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Contributions to education

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Contributions to education

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Teachers College, Columbia University
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Note (General):

See also "Contributions to education" (AMS Press, reprint) (BA05071768)

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Personal hygiene for college students : a study of the curiosities, interests, and felt needs of college students in the subject matter of personal hygieneLeave the NDL website. Mexico : its educational problems--suggestions for their solutionLeave the NDL website. Extra-curricular activities in relation to the curriculumLeave the NDL website. Problem solving in arithmetic : a study of certain factors in the allocation of arithmetic problems involving one, two, three, and four steps or processes in reasoningLeave the NDL website. Educational opportunities provided for postgraduate students in public high schoolsLeave the NDL website. The auditory and speech characteristics of poor readersLeave the NDL website. An experimental method for the discovery and development of tests of characterLeave the NDL website. Homogeneous grouping : as a policy in the elementary schools in New York CityLeave the NDL website. Mental and interest tests : their evaluation and comparative effectiveness as factors of prognosis in secondary educationLeave the NDL website. The prognostic value of a primary group test : a study of intelligence and relative achievement in the first gradeLeave the NDL website. A comparative study of undergraduate women majors and non-majors in physical education with respect to certain personal traitsLeave the NDL website. A decade of progress in teacher training : specific administrative modifications in Missouri teachers colleges which have taken place during the first decade following the Carnegie survey of tax supported normal schools in Missouri, and a comparison of the present situation with the conclusions and proposals of the Survey Commission, with suggestions for further improvementLeave the NDL website. A history of the teaching of elementary geometryLeave the NDL website. Emergent mind and education : a study of George H. Mead's bio-social behaviorism from an educational point of viewLeave the NDL website. A comparison of tendencies in secon dary education in England and the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The function of ideals and attitudes in social education : an experimental studyLeave the NDL website. The relationship of city planning to school plant planningLeave the NDL website. The training of teachers in England and WalesLeave the NDL website. Rural schools in Canada : their organization, administration and supervisionLeave the NDL website. The equipment of the school theaterLeave the NDL website. English grammar schools in the reign of Queen ElizabethLeave the NDL website. The high school failures : a study of the school records of pupils failing in academic or commercial high school subjectsLeave the NDL website. Parent preferences of young childrenLeave the NDL website. An accounting of progress and attendance of rural school children in Delaware : a report of results secured from an analysis of the eight-year individual attendance and progress cumulative records of the 1915 entrants into grade I of the rural and village schools of the State of DelawareLeave the NDL website. Growth and decline of agricultural villagesLeave the NDL website. Registration of city school children : a consideration of the subject of the city school censusLeave the NDL website. The concept of equality : in the writings of Rousseau, Bentham, and KantLeave the NDL website. Controversies over the imitation of Cicero : as a model for style and some phases of their influence on the schools of the renaissanceLeave the NDL website. Ciceronianus, or A dialogue on the best style of speakingLeave the NDL website. Changes in mental traits with age : determined by annual re-testsLeave the NDL website. Theories of Americanization : a critical study, with special reference to the Jewish groupLeave the NDL website. The secularization of American education : as shown by State legislation, State constitutional provisions, and State Supreme Court decisionsLeave the NDL website. A conception of authority : an introductory studyLeave the NDL website. A comparative study of the secondary education of girls in England, Germany, and the United States : with a consideration of the secondary education of girls in JapanLeave the NDL website. Organization and administration of substitute-teaching service in city school systemsLeave the NDL website. A study in educational prognosisLeave the NDL website. A comparative study of responses of children of different nationalities and environments on intelligence and achievement testsLeave the NDL website. Vocational interest patterns : a developmental study of a group of college womenLeave the NDL website. The actual and potential use of laboratory schools in state normal schools and teachers collegesLeave the NDL website. The relations of general intelligence to certain mental and physical traitsLeave the NDL website. Two types of rural schools : with some facts showing economic and social conditionsLeave the NDL website. A critical study of the teaching of elementary college mathematicsLeave the NDL website. The organization and activities of the National Education Association : a case study in educational sociologyLeave the NDL website. Administration and educational work of American juvenile reform schoolsLeave the NDL website. Solving geometric originalsLeave the NDL website. The administration of health and physical education in New York StateLeave the NDL website. The public primary school system of France : with special reference to the training of teachersLeave the NDL website. Detailed factors