
Linguistic insights : studies in language and communication

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Linguistic insights : studies in language and communication

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Gotti, Maurizio
P. Lang
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Editor: Maurizio Gotti

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Insights into late modern EnglishLeave the NDL website. Intercultural aspects of specialized communicationLeave the NDL website. Conversation analysis and language for specific purposesLeave the NDL website. The science review article : an opportune genre in the construction of scienceLeave the NDL website. Specialized discourse : linguistic features and changing conventionsLeave the NDL website. Discourse, identities and genres in corporate communication : sponsorship, advertising and organizational communicationLeave the NDL website. English in international deaf communicationLeave the NDL website. Language change and variation from Old English to Late Modern English : a festschrift for Minoji AkimotoLeave the NDL website. Asian business discourse(s)Leave the NDL website. English discourse markers of reformulationLeave the NDL website. Cohesion : a discourse perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Content and language integrated learning : cultural diversityLeave the NDL website. Corpus analysis for descriptive and pedagogical purposes : ESP perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Academic identity traits : a corpus-based investigationLeave the NDL website. Discourse, identities and roles in specialized communicationLeave the NDL website. English pronunciation models : a changing sceneLeave the NDL website. The status and development of N+N sequences in contemporary English noun phrasesLeave the NDL website. New trends and methodologies in applied English language research : diachronic, diatopic and contrastive studiesLeave the NDL website. Studies in learner corpus linguistics : research and applications for foreign language teaching and assessmentLeave the NDL website. Researching discourse in business genres : cases and corporaLeave the NDL website. Studies in specialized discourseLeave the NDL website. Die Wissenschaft und ihre SprachenLeave the NDL website. Current perspectives in second language vocabulary researchLeave the NDL website. Intercultural interactions in business and managementLeave the NDL website. Learning how to request in an instructed language learning contextLeave the NDL website. Historical (im)politenessLeave the NDL website. The translation of religious texts in the Middle Ages : tracts and rules, hymns and Saints' livesLeave the NDL website. Corpora and discourseLeave the NDL website. Academic discourse across disciplinesLeave the NDL website. Discourses, communities, and global EnglishesLeave the NDL website. Global interactions in English as a lingua franca : how written communication is changing under the influence of electronic media and new contexts of useLeave the NDL website. The rhythm of speech, verse and vocal music : a new theoryLeave the NDL website. The directionality of conversion in English : a dia-synchronic studyLeave the NDL website. English modality in context : diachronic perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Lexicography at a crossroads : dictionaries and encyclopedias today, lexicographical tools tomorrowLeave the NDL website. Evidence-based LSP : translation, text and terminologyLeave the NDL website. The pragmatics of academic writing : a relevance approach to the analysis of research article introductionsLeave the NDL website. Legal discourse across languages and culturesLeave the NDL website. Ways of the world's words : language contact in the age of globalizationLeave the NDL website. The use of English in institutional and business settings : an intercultural perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Insights into Medical CommunicationLeave the NDL website. From simple verbs to periphrastic expressions : the historical development of composite predicates, phrasal verbs, and related constructions in EnglishLeave the NDL website. Multiple perspectives on English philology and history of linguistics : a festschrift for Shoichi Watanabe on his 80th birthdayLeave the NDL website. Methods and data in English historical dialectologyLeave the NDL website. Domain-specific English : textual practices across communities and classroomsLeave the NDL website. Legal discourse in multilingual and multicultural contexts : arbitration texts in EuropeLeave the NDL website. The acquisition of German modal particles : a corpus-based approachLeave the NDL website. Linguistic and translation studies in scientific communicationLeave the NDL website. Approaching language variation through corpora : a festschrift in honour of Toshio SaitoLeave the NDL website. Content and foreign language integrated learning : contributions to multilingualism in European contextsLeave the NDL website. Bilingual advantages : contributions of different bilingual experiences to cognitive control differences among young-adult bilingualsLeave the NDL website. Lingua franca English : the role of simplification and transferLeave the NDL website. Studies in linguistics and cognitionLeave the NDL website. Drama and CLIL : a new challenge for the teaching approaches in bilingual educationLeave the NDL website. Explorations in specialized genresLeave the NDL website. L2 pragmatic development in study abroad contextsLeave the NDL website. Breaking ground in corpus-based interpreting studiesLeave the NDL website. Diachrony and synchrony in English corpus linguisticsLeave the NDL website. Syntax, style and grammatical norms : English from 1500-2000Leave the NDL website. Intercultural aspects of specialized communicationLeave the NDL website. Insights into late modern EnglishLeave the NDL website. Conflict and negotiation in specialized texts : selected papers of the 2nd CERLIS ConferenceLeave the NDL website. Discourse, communication and the enterprise : genres and trendsLeave the NDL website. Modality in specialized texts : selected papers of the 1st CERLIS ConferenceLeave the NDL website. Diachronic perspectives on domain-specific EnglishLeave the NDL website. Studies in functional discourse grammarLeave the NDL website. De la estructura de la frase al tejido del discurso : estudios contrastivos español-italianoLeave the NDL website. Terminology in English language teaching : nature and useLeave the NDL website. Back to the future : English from past to presentLeave the NDL website. Punctuation in context-past and present perspectivesLeave the NDL website. E-learning in English Medium Instruction (EMI) : academic language for university studentsLeave the NDL website. English in the European context : the EHEA challengeLeave the NDL website. Unhistorical gender assignment in Layamon's Brut : a case study of a late stage in the development of grammatical gender toward its ultimate lossLeave the NDL website. The development from case-forms to prepositional constructions in old English proseLeave the NDL website. New trends in specialized discourse analysisLeave the NDL website. Using corpora to learn about language and discourseLeave the NDL website. Tradition and change in legal English : verbal constructions in prescriptive textsLeave the NDL website. Space, place and the discursive construction of identityLeave the NDL website. Verbal/visual narrative texts in higher educationLeave the NDL website. Identities across media and modes : discursive perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Sharing perspectives on English-medium instructionLeave the NDL website. Explorations in second language vocabulary researchLeave the NDL website. Practical approaches to foreign language teaching and learningLeave the NDL website. Classroom talk : exploring the sociocultural structure of formal ESL learningLeave the NDL website. Clausal complements in native and learner spoken English : a corpus-based study with Lindsei and VicolseLeave the NDL website. Defining collocation for lexicographic purposes : from linguistic theory to lexicographic practiceLeave the NDL website. Le discours rapporté : approches linguistiques et perspectives didactiquesLeave the NDL website. Language, culture and the law : the formulation of legal concepts across systems and culturesLeave the NDL website. Researching language and the law : textual features and translation issuesLeave the NDL website. Advances in medical discourse analysis : oral and written contextsLeave the NDL website. Business discourse : texts and contextsLeave the NDL website. CLIL experiences in secondary and tertiary education : in search of good practicesLeave the NDL website. Grammar in cross-linguistic perspective : the syntax, semantics, and pragmatics of Japanese and ChineseLeave the NDL website. The role of prosody in affective speechLeave the NDL website. Intercultural business communication and simulation and gaming methodologyLeave the NDL website. Corpus linguistics in language teachingLeave the NDL website. Studies in late modern english correspondence : methodology and dateLeave the NDL website. Conversation analysis and language for specific purposesLeave the NDL website. English as an additional language in research publication and communicationLeave the NDL website. A day in the news : a stylistic analysis of newsspeakLeave the NDL website. English in Malaysia : postcolonial and beyondLeave the NDL website. L'adjectif en français et sa définition lexicographiqueLeave the NDL website. Discourse and identity in the professions : legal, corporate and institutional citizenshipLeave the NDL website. Learning second language pragmatics beyond traditional contextsLeave the NDL website. Left dislocation in English : a functional-discoursal approachLeave the NDL website. Corpus-based studies on language varietiesLeave the NDL website. Genre variation in Business LettersLeave the NDL website. Illocutionary shell nouns in EnglishLeave the NDL website. 