, New York, United States, 7-12 July 2013
High energy blazar astronomy : proceedings of an international conference held to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Tuorla Observatory, Tuorla Observatory, Piikkiö, Finland, 17-21 June 2002
Bioastronomy '99 a new era in bioastronomy : proceedings of a meeting held at the Hapuna Beach Prince Hotel, Coast, Hawaii, USA, 2-6 August, 1999
The physics of liners in view of recent observations : meeting held in Baltimore, Maryland, 6-8 September 1995
18th European white dwarf workshop : proceedings of a conference held at the Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland, 13-17 August 2012
Astronomical data analysis software and systems IX : proceedings of a meeting held at Hilton Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, USA, 3-6 October, 1999
Cosmic dust-near and far : proceedings of a conference held at the Heidelberg Convention Center, Heidelberg, Germany 8-12 September 2008
Astronomical data analysis software and systems V : meeting held at Tucson, Arizona, 23-25 October 1995
Properties of hot luminous stars : Boulder-Munich Workshop
ω Centauri a unique window into astrophysics : proceedings of a conference held at the institute of astronomy, Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 13-16 August 2001
Galaxies : the third dimension : proceedings of a conference held at Cozumel, Q.R., México 3-7 December 2001
Astrophysical ages and time scales : proceedings of a conference held in Hilo, Hawai'i, USA, 5-9 February 2001
Blazar demographics and physics : proceedings of a conference held at Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, USA 12-14 July 2000
Subsurface and atmospheric influences on solar activity : proceedings of a workshop held at National Solar Observatory, Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico, USA 16-20 April 2007
The Galactic Center : 4th ESO/CTIO Workshop, La Serena, Chile, 10-15 March 1996
Progress in physics of the sun and stars : a new era in helio- and asteroseismology : proceedings of a Fujihara Seminar held at Hakone, Japan, in 25-29 November 2012
A new era in cosmology : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Durham, Durham, England, 11-15 September 2001
Highly redshifted radio lines : proceedings of a conference held in Green Bank, WV, USA, October 9-11, 1997
Physics of magnetic stars : proceedings of a conference held at special astrophysical observatory, Nizhny Arkhyz, Russia, 1-5 October 2018
From quantum fluctuations to cosmoloical structures : proceedings of the first Moroccan school of astrophysics, Casablanca, Morocco, 1-10 December 1996
Exotic stars as challenges to evolution : IAU Colloquium 187 : proceedings of a colloquium held at Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA, 4-8 March 2002
Solar active region evolution : comparing models with observations : proceedings of Fourteenth International Summer Workshop National Solar Observatory/Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico 88349, USA, 30 August - 3 September 1993
P Cygni 2000, 400 years of progress : proceedings of a workshop held in Armagh, Northern Ireland 21-23 August 2000
Galaxy wars : stellar populations and star formation in interacting galaxies : proceedings of a conference held at East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, Tennessee, USA, 19-22 July 2009
15th European workshop on white dwarfs : proceedings of a meeting held in Leicester, United Kingdom, 7-11 August 2006
Third advances in solar physics euroconference : magnetic fields and oscillations : proceedings of a meeting held in Potsdam/Caputh, Germany 22-25 September 1998
Astrophysical discs : an EC summer school : proceedings of a meeting held at Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences Cambridge, England 22-26 June 1998
Spectrophotometric dating of stars and galaxies : proceedings of a workshop held in Annapolis, Maryland, USA 25-29 April, 1999
The 16th Cambridge workshop on cool stars, stellar systems and the sun
New perspectives on solar prominences, IAU colloquium 167 : proceedings of a meeting held in Aussois, France, 28 April-4 May 1997
AGN variability from X-rays to radio waves : proceedings of a workshop held at Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, Crimea, Ukraine 14-16 June 2004
Thermal emission spectroscopy and analysis of dust, disks, and regoliths : proceedings of a meeting held at the Lunar and Planetary Institute at Houston, Texas, USA 28-30 April 1999
Advanced solar polarimetry theory, observation, and instrumentation : proceedings of the 20th Sacramento Peak Summer Workshop held at National Solar Observatory, Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico, USA 11-15 September 2000
Historical development of modern cosmology : proceedings of an International Summer School held at Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, València, Spain, 18-22 September 2000
The tenth pacific rim conference on stellar astrophysics
New century of x-ray astronomy : proceedings of a symposium held in Yokohama, Japan, 6-8 March 2001
Cosmology across cultures : proceedings of a workshop held at Parque de las Ciencias, Granada, Spain 8-12 September 2008
Thermal and ionization aspects of flows from hot stars : observations and theory : proceedings of a workshop held in Tartu, Estonia 23-27 August 1999
The low-frequency radio universe : an event commemorating the birth centenary of Dr. Homi J. Bhabha : proceedings of a conference held at National Centre for Radio Astrophysics (NCRA), TIFR, Pune, India, 8-12 December 2008
Ensuring STEM literacy : a national conference on STEM education and public outreach : proceedings of a conference held at San Jose State University, San Jose, California, USA, 20-24 July 2013
Fifty years of wide field studies in the Southern Hemisphere : resolved stellar populations of the galactic bulge and Magellanic Clouds : proceedings of a conference celebrating CTIO's 50th anniversary held at La Serena, Chile 06-09 May 2013
Delta scuti and related stars : reference handbook and proceedings of the sixth Vienna workshop in astrophysics : a workshop held in Vienna, Austria 4-7 August 1999
Cosmic evolution and galaxy formation : structure, interactions, and feedback : the 3rd Guillermo Haro astrophysics conference : proceedings of a meeting held in Puebla, Mexico, 15-19 November, 1999
Formation of the galactic halo .... inside and out : a meeting held in honor of the 65th birthday of George Preston, Tucson, Arizona, 9-11 October 1995
19th European workshop on white dwarfs : proceedings of a conference held at the Université de Montréal, Montréal, Canada 11-15 August 2014
Quasars and cosmology : proceedings of a meeting held at La Serena, Chile, 18-22 May, 1998
1604-2004 : supernovae as cosmological lighthouses : proceedings of a meeting held in Palazzo del Bo, Università degli Studi di Padova, Padua, Italy, 15-19 June 2004