in Latin prognosisLeave the NDL website. Business management in school systems of different sizes : a study of certain aspects of business management in nine New Jersey citiesLeave the NDL website. A study of the results of planning for home economics education in the southern states : as organized under the national acts for vocational educationLeave the NDL website. Procedures for school district reorganizationLeave the NDL website. Children's collecting activity related to social factorsLeave the NDL website. The influence of specialized training on tests of general intelligenceLeave the NDL website. Dances of the Hungarians : a study of the dances found today in Hungary together with a description of some of the peasant festivitiesLeave the NDL website. The rise of the High School in MassachusettsLeave the NDL website. An integrated curriculum in practice : a study of the development, installation, and appraisal of a certain type of integrated curriculum in the educational program of the public elementary schools of Houston, TexasLeave the NDL website. The training of elementary school teachers in GermanyLeave the NDL website. The rise of local school supervision in Massachusetts (the school committee, 1635-1827)Leave the NDL website. The college curriculum in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The administration of discipline in the high schoolLeave the NDL website. An experimental study of two methods of long divisionLeave the NDL website. The relation of social, economic and personal characteristics to reading abilityLeave the NDL website. The history of journalism education in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Historical information and judgment in pupils of elementary schoolsLeave the NDL website. The American legion as educatorLeave the NDL website. Theories of secondary education in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The seven liberal arts : a study in mediaeval cultureLeave the NDL website. Dependability in philosophy of educationLeave the NDL website. School cost and school accountingLeave the NDL website. Youth and instruction in marriage and family livingLeave the NDL website. A school building program for citiesLeave the NDL website. Professional secondary education in teachers collegesLeave the NDL website. The re-establishment of the Indians in their pueblo life through the revival of their traditional crafts : a study in home extension educationLeave the NDL website. Certain basic teacher-education policies and their development and significance in a selected state : a historical and interpretative study of certain aspects of teacher education in New Hampshire which represent significant developments in the professional preparation of teachers in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Psychology and the preparation of the teacher for the elementary school : a survey and an analysis of practices in the teaching of psychology in certain professional schools for the preparation of teachersLeave the NDL website. The prevention of failure in first grade reading by means of adjusted instructionLeave the NDL website. Professional tests as measures of teaching efficiency in high schoolLeave the NDL website. The support of schools in colonial New York by the Society for the propagation of the gospel in foreign partsLeave the NDL website. Wage worth of school training : an analytical study of six hundred women-workers in textile factoriesLeave the NDL website. The administration of home economics in city schools : a study of present and desired practices in the organization of the home economics programLeave the NDL website. A survey of a public school systemLeave the NDL website. Improvement and the distribution of practiceLeave the NDL website. The improvement of the city elementary school teacher in serviceLeave the NDL website. Changing conceptions relative to the planning of lessonsLeave the NDL website. Special disability in algebraLeave the NDL website. The teaching of physical sciences in the secondary schools of the United States, France, and Soviet RussiaLeave the NDL website. A study of verbal accompaniments to educational motion picturesLeave the NDL website. Children's social concepts : a study of their nature and developmentLeave the NDL website. Herbart and Froebel : an attempt at synthesisLeave the NDL website. A diagnostic test of aptitude for clerical office work : Based on an analysis of clerical operationsLeave the NDL website. A measurement of the secondary school as a part of the pupil's environmentLeave the NDL website. A study in Latin prognosisLeave the NDL website. Integration of adult education : a sociological studyLeave the NDL website. Experimental tests of mathematical ability and their prognostic valueLeave the NDL website. Motor abilities of deaf childrenLeave the NDL website. Do college students choose vocations wisely?Leave the NDL website. Correlation of some psychological and educational measurements, with special attention to the measurement of mental abilityLeave the NDL website. Practice in the case of school childrenLeave the NDL website. The relation between morality and intellect : a compendium of evidence contributed by psychology, criminology and sociologyLeave the NDL website. The use of the library by student teachers : some factors related to the use of the library by student teachers in thirty-one colleges in the area of the North Central AssociationLeave the NDL website. Education for economic competence in grades I to VI : an analysis of courses of study illustrated with sample materialsLeave the NDL website. The educational significance of the early federal land ordinancesLeave the NDL website. The distribution and functions of mental imageryLeave the NDL website. The Chinese system of public educationLeave the NDL website. The legal status of rural high schools in the United States : with special reference to the methods employed in extendig state aid to secondary