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Histoire generale des choses de la Nouvelle-EspagneLeave the NDL website. The inner life of Syria, Palestine and the Holy landLeave the NDL website. Physiology and hygiene : with practical exercises by Buel P. Colton and Louis MurbachLeave the NDL website. The revenge : a tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty's servantsLeave the NDL website. An essay on the history of civilLeave the NDL website. An Excursion in Bosnia, Hercegovina, and DalmatiaLeave the NDL website. The little ballet girl : founded on factLeave the NDL website. Meditations on the Life of ChristLeave the NDL website. Democracy and social ethics (1902)Leave the NDL website. Select private orations of DemosthenesLeave the NDL website. The union of England and Scotland : a study of international historyLeave the NDL website. The children's Bible historyLeave the NDL website. A view of the American Indians : their general character, customs, language, public festival, religious rites and traditionsLeave the NDL website. The Creoles of history and the Creoles of romanceLeave the NDL website. Cinq nô : drames lyriques japonaisLeave the NDL website. Ruskin and the English lakesLeave the NDL website. A text-book of North-Semitic inscriptions : Moabite, Hebrew, Phoenician, Aramaic Nabataean, Palmyrene, JewishLeave the NDL website. The times of Melville and WhitmanLeave the NDL website. San toy : a musical comedy in two actsLeave the NDL website. Elementary principles of economics : together with a short sketch of economic historyLeave the NDL website. The first book of the Hitopadesa : containing the Sanskrit textLeave the NDL website. A Turkish and English lexicon, Part 1, Book 2 : showing in English the significations of the Turkish terms (1884)Leave the NDL website. Leisure hoursLeave the NDL website. Memoires du comte de Rantzow, ou, Les heures de récréation à l'usage de la noblesse de l'EuropeLeave the NDL website. Mark Twain, son of MissouriLeave the NDL website. A dividend to labor : a study of employers' welfare institutionsLeave the NDL website. Illusions : a psychological studyLeave the NDL website. The Japanese cotton industry and trade : recent development and future outlookLeave the NDL website. On the interpretation of Plato's Timaeus : critical studies with special reference to a recent editionLeave the NDL website. Gedichte in der Mundart der deutschen schlesisch-galizischen Gränzbewohner, resp. von Bielitz-Biala (1860)Leave the NDL website. Information--literature--oral expressionLeave the NDL website. The Kokinshu, or, Collection of odesLeave the NDL website. Chou King: texte chinoisLeave the NDL website. Irish minstrels and musicians : with numerous dissertations on related subjectsLeave the NDL website. Bernard Delicieux et l'Inquisition albigeoise, 1300-1320 (1877)Leave the NDL website. The Old Bible : or, the martyr's gift : with original illustrationsLeave the NDL website. The hundred thousand songs of MilarepaLeave the NDL website. Documents sur les Tou-kiue, Turcs occidentaux (1903)Leave the NDL website. La dance aux aveugles, et autres poësies du XV. siécle : extraites de la biblioghéque des ducs de BourgogneLeave the NDL website. A cyclopedia of the literature of amateur journalismLeave the NDL website. Scotland and the union : a history of Scotland from 1695 to 1747Leave the NDL website. Korean tales : being a collection of stories translated from the Korean folk lore, together with introductory chapters descriptive of KoreaLeave the NDL website. The London burial grounds : notes on their history from the earliest times to the present dayLeave the NDL website. The struggle for lawLeave the NDL website. A cavalry sword exerciseLeave the NDL website. St. Peter's umbrella : a novelLeave the NDL website. Feeble-mindedness : its causes and consequencesLeave the NDL website. Gesang von mir SelbstLeave the NDL website. Martyred missionaries of the China Inland Mission, with a record of the perils & sufferings of some who escapedLeave the NDL website. Our great writers : or, popular chapters on some leading authorsLeave the NDL website. Man above humanity : a history of psychotherapyLeave the NDL website. On leprosy and fish-eating : a statement of facts and explanationsLeave the NDL website. Robert Schumann's Leben (1887)Leave the NDL website. There shall be no nightLeave the NDL website. The life of Richard OwenLeave the NDL website. Old English sports : pastimes and customsLeave the NDL website. Lord wantage : a memoirLeave the NDL website. The religion of Babylonia and AssyriaLeave the NDL website. Blue-beard : a contribution to history and folk-lore : being the history of Gilles de Retz of Brittany, France, who was executed at Nantes in 1440 A.D., and who was the original of Blue-beard in the tales of Mother GooseLeave the NDL website. The Diary of Philip Henslowe, from 1591 to 1609Leave the NDL website. Persecution of the Jews at DamascusLeave the NDL website. Wild sports of the west v2 : with legendary tales and local sketchesLeave the NDL website. The complete work of Richard Crashaw, Canon of LorettoLeave the NDL website. An academic physiology and hygiene : embracing special chapters on foods, water, air ventilation, removal of waste matters, exercise, etc.Leave the NDL website. On the functions of the cerebellum (1838)Leave the NDL website. The art of Eugene O'NeillLeave the NDL website. The memorabilia of Xenophon, book 4 : chiefly from the text of Korner (1856)Leave the NDL website. Meeting with JapanLeave the NDL website. Anti-Dumping, Pramienklausel und Ausgleichzolle als weltwirtschaftliche Kampfmittel gegen fremdlandische UsfuhrforderungLeave the NDL website. Adventures in the African jungle hunting PigmiesLeave the NDL website. Bishop person's five lectures on the Acts of the Apostles and Annals of St. PaulLeave the NDL website. Reports of the trials of Colonel Aaron Burr for treasonLeave the NDL website. In lotus-land JapanLeave the NDL website. Leisure thoughtsLeave the NDL website. Platonis Euthyphro (1890)Leave the NDL website. Addresses and presidential messages of Theodore Roosevelt, 1902-1904Leave the NDL website. The Acts of the ApostlesLeave the NDL website. Die Zigeuner und ihre Musik in UngarnLeave the NDL website. Harmonies of political economyLeave the NDL website. John Dewey : the reconstruction of the democratic lifeLeave the NDL website. Die Krankheit zum TodeLeave the NDL website. Burma, after the conquest, viewed in its political, social and commercial aspects from MandalayLeave the NDL website. Natural law : an essay in ethicsLeave the NDL website. British sports and pastimesLeave the NDL website. The Crimea and Odessa : journal of a tour, with an account ot the climate and vegetationLeave the NDL website. A few words about the Creoles of Louisiana : An addressLeave the NDL website. Emmanuelis Alvari De institutione grammatica, libri tres (1823)Leave the NDL website. A Sanskrit grammar for beginners, in Devanâgarî and roman letters throughoutLeave the NDL website. Die Urkunden des Deutsch-Ordens-Centralarchives zu Wien V1: 1170-1809 (1887)Leave the NDL website. Canossa, 1882Leave the NDL website. The Aborigines of Western AustraliaLeave the NDL website. Bombay in the days of George IV : memoirs of Sir Edward West, chief justice of the King's court during its conflict with the East India company, with hitherto unpublished documentsLeave the NDL website. A textbook of histology and microscopic anatomy of the human body : including microscopic techniqueLeave the NDL website. Beside the fire : a collection of Irish Gaelic folk storiesLeave the NDL website. Brazil; its provinces and chief cities : the manners & customs of people; agricultural, commercial, and other statistics, taken from the latest official documents; with a variety of useful and entertaining knowledge, both for the merchant and the emigrantLeave the NDL website. The first and last journeys of Thoreau : lately discovered among his unpublished journals and manuscriptsLeave the NDL website. Life and sport in ChinaLeave the NDL website. The Fells of Swarthmoor Hall and their friends : with an account of their ancestor, Anne Askew, the martyr. A portraiture of religious and family life in the 17th century, compiled chiefly from original letters and other documents never before publishedLeave the NDL website. The history of the University of Edinburgh : chiefly compiled from original papers and records, never before publishedLeave the NDL website. The works of James WilsonLeave the NDL website. Les Incas v 1-2 : ou la destruction de l'empire du Perou (1777)Leave the NDL website. A Sanskrit grammar, including both the classical language, and the older dialects, of Veda and BrahmanaLeave the NDL website. Notes on the folk-lore of the north-east of ScotlandLeave the NDL website. The United Irishmen : their lives and timesLeave the NDL website. The divine authority of the scriptures asserted, or, the great charter of the worlds blessednes vindicatedLeave the NDL website. The letters and friendships of Sir Cecil Spring Rice : a recordLeave the NDL website. Among the Ibos of Nigeria (1921)Leave the NDL website. Grundtvig og den tyske orthodoxi (1883)Leave the NDL website. Essai d'optique sur la gradation de la lumiereLeave the NDL website. The Hátanee : a tale of Burman superstitionLeave the NDL website. Ancient legends, mystic charms and superstitions of IrelandLeave the NDL website. Lays of leisure hoursLeave the NDL website. The spirit of the hour in archaeologyLeave the NDL website. Elementary education : some account of its rise and progress in EnglandLeave the NDL website. Anecdotes of the English language : chiefly regarding the local dialect of London and its environs : whence it will appear that the natives of the metropolis and its vicinities have not corrupted the language of their ancestors, in a letter from Samuel Pegge to an old acquaintance, and co-fellow of the Society of Antquaries, LondonLeave the NDL website. Etude sur les lois constitutionnelles de 1875 (1882)Leave the NDL website. A collection of examples and problems on conics and some of the higher plane curvesLeave the NDL website. The works of Jeremy BenthamLeave the NDL website. Arnaldo, Gaddo and other unacknowledged poems by Lord Byron and some of his contemporariesLeave the NDL website. Grundzüge der Geschichte der Musik (1887)Leave the NDL website. Die Allgemeinen Lehren Des Handelsrechts mit Einem Anhange, Betreffend das recht der inhaberschuldverschreibungen : vortrageLeave the NDL website. The standard physiology : with notes on anatomy and hygine ; aid to the injured ; disinfectants, etc. : also containing explanatory index to the "standard" manikinLeave the NDL website. The poetical works of Ray PalmerLeave the NDL website. Der meister der Berliner passion und Israhel van Meckenem studien zur Geschichte der Westfälischen kupferstecher im fünfzehnten jahrhundertLeave the NDL website. Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami epistolae selectiores (1719)Leave the NDL website. Etudes sur les collections du Moyen age : de la Renaissance et des temps modernes au Musee du Louvre (1878)Leave the NDL website. Old age : and changes incidental to it (1885)Leave the NDL website. History of the lsland of celebesLeave the NDL website. The origin, meaning and application of the Monroe doctrineLeave the NDL website. The war in SyriaLeave the NDL website. The problem of the Pastoral epistlesLeave the NDL website. En Indo-Chine, 1894-1895 : Cambodge, Cochinchine, Loas, Siam méridionalLeave the NDL website. Vinnius castigatus V2 : atque ad usum tironum hispanorum accomodatusLeave the NDL website. Life and times of Mrs. Lucy G. Thurston, wife of Rev. Asa Thurston, pioneer missionary to the Sandwich Islands, gathered from letters and journals extending over a period of more than fifty yearsLeave the NDL website. Principles of domestic science as applied to the duties and pleasures of home : a textbook for the use of young ladies in schools, seminaries, and collegesLeave the NDL website. Essays of J. A. Schumpeter (1951)Leave the NDL website. An actor abroad : or, Gossip dramatic, narrative and descriptive, from the recollections of an actor in Australia, New Zealand, the Sandwich Islands, California, Nevada, Central America, and New YorkLeave the NDL website. The legend of Ra and IsisLeave the NDL website. Der Corregidor, 1900Leave the NDL website. A journal of a residence in the Esmailla of Abd-el-Kader and of travels in Morocco and AlgiersLeave the NDL website. Irish folk music : a fascinating hobbyLeave the NDL website. The great cylinder inscriptions A and B of Gudea : copied from the original clay cylinders of the Telloh CollectionLeave the NDL website. On the forms of plane quartic curvesLeave the NDL website. Japanese girls and womenLeave the NDL website. Étienne Martellange, 1569-1641Leave the NDL website. Der Kaufcontract in besonderer Beziehung auf den Waarenhandel, nach romischem Rechte und den wichtigsten neueren GesetzgebungenLeave the NDL website. Thomas De Quincey, his life and writings : with unpublished correspondenceLeave the NDL website. Japan and its regenerationLeave the NDL website. Sybil's Second Love V3Leave the NDL website. Grundlagen der klassischen Philologie (1908)Leave the NDL website. The enchanted golf clubLeave the NDL website. A book of golfLeave the NDL website. Equal pay for equal work : the story of the struggle for justice being made by the women teachers of the city of New YorkLeave the NDL website. The life of Charles, third Earl StanhopeLeave the NDL website. World's Fair ecclesiastical history of UtahLeave the NDL website. Queen Mab V3Leave the NDL website. Homeri Odyssea cum scholiis vetribus V1: accedunt Batrachomyomachia, Hymni Fragmenta (1827)Leave the NDL website. Die Theorie des Romans : ein geschichtsphilosophischer Versuch über die Formen der großen EpikLeave the NDL website. The serial universe 1938Leave the NDL website. Adam in der Staatslehre : Vortrag gehalten im Historisch-philosophischen Verrein zu HeidelbergLeave the NDL website. The theory and practive of ArcheryLeave the NDL website. Beitrag zur Ethnologie der Chingpaw (Kachin) von Ober-BurmaLeave the NDL website. Life of Sir Walter Scott, Baronet : with critical notices of his writingsLeave the NDL website. Das Pluralwahlrecht und seine Wirkungen : Vortrag gehalten in der Gehe-Stiftung zu Dresden am 18. März 1905Leave the NDL website. Leisure-moments in the camp and in the gurd-roomLeave the NDL website. L'origine des dieux du paganisme : et le sens des fables découvert par une explication suivie des poësies d'HésiodeLeave the NDL website. De Incertitudine et Vanitate omnium Scientiarum et Artium Liber lectu plane jucundus et elegans (1662)Leave the NDL website. Classical literature in its relation to the nineteenth century and Scottish University education : an inaugural lecture delivered in the University of EdinburghLeave the NDL website. Manual of bayonet exercise : prepared for the use of the army of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Commentaries on the law in Shakespeare : with explanations of the legal terms used in the plays, poems and sonnets, and discussions of the criminal types presentedLeave the NDL website. A treatise on algebraic geometryLeave the NDL website. The life and letters of Lafcadio HearnLeave the NDL website. Investment analysis : fundamentals in the analysis of investment securitiesLeave the NDL website. Die evangelischen deutschen Messen : bis zu Luthers Deutscher MesseLeave the NDL website. Voyages faits dans les moluques a la nouvelle-guinée et a celebes (1845)Leave the NDL website. Woollen and other warehousemen's accounts (1906)Leave the NDL website. Origin of the Durga PujaLeave the NDL website. The life of Isabella Bird (Mrs. Bishop), hon. member of the Oriental Society of Pekin, F.R.G.S., F.R.S.G.S.Leave the NDL website. Information respecting the aborigines in the British coloniesLeave the NDL website. The Gospel of Saint John in the Chinese language, according to the dialect of ShanghaiLeave the NDL website. Church of Scotland training college in Aberdeen : records of the classes from 1874-75 to 1894-95Leave the NDL website. Warera no shu Iyesu Kirisuto no shin yaku zen shoLeave the NDL website. Das Autorrecht : eine zivilistische Abhandlung (1880)Leave the NDL website. A woman's journey round the world, from Vienna to Brazil, Chili, Tahiti, China, Hindostan, Persia, and Asia Minor (1852)Leave the NDL website. The family treasury of Sunday readingLeave the NDL website. Il Primo libro: dell' opere burlesche (1726)Leave the NDL website. Principles of education, intellectual, moral and physicalLeave the NDL website. Old age its cause and prevention the story of an old body and face made youngLeave the NDL website. Memoirs of the revolution in Bengal : Anno. Dom. 1757 (1760)Leave the NDL website. Color psychology and color therapy : a factual study of the influence of color on human lifeLeave the NDL website. Five years in Damascus : with travels and researches in Palmyra, Lebanon, the giant cities of Bashan, and the HauranLeave the NDL website. Sweet Inisfail V3 : a romanceLeave the NDL website. The last fire at the bone house in the spa fields Golgotha : or the minute anatomy of grave digging in London (1846)Leave the NDL website. A reply to Mr. Montgomery Martin's, Ireland before and after the union with Great BritainLeave the NDL website. Philologischer Anzeiger : als Ergänzung des PhilologusLeave the NDL website. Printers' marks : a chapter in the history of typographyLeave the NDL website. The orations of Demosthenes against Macartatus, Leochares, Stephanus I., Stephanus II. Euergus and Mnesibulus, Olympiodorus, Timotheus, Polycles, Callippus, Nicostratus, Conon, Callicles, Dionysodorus, Eubulides, Theocrines, Neæra, and for the naval crown : the funeral oration ; the erotic oration, or Panegyric upon Epicrates ; exordia ; the EpistlesLeave the NDL website. The apophthegmes of ErasmusLeave the NDL website. The ethics of John Stuart MillLeave the NDL website. Ventisei lettere famigliari (1833)Leave the NDL website. Bibliotheca lusitana, or, Catalogue of books and tracts, relating to the history, literature, and poetry, of portugal, forming part of the library of John Adamson (1836)Leave the NDL website. Plain directions to naval officers as to the law of search, capture and prize : under the late convention, orders in council, prize act, etc. (1854)Leave the NDL website. Ecclesiastical history : a history of the church in nine books, from A.D. 324 to A.D. 440Leave the NDL website. Cremona nel quarantotto (1901)Leave the NDL website. Railways : their rise, progress and construction; with remarks on railway accidents and proposals for their preventionLeave the NDL website. Opera posthuma : quorum series post praefationem exhibeturLeave the NDL website. Journal of the expedition to Quebec : in the year 1775, under the command of Colonel Benedict ArnoldLeave the NDL website. The Shelley papers : memoir of Percy Bysshe ShelleyLeave the NDL website. The life and writings of Henry Fuseli : keeper and professor of painting to the Royal Academy in LondonLeave the NDL website. History of the Hawaiian or Sandwich IslandsLeave the NDL website. The story of the University of EdinburghLeave the NDL website. The history of the English paragraphLeave the NDL website. Field work and social researchLeave the NDL website. Correspondence in relation to the proposed inter-oceanic canal between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Clayton-Bulwer treaty and the Monroe doctrine (1885)Leave the NDL website. Introduction and text (1887)Leave the NDL website. Johann Faulhabers Arithmetischer Wegweiser Zu Der Hochnutzlichen Freyen Rechen- Kunst (1736)Leave the NDL website. Essays on property and labour as connected with natural law and the constitution of societyLeave the NDL website. Le Sahara : le Soudan et les chemins de fer transsahariensLeave the NDL website. Travels in Switzerland : in a series of letters to William MelmothLeave the NDL website. White conquestLeave the NDL website. Notes of the treaty carried on at Ripon between King Charles I and the covenanters of Scotland, 1640Leave the NDL website. The life and letters of FaradayLeave the NDL website. An introduction to the field sports of France : being a practical view of hunting, shooting and fishing, on the continent : with a concise notice of the habits and instincts of the several animals in question, and a sufficient sketch of the game and piscatory laws of France, for the guidance of sportsmanLeave the NDL website. Theodore Beza the counsellor of the French reformation 1519 to 1605Leave the NDL website. Old colonial brick houses of New EnglandLeave the NDL website. How superior powers ought to be obeyedLeave the NDL website. Sports, pastimes, and customs of London, ancient and modern : with illustrative anecdotes, &c. &c.Leave the NDL website. Europe, or, A general survey of the present situation of the principal powers, with conjectures on their future prospectsLeave the NDL website. Voyage de Siam, des peres jesuites, envoyez par le roy aux Indes et a la ChineLeave the NDL website. An account of the manners and customs of the modern EgyptiansLeave the NDL website. Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Geschichte und Kritik der neueren Musik (1888)Leave the NDL website. Directory to the iron and steel works of the United States : embracing the blast furnaces, rolling mills, steel works, forges, and bloomaries in every state and territoryLeave the NDL website. De geschiedenis van de leidsche lakenindustrieLeave the NDL website. A manual of the theory and practice of the lifting exercise : giving the principles and laws upon which the claims of this exercise are based, and minute instructions for its applications in general and specific vases, also, : a guide for the use of mann's reactionary lifterLeave the NDL website. A collection of poems on American affairs and a variety of other subjects : chiefly moral and political, written between the year 1797 and the present time (1815)Leave the NDL website. Reflections on the Government of Indostan, with a short sketch of the history of Bengal, from 1739 to 1756, and an account of the English affairs to 1758Leave the NDL website. The philosophy of health : or, an exposition of the physical and mental constitution of man, with a view to the promotion of human longevity and happinessLeave the NDL website. Essays on the venereal disease and its concomitant affectionsLeave the NDL website. Savonarola: a city's tragedyLeave the NDL website. Out from the heartLeave the NDL website. Modern athletics and Greek art : notes the borghese gladiator and the apobates-relief of the acropolisLeave the NDL website. Mémoires de messire Philippe de Comines, seigneur d'Argenton (1723)Leave the NDL website. Essays on modern dramatists (1921)Leave the NDL website. Condensed historical notice of the languages of the Slavic nationsLeave the NDL website. Cardinal Archbishop of MilanLeave the NDL website. The mythology and rites of the British druids, ascertained by national documents; and compared with the general traditions and customs of heathenism, as illustrated by the most eminent antiquaries of our age : with an appendix, containing ancient poems and extracts, with some remarks on ancient British coinsLeave the NDL website. Notes on Uncle Tom's cabin : being a logical answer to its allegations and inferences against slavery as an institutionLeave the NDL website. Freedom of speechLeave the NDL website. The essentials of æsthetics in music, poetry, painting, sculpture and architectureLeave the NDL website. Vorlesungen Kants uber Metaphysik aus drei SemesternLeave the NDL website. Der Grundsatz der Nationalität und das europäische Staatensystem (1860)Leave the NDL website. Rose leaf and apple leafLeave the NDL website. Abroad with Mark Twain and Eugene Field : tales they told to a fellow correspondentLeave the NDL website. La morale l'art et la religion, d'Après GuyauLeave the NDL website. Antanalisi a quesiti stampati nell analisi di Benedetto Maghetti (1644)Leave the NDL website. A course of experimental philosophy V1 (1745)Leave the NDL website. Dakota Odowan : Dakota hymnsLeave the NDL website. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Stoicismus : Inaugural-dissertation, der philosophischen Facultät zu LeipzigLeave the NDL website. The declaration of the rights of man and of citizens : a contribution to modern constitutional historyLeave the NDL website. Aristoteles Thierkunde V2 ; kritisch-berichtigter Text (1868)Leave the NDL website. Democracy : a debate between professor Blackie and Ernest Jones, held at Edinburgh, January, 1867Leave the NDL website. Early Chinese paintingLeave the NDL website. The improvisatrice, and other poemsLeave the NDL website. Modern German lyrics : an introduction to German songs of today and tomorrowLeave the NDL website. Religious and moral sentiments : metrically rendered from Sanskrit writers (1875)Leave the NDL website. The dance festivals of the Alaskan EskimoLeave the NDL website. Siam : the land of the white elephant : as it was and isLeave the NDL website. The partisan : a tale of the RevolutionLeave the NDL website. Folk beliefs of the Southern NegroLeave the NDL website. A history of religious persecutions : from the apostolic age to the present time and of the inquisition of Spain, Portugal and Goa (1816)Leave the NDL website. Shakspere's garden : or the plants and flowers named in his works described and definedLeave the NDL website. Dell opere burlesche (1760)Leave the NDL website. Jacobite and nonjuring principles freely examined in a letter to the master-tool of the faction at ManchesterLeave the NDL website. Cuestiones Filipinas : memoria (1896)Leave the NDL website. The experimental novel and other essaysLeave the NDL website. Wanderings east of Suez in Ceylon, India, China and JapanLeave the NDL website. Irish popular superstitions (1852)Leave the NDL website. Letters between Doctor Wood a Roman Catholic : the Pretender's physician, and Whitelocke Bulstrode, a member of the Church of EnglandLeave the NDL website. Vatnsdaela saga ok saga af Finnboga hinum rama. : Vatnsdolernes historie og Finnboge hiin Staerkes lebnetLeave the NDL website. The school history of WorcesterLeave the NDL website. Christina Rossetti : a biographical and critical studyLeave the NDL website. E. H. Harriman : a biographyLeave the NDL website. Classical and prehistoric influences upon British history : our philanthropy from of old, our ever struggling past, and our future (1871)Leave the NDL website. Jim Crow's last standLeave the NDL website. De la fiducie (1891)Leave the NDL website. The memoirs of Cordell HullLeave the NDL website. Das Recht der Minoritäten : Vortrag gehalten in der Juristischen Gesellschaft zu WienLeave the NDL website. Imperialism and Social classesLeave the NDL website. The custom of the country : tales of new JapanLeave the NDL website. Treatise on physical education : specially adapted to young ladies (1838)Leave the NDL website. The year's sport : a review of British sports and pastimes for the year 1885Leave the NDL website. A Tibetan-English dictionary with Sanskrit synonymsLeave the NDL website. Selections from the records of the Bengal Government : including correspondence relating to vernacular education in the lower provinces of BengalLeave the NDL website. The orations of DemosthenesLeave the NDL website. The story of the First Gas RegimentLeave the NDL website. Die Philosophie in ihrem Uebergang zur NichtphilosophieLeave the NDL website. La perspective curieuse du Reverend P. Niceron Minime : divise'e en quatre livres (1652)Leave the NDL website. The effect of moisture upon the elasticity of woodLeave the NDL website. Stoic and christian in the Second century : a comparison of the ethical teaching of marcus aurelius with that of contemporary and antecedent christianityLeave the NDL website. Eugène Fromentin : painter and writerLeave the NDL website. Was Shakespeare a lawyer? : being a selection of passages from "Measure for measure" and "All's well that ends well": which point to the conclusion that their author must have been a practical lawyer, and in which many obscurities are made clear, and some apparent corruptions in the text are attempted to be restored by an application of a knowledge of English lawLeave the NDL website. Der Entwurf eines deutschen Handelsgesetzbuchs in seinen drei ersten Büchern : Mittheilungen und BemerkungenLeave the NDL website. With scrip and staff : a tale of the children's CrusadeLeave the NDL website. The Yoruba-speaking peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa : their religion, manners, customs, laws, language, etc.Leave the NDL website. Copyright : its history and its law : being a summary of the principles and practice of Copyright with special reference to the American code of 1909 and the British act of 1911Leave the NDL website. La jeunesse de Molière : suivie du ballet des incompatibles, pièce en vers inédite de MolièreLeave the NDL website. A practical grammar of the Pāli languageLeave the NDL website. Notes in JapanLeave the NDL website. An historical account of the discovery and education of a savage man: or the first developments, physical and moral of the young savageLeave the NDL website. A Shakespeare reader : in the old spelling and with a phonetic transcriptionLeave the NDL website. Earmarks of literature : the things that make good books good (1914)Leave the NDL website. Anthropometry and physical examination : a book for practical use in connection with gymnastic work and physical educationLeave the NDL website. Anthologiae Graecae erotica : the love epigrams or Book V. of the Palatine anthologyLeave the NDL website. The law of international copyright between England and France, in literature, the drama, music, and the fine arts, analysed and explained : with the convention, the orders in council, and the recent acts of Parliament on the subject : the whole in English and FrenchLeave the NDL website. Le Musée des Thermes et de l'hôtel de Cluny : documents sur la création du musée d'antiquités nationales suivant le projet exposé au Louvre en 1833 sous le no 1546Leave the NDL website. The science of painting (1892)Leave the NDL website. Outline history of English and American literatureLeave the NDL website. New poems by Christina Rossetti : hitherto unpublished or uncollectedLeave the NDL website. Die Annalen von St. Bertin und St. VaastLeave the NDL website. La philosophie et la sociologie d'Alfred FouilléeLeave the NDL website. The life and growth of language : an outline of linguistic scienceLeave the NDL website. Sport and travel in the Northland of CanadaLeave the NDL website. The anti-foreign riots in China in 1891Leave the NDL website. Madeleine : a tale of AuvergneLeave the NDL website. The gothic history of JordanesLeave the NDL website. A collection of problems in illustration of the principles of elementary mechanicsLeave the NDL website. The art of the Dresden Gallery : notes and observations upon the old and modern masters and paintings in the royal collectionLeave the NDL website. The history of the Royal-Society of London, for the improving of natural knowledgeLeave the NDL website. Family budgets : being the income and expenses of twenty-eight British households. 1891-1894Leave the NDL website. Seraphic love : some motives and incentives to the love of GodLeave the NDL website. The first book of the Hitopadesa : containing the Sanskrit textLeave the NDL website. The second, third, and fourth books of the Hitopadesa : containing the Sanskrit textLeave the NDL website. Darstellung Der Philosophie Ohne Beynahmen In Einem Lehrbegriffe (1802)Leave the NDL website. Commentarius in primum et secundum librum rhetoricorum Aristotelis (1602)Leave the NDL website. In this our world : poemsLeave the NDL website. An examination of religions, part 1-2 : containing a consideration of the Hindu sastras, with an English version and preface (1852)Leave the NDL website. Indian finance currency and bankingLeave the NDL website. Wit, wisdom, and beauties of ShakespeareLeave the NDL website. The life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, MarinerLeave the NDL website. The noble Duke of York : the military life of Frederick, Duke of York and AlbanyLeave the NDL website. Feltham's tour through the isle of Man, in 1797 and 1798 : comprising sketches of its ancient and modern history, constitution, laws, commerce, agriculture, fishery, etc.Leave the NDL website. 