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Library of New Testament studies

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Library of New Testament studies

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editor, Mark Goodacre
T&T Clark
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Description based on: 286Formerly Journal for the study of the New Testament supplement series (JSNTS)Publisher varies: T&T Clark International, Bloom...

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A baptism of judgment in the fire of the Holy Spirit : John's eschatological proclamation in Matthew 3Leave the NDL website. Mimesis in the Johannine literature : a study in Johannine ethicsLeave the NDL website. Muted voices of the New Testament : readings in the Catholic Epistles and HebrewsLeave the NDL website. The New Testament in comparison : validity, method and purpose in comparing traditionsLeave the NDL website. Rediscovering the Marys : Maria, Mariamne, MiriamLeave the NDL website. New studies in textual interplayLeave the NDL website. Common property, the golden age, and empire in Acts 2:42-47 and 4:32-35Leave the NDL website. The earliest perceptions of Jesus in context : essays in honour of John Nolland on his 70th birthdayLeave the NDL website. Dating Acts in its Jewish and Greco-Roman contextsLeave the NDL website. The concept of canon in the reception of the Epistle to the HebrewsLeave the NDL website. Irenaeus, the scriptures, and the apostolic writings : re-evaluating the status of the New Testament writings at the end of the second centuryLeave the NDL website. Paul and the Corinthians : leadership, ordeals, and the politics of displacementLeave the NDL website. Gospel women and the long ending of MarkLeave the NDL website. The formal education of the author of Luke-ActsLeave the NDL website. The Pauline book and the dilemma of EphesiansLeave the NDL website. Encountering the parables in contexts old and newLeave the NDL website. Women in John's gospelLeave the NDL website. A ricoeurian analysis of identity formation in Philippians : narrative, testimony, contestationLeave the NDL website. Relating the gospels : memory, imitation and the Farrer hypothesisLeave the NDL website. Intergroup conflict, recategorization, and identity construction in Acts : breaking the cycle of slander, labeling, and violenceLeave the NDL website. The cosmic journey in the Book of Revelation : apocalyptic cosmology and the experience of story-spaceLeave the NDL website. The spatiotemporal eschatology of Hebrews : priestly participation in the heavenly tabernacleLeave the NDL website. Reading Ephesians : exploring social entrepreneurship in the textLeave the NDL website. Paul and Judaism : crosscurrents in Pauline Exegesis and the study of Jewish-Christian relationsLeave the NDL website. Paul and Isaiah's servants : Paul's theological reading of Isaiah 40-66 in 2 Corinthians 5:14-6:10Leave the NDL website. Here comes the judge : violent pacifism in the book of RevelationLeave the NDL website. Jesus, the Galilean exorcist : his exorcisms in social and political contextLeave the NDL website. A cloud of witnesses : the theology of Hebrews in its ancient contextsLeave the NDL website. The Synoptic GospelsLeave the NDL website. Acts in its ancient literary context : a classicist looks at the Acts of the ApostlesLeave the NDL website. Wonders never cease : the purpose of narrating miracle stories in the New Testament and its religious environmentLeave the NDL website. The Fourth Gospel and the quest for Jesus : modern foundations reconsideredLeave the NDL website. A discourse analysis of the letter to the Hebrews : the relationship between form and meaningLeave the NDL website. Thomas--love as strong as death : faith and commitment in the Fourth GospelLeave the NDL website. A kind of magic : understanding magic in the New Testament and its religious environmentLeave the NDL website. Matthew and Mark across perspectives : essays in honour of Stephen C. Barton and William R. TelfordLeave the NDL website. The Synoptic Gospels and the Psalms as ProphecyLeave the NDL website. Bowing before Christ : nodding to the state? : reading Paul politically with Oliver O'Donovan and John Howard YoderLeave the NDL website. You are my son : the family of God in the epistle to the HebrewsLeave the NDL website. Israel's only shepherd : Matthew's shepherd motif and his social settingLeave the NDL website. Why Βίος? : on the relationship between gospel genre and implied audienceLeave the NDL website. Reading Revelation as pastiche : imitating the pastLeave the NDL website. Paradigms of being in Christ : a study of the Epistle to the PhilippiansLeave the NDL website. Q in Matthew : ancient media, memory, and early scribal transmission of the Jesus traditionLeave the NDL website. The Gentile mission in Old Testament citations in Acts : text, hermeneutic and purposeLeave the NDL website. The price of partnership in the Letter of Paul to the Philippians : "make my joy complete"Leave the NDL website. The body of Jesus : a spatial analysis of the kingdom in MatthewLeave the NDL website. The testimony of the exalted Jesus in the book of RevelationLeave the NDL website. Jesus from Judaism to Christianity : continuum approaches to the historical JesusLeave the NDL website. A cosmopolitan ideal : Paul's declaration 'neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, nor male and female' in the context of first-century thoughtLeave the NDL website. The open mind : essays in honour of Christopher RowlandLeave the NDL website. The body of Jesus : a spatial analysis of the kingdom in MatthewLeave the NDL website. Other early Christian gospels : a critical edition of the surviving Greek manuscriptsLeave the NDL website. The throne motif in the book of RevelationLeave the NDL website. Aural design and coherence in the prologue of First JohnLeave the NDL website. Children in early Christian narrativesLeave the