education in rural communtiesLeave the NDL website. Relations of religious training and life patterns to the adult religious life : a study of the relative significance of religious training and influence and of certain emotional and behavior patterns for the adult religious lifeLeave the NDL website. The economic ability of the states to finance public schoolsLeave the NDL website. Lessing's education of the human raceLeave the NDL website. Tests for vocational guidance of children thirteen to sixteenLeave the NDL website. Trade tests in educationLeave the NDL website. A special study of the incidence of retardationLeave the NDL website. Measurements of some achievements in arithmeticLeave the NDL website. Early Quaker education in PennsylvaniaLeave the NDL website. Factors related to the changes in school adjustment of high school pupils : with special reference to selected factors in the home environmentLeave the NDL website. Administration of enrichment to superior children in the typical classroomLeave the NDL website. The education of girls in ChinaLeave the NDL website. The development of school support in colonial MassachusettsLeave the NDL website. Later Roman education in Ausonius, Capella and the Theodosian code : with translations and commentaryLeave the NDL website. The organization of instruction materials : with special relation to the elementary school curriculumLeave the NDL website. The recapitulation theory and human infancyLeave the NDL website. Extra costs and incidental costs in the erection of school buildingsLeave the NDL website. The educational theory and practice of T.H. GreenLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals of housing study : a determination of factors basic to an understanding of American housing problemsLeave the NDL website. The rise of local school supervision in Massachusetts (the school committee, 1635-1827)Leave the NDL website. Adjustment of school organization to various population groupsLeave the NDL website. Some fiscal aspects of public education in American citiesLeave the NDL website. Paraguay : its cultural heritage, social conditions, and educational problemsLeave the NDL website. The factors operating in the location of State normal schoolsLeave the NDL website. The administration of merit-type teachers' salary schedulesLeave the NDL website. The professional education of elementary teachers in the field of arithmeticLeave the NDL website. 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Systematic study in the elementary schoolsLeave the NDL website. Administrative procedures for changing curriculum patterns for selected state teachers colleges : with special reference to New Jersey, New York, and PennsylvaniaLeave the NDL website. Correlations of mental abilitiesLeave the NDL website. The measurement of fair-mindednessLeave the NDL website. Forty years of the public schools in Mississippi : with special reference to the education of the negroLeave the NDL website. The seven liberal arts : a study in mediaeval cultureLeave the NDL website. A study of young high school graduatesLeave the NDL website. The question as a measure of efficiency in instruction : a critical study of class-room practiceLeave the NDL website. Fiscal support of state Teachers CollegesLeave the NDL website. Personal traits and success in teachingLeave the NDL website. The teaching of general mathematics in the secondary schools of the United States : a study of the development and present status of general mathematicsLeave the NDL website. The concept of methodLeave the NDL website. A comparative study of achievement in country and town schoolsLeave the NDL website. A study of organization and method of the course of study in agriculture in secondary schoolsLeave the NDL website. Housing of high school programsLeave the NDL website. Inter-institutional agreements in higher education : an analysis of the documents relating to inter-institutional agreements with special reference to coordinationLeave the NDL website. Bodily rhythmic movements of young children in relation to rhythm in music : an analytical study of an organized curriculum in bodily rhythms, including potential and functioning aspects in selected nursery school, kindergarten, and first grade groupsLeave the NDL website. A study of international attitudes of high school students : with special reference to those nearing completion of their high school coursesLeave the NDL website. Normal school education in ConnecticutLeave the NDL website. Visual characteristics of poor readersLeave the NDL website. The psychogalvanic reactions of exceptional and normal school childrenLeave the NDL website. Variation in the achievements of pupils : a study of the achievements of pupils in the fifth and seventh grades, and in classes of different sizesLeave the NDL website. Spinoza as educatorLeave the NDL website. Scouting in the schools : a study of the relationships between the schools and the Boy Scouts of AmericaLeave the NDL website. Some present aspects of the work of teachers' voluntary associations in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Rights and liabilities of public school boards under capital outlay contractsLeave the NDL website. The conflict of naturalism and humanismLeave the NDL website. The administration of discipline in the high schoolLeave the NDL website. Mental fatigueLeave the NDL website. Decisions and attitudes as outcomes of the discussion of a social problem : an experimental studyLeave the NDL website. The history and significance of certain standard problems in algebraLeave the NDL website. School funds in the province of QuebecLeave the NDL website. The development of free school in the United States as illustrated by Connecticut and MichiganLeave the NDL website. Homework in the New York City elementary schoolsLeave the NDL website. The interrelations of mental abilitiesLeave the NDL website. Functional periodicity : an experimental study of the mