
Texte und Studien zum antiken Judentum

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Texte und Studien zum antiken Judentum

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Hengel, Martinほか
J.C.B. Mohr
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Edited by Martin Hengel und Peter Schäfer

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Probleme der Bavot-Traktate : ein redaktionskritischer und theologischer Beitrag zum Talmud YerushalmiLeave the NDL website. Messiah and Christos : studies in the Jewish Origins of ChristianityLeave the NDL website. Targum scheni zu Ester : Übersetzung, Kommentar und theologische DeutungLeave the NDL website. Hekhalot literature in context : between Byzantium and BabyloniaLeave the NDL website. A thousand thousands served him : exegesis and the naming of angels in ancient JudaismLeave the NDL website. Musik und Gesang in der Theologie der frühen jüdischen Literatur : Talmud, Midrasch, MystikLeave the NDL website. Rabbinic law in its Roman and near eastern contextLeave the NDL website. Yahoel and Metatron : aural apocalypticism and the origins of early Jewish mysticismLeave the NDL website. Das pharisäische und talmudische Judentum : neue Wege zu seinem VerständnisLeave the NDL website. Eastern EuropeLeave the NDL website. סדר נשיםLeave the NDL website. From Adapa to Enoch : scribal culture and religious vision in Judea and BabylonLeave the NDL website. Die Paralipomena Jeremiae : Studien zu Tradition und Redaktion einer Haggada des frühen JudentumsLeave the NDL website. The Jewish manumission inscriptions of the Bosporus kingdomLeave the NDL website. The Talmud--a personal take : selected essaysLeave the NDL website. Divine revelation and divine titles in the Pentateuchal targumimLeave the NDL website. Ordnung Zeraʿim : Demai, Kil'ayim und SheviʿitLeave the NDL website. Jewish literacy in Roman PalestineLeave the NDL website. Die Viten der kleinen Propheten und der Propheten aus den Geschichtsbüchern : Übersetzung und KommentarLeave the NDL website. KleinasienLeave the NDL website. The interpretation of speech in the Pentateuch Targums : a study of method and presentation in Targumic exegesisLeave the NDL website. Heresy and identity in late antiquityLeave the NDL website. Jews, idumaeans, and ancient Arabs : relations of the Jews in Eretz-Israel with the nations of the frontier and the desert during the Hellenistic and Roman era (332 BCE-70 CE)Leave the NDL website. Einleitung in die Targume zum PentateuchLeave the NDL website. Le testament grec d'AbrahamLeave the NDL website. Hebrew Bible, Greek Bible and Qumran : collected essaysLeave the NDL website. Form, function, and historical significance of the rabbinic story in Yerushalmi NeziqinLeave the NDL website. Encounters by the rivers of Babylon : scholarly conversations between Jews, Iranians and Babylonians in antiquityLeave the NDL website. Greek Jewish texts from the Cairo GenizahLeave the NDL website. Le Judaïsme et l'imageLeave the NDL website. The monarchic principle : studies in Jewish self-government in antiquityLeave the NDL website. Offenbarungsstimmen im antiken Judentum : Untersuchungen zur Bat Qol und verwandten PhänomenenLeave the NDL website. Origen's Hexapla and fragments : papers presented at the Rich Seminer on the Hexapla, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, 25th-3rd August 1994Leave the NDL website. The Bar Kokhba War reconsidered : new perspectives on the Second Jewish Revolt against RomeLeave the NDL website. Die Geschichte von den zehn Märtyrern : synoptische Edition mit Übersetzung und EinleitungLeave the NDL website. Synopse zur Hekhalot-LiteraturLeave the NDL website. Settlement and history in Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Galilee : an archaeological survey of the Eastern GalileeLeave the NDL website. Between temple and Torah : essays on priests, scribes, and visionaries in the Second Temple period and beyondLeave the NDL website. Genesis Rabbah in text and contextLeave the NDL website. Jews and Judaism in the Rabbinic era : image and reality -- history and historiographyLeave the NDL website. Jews and entertainment in the ancient worldLeave the NDL website. Der Bar Kokhba-Aufstand : Studien zum zweiten jüdischen Krieg gegen