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題簽の書名: 羣書類從

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隣女和歌集Leave the NDL website. 亜槐集Leave the NDL website. 仁和寺諸堂記 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 春日社記 : 外Leave the NDL website. 廿二社本縁Leave the NDL website. 東家秘伝 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 権中納言為重卿集Leave the NDL website. 内宮長暦送官符 . 外宮嘉禄三年山口祭記Leave the NDL website. 林葉和歌集Leave the NDL website. 古老口實傳 . 詔刀師沙汰文Leave the NDL website. 悦目抄Leave the NDL website. 天滿宮託宣記 : 外Leave the NDL website. 嘉喜門院御集 : 外Leave the NDL website. 後鳥羽院御口伝 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 従三位頼政卿集Leave the NDL website. 散木奇歌集Leave the NDL website. 散木集註 ; 蔵玉和歌集Leave the NDL website. 木下川薬師仏像縁起 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 天元三年中堂供養願文 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 西公談抄 . 桐火桶Leave the NDL website. 徹書記物語Leave the NDL website. 造殿儀式 : 外Leave the NDL website. 元亨元年十一月十二日高宮假殿日記 . 高宮御装束奉餝日記Leave the NDL website. 常徳院殿御集Leave the NDL website. 建禮門院右京大夫集Leave the NDL website. 春日権現験記Leave the NDL website. 前大納言公任卿集Leave the NDL website. 治承元年公卿勅使記 . 正應六年七月十三日公卿勅使御参宮次第Leave the NDL website. 兼載雑談Leave the NDL website. 宸筆御八講記 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 北野縁起 : 外Leave the NDL website. 太神宮参詣記 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 大安寺伽藍縁起流記資財帳 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 止由氣宮儀式帳Leave the NDL website. 八幡愚童訓Leave the NDL website. 左記 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 藤森社縁起 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 和泉式部集Leave the NDL website. 雲井の御法 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 東野州聞書Leave the NDL website. 中殿御会部類記Leave the NDL website. 無名秘抄Leave the NDL website. 貞和御餝記 . 内宮臨時假殿遷宮記Leave the NDL website. 釈家官班記Leave the NDL website. 柿本集 . 家持集Leave the NDL website. 愚秘抄Leave the NDL website. 多武峯縁起 . 多武峯略記Leave the NDL website. 續神皇正統記 . 椿葉記Leave the NDL website. 皇代記Leave the NDL website. 踐祚部類鈔 . 天祚禮祀軄掌録Leave the NDL website. 室町殿行幸記 : 外Leave the NDL website. 鶴岡八幡宫寺社務職次第 : 外Leave the NDL website. 僧綱補任抄出Leave the NDL website. 關東評定傳Leave the NDL website. 將軍執權次第 . 足利家官位記Leave the NDL website. 書寫山行幸記 : 外Leave the NDL website. 東寺長者補任Leave the NDL website. 軄事補任Leave the NDL website. 類聚大補任Leave the NDL website. 關東評定傳Leave the NDL website. 御幸始部類記 : 外Leave the NDL website. 菅原氏系圖 : 外Leave the NDL website. 諸門跡譜Leave the NDL website. 官職難儀 . 女房の官しなの㕝Leave the NDL website. 任官勘例 . 任太政大臣記Leave the NDL website. 令抄Leave the NDL website. 上宫聖徳法王帝説 : 外Leave the NDL website. 女院小傳 : 外Leave the NDL website. 本朝皇胤紹運録Leave the NDL website. 内裏式Leave the NDL website. 新儀式Leave the NDL website. 法曹至要抄Leave the NDL website. 傳宣草Leave the NDL website. 建久九年五節記 : 外Leave the NDL website. 餝抄Leave the NDL website. 