NDL website. Characterizing Jesus : a rhetorical analysis on the Fourth Gospel's use of Scripture in its presentation of JesusLeave the NDL website. Finding Herem? : a study of Luke-Acts in the light of HeremLeave the NDL website. Saving God's reputation : the theological function of Pistis Iesou in the cosmic narratives of RevelationLeave the NDL website. Attitudes to gentiles in ancient Judaism and early ChristianityLeave the NDL website. The theological role of paradox in the Gospel of MarkLeave the NDL website. The letters and liturgical traditionsLeave the NDL website. Where is the wise man? : Graeco-Roman education as a background to the divisions in 1 Corinthians 1-4Leave the NDL website. A text-linguistic investigation into the discourse structure of JamesLeave the NDL website. Enthymemes in the letters of PaulLeave the NDL website. Early Christian literature and intertextualityLeave the NDL website. The theme of temple Christology in John's gospelLeave the NDL website. Gnosticism, docetism, and the Judaisms of the first century : the search for the wider context of the Johannine literature and why it mattersLeave the NDL website. Only the third heaven? : 2 Corinthians 12.1-10 and heavenly ascentLeave the NDL website. Children in early Christian narrativesLeave the NDL website. New Testament texts on Greek amulets from late antiquityLeave the NDL website. Gospel interpretation and the Q-hypothesisLeave the NDL website. Heavenly perspective : a study of the Apostle Paul's response to a Jewish mystical movement at ColossaeLeave the NDL website. Hebrews and divine speechLeave the NDL website. Narcissist universalism : a psychoanalytic reading of Paul's epistlesLeave the NDL website. Mark, manuscripts, and monotheism : essays in honor of Larry W. HurtadoLeave the NDL website. Paul and the dynamics of power : communication and interaction in the early Christ-movementLeave the NDL website. The proskynesis of Jesus in the New Testament : a study on the significance of Jesus as an object of προσκυνεω in the New Testament writingsLeave the NDL website. The Spirit and the "other" : social identity, ethnicity and intergroup reconciliation in Luke-ActsLeave the NDL website. The word order of the Gospel of Luke : its foregrounded messagesLeave the NDL website. Reconstructing the historical background of Paul's rhetoric in the Letter to the ColossiansLeave the NDL website. A scriptural theology of Eucharistic blessingsLeave the NDL website. Abuse, power and fearful obedience : reconsidering 1 Peter's commands to wivesLeave the NDL website. Jesus wept : the significance of Jesus' laments in the New TestamentLeave the NDL website. Discerning the "word of the Lord" : the "word of the Lord" in 1 Thessalonians 4:15Leave the NDL website. The audience of Matthew : an appraisal of the local audience thesisLeave the NDL website. The earliest Christian meeting places : almost exclusively houses?Leave the NDL website. Genre and narrative coherence in the Acts of the ApostlesLeave the NDL website. The fear of God in 2 Corinthians 7:1 : its meaning, function, and eschatological contextLeave the NDL website. No longer living as the Gentiles : differentiation and shared ethical values in Ephesians 4.17-6.9Leave the NDL website. So great a salvation: a dialogue on the atonement in HebrewsLeave the NDL website. Swimming in the sea of scripture : Paul's use of the Old Testament in 2 Corinthians 4.7-13.13Leave the NDL website. Paul and the creation of Christian identityLeave the NDL website. Swimming in the sea of scripture : Paul's use of the Old Testament in 2 Corinthians 4.7-13.13Leave the NDL website. Reading Acts today : essays in honour of Loveday C.A. AlexanderLeave the NDL website. Holy terror : Jesus in the infancy Gospel of ThomasLeave the NDL website. The heavenlies in Ephesians : a lexical, exegetical, and conceptual analysisLeave the NDL website. Crucifixion and new creation : the strategic purpose of Galatians 6.11-17Leave the NDL website. Luke's literary creativityLeave the NDL website. The branches of the Gospel of John : the reception of the Fourth Gospel in the early churchLeave the NDL website. Reading bodies : physiognomy as a strategy of persuasion in early Christian discourseLeave the NDL website. How to kill things with words : Ananias and Sapphira under the prophetic speech-act of Divine Judgement (Acts 4.32-5.11)Leave the NDL website. The Fourth Gospel in first-century media cultureLeave the NDL website. The social significance of reconciliation in Paul's theology : narrative readings in RomansLeave the NDL website. The common tradition behind synoptic sayings of judgment and John's Apocalypse : an oral interpretive tradition of OT prophetic materialLeave the NDL website. Paul as missionary : identity, activity, theology, and practiceLeave the NDL website. Jesus' cry from the cross : towards a first-century understanding of the intertextual relationship between Psalm 22 and the narrative of Mark's gospelLeave the NDL website. Configuring Nicodemus : an interdisciplinary approach to complex characterizationLeave the NDL website. Jesus wept : the significance of Jesus' laments in the New TestamentLeave the NDL website. Christology, hermeneutics, and Hebrews : profiles from the history of interpretationLeave the NDL website. Deuteronomy in the New TestamentLeave the NDL website. Paul at the crossroads of cultures : theologizing in the space-betweenLeave the NDL website. The New Testament and the church : essays in honour of John MuddimanLeave the NDL website. Paul and the Greco-Roman philosophical traditionLeave the NDL website. "The sufferings of Christ are abundant in us" (2 Corinthians 1.5) : a narrative dynamics investigation of Paul's sufferings in 2 CorinthiansLeave the NDL website. A narratological reading of 1 PeterLeave the NDL website. Christ, creation, and the cosmic goal of redemption : a study of Pauline creation theology as read by Irenaeus and applied to ecotheologyLeave the NDL website. A former Jew : Paul and the dialectics of raceLeave the NDL website. Theodicy and the cross of Christ : a New Testament inquiryLeave the NDL website. The community, the individual and the common good : Το Ιδιον and Το Συμφερον in the Greco-Roman world and PaulLeave the NDL website. Dialogue not dogma : many voices in the Gospel of LukeLeave the NDL website. Reception history, tradition and biblical interpretation : Gadamer and Jauss in current practiceLeave the NDL website. The ending of the canon : a canonical and intertextual reading of Revelation 21-22Leave the NDL website. Honour and conflict in the ancient world : 1 Corinthians in its Greco-Roman social settingLeave the NDL website. Rhetorical texture and narrative trajectories of the Lukan Galilean ministry speeches : hermeneutical appropriation by authorial readers of Luke-ActsLeave the NDL website. Suffering in the face of death : the epistle to the Hebrews and its context of situationLeave the NDL website. The Davidic shepherd king in the Lukan narrativeLeave the NDL website. The Paul-Apollos relationship and Paul's stance toward Greco-Roman rhetoric : an exegetical and socio-historical study of 1 Corinthians 1-4Leave the NDL website. Suffering in ancient worldview : Luke, Seneca and 4 Maccabees in dialogueLeave the NDL website. The Elijah-Elisha narrative in the composition of LukeLeave the NDL website. Paul's 'spirit of adoption' in its Roman Imperial contextLeave the NDL website. Jesus and the thoughts of many hearts : implicit Christology and Jesus' knowledge in the gospel of LukeLeave the NDL website. Zeal without knowledge : the concept of zeal in Romans 10, Galatians 1, and Philippians 3Leave the NDL website. Contours in the text : textual variation in the writings of Paul, Josephus and the YaḥadLeave the NDL website. The solution to the 'son of man' problemLeave the NDL website. Character studies and the gospel of MarkLeave the NDL website. Reading Acts in the discourses of masculinity and politicsLeave the NDL website. The nature and demands of the sovereign rule of God in the Gospel of MatthewLeave the NDL website. A journey round John : tradition, interpretation and context in the fourth GospelLeave the NDL website. Transfigured : a Derridean rereading of the Markan transfigurationLeave the NDL website. The writings of Luke and the Jewish roots of the Christian way : an examination of the aims of the first Christian historian in the light of ancient politics, ethnography, and historiographyLeave the NDL website. Characters and characterization in Luke-ActsLeave the NDL website. Paul and the creation of a counter-cultural community : a rhetorical analysis of 1 Cor. 5.1-11.1 in light of the social lives of the CorinthiansLeave the NDL website. Paul's utilization of preformed traditions in 1 Timothy : an evaluation of the apostle's literary, rhetorical, and theological tacticsLeave the NDL website. Becoming Christian : essays on 1 Peter and the making of Christian identityLeave the NDL website. Reading Paul in context : explorations in identity formation : essays in honour of William S. CampbellLeave the NDL website. Mark 13 and the return of the shepherd : the narrative logic of Zechariah in MarkLeave the NDL website. Kenotic politics : the reconfiguration of power in Jesus' political praxisLeave the NDL website. Paul, scribe of old and new : intertextual insights for the Jesus-Paul debateLeave the NDL website. Matthew and his Christian contemporariesLeave the NDL website. Being conformed to Christ in community : a study of maturity, maturation and the local church in the undisputed Pauline EpistlesLeave the NDL website. Structuring early Christian memory : Jesus in tradition, performance, and textLeave the NDL website. The audience of the Gospels : the origin and function of the Gospels in early ChristianityLeave the NDL website. The Danielic eschatological hour in the Johannine literatureLeave the NDL website. Jesus' literacy : scribal culture and the teacher from GalileeLeave the NDL website. Use of the third person for self-reference by Jesus and Yahweh : a study of Illeism in the Bible and ancient Near Eastern texts and its implications for ChristologyLeave the NDL website. Paul and Epictetus on law : a comparisonLeave the NDL website. Q in Matthew : ancient media, memory, and early scribal transmission of the Jesus traditionLeave the NDL website. Hearing between the lines : the audience as fellow-worker in Luke-Acts and its literary milieuLeave the NDL website. Is Paul also among the prophets? : an examination of the relationship between Paul and the Old Testament prophetic tradition in 2 CorinthiansLeave the NDL website. Becoming John : the making of a passion gospelLeave the NDL website. A poetic discontent : Austin Farrer and the Gospel of MarkLeave the NDL website. Conversion in Luke and Paul : an exegetical and theological explorationLeave the NDL website. Matthew's Judaization of Mark : examined in the context of the use of sources in Graeco-Roman antiquityLeave the NDL website. The ritual world of Paul the Apostle : metaphysics, community and symbol in 1 Corinthians 10-11Leave the NDL website. Creation imagery in the Gospel of JohnLeave the NDL website. Reading James with new eyes : methodological reassessments of the letter of JamesLeave the NDL website. Christ is God over all : Romans 9:5 in the context of Romans 9-11Leave the NDL website. Prayer and vindication in Luke-Acts : the theme of prayer within the context of the legitimating and edifying objective of the Lukan NarrativeLeave the NDL website. Illiterate apostles : uneducated early Christians and the literates who loved themLeave the NDL website. Reading First Peter with new eyes : methodological reassessments of the letter of First PeterLeave the NDL website. Searching the scriptures : studies in context and intertextualityLeave the NDL website. Methodology in the use of the Old Testament in the new : context and criteriaLeave the NDL website. Paul among the Apocalypses? : an evaluation of the "Apocalyptic Paul" in the context of Jewish and Christian Apocalyptic literatureLeave the NDL website. New Testament verbs of communication : a case frame and exegetical studyLeave the NDL website. The post-mortem vindication of Jesus in the sayings Gospel QLeave the NDL website. Do this in remembrance of me : the disputed words in the Lukan Institution narrative (Luke 22.19b-20) : an historico-exegetical, theological and sociological analysisLeave the NDL website. Jewish, Graeco-Roman, and early Christian usesLeave the NDL website. Marcan priority without Q : explorations in the Farrer hypothesisLeave the NDL website. The use of scripture in the Markan passion narrativeLeave the NDL website. God's equal : what can we know about Jesus' self-understanding?Leave the NDL website. The war between the two beasts and the two witnesses : a chiastic reading of Revelation 11.1-14.5Leave the NDL website. First pure, then peaceable : Frederick Douglass, darkness and the Epistle of JamesLeave the NDL website. Jesus, the Gospels, and the Galilean crisisLeave the NDL website. The message of Acts in Codex Bezae : a comparison with the Alexandrian traditionLeave the NDL website. Purity and worldview in the Epistle of JamesLeave the NDL website. Suffering in ancient worldview : Luke, Seneca, and 4 Maccabees in dialogueLeave the NDL website. Characters and characterization in Luke-ActsLeave the NDL website. Psychological analyses and the historical Jesus : new ways to explore Christian originsLeave the NDL website. Submission within the Godhead and the church in the Epistle to the Philippians : an exegetical and theological examination of the concept of submission in Philippians 2 and 3Leave the NDL website. "The time is fulfilled" : Jesus's apocalypticism in the context of continental philosophyLeave the NDL website. The reign of God is such as these : a socio-literary analysis of daughters in the Gospel of MarkLeave the NDL website. Jesus' emotions in the Fourth Gospel : human or divine?Leave the NDL website. Jesus and Paul : global perspectives in honor of James D.G. Dunn for his 70th birthdayLeave the NDL website. A Pauline theology of church leadershipLeave the NDL website. Texts and artefacts : selected essays on textual criticism and early Christian manuscriptsLeave the NDL website. Behold, the angels came and served Him : a compositional analysis of angels in MatthewLeave the NDL website. Jude on the attack : a comparative analysis of the Epistle of Jude, Jewish judgement oracles, and Greco-Roman invectiveLeave the NDL website. Characters and characterization in the gospel of JohnLeave the NDL website. Genre and narrative coherence in the Acts of the ApostlesLeave the NDL website. Paul's 'spirit of adoption' in its Roman Imperial contextLeave the NDL website. The divine builder in Psalm 68 : Jewish and Pauline traditionLeave the NDL website. The Lord's Prayer and the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew's GospelLeave the NDL website. Paul's large letters : Paul's autographic subscription in the light of ancient epistolary conventionsLeave the NDL website. The path to salvation in Luke's Gospel : what must we do?Leave the NDL website. Satan, the heavenly adversary of man : a narrative analysis of the function of Satan in the book of RevelationLeave the NDL website. Sin, the human predicament, and salvation in the Gospel of JohnLeave the NDL website. A Jewish apocalyptic framework of eschatology in the Epistle to the Hebrews : protology and eschatology as backgroundLeave the NDL website. Writing with scripture : scripturalized narrative in the Gospel of MarkLeave the NDL website. Exodus in the New TestamentLeave the NDL website. Patristic perspectives on Luke's transfiguration : interpreting visionLeave the NDL website. Jude on the attack : a comparative analysis of the Epistle of Jude, Jewish judgement oracles, and Greco-Roman invectiveLeave the NDL website. Jesus as teacher in the Gospel of Mark : the function of a motifLeave the NDL website. Markan typology : miracle, scripture and christology in Mark 4:35-6:45Leave the NDL website. The scriptures in the Book of Revelation and apocalyptic literature : essay in honour of Steve MoyiseLeave the NDL website. The Gospel of the Son of God : Psalm 2 and Mark's narrative ChristologyLeave the NDL website. Character studies in the Gospel of MatthewLeave the NDL website. Fan fiction and early Christian writings : apocrypha, pseudepigrapha and canonLeave the NDL website. Keir Hardie, the Bible, and Christian socialism : the miner's prophetLeave the NDL website. Sharing in the son's inheritance : Davidic messianism and Paul's worldwide interpretation of the Abrahamic land promise in GalatiansLeave the NDL website. The ending of the canon : a canonical and intertextual reading of revelation 21-22Leave the NDL website. Royal Messianism and the Jerusalem priesthood in the Gospel of MarkLeave the NDL website. Quotations in John : studies on Jewish scripture in the Fourth GospelLeave the NDL website. Theological and theoretical issues in the synoptic problemLeave the NDL website. Beyond canon : early Christianity and the Ethiopic textual traditionLeave the NDL website. Religious experience and the creation of scripture : examining inspiration in Luke-Acts and GalatiansLeave the NDL website. The politics of salvation : Lukan soteriology, atonement, and the victory of ChristLeave the NDL website. The invention of the inspired text : philological windows on the Theopneustia of scriptureLeave the NDL website. Atonement and ethics in 1 John : a peacemaking hermeneuticLeave the NDL website. Constructing ethnic identity in 1 Peter : who you are no longerLeave the NDL website. Jesus and the empire of God : royal language and imperial ideology in the Gospel of MarkLeave the NDL website. Matthew's account of the Massacre of the Innocents in light of its reception historyLeave