RomLeave the NDL website. Tora und Leben : Untersuchungen zur Heilsbedeutung der Tora in der frühen rabbinischen LiereturLeave the NDL website. Toledot Yeshu ("the life story of Jesus") revisited : a Princeton conferenceLeave the NDL website. Techniques and Assumptions in Jewish Exegesis before 70 CELeave the NDL website. Jewish women in Greco-Roman Palestine : an inquiry into image and statusLeave the NDL website. The revelation of Elchasai : investigations into the evidence for a Mesopotamian Jewish apocalypse of the second century and its reception by Judeo-Christian propagandistsLeave the NDL website. Übersetzung der Hekhalot-LiteraturLeave the NDL website. Agrippa I : the last king of JudaeaLeave the NDL website. The book of giants from Qumran : texts, translation, and commentaryLeave the NDL website. The Samaritans in Flavius JosephusLeave the NDL website. Hekhalot-StudienLeave the NDL website. Heresy and the formation of the rabbinic communityLeave the NDL website. Massekhet Hekhalot : Traktat von den himmlischen Palästen : Edition, Übersetzung und KommentarLeave the NDL website. Die "väterlichen Gesetze" : Flavius Josephus als Vermittler von Halachah an Griechen und RömerLeave the NDL website. Eine Tora für den König Talmai : Untersuchungen zum Übersetzungsverständnis in der jüdisch-hellenistischen und rabbinischen LiteraturLeave the NDL website. The Jews in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt : the struggle for equal rightsLeave the NDL website. The Jewish-Christian controversy : from the earliest times to 1789Leave the NDL website. Qumran and the essenes : a re-evaluation of the evidenceLeave the NDL website. Sefer Yeṣira : edition, translation and text-critical commentaryLeave the NDL website. Die Viten der großen Propheten : Jesaja, Jeremia, Ezechiel und Daniel : Einleitung, Übersetzung und KommentarLeave the NDL website. The ways of the sages and the way of the world : the Minor Tractates of the Babylonian Talmud : Derekh 'Eretz Rabbah, Derekh 'Eretz Zuta, Pereq ha-ShalomLeave the NDL website. Synopse zu den Vitae ProphetarumLeave the NDL website. Jews and Hellenistic cities in Eretz-Israel : relations of the Jews in Eretz-Israel with the Hellenistic cities during the second temple period (332 BCE-70CE)Leave the NDL website. The faces of the chariot : early Jewish responses to Ezekiel's visionLeave the NDL website. The Shiʿur qomah : texts and recensionsLeave the NDL website. The ways that never parted : Jews and Christians in late antiquity and the early middle agesLeave the NDL website. Judaea-Palaestina, Babylon and Rome : jews in antiquityLeave the NDL website. Ordnung Zeraʿim : Berakhot und PeʾaLeave the NDL website. The land of Israel as a political concept in Hasmonean literature : recourse to history in second century B.C. claims to the Holy LandLeave the NDL website. Antiquity in antiquity : Jewish and Christian pasts in the Greco-Roman worldLeave the NDL website. Syria und CyprusLeave the NDL website. Mystical prayer in ancient Judaism : an analysis of Maʿaseh merkavahLeave the NDL website. The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman cultureLeave the NDL website. Geniza-Fragmente zur Hekhalot-LiteraturLeave the NDL website. Entwicklungsstadien des jüdischen Engelglaubens in vorrabbinischer ZeitLeave the NDL website. The mysteries of righteousness : the literary composition and genre of the sentences of Pseudo-PhocylidesLeave the NDL website. The armies of the Hasmonaeans and Herod : from Hellenistic to Roman frameworksLeave the NDL website. Ordnung Zeraʿim : Terumot, maʿaśerot, Maʿaśer Sheni, Ḥalla, ʿOrla und BikkurimLeave the NDL website. Konkordanz zur Hekhalot-LiteraturLeave the NDL website. Die ptolemäische Organisationsform politeuma : ein Herrschaftsinstrument zugunsten jüdischer und anderer hellenischer GemeinschaftenLeave the NDL website. On Jews in the Roman world : collected studiesLeave the NDL website. Torah, temple, land : constructions of Judaism in antiquityLeave the NDL website. Toledot Yeshu: the life story of JesusLeave the NDL website. Toledot Yeshu: the life story of JesusLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Probleme der Bavot-Traktate : ein redaktionskritischer und theologischer Beitrag zum Talmud Yerushalmi