'Of varying language and opposing creed' : new insights into late modern EnglishLeave the NDL website. Phrases and phraseology -- data and descriptionsLeave the NDL website. Evidentiality and modality in European languages : discourse-pragmatic perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Language revitalization : insights from ThailandLeave the NDL website. Mapping academic values in the disciplines : a corpus-based approachLeave the NDL website. EIL, ELF, global English : teaching and learning issuesLeave the NDL website. Frontiers in comparative prosody : in memoriam Mikhail GasparovLeave the NDL website. Les interactions quotidiennes en français et en anglais : de l'approche comparative à l'analyse des situations interculturellesLeave the NDL website. Commonality and individuality in academic discourseLeave the NDL website. English as a lingua franca and intercultural communication : implications and applications in the field of English language teachingLeave the NDL website. Los marcadores del discurso y la cortesía verbal en españolLeave the NDL website. Intercultural and international business communication : theory, research and teachingLeave the NDL website. Variation in central modals : a repertoire of forms and types of usage in middle English and early modern EnglishLeave the NDL website. Studien zur RechtskommunikationLeave the NDL website. Full-verb inversion in written and spoken EnglishLeave the NDL website. Second language vocabulary acquisitionLeave the NDL website. Basics of organizational writing : a critical reading approachLeave the NDL website. Corpora in translation : a practical guideLeave the NDL website. Modes of co-reference as an indicator of genreLeave the NDL website. Academic discourse : new insights into evaluationLeave the NDL website. Effects of frequency in classroom second language learning : quasi-experiment and stimulated-recall analysisLeave the NDL website. Plurilingual code-switching between standard and local varieties : a socio-psycholinguistic approachLeave the NDL website. Studies in English and European historical dialectologyLeave the NDL website. Language use in the public sphere : methodological perspectives and empirical applicationsLeave the NDL website. Studies on English modality : in honour of Frank PalmerLeave the NDL website. Autonomy, agency and identity in foreign language learning and teachingLeave the NDL website. Task equivalence in speaking testsLeave the NDL website. English as a lingua franca in cross-cultural immigration domainsLeave the NDL website. Current issues in late modern EnglishLeave the NDL website. From international to local English - and back againLeave the NDL website. Relativization in early English (950-1250) : the position of relative clausesLeave the NDL website. Corpora for university language teachersLeave the NDL website. Spoken corpora in applied linguisticsLeave the NDL website. Discursive strategies in multicultural business meetingsLeave the NDL website. Discourse and contemporary social changeLeave the NDL website. Early modern northern English lexis : a literary corpus-based studyLeave the NDL website. Understanding the effects of immediate electronic corrective feedback on second language developmentLeave the NDL website. Lexicologie(s) : approches croisées en sémantique lexicaleLeave the NDL website. Abstracts in academic discourse : variation and changeLeave the NDL website. Entre el léxico y la sintaxis : las fases de los eventosLeave the NDL website. From subordination to insubordination : a functional-pragmatic approach to if/si-constructions in English, French and Spanish spoken discourseLeave the NDL website. Construction du sens : un modèle instructionnel pour la sémantiqueLeave the NDL website. Ways of seeing, ways of being : representing the voices of tourismLeave the NDL website. Participe présent et gérondif dans la presse française contemporaineLeave the NDL website. Gender issues : translating and mediating languages, cultures and societiesLeave the NDL website. Nonfinite supplements in the recent history of EnglishLeave the NDL website. Research perspectives in language and educationLeave the NDL website. Competing patterns in English affixationLeave the NDL website. Politics and populism across modes and mediaLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Extroversion/introversion in foreign language learning : interactions with learner strategy use

  • Corpus linguistics : applications for the study of English

  • Comprendre et apprendre dans l'interaction : les séquences d'explication en classe de français langue seconde

  • Business and official correspondence : historical investigations

  • Age in L2 acquisition and teaching

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Note (General)
Editor: Maurizio Gotti
Related Material
Extroversion/introversion in foreign language learning : interactions with learner strategy use
Corpus linguistics : applications for the study of English
Comprendre et apprendre dans l'interaction : les séquences d'explication en classe de français langue seconde
Business and official correspondence : historical investigations
Age in L2 acquisition and teaching
Corpus-based studies of diachronic English
Academic vocabulary in context
English suffixes : stress-assignment properties, productivity, selection and combinatorial processes
Classroom talk : exploring the sociocultural structure of formal ESL learning
Perspectives on prescriptivism
Speech acts and politeness across languages and cultures
Insights into late modern English
Intercultural aspects of specialized communication
Conversation analysis and language for specific purposes
The science review article : an opportune genre in the construction of science
Specialized discourse : linguistic features and changing conventions
Discourse, identities and genres in corporate communication : sponsorship, advertising and organizational communication
English in international deaf communication
Language change and variation from Old English to Late Modern English : a festschrift for Minoji Akimoto
Asian business discourse(s)
English discourse markers of reformulation
Cohesion : a discourse perspective
Content and language integrated learning : cultural diversity
Corpus analysis for descriptive and pedagogical purposes : ESP perspectives
Academic identity traits : a corpus-based investigation
Discourse, identities and roles in specialized communication
English pronunciation models : a changing scene
The status and development of N+N sequences in contemporary English noun phrases
New trends and methodologies in applied English language research : diachronic, diatopic and contrastive studies
Studies in learner corpus linguistics : research and applications for foreign language teaching and assessment
Researching discourse in business genres : cases and corpora
Studies in specialized discourse
Die Wissenschaft und ihre Sprachen
Current perspectives in second language vocabulary research
Intercultural interactions in business and management
Learning how to request in an instructed language learning context
Historical (im)politeness
The translation of religious texts in the Middle Ages : tracts and rules, hymns and Saints' lives
Corpora and discourse
Academic discourse across disciplines
Discourses, communities, and global Englishes
Global interactions in English as a lingua franca : how written communication is changing under the influence of electronic media and new contexts of use
The rhythm of speech, verse and vocal music : a new theory
The directionality of conversion in English : a dia-synchronic study
English modality in context : diachronic perspectives
Lexicography at a crossroads : dictionaries and encyclopedias today, lexicographical tools tomorrow
Evidence-based LSP : translation, text and terminology
The pragmatics of academic writing : a relevance approach to the analysis of research article introductions
Legal discourse across languages and cultures
Ways of the world's words : language contact in the age of globalization
The use of English in institutional and business settings : an intercultural perspective
Insights into Medical Communication
From simple verbs to periphrastic expressions : the historical development of composite predicates, phrasal verbs, and related constructions in English
Multiple perspectives on English philology and history of linguistics : a festschrift for Shoichi Watanabe on his 80th birthday
Methods and data in English historical dialectology
Domain-specific English : textual practices across communities and classrooms
Legal discourse in multilingual and multicultural contexts : arbitration texts in Europe
The acquisition of German modal particles : a corpus-based approach
Linguistic and translation studies in scientific communication
Approaching language variation through corpora : a festschrift in honour of Toshio Saito
Content and foreign language integrated learning : contributions to multilingualism in European contexts
Bilingual advantages : contributions of different bilingual experiences to cognitive control differences among young-adult bilinguals
Lingua franca English : the role of simplification and transfer
Studies in linguistics and cognition
Drama and CLIL : a new challenge for the teaching approaches in bilingual education
Explorations in specialized genres
L2 pragmatic development in study abroad contexts
Breaking ground in corpus-based interpreting studies
Diachrony and synchrony in English corpus linguistics
Syntax, style and grammatical norms : English from 1500-2000
Intercultural aspects of specialized communication
Insights into late modern English
Conflict and negotiation in specialized texts : selected papers of the 2nd CERLIS Conference
Discourse, communication and the enterprise : genres and trends
Modality in specialized texts : selected papers of the 1st CERLIS Conference
Diachronic perspectives on domain-specific English
Studies in functional discourse grammar
De la estructura de la frase al tejido del discurso : estudios contrastivos español-italiano
Terminology in English language teaching : nature and use
Back to the future : English from past to present
Punctuation in context-past and present perspectives
E-learning in English Medium Instruction (EMI) : academic language for university students
English in the European context : the EHEA challenge
Unhistorical gender assignment in Layamon's Brut : a case study of a late stage in the development of grammatical gender toward its ultimate loss
The development from case-forms to prepositional constructions in old English prose
New trends in specialized discourse analysis
Using corpora to learn about language and discourse
Tradition and change in legal English : verbal constructions in prescriptive texts