the NDL website. Quotations in John : studies on Jewish scripture in the Fourth GospelLeave the NDL website. Luke in his own words : a study of the language of Luke-Acts in GreekLeave the NDL website. The Gospel of JohnLeave the NDL website. Paul, the apostle of obedience : reading obedience in RomansLeave the NDL website. Purifying the consciousness in Hebrews : cult, defilement and the perpetual heavenly blood of JesusLeave the NDL website. Jesus as teacher in the gospel of MatthewLeave the NDL website. The structure of Second Corinthians : Paul's theology of ministryLeave the NDL website. Constructing ethnic identity in 1 Peter : who you are no longerLeave the NDL website. The countercultural victory of 1 John in Greco-Roman context : conquering the worldLeave the NDL website. Reading the way, Paul, and "the Jews" in acts within Judaism : among my own nationLeave the NDL website. Jesus and YHWH-texts in the synoptic gospelsLeave the NDL website. The figure of Abraham in John 8 : text and intertextLeave the NDL website. 'Behold, the angels came and served Him' : a compositional analysis of angels in MatthewLeave the NDL website. Studies in canonical criticism : reading the New Testament as scriptureLeave the NDL website. The Bible on televisionLeave the NDL website. The media matrix of early Jewish and Christian narrativeLeave the NDL website. Gospel women and the long ending of MarkLeave the NDL website. Jesus as teacher in the Gospel of Mark : the function of a motifLeave the NDL website. The Gospel of JohnLeave the NDL website. Suffering in the face of death : the epistle to the Hebrews and its context of situationLeave the NDL website. Paul and Matthew among Jews and gentiles : essays in honor of Terence L. DonaldsonLeave the NDL website. Relating the gospels : memory, imitation, and the Farrer hypothesisLeave the NDL website. The dividing wall : Ephesians and the integrity of the Corpus PaulinumLeave the NDL website. Reading Second Peter with new eyes : methodological reassessments of the letter of Second PeterLeave the NDL website. The impact of bodily experience on Paul's resurrection theologyLeave the NDL website. Divine Christology in the Epistle to the Hebrews : the son as GodLeave the NDL website. The transformational role of discipleship in Mark 10:13-16 : passage towards childhoodLeave the NDL website. The moral life according to MarkLeave the NDL website. The New Testament in comparison : validity, method and purpose in comparing traditionsLeave the NDL website. Reading Acts theologicallyLeave the NDL website. A case frame grammar and lexicon for the Book of RevelationLeave the NDL website. Studies in canonical criticism : reading the New Testament as scriptureLeave the NDL website. Paul and Asklepios : the Greco-Roman quest for healing and the apostolic missionLeave the NDL website. Paul's use of the Old Testament in Romans 9:19-24 : an intertextual and theological exegesisLeave the NDL website. The spirit, new creation, and Christian identity : toward a pneumatological reading of Galatians 3:1-6:17Leave the NDL website. The ties that bind : negotiating relationships in early Jewish and Christian texts, contexts, and reception history : essays in Honor of Adele ReinhartzLeave the NDL website. Purity in the Gospel of John : early Jewish tradition, christology, and ethicsLeave the NDL website. The importance of outsiders to Pauline communities : opinion, reputation and missionLeave the NDL website. Saint Thecla : body politics and masculine rhetoricLeave the NDL website. The divine-human relationship in Romans 1-8 in the light of interdependence theoryLeave the NDL website. Mutual boasting in Philippians : the ethical function of shared honor in its scriptural and Greco-Roman contextLeave the NDL website. Paul's emotional regime : the social function of emotion in Philippians and 1 ThessaloniansLeave the NDL website. Ancient letters and the purpose of RomansLeave the NDL website.

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editor, Mark Goodacre
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Alternative Title
Journal for the study of the New Testament supplement series
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Formerly Journal for the study of the New Testament supplement series (JSNTS)
Publisher varies: T&T Clark International, Bloomsbury, Bloomsbury T&T Clark
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The spatiotemporal eschatology of Hebrews : priestly participation in the heavenly tabernacle
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Paul and Judaism : crosscurrents in Pauline Exegesis and the study of Jewish-Christian relations
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A cloud of witnesses : the theology of Hebrews in its ancient contexts
The Synoptic Gospels
Acts in its ancient literary context : a classicist looks at the Acts of the Apostles
Wonders never cease : the purpose of narrating miracle stories in the New Testament and its religious environment
The Fourth Gospel and the quest for Jesus : modern foundations reconsidered
A discourse analysis of the letter to the Hebrews : the relationship between form and meaning
Thomas--love as strong as death : faith and commitment in the Fourth Gospel
A kind of magic : understanding magic in the New Testament and its religious environment
Matthew and Mark across perspectives : essays in honour of Stephen C. Barton and William R. Telford
The Synoptic Gospels and the Psalms as Prophecy
Bowing before Christ : nodding to the state? : reading Paul politically with Oliver O'Donovan and John Howard Yoder
You are my son : the family of God in the epistle to the Hebrews
Israel's only shepherd : Matthew's shepherd motif and his social setting
Why Βίος? : on the relationship between gospel genre and implied audience
Reading Revelation as pastiche : imitating the past
Paradigms of being in Christ : a study of the Epistle to the Philippians
