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World Bank discussion papers

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The sectoral foundations of China's developmentLeave the NDL website. Institutional reforms in sector adjustment operations : the World Bank's experienceLeave the NDL website. Income distribution and economic development in Malawi : some historical statisticsLeave the NDL website. Outreach and sustainability of six rural finance institutions in Sub-Saharan AfricaLeave the NDL website. Indonesian experience with financial sector reformLeave the NDL website. Private enterprise in Africa : creating a better environmentLeave the NDL website. Resource management and pastoral institution building in the West African SahelLeave the NDL website. Institutional development and technical assistance in macroeconomic policy formulation : a case study of TogoLeave the NDL website. Projectizing the governance approach to civil service reform : an institutional environment assessment for preparing a sectoral adjustment loan in the GambiaLeave the NDL website. Agriculture, poverty, and policy reform in Sub-Saharan AfricaLeave the NDL website. Urban housing reform in China : an economic analysisLeave the NDL website. Earnings, occupational choice, and mobility in segmented labor markets of IndiaLeave the NDL website. Unleashing Russia's business potential : lessons from the regions for building market institutionsLeave the NDL website. Implementing educational policies in EthiopiaLeave the NDL website. Road transport taxation in developing countries : the design of user charges and taxes for TunisiaLeave the NDL website. Restructuring banks and enterprises : recent lessons from transition countriesLeave the NDL website. Using indigenous knowledge in agricultural developmentLeave the NDL website. World Bank HIV/AIDS interventions : ex-ante and ex-post evaluationLeave the NDL website. Ecuador's Amazon region : development issues and optionsLeave the NDL website. Improving the performance of Soviet enterprisesLeave the NDL website. Selected social safety net programs in the Philippines : targetting, cost-effectiveness, and options for reformLeave the NDL website. Kyrgyz Republic : strategy for rural growth and poverty alleviationLeave the NDL website. Designing a system of labor market statistics and informationLeave the NDL website. Education and its relation to economic growth, poverty, and income distribution : past evidence and further analysisLeave the NDL website. Fostering sustainable development : the sector investment programLeave the NDL website. Trade policy reform in developing countries since 1985 : a review of the evidenceLeave the NDL website. A Chinese province as a reform experiment : the case of HainanLeave the NDL website. International migration and development in Sub-Saharan AfricaLeave the NDL website. US-Korea disputes on the opening of Korean insurance market : some implicationsLeave the NDL website. What we know about acquisition of adult literacy : is there hope?Leave the NDL website. Grameen Bank : performance and sustainabilityLeave the NDL website. Financing health services through user fees and insurance : case studies from Sub-Saharan AfricaLeave the NDL website. Improving the quality of primary education in Latin America and the Caribbean : toward the 21st centuryLeave the NDL website. Towards a payments system law for developing and transition economiesLeave the NDL website. Ghana : gender analysis and policymaking for developmentLeave the NDL website. Liquefied natural gas in China : options for markets, institutions, and financeLeave the NDL website. A commercial bank's microfinance program : the case of Hatton National Bank in Sri LankaLeave the NDL website. Implementing educational policies in ZambiaLeave the NDL website. Education achievements and school efficiency in rural BangladeshLeave the NDL website. Successful rural finance institutionsLeave the NDL website. How adjustment programs can help the poor : the World Bank's experienceLeave the NDL website. Selecting development projects for the World BankLeave the NDL website. Assessing development finance institutions : a public interest analysisLeave the NDL website. Decentralizing infrastructure : advantages and limitationsLeave the NDL website. China's non-bank financial institutions : trust and investment companiesLeave the NDL website. Export catalysts in low-income countries : a review of eleven success storiesLeave the NDL website. Social security and prospects for equity in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Cooperatives and the breakup of large mechanized farms : theoretical perspectives and empirical evidenceLeave the NDL website. Easing barriers to movement of plant varieties for agricultural developmentLeave the NDL website. Managing external debt in developing countries : proceedings of a joint seminar, Jeddah, May 1990Leave the NDL website. Measurement of welfare changes caused by large price shifts : an issue in the power sectorLeave the NDL website. Non-tariff barrier negotiations between developing and industrial countries : coverage and internationalization ratiosLeave the NDL website. Staying in the loop : International alliances for sharing technologyLeave the NDL website. Wage policy during the transition to a market economy : Poland, 1990-91Leave the NDL website. The new fiscal federalism in BrazilLeave the NDL website. Comparative advantage in manufactured goods : a re-appraisalLeave the NDL website. Agricultural research in southern Africa : a framework for actionLeave the NDL website. The Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee's credit programs : performance and sustainabilityLeave the NDL website. Raising school quality in developing countries : what investments boost learning?Leave the NDL website. Japanese National Railways privatization study : the experience of Japan and lessons for developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Borrower ownership of adjustment programs and the political economy of reformLeave the NDL website. The effects of economic policies on African agricultureLeave the NDL website. Mongolia : financing education during economic transitionLeave the NDL website. Desert locust management : a time for changeLeave the NDL website. Mongolia : financing education during economic transitionLeave the NDL website. Trade laws and institutions : good practices and the World Trade OrganizationLeave the NDL website. Public enterprise in developing countries : issues of privatizationLeave the NDL website. Exporting high-value food commodities : success stories from developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Strengthening protection of intellectual property in developing countries : a survey of the literatureLeave the NDL website. Innovations and risk taking : the engine of reform in local government in Latin America and the CaribbeanLeave the NDL website. Policy options for reform of Chinese state-owned enterprises : proceedings of a symposium in Beijing, June 1995Leave the NDL website. Managing price risk in the Pakistan wheat marketLeave the NDL website. A new view of economic growth : four lecturesLeave the NDL website. Sources of changes in factor intensity of tradeLeave the NDL website. Africa can compete! : export opportunities and challenges for garments and home products in the U.S. marketLeave the NDL website. Sri Lanka's tea industry : succeeding in the global marketLeave the NDL website. Managing the real and fiscal effects of banking crisesLeave the NDL website. Policy-based finance : the experience of postwar JapanLeave the NDL website. Voluntary debt-reduction operations : Bolivia, Mexico, and beyondLeave the NDL website. Public and private sector roles in agricultural research : theory and experienceLeave the NDL website. Combatting AIDS and the other sexually transmitted diseases in Africa : a review of the World Bank's agenda for actionLeave the NDL website. Evaluating public spending : a framework for public expenditure reviewsLeave the NDL website. Self-employment for the unemployed : experience in OECD and transitional economiesLeave the NDL website. Empowering small enterprises in ZimbabweLeave the NDL website. Public sector pay and employment reform : a review of World Bank experienceLeave the NDL website. Primary school teachers' salaries in Sub-Saharan AfricaLeave the NDL website. Lessons of financial liberalization in Asia : a comparative studyLeave the NDL website. Efficiency and substitution in pollution abatement : three case studiesLeave the NDL website. Did external barriers cause the marginalization of Sub-Saharan Africa in world trade?Leave the NDL website. Developing effective employment servicesLeave the NDL website. Russian enterprise reform : policies to further the transitionLeave the NDL website. Supply and demand for finance of small enterprises in GhanaLeave the NDL website. The state holding company : issues and optionsLeave the NDL website. Implementing educational policies in LesothoLeave the NDL website. Economic integration and trade liberalization in Southern Africa : Is there a role for South Africa?Leave the NDL website. Contract plans and public enterprise performanceLeave the NDL website. Managing redundancy in overexploited fisheriesLeave the NDL website. The tree-crop problemLeave the NDL website. Competitiveness and employment : a framework for rural development in PolandLeave the NDL website. Making the poor creditworthy : a case study of the Integrated Rural Development Program in IndiaLeave the NDL website. China : issues and options in greenhouse gas emissions controlLeave the NDL website. Evaluating health projects : lessons from the literatureLeave the NDL website. Nongovernmental organizations and local developmentLeave the NDL website. International trade and the environmentLeave the NDL website. Credit policies and the industrialization of KoreaLeave the NDL website. Deferred cost recovery for higher education : student loan programs in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Transport and the village : findings from African village-level travel and transport surveys and related studiesLeave the NDL website. Public and private roles in health : theory and financing patternsLeave the NDL website. Africa's experience with structural adjustment : proceedings of the Harare seminar, May 23-24, 1994Leave the NDL website. Closing the gap in access to rural communications : Chile 1995-2002Leave the NDL website. Model reduction through domain restrictionLeave the NDL website. The evolution of the World Bank's railway lendingLeave the NDL website. Patterns of development, 1950 to 1983Leave the NDL website. Improving family planning, health, and nutrition in India : experience from some World Bank-assisted programsLeave the NDL website. The demand for oil products in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Public policy for the promotion of family farms in Italy : the experience of the Fund for the formation of peasant propertyLeave the NDL website. Developing agricultural extension for women farmersLeave the NDL website. Russian trade policy reform for WTO accessionLeave the NDL website. Reaching the poor through rural public employment : a survey of theory and evidenceLeave the NDL website. Evolving legal frameworks for private sector development in Central and Eastern EuropeLeave the NDL website. Managing primary health care : implications of the health transitionLeave the NDL website. Global trends in real exchange rates, 1960 to 1984Leave the NDL website. The role of family planning and targeted credit programs in demographic change in BangladeshLeave the NDL website. The Measurement of learning and retention curves for basic skills in Egyptian primary education I : an application of censored analysis of variance : maximum likelihood estimation of the truncated and censored normal regression modelsLeave the NDL website. Review and outlook for the world oil marketLeave the NDL website. Public finance and social policy : explanation of trends and developments : the case of developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Regulated deregulation of the financial system in KoreaLeave the NDL website. Trade and transport facilitation : a toolkit for audit, analysis, and remedial actionLeave the NDL website. Natural gas in developing countries : evaluating the benefits to the environmentLeave the NDL website. Managing economic policy change : institutional dimensionsLeave the NDL website. Country commitment to development projectsLeave the NDL website. The Indian pharmaceutical sector : issues and options for health sector reformLeave the NDL website. Preventing banking sector distress and crises in Latin America : proceedings of a conference held in Washington, D.C., April 15-16, 1996Leave the NDL website. Sino-Japanese economic relationships : trade, direct investment, and future strategyLeave the NDL website. Appropriate macroeconomic management in Indonesia's open economyLeave the NDL website. Rural water supply and sanitation : time for a changeLeave the NDL website. The greenhouse effect : implications for economic developmentLeave the NDL website. "Fortress Europe" and other myths about trade : policies toward merchandise imports in the EC and other major industrial economies (and what they mean for developing countries)Leave the NDL website. Household and intrahousehold impact of the Grameen Bank and similar targeted credit programs in BangladeshLeave the NDL website. Community participation in development projects : the World Bank experienceLeave the NDL website. Gender dimensions of alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems in Latin America and the CaribbeanLeave the NDL website. Implementing educational policies in KenyaLeave the NDL website. Restructuring socialist industry : Poland's experience in 1990Leave the NDL website. Integrating social concerns into private sector decisionmaking : a review of corporate practices in the mining, oil, and gas sectorsLeave the NDL website. Managing fishery resources : proceedings of a symposium co-sponsored by the World Bank and Peruvian Ministry of Fisheries, held in Lima, Peru, June 1992Leave the NDL website. Farm debt in the CIS : a multi-country study of the major causes and proposed solutionsLeave the NDL website. Agricultural technology in Sub-Saharan Africa : a workshop on research issuesLeave the NDL website. Tenancy in South AsiaLeave the NDL website. From universal food subsidies to a self-targeted program : a case study in Tunisian reformLeave the NDL website. Revitalizing agricultural research in the Sahel : a proposed framework for actionLeave the NDL website. China : reform and development in 1992-93Leave the NDL website. Indigenous views of land and the environmentLeave the NDL website. Poverty reduction and human development in the Caribbean : a cross-country studyLeave the NDL website. China : industrial policies for an economy in transitionLeave the NDL website. Public and private secondary education in developing countries : a comparative studyLeave the NDL website. Sharing the wealth : privatization through broad-based ownership strategiesLeave the NDL website. On the uses and abuses of economy-wide models in development policy analysisLeave the NDL website. Design issues in rural financeLeave the NDL website. A multisector framework for analysis of stabilization and structural adjustment policies : the case of MoroccoLeave the NDL website. Military expenditure and economic development : a symposium on research issuesLeave the NDL website. Ecuador's Amazon region : development issues and optionsLeave the NDL website. Economic self-sufficiency and the effects of economic development on village housing in Nepal : January 1982Leave the NDL website. Harnessing information for development : a proposal for a World Bank Group strategyLeave the NDL website. Awakening the market : Viet Nam's economic transitionLeave the NDL website. Sri Lanka's rubber industry : succeeding in the global marketLeave the NDL website. Enterprise reform and privatization in socialist economiesLeave the NDL website. Costs and benefits of rent control : a case study in Kumasi, GhanaLeave the NDL website. Latin America's banking systems in the 1980s : a cross-country comparisonLeave the NDL website. Health care in Uganda : selected issuesLeave the NDL website. Environmental management and urban vulnerabilityLeave the NDL website. Women's work, education, and family welfare in PeruLeave the NDL website. Pareto inferior trade and optimal trade policyLeave the NDL website. Intellectual property rights and economic developmentLeave the NDL website. Managing capital flows in East AsiaLeave the NDL website. Demographic trends in China from 1950 to 1982Leave the NDL website. A poverty profile of CambodiaLeave the NDL website. Adolescent health : reassessing the passage to adulthoodLeave the NDL website. Financial systems in sub-Saharan Africa : a comparative studyLeave the NDL website. On the effect of subsidies to basic commodities on inequality in EgyptLeave the NDL website. Agricultural reform in Russia : a view from the farm levelLeave the NDL website. The contributions of infrastructure to economic development : a review of experience and policy implicationsLeave the NDL website. Implementing educational policies in SwazilandLeave the NDL website. World Bank lending for small and medium enterprises : fifteen years of experienceLeave the NDL website. Economic growth with equity : which strategy for Ukraine?Leave the NDL website. Performance evaluation for public enterprisesLeave the NDL website. Preshipment inspection servicesLeave the NDL website. The design and administration of intergovernmental transfers : fiscal decentralization in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Policies affecting fertility and contraceptive use : an assessment of twelve sub-Saharan countriesLeave the NDL website. Practical lessons for Africa from East Asia in industrial and trade policiesLeave the NDL website. Environmental health : bridging the gapsLeave the NDL website. Transforming agricultural research systems in transition economies : the case of RussiaLeave the NDL website. Improving nutrition in India : policies and programs and their impactLeave the NDL website. Targeted credit programs and rural poverty in BangladeshLeave the NDL website. The environmental implications of privatization : lessons for developing countriesLeave the NDL website. East Asia corporations : heroes or villainsLeave the NDL website. Macroeconomic policies and adjustment in Yugoslavia : some counterfactual simulationsLeave the NDL website. Telecommunications and information services for the poor : toward a strategy for universal accessLeave the NDL website. China's foreign trade and comparative advantage : prospects, problems, and policy implicationsLeave the NDL website. Deregulation of shipping : what is to be learned from ChileLeave the NDL website. Decentralization trends of employment location and spatial policies in LDC citiesLeave the NDL website. Why educational policies can fail : an overview of selected African experiencesLeave the NDL website. Public expenditure in Latin America : effects on povertyLeave the NDL website. Participation in practice : the experience of the World Bank and other stakeholdersLeave the NDL website. Agriculture and German reunificationLeave the NDL website. The World Bank's lending for adjustment : an interim reportLeave the NDL website. Problems of developing countries in the 1990sLeave the NDL website. Land reform and farm restructuring in UkraineLeave the NDL website. How fast is fertility declining in Botswana and Zimbabwe?Leave the NDL website. Subsidies of international concernLeave the NDL website. The participation of nongovernmental organizations in poverty alleviation : a case study of the Honduras Social Investment Fund ProjectLeave the NDL website. Reforming the energy sector in transition economies : selected experience and lessonsLeave the NDL website. Managing transboundary stocks of small pelagic fish : problems and optionsLeave the NDL website. Participation in project preparation : lessons from World Bank-assisted projects in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Rethinking research on land degradation in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa : analysis and explanationLeave the NDL website. International migration and international tradeLeave the NDL website. Managing the civil service : reform lessons from advanced industrial countriesLeave the NDL website. Fostering competition in China's power marketsLeave the NDL website. The economic determinants of urbanisation : the regional pattern of urbanisation in India explainedLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of a Conference on Currency Substitution and Currency BoardsLeave the NDL website. The regulatory impediments to the private industrial sector development in Asia : a comparative studyLeave the NDL website. Using knowledge from social science in development projectsLeave the NDL website. Insuring sovereign debt against defaultLeave the NDL website. Poverty, social services, and safety nets in VietnamLeave the NDL website. Comparative African experiences in implementing educational policiesLeave the NDL website. Sustainability of a government targeted credit program : evidence from BangladeshLeave the NDL website. Social security in Latin America : issues and options for the World BankLeave the NDL website. Household consequences of high fertility in PakistanLeave the NDL website. Case studies in war-to-peace transition : the demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants in Ethiopia, Namibia, and UgandaLeave the NDL website. The consulting profession in developing countries : a strategy for developmentLeave the NDL website. Adjusting educational policies : conserving resources while raising school qualityLeave the NDL website. Strategic management for government agencies : an institutional approach for developing and transition economiesLeave the NDL website. Divestiture in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Letting girls learn : promising approaches in primary and secondary educationLeave the NDL website. The diffusion of information technology : experience of industrial countries and lessons for developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Private sector development during transition : the Visegrad countriesLeave the NDL website. Economic growth with equity : Ukrainian perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Making motherhood safeLeave the NDL website. The impact of the Uruguay Round on AfricaLeave the NDL website. Transforming payment systems : meeting the needs of emerging market economiesLeave the NDL website. The reform of public expenditures for agricultureLeave the NDL website. Foreign trade regimes and economic growth in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Evolution of agricultural services in Sub-Saharan Africa : trends and prospectsLeave the NDL website. Developing the nonfarm sector in Bangladesh : lessons from other Asian countriesLeave the NDL website. Public expenditure reform under adjustment lending : lessons from World Bank experiencesLeave the NDL website. China's urban transport development strategy : proceedings of a symposium in Beijing, November 8-10, 1995Leave the NDL website. The East Asian miracle and information technology : strategic management of technological learningLeave the NDL website. Food import dependence in Somalia : magnitude, causes, and policy optionsLeave the NDL website. Land reform in Ukraine : the first five yearsLeave the NDL website. Agricultural extension for women farmers in AfricaLeave the NDL website. Assessing sector institutions : lessons of experience from Zambia's education sectorLeave the NDL website. Toward an environmental strategy for AsiaLeave the NDL website. Improving the quality of textbooks in ChinaLeave the NDL website. Macroeconomic policies, debt accumulation, and adjustment in Brazil, 1965-84Leave the NDL website. Do Caribbean exporters pay higher freight costs?Leave the NDL website. Market-based instruments for environmental policymaking in Latin America and the Caribbean : lessons from eleven countriesLeave the NDL website. Choices in financing health care and old age security : proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore, and the World Bank, November 8, 1997Leave the NDL website. Telecommunications policies for sub-Saharan AfricaLeave the NDL website. Housing reform in socialist economiesLeave the NDL website. Social spending in Latin America : the story of the 1980sLeave the NDL website. Facets of globalization : international and local dimensions of developmentLeave the NDL website. Portfolio investment in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Transport development in southern ChinaLeave the NDL website. Towards a sustainable urban environment : the Rio de Janeiro studyLeave the NDL website. Submission and evaluation of proposals for private power generation projects in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Information technology in World Bank lending : increasing the developmental impactLeave the NDL website. Health reform in Africa : lessons from Sierre LeoneLeave the NDL website. Colombia's pension reform : fiscal and macroeconomic effectsLeave the NDL website. Saving across the world : puzzles and policiesLeave the NDL website. Poverty, population, and the environmentLeave the NDL website. Designing major policy reform : lessons from the transport sectorLeave the NDL website. Rural enterprise development in China, 1986-90Leave the NDL website. Land quality indicatorsLeave the NDL website. International financial flows to Brazil since the late 1960s : an analysis of debt expansion and payment problemsLeave the NDL website. The maritime transport crisisLeave the NDL website. The public revenue and economic policy in African countries : an overview of issues and policy optionsLeave the NDL website. Financing private infrastructure in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Who benefits from public education spending in Malawi? : results from the recent education reformLeave the NDL website. Violence against women : the hidden health burdenLeave the NDL website. Structural adjustment in the transition : case studies from Albania, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyz Republic, and MoldovaLeave the NDL website. Education and development : evidence for new prioritiesLeave the NDL website. The Uruguay Round and the developing economiesLeave the NDL website. Assessment of the private sector : a case study and its methodological implicationsLeave the NDL website. Implementing educational policies in ZimbabweLeave the NDL website. Investing in young childrenLeave the NDL website. Civil service reform and the World BankLeave the NDL website. Comparative advantage in manufactured goods in a multi-country, multi-industry. and multi-factor modelLeave the NDL website. Cost sharing in the social sectors of Sub-Saharan Africa : impact on the poorLeave the NDL website. Implementing educational policies in TanzaniaLeave the NDL website. Measuring and apportioning rents from hydroelectric power developmentsLeave the NDL website. Liberalizing trade in servicesLeave the NDL website. Country studiesLeave the NDL website. Agricultural extension in AfricaLeave the NDL website. Schooling and cognitive achievements of children in Morocco : can the government improve outcomes?Leave the NDL website. Vocational education and training : a review of World Bank investmentLeave the NDL website. Participatory development and the World Bank : potential directions for changeLeave the NDL website. The development of the private sector in a small economy in transition : the case of MongoliaLeave the NDL website. Promoting rural cooperatives in developing countries : the case of Sub-Saharan AfricaLeave the NDL website. Fisheries development, fisheries management, and externalitiesLeave the NDL website. The spatial content of Bank urban sector workLeave the NDL website. The market-based menu approach in action : the 1988 Brazil financing packageLeave the NDL website. Small enterprises adjusting to liberalization in five African countriesLeave the NDL website. Market structure and performance : the role of international factors in a trade liberalizationLeave the NDL website. Privatization problems at industry level : road haulage in Central EuropeLeave the NDL website. Developing MongoliaLeave the NDL website. Energy demand in five major Asian developing countries : structure and prospectsLeave the NDL website. Public sector management issues in structural adjustment lendingLeave the NDL website. Korean industrial policy : legacies of the past and directions for the futureLeave the NDL website. Macroeconomic reform in China : laying the foundation for a socialist market economyLeave the NDL website. China's reform experience to dateLeave the NDL website. Trade policies and productivity change in semi-industrialized countriesLeave the NDL website. Funding mechanisms for higher education : financing for stability, efficiency, and responsivenessLeave the NDL website. Population and income change : recent evidenceLeave the NDL website. Social action programs and social funds : a review of design and implementation in Sub-Saharan AfricaLeave the NDL website. Gender-related legal reform and access to economic resources in Eastern AfricaLeave the NDL website. World Bank-financed projects with community participation : procurement and disbursement issuesLeave the NDL website. Quality controls of traded commodities and services in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Marine biotechnology and developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Environmental management in development : the evolution of paradigmsLeave the NDL website. Innovations in health care financing : proceedings of a World Bank conference, March 10-11, 1997Leave the NDL website. East Asia's environment : principles and priorities for actionLeave the NDL website. The regulation of non-bank financial institutions : the United States, the European Union, and other countriesLeave the NDL website. Women in higher education : progress, constraints, and promising initiativesLeave the NDL website. Clearance and settlement systems for securities : critical design choices in emerging market economiesLeave the NDL website. Population growth, shifting cultivation, and unsustainable agricultural development : a case study in MadagascarLeave the NDL website. Intergovernmental fiscal relations in Indonesia : issues and reform optionsLeave the NDL website. Institutional change and the public sector in transitional economiesLeave the NDL website. Tariffs, employment and the current account : the role of real wage resistanceLeave the NDL website. Information systems strategies for public financial managementLeave the NDL website. Beyond privatization : the second wave of telecommunications reforms in MexicoLeave the NDL website. Livestock production in North Africa and the Middle East : problems and perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Agricultural trade protectionism in Japan : a surveyLeave the NDL website. Income distribution and economic development in Madagascar : some historical statisticsLeave the NDL website. An assessment of vulnerable groups in Mongolia : strategies for social policy planningLeave the NDL website. The building blocks of participation : testing bottom-up planningLeave the NDL website. Making the transition work for women in Europe and Central AsiaLeave the NDL website. Reforming prices : the experience of China, Hungary, and PolandLeave the NDL website. Kenya at the demographic turning point? : hypotheses and a proposed research agendaLeave the NDL website. A general equilibrium analysis of trade restrictions under imperfect competition : theory and some evidence for the automotive tradeLeave the NDL website. Hungary : modernizing the subnational government systemLeave the NDL website. Institutional options for the provision of infrastructureLeave the NDL website. Improving urban employment and labor productivityLeave the NDL website. Intensified systems of farming in the tropics and subtropicsLeave the NDL website. The livestock sector in Eastern Europe : constraints and opportunitiesLeave the NDL website. East Asian corporations : heroes or villains?Leave the NDL website. A strategy for fisheries developmentLeave the NDL website. A system for evaluating the performance of government-invested enterprises in the Republic of KoreaLeave the NDL website. Institutional adjustment and adjusting to institutionsLeave the NDL website. The information technology revolution and economic developmentLeave the NDL website. Land and labor in South AsiaLeave the NDL website. School enrollment decline in Sub-Saharan Africa : beyond the supply constraintLeave the NDL website. The European communities' single market : the challenge of 1992 for Sub-Saharan AfricaLeave the NDL website. Retention of basic skills among dropouts from Egyptian primary schoolsLeave the NDL website. Telecommunications : World Bank experience and strategyLeave the NDL website. Surveillance of agricultural price and trade policy in Latin America during major policy reformsLeave the NDL website. Telecommunications sector reform in Asia : toward a new pragmatismLeave the NDL website. Costs and returns to liberalization : the Jamaican caseLeave the NDL website. The agrarian economies of Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States : situation and perspectives, 1997Leave the NDL website. China : reforming intergovernmental fiscal relationsLeave the NDL website. Adjustment programs and social welfareLeave the NDL website. Rent control in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Exploiting information technology for development : a case study of IndiaLeave the NDL website. The urban environment and population relocationLeave the NDL website. Design of social funds : participation, demand orientation, and local organizational capacityLeave the NDL website. Women's health and nutrition : making a differenceLeave the NDL website. Development of rural financial markets in Sub-Saharan AfricaLeave the NDL website. Africa can compete! : export opportunities and challenges for garments and home products in the European marketLeave the NDL website. Coal pricing in China : issues and reform strategyLeave the NDL website. Moral hazard in competitive loan markets : credit ceilings in domestic and international lendingLeave the NDL website. Trends in financing regional expenditures in transition economies : the case of UkraineLeave the NDL website. Intra-industry specialization : a multi-country perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Agricultural trade liberalization in a new trade round : perspectives of developing countries and transition economiesLeave the NDL website. Management and resolution of banking crises : lessons from the Republic of Korea and MexicoLeave the NDL website. Agricultural extension for women farmers in AfricaLeave the NDL website. Meeting the challenge of Chinese enterprise reformLeave the NDL website. Improving the transfer and use of agricultural information : a guide to information technologyLeave the NDL website. Ideas count, words informLeave the NDL website. User groups as producers in participatory afforestation strategiesLeave the NDL website. Procurement and disbursement manual for projects with community participationLeave the NDL website. Case-by-case privatization in the Russian Federation : lessons from international experienceLeave the NDL website. Land reform and farm restructuring in Moldova : progress and prospectsLeave the NDL website. Subsidies and countervailing measures : critical issues for the Uruguay roundLeave the NDL website. Structural aspects of manufacturing in sub-Saharan Africa : findings from a seven country enterprise surveyLeave the NDL website. Seed system development : the appropriate roles of the private and public sectorsLeave the NDL website. Implementing educational policies in UgandaLeave the NDL website. Cities without land markets : lessons of the failed socialist experimentLeave the NDL website. Financing of private hydropower projectsLeave the NDL website. The Broad Sector approach to investment lending : sector investment programsLeave the NDL website. Research on irrigation and drainage technologies : fifteen years of World Bank experienceLeave the NDL website. Small firms informally financed : studies from BangladeshLeave the NDL website. Bank governance contracts : establishing goals and accountability in bank restructuringLeave the NDL website. Kyrgyz Republic : strategy for rural growth and poverty alleviationLeave the NDL website. Managing public expenditure : an evolving World Bank perspectiveLeave the NDL website. How do national policies affect long-run growth? : a research agendaLeave the NDL website. Trade and industrial policies in the developing countries of East AsiaLeave the NDL website. Debt management systemsLeave the NDL website. Issues for infrastructure management in the 1990sLeave the NDL website. China : a strategy for international assistance to accelerate renewable energy developmentLeave the NDL website. On the road to EU accession : financial sector development in Central EuropeLeave the NDL website. Analyzing taxes on business income with the marginal effective tax rate modelLeave the NDL website. Seed systems in Sub-Saharan Africa : issues and optionsLeave the NDL website. Institutional and entrepreneurial leadership in the Brazilian science and technology sector : setting a new agendaLeave the NDL website. Forest economics and policy analysis : an overviewLeave the NDL website. Public and private agricultural extension : beyond traditional frontiersLeave the NDL website. The management of common property natural resources : some conceptual and operational fallaciesLeave the NDL website. Social gains from female education : a cross-national studyLeave the NDL website. The relationship of external debt and growth : Sudan's experience, 1975-1984Leave the NDL website. Developing financial institutions for the poor and reducing barriers to access for womenLeave the NDL website. From macroeconomic correction to public sector reform : the critical role of evaluationLeave the NDL website. Economic growth and the returns to investmentLeave the NDL website. General topicsLeave the NDL website. Dairy development and milk cooperatives : the effects of a dairy project in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Common property resources : a missing dimension of development strategiesLeave the NDL website. Indian women : their health and economic productivityLeave the NDL website. An historical perspective of Peru's trade liberalization policies of the 80sLeave the NDL website. India's public distribution system : a national and international perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Electronic finance : a new approach to financial sector development?Leave the NDL website. Disequilibrium analysis in developing economies : an overviewLeave the NDL website. The poor and the poorest : some interim findingsLeave the NDL website. Eastern Europe in transition : from recession to growth? : proceedings of a conference on the macroeconomic aspects of adjustmentLeave the NDL website. Intra-industry among exporters of manufactured goodsLeave the NDL website. Energy in Europe and Central Asia : a sector strategy for the World Bank GroupLeave the NDL website. Patterns of direct foreign investment in ChinaLeave the NDL website. Free trade area membership as a stepping stone to development : the case of ASEANLeave the NDL website. Public enterprise reform : lessons from the past and issues for the futureLeave the NDL website. International macroeconomic adjustment, 1987-92 : a world model approachLeave the NDL website. Commodity price stabilization in imperfectly competitive marketsLeave the NDL website. Small farmers in South Asia : their characteristics, productivity, and efficiencyLeave the NDL website. Household food security and the role of womenLeave the NDL website. Land reform and farm restructuring in RussiaLeave the NDL website. Trade liberalization in structural adjustment lendingLeave the NDL website. Financial incentives for renewable energy development : proceedings of an international workshop, February 17-21, 1997, Amsterdam, NetherlandsLeave the NDL website. Raising the productivity of women farmers in Sub-Saharan AfricaLeave the NDL website. Trade, global policy, and the environmentLeave the NDL website. Pathways to change : improving the quality of education in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Educating managers for business and government : a review of international experienceLeave the NDL website. Social infrastructure construction in the Sahel : options for improving current practicesLeave the NDL website. Negotiating the removal of non-tariff barriersLeave the NDL website. Public enterprises in Sub-Saharan AfricaLeave the NDL website. Poverty reduction in East Asia : the silent revolutionLeave the NDL website. Strengthening public service accountability : a conceptual frameworkLeave the NDL website. Information systems and basic statistics in Sub-Saharan Africa : a review and strategy for improvementLeave the NDL website. Pakistan's public agricultural enterprises : inefficiencies, market distortions, and proposals for reformLeave the NDL website. Poverty alleviation and social investment funds : the Latin American experienceLeave the NDL website. Higher education in Latin America : issues of efficiency and equityLeave the NDL website. Nippon Telegraph and Telephone privatization study : experience of Japan and lessons for developing countriesLeave the NDL website. The balance between public and private sector activities in the delivery of livestock servicesLeave the NDL website. China : power sector regulation in a socialist market economyLeave the NDL website. Portfolio performance of selected social security institutes in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. The private sector and power generation in ChinaLeave the NDL website. Illustrative effects of voluntary debt and debt service reduction operationsLeave the NDL website. Uganda's AIDS crisis : its implications for developmentLeave the NDL website. Intergovernmental fiscal relations in Indonesia : issues and reform optionsLeave the NDL website. The safe motherhood initiative : proposals for actionLeave the NDL website. Mobilizing domestic capital markets for infrastructure financing : international experience and lessons for ChinaLeave the NDL website. Macroeconomic management in China : proceedings of a conference in Dalian, June 1993Leave the NDL website. Indicators for monitoring poverty reductionLeave the NDL website. Farm restructuring and land tenure in reforming socialist economies : a comparative analysis of Eastern and Central EuropeLeave the NDL website. A multilevel model of school effectiveness in a developing countryLeave the NDL website. Redefining the role of government in agriculture for the 1990'sLeave the NDL website. Putting institutional economics to work : from participation to governanceLeave the NDL website. Country studiesLeave the NDL website. Pesticide policies in developing countries : do they encourage excessive use?Leave the NDL website. Debt equity conversion analysis : a case study of the Philippine programLeave the NDL website. Urbanization, agricultural development, and land allocationLeave the NDL website. The importance of trade for developing countriesLeave the NDL website.

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World Bank discussion paper
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China's foreign trade and comparative advantage : prospects, problems, and policy implications
Deregulation of shipping : what is to be learned from Chile
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Why educational policies can fail : an overview of selected African experiences
Public expenditure in Latin America : effects on poverty
Participation in practice : the experience of the World Bank and other stakeholders
Agriculture and German reunification
The World Bank's lending for adjustment : an interim report
Problems of developing countries in the 1990s
Land reform and farm restructuring in Ukraine
How fast is fertility declining in Botswana and Zimbabwe?
Subsidies of international concern
The participation of nongovernmental organizations in poverty alleviation : a case study of the Honduras Social Investment Fund Project
Reforming the energy sector in transition economies : selected experience and lessons
Managing transboundary stocks of small pelagic fish : problems and options
Participation in project preparation : lessons from World Bank-assisted projects in India
Rethinking research on land degradation in developing countries
Fertility in Sub-Saharan Africa : analysis and explanation
International migration and international trade
Managing the civil service : reform lessons from advanced industrial countries
Fostering competition in China's power markets
The economic determinants of urbanisation : the regional pattern of urbanisation in India explained
Proceedings of a Conference on Currency Substitution and Currency Boards
The regulatory impediments to the private industrial sector development in Asia : a comparative study
Using knowledge from social science in development projects
Insuring sovereign debt against default
Poverty, social services, and safety nets in Vietnam
Comparative African experiences in implementing educational policies
Sustainability of a government targeted credit program : evidence from Bangladesh
Social security in Latin America : issues and options for the World Bank
Household consequences of high fertility in Pakistan
Case studies in war-to-peace transition : the demobilization and reintegration of ex-combatants in Ethiopia, Namibia, and Uganda
The consulting profession in developing countries : a strategy for development
Adjusting educational policies : conserving resources while raising school quality
Strategic management for government agencies : an institutional approach for developing and transition economies
Divestiture in developing countries
Letting girls learn : promising approaches in primary and secondary education
The diffusion of information technology : experience of industrial countries and lessons for developing countries
Private sector development during transition : the Visegrad countries
Economic growth with equity : Ukrainian perspectives
Making motherhood safe
The impact of the Uruguay Round on Africa
Transforming payment systems : meeting the needs of emerging market economies
The reform of public expenditures for agriculture
Foreign trade regimes and economic growth in developing countries
Evolution of agricultural services in Sub-Saharan Africa : trends and prospects
Developing the nonfarm sector in Bangladesh : lessons from other Asian countries
Public expenditure reform under adjustment lending : lessons from World Bank experiences
China's urban transport development strategy : proceedings of a symposium in Beijing, November 8-10, 1995
The East Asian miracle and information technology : strategic management of technological learning
Food import dependence in Somalia : magnitude, causes, and policy options
Land reform in Ukraine : the first five years
Agricultural extension for women farmers in Africa
Assessing sector institutions : lessons of experience from Zambia's education sector
Toward an environmental strategy for Asia
Improving the quality of textbooks in China
Macroeconomic policies, debt accumulation, and adjustment in Brazil, 1965-84
Do Caribbean exporters pay higher freight costs?
Market-based instruments for environmental policymaking in Latin America and the Caribbean : lessons from eleven countries
Choices in financing health care and old age security : proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Institute of Policy Studies, Singapore, and the World Bank, November 8, 1997
Telecommunications policies for sub-Saharan Africa
Housing reform in socialist economies
Social spending in Latin America : the story of the 1980s
Facets of globalization : international and local dimensions of development
Portfolio investment in developing countries
Transport development in southern China
Towards a sustainable urban environment : the Rio de Janeiro study
Submission and evaluation of proposals for private power generation projects in developing countries
Information technology in World Bank lending : increasing the developmental impact
Health reform in Africa : lessons from Sierre Leone
Colombia's pension reform : fiscal and macroeconomic effects
Saving across the world : puzzles and policies
Poverty, population, and the environment
Designing major policy reform : lessons from the transport sector
Rural enterprise development in China, 1986-90
Land quality indicators
International financial flows to Brazil since the late 1960s : an analysis of debt expansion and payment problems
The maritime transport crisis
The public revenue and economic policy in African countries : an overview of issues and policy options
Financing private infrastructure in developing countries
Who benefits from public education spending in Malawi? : results from the recent education reform
Violence against women : the hidden health burden
Structural adjustment in the transition : case studies from Albania, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyz Republic, and Moldova
Education and development : evidence for new priorities
The Uruguay Round and the developing economies
Assessment of the private sector : a case study and its methodological implications
Implementing educational policies in Zimbabwe
Investing in young children
Civil service reform and the World Bank
Comparative advantage in manufactured goods in a multi-country, multi-industry. and multi-factor model
Cost sharing in the social sectors of Sub-Saharan Africa : impact on the poor
Implementing educational policies in Tanzania
Measuring and apportioning rents from hydroelectric power developments
Liberalizing trade in services
Country studies
Agricultural extension in Africa
Schooling and cognitive achievements of children in Morocco : can the government improve outcomes?
Vocational education and training : a review of World Bank investment
Participatory development and the World Bank : potential directions for change
The development of the private sector in a small economy in transition : the case of Mongolia
Promoting rural cooperatives in developing countries : the case of Sub-Saharan Africa
Fisheries development, fisheries management, and externalities
The spatial content of Bank urban sector work
The market-based menu approach in action : the 1988 Brazil financing package
Small enterprises adjusting to liberalization in five African countries
Market structure and performance : the role of international factors in a trade liberalization
Privatization problems at industry level : road haulage in Central Europe
Developing Mongolia
Energy demand in five major Asian developing countries : structure and prospects
Public sector management issues in structural adjustment lending
Korean industrial policy : legacies of the past and directions for the future
Macroeconomic reform in China : laying the foundation for a socialist market economy
China's reform experience to date
Trade policies and productivity change in semi-industrialized countries
Funding mechanisms for higher education : financing for stability, efficiency, and responsiveness
Population and income change : recent evidence
Social action programs and social funds : a review of design and implementation in Sub-Saharan Africa
Gender-related legal reform and access to economic resources in Eastern Africa
World Bank-financed projects with community participation : procurement and disbursement issues
Quality controls of traded commodities and services in developing countries
Marine biotechnology and developing countries
Environmental management in development : the evolution of paradigms
Innovations in health care financing : proceedings of a World Bank conference, March 10-11, 1997
East Asia's environment : principles and priorities for action
The regulation of non-bank financial institutions : the United States, the European Union, and other countries
Women in higher education : progress, constraints, and promising initiatives
Clearance and settlement systems for securities : critical design choices in emerging market economies
Population growth, shifting cultivation, and unsustainable agricultural development : a case study in Madagascar
Intergovernmental fiscal relations in Indonesia : issues and reform options
Institutional change and the public sector in transitional economies
Tariffs, employment and the current account : the role of real wage resistance
Information systems strategies for public financial management
Beyond privatization : the second wave of telecommunications reforms in Mexico
Livestock production in North Africa and the Middle East : problems and perspectives
Agricultural trade protectionism in Japan : a survey
Income distribution and economic development in Madagascar : some historical statistics
An assessment of vulnerable groups in Mongolia : strategies for social policy planning
The building blocks of participation : testing bottom-up planning
Making the transition work for women in Europe and Central Asia
Reforming prices : the experience of China, Hungary, and Poland
Kenya at the demographic turning point? : hypotheses and a proposed research agenda
A general equilibrium analysis of trade restrictions under imperfect competition : theory and some evidence for the automotive trade
Hungary : modernizing the subnational government system
Institutional options for the provision of infrastructure
Improving urban employment and labor productivity
Intensified systems of farming in the tropics and subtropics
The livestock sector in Eastern Europe : constraints and opportunities
East Asian corporations : heroes or villains?
A strategy for fisheries development
A system for evaluating the performance of government-invested enterprises in the Republic of Korea
Institutional adjustment and adjusting to institutions
The information technology revolution and economic development
Land and labor in South Asia
School enrollment decline in Sub-Saharan Africa : beyond the supply constraint
The European communities' single market : the challenge of 1992 for Sub-Saharan Africa
Retention of basic skills among dropouts from Egyptian primary schools
Telecommunications : World Bank experience and strategy
Surveillance of agricultural price and trade policy in Latin America during major policy reforms
Telecommunications sector reform in Asia : toward a new pragmatism
Costs and returns to liberalization : the Jamaican case
The agrarian economies of Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States : situation and perspectives, 1997
China : reforming intergovernmental fiscal relations
Adjustment programs and social welfare
Rent control in developing countries
Exploiting information technology for development : a case study of India
The urban environment and population relocation
Design of social funds : participation, demand orientation, and local organizational capacity
Women's health and nutrition : making a difference
Development of rural financial markets in Sub-Saharan Africa
Africa can compete! : export opportunities and challenges for garments and home products in the European market
Coal pricing in China : issues and reform strategy
Moral hazard in competitive loan markets : credit ceilings in domestic and international lending
Trends in financing regional expenditures in transition economies : the case of Ukraine
Intra-industry specialization : a multi-country perspective
Agricultural trade liberalization in a new trade round : perspectives of developing countries and transition economies
Management and resolution of banking crises : lessons from the Republic of Korea and Mexico
Agricultural extension for women farmers in Africa
Meeting the challenge of Chinese enterprise reform
Improving the transfer and use of agricultural information : a guide to information technology
Ideas count, words inform
User groups as producers in participatory afforestation strategies
Procurement and disbursement manual for projects with community participation
Case-by-case privatization in the Russian Federation : lessons from international experience
Land reform and farm restructuring in Moldova : progress and prospects
Subsidies and countervailing measures : critical issues for the Uruguay round
Structural aspects of manufacturing in sub-Saharan Africa : findings from a seven country enterprise survey
Seed system development : the appropriate roles of the private and public sectors
Implementing educational policies in Uganda
Cities without land markets : lessons of the failed socialist experiment
Financing of private hydropower projects
The Broad Sector approach to investment lending : sector investment programs
Research on irrigation and drainage technologies : fifteen years of World Bank experience
Small firms informally financed : studies from Bangladesh
Bank governance contracts : establishing goals and accountability in bank restructuring
Kyrgyz Republic : strategy for rural growth and poverty alleviation
Managing public expenditure : an evolving World Bank perspective
How do national policies affect long-run growth? : a research agenda
Trade and industrial policies in the developing countries of East Asia
Debt management systems
Issues for infrastructure management in the 1990s
China : a strategy for international assistance to accelerate renewable energy development
On the road to EU accession : financial sector development in Central Europe
Analyzing taxes on business income with the marginal effective tax rate model
Seed systems in Sub-Saharan Africa : issues and options
Institutional and entrepreneurial leadership in the Brazilian science and technology sector : setting a new agenda
Forest economics and policy analysis : an overview
Public and private agricultural extension : beyond traditional frontiers
The management of common property natural resources : some conceptual and operational fallacies
Social gains from female education : a cross-national study
The relationship of external debt and growth : Sudan's experience, 1975-1984
Developing financial institutions for the poor and reducing barriers to access for women
From macroeconomic correction to public sector reform : the critical role of evaluation
Economic growth and the returns to investment
General topics
Dairy development and milk cooperatives : the effects of a dairy project in India
Common property resources : a missing dimension of development strategies
Indian women : their health and economic productivity
An historical perspective of Peru's trade liberalization policies of the 80s
India's public distribution system : a national and international perspective
Electronic finance : a new approach to financial sector development?
Disequilibrium analysis in developing economies : an overview
The poor and the poorest : some interim findings
Eastern Europe in transition : from recession to growth? : proceedings of a conference on the macroeconomic aspects of adjustment
Intra-industry among exporters of manufactured goods
Energy in Europe and Central Asia : a sector strategy for the World Bank Group
Patterns of direct foreign investment in China
Free trade area membership as a stepping stone to development : the case of ASEAN
Public enterprise reform : lessons from the past and issues for the future
International macroeconomic adjustment, 1987-92 : a world model approach
Commodity price stabilization in imperfectly competitive markets
Small farmers in South Asia : their characteristics, productivity, and efficiency
Household food security and the role of women
Land reform and farm restructuring in Russia
Trade liberalization in structural adjustment lending
Financial incentives for renewable energy development : proceedings of an international workshop, February 17-21, 1997, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Raising the productivity of women farmers in Sub-Saharan Africa
Trade, global policy, and the environment
Pathways to change : improving the quality of education in developing countries
Educating managers for business and government : a review of international experience
Social infrastructure construction in the Sahel : options for improving current practices
Negotiating the removal of non-tariff barriers
Public enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa
Poverty reduction in East Asia : the silent revolution
Strengthening public service accountability : a conceptual framework
Information systems and basic statistics in Sub-Saharan Africa : a review and strategy for improvement
Pakistan's public agricultural enterprises : inefficiencies, market distortions, and proposals for reform
Poverty alleviation and social investment funds : the Latin American experience
Higher education in Latin America : issues of efficiency and equity
Nippon Telegraph and Telephone privatization study : experience of Japan and lessons for developing countries
The balance between public and private sector activities in the delivery of livestock services
China : power sector regulation in a socialist market economy
Portfolio performance of selected social security institutes in Latin America
The private sector and power generation in China
Illustrative effects of voluntary debt and debt service reduction operations
Uganda's AIDS crisis : its implications for development
Intergovernmental fiscal relations in Indonesia : issues and reform options
The safe motherhood initiative : proposals for action
Mobilizing domestic capital markets for infrastructure financing : international experience and lessons for China
Macroeconomic management in China : proceedings of a conference in Dalian, June 1993
Indicators for monitoring poverty reduction
Farm restructuring and land tenure in reforming socialist economies : a comparative analysis of Eastern and Central Europe
A multilevel model of school effectiveness in a developing country
Redefining the role of government in agriculture for the 1990's
Putting institutional economics to work : from participation to governance
Country studies
Pesticide policies in developing countries : do they encourage excessive use?
Debt equity conversion analysis : a case study of the Philippine program
Urbanization, agricultural development, and land allocation
The importance of trade for developing countries
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