Space, place and the discursive construction of identity
Verbal/visual narrative texts in higher education
Identities across media and modes : discursive perspectives
Sharing perspectives on English-medium instruction
Explorations in second language vocabulary research
Practical approaches to foreign language teaching and learning
Classroom talk : exploring the sociocultural structure of formal ESL learning
Clausal complements in native and learner spoken English : a corpus-based study with Lindsei and Vicolse
Defining collocation for lexicographic purposes : from linguistic theory to lexicographic practice
Le discours rapporté : approches linguistiques et perspectives didactiques
Language, culture and the law : the formulation of legal concepts across systems and cultures
Researching language and the law : textual features and translation issues
Advances in medical discourse analysis : oral and written contexts
Business discourse : texts and contexts
CLIL experiences in secondary and tertiary education : in search of good practices
Grammar in cross-linguistic perspective : the syntax, semantics, and pragmatics of Japanese and Chinese
The role of prosody in affective speech
Intercultural business communication and simulation and gaming methodology
Corpus linguistics in language teaching
Studies in late modern english correspondence : methodology and date
Conversation analysis and language for specific purposes
English as an additional language in research publication and communication
A day in the news : a stylistic analysis of newsspeak
English in Malaysia : postcolonial and beyond
L'adjectif en français et sa définition lexicographique
Discourse and identity in the professions : legal, corporate and institutional citizenship
Learning second language pragmatics beyond traditional contexts
Left dislocation in English : a functional-discoursal approach
Corpus-based studies on language varieties
Genre variation in Business Letters
Illocutionary shell nouns in English
'Of varying language and opposing creed' : new insights into late modern English
Phrases and phraseology -- data and descriptions
Evidentiality and modality in European languages : discourse-pragmatic perspectives
Language revitalization : insights from Thailand
Mapping academic values in the disciplines : a corpus-based approach
EIL, ELF, global English : teaching and learning issues
Frontiers in comparative prosody : in memoriam Mikhail Gasparov
Les interactions quotidiennes en français et en anglais : de l'approche comparative à l'analyse des situations interculturelles
Commonality and individuality in academic discourse
English as a lingua franca and intercultural communication : implications and applications in the field of English language teaching
Los marcadores del discurso y la cortesía verbal en español
Intercultural and international business communication : theory, research and teaching
Variation in central modals : a repertoire of forms and types of usage in middle English and early modern English
Studien zur Rechtskommunikation
Full-verb inversion in written and spoken English
Second language vocabulary acquisition
Basics of organizational writing : a critical reading approach
Corpora in translation : a practical guide
Modes of co-reference as an indicator of genre
Academic discourse : new insights into evaluation
Effects of frequency in classroom second language learning : quasi-experiment and stimulated-recall analysis
Plurilingual code-switching between standard and local varieties : a socio-psycholinguistic approach
Studies in English and European historical dialectology
Language use in the public sphere : methodological perspectives and empirical applications
Studies on English modality : in honour of Frank Palmer
Autonomy, agency and identity in foreign language learning and teaching
Task equivalence in speaking tests
English as a lingua franca in cross-cultural immigration domains
Current issues in late modern English
From international to local English - and back again
Relativization in early English (950-1250) : the position of relative clauses
Corpora for university language teachers
Spoken corpora in applied linguistics
Discursive strategies in multicultural business meetings
Discourse and contemporary social change
Early modern northern English lexis : a literary corpus-based study
Understanding the effects of immediate electronic corrective feedback on second language development
Lexicologie(s) : approches croisées en sémantique lexicale
Abstracts in academic discourse : variation and change
Entre el léxico y la sintaxis : las fases de los eventos
From subordination to insubordination : a functional-pragmatic approach to if/si-constructions in English, French and Spanish spoken discourse
Construction du sens : un modèle instructionnel pour la sémantique
Ways of seeing, ways of being : representing the voices of tourism
Participe présent et gérondif dans la presse française contemporaine
Gender issues : translating and mediating languages, cultures and societies
Nonfinite supplements in the recent history of English
Research perspectives in language and education
Competing patterns in English affixation
Politics and populism across modes and media