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The will to freedom, or, the gospel of Nietzsche and the gospel of Christ : being the bross lectures delivered in Lake Forest College, IllinoisLeave the NDL website. Das deutsche Lied : geistlich und weltlich bis zum 18 Jahrhundert (1908)Leave the NDL website. Visits to remarkable places : old halls, battle fields and scenes illustrative of striking passages in history and poetryLeave the NDL website. Memoirs and correspondence of Francis HornerLeave the NDL website. Football and how to watch itLeave the NDL website. Ameto : comedia delle ninfe fiorentineLeave the NDL website. The Anglo-Norman dialect : a manual of its phonology and morphology, with illustrative specimens of the literatureLeave the NDL website. What is social case work? : an introductory description (1922)Leave the NDL website. The poetical works and memoir of William Cowper (1899)Leave the NDL website. Ainu folklore : traditions and culture of the vanishing aborigines of Japan 1949Leave the NDL website. Goethe's theory of colours : with notes (1840)Leave the NDL website. History, theory, and technique of statistics : part I, history of statisticsLeave the NDL website. Memoir of John Lang Bickersteth : late of Rugby SchoolLeave the NDL website. The short-story : specimens illustrating its developmentLeave the NDL website. Atalanta fugiens, hoc est, Emblemata nova de secretis naturae chymica (1618)Leave the NDL website. The protozoaLeave the NDL website. The deportation cases of 1919-1920Leave the NDL website. Das deutsche Lied (1900)Leave the NDL website. Thoughts on the singing of unauthorized hymns, in public worship, 1835Leave the NDL website. Wood carving : design and workmanshipLeave the NDL website. The forward pass in footballLeave the NDL website. Das deutsche Lied in seiner historischen Entwicklung (1861)Leave the NDL website. Constitutional history of EnglandLeave the NDL website. Mental gymnastics, or, lessons on memoryLeave the NDL website. Cases on administrative law : selected from decisions of English and American courtsLeave the NDL website. Prose works of Abraham Cowley : including his essays in prose and verseLeave the NDL website. Die wesentlichen Unterschiede des alten und des neuen HandelsgesetzbuchsLeave the NDL website. Sur l'etat politique, civil et naturel de la suisseLeave the NDL website. OutlandLeave the NDL website. Memoirs of John Frederick Oberlin, pastor of Waldbach, in the Ban de La Roche : compiled from authentic souces, chiefly french and germanLeave the NDL website. John Dorrien V1Leave the NDL website. La philosophie sociale de RenouvierLeave the NDL website. The children of the street : Mary Carpenter's work in relation to our ownLeave the NDL website. Forty-two years amongst the Indians and Eskimo, 1893Leave the NDL website. The laws of PlatoLeave the NDL website. Advice to young mothers on the physical education of childrenLeave the NDL website. The fan-qui in China : in 1836-1837 (1838)Leave the NDL website. Robert of Chester's Latin translation of the Algebra of al-KhowarizmiLeave the NDL website. Van Dyck : a collection of fifteen pictures, and a portrait of the painter, with introduction and interpretationLeave the NDL website. Epideictic literatureLeave the NDL website. Mathematical psychics : an essay on the application of mathematics to the moral sciencesLeave the NDL website. Biographical sketches (1869)Leave the NDL website. Studies in ethics for nursesLeave the NDL website. Johann Gottlieb Fichte : a study of his political writings with special reference to his nationalismLeave the NDL website. Études sur l'étymologie & le vocabulaire du vieux slaveLeave the NDL website. The story of Scotland YardLeave the NDL website. The trent affair : including a review of English and American relations at the beginning of the civil warLeave the NDL website. The Slovaks of Hungary : Slavs and panslavismLeave the NDL website. Henry James : a critical studyLeave the NDL website. Der petroleumhandelLeave the NDL website. Deutschlands Steinkohlenhandel mit kurzen Rückblicken auf seine jüngste VergangenheitLeave the NDL website. The fan-qui in China in 1836-7Leave the NDL website. Cinderella : three hundred and forty-five variants of Cinderella, Catskin and Cap O'RushesLeave the NDL website. Desperate mission : Joel Brand's storyLeave the NDL website. Ein Jahrhundert franzosischer Malerei (1901)Leave the NDL website. CritoLeave the NDL website. An introduction to Kachchayana's grammar of the Pali language (1863)Leave the NDL website. Hrvatski pravopis : po određenju kr. zem. vlade, odjela za bogoštovlje i nastavuLeave the NDL website. Die nordfranzösischen Elemente im AltprovenzalischenLeave the NDL website. The Delphic maxims in literatureLeave the NDL website. The value of simplicityLeave the NDL website. Voyage autour du monde sur la frégate la Vénus pendant les années 1836-1839Leave the NDL website. Poems and translations by Dante Gabriel Rossetti : including Dante's La Vita Nuova and The early Italian poetsLeave the NDL website. Journal d'un voyage autour du monde, pendant les années 1816, 1817, 1818 et 1819Leave the NDL website. Sherwood Anderson and other famous creolesLeave the NDL website. Bharavi's poem Kiratarjuniya : or Arjuna's combat with the KirataLeave the NDL website. Lorenzo Valla : ein VortragLeave the NDL website. Fortunes made in business or life struggles of successful peopleLeave the NDL website. A scientific view of Mr. Francis Galton's theories of heredity (1876)Leave the NDL website. A selection of psalms and hymns, for a parish church (1812)Leave the NDL website. Our public offices : embodying an account of the disclosure of the Anglo-Russian Agreement and the unrevealed secret treaty of May 31, 1878Leave the NDL website. St. George's Edinburgh : a history of St. George's church 1814 to 1843, and of St. George's free church 1843 to 1873Leave the NDL website. Five years on the Erie canal : an account of some of the most striking scenes and incidents, during five years' labor on the Erie canalLeave the NDL website. The geometry of art and lifeLeave the NDL website. Amtliche Berichte über die Internationale Fischerei-Ausstellung zu Berlin 1880, parts 1-5Leave the NDL website. My diaries : being a personal narrative of events, 1888-1914Leave the NDL website. The fan-qui in China in 1836-1837 (1838)Leave the NDL website. The overthrow of the war system (1915)Leave the NDL website.

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Thousands of scarce and hard-to-find books
Kessinger legacy reprints
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Kessinger's legacy reprints
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Histoire generale des choses de la Nouvelle-Espagne
The inner life of Syria, Palestine and the Holy land
Physiology and hygiene : with practical exercises by Buel P. Colton and Louis Murbach
The revenge : a tragedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane. By His Majesty's servants
An essay on the history of civil
An Excursion in Bosnia, Hercegovina, and Dalmatia
The little ballet girl : founded on fact
Meditations on the Life of Christ
Democracy and social ethics (1902)
Select private orations of Demosthenes
The union of England and Scotland : a study of international history
The children's Bible history
A view of the American Indians : their general character, customs, language, public festival, religious rites and traditions
The Creoles of history and the Creoles of romance
Cinq nô : drames lyriques japonais
Ruskin and the English lakes
A text-book of North-Semitic inscriptions : Moabite, Hebrew, Phoenician, Aramaic Nabataean, Palmyrene, Jewish
The times of Melville and Whitman
San toy : a musical comedy in two acts
Elementary principles of economics : together with a short sketch of economic history
The first book of the Hitopadesa : containing the Sanskrit text
A Turkish and English lexicon, Part 1, Book 2 : showing in English the significations of the Turkish terms (1884)
Leisure hours
Memoires du comte de Rantzow, ou, Les heures de récréation à l'usage de la noblesse de l'Europe
Mark Twain, son of Missouri
A dividend to labor : a study of employers' welfare institutions
Illusions : a psychological study
The Japanese cotton industry and trade : recent development and future outlook
On the interpretation of Plato's Timaeus : critical studies with special reference to a recent edition
Gedichte in der Mundart der deutschen schlesisch-galizischen Gränzbewohner, resp. von Bielitz-Biala (1860)
Information--literature--oral expression
The Kokinshu, or, Collection of odes
Chou King: texte chinois
Irish minstrels and musicians : with numerous dissertations on related subjects
Bernard Delicieux et l'Inquisition albigeoise, 1300-1320 (1877)
The Old Bible : or, the martyr's gift : with original illustrations
The hundred thousand songs of Milarepa
Documents sur les Tou-kiue, Turcs occidentaux (1903)
La dance aux aveugles, et autres poësies du XV. siécle : extraites de la biblioghéque des ducs de Bourgogne
A cyclopedia of the literature of amateur journalism
Scotland and the union : a history of Scotland from 1695 to 1747
Korean tales : being a collection of stories translated from the Korean folk lore, together with introductory chapters descriptive of Korea
The London burial grounds : notes on their history from the earliest times to the present day
The struggle for law
A cavalry sword exercise
St. Peter's umbrella : a novel
Feeble-mindedness : its causes and consequences
Gesang von mir Selbst
Martyred missionaries of the China Inland Mission, with a record of the perils & sufferings of some who escaped
Our great writers : or, popular chapters on some leading authors
Man above humanity : a history of psychotherapy
On leprosy and fish-eating : a statement of facts and explanations
Robert Schumann's Leben (1887)
There shall be no night
The life of Richard Owen
Old English sports : pastimes and customs
Lord wantage : a memoir
The religion of Babylonia and Assyria
Blue-beard : a contribution to history and folk-lore : being the history of Gilles de Retz of Brittany, France, who was executed at Nantes in 1440 A.D., and who was the original of Blue-beard in the tales of Mother Goose
The Diary of Philip Henslowe, from 1591 to 1609
Persecution of the Jews at Damascus
Wild sports of the west v2 : with legendary tales and local sketches
The complete work of Richard Crashaw, Canon of Loretto
An academic physiology and hygiene : embracing special chapters on foods, water, air ventilation, removal of waste matters, exercise, etc.
On the functions of the cerebellum (1838)
The art of Eugene O'Neill
The memorabilia of Xenophon, book 4 : chiefly from the text of Korner (1856)
Meeting with Japan
Anti-Dumping, Pramienklausel und Ausgleichzolle als weltwirtschaftliche Kampfmittel gegen fremdlandische Usfuhrforderung
Adventures in the African jungle hunting Pigmies
Bishop person's five lectures on the Acts of the Apostles and Annals of St. Paul
Reports of the trials of Colonel Aaron Burr for treason
In lotus-land Japan
Leisure thoughts
Platonis Euthyphro (1890)
Addresses and presidential messages of Theodore Roosevelt, 1902-1904
The Acts of the Apostles
Die Zigeuner und ihre Musik in Ungarn
Harmonies of political economy
John Dewey : the reconstruction of the democratic life
Die Krankheit zum Tode
Burma, after the conquest, viewed in its political, social and commercial aspects from Mandalay
Natural law : an essay in ethics
British sports and pastimes
The Crimea and Odessa : journal of a tour, with an account ot the climate and vegetation
A few words about the Creoles of Louisiana : An address
Emmanuelis Alvari De institutione grammatica, libri tres (1823)
A Sanskrit grammar for beginners, in Devanâgarî and roman letters throughout
Die Urkunden des Deutsch-Ordens-Centralarchives zu Wien V1: 1170-1809 (1887)
Canossa, 1882
The Aborigines of Western Australia
Bombay in the days of George IV : memoirs of Sir Edward West, chief justice of the King's court during its conflict with the East India company, with hitherto unpublished documents
A textbook of histology and microscopic anatomy of the human body : including microscopic technique
Beside the fire : a collection of Irish Gaelic folk stories
Brazil; its provinces and chief cities : the manners & customs of people; agricultural, commercial, and other statistics, taken from the latest official documents; with a variety of useful and entertaining knowledge, both for the merchant and the emigrant
The first and last journeys of Thoreau : lately discovered among his unpublished journals and manuscripts
Life and sport in China
The Fells of Swarthmoor Hall and their friends : with an account of their ancestor, Anne Askew, the martyr. A portraiture of religious and family life in the 17th century, compiled chiefly from original letters and other documents never before published
The history of the University of Edinburgh : chiefly compiled from original papers and records, never before published
The works of James Wilson
Les Incas v 1-2 : ou la destruction de l'empire du Perou (1777)
A Sanskrit grammar, including both the classical language, and the older dialects, of Veda and Brahmana
Notes on the folk-lore of the north-east of Scotland
The United Irishmen : their lives and times
The divine authority of the scriptures asserted, or, the great charter of the worlds blessednes vindicated
The letters and friendships of Sir Cecil Spring Rice : a record
Among the Ibos of Nigeria (1921)
Grundtvig og den tyske orthodoxi (1883)
Essai d'optique sur la gradation de la lumiere
The Hátanee : a tale of Burman superstition
Ancient legends, mystic charms and superstitions of Ireland
Lays of leisure hours
The spirit of the hour in archaeology
Elementary education : some account of its rise and progress in England
Anecdotes of the English language : chiefly regarding the local dialect of London and its environs : whence it will appear that the natives of the metropolis and its vicinities have not corrupted the language of their ancestors, in a letter from Samuel Pegge to an old acquaintance, and co-fellow of the Society of Antquaries, London
Etude sur les lois constitutionnelles de 1875 (1882)
A collection of examples and problems on conics and some of the higher plane curves
The works of Jeremy Bentham
Arnaldo, Gaddo and other unacknowledged poems by Lord Byron and some of his contemporaries
Grundzüge der Geschichte der Musik (1887)
Die Allgemeinen Lehren Des Handelsrechts mit Einem Anhange, Betreffend das recht der inhaberschuldverschreibungen : vortrage
The standard physiology : with notes on anatomy and hygine ; aid to the injured ; disinfectants, etc. : also containing explanatory index to the "standard" manikin
The poetical works of Ray Palmer
Der meister der Berliner passion und Israhel van Meckenem studien zur Geschichte der Westfälischen kupferstecher im fünfzehnten jahrhundert
Desiderii Erasmi Roterodami epistolae selectiores (1719)
Etudes sur les collections du Moyen age : de la Renaissance et des temps modernes au Musee du Louvre (1878)
Old age : and changes incidental to it (1885)
History of the lsland of celebes
The origin, meaning and application of the Monroe doctrine
The war in Syria
The problem of the Pastoral epistles
En Indo-Chine, 1894-1895 : Cambodge, Cochinchine, Loas, Siam méridional
Vinnius castigatus V2 : atque ad usum tironum hispanorum accomodatus
Life and times of Mrs. Lucy G. Thurston, wife of Rev. Asa Thurston, pioneer missionary to the Sandwich Islands, gathered from letters and journals extending over a period of more than fifty years
Principles of domestic science as applied to the duties and pleasures of home : a textbook for the use of young ladies in schools, seminaries, and colleges
Essays of J. A. Schumpeter (1951)
An actor abroad : or, Gossip dramatic, narrative and descriptive, from the recollections of an actor in Australia, New Zealand, the Sandwich Islands, California, Nevada, Central America, and New York
The legend of Ra and Isis
Der Corregidor, 1900
A journal of a residence in the Esmailla of Abd-el-Kader and of travels in Morocco and Algiers
Irish folk music : a fascinating hobby
The great cylinder inscriptions A and B of Gudea : copied from the original clay cylinders of the Telloh Collection
On the forms of plane quartic curves
Japanese girls and women
Étienne Martellange, 1569-1641
Der Kaufcontract in besonderer Beziehung auf den Waarenhandel, nach romischem Rechte und den wichtigsten neueren Gesetzgebungen
Thomas De Quincey, his life and writings : with unpublished correspondence
Japan and its regeneration
Sybil's Second Love V3
Grundlagen der klassischen Philologie (1908)
The enchanted golf club
A book of golf
Equal pay for equal work : the story of the struggle for justice being made by the women teachers of the city of New York
The life of Charles, third Earl Stanhope
World's Fair ecclesiastical history of Utah
Queen Mab V3
Homeri Odyssea cum scholiis vetribus V1: accedunt Batrachomyomachia, Hymni Fragmenta (1827)
Die Theorie des Romans : ein geschichtsphilosophischer Versuch über die Formen der großen Epik
The serial universe 1938
Adam in der Staatslehre : Vortrag gehalten im Historisch-philosophischen Verrein zu Heidelberg
The theory and practive of Archery
Beitrag zur Ethnologie der Chingpaw (Kachin) von Ober-Burma
Life of Sir Walter Scott, Baronet : with critical notices of his writings
Das Pluralwahlrecht und seine Wirkungen : Vortrag gehalten in der Gehe-Stiftung zu Dresden am 18. März 1905
Leisure-moments in the camp and in the gurd-room
L'origine des dieux du paganisme : et le sens des fables découvert par une explication suivie des poësies d'Hésiode
De Incertitudine et Vanitate omnium Scientiarum et Artium Liber lectu plane jucundus et elegans (1662)
Classical literature in its relation to the nineteenth century and Scottish University education : an inaugural lecture delivered in the University of Edinburgh
Manual of bayonet exercise : prepared for the use of the army of the United States
Commentaries on the law in Shakespeare : with explanations of the legal terms used in the plays, poems and sonnets, and discussions of the criminal types presented
A treatise on algebraic geometry
The life and letters of Lafcadio Hearn
Investment analysis : fundamentals in the analysis of investment securities
Die evangelischen deutschen Messen : bis zu Luthers Deutscher Messe
Voyages faits dans les moluques a la nouvelle-guinée et a celebes (1845)
Woollen and other warehousemen's accounts (1906)
Origin of the Durga Puja
The life of Isabella Bird (Mrs. Bishop), hon. member of the Oriental Society of Pekin, F.R.G.S., F.R.S.G.S.
Information respecting the aborigines in the British colonies
The Gospel of Saint John in the Chinese language, according to the dialect of Shanghai
Church of Scotland training college in Aberdeen : records of the classes from 1874-75 to 1894-95
Warera no shu Iyesu Kirisuto no shin yaku zen sho
Das Autorrecht : eine zivilistische Abhandlung (1880)
A woman's journey round the world, from Vienna to Brazil, Chili, Tahiti, China, Hindostan, Persia, and Asia Minor (1852)
The family treasury of Sunday reading
Il Primo libro: dell' opere burlesche (1726)
Principles of education, intellectual, moral and physical
Old age its cause and prevention the story of an old body and face made young
Memoirs of the revolution in Bengal : Anno. Dom. 1757 (1760)
Color psychology and color therapy : a factual study of the influence of color on human life
Five years in Damascus : with travels and researches in Palmyra, Lebanon, the giant cities of Bashan, and the Hauran
Sweet Inisfail V3 : a romance
The last fire at the bone house in the spa fields Golgotha : or the minute anatomy of grave digging in London (1846)
A reply to Mr. Montgomery Martin's, Ireland before and after the union with Great Britain
Philologischer Anzeiger : als Ergänzung des Philologus
Printers' marks : a chapter in the history of typography
The orations of Demosthenes against Macartatus, Leochares, Stephanus I., Stephanus II. Euergus and Mnesibulus, Olympiodorus, Timotheus, Polycles, Callippus, Nicostratus, Conon, Callicles, Dionysodorus, Eubulides, Theocrines, Neæra, and for the naval crown : the funeral oration ; the erotic oration, or Panegyric upon Epicrates ; exordia ; the Epistles
The apophthegmes of Erasmus
The ethics of John Stuart Mill
Ventisei lettere famigliari (1833)
Bibliotheca lusitana, or, Catalogue of books and tracts, relating to the history, literature, and poetry, of portugal, forming part of the library of John Adamson (1836)
Plain directions to naval officers as to the law of search, capture and prize : under the late convention, orders in council, prize act, etc. (1854)
Ecclesiastical history : a history of the church in nine books, from A.D. 324 to A.D. 440
Cremona nel quarantotto (1901)
Railways : their rise, progress and construction; with remarks on railway accidents and proposals for their prevention
Opera posthuma : quorum series post praefationem exhibetur
Journal of the expedition to Quebec : in the year 1775, under the command of Colonel Benedict Arnold
The Shelley papers : memoir of Percy Bysshe Shelley
The life and writings of Henry Fuseli : keeper and professor of painting to the Royal Academy in London
History of the Hawaiian or Sandwich Islands
The story of the University of Edinburgh
The history of the English paragraph
Field work and social research
Correspondence in relation to the proposed inter-oceanic canal between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Clayton-Bulwer treaty and the Monroe doctrine (1885)
Introduction and text (1887)
Johann Faulhabers Arithmetischer Wegweiser Zu Der Hochnutzlichen Freyen Rechen- Kunst (1736)
Essays on property and labour as connected with natural law and the constitution of society
Le Sahara : le Soudan et les chemins de fer transsahariens
Travels in Switzerland : in a series of letters to William Melmoth
White conquest
Notes of the treaty carried on at Ripon between King Charles I and the covenanters of Scotland, 1640
The life and letters of Faraday
An introduction to the field sports of France : being a practical view of hunting, shooting and fishing, on the continent : with a concise notice of the habits and instincts of the several animals in question, and a sufficient sketch of the game and piscatory laws of France, for the guidance of sportsman
Theodore Beza the counsellor of the French reformation 1519 to 1605
Old colonial brick houses of New England
How superior powers ought to be obeyed
Sports, pastimes, and customs of London, ancient and modern : with illustrative anecdotes, &c. &c.
Europe, or, A general survey of the present situation of the principal powers, with conjectures on their future prospects
Voyage de Siam, des peres jesuites, envoyez par le roy aux Indes et a la Chine
An account of the manners and customs of the modern Egyptians
Gesammelte Aufsätze zur Geschichte und Kritik der neueren Musik (1888)
Directory to the iron and steel works of the United States : embracing the blast furnaces, rolling mills, steel works, forges, and bloomaries in every state and territory
De geschiedenis van de leidsche lakenindustrie
A manual of the theory and practice of the lifting exercise : giving the principles and laws upon which the claims of this exercise are based, and minute instructions for its applications in general and specific vases, also, : a guide for the use of mann's reactionary lifter
A collection of poems on American affairs and a variety of other subjects : chiefly moral and political, written between the year 1797 and the present time (1815)
Reflections on the Government of Indostan, with a short sketch of the history of Bengal, from 1739 to 1756, and an account of the English affairs to 1758
The philosophy of health : or, an exposition of the physical and mental constitution of man, with a view to the promotion of human longevity and happiness
Essays on the venereal disease and its concomitant affections
Savonarola: a city's tragedy
Out from the heart
Modern athletics and Greek art : notes the borghese gladiator and the apobates-relief of the acropolis
Mémoires de messire Philippe de Comines, seigneur d'Argenton (1723)
Essays on modern dramatists (1921)
Condensed historical notice of the languages of the Slavic nations
Cardinal Archbishop of Milan
The mythology and rites of the British druids, ascertained by national documents; and compared with the general traditions and customs of heathenism, as illustrated by the most eminent antiquaries of our age : with an appendix, containing ancient poems and extracts, with some remarks on ancient British coins
Notes on Uncle Tom's cabin : being a logical answer to its allegations and inferences against slavery as an institution
Freedom of speech
The essentials of æsthetics in music, poetry, painting, sculpture and architecture
Vorlesungen Kants uber Metaphysik aus drei Semestern
Der Grundsatz der Nationalität und das europäische Staatensystem (1860)
Rose leaf and apple leaf
Abroad with Mark Twain and Eugene Field : tales they told to a fellow correspondent
La morale l'art et la religion, d'Après Guyau
Antanalisi a quesiti stampati nell analisi di Benedetto Maghetti (1644)
A course of experimental philosophy V1 (1745)
Dakota Odowan : Dakota hymns
Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Stoicismus : Inaugural-dissertation, der philosophischen Facultät zu Leipzig
The declaration of the rights of man and of citizens : a contribution to modern constitutional history
Aristoteles Thierkunde V2 ; kritisch-berichtigter Text (1868)
Democracy : a debate between professor Blackie and Ernest Jones, held at Edinburgh, January, 1867
Early Chinese painting
The improvisatrice, and other poems
Modern German lyrics : an introduction to German songs of today and tomorrow
Religious and moral sentiments : metrically rendered from Sanskrit writers (1875)
The dance festivals of the Alaskan Eskimo
Siam : the land of the white elephant : as it was and is
The partisan : a tale of the Revolution
Folk beliefs of the Southern Negro
A history of religious persecutions : from the apostolic age to the present time and of the inquisition of Spain, Portugal and Goa (1816)
Shakspere's garden : or the plants and flowers named in his works described and defined
Dell opere burlesche (1760)
Jacobite and nonjuring principles freely examined in a letter to the master-tool of the faction at Manchester
Cuestiones Filipinas : memoria (1896)
The experimental novel and other essays
Wanderings east of Suez in Ceylon, India, China and Japan
Irish popular superstitions (1852)
Letters between Doctor Wood a Roman Catholic : the Pretender's physician, and Whitelocke Bulstrode, a member of the Church of England
Vatnsdaela saga ok saga af Finnboga hinum rama. : Vatnsdolernes historie og Finnboge hiin Staerkes lebnet
The school history of Worcester
Christina Rossetti : a biographical and critical study
E. H. Harriman : a biography
Classical and prehistoric influences upon British history : our philanthropy from of old, our ever struggling past, and our future (1871)
Jim Crow's last stand
De la fiducie (1891)
The memoirs of Cordell Hull
Das Recht der Minoritäten : Vortrag gehalten in der Juristischen Gesellschaft zu Wien
Imperialism and Social classes
The custom of the country : tales of new Japan
Treatise on physical education : specially adapted to young ladies (1838)
The year's sport : a review of British sports and pastimes for the year 1885
A Tibetan-English dictionary with Sanskrit synonyms
Selections from the records of the Bengal Government : including correspondence relating to vernacular education in the lower provinces of Bengal
The orations of Demosthenes
The story of the First Gas Regiment
Die Philosophie in ihrem Uebergang zur Nichtphilosophie
La perspective curieuse du Reverend P. Niceron Minime : divise'e en quatre livres (1652)
The effect of moisture upon the elasticity of wood
Stoic and christian in the Second century : a comparison of the ethical teaching of marcus aurelius with that of contemporary and antecedent christianity
Eugène Fromentin : painter and writer
Was Shakespeare a lawyer? : being a selection of passages from "Measure for measure" and "All's well that ends well": which point to the conclusion that their author must have been a practical lawyer, and in which many obscurities are made clear, and some apparent corruptions in the text are attempted to be restored by an application of a knowledge of English law
Der Entwurf eines deutschen Handelsgesetzbuchs in seinen drei ersten Büchern : Mittheilungen und Bemerkungen
With scrip and staff : a tale of the children's Crusade
The Yoruba-speaking peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa : their religion, manners, customs, laws, language, etc.
Copyright : its history and its law : being a summary of the principles and practice of Copyright with special reference to the American code of 1909 and the British act of 1911
La jeunesse de Molière : suivie du ballet des incompatibles, pièce en vers inédite de Molière
A practical grammar of the Pāli language
Notes in Japan
An historical account of the discovery and education of a savage man: or the first developments, physical and moral of the young savage
A Shakespeare reader : in the old spelling and with a phonetic transcription
Earmarks of literature : the things that make good books good (1914)
Anthropometry and physical examination : a book for practical use in connection with gymnastic work and physical education
Anthologiae Graecae erotica : the love epigrams or Book V. of the Palatine anthology
The law of international copyright between England and France, in literature, the drama, music, and the fine arts, analysed and explained : with the convention, the orders in council, and the recent acts of Parliament on the subject : the whole in English and French
Le Musée des Thermes et de l'hôtel de Cluny : documents sur la création du musée d'antiquités nationales suivant le projet exposé au Louvre en 1833 sous le no 1546
The science of painting (1892)
Outline history of English and American literature
New poems by Christina Rossetti : hitherto unpublished or uncollected
Die Annalen von St. Bertin und St. Vaast
La philosophie et la sociologie d'Alfred Fouillée
The life and growth of language : an outline of linguistic science
Sport and travel in the Northland of Canada
The anti-foreign riots in China in 1891
Madeleine : a tale of Auvergne
The gothic history of Jordanes
A collection of problems in illustration of the principles of elementary mechanics
The art of the Dresden Gallery : notes and observations upon the old and modern masters and paintings in the royal collection
The history of the Royal-Society of London, for the improving of natural knowledge
Family budgets : being the income and expenses of twenty-eight British households. 1891-1894
Seraphic love : some motives and incentives to the love of God
The first book of the Hitopadesa : containing the Sanskrit text
The second, third, and fourth books of the Hitopadesa : containing the Sanskrit text
Darstellung Der Philosophie Ohne Beynahmen In Einem Lehrbegriffe (1802)
Commentarius in primum et secundum librum rhetoricorum Aristotelis (1602)
In this our world : poems
An examination of religions, part 1-2 : containing a consideration of the Hindu sastras, with an English version and preface (1852)
Indian finance currency and banking
Wit, wisdom, and beauties of Shakespeare
The life and strange surprising adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, Mariner
The noble Duke of York : the military life of Frederick, Duke of York and Albany
Feltham's tour through the isle of Man, in 1797 and 1798 : comprising sketches of its ancient and modern history, constitution, laws, commerce, agriculture, fishery, etc.
Observations sur la prononciation et le langage : rustiques des environs de Paris
Under the punkah
In and beyond the Himalayas : a record of sport and travel in the abode of snow
Hindu family law : as administered in British India (1908)
Exemption from military service in Great Britain : statutory provisions and regulations
The beauties of the press : with an appendix, containing the speech of Arthur O'Connor, on the catholic question in the House of Commons of Ireland on Monday, May 4, 1795 : also his letter to Lord Castlereagh
With Wilson in Matabeleland, or, Sport and war in Zambesia
Ethics and natural law : a reconstructive review of moral philosophy applied to the rational art of living
Dialogues spirituels v.1: ou la perfection chretienne est expliquee
Millard Fillmore : constructive statesman, defender of the constitution, president of the United States
The income tax : a study of the history, theory, and practice of income taxation at home and abroad
Every-day wonders ; or, facts in physiology which all should know
A history of Canada
The philosophy of art : the meaning and relations of sculpture, painting, poetry and music
Eternity: World-War Thoughts On Life And Death, Religion, And The Theory Of Evolution
Kantisch-Fries'sche Religionsphilosophie und ihre Anwendung auf die Theologie : zur Einleitung in die Glaubenslehre für Studenten der Theologie
Hegel's Leben, Werke und Lehre (1901)
The red miriok ; Shan folk lore stories
Literary essays
Silent and oral reading : a practical handbook of methods based on the most recent scientific investigations
Change signals : a story of the new football
History of Afghanistan : from the earliest period to the outbreak of the war of 1878
In Evangelium Lucae paraphrasis (1523)
Analysis of a course of lectures on natural and experimental philosophy (1790)
Eljaras a hazassagi perekben (1896)
Wilhelm Eduard Albrecht
Other people's money and how the bankers use it
The Electra
Creative impulse in industry : a proposition for educators
Lectures on venereal diseases (1964)
The massacres in Syria : a faithful account of the cruelties and outrages suffered by the Christians of Mount Lebanon, during the late persecutions in Syria
Paris In 1867 Or The Great Exposition: Its Sideshows And Excursions (1867)
The genuine works of Flavius Josephus, the Jewish historian : containing twenty books of the Jewish antiquities, seven books of the Jewish war and the life of Josephus
The law of field-sports : a summary of the rules of law affecting American sportsmen (1886)
Greek tragedy in the light of vase paintings
Of the principles and duties of natural religion
Consolidation of schools and transportation of pupils at public expense in Massachusetts
The clinical pathology of the blood of domesticated animals
Die Beziehungen Goethe's zu Spinoza : Vortrag gehalten im Vereine der Literaturfreunde zu Wien
Life and literary remains of L.E.L., Letitia Elizabeth London
As others see us : a study of progress in the United States
Experiences of a Bengali Christian
Champfleury inedit
The analysis of economic change (1935)
Dr. Arnold of Rugby (1889)
A Turkish and English lexicon, Part 1, Book 1 : showing in English the significations of the Turkish terms (1884)
Athletic training and health : an essay on physical education (1869)
Letters and papers, foreign and domestic, of the reign of Henry VIII.