Q in Matthew : ancient media, memory, and early scribal transmission of the Jesus tradition
The Gentile mission in Old Testament citations in Acts : text, hermeneutic and purpose
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The body of Jesus : a spatial analysis of the kingdom in Matthew
The testimony of the exalted Jesus in the book of Revelation
Jesus from Judaism to Christianity : continuum approaches to the historical Jesus
A cosmopolitan ideal : Paul's declaration 'neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, nor male and female' in the context of first-century thought
The open mind : essays in honour of Christopher Rowland
The body of Jesus : a spatial analysis of the kingdom in Matthew
Other early Christian gospels : a critical edition of the surviving Greek manuscripts
The throne motif in the book of Revelation
Aural design and coherence in the prologue of First John
Children in early Christian narratives
Characterizing Jesus : a rhetorical analysis on the Fourth Gospel's use of Scripture in its presentation of Jesus
Finding Herem? : a study of Luke-Acts in the light of Herem
Saving God's reputation : the theological function of Pistis Iesou in the cosmic narratives of Revelation
Attitudes to gentiles in ancient Judaism and early Christianity
The theological role of paradox in the Gospel of Mark
The letters and liturgical traditions
Where is the wise man? : Graeco-Roman education as a background to the divisions in 1 Corinthians 1-4
A text-linguistic investigation into the discourse structure of James
Enthymemes in the letters of Paul
Early Christian literature and intertextuality
The theme of temple Christology in John's gospel
Gnosticism, docetism, and the Judaisms of the first century : the search for the wider context of the Johannine literature and why it matters
Only the third heaven? : 2 Corinthians 12.1-10 and heavenly ascent
Children in early Christian narratives
New Testament texts on Greek amulets from late antiquity
Gospel interpretation and the Q-hypothesis
Heavenly perspective : a study of the Apostle Paul's response to a Jewish mystical movement at Colossae
Hebrews and divine speech
Narcissist universalism : a psychoanalytic reading of Paul's epistles
Mark, manuscripts, and monotheism : essays in honor of Larry W. Hurtado
Paul and the dynamics of power : communication and interaction in the early Christ-movement
The proskynesis of Jesus in the New Testament : a study on the significance of Jesus as an object of προσκυνεω in the New Testament writings
The Spirit and the "other" : social identity, ethnicity and intergroup reconciliation in Luke-Acts
The word order of the Gospel of Luke : its foregrounded messages
Reconstructing the historical background of Paul's rhetoric in the Letter to the Colossians
A scriptural theology of Eucharistic blessings
Abuse, power and fearful obedience : reconsidering 1 Peter's commands to wives
Jesus wept : the significance of Jesus' laments in the New Testament
Discerning the "word of the Lord" : the "word of the Lord" in 1 Thessalonians 4:15
The audience of Matthew : an appraisal of the local audience thesis
The earliest Christian meeting places : almost exclusively houses?
Genre and narrative coherence in the Acts of the Apostles
The fear of God in 2 Corinthians 7:1 : its meaning, function, and eschatological context
No longer living as the Gentiles : differentiation and shared ethical values in Ephesians 4.17-6.9
So great a salvation: a dialogue on the atonement in Hebrews
Swimming in the sea of scripture : Paul's use of the Old Testament in 2 Corinthians 4.7-13.13
Paul and the creation of Christian identity
Swimming in the sea of scripture : Paul's use of the Old Testament in 2 Corinthians 4.7-13.13
Reading Acts today : essays in honour of Loveday C.A. Alexander
Holy terror : Jesus in the infancy Gospel of Thomas
The heavenlies in Ephesians : a lexical, exegetical, and conceptual analysis
Crucifixion and new creation : the strategic purpose of Galatians 6.11-17
Luke's literary creativity
The branches of the Gospel of John : the reception of the Fourth Gospel in the early church
Reading bodies : physiognomy as a strategy of persuasion in early Christian discourse
How to kill things with words : Ananias and Sapphira under the prophetic speech-act of Divine Judgement (Acts 4.32-5.11)
The Fourth Gospel in first-century media culture
The social significance of reconciliation in Paul's theology : narrative readings in Romans
The common tradition behind synoptic sayings of judgment and John's Apocalypse : an oral interpretive tradition of OT prophetic material
Paul as missionary : identity, activity, theology, and practice
Jesus' cry from the cross : towards a first-century understanding of the intertextual relationship between Psalm 22 and the narrative of Mark's gospel
Configuring Nicodemus : an interdisciplinary approach to complex characterization
Jesus wept : the significance of Jesus' laments in the New Testament
Christology, hermeneutics, and Hebrews : profiles from the history of interpretation
Deuteronomy in the New Testament
Paul at the crossroads of cultures : theologizing in the space-between
The New Testament and the church : essays in honour of John Muddiman
Paul and the Greco-Roman philosophical tradition
"The sufferings of Christ are abundant in us" (2 Corinthians 1.5) : a narrative dynamics investigation of Paul's sufferings in 2 Corinthians
A narratological reading of 1 Peter
Christ, creation, and the cosmic goal of redemption : a study of Pauline creation theology as read by Irenaeus and applied to ecotheology
A former Jew : Paul and the dialectics of race
Theodicy and the cross of Christ : a New Testament inquiry
The community, the individual and the common good : Το Ιδιον and Το Συμφερον in the Greco-Roman world and Paul
Dialogue not dogma : many voices in the Gospel of Luke
Reception history, tradition and biblical interpretation : Gadamer and Jauss in current practice
The ending of the canon : a canonical and intertextual reading of Revelation 21-22
Honour and conflict in the ancient world : 1 Corinthians in its Greco-Roman social setting
Rhetorical texture and narrative trajectories of the Lukan Galilean ministry speeches : hermeneutical appropriation by authorial readers of Luke-Acts
Suffering in the face of death : the epistle to the Hebrews and its context of situation
The Davidic shepherd king in the Lukan narrative
The Paul-Apollos relationship and Paul's stance toward Greco-Roman rhetoric : an exegetical and socio-historical study of 1 Corinthians 1-4
Suffering in ancient worldview : Luke, Seneca and 4 Maccabees in dialogue
The Elijah-Elisha narrative in the composition of Luke
Paul's 'spirit of adoption' in its Roman Imperial context
Jesus and the thoughts of many hearts : implicit Christology and Jesus' knowledge in the gospel of Luke
Zeal without knowledge : the concept of zeal in Romans 10, Galatians 1, and Philippians 3
Contours in the text : textual variation in the writings of Paul, Josephus and the Yaḥad
The solution to the 'son of man' problem
Character studies and the gospel of Mark
Reading Acts in the discourses of masculinity and politics
The nature and demands of the sovereign rule of God in the Gospel of Matthew
A journey round John : tradition, interpretation and context in the fourth Gospel
Transfigured : a Derridean rereading of the Markan transfiguration
The writings of Luke and the Jewish roots of the Christian way : an examination of the aims of the first Christian historian in the light of ancient politics, ethnography, and historiography
Characters and characterization in Luke-Acts
Paul and the creation of a counter-cultural community : a rhetorical analysis of 1 Cor. 5.1-11.1 in light of the social lives of the Corinthians
Paul's utilization of preformed traditions in 1 Timothy : an evaluation of the apostle's literary, rhetorical, and theological tactics
Becoming Christian : essays on 1 Peter and the making of Christian identity
Reading Paul in context : explorations in identity formation : essays in honour of William S. Campbell
Mark 13 and the return of the shepherd : the narrative logic of Zechariah in Mark
Kenotic politics : the reconfiguration of power in Jesus' political praxis
Paul, scribe of old and new : intertextual insights for the Jesus-Paul debate
Matthew and his Christian contemporaries
Being conformed to Christ in community : a study of maturity, maturation and the local church in the undisputed Pauline Epistles
Structuring early Christian memory : Jesus in tradition, performance, and text
The audience of the Gospels : the origin and function of the Gospels in early Christianity
The Danielic eschatological hour in the Johannine literature
Jesus' literacy : scribal culture and the teacher from Galilee
Use of the third person for self-reference by Jesus and Yahweh : a study of Illeism in the Bible and ancient Near Eastern texts and its implications for Christology
Paul and Epictetus on law : a comparison
Q in Matthew : ancient media, memory, and early scribal transmission of the Jesus tradition
Hearing between the lines : the audience as fellow-worker in Luke-Acts and its literary milieu
Is Paul also among the prophets? : an examination of the relationship between Paul and the Old Testament prophetic tradition in 2 Corinthians
Becoming John : the making of a passion gospel
A poetic discontent : Austin Farrer and the Gospel of Mark
Conversion in Luke and Paul : an exegetical and theological exploration
Matthew's Judaization of Mark : examined in the context of the use of sources in Graeco-Roman antiquity
The ritual world of Paul the Apostle : metaphysics, community and symbol in 1 Corinthians 10-11
Creation imagery in the Gospel of John
Reading James with new eyes : methodological reassessments of the letter of James
Christ is God over all : Romans 9:5 in the context of Romans 9-11
Prayer and vindication in Luke-Acts : the theme of prayer within the context of the legitimating and edifying objective of the Lukan Narrative
Illiterate apostles : uneducated early Christians and the literates who loved them
Reading First Peter with new eyes : methodological reassessments of the letter of First Peter
Searching the scriptures : studies in context and intertextuality
Methodology in the use of the Old Testament in the new : context and criteria
Paul among the Apocalypses? : an evaluation of the "Apocalyptic Paul" in the context of Jewish and Christian Apocalyptic literature
New Testament verbs of communication : a case frame and exegetical study
The post-mortem vindication of Jesus in the sayings Gospel Q
Do this in remembrance of me : the disputed words in the Lukan Institution narrative (Luke 22.19b-20) : an historico-exegetical, theological and sociological analysis
Jewish, Graeco-Roman, and early Christian uses
Marcan priority without Q : explorations in the Farrer hypothesis
The use of scripture in the Markan passion narrative
God's equal : what can we know about Jesus' self-understanding?
The war between the two beasts and the two witnesses : a chiastic reading of Revelation 11.1-14.5
First pure, then peaceable : Frederick Douglass, darkness and the Epistle of James
Jesus, the Gospels, and the Galilean crisis
The message of Acts in Codex Bezae : a comparison with the Alexandrian tradition
Purity and worldview in the Epistle of James
Suffering in ancient worldview : Luke, Seneca, and 4 Maccabees in dialogue
Characters and characterization in Luke-Acts
Psychological analyses and the historical Jesus : new ways to explore Christian origins
Submission within the Godhead and the church in the Epistle to the Philippians : an exegetical and theological examination of the concept of submission in Philippians 2 and 3
"The time is fulfilled" : Jesus's apocalypticism in the context of continental philosophy
The reign of God is such as these : a socio-literary analysis of daughters in the Gospel of Mark
Jesus' emotions in the Fourth Gospel : human or divine?
Jesus and Paul : global perspectives in honor of James D.G. Dunn for his 70th birthday
A Pauline theology of church leadership
Texts and artefacts : selected essays on textual criticism and early Christian manuscripts
Behold, the angels came and served Him : a compositional analysis of angels in Matthew
Jude on the attack : a comparative analysis of the Epistle of Jude, Jewish judgement oracles, and Greco-Roman invective
Characters and characterization in the gospel of John
Genre and narrative coherence in the Acts of the Apostles
Paul's 'spirit of adoption' in its Roman Imperial context
The divine builder in Psalm 68 : Jewish and Pauline tradition
The Lord's Prayer and the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew's Gospel
Paul's large letters : Paul's autographic subscription in the light of ancient epistolary conventions
The path to salvation in Luke's Gospel : what must we do?
Satan, the heavenly adversary of man : a narrative analysis of the function of Satan in the book of Revelation
Sin, the human predicament, and salvation in the Gospel of John
A Jewish apocalyptic framework of eschatology in the Epistle to the Hebrews : protology and eschatology as background
Writing with scripture : scripturalized narrative in the Gospel of Mark
Exodus in the New Testament
Patristic perspectives on Luke's transfiguration : interpreting vision
Jude on the attack : a comparative analysis of the Epistle of Jude, Jewish judgement oracles, and Greco-Roman invective
Jesus as teacher in the Gospel of Mark : the function of a motif
Markan typology : miracle, scripture and christology in Mark 4:35-6:45
The scriptures in the Book of Revelation and apocalyptic literature : essay in honour of Steve Moyise
The Gospel of the Son of God : Psalm 2 and Mark's narrative Christology
Character studies in the Gospel of Matthew
Fan fiction and early Christian writings : apocrypha, pseudepigrapha and canon
Keir Hardie, the Bible, and Christian socialism : the miner's prophet
Sharing in the son's inheritance : Davidic messianism and Paul's worldwide interpretation of the Abrahamic land promise in Galatians
The ending of the canon : a canonical and intertextual reading of revelation 21-22
Royal Messianism and the Jerusalem priesthood in the Gospel of Mark
Quotations in John : studies on Jewish scripture in the Fourth Gospel
Theological and theoretical issues in the synoptic problem
Beyond canon : early Christianity and the Ethiopic textual tradition
Religious experience and the creation of scripture : examining inspiration in Luke-Acts and Galatians
The politics of salvation : Lukan soteriology, atonement, and the victory of Christ
The invention of the inspired text : philological windows on the Theopneustia of scripture
Atonement and ethics in 1 John : a peacemaking hermeneutic
Constructing ethnic identity in 1 Peter : who you are no longer
Jesus and the empire of God : royal language and imperial ideology in the Gospel of Mark
Matthew's account of the Massacre of the Innocents in light of its reception history
Quotations in John : studies on Jewish scripture in the Fourth Gospel
Luke in his own words : a study of the language of Luke-Acts in Greek
The Gospel of John
Paul, the apostle of obedience : reading obedience in Romans
Purifying the consciousness in Hebrews : cult, defilement and the perpetual heavenly blood of Jesus
Jesus as teacher in the gospel of Matthew
The structure of Second Corinthians : Paul's theology of ministry
Constructing ethnic identity in 1 Peter : who you are no longer
The countercultural victory of 1 John in Greco-Roman context : conquering the world
Reading the way, Paul, and "the Jews" in acts within Judaism : among my own nation
Jesus and YHWH-texts in the synoptic gospels
The figure of Abraham in John 8 : text and intertext
'Behold, the angels came and served Him' : a compositional analysis of angels in Matthew
Studies in canonical criticism : reading the New Testament as scripture
The Bible on television
The media matrix of early Jewish and Christian narrative
Gospel women and the long ending of Mark
Jesus as teacher in the Gospel of Mark : the function of a motif
The Gospel of John
Suffering in the face of death : the epistle to the Hebrews and its context of situation
Paul and Matthew among Jews and gentiles : essays in honor of Terence L. Donaldson
Relating the gospels : memory, imitation, and the Farrer hypothesis
The dividing wall : Ephesians and the integrity of the Corpus Paulinum
Reading Second Peter with new eyes : methodological reassessments of the letter of Second Peter
The impact of bodily experience on Paul's resurrection theology
Divine Christology in the Epistle to the Hebrews : the son as God
The transformational role of discipleship in Mark 10:13-16 : passage towards childhood
The moral life according to Mark
The New Testament in comparison : validity, method and purpose in comparing traditions
Reading Acts theologically
A case frame grammar and lexicon for the Book of Revelation
Studies in canonical criticism : reading the New Testament as scripture
Paul and Asklepios : the Greco-Roman quest for healing and the apostolic mission
Paul's use of the Old Testament in Romans 9:19-24 : an intertextual and theological exegesis
The spirit, new creation, and Christian identity : toward a pneumatological reading of Galatians 3:1-6:17
The ties that bind : negotiating relationships in early Jewish and Christian texts, contexts, and reception history : essays in Honor of Adele Reinhartz
Purity in the Gospel of John : early Jewish tradition, christology, and ethics
The importance of outsiders to Pauline communities : opinion, reputation and mission
Saint Thecla : body politics and masculine rhetoric
The divine-human relationship in Romans 1-8 in the light of interdependence theory
Mutual boasting in Philippians : the ethical function of shared honor in its scriptural and Greco-Roman context
Paul's emotional regime : the social function of emotion in Philippians and 1 Thessalonians
Ancient letters and the purpose of Romans