御禊行幸服飾部類Leave the NDL website. 後照念院殿装束抄Leave the NDL website. 上卿故實 . 作法故實Leave the NDL website. 蟬冕翼抄 . 大間書Leave the NDL website. 年中行事秘抄Leave the NDL website. 本朝無題詩 10巻Leave the NDL website. 文華秀麗集Leave the NDL website. 新和歌集 10巻Leave the NDL website. 懐風藻Leave the NDL website. 異制庭訓往来 . 雜筆往来Leave the NDL website. 尺素往来Leave the NDL website. 江吏部集Leave the NDL website. 消息耳底秘抄 . 書札禮付故實Leave the NDL website. 雜言奉和 : 外Leave the NDL website. 経國集Leave the NDL website. 泥之草再新 : 外Leave the NDL website. 玄玉和哥集 7巻Leave the NDL website. 後花園院御消息 : 外Leave the NDL website. 木工権頭為忠朝臣家百首Leave the NDL website. 弘長百首Leave the NDL website. 新古今和謌集竟宴倭歌 : 外Leave the NDL website. 為尹卿千首和歌Leave the NDL website. 新撰和歌 : 外Leave the NDL website. 丹後守為忠朝臣家百首Leave the NDL website. 宗良親王千首Leave the NDL website. 久安六年御百首Leave the NDL website. 在民部卿家哥合 : 外Leave the NDL website. 老若五十首歌合 . 新宮撰歌合Leave the NDL website. 石清水若宮歌合 : 外Leave the NDL website. 内裡歌合 : 外Leave the NDL website. 百番歌合 : 外Leave the NDL website. 影供歌合Leave the NDL website. 影供歌合 : 外Leave the NDL website. 相模集Leave the NDL website. 古今集童蒙抄Leave the NDL website. 柿本朝臣人磨呂勘文 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 赤染衛門集Leave the NDL website. 今川了俊和歌所江不審條々 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 竹生島縁起 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 小町集 : 外Leave the NDL website. 元可法師集 . 宗祇法師集Leave the NDL website. 新撰万葉集Leave the NDL website. 寂然法師集 : 外Leave the NDL website. 神宮雜例集Leave the NDL website. 権中納言定頼卿集Leave the NDL website. 水蛙眼目Leave the NDL website. 法勝寺供養記 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 二十二社註式Leave the NDL website. 近江国栗本郡金勝寺官符 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 九品和歌 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 伊勢大輔集 : 外Leave the NDL website. 明日香井和歌集Leave the NDL website. 小朝熊社神鏡沙汰文Leave the NDL website. 大和豊秋津嶋卜定記 : 外Leave the NDL website. 相国寺供養記 . 相国寺塔供養記Leave the NDL website. 三五記Leave the NDL website. 賀茂皇太神宮記 : 外Leave the NDL website. 長谷寺縁起文 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 大三輪神三社鎮座次第 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 古今集序注Leave the NDL website. 東寺塔供養記Leave the NDL website. 二条太皇太后宮大貳集 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 古今和歌集目録Leave the NDL website. 大神宮御相伝袈裟記 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 山門堂舎Leave the NDL website. 天下南禅寺記 ; 外Leave the NDL website. 拾遺抄註Leave the NDL website. 九院仏閣抄Leave the NDL website. 土御門院御集Leave the NDL website. 皇太神宮儀式帳Leave the NDL website. 権中納言俊忠卿集 : 外Leave the NDL website. 初例抄Leave the NDL website. 僻案抄 ; 三代集之間事Leave the NDL website. 晴御会部類記 . 貞治六年中殿御会記Leave the NDL website. 李花集Leave the NDL website. 加茂保憲女集 : 外Leave the NDL website. 神鳳鈔Leave the NDL website. 石清水八幡宮護国寺略記 : 外Leave the NDL website. 二所太神宮例文Leave the NDL website. 発心和歌集 . 法門百首Leave the NDL website. 叡岳要記Leave the NDL website. 太神宮諸雜事記Leave the NDL website. 伊勢集 ; 中務集Leave the NDL website. 西宮左大臣御集 . 金槐和歌集Leave the NDL website. 権中納言兼輔卿集 : 外Leave the NDL website. 神皇正統記Leave the NDL website. 神皇正統記Leave the NDL website. 皇年代畧記Leave the NDL website. 蔵人補任 : 残闕 . 樂所補任 : 端缺Leave the NDL website. 軄事補任Leave the NDL website. 東寺長者補任Leave the NDL website. 類聚大補任Leave the NDL website. 類聚大補任Leave the NDL website. 六代勝事記Leave the NDL website. 聚楽第行幸記 . 行幸聚樂第之行列Leave the NDL website. 小野宮年中行事Leave the NDL website. 日本往生極樂記 . 續本朝往生傳Leave the NDL website. 唐大和上東征傳 : 外Leave the NDL website. 法曹至要抄Leave the NDL website. 官職秘鈔 2巻Leave the NDL website. 金玉掌中抄 . 裁判至要抄Leave the NDL website. 令抄Leave the NDL website. 仁和寺御傳Leave the NDL website. 百寮訓要抄 . 詠百寮和歌Leave the NDL website. 明匠略傳Leave the NDL website. 法曹至要抄Leave the NDL website. Leave the NDL website. 本朝皇胤紹運録Leave the NDL website. 仁和寺諸院家記Leave the NDL website. 建武年中行事Leave the NDL website. 大嘗會御禊節下次苐 : 外Leave the NDL website. 除目抄Leave the NDL website. 天皇元服部類 . 主上御元服上壽作法抄Leave the NDL website. 滿佐須計装束抄Leave the NDL website. 四節八座抄 . 参議要抄Leave the NDL website. 康治元年大嘗會記 . 正安三年大嘗會記Leave the NDL website. 連阿口傳抄 : 外Leave the NDL website. 年中行事哥合Leave the NDL website. 餝抄Leave the NDL website. 新和歌集 10巻Leave the NDL website. 作文大體 . 童蒙頌韻Leave the NDL website. 凌雲集Leave the NDL website. 都氏文集Leave the NDL website. 本朝無題詩 10巻Leave the NDL website. 秋風抄Leave the NDL website. 貴嶺問答 . 十二月往来 : 外Leave the NDL website. 本朝麗藻 : 卷首闕Leave the NDL website. 續詞花和歌集 20巻Leave the NDL website. 雲州消息Leave the NDL website. 田氏家集Leave the NDL website. 師兼卿千首Leave the NDL website. 白河殿七百首Leave the NDL website. 永久四年百首Leave the NDL website. 太神宮御法樂千首Leave the NDL website. 續門葉和歌集 9巻Leave the NDL website. 藤葉和歌集 6巻Leave the NDL website. 永縁奈良房歌合 : 外Leave the NDL website. 水無瀬殿戀十五首歌合 : 外Leave the NDL website. 遠嶋御歌合 . 河合社歌合Leave the NDL website. 禁裡哥合 : 外Leave the NDL website. 神皇正統記Leave the NDL website. 皇年代畧記Leave the NDL website. 皇代記Leave the NDL website. 僧官補任Leave the NDL website. 天台座主記Leave the NDL website. 五代帝王物語Leave the NDL website. 東寺長者補任Leave the NDL website. 辨官補任Leave the NDL website. 豊受太神宮禰宜補任次苐Leave the NDL website. 元徳二年三月日吉社并叡山行幸記 . 舞御覧記Leave the NDL website. 東大寺別當次第Leave the NDL website. 辨官補任Leave the NDL website. 皇帝紀抄Leave the NDL website. 諸門跡譜Leave the NDL website. 諸門跡譜Leave the NDL website. 小野宮年中行事Leave the NDL website. 九條年中行事Leave the NDL website. 雲圖抄Leave the NDL website. 新儀式Leave the NDL website. 軄原鈔 2巻Leave the NDL website. 本朝皇胤紹運録Leave the NDL website. 仁和寺諸院家記Leave the NDL website. Leave the NDL website. 新任弁官抄 . 結政初參記Leave the NDL website. 柱史抄Leave the NDL website. 永和大嘗會記 : 外Leave the NDL website. 天皇冠禮部類記 . 天子冠禮部類記惣録Leave the NDL website. 清獬眼抄 . 大夫尉義經畏申記Leave the NDL website. 夕拜備急至要抄Leave the NDL website. 永仁御即位用途記 . 文安御即位調度圖Leave the NDL website. 滿佐須計装束抄Leave the NDL website. 後鳥羽院御踐祚次第 : 外Leave the NDL website. 