New quests in stellar astrophysics III : a panchromatic view of solar-like stars, with and without planets : proceedings of a International Conference held at Puerto Vallarta, Jalisco, Mexico, 12-16 March 2012
Chondrites and the protoplanetary disk : proceedings of a workshop held at the Radisson Kaua'i Beach Resort, Kaua'i, Hawai'i, 8-11 November 2004
Stellar evolution at low metallicity : mass loss, explosions, cosmology : proceedings of a meeting held in Tartu, Estonia, 15-19 August 2005
Satellites and tidal streams : proceeings of a meeting held in Los Cancajos, La Palma, Spain, 26-30 May 2003
Mass ejection from AGN : proceedings of a workshop held at the Carnegie Observatories, in Pasadena, California, 19-21 February 1997
Debris disks and the formation of planets : a symposium in memory of Fred Gillett : proceedings of a meeting held in University park Marriott, Tucson, Arizona, USA, hosted by National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO), 11-13 April 2002
The central parsecs of the galaxy : galactic center workshop : proceedings of a meeting held at Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A. 7-11 September, 1998
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XIX : proceedings of a conference held at the Renaissance Sapporo Hotel, Sapporo, Japan, 4-8 October 2009
Emission lines in active galaxies: new methods and techniques : IAU Colloquium 159, meeting held in Shanghai, People's Republic of China, 17-20 June 1996
Solar polarization 3 : proceedings of an international workshop held in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain 30 September - 4 October 2002
Preserving astronomy's photographic legacy : current state and the future of North American astronomical plates : included are the proceedings of a workshop held at the Pisgah Astronomical Research Institute, Rosman, North Carolina, USA, 1-3 November 2007
Current theoretical models and high resolution solar observations : preparing for atst : proceedings of the 21st Sacramento Peak Workshop held at the National Solar Observatory, Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico, USA 11-15 March 2002
The Minnesota lectures on clusters of galaxies and large-scale structure
Cosmic abundances : proceedings of the Sixth Annual October Astrophysics Conference in College Park, Maryland, 9-11 October 1995
Revealing the molecular universe : one antenna is never enough : in honor of the academic retirement of Jack Welch : proceedings of a symposium held at University of California, Berkeley, California, USA 9-10 September 2005
The neutral ISM in starburst galaxies : proceedings of a meeting held in Carlsten Fortress, Marstrand, Sweden, 24-27 June 2003
Stellar coronae in the Chandra and XMM-Newton era : proceedings of a symposium held at European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Noordwijk, the Netherlands, 25-29 June 2001
Planets beyond the solar system and the next generation of space missions : proceedings of a workshop held at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, 16-18 October 1996
Astronomical polarimetry : current status and future directions : proceedings of a meeting held at Waikoloa Beach Marriott, Waikoloa, Hawai'i, 15-19 March 2004
Calibration and standardization of missions and large surveys in astronomy and astrophysics : proceedings of a conference held at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, Illinois, USA, 16-19 April 2012
Spectroscopic challenges of photoionized plasmas : proceedings of a conference held at University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA, 15-18 November 2001
The central engine of active galactic nuclei : proceedings of a workshop held at Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China 16-21 October 2006
The biggest, baddest, coolest stars : proceedings of a workshop held at the Millennium Centre, Johnson City, Tennessee, USA, 16-18 July 2007
Fifth meeting on hot subdwarf stars and related objects : proceedings of a workshop held at Stellenbosch, Western Cape, South Africa 25-29 July 2011
Young galaxies and QSO absorption - line systems : proceedings of a workshop held in Santos, Brazil, 8-12 April, 1996
Connecting people to science : a national conference on science education and public outreach : proceedings of a conference held at Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 30 July- 3 August 2011
Symbiotic stars probing stellar evolution : proceedings of a Euroconference held in Los Cancajos, La Palma, Spain, 27-31 May 2002
New solar physics with Solar-B mission : proceedings of the sixth Solar-B science meeting held at the International Community House, Kyoto, Japan 8-11November 2005
Dark and visible matter in galaxies : proceedings of a conference held in Sesto Pusteria, BZ, Italy, 2-5 July 1996
Interacting winds from massive stars : proceedings of a workshop held at Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Québec, Canada, 10-14 July 2000
Transiting extrasolar planets workshop : proceedings of a workshop held at Max-Planck-Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany, 25-28 September 2006
The MK process at 50 years : a powerful tool for astrophysical insight : a Workshop of the Vatican Observatory, Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A., September 1993
CCD Precision photometry workshop : proceedings of a meeting held at San Diego, California, USA 6-7 June 1998
1997 pacific rim conference on stellar astrophysics : proceedings of a conference held in Hong Kong, PRC 13-16 August 1997
11th European workshop on white dwarfs : proceedings of a conference held at Tromsø, Norway 29 June - 3 July, 1998
Hubble's science legacy : future optical
Preserving the astronomical windows : proceedings of joint discussion number 5 of the 23rd general assembly of the international astronomical union held in Kyoto, Japan 22-23 August 1997
Science with a next-generation very large array
Astronomical data analysis software and systems IV : meeting held at Baltimore, Maryland, 25-28 September 1994
Atoms, ions and molecules : new results in spectral line astrophysics
Third Rome workshop on gamma-ray bursts in the afterglow era : proceedings of a workshop held at Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) Headquarters, Rome, Italy 17-20 September 2002
Radio emission from the stars and the sun : a conference held at the University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 3-7 July 1995
Tridimensional optical spectroscopic methods in astrophysics : proceedings of I.A.U. Colloquium 149, Marseille (France), 22-25 March 1994
Stellar populations and the distance scale : a conference in honor of Jeremy Mould : proceedings of a conference held at Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics at Peking University, Beijing, China, 11-15 September 2017
Astronomical data analysis software and systems : XXIV : proceedings of a meeting held at Calgary, Alberta, Canada 5-9 October 2014
Galactic archaeology : near-field cosmology and the formation of the milky way
Eta Carinae and other mysterious stars : the hidden opportunities of emission line spectroscopy : proceedings of an International Conference held at Tycho Brahe's Island, Hven, Sweden, 24-26 August 2000
370 years of astronomy in Utrecht : proceedings of a conference held at Hotel Leeuwenhorst, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, April 2-5, 2012
Hydrogen deficient stars : proceedings of a colloquium held in Bamberg, Germany, 28 August - 1 September 1995
The light-time effect in astrophysics : causes and cures of the O-C diagram : proceedings of a meeting held in Brussels, Belgium, 19-22 July 2004
Science with the NGST : meeting held at Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland 7-9 April 1997
Optical astronomy from the earth and moon : Astronomical Society of the Pacific Summer Scienctific Meeting, San Diego, California, 13-15 July 1993
Astrophysics with infrared arrays
GONG '94 : helio- and astero-seismology from the earth and space, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, 16-20 may 1994
From Z-machines to ALMA : (sub) millimeter spectroscopy of galaxies : proceedings of a workshop held at the North American ALMA Science Center of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory in Charlottesville, Virginia, United States, 12-14 January 2006
The Star formation in early-type galaxies : proceedings of a meeting held at Guanajuato, Gto.,Mexico 29 June - 3 July, 1998
Probing the physics of active galactic nuclei by multiwavelength monitoring : proceedings of the meeting held at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA 20-22 June 2000
Cosmic microwave background and large scale structure of the universe : proceedings of the 5th Taipei astrophysics workshop on cosmology held at Chung-Li and Taipei, Taiwan, 18-21 December 1997
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XVI : proceedings of a meeting held at the Westin La Paloma resort & spa, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 15-18 October 2006
Stellar dynamos: nonlinearity and chaotic flows : proceedings of the International Workshop held at Medina del Campo, Valladolid, Spain, 28-30 September, 1998
Matter and energy in clusters of galaxies : proceedings of conference held at National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan 23-27 April 2002
Microlensing 2000 : a new era in microlensing astrophysics : proceedings of a meeting held at Cape Town, South Africa, 21-25 February 2000
Millisecond pulsars : a decade of surprise, Aspen Colorado, 3-7 January 1994
Stella novae : past and future decades : proceedings of a conference held at the Pavilion Clock Tower, Cape Town, South Africa 4-8 February 2013
Astronomical site evaluation in the visible and radio range : IAU technical workshop : proceedings of a workshop held at Cadi Ayyad University, Marrakesh, Morocco, 13-17 November 2000
From stardust to planetesimals : symposium held as part of the 108th annual meeting of the astronomical society of the pacific held at Santa Clara, California, 24-26 June 1996
NASA office of space science education and public outreach conference : proceedings of a meeting held at the Union League Club of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 12-14 June, 2002
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XXVI : proceedings of a conference held at Stazione Marittima, Trieste, Italy, 16-20 October 2016
Astronomical heritage of the middle east : proceedings of a symposium held at Yerevan, Armenia, 13-17 Nov. 2017
Solar polarization 8 in honor of Egidio Landi Degl'Innocenti : proceedings of a workshop held in Florence, Italy, 12-16 September 2016
RR Lyrae/Cepheid 2019: frontiers of classical pulsators - theory and observations : proceedings of a conference held at Cloudcroft, New Mexico, USA, 13-18 October 2019
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XXX : proceedings of a virtual conference held on 8-12 November 2020
Learning from inquiry in practice : proceedings of a conference held in Santa Cruz, California, USA, 16-17 January 2010
Galactic star formation across the stellar mass spectrum : proceedings of the 2002 international astronomical observatories in Chile workshop held in La Serena, Chile, 11-15 March 2002
Massive star formation : observations confront theory : proceedings of a conference held at the Heidelberg Convention Center, Heidelberg, Germany 10-14 September 2007
Approaching micro-arcsecond resolution with VSOP-2 : astrophysics and technology : proceedings of a workshop held at Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, 03-07 December 2007
The dynamic interstellar medium : a celebration of the Canadian galactic plane survey : proceedings of a conference held at the Naramata Centre, Naramata, British Columbia, Canada, 6-10 June 2010
Astronomical data analysis software and systems VI : meeting held at Charlottesville, Virginia, 22-25 September 1996
Polar motion : historical and scientific problems : proceedings of IAU Colloquium 178 held in Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy 27-30 September 1999
Massive stars in interacting binaries : proceedings of a workshop held at Hotel Sacacomie, Mauricie, Quebec, Canada, 16-20 August 2004
Modes of star formation and the origin of field populations : proceedings of a workshop held at Max-Planck Institute of Astronomy, Heidelberg, Germany, 9-13 October 2000
The Third Stromlo symposium : the galactic HALO : proceedings of a symposium held at Australian Academy of Science, Canberra, Australia 17-21 August, 1998
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XXVIII : proceedings of a conference held at the Hotel at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, USA, 11-15 November 2018
Astronomical polarimetry 2008 : science from small to large telescopes : proceedings of a workshop held at Fairmont Le Manoir Richelieu, La Malbaie, Quebec, Canada, 6-11 July 2008
Astrophysical applications of stellar pulsation : proceedings of IAU Colloquium 155, held in Cape Town, 6-10 February 1995
Young stars near earth : progress and prospects : proceedings of a workshop held at the NASA Ames Research Center, Mountain View, California, USA, 28-30 March 2001
First advances in solar physics euroconference : advances in the physics of sunspots : proceedings of a meeting held in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, 2-6 October 1996
Structure and dynamics of disk galaxies : proceedings of a conference held at The Winthrop Rockefeller Institute, Petit Jean Mountain, Arkansas, USA, 12-16 August 2013
Photometric redshifts and high redshift galaxies : proceedings of a workshop held at Carnegie Observatories, Pasadena, California, USA 28-30 April 1999
The young universe : galaxy formation and evolution at intermediate and high redshift : proceedings from a meeting held at Rome astronomical observatory, Monteporzio 29 September - 3 October 1997
Order and chaos in stellar and planetary systems : proceedings of a meeting held in Saint Petersburg, Russia 17-24 August 2003
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XII : proceedings of a meeting held at Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 13-16 October 2002
Cool stars, stellar systems, and the sun : Sixth Cambridge Workshop
Working on the fringe : optical and IR interferometry from ground and space : proceedings of a conference held at Dana Point, California, USA, 24-27 May, 1999
The solar-B mission and the forefront of solar physics : proceedings of the Fifth Solar-B science meeting held at the International House of Japan, Roppongi, Tokyo, Japan, 12-14 November 2003
Groups of galaxies : proceedings of a Conference held at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Maryland USA, June 1992
Disks, planetesimals, and planets : proceedings of a euroconference held at Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain 24-28 January 2000
Astrophysics of dust : proceedings of an international symposium held at Estes Park, Colorado, USA, 26-30 May 2003
Solar polarization 4 : proceedings of a meeting held in Boulder, Colorado, USA, 19-23 September 2005
The future of photometric, spectrophotometric and polarimetric standardization : proceedings of a meeting held in Blankenberge, Belgium, 8-11 May 2006
Physics and evolution of magnetic and related stars : proceedings of a conference held at special astrophysical ovservatory, Nizhny Arkhyz, Russia 25-31 August 2014
Radio interferometry : theory, techniques, and applications
CCDs in astronomy : proceedings of a conference held in Tuscon, Arizona, 6-8 September 1989
High energy processes in accreting black holes : proceedings of a workshop held at Gräftåvallen, Sweden 29 June - 4 July, 1998
Clusters, lensing, and the future of the universe : a symposium held in Conjunction with the 160th Annual Meeting of the ASP at the University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland, 26-28 June 1995
Second advances in solar physic[s] Euroconference : three-dimensional structure of solar active regions : proceedings of a meeting held in Preveza, Greece, 7-11 October 1997
Synthesis imaging in radio astronomy II : a collection of lectures from the Sixth NRAO/NMIMT Synthesis Imaging Summer School held at Socorro, New Mexico, USA, 17-23 June, 1998
Earth and space science : making connections in education and public outreach : proceedings of a conference held at the University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, USA, 31 July -4 August 2010
Origins of the expanding universe : 1912-1932 : proceedings of a conference held at Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, 13-15 September 2012
Third Pacific rim conference on recent development on binary star researd : proceedings of a conference sponsored by Chiang Mai University, Thai astronomical society, and the University of Nebaraska-Lincoln [i.e. Nebraska-Lincoln] held in Chiang Mai,Thailand, 26 October-1 November 1995
The 9th LISA symposium
Stromlo workshop on high-velocity clouds : proceedings of the workshop held at Mount Stromlo Observatory, Canberra, Australia 14-15 August, 1998
Astronomical data analysis software and systems III
Optical and infrared spectroscopy of circumstellar matter : proceedings of a workshop held in honor of the 65th birthday of Josef Solf at the Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenberg, Tautenberg, Germany 10-12 March 1999
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XIV : proceedings of a conference held in Pasadena, California, USA, 24-27 October 2004
Barred galaxies : IAU Colloquium 157, conference held at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, Alabama, 30 May-3 June 1995
Boulder-Munich II : properties of hot, Luminous star : proceedings of a workshop held at Cumberland Lodge, Windsor Great Park, 21-24 July 1997
Living together planets, host stars, and binaries : proceedings of a conference held at the Litomyšl, Cech Republic, 8-12 September 2014
Origins : proceedings of the international conference held at Estes Park, Colorado, 19-23 May 1997
Imaging at radio through submillimeter wavelengths : proceedings of a meeting held at Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 6-9 June 1999
Advances in computational astrophysics : methods, tools and outcomes : proceedings of a conference held at cefalù, Italy, 13-17 June 2011
Blazar variability workshop II : entering the glast era : proceedings of a workshop held at Florida International University, Miami, Florida, USA 10-12 April 2005
Massive stars : their lives in the interstellar medium : proceedings of a symposium held as part of the 104th annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, 23-25 June 1992
Frontiers in radio astronomy 2015 : proceedings of a workshop held at Guiyang, China 29-31 July 2015
Variable stars in the local group : IAU colloquium 193 : proceedings of a colloquium held at University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 6-11 July 2003
Mapping, measuring, and modelling the universe : Workshop held in Valencia, Spain, 18-22 September 1995
Four decades of research on massive stars : proceedings of a scientific meeting in honor of Anthony F.J. Moffat held at Auberge du Lac Taureau, St-Michel-des-Saints, Québec, Canada, 11-15 July 2011
From darkness to light : origin and evolution of young stellar clusters : proceedings of a meeting held in Cargèse, Corsica, France, 3-8 April 2000
Luminous blue variables : massive stars in transition : proceedings of a workshop held in Kona, hawaii, 6-12 October 1996
Stars : from collapse to collapse : proceedings of a conference held at special astrophysical observatory, Nizhny Arkhz, Russia, 3-7 Oct. 2016
Preparing for the 2009 international year of astronomy : a hands-on symposium : proceedings of a symposium and related workshops held in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 1-5 June 2008 in conjunction with the 212th meeting of the American Astronomical Society
Solar polarization 5 : in honor of Jan Olof Stenflo : proceedings of a workshop held at Centro Stefano Franscini - Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, 17-21 September 2007
14th European workshop on white dwarfs : proceedings of a workshop held in Kiel, Germany, 19-23 July 2004
Electromagnetic radiation from pulsars and magnetars : proceedings of a conference held at University of Zielona Góra, Zielona Góra, Poland, 24-27 April 2012
AMiBA 2001: high-z clusters, missing baryons, and cmb polarization : proceedings of a workshop held at National Taiwan University, Taipei and Taroko National Park, Hua-Lien, Taiwan, 11-15 June 2001
High energy phenomena in massive stars : proceedings of a conference held at University of Jaén, Jaén, Spain, 2-5 February 2009
The B[e] phenomenon : forty years of studies : proceedings of a conference held at Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 27 June-1 July 2016
Astrophysical applications of powerful new databases : Joint Discussion no. 16 of the 22nd General Assembly of the IAU, The Hague, Netherlands 22-23 August 1994
Astronomical surveys and big data : proceedings of an International Symposium dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Markarian Survey and the 10th anniversary of the Armenian Virtual Observatory held at Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory, Byurakan, Armenia, 5-8 October 2015
Gamma-ray bursts : the first three minutes : proceedings of a workshop held at Gräftåvallen, Sweden, 6-11 February 1999
Gravitational lensing : recent progress and future goals : proceedings of the conference held at Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA 25-30 July 1999
Physics, chemistry, and dynamics of interplanetary dust : proceedings of the 150th Colloquium of the International Astronomical Union held in Gainesville, Florida, USA, 14-18 August 1995
The Evolution of the interstellar medium
Stars, gas and dust in galaxies: exploring the links : proceedings of the 2000 CTIO/ESO/LCO joint workshop held at La Serena, Chile 15-18 March 2000
Fifth Hinode Science Meeting : exploring the active sun : proceedings of a conference held at Cambridge, Massachusetts, 10-15 October 2011
Extragalactis jets : theory and observation from radio to gamma ray : proceedings of a workshop held in Girdwood, Alaska, USA, 21-24 May 2007
Star formation through time : a conference to honour Roberto J. Terlevich : proceedings of an conference held in Granada, Spain 24-28 September 2002
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XXIII : proceedings of a meeting held at Waikoloa Beach Marriott, Hawaii, USA, 29 September - 3 October, 2013
Communicating science : a national conference on science education and public outreach : proceedings of a conference held at Tucson, Arizona, USA, 4-8 August 2012
Multi-spin galaxies : proceedings of a conference held at INAF-Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte, Napoli, Italy, 30 September-3 October 3 2013
Cool stars, stellar systems, and the sun : Eighth Cambridge Workshop
NGST science and technology exposition : proceedings of a conference held at Hyannis, Massachusetts 13-16 September 1999
The eighth Pacific Rim conference on stellar astrophysics : a tribute to Kam-Ching Leung : proceedings of a workshop held at Merlin Beach Hotel, Phuket, Thailand, 5-9 May 2008
Galaxy evolution : infrared to millimeter wavelength perspective : proceedings of a conference held at Guilin, China, 25 - 29 October 2010
At the edge of the universe : latest results from the deepest astronomical surveys : proceedings of a meeting held at Sintra, Portugal, 9-13 October 2006
Robotic telescopes : current capabilities, present developments, and future prospects for automated astronomy : proceedings of a symposium held as part of the 106th annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, Flagstaff, Arizona, 28-30 June 1994
Tracing cosmic evolution with galaxy clusters : proceedings of the Sesto-2001 workshop held in Sesto Pusteria, Alto Adige/Südtirol, Italy, 3-6 July 2001
Astronomy education : current developments, future coordination : proceedings of an ASP Symposium held in College Park, MD, 24-25 June 1995
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XVII : proceedings of a conference held in Kensington Town Hall, London, United Kingdom, 23-26 September 2007
Star formation in the interstellar medium in honor of David Hollenbach, Chris McKee and Frank Shu : proceedings of a meeting held in Lake Tahoe, California, USA 30 June - 3 July 2003
The high energy universe at sharp focus : Chandra science : proceedings of a meeting held in conjunction with the 113th annual meeting of the ASP, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, 15 - 18 July 2001
Why galaxies care about AGB stars : their importance as actors and probes : proceedings of an international conference held at University Campus, Vienna, 7-11 August 2006
Nearby large-scale structures and the zone of avoidance : proceedings of a meeting held in Cape Town, South Africa, 28 March-2 April 2004
Imaging the universe in three dimensions : astrophysics with advanced multi-wavelength imaging devices : proceedings of an international conference held under the auspices of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in Walnut Creek, California, USA, 29 March-1 April 1999
Seventy-five years of Hirayama asteroid families : the role of collisions in the solar system history, 29 November - 3 December 1993, Tokyo
Fiber optics in astronomy
AGN surveys : IAU colloquium 184 : proceedings of a colloquium held at Byurakan, the Republic of Armenia 18-22 June, 2001
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XI : proceedings of a meeting held at Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 30 September - 3 October 2001
The history of the milky way and its satellite system : The Fourth Workshop on Galactic Chemodynamics Ringberg Castle, Bavaria, Germany, 10-14 July 1995
High energy solar physics-anticipating HESSI : proceedings of a conference held in College Park, Maryland 18 - 20 October 1999
The nature of V838 Mon and its light echo : proceedings of a conference held at Los Concajos, La Palma, Spain, 16-19 May 2006
Mapping the hidden universe: the universe behind the Milky Way the universe in HI : proceedings of a meeting held at Guanajuato, GTO, Mexico, 23-29 February, 2000
Astronomical data analysis software and systems X : proceedings of a meeting held at Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A., 12-15 November 2000
Magnetic fields across the hertzsprung-russell diagram : proceedings of a workshop held in Santiago, Chile, 15-19 January 2001
20th European White Dwarf Workshop : proceedings of a conference held at University of Warwick, Conventry, West Midlands, United Kingdom, 25-29 July 2016
Quasars and cosmology : proceedings of a conference held at La Serena, Chile 18-22 May, 1998
Astronomical instrumentation and the birth and growth of astrophysics: a symposium held in honor of Robert G. Tull : proceedings of a meeting held at the University of Texas, Austin, Texas, 20-21 October 2000
6th conference on hot subdwarf stars and related objects : proceedings of a conference held at Steward Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 19-24 May 2013
From stars to galaxies : building the pieces to build up the universe : proceedings of a workshop held at Istituo Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, Venice, Italy 16-20 October 2006
Solar-stellar dynamos as revealed by Helio-and asteroseismology : GONG 2008/SOHO 21 : proceedings of a conference held at the High Altitude Observatory, Boulder, Colorado, USA 11-15 August 2008
The formation and evolution of star clusters
Formation and evolution of galaxy disks : proceedings of a conference organized by the Vatican Observatory held at the Centro Convegni Matteo Ricci in Rome, Italy 1-5 October 2007
Wild stars in the old west : proceedings of the 13th North American workshop on cataclysmic variables and related objects held at Jackson Lake Lodge, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming 14-19 June 1997
Galaxy evolution : emerging insights and future challenges : proceedings of a conference held at The University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA 11-14 November 2008
The Spitzer Space Telescope : new views of the cosmos : proceedings of a meeting held in Pasadena, California, USA, 9-12 November 2004
The physics of the interstellar medium and intergalactic medium : a meeting in honor of Professo George B. Field, EIPC, Marciana Marina, Isola d'Elba, Italy, 20-24 June 1994
Bright emissaries : be stars as messengers of star-disk physics : proceedings of a meeting held at the University of Western Ontario, in London, Ontario, Canada, on 11-13 August 2014
Clouds, cores, and low mass stars : The Fourth Haystack Observatory Conference, Haystack Observatory, Westford, Massachusetts, 18 - 20 May, 1994
Stellar clusters and associations : convection, rotation, and dynamos : proceedings of a meeting held in Mondello, Palermo, Italy 25-28, May 1999
Reverberation mapping of the broad-line region in active galactic nuclei
The central KPC of starbursts and AGN : the la Palma connection : proceedings of a confernce held in Los Cancajos, la Palma, Spain, 7-11 May 2001
Neutron stars in supernova remnants : proceedings of a workshop held at Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 14-17 August 2001
Galactic and cluster cooling flows : proceedings of a Conference held at the University of Haifa at Oranim, Israel, 5-8 August, 1996
Serendipities in the solar system and beyond : proceedings of a Symposium Celebrating Prof. Wing-Huen Ip's 70th Birthday held at National Central University, Taiwan, 10-13 July 2017
SINS-small ionized and neutral structures in the diffuse interstellar medium : proceedings of a workshop held at the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Socorro, New Mexico, USA, 21-24 May 2006
Very long baseline interferometry and the VLBA : proceedings of a Summer School held in Socorro, New Mexico, 23-30 June 1993 : NRAO Workshop, No. 22
Completing the inventory of the solar system : a symposium held in Conjunction with the 106th Annual Meeting of the ASP held at Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona, 25-30 June 1994
The physics of cataclysmic variables and related objects : proceedings of a conference on the occasion of Klaus Beuermann's impending 65th birthday held in Göttingen, Germany, 5-10 August 2001
Magnetic reconnection in the solar atmosphere : proceedings of a Yohkoh Conference held in Bath, England, 20-22 March 1996
Harmonizing cosmic distance scales in a post-Hipparcos era : proceedings of a colloquium held at Haguenau, France 14-16 September, 1998
BL Lac phenomenon : proceedings of a meeting held at Turku, Finland 22-26 June 1998
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XXV : proceedings of a conference held at Rydges World Square, Sydney, NSW, Australia, 25-29 October 2015
The national virtual observatory : tools and techniques for astronomical research : proceedings of summer schools held at Aspen, Colorado, USA in 2004, 2005 and 2006
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XIII : proceedings of a meeting held at Strasbourg, France 12-15 October 2003
Gas and galaxy evolution : a conference in Honor of the 20th anniversary of the VLA, proceedings of a conference held in Socorro, New Mexico, USA, 21-24 May 2000
New horizons in astronomy : Frank N. Bash symposium 2007 : proceedings of a workshop held at the University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA 14-16 October 2007
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XVIII : proceedings of a workshop held at Hotel Loews Le Concorde, Québec City, QC, Canada 2-5 November 2008
Theory and tests of convection in stellar structure : first Granada workshop : proceedings of a meeting held at Granada, Spain 30 September - 2 October 1998
The second ATST-EAST meeting : magnetic fields from the photosphere to the corona
AGN winds in Charleston : proceedings of a conference held at the College of Charleston, Charleston, South Carolina, USA,14-21 October 2011
Confrontation between stellar pulsation and evolution
The proceedings of the IAU 8th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting : a meeting held at National Center of Sciences, Hitotsubashi Memorial Hall, Tokyo, Japan, 2-5 July 2002
Numerical modeling of space plasma flows : ASTRONUM-2007 : proceedings of the 2nd international conference held at Hotel Concorde Montparnasse, Paris, France, 10-15 June 2007
Solar system formation and evolution : proceedings from a meeting held at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-6 November 1997
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XXI : proceedings of a conference held at Marriott Rive Gauche Conference Center, Paris, France, 6-10 November 2011
Celebrating science : putting education best practices to work : proceedings of a conference held at Burlingame, California, USA, 2-6 August 2014
The space distribution of quasars
Proceedings of a workshop on optical surveys for quasars
Virtual observatories of the future : proceedings of a conference held at California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA 13-16 June 2000
4th Hinode Science Meeting : unsolved problems and recent insights : proceedings of a conference held at Mondello, Palermo, Italy, 11-15 October 2010
Revolution in astronomy with ALMA : the third year : proceedings of a conference held at the Tokyo International Forum, Tokyo, Japan, 8-11 December 2014
Milky way surveys the structure and evolution of our galaxy : the fifth Boston University astrophysics conference : proceedings of a meeting held in Boston, Massachusetts, 15-17 June 2003
Evolution of the universe of galaxies : Edwin Hubble Centennial Symposium
New horizons in astronomy : Frank N. Bash Symposium 2005 : proceedings of a meeting held at the University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA, 16-18 October 2005
Extrasolar planets : today and tomorrow : proceedings of a meeting held at the Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France, 30 June - 4 July 2003
Polarimetry of the interstellar medium : conference held at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, 4-7 June 1995
Why galaxies care about AGB stars III : a closer look in space and time : proceedings of a conference held at University campus, Vienna, Austria, 28 July-1 August 2014
3D stellar evolution : proceedings of a conference held at the Department of Applied Sciences, University of California, Davis, Livermore, California, USA, 22-26 July 2002
Library and information services in astronomy VII : open science at the frontiers of librarianship : proceedings of a conference held at astronomical observatory of Capodimonte, Naples, Italy, 17-20 June 2014
Synoptic solar physics : proceedings of the 18th national solar observatory . S. Balasubramaniam, J. W. Harvey, and D. M. Rabin
Solar MHD theory and observations : a high spatial resolution perspective : in honor of Robert F. Stein : proceedings of a meeting held at the National Solar Obsevatory, Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, New Mexico, USA, 18-22 July 2005
Interplay of periodic, cyclic and stochastic variability in selected areas of the H-R diagram : proceedings of a workshop held in Brussels, Belgium, 22-24 July 2002
Cosmic rays in the universe : proceedings of the 7th Taipei Astrophysics Workshop, National Central University, Taiwan, Republic of China, 18-20 October 2000
The inspiration of astronomical phenomena VI : proceedings of a conference celebrating the 400th anniversary of Galileo's first use of the telescope organized by Istituto Veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, Dipartimento di astronomia, Università di Padova, INAF-Osservatorio astronomico di Padova, Specola Vaticana held at Palazzo Cavalli Franchetti, Venice, Italy, 18-23 October 2009
International conference on magnetic fields in o,b and a stars : origin and connection to pulsation, rotation and mass loss : proceedings of a conference held at University of North-West, Mmabatho, South Africa 27 November - 1 December, 2002
Solar and stellar physics through eclipses : proceedings of a workshop held at Ankara University, ÖRSEM Campus, Side, Antalya, Turkey, 27-29 March 2006
The starburst-AGN connection : proceedings of a workshop held at Shanghai Normal University 27-31 October 2008
Frontiers of stellar evolution
The last total solar eclipse of the millennium in Turkey : proceedings of a symposium held in Istanbul, Turkey 13-15 August 1999
The physics of chromospheric plasmas : proceedings of the Coimbra Solar Meeting held at the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 9-13 October 2006
Ground-based solar observations in the space instrumentation era : proceedings of a meeting held at the University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal in 5-9 October 2015
Magnetic cataclysmic variables : IAU Colloquium 190 : proceedings of a conference held at Cape Town, South Africa 8-13 December 2002
The stellar initial mass function : 38th Herstmonceux Conference : proceedings of the meeting held at Institute of Astronomy and Royal Greenwich Observatroy, Cambridge, UK, 14-18 July 1998
Cosmic abundances as records of stellar evolution and nucleosynthesis in honor of David L. Lambert : proceedings of a symposium held in Austin, Texas, USA, 17-19 June 2004
The ninth Pacific Rim conference on stellar astrophysics : proceedings of a conference held at Lijiang, China, in 14-20 April 2011
The First Symposium on the Infrared Cirrus and Diffuse Interstellar Clouds : conference held 7-9 April 1993, Tucson, Arizona
The evolution of galaxies on cosmological timescales : invited papers delivered at a Euroconference held at Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain 30 November - 5 December 1998
The Low surface brightness universe, IAU Colloquium 171 : proceedings of an IAU Colloquium held at Cardiff, Wales, 5-10 July, 1998
Numerical modeling of space plasma flows astronum-2008 : proceedings of the 3rd international conference held at the Westin Hotel, St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands, 8-13 June 2008
Hot subdwarf stars and related objects : proceedings of a workshop held at Otto-Friedrich-Universität, Bamberg, Germany 23-27 July 2007
Observed HR diagrams and stellar evolution : the interplay between observational constraints and theory : proceedings of a conference held in Coimbra, Portugal 18-22 June 2001
Astrophysics with infrared surveys : a prelude to SIRTF : proceedings of a conference held at California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA 22-24 June 1998
New observing modes for the next century : proceedings of Workshop held in Hilo, Hawaii, 6-8 July 1995
The variable universe : a celebration of Bohdan Paczyński : proceedings of a symposium held at Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey, USA, 29-30 September 2007
Extra-planar gas : proceedings of a meeting held at Dwingeloo, The Netherlands, 7-11 June 2004
Progress in the search for extraterrestrial life : 1993 Bioastronomy Symposium, Santa Cruz, California, 16-20 August 1993
Hinode-3 : the 3rd Hinode Science Meeting
The First Stromlo Symposium : the physics of active galaxies, Becker House, Australian Academy of Science, Canberra, Australia, 27 June - 2 July 1993
UP2010 : have observations revealed a variable upper end of the initial mass function? : proceedings of a conference held at Sedona, Arizona, USA, 20-25 June 2010
Star formation with the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) : meeting held in Lisbon, Portugal 24-26 June 1997
Numerical modeling of space plasma flows, ASTRONUM-2013 : proceedings of a 8th International Conference held at Biarritz, France, July 1-5, 2013
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XX : proceedings of a conference held at Seaport World Trade Center, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 7-11 November 2010
Progress in solar/stellar physics with helio- and asteroseismology : proceedings of a Fujihara Seminar held at Hakone, Japan, in 13-17 March 2011
Non-stable universe : energetic resources, activity phenomena, and evolutionary processes : proceedings of an International Symposium dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO) held at National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (NASRA), Yerevan and Byurakan Astrophysical Observatory (BAO), Byurakan, Armenia, 19-23 September 2016
Ultraviolet-optical space astronomy beyond HST : proceedings of a meeting held at The Regal Harvest House Hotel Boulder, Colorado, USA 5-7 August 1998
The future of solar exploration, 2003-2013 : community contributions to the NRC solar system exploration decadal survey
Submillimeter astrophysics and technology : a symposium honoring Thomas G. Phillips : proceedings of a symposium held at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, USA, 23-24 February 2009
Bioastronomy 2007 : molecules, microbes, and extraterrestrial life : proceedings of a workshop held at San Juan, Puerto Rico, 16-20 July 2007
Radiative signatures from the cosmos : proceedings of a conference in honor of Ivan Hubeny held at Sorbonne University, Paris, France, 23-26 October 2018
Continuing the challenge of EUV Astronomy : current analysis and prospects for the future : proceedings of a conference held at the Jenner Inn, Jenner, California, USA 22-24 July 2001/ edited by Steve B. Howell ... [et al.]