  • Messiah and Christos : studies in the Jewish Origins of Christianity

  • Targum scheni zu Ester : Übersetzung, Kommentar und theologische Deutung

  • Hekhalot literature in context : between Byzantium and Babylonia

  • A thousand thousands served him : exegesis and the naming of angels in ancient Judaism

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Texts and studies in ancient Judaism
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Note (General)
Edited by Martin Hengel und Peter Schäfer
Related Material
Probleme der Bavot-Traktate : ein redaktionskritischer und theologischer Beitrag zum Talmud Yerushalmi
Messiah and Christos : studies in the Jewish Origins of Christianity
Targum scheni zu Ester : Übersetzung, Kommentar und theologische Deutung
Hekhalot literature in context : between Byzantium and Babylonia
A thousand thousands served him : exegesis and the naming of angels in ancient Judaism
Musik und Gesang in der Theologie der frühen jüdischen Literatur : Talmud, Midrasch, Mystik
Rabbinic law in its Roman and near eastern context
Yahoel and Metatron : aural apocalypticism and the origins of early Jewish mysticism
Das pharisäische und talmudische Judentum : neue Wege zu seinem Verständnis
Eastern Europe
סדר נשים
From Adapa to Enoch : scribal culture and religious vision in Judea and Babylon
Die Paralipomena Jeremiae : Studien zu Tradition und Redaktion einer Haggada des frühen Judentums
The Jewish manumission inscriptions of the Bosporus kingdom
The Talmud--a personal take : selected essays
Divine revelation and divine titles in the Pentateuchal targumim
Ordnung Zeraʿim : Demai, Kil'ayim und Sheviʿit
Jewish literacy in Roman Palestine
Die Viten der kleinen Propheten und der Propheten aus den Geschichtsbüchern : Übersetzung und Kommentar
The interpretation of speech in the Pentateuch Targums : a study of method and presentation in Targumic exegesis
Heresy and identity in late antiquity
Jews, idumaeans, and ancient Arabs : relations of the Jews in Eretz-Israel with the nations of the frontier and the desert during the Hellenistic and Roman era (332 BCE-70 CE)
Einleitung in die Targume zum Pentateuch
Le testament grec d'Abraham
Hebrew Bible, Greek Bible and Qumran : collected essays
Form, function, and historical significance of the rabbinic story in Yerushalmi Neziqin
Encounters by the rivers of Babylon : scholarly conversations between Jews, Iranians and Babylonians in antiquity
Greek Jewish texts from the Cairo Genizah
Le Judaïsme et l'image
The monarchic principle : studies in Jewish self-government in antiquity
Offenbarungsstimmen im antiken Judentum : Untersuchungen zur Bat Qol und verwandten Phänomenen
Origen's Hexapla and fragments : papers presented at the Rich Seminer on the Hexapla, Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, 25th-3rd August 1994
The Bar Kokhba War reconsidered : new perspectives on the Second Jewish Revolt against Rome
Die Geschichte von den zehn Märtyrern : synoptische Edition mit Übersetzung und Einleitung
Synopse zur Hekhalot-Literatur
Settlement and history in Hellenistic, Roman, and Byzantine Galilee : an archaeological survey of the Eastern Galilee
Between temple and Torah : essays on priests, scribes, and visionaries in the Second Temple period and beyond
Genesis Rabbah in text and context
Jews and Judaism in the Rabbinic era : image and reality -- history and historiography
Jews and entertainment in the ancient world
Der Bar Kokhba-Aufstand : Studien zum zweiten jüdischen Krieg gegen Rom
Tora und Leben : Untersuchungen zur Heilsbedeutung der Tora in der frühen rabbinischen Lieretur
Toledot Yeshu ("the life story of Jesus") revisited : a Princeton conference
Techniques and Assumptions in Jewish Exegesis before 70 CE
Jewish women in Greco-Roman Palestine : an inquiry into image and status
The revelation of Elchasai : investigations into the evidence for a Mesopotamian Jewish apocalypse of the second century and its reception by Judeo-Christian propagandists
Übersetzung der Hekhalot-Literatur
Agrippa I : the last king of Judaea
The book of giants from Qumran : texts, translation, and commentary
The Samaritans in Flavius Josephus
Heresy and the formation of the rabbinic community
Massekhet Hekhalot : Traktat von den himmlischen Palästen : Edition, Übersetzung und Kommentar
Die "väterlichen Gesetze" : Flavius Josephus als Vermittler von Halachah an Griechen und Römer
Eine Tora für den König Talmai : Untersuchungen zum Übersetzungsverständnis in der jüdisch-hellenistischen und rabbinischen Literatur
The Jews in Hellenistic and Roman Egypt : the struggle for equal rights
The Jewish-Christian controversy : from the earliest times to 1789
Qumran and the essenes : a re-evaluation of the evidence
Sefer Yeṣira : edition, translation and text-critical commentary
Die Viten der großen Propheten : Jesaja, Jeremia, Ezechiel und Daniel : Einleitung, Übersetzung und Kommentar
The ways of the sages and the way of the world : the Minor Tractates of the Babylonian Talmud : Derekh 'Eretz Rabbah, Derekh 'Eretz Zuta, Pereq ha-Shalom
Synopse zu den Vitae Prophetarum
Jews and Hellenistic cities in Eretz-Israel : relations of the Jews in Eretz-Israel with the Hellenistic cities during the second temple period (332 BCE-70CE)
The faces of the chariot : early Jewish responses to Ezekiel's vision
The Shiʿur qomah : texts and recensions
The ways that never parted : Jews and Christians in late antiquity and the early middle ages
Judaea-Palaestina, Babylon and Rome : jews in antiquity
Ordnung Zeraʿim : Berakhot und Peʾa
The land of Israel as a political concept in Hasmonean literature : recourse to history in second century B.C. claims to the Holy Land
Antiquity in antiquity : Jewish and Christian pasts in the Greco-Roman world
Syria und Cyprus
Mystical prayer in ancient Judaism : an analysis of Maʿaseh merkavah
The Talmud Yerushalmi and Graeco-Roman culture
Geniza-Fragmente zur Hekhalot-Literatur
Entwicklungsstadien des jüdischen Engelglaubens in vorrabbinischer Zeit
The mysteries of righteousness : the literary composition and genre of the sentences of Pseudo-Phocylides
The armies of the Hasmonaeans and Herod : from Hellenistic to Roman frameworks
Ordnung Zeraʿim : Terumot, maʿaśerot, Maʿaśer Sheni, Ḥalla, ʿOrla und Bikkurim
Konkordanz zur Hekhalot-Literatur
Die ptolemäische Organisationsform politeuma : ein Herrschaftsinstrument zugunsten jüdischer und anderer hellenischer Gemeinschaften
On Jews in the Roman world : collected studies
Torah, temple, land : constructions of Judaism in antiquity
Toledot Yeshu: the life story of Jesus
Toledot Yeshu: the life story of Jesus