神祇官年中行事 . 東宮年中行事Leave the NDL website. 次將装束抄 : 外Leave the NDL website. 内局柱礎抄 2巻Leave the NDL website. 御譲位部類記 : 外Leave the NDL website. 餝抄Leave the NDL website. 本朝無題詩 10巻Leave the NDL website. 経國集Leave the NDL website. 後葉和哥集 18卷Leave the NDL website. 現存和謌六帖Leave the NDL website. 雲葉和歌集 10巻Leave the NDL website. 雲葉和歌集 10巻Leave the NDL website. 菅家後集Leave the NDL website. 玄玉和哥集 7巻Leave the NDL website. 續詞花和歌集 20巻Leave the NDL website. 師兼卿千首Leave the NDL website. 續現葉和歌集 10巻Leave the NDL website. 為家卿千首Leave the NDL website. 大江千里句題和歌 : 外Leave the NDL website. 堀川院御時百首和歌Leave the NDL website. 道助法親王家五十首和歌Leave the NDL website. 臨永和歌集 10巻Leave the NDL website. 臨永和歌集 10巻Leave the NDL website. 堀川院御時百首和歌Leave the NDL website. 玄々集 : 外Leave the NDL website. 千首和歌太神宮法樂Leave the NDL website. 俊成卿文治六年五社百首 : 外Leave the NDL website. 正治二年第二度百首和歌Leave the NDL website. 亀山殿七百首Leave the NDL website. 句題百首 . 朗詠百首Leave the NDL website. 摂政家月十首哥合 . 正應二年卅番哥合Leave the NDL website. 廣田社歌合 : 外Leave the NDL website. 若宮社歌合 . 民部卿家歌合Leave the NDL website. 北野宮歌合 : 外Leave the NDL website. 中宮亮重家朝臣家歌合 . 太皇太后宮亮平經盛朝臣家歌合Leave the NDL website. 御室撰歌合 . 仙洞十人家歌合Leave the NDL website. 十五夜哥合 : 永仁五年八月十五日 : 外Leave the NDL website. 左衛門督實國卿家歌合 : 外Leave the NDL website. 院御歌合 : 寳治二年Leave the NDL website. 本朝世記 : 残闕 . 庭槐抄Leave the NDL website. 齋宫記 : 外Leave the NDL website. 賀茂御幸記 : 外Leave the NDL website. 僧綱補任抄出Leave the NDL website. 軄事補任Leave the NDL website. 辨官補任Leave the NDL website. 若狭国守護職次第 . 若狭國税所今富名領主代々次第Leave the NDL website. 本朝月令Leave the NDL website. 仁和寺御傳Leave the NDL website. 雲圖抄Leave the NDL website. 中臣氏系圖Leave the NDL website. 明匠略傳Leave the NDL website. Leave the NDL website. 法中装束抄 : 外Leave the NDL website. 羽林要秘抄Leave the NDL website. 柱史抄Leave the NDL website. 装束抄Leave the NDL website. 除目抄Leave the NDL website. 助無智秘抄Leave the NDL website. 年中行事秘抄Leave the NDL website. 貫首秘抄 . 蓬莱抄Leave the NDL website. 三節會次弟 . 釋奠次苐Leave the NDL website. 傳宣草Leave the NDL website. 深窓秘抄 : 外Leave the NDL website. 御禊行幸服飾部類Leave the NDL website. 立坊部類記 . 東宮御所始部類記Leave the NDL website. 江吏部集Leave the NDL website. 釋氏往来 . 山宻往来Leave the NDL website. 書札作法抄 . 細川家書札抄Leave the NDL website. 拾遺抄 10巻Leave the NDL website. 後葉和哥集 18巻Leave the NDL website. 玉造小町子壯衰書 . 新猿樂記Leave the NDL website. 雲州消息Leave the NDL website. 扶桑集 : 殘欠Leave the NDL website. 法性寺關白御集Leave the NDL website. 續現葉和歌集 10巻Leave the NDL website. 為尹卿千首和歌Leave the NDL website. 久安六年御百首Leave the NDL website. 内裏名所百首建保三年Leave the NDL website. 宗良親王千首Leave the NDL website. 續門葉和歌集 9巻Leave the NDL website. 永福門院歌合 : 外Leave the NDL website. 別雷社歌合 : 外Leave the NDL website. 内大臣家歌合 : 外Leave the NDL website. 影供歌合Leave the NDL website. 十五夜哥合 . 亀山殿五首御歌合Leave the NDL website. 哥合 : 建保五年四月廿日 : 外Leave the NDL website. 氣多宮歌合 : 外Leave the NDL website.

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