A compendious view of the civil law, and of the law of the admiralty : being the substance of a course of lectures read in the University of Dublin
Petri Bembi Epistolarum Leonis decimi Pont. Max. nomine scriptarum Book 16 (1540)
Memoirs, correspondence, and poetical remains of Jane Taylor
Friedrich Eduard Benekes Leben und Philosophie : auf Grund neuer Quellen kritisch dargestellt
Diseases of memory : an essay in the positive psychology
Polynesian researches : during a residence of nearly eight years in the Society and Sandwich Islands
Die Entwickelung des Ministeriums in der constitutionellen Monarchie (1883)
The initial coinage of Bengal : introduced by the Muhammadans on their conquest of the country, A.H. 600 to 800
Des crises commerciales : et de leur retour périodique en France, en Angleterre et aux États-Unis (1889)
Interesting historical events, part 2: relative to the provinces of Bengal and the Empire of Indostan
Memoir of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Wie studiert man klassische Philologie? (1908)
Tooke's Pantheon of the heathen Gods and illustrious heroes
Le général Boulanger et la conspiration monarchique (1893)
The principles of physical, intellectual, moral and religious education
Lyric studies : a hymnal guide containing biographic sketches of the authors and notes
Brazil and Java : report on coffee-culture in America, Asia and Africa
Property and contract in their relations to the distribution of wealth
National, patriotic, and typical airs of all lands : with copious notes (1890)
The Monroe doctrine, national or international? : the problem and its solution
The beginnings of an Australian literature
Badenfahrt : Neudruck nach der Ausgabe Strassburg 1514
Forschungen zur neueren Litteraturgeschichte
Not for heaven . Hungury men
Ancestor-worship and Japanese law
The private letters of Sir James Brooke, K.C.B., Rajah of Sarawak : narrating the events of his life from 1838 to the present time
Some precedents and records to aid enquiry as to the Hindu will of Bengal (1870)
Andrea Alciato e Bonifacio Amerbach (1905)
Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem
The River Seine (1886)
Naudæana et Patiniana, ou, singularitez remarquables, prises des conversations de Mess. Naudé & Patin
Mohammed and Islam
The land-systems of British India : being a manual of the land-tenures and of the systems of land-revenue administration prevalent in the several provinces
History of the Sandwich Islands Mission
An essay in vindication of the continental colonies of America, from a cenſure of Mr Adam Smith, in his Theory of moral sentiments : with ſome reflections on slavery in general
Constructive geometry of plane curves : with numerous examples
The Chinese crisis from within
The works of the most reverend father in God, John Bramhall, D.D. : sometime Lord Archbishop of Armagh, Primate and Metropolitan of all Ireland, with a life of the author, and a collection of his letters
Catalogo del Museo di S. Petronio
History of the Boehm flute : with illustrations exemplifying its origin by progressive stages, and an appendix containing the attack originally made on Boehm, and other papers relating to the Boehm-Gordon controversy
The Irish question considered in its integrity : with an introduction, and prefatory remarks on the conduct of The House of Peers
Memoire, or, Detailed statement of the origin and progress of the Irish Union : delivered to the Irish government
Griffith John : the story of fifty years in China
Vocabulaire français-annamite
Commercial phraseology, in English and French and French and English : containing most of the ordinary expressions in both languages made use of in commercial correspondence (1860)
Life and letters of Joseph Hardy Neesima (1894)
Intellectual and political currents in the Far East
Southern baroque art : a study of painting, architecture and music in Italy and Spain of the 17th & 18th centuries
La frontiere linguistique V1 : en Belgique et dans le nord de la France
The siege of the Peking legations : being the diary of the Rev. Roland Allen
The complete poems of John Donne
Bishop Butler and the age of reason : a study in the history of thought
The University extension movement in Scotland
Johann Joseph Abert, 1832-1915 : sein Leben und seine Werke
The administration of justice under military and martial law : as applicable to the army, navy, marines and auxiliary forces
The mask of anarchy : written on occasion of the massacre at Manchester
Spinoza and religion : a study of Spinoza's metaphysics and of his particular utterances in regard to religion, with a view to determining the significance of his thought for religion and incidentally his personal attitude toward it
Emerson's thoughts concerning spiritual laws
Grundzuge der Psychologie ; Grundzuge der Naturphilosophie ; Grundzuge der Metaphysik ; Grundzuge der Religionsphilosophie (1884)
The beginners American history
Apologie pour tous les grands personnages qui ont esté faussement soupçonnez de magie
The constitutional documents of the Puritan revolution 1625-1660
Holbein's dance of death, and bible woodcuts
De l'Allemagne
Apologi Phaedrii ex ludicris
Abe Lincoln in Illinois : a play in twelve scenes
Uber die partielle Differentialgleichung
A detailed comparison of the eight manuscripts of Chaucer's Canterbury tales : as completely printed in the publications of the Chaucer Society
What girls can do : a book for mothers and daughters
The visiting teacher in New York city : a statement of the function and an analysis of the work of the visiting teacher staff
A treatise on the diseases and physical education of children
Unwritten literature of Hawaii : the sacred songs of the hula
The Polish Peasant in Europe and America : organization and disorganization in America
A practical treatise on pulmonary tuberculosis : embracing its history, pathology, and treatment
Chivalry in English literature : Chaucer, Malory, Spenser and Shakespeare
An introduction to the theory of groups of finite order
Dancing, as a means of physical education : with remarks on deformities, and their prevention and cure (1851)
Ad Spinozae opera posthuma
Aircraft in warfare : the dawn of the fourth arm
Old and rare books : an elementary lecture (1885)
Der Brief an die Colosser : mit vornehmlicher Berücksichtigung der drei Pastoralbriefe, kritisch geprüft
The nature of life
Élémens de la langue turque, ou, Tables analytiques de la langue turque usuelle avec leur developpement, dédiés au Roi, sous les auspices de M. le Comte de Choiseul-Gouffier, Ambassadeur de Sa Majésté très-chrétienne près la Porte Ottomane
The Acts of the Apostles in the Mohawk language
Observations faites dans les Pyrénées, pour servir de suite a des observations sur les Alpes
Jean Gerson : sa vie, son temps, ses œuvres (1894)
The life and martyrdom of Savonarola : illustrative of the history of church and state connection
The story of the Scottish covenants in outline
What women want : an interpretation of the feminist movement
Shakespeare's euphuism
The Shaughraun : an original drama in three acts (1889)
The indian in agriculture
Dansk soldatersprog til lands og til vands
Hitopadeśa : the Sanskrit text, with a grammatical analysis
The second, third, and fourth books of the Hitopadesa : containing the Sanskrit text
Capitulations and articles of peace between the Majesty of the King of England, Scotland, France, & Ireland etc. and the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire (1663)
Aristotle On the parts of animals
A history of Liverpool
Early Travels in India : first series, comprising Purchas's pilgrimage, and the travels of Van Linschoten (1864)
Cobbett's collective commentaries : or remarks on the proceedings in the collective wisdom of the nation
The history of oracles : in two dissertations (1753)
Poems, supposed to have been written at Bristol
Louis VI Le Gros : annales de sa vie et de son règne, 1081-1137 (1890)
A general history of Scotland V8: from the earliest accounts to the present time
Japan's inheritance : the country, its people, and their destiny
Chita : a memory of Last Island
South by west, or, Winter in the Rocky Mountains and spring in Mexico
Anatomy and physiology of the eye : with hints for the preservation of the eye-sight
A treatise of reformation without tarrying for anie
How to paint permanent pictures (1922)
The war that will end war
Hunting the elephant in Africa : and other recollections of thirteen years' wanderings
Triunfo de la fee en los reynos de Japón
A treatise on archery ; or, the art of shooting with the long bow : containing every requisite to obtain a complex knowledge of theat noble weapon, considered as an instrument of amusement : likewaise a dissertation on the steel cross bow, with directions for using it : to which is added, a summary sketch of laws for archers--with many other observations and instructons
De la vénalité des offices sous l'Ancien Régime
On the impending Bengal famine : how it will be met and how to prevent future famines in India (1874)
The English poems of Richard Crashaw
Travels in Nubia
Les notions d'essence et d'existence dans la philosophie de Spinoza
The Hindee moral preceptor, or, Rudimental principles of Persian grammar as the Hindoostanee scholars' shortest road to the Persian language (1821)
Records of the Arts class, 1868-72, University of Aberdeen
Interracial marriage in Hawaii : a study of the mutually conditioned processes of acculturation and amalgamation
The wood-spirit : a novel
The forged coupon ; After the dance ; Alyosha the pot ; Miscellaneous stories
History of the Parish of East Lockinge, Berks
The early mathematical manuscripts of Leibniz : translated from the Latin texts published by Carl Immanuel Gerhardt with critical and historical notes
The standard of life and other studies
See-see : a chinese comic opera
The moral sayings of Publius Syrus : a Roman slave
Principles of plutology
Histoire de la peinture décorative
Il Secondo libro dell' opere burlesche (1771)
San Petronio in Bologna
The Laches of Plato (1891)
An academic physiology and hygiene : embracing special chapters on foods, water, air ventilation, removal of waste matters, exercise, etc.
Dell' architettura egiziana : dissertazione d'un corrispondente dell' Accademia delle Scienze di Parigi, Membro dell'Istituto di Bologna, dell' Accademie di Padova, di Siena, di Cortona, di Ravenna, d'Udine, e pastor arcade
Frontiers of freedom
Bischof N.F.S. Grundtvig und seine Bedeutung als Pädagog (1905)
Old French plate: with tables of the Paris date-letters, and fac-similes of other marks : a handbook for the collector
Gedichte von Hermann Lingg (1864)
The true story of my life : an autobiography by Alice M. Diehl, novelist, writer, musician
A key to the fieldexercise & evolutions of infantry as revised in 1877 : with the plates of attack formations
Jane Taylor : her life and letters
History of the Ottoman empire : from the earliest period to the present time
The art of teaching and studying languages
Works of the rev. Henry Scougal : sometime professor of divinity in the University of Aberdeen
Das Judenthum in der Fremde (1863)
The charity of Charles Dickens : his interest in the home for fallen women and a history of the strange case of Caroline Maynard Thompson
A contribution to the critique of political economy
Memoirs of Madame Vigee Lebrun
Hawaii and a revolution : the personal experiences of a correspondent in the Sandwich islands during the crisis of 1893 and subsequently
Americanism and the Philippines
Lectures on the comparative anatomy and physiology of the vertebrate animals, delivered at the Royal college of surgeons of England, in 1844 and 1846.
