
Landolt-Börnstein Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Naturwissenschaften und Technik, Neue Serie Gesamtregister 1988 Gesamtregister, 6. Auf. 1950-1980, Neu Ser. 1961-1985 : gw Comprehensive index 1988 : gw Comprehensive index 1990 : gw Comprehensive index 1990 : us Comprehensive index 1996 : gw

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Landolt-Börnstein Zahlenwerte und Funktionen aus Naturwissenschaften und Technik, Neue Serie Gesamtregister 1988

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Gesamtherausgabe, K.-H. Hellwege
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28 cm
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子書誌ありEditor variesEditor in chief: W. Martienssen

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Densities of esters and ethersLeave the NDL website. Adsorption on surfaces and surface diffusion of adsorbatesLeave the NDL website. Densities of aliphatic hydrocarbons : AlkanesLeave the NDL website. Diamagnetische SuszeptibilitätLeave the NDL website. Compounds from BeBr<g> to ZrCl[2]<g>Leave the NDL website. Schlüsselelemente : d[9]-, d[10]-, d[1] ... d[3]-, f-ElementeLeave the NDL website. Physikalische und chemische Eigenschaften der LuftLeave the NDL website. Dichten binärer wässeriger Systeme und wärmekapazitäten flüssiger SystemeLeave the NDL website. Dipole moments, quadrupole coupling contents, hindered rotation and magnetic interaction constants of diamagnetic moleculesLeave the NDL website. Electronic, transport, optical and other propertiesLeave the NDL website. Linear triatomic molecules, N[2]O(NNO)Leave the NDL website. New data and updates for II-VI compoundsLeave the NDL website. Gesamtregister für 6te Auflage 1950-1980 und Neue Serie 1961-1985Leave the NDL website. Polyatomic radicals and ionsLeave the NDL website. Vapor pressure and antoine constants for nitrogen containing organic compoundsLeave the NDL website. Conjugated carbon centered radicals, high-spin systems and carbenesLeave the NDL website. Aktiniden und ihre Verbindungen mit anderen ElementenLeave the NDL website. Elements and binary systems from Ag-Al to Au-TlLeave the NDL website. Index of substances for volumes II/4, II/6, II/14 and II/19Leave the NDL website. Magnetische SuszeptibilitätenLeave the NDL website. Metals and MagnetsLeave the NDL website. Instruments, methods, solar systemLeave the NDL website. Diffusion in non-metallic solidsLeave the NDL website. Methoden, Konstanten, SonnensystemLeave the NDL website. Lattice propertiesLeave the NDL website. Compounds from HgH<g> to ZnTe<g>Leave the NDL website. Protonen- und Elektronenaustauschreaktionen, BiradikaleLeave the NDL website. HalidesLeave the NDL website. Theory and experimentsLeave the NDL website. Non-ferrous alloys : heavy metalsLeave the NDL website. Elektroschwache Wechselwirkungen : experimentelle Ergebnisse und theoretische GrundlagenLeave the NDL website. Schlüsselelemente O, S, Se, TeLeave the NDL website. Binary systems supplement 1Leave the NDL website. HeterocyclesLeave the NDL website. Pnictides and chalcogenides IILeave the NDL website. Interactions of protons with nuclei (supplement to I/13a,b,c)Leave the NDL website. Stars and star clustersLeave the NDL website. Space groups (166) R-3m - (160) R3mLeave the NDL website. Magnetische SuszeptibilitätenLeave the NDL website. Kohlenstoff-RadikaleLeave the NDL website. Selected semiconductor systemsLeave the NDL website. Kristallographische und strukturelle DatenLeave the NDL website. Binary actinide oxidesLeave the NDL website. Selected systems from Ag-Al-Cu to Al-Cu-ErLeave the NDL website. Physik