
Palgrave studies in cultural heritage and conflict

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Palgrave studies in cultural heritage and conflict

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series editors, Ihab Saloul, Rob van de Laarse, and Britt Baillie
Palgrave Macmillan
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Social memory and war narratives : transmitted trauma among children of Vietnam War veteransLeave the NDL website. King returns to Washington : explorations of memory, rhetoric, and politics in the Martin Luther King, Jr. national memorialLeave the NDL website. Narrating war in peace : the Spanish Civil War in the transition and todayLeave the NDL website. The Holocaust bystander in Polish culture, 1942-2015 : the story of innocenceLeave the NDL website. Memorials in the aftermath of armed conflict : from history to heritageLeave the NDL website. Traumatic memory and the ethical, political and transhistorical functions of literatureLeave the NDL website. 'Difficult heritage' in nation building : South Korea and post-conflict Japanese colonial occupation architectureLeave the NDL website. Virtual dark tourism : ghost roadsLeave the NDL website. Architecture, urban space and war : the destruction and reconstruction of SarajevoLeave the NDL website. Nazi and Holocaust representations in Anglo-American popular culture, 1945-2020 : irreverent remembranceLeave the NDL website. Landscapes of difficult heritageLeave the NDL website. Traumatic memory and the ethical, political and transhistorical functions of literatureLeave the NDL website. Public humanities and the Spanish Civil War : connected and contested historiesLeave the NDL website. Post-Yugoslav metamuseums : reframing Second World War heritage in postconflict Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and SerbiaLeave the NDL website. Rediscovering Kurdistan's cultures and identities : the call of the cricketLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Social memory and war narratives : transmitted trauma among children of Vietnam War veterans

  • King returns to Washington : explorations of memory, rhetoric, and politics in the Martin Luther King, Jr. national memorial

  • Narrating war in peace : the Spanish Civil War in the transition and today

  • The Holocaust bystander in Polish culture, 1942-2015 : the story of innocence

  • Memorials in the aftermath of armed conflict : from history to heritage

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Material Type
series editors, Ihab Saloul, Rob van de Laarse, and Britt Baillie
Publication, Distribution, etc.
Publication Date
Publication Date (W3CDTF)
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Related Material
Social memory and war narratives : transmitted trauma among children of Vietnam War veterans
King returns to Washington : explorations of memory, rhetoric, and politics in the Martin Luther King, Jr. national memorial
Narrating war in peace : the Spanish Civil War in the transition and today
The Holocaust bystander in Polish culture, 1942-2015 : the story of innocence
Memorials in the aftermath of armed conflict : from history to heritage
Traumatic memory and the ethical, political and transhistorical functions of literature
'Difficult heritage' in nation building : South Korea and post-conflict Japanese colonial occupation architecture
Virtual dark tourism : ghost roads
Architecture, urban space and war : the destruction and reconstruction of Sarajevo
Nazi and Holocaust representations in Anglo-American popular culture, 1945-2020 : irreverent remembrance
Landscapes of difficult heritage
Traumatic memory and the ethical, political and transhistorical functions of literature
Public humanities and the Spanish Civil War : connected and contested histories
Post-Yugoslav metamuseums : reframing Second World War heritage in postconflict Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Serbia
Rediscovering Kurdistan's cultures and identities : the call of the cricket