The French in Algiers
Women of the Orient : an account of the religious, intellectual, and social condition of women in Japan, China, India, Egypt, Syria, and Turkey
Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's principles, and made easy to those who have not studied mathematics : to which are added, A plain method of finding the distances of all the planets from the sun by the transit of Venus over the sun's disc in the year 1761, [with] an account of Mr. Horrox's observation of the transit of Venus in the year 1639, and of the distances of all the planets from the sun as deduced from observations of the transit in the year 1761
The Gentleman's magazine: and historical chronicle from January to June 1820
Anglo-Indian prize poems by native and English writers, in commemoration of the visit of His Royal Highness, the Prince of Wales to India (1876)
The history of the English Bible : extending from the earliest Saxon translations to the present Anglo-American revision
Geschichte der japanischen Litteratur
A complete English and German phraseology or a copious collection of English proper expression
The first French republic : a study of the origin and the contents of the declaration of the rights of man, of the constitution, and of the adoption of the republican form of government in 1792
The curriculum
How to play baseball : a manual for boys
Commentary on the Maya manuscript in the Royal Public Library of Dresden
A treasury of doctor stories by the world's greatest authors
La democratie et l'election proportionnelle V1 (1899)
The votive offering
Einleitung in das deutsche Privatrecht
Codex diplomaticus Ordinis Sanctae Mariae Theutonicorum = Urkundenbuch zur Geschichte des Deutschen Ordens
Immanuel Kant's Menschenkunde : oder philosophische Anthropologie
Vita di Michelagnolo Buonarroti : pittore, scultore, architetto e gentiluomo Fiorentino
De l'ordre public en droit international privé
Arakan past--present--future : a résumé of two campaigns for its development
The Japan-Russia War : an illustrated history of the war in the Far East : the greatest conflict of modern times
A prisoner of Trotsky's (1920)
Analysis situs (1918)
The history of Peter the Great, Emperor of Russia
Tales by the O'Hara family : second series : comprising The Nowlans, and Peter of the castle
Lexicon Platonicum : sive Vocum Platonicarum, index
All classes productive of national wealth, or, The theories of M. Quesnai, Dr. Adam Smith and Mr. Gray, concerning the various classes of men, as to the production of wealth to the community
Some economic aspects of war : a lecture delivered before the Army War College at Washington, D.C., April 11, 1913
Das selbstandige Verordnungsrecht : zugleich eine Streitschrift fur die historisch-kritische Methode (1902)
Histoire, colonisation, geographie et administration de l'Algerie (1906)
The dance of Dinwiddie
The Maya chronicles
On some of Shakespeare's female characters : Ophelia, Juliet, Portia, Imogen, Desdemona, Rosalind, Beatrice
A handbook of the law of Scotland (1873)
Tapestries : their origin, history and renaissance
Bulletin officiel de la Fédération de l'alliance franc̜aise aux États-Unis et au Canada
Cantiques spirituels de l'amour divin : pour l'instruction et la consolation des ames devotes (1694)
Souvenirs sur Maupassant : sa dernière maladie, sa mort : avec des lettres inédites, communiquées par Madame Laure de Maupassant et des notes recueillies parmi les amis et les médecins de l'écrivain
The Meno of Plato (1901)
John Wycliff : last of the schoolmen and first of the English reformers (1892)
The Christians in Turkey : reports of meetings held on behalf of the Christians of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Uncle Sam's boys in the Philippines : or, following the flag against the Moros (1912)
Catalogue of the prints and etchings of Hans Sebald Beham: painter, of Nuremberg and citizen of Ftankfurt, 1500-1550 (1877)
A grammar of the French language: for pupil teachers and the more advanced classes in schools
Religion and culture : a critical survey of methods of approach to religious phenomena
A textbook of physics, largely experimental : including the Harvard College Descriptive list of elementary exercises in physics
Grundriss eines systems des gemeinen civilrechts zum behuf von Pandecten-Vorlesungen(1939)
Marie Antoinette and the end of the old régime
English of the XIVth century
The cave dwellers of southern Tunisia : recollections of a sojourn with the Khalifa of Matmata
Women in the universities of England and Scotland
Twenty-first annual report of the bureau of american ethnology to the secretary of the Smithsonian institution 1899-1900 : Hopi katcinas drawn by native artists
A lexicon to Herodotus, Greek and English : adapted to the text of Gaisford and Baehr
Instigations of Ezra Pound : together with an essay on the Chinese written character (1920)
The English patents of monopoly
De dialectica liber (1857)
The youth of Methodism : their privileges, responsibilities, duties, and prospects
Thoughts on physical education and the true mode of improving the condition of man : and on the study of the Greek and Latin languages (1836)
Aberdeen : its traditions and history with notices of some eminent Aberdonians
The history of printing in America : with a biography of printers, and an account of newspapers
Doctor and patient
History and management of land grants for education in the northwest territory : Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Wisconsin (1885)
Cours de peinture par principes
Das deutsche geistliche lied von der Altesten bis auf unsere Zeit Nach den Quellen V1-5 (1895)
Select works of Porphyry : containing his four books on abstinence from animal food, his treatise on the homeric cave of the nymphs (1823)
The life of St. Katherine of Alexandria
The Russians and their language (1916)
The history of music : a handbook and guide for students
Public opinion
Burns at Galston and Ecclefechan (1896)
A history of suffrage in the United States
An elucidation of the principles of English architecture : usually denominated Gothic
The white peril in the Far East : an interpretation of the significance of the Russo-Japanese War
The hymns and hymn writers of the church : an annotated edition of the Methodist hymnal
The mission and extension of the church at home : considered in eight lectures, preached before the University of Oxford, in the year MDCCCLXI., at the lectures founded by the late Rev. John Bampton, M.A., Canon of Salisbury
On a newly discovered form of Indian character
The German Universities : their character and historical development
Office of Naval Intelligence, war notes no. 1-8, information from abroad (1900)
Aus Heimat und Fremde : Lieder und Gedichte (1892)
The Kentucky highlanders : from a native mountaineer's viewpoint
The rival pitchers : a story of college baseball
The West Indies in 1837 : being the journal of a visit to Antigua, Montserrat, Dominica, St. Lucia, Barbados, and Jamaica undertaken for the purpose of ascertaining the actual condition of the negro population of those islands
An alphabet of athletics
Agnes Repplier : lady of letters
The fame and glory of England vindicated : being an answer to the glory and shame of England
Milton's Samson Agonistes ; and, Lycidas : with numerous illustrative notes
Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's history of England, from the invasion of Julius Cæsar to the death of George II : with a continuation to the year 1845 : with questions for examination at the end of each section
The Hindee-Roman orthoepigraphical ultimatum, or, A systematic, discriminative view of Oriental and occidental visible sounds (1820)
Wit, humor, and Shakspeare : twelve essays
Fra Girolamo Savonarola : a biographical study based on contemporary documents
The will to freedom, or, the gospel of Nietzsche and the gospel of Christ : being the bross lectures delivered in Lake Forest College, Illinois
Das deutsche Lied : geistlich und weltlich bis zum 18 Jahrhundert (1908)
Visits to remarkable places : old halls, battle fields and scenes illustrative of striking passages in history and poetry
Memoirs and correspondence of Francis Horner
Football and how to watch it
Ameto : comedia delle ninfe fiorentine
The Anglo-Norman dialect : a manual of its phonology and morphology, with illustrative specimens of the literature
What is social case work? : an introductory description (1922)
The poetical works and memoir of William Cowper (1899)
Ainu folklore : traditions and culture of the vanishing aborigines of Japan 1949
Goethe's theory of colours : with notes (1840)
History, theory, and technique of statistics : part I, history of statistics
Memoir of John Lang Bickersteth : late of Rugby School
The short-story : specimens illustrating its development
Atalanta fugiens, hoc est, Emblemata nova de secretis naturae chymica (1618)
The protozoa
The deportation cases of 1919-1920
Das deutsche Lied (1900)
Thoughts on the singing of unauthorized hymns, in public worship, 1835
Wood carving : design and workmanship
The forward pass in football
Das deutsche Lied in seiner historischen Entwicklung (1861)
Constitutional history of England
Mental gymnastics, or, lessons on memory
Cases on administrative law : selected from decisions of English and American courts
Prose works of Abraham Cowley : including his essays in prose and verse
Die wesentlichen Unterschiede des alten und des neuen Handelsgesetzbuchs
Sur l'etat politique, civil et naturel de la suisse
Memoirs of John Frederick Oberlin, pastor of Waldbach, in the Ban de La Roche : compiled from authentic souces, chiefly french and german
John Dorrien V1
La philosophie sociale de Renouvier
The children of the street : Mary Carpenter's work in relation to our own
Forty-two years amongst the Indians and Eskimo, 1893
The laws of Plato
Advice to young mothers on the physical education of children
The fan-qui in China : in 1836-1837 (1838)
Robert of Chester's Latin translation of the Algebra of al-Khowarizmi
Van Dyck : a collection of fifteen pictures, and a portrait of the painter, with introduction and interpretation
Epideictic literature
Mathematical psychics : an essay on the application of mathematics to the moral sciences
Biographical sketches (1869)
Studies in ethics for nurses
Johann Gottlieb Fichte : a study of his political writings with special reference to his nationalism
Études sur l'étymologie & le vocabulaire du vieux slave
The story of Scotland Yard
The trent affair : including a review of English and American relations at the beginning of the civil war
The Slovaks of Hungary : Slavs and panslavism
Henry James : a critical study
Der petroleumhandel
Deutschlands Steinkohlenhandel mit kurzen Rückblicken auf seine jüngste Vergangenheit
The fan-qui in China in 1836-7
Cinderella : three hundred and forty-five variants of Cinderella, Catskin and Cap O'Rushes
Desperate mission : Joel Brand's story
Ein Jahrhundert franzosischer Malerei (1901)
An introduction to Kachchayana's grammar of the Pali language (1863)
Hrvatski pravopis : po određenju kr. zem. vlade, odjela za bogoštovlje i nastavu
Die nordfranzösischen Elemente im Altprovenzalischen
The Delphic maxims in literature
The value of simplicity
Voyage autour du monde sur la frégate la Vénus pendant les années 1836-1839
Poems and translations by Dante Gabriel Rossetti : including Dante's La Vita Nuova and The early Italian poets
Journal d'un voyage autour du monde, pendant les années 1816, 1817, 1818 et 1819
Sherwood Anderson and other famous creoles
Bharavi's poem Kiratarjuniya : or Arjuna's combat with the Kirata
Lorenzo Valla : ein Vortrag
Fortunes made in business or life struggles of successful people
A scientific view of Mr. Francis Galton's theories of heredity (1876)
A selection of psalms and hymns, for a parish church (1812)
Our public offices : embodying an account of the disclosure of the Anglo-Russian Agreement and the unrevealed secret treaty of May 31, 1878
St. George's Edinburgh : a history of St. George's church 1814 to 1843, and of St. George's free church 1843 to 1873
Five years on the Erie canal : an account of some of the most striking scenes and incidents, during five years' labor on the Erie canal
The geometry of art and life
Amtliche Berichte über die Internationale Fischerei-Ausstellung zu Berlin 1880, parts 1-5
My diaries : being a personal narrative of events, 1888-1914
The fan-qui in China in 1836-1837 (1838)
The overthrow of the war system (1915)
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