der nicht-tetraedrisch gebundenen Verbindungen IILeave the NDL website. Strukturdaten freier mehratomiger MolekelnLeave the NDL website. Atome, anorganische Radikale und Radikale in MetallkomplexenLeave the NDL website. Physik der nicht-tetraedrisch gebundenen Elemente und binären Verbindungen ILeave the NDL website. Diamagnetic susceptibility and magnetic anisotropy of organic compoundsLeave the NDL website. Binary systems from Mn-Mo to Y-ZrLeave the NDL website. Zeolite-type crystal structure and their chemistry. Framework type codes DAC to LOVLeave the NDL website. Collisions of electrons with atomic ionsLeave the NDL website. PhyllosilicatesLeave the NDL website. Totale Wirkungsquerschnitte für Reaktionen hochenergetischer Teilchen (einschließlich elastischer, topologischer, inklusiver und exklusiver Reaktionen)Leave the NDL website. StructureLeave the NDL website. Chemical shifts for oxygen-17Leave the NDL website. Z=2-36Leave the NDL website. Non-tetrahedrally bonded binary compounds IILeave the NDL website. Interactions of protons with targets from Kr to TeLeave the NDL website. Rotations-, Zentrifugalaufweitungs- und verwandte Konstanten diamagnetischer asymmetrischer MolekelnLeave the NDL website. Legierungen und Verbindungen von d-Elementen mit Elementen der HauptgruppenLeave the NDL website. Nonlinear dielectric susceptibilitiesLeave the NDL website. Grooup IV-IV and III-V compounds : supplement to Vol. III/22b (print version) : revised and updated edition of vol. III/22b (CD-ROM)Leave the NDL website. Adsorbed species on surfaces and adsorbate-induced surface core level shiftsLeave the NDL website. Virial coeffiicients of mixturesLeave the NDL website. Perovskites ILeave the NDL website. Selected systems from Al-Fe-V to Al-Ni-ZrLeave the NDL website. New data and updates for I-VII, III-V, III-VI and IV-VI compoundsLeave the NDL website. InosilicatesLeave the NDL website. Laser applicationsLeave the NDL website. Pnictides and chalcogenides II (Ternary lanthanide pnictides) Part α: 1:1:1 and 1:1:2 type compoundsLeave the NDL website. Laser fundamentalsLeave the NDL website. Physik der II-VI und I-VII-Verbindungen, semimagnetische HalbleiterLeave the NDL website. Virial coeffiicients of pure gasesLeave the NDL website. Tables of excitations of proton- and neutron-rich unstable nucleiLeave the NDL website. Technologie der III-V, II-VI und nicht-tetraedrisch gebundenen VerbindungenLeave the NDL website. Systems from Ag-Al-Ca to Au-Pd-SiLeave the NDL website. Z=63-99Leave the NDL website. Tetrahedral frameworks of zeolites, clathrates and related materialsLeave the NDL website. Molekelkonstanten : vorwiegend aus Messungen der Mikrowellen-, Molekularstrahl- und Elektronenresonanz-SpektroskopieLeave the NDL website. Z=37-62Leave the NDL website. Physical properties of liquid crystalsLeave the NDL website. Interactions of pions and antiprotons with nucleiLeave the NDL website. Binary gaseous, liquid, near-critical, and supercritical fluid systems of nonelectrolytesLeave the NDL website. Dipolmomente, Quadrupolkopplugskonstanten, gehinderte Rotation und magnetische Konstanten diamagnetischer MolekelnLeave the NDL website. Metalle : Elektronische TransportphänomeneLeave the NDL website. Phosphorus-centered radicals, radicals centered on other heteroatoms, organic radical ionsLeave the NDL website. Numerische Tabellen für die Berechnung von Winkelkorrelationen in der α-, β- und γ-Spektroskopie : 3j-, 6j-, 9j-Symbole, F- und Γ-KoeffizientenLeave the NDL website. Electrochemical thermodynamics and kineticsLeave the NDL website. Ag-Al-Cd-S・・・Cu-Te-YbLeave the NDL website. Literaturverzeichnis für III/7Leave the NDL website. Chemical shifts and coupling constants for Boron-11 and Phosphorus-31Leave the NDL website. Magnetische Eigenschaften der Koordinations- und metallorganischen Verbindungen der ÜbergangselementeLeave the NDL website. Physikalische Eigenschaften der GesteineLeave the NDL website. Compounds with 13 to 100 carbon atomsLeave the NDL website. Z=19-83Leave the NDL website. Interstellar matter, galaxy, universeLeave the NDL website. Tables of neutron resonance parametersLeave the NDL website. Space groups (218) P-43n - (195) P23Leave the NDL website. Interactions of photons and electrons with moleculesLeave the NDL website. Molekelkonstanten aus mikrowellenspektroskopischen MessungenLeave the NDL website. Physik der ternären VerbindungenLeave the NDL website. Numerische Tabellen für Beta-Zerfall und Elektronen-EinfangLeave the NDL website. Aromatic compoundsLeave the NDL website. Strukturdaten organischer KristalleLeave the NDL website. Pion-Nukleon-StreuungLeave the NDL website. Interstellar matter : galaxy, universeLeave the NDL website. Diffusion in festen Metallen und LegierungenLeave the NDL website. Diamagnetic susceptibility of organic compounds, oils, paraffins and polyethylenesLeave the NDL website. Densities of monocyclic hydrocarbonsLeave the NDL website. Diffusion in semiconductorsLeave the NDL website. Densities of aliphatic hydrocarbons : alkenes, alkadienes, alkynes, and miscellaneous compoundsLeave the NDL website. Energie-Niveaus der Kerne : A=5 bis A=257Leave the NDL website. Densities of aromatic hydrocarbonsLeave the NDL website. Intrinsische Eigenschaften von Elementen der IV. Gruppe und von III-V-, II-VI- und I-VII- VerbindungenLeave the NDL website. Creep properties of heat resistant steels and superalloysLeave the NDL website. Densities of phenols, aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids, amines, nitriles, and nitrohydrocarbonsLeave the NDL website. Elastische Konstanten zweiter und höherer OrdnungLeave the NDL website. Linear triatomic molecules : COO[+](OCO[+]), CFeO(FeCO), CFeO[-](FeCO[-]), CNN(NCN), CNO(NCO), CNO(CNO), CNO(CON), CNO[-] (CNO[-]), CNO[-](NCO[-])Leave the NDL website. Crystallographic and structural data ILeave the NDL website. Strukturdaten organischer KristalleLeave the NDL website. Phononenzustände von Elementen, Elektronenzustände und Fermiflächen von LegierungenLeave the NDL website. Renewable energyLeave the NDL website. Anorganische Radikale, Radikalionen und Radikale in MetallkomplexenLeave the NDL website. Biradicals, radicals in excited states, carbenes and related speciesLeave the NDL website. Dünne FilmeLeave the NDL website. Compounds with 8 to 12 carbon atomsLeave the NDL website. Chemical shifts and coupling constants for selenium-77Leave the NDL website. Surface tension of pure liquids and binary liquid mixturesLeave the NDL website. Nicht-konjugierte Kohlenstoff-RadikaleLeave the NDL website. Selected systems from C-Cr-Fe to Co-Fe-SLeave the NDL website. Elements and binary substancesLeave the NDL website. Nichtwässerige Systeme und ternäre wässerige SystemeLeave the NDL website. Non-tetrahedrally bonded elements and binary compounds ILeave the NDL website. Elektronische Struktur von Festkörpern : Photoemissions-Spektren und verwandte DatenLeave the NDL website. Schlüsselelemente N, P, As, Sb, Bi, CLeave the NDL website. Perovskite-type layered cuprates (high-T[c] superconductors and related compounds)Leave the NDL website. Vapor pressure and antoine constants for hydrocarbons, and sulfur, selenium, tellurium, and halogen containing organic compoundsLeave the NDL website. Interaction of charged particles and atoms with surfacesLeave the NDL website. Chemical shifts and coupling constants for Silicon-29Leave the NDL website. Z=37-62Leave the NDL website. Inorganic substances other than oxides : (NH[4])[2]SO[4] family ... K[3]BiCl[6]・2KCl・KH[3]F[4]Leave the NDL website. Pnictides and chalcogenides III (Actinide monochalcogenides)Leave the NDL website. Nitrogen-centered radicals, aminoxyls and related radicalsLeave the NDL website. Noble metal systems : selected systems from Ag-Al-Zn to Rh-Ru-ScLeave the NDL website. Inorganic substances other than oxides : SbSI family-- TAAPLeave the NDL website. Magnetische und andere Eigenschaften von Oxiden und verwandten VerbindungenLeave the NDL website. New data and updates for III-V, II-VI and I-VII compoundsLeave the NDL website. Schlüsselelemente : d[4] ... d[8]-ElementeLeave the NDL website. Spektroskopische und kinetische Daten, Physikalische Daten ILeave the NDL website. OrthosilicatesLeave the NDL website. Binary systems from B-C to Cr-ZrLeave the NDL website. Nuclear charge radiiLeave the NDL website. C2H- (HCC-), C2H+ (HCC+), C2O- (CCO-), C2O (CCO), C2S (CCS), C3 (CCC), C3++ (CCC++)Leave the NDL website. Selected systems from Co-Fe-Si to Cu-Fe-PtLeave the NDL website. Structure data of free polyatomic moleculesLeave the NDL website. Granate und PerowskiteLeave the NDL website. Photoproduktion von ElementarteilchenLeave the NDL website. Selected systems from Cu-Fe-Si to Fe-N-ULeave the NDL website. Rotations-, l-Aufspaltungs-, Zentrifugalaufweitungs- und verwandte Konstanten diamagnetischer zweiatomiger, linearer und symmetrischer MolekelnLeave the NDL website. Nonequilibrium phase diagrams of ternary amorphous alloysLeave the NDL website. Quantum point contacts and quantum wiresLeave the NDL website. Organometallic compoundsLeave the NDL website. Verbindungen von Seltenen Erden mit 3d-, 4d- und 5d-ElementenLeave the NDL website. Organische Radikale mit N als Zentralatom und Nitroxid-RadikaleLeave the NDL website. Chemical shifts and coupling constants for Fluorine-19 and Nitrogen-15Leave the NDL website. Transition temperatures and related properties of two-ring systems with bridging groupLeave the NDL website. Rare Earth Elements, Alloys and CompoundsLeave the NDL website. Interactions of α-particles with targets from He to RbLeave the NDL website. Zeolite-type crystal structures and their chemistry : framework type codes LTA to RHOLeave the NDL website. Surface tension of pure liquids and binary liquids mixtures : supplement to IV/16Leave the NDL website. Elastische und Ladungsaustausch-Streuung von ElmentarteilchenLeave the NDL website. Organische Kation-Radikale und Polyradikale, Substanzenverzeichnis für die Bände II/1 und II/9Leave the NDL website. Alloys and compounds of d-elements with main group elementsLeave the NDL website. Binary liquid systems of nonelectrolytesLeave the NDL website. Linear triatomic molecules, BClH[+](HBCl[+])...COSe(OCSe)Leave the NDL website. Pnictides and chalcogenides III (Actinide monopnictides)Leave the NDL website. Kernquadrupolresonanz-DatenLeave the NDL website. Inorganic MoleculesLeave the NDL website. Nitrogen and oxygen centered radicalsLeave the NDL website. Einheiten in Physik und ChemieLeave the NDL website. Selected soldering and brazing systemsLeave the NDL website. Inorganic radicals, metal complexes and nonconjugated carbon centered radicalsLeave the NDL website. Space groups (230) Ia-3d - (219) F-43cLeave the NDL website. Pnictides and chalcogenides III (Binary non-equiatomic actinide pnictides and chalcogenides)Leave the NDL website. Compounds with 8 to 12 carbon atomsLeave the NDL website. Schlüsselelemente Si, Ge, Sn, Pb; B, Al, Ga, In, Tl; BeLeave the NDL website. Fundamental constants in physics and chemistryLeave the NDL website. OxideLeave the NDL website. Ternary compounds, organic semiconductorsLeave the NDL website. Elastic, piezoelectric, pyroelectric, piezooptic, electrooptic constants, and nonlinear dielectric susceptibilities of crystalsLeave the NDL website. Linear triatomic molecules, CO[2](OCO)Leave the NDL website. Transition temperatures and related properties of three-ring systems with one bridging groupLeave the NDL website. Radiological protectionLeave the NDL website. Linear triatomic molecules : AgArBr(Ar-AgBr), AgArCl(Ar-AgCl), AgArF(Ar-AgF), Al2N(AlNAl), Al2N-(AlNAl-), Al2O(AlOAl), AlCN(AlCN), AlCN(AlNC), AlN2(Al-NN), AlN2(NAlN), AlN2+(Al-N2+), Ar2Ca+(Ar-Ca+-Ar), Ar3+(ArArAr+), ArBrCu(Ar-CuBr), ArBrH(Ar-HBr), ArClCu(Ar-CuCl), ArClH(Ar-HCl), ArCN+(ArCN+), ArCuF(Ar-CuF), ArHO(Ar-OH), B2N(BBN), B2N-(BBN-), B2N(BNB), B2N-(BNB-), B2N+(BBN+), B2N+(BNB+), B2O(BBO), B2O(BOB), BC2-(CCB-), CClO+(OCCl+), Ga2N(GaNGa), Ga2O(GaOGa), GaN2(NGaN), HOY(YOH), In2N(InNIn), InN2(In-NN), InN2(NInN), InN2+(In-NN+), Li2O(LiOLi), N3-(NNN-), N3+(NNN+), NOS+(ONS+), N3(NNN)Leave the NDL website. Oxides: oxides other than perovskite-type and LiNbO3 familyLeave the NDL website. Molecules containing five or more carbon atomsLeave the NDL website. Systems from Ca-Cu-Mg-Y to Ni-Ti-Y-ZrLeave the NDL website. Compounds with 13 to 100 carbon atomsLeave the NDL website. Compounds with 1 to 7 carbon atomsLeave the NDL website. Pnictides and chalcogenides II (ternary lanthanide chalcogenides, misfit compounds, and ternary lanthanide pnictides containing s- or p-electron elements)Leave the NDL website. Spinelle, Fe-Oxide und Fe-Me-O-VerbindungenLeave the NDL website. Oxyl-, Peroxyl- und verwandte RadikaleLeave the NDL website. Interactions of protons with targets from I to AmLeave the NDL website. HeterocyclesLeave the NDL website. Natural ProductsLeave the NDL website. Schlüsselelemente F, Cl, Br, J (VII. Hauptgruppe), Halogenide und HalogenokomplexeLeave the NDL website. Epitaxie-Daten anorganischer und organischer KristalleLeave the NDL website. Actinide elements and their compounds with other elementsLeave the NDL website. Ferro- und Antiferroelektrische SubstanzenLeave the NDL website. Alkoxyl, carbonyloxyl, phenoxyl and related radicalsLeave the NDL website. OzeanographieLeave the NDL website. Surface segregation and adsorption on surfacesLeave the NDL website. GranateLeave the NDL website. Molecules containing three or four carbon atomsLeave the NDL website. Spezielle Systeme und Themen, Gesamtregister für III/17a-iLeave the NDL website. Elemente, Boride, Carbide, HydrideLeave the NDL website. Gesamtregister : chemische Formeln und MineralnamenLeave the NDL website. Electron : positron interactionsLeave the NDL website. Strukturdaten freier mehratomiger MolekelnLeave the NDL website. Pnictides and chalcogenides III (Ternary actinide pnictides and chalcogenides)Leave the NDL website. Eigenschaften der Materie bei hohen DruckenLeave the NDL website. Technologie von Si, Ge und SiCLeave the NDL website. Fossil energyLeave the NDL website. Elements and compounds from AgBr to Ba[3]N[2]Leave the NDL website. Space groups (189) P-62m - (174) P-6Leave the NDL website. Supraleiter : Übergangstemperaturen und Charakterisierung von Elementen, Legierungen und VerbindungenLeave the NDL website. II-VI and I-VII compounds, semimagnetic compoundsLeave the NDL website. Natural productsLeave the NDL website. Hexagonale Ferrite, spezielle Lanthaniden- und ActinidenverbindungenLeave the NDL website. Phononenzustände von Legierungen, Elektronenzustände und Fermiflächen von verformten ElementenLeave the NDL website. Polynary substancesLeave the NDL website. New data and updates for several III-V (including mixed crystals) and II-VI compoundsLeave the NDL website. Aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons, steroids, carbohydratesLeave the NDL website. 3d-, 4d- und 5d-Elemente, Legierungen und VerbindungenLeave the NDL website. Densities of alcoholsLeave the NDL website. Seltene Erden : Elemente, Hydride und gegenseitige LegierungenLeave the NDL website. Peroxyl and related radicalsLeave the NDL website. Physik der nicht-tetraedrisch gebundenen binären Verbindungen IIILeave the NDL website. Adsorption of molecules on metal, semiconductor and oxide surfacesLeave the NDL website. Perovskite-type layered cuprates (high-Tc superconductors and related compounds)Leave the NDL website. Piezoelectric, pyroelectric and related constantsLeave the NDL website. Small ringsLeave the NDL website. Ferro- und Antiferroelektrische SubstanzenLeave the NDL website. Binary liquid systems of nonelectrolytesLeave the NDL website. Z=2-18Leave the NDL website. Selected systems from Al-Cu-Fe to Al-Fe-TiLeave the NDL website. Z=63-100Leave the NDL website. Rotational, l-type, centrifugal distortion and related constants of diamagnetic diatomic, linear, and symmetric top moleculesLeave the NDL website. Nuclear energyLeave the NDL website. Viscosity of pure organic liquids and binary liquid mixtures : supplement to IV/18Leave the NDL website. Compounds with 13 to 162 carbon atomsLeave the NDL website. Oxy-spinelleLeave the NDL website. KlimatologieLeave the NDL website. Selected systems from Al-Si-Ti to Ni-Si-TiLeave the NDL website. Nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy dataLeave the NDL website. Boron containing oxidesLeave the NDL website. Electronic and vibrational propertiesLeave the NDL website. Compounds with 1 to 7 carbon atomsLeave the NDL website. Perovskites II, oxides with corundum, ilmenite and amorphous structuresLeave the NDL website. Systems from B-Be-Fe to Co-W-ZrLeave the NDL website. Interactions of deuterons, tritons and [3] He-nuclei with nucleiLeave the NDL website. KernradienLeave the NDL website. Space groups (173) P63 - (166) R-3mLeave the NDL website. Compounds with 1 to 7 carbon atomsLeave the NDL website. Lumineszenz organischer SubstanzenLeave the NDL website. Diamagnetic susceptibility and anisotropy of inorganic and organometallic compoundsLeave the NDL website. Structural and physical data ILeave the NDL website. Radicals centered on other heteroatoms, proton transfer equilibriaLeave the NDL website. MolekularakustikLeave the NDL website. Molecules containing one or two carbon atomsLeave the NDL website. Stars and star clustersLeave the NDL website. Organische Radikale mit C als ZentralatomLeave the NDL website. Electronic structure of solids : photoemission spectra and related dataLeave the NDL website. Halide perovskite-type layer structuresLeave the NDL website. Measuring techniques and surface properties changed by adsorptionLeave the NDL website. Aus der Schmelze abgeschreckte LegierungenLeave the NDL website. Static dielectric constants of pure liquids and binary liquid mixtures : supplement to IV/6Leave the NDL website. Diatomic radicals and ionsLeave the NDL website. Magnetische Eigenschaften der Koordinations- und metallorganischen Verbindungen der ÜbergangselementeLeave the NDL website. Pure organometallic and organononmetallic liquids, binary liquid mixturesLeave the NDL website. Transition temperatures and related properties of three-ring systems without bridging groupsLeave the NDL website. Enthalpies of fusion and transition of organic compoundsLeave the NDL website. Magnetic transition metalsLeave the NDL website. Nitroxid-RadikaleLeave the NDL website. Konjugierte Kohlenstoff- und Stickstoff-RadikaleLeave the NDL website. Ternary substancesLeave the NDL website. Nukleon-Nukleon- und Kaon-Nukleon-StreuungLeave the NDL website. Organische Radikale mit O, P, S, Se, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb, As, Sb als ZentralatomLeave the NDL website. Laser systemsLeave the NDL website. 1:2:2, 1:4:12, 3:3:4 and other type compoundsLeave the NDL website. SorosilicatesLeave the NDL website. Superconductors : transition temperatures and characterization of elements, alloys and compoundsLeave the NDL website. Compounds from CoCl[3]<g> to Ge[3]N[4]Leave the NDL website. Molecules containing one or two carbon atomsLeave the NDL website. Gases in gases, liquids and their mixturesLeave the NDL website. Compounds with 8 to 12 carbon atomsLeave the NDL website. Transition temperatures and related properties of three-ring systems with two bridging groupsLeave the NDL website. Sterne und SternhaufenLeave the NDL website. Ferroelektrika und verwandte SubstanzenLeave the NDL website. Group IV elementsLeave the NDL website. Ac-Ag...Au-ZrLeave the NDL website. Wärmeleitfähigkeit von reinen Metallen und LegierungenLeave the NDL website. Pure organometallic liquidsLeave the NDL website. 3d, 4d and 5d elements, alloys and compoundsLeave the NDL website. Q-WerteLeave the NDL website. Interactions of protons, deuterons, tritons, [3]He-nuclei and α-particles with nuclei : supplement to I/13 A to D and F to HLeave the NDL website. Interstellare Materie, die Galaxis, UniversumLeave the NDL website. Eigenschaften und Erzeugungsspektren von ElementarteilchenLeave the NDL website. Low energy neutrons and their interactions with nuclei and matterLeave the NDL website. Phasengleichgewichte, kristallographische und thermodynamische Daten binärer LegierungenLeave the NDL website. Selected nuclear materials and engineering systemsLeave the NDL website. Transition temperatures and related properties of four-ring systems, five-ring systems, and more than five ringsLeave the NDL website. Inorganic MoleculesLeave the NDL website. Selected systems from Al-B-Fe to C-Co-FeLeave the NDL website. Elektronenzustände und Fermiflächen von ElementenLeave the NDL website. Selected copper systemsLeave the NDL website. Binary lanthanide oxidesLeave the NDL website. Abschätzung von unbekannten Anregungsfunktionen und Dicke-Target-Ausbeuten für p-, d-, He- und α-ReaktionenLeave the NDL website. Piezooptic and electrooptic constantsLeave the NDL website. Elastische, piezoelektrische, piezooptische, elektrooptische Konstanten und nichtlineare dielektrische Suszeptibilitäten von KristallenLeave the NDL website. Geophysik der festen Erde, des Mondes und der PlanetenLeave the NDL website. Structure data of free polyatomic moleculesLeave the NDL website. Nicht-OxideLeave the NDL website. Elastische, piezoelektrische, piezooptische und elektrooptische Konstanten von KristallenLeave the NDL website. Refractive indices of inorganic, organometallic, and organononmetallic liquids, and binary liquid mixturesLeave the NDL website. Heteroatomzentrierte (Z>7) Radikale und ausgewählte AnionradikaleLeave the NDL website. Strukturdaten der Elemente und intermetallischen PhasenLeave the NDL website. Radikale mit N, S, P und anderen Heteroatomen als Zentralatom, NitroxylradikaleLeave the NDL website. Optical constants : refractive indices of pure liquids and binary liquid mixtures (supplement to III/38)Leave the NDL website. Störstellen und Defekte in Elementen der IV. Gruppe und III-V-VerbindungenLeave the NDL website. Oxides: perovskite-type oxides and LiNbO3 familyLeave the NDL website. Pnictides and chalcogenides II (Binary lanthanide polypnictides and polychalcogenides)Leave the NDL website. Vapor pressure and antoine constants for oxygen containing organic compoundsLeave the NDL website. Polyatomic free radicalsLeave the NDL website. Nuclear quadrupole resonance spectroscopy dataLeave the NDL website. Atomare Fehlstellen in MetallenLeave the NDL website. Compounds with 1 to 7 carbon atomsLeave the NDL website. Space groups (194)P63/mmc-(190)P-62cLeave the NDL website. Verschiedene andere OxideLeave the NDL website. Linear triatomic molecules : C[2]H(CCH)Leave the NDL website. Elastische, piezoelektrische, pyroelektrische, piezooptische, elektrooptische Konstanten und nichtlineare dielektrische Suszeptibilitäten von KristallenLeave the NDL website. Statische dielektrizitätskonstanten reiner Flüssigkeiten und binärer flüssiger MischungenLeave the NDL website. Interactions of photons and electrons with atomsLeave the NDL website. Refractive indices of organic liquidsLeave the NDL website. Optical propertiesLeave the NDL website. Z=3-36Leave the NDL website. Noble metals, noble metal halides and nonmagnetic transition metalsLeave the NDL website. Zeolite structure codes ABW to CZPLeave the NDL website. Interactions of α-particles with targets from Sr to CfLeave the NDL website. Molekelkonstanten aus Messungen der Mikrowellen-, Molekularstrahl- und Elektronenspinresonanz-SpektroskopieLeave the NDL website. Physik der Elemente der IV. Gruppe und der III-V VerbindungenLeave the NDL website. Thermodynamische und dynamische Strukturen der globalen AtmosphäreLeave the NDL website. Anregungsfunktionen für Kernreaktionen mit geladenen ProjektilenLeave the NDL website. New data and updates for IV-IV, III-V, II-VI, I-VII compounds, their mixed crystals and diluted magnetic semiconductorsLeave the NDL website. Tables of neutron resonance parameters : supplement to subvolume BLeave the NDL website. Interaction of radiation with surfaces and electron tunnelingLeave the NDL website. Dy-Er-Te...Te-ZrLeave the NDL website. Molecules containing five or more carbon atomsLeave the NDL website. Magnetic alloys for technical applications. Hard magnetic alloysLeave the NDL website. Non-ferrous alloys : light metalsLeave the NDL website. Verbindungen der Seltenen Erden mit Elementen der HauptgruppenLeave the NDL website. Densities of polycyclic hydrocarbonsLeave the NDL website. Magnetische Eigenschaften von MetallenLeave the NDL website. Organische Kation-Radikale, Bi- und Polyradikale : Substanzenverzeichnis für die Bände II/1, II/9 und II/17Leave the NDL website. Mischungs- und LösungswärmenLeave the NDL website. 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Table of Contents

  • Densities of esters and ethers

  • Adsorption on surfaces and surface diffusion of adsorbates

  • Densities of aliphatic hydrocarbons : Alkanes

  • Diamagnetische Suszeptibilität

  • Compounds from BeBr<g> to ZrCl[2]<g>

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Gesamtregister 1988
Gesamtregister, 6. Auf. 1950-1980, Neu Ser. 1961-1985 : gw
Comprehensive index 1988 : gw
Comprehensive index 1990 : gw
Comprehensive index 1990 : us
Comprehensive index 1996 : gw
Gesamtherausgabe, K.-H. Hellwege
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Publication Date (W3CDTF)
28 cm