Small galaxy groups : proceedings of IAU Colloquium 174 held in Turku, Finland 13-18 June 1999
Asymmetrical planetary nebulae III : proceedings of a meeting held at Mt. Rainier, Washington 28 July - 1 August 2003
Extreme solar systems : proceedings of a conference held on Santorini Island, Greece 25-29 June 2007
Fifty years of seismology of the sun and stars : proceedings of a workshop held at The Westin La Paloma, Tucson, Arizona, USA, 6-10 May 2013
Structure and kinematics of quasar broad line regions : proceedings of a meeting held in Lincoln, Nebraska, USA 23-26 March 1998
Solar and stellar activity : similarities and differences : proceedings of a meeting held in Armagh, N. Ireland, 2-4 September 1998
Pathways through an eclectic universe : proceedings of a conference held at Santiago del Teide, Tenerife, Spain 23-27 April 2007 to celebrate John Beckman's 40 years in astrophysics
Statistical challenges in modern astronomy IV : proceedings of a conference held at Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA 12-15 June 2006
2nd crisis in cosmology conference, CCC-2 : proceedings of a conference held at Port Angeles, Washington, USA, 7-11 September 2008
Robotic telescopes in the 1990s : proceedings of a symposium held as part of the 103rd annual meeting of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, at the University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, 22-24 June 1991
Pulsar astronomy - 2000 and beyond : IAU Colloquium 177 : proceedings of a conference held on the Max-Planck-Institut fur Radioastronomie, Bonn, Germany 30 August - 3 September 1999
Cosmic frontiers : proceedings of a conference held at department of physics, Durham University, Durham UK, 31 July- 4 August 2006
X-ray astronomy 2000 : proceedings of a conference held in Mondello (Palermo), Italy 4-9 September 2000
Circumstellar dynamics at high resolution : proceedings of a joint ESO/Brazilian workshop held at Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, 27 February-2 March 2012
Disks of galaxies : kinematics, dynamics and perturbations : proceedings of the 4th Guillermo Haro conference held at INAOE, Puebla, Mexico, 5-9 November 2001
New horizons in globular cluster astronomy : proceedings of a conference held at Università di Padova, Padova, Italy 24-28 June, 2002
Asymmetrical planetary nebulae II : from origins to microstructures : proceedings of a conference held at Massachusetts Institute of Technology at Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA 3-6 August 1999
Binaries-key to comprehension of the universe : proceedings of a conference held at Brno, Czech Republic 8-12 June 2009
The impact of large-scale surveys on pulsating star research : IAU Colloquium 176 : proceedings of a meeting held in Budapest, Hungary 8 - 12 August 1999
Microwave foregrounds : "this volume was produced as a part of the Sloan Summit on Origins held at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton 1998-99" Princeton, New Jersey, USA 14-15 November, 1998
Numerical modeling of space plasma flows, ASTRONUM-2014 : proceedings of a 9th International Conference held at Long Beach, CA, USA, June 23-27, 2014
Frontiers of astrophysics : a celebration of NRAO's 50th anniversary : proceedings of a symposium held at National Radio Astronomy Observatory, Charlottesville, Virginia, USA 18-21 June 2007
Outstanding problems in heliophysics : from coronal heating to the edge of the heliosphere : proceedings of a 12th Annual International Astrophysics Conference held at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, USA, 14-19 April 2013
First results from Hinode : proceedings of a workshop held at Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 20-24 August 2007
Progress and opportunities in Southern hemisphere optical astronomy
The Hy-redshift universe : galaxy formation and evolution at high redshift : proceedings of a conference held at the University of California, Berkeley, California, USA, to celebrate the research interests of Hyron Spinrad on his 65th birthday, 21-24 June 1999
The second Hinode science meeting : beyond discovery-toward understanding
M.A.S.S. model atmospheres and stellar spectra 5th Vienna - Workshop : proceedings of a Workshop held at the Technical University, Vienna, Austria, 6-11 July 1995
Diffuse infrared radiation and the IRTS : proceedings of a symposium held at institute of space and astronautical science, Sagamihara, Kanagawa, Japan, 11-14 November 1996
Advancing astronomy for all : ASP 2018 : proceedings of a conference held in the California Wine Country, Sonoma Valley, California, USA, 10-13 September 2018
Embracing the future : astronomy teaching and public engagement : proceedings of a virtual conference held 3-5 December 2020
Protostars and planets VII
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XXVII : proceedings of a conference held at Sheraton Santiago Convention Center, Santiago de Chile, Chile, 22-26 October 2017
Astronomical data analysis software and systems XXIX : proceedings of a conference held at MartiniPlaza, Groningen, the Netherlands, 6-10 October 2019
ASP 2022 : a virtual conference : proceedings of a virtual conference held 8-10 December 2022
Galactic Center Workshop 2019 : new horizons in galactic center astronomy and beyond : proceedings of a Workshop held at Keio University, Yokohama, Japan, 21-24 October 2019
ASP 2021 : sharing best practices : astronomy teaching and public engagement : proceedings of a virtual conference held 18-20 November 2021
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