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Studies on Voltaire and the eighteenth century 249

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edited by Theodore Besterman
Voltaire Foundation
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23-25 cm
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子書誌ありEnglish and Frenchv. 145- published by Voltaire Foundation at the Taylor...

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Rousseau : représentations et interprétations 1760-1990Leave the NDL website. Jean-Jacques Rousseau et la lecture : ouvrage collectif réalisé par l'Equipe Rousseau (U.M.R. 85-99 de l'Université de Paris IV)Leave the NDL website. The encyclopedists as a group : a collective biography of the authors of the EncyclopédieLeave the NDL website. The treatment of Christian doctrine by philosophers of the natural light from Descartes to BerkeleyLeave the NDL website. Voltaire and the EucharistLeave the NDL website. Rousseau, le luxe et l'idéologie nobiliaire : étude socio-historiqueLeave the NDL website. A study of Voltaire's lighter verseLeave the NDL website. La convention de l'amour-goût chez Claude Crébillon : genèse et perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Voyage et connaissance au tournant des Lumières (1780-1820)Leave the NDL website. A preliminary bibliography of Isabelle de Charriere (Belle de Zuylen)Leave the NDL website. Voltaire and the SociniansLeave the NDL website. 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Material Type
edited by Theodore Besterman
Publication Date
Publication Date (W3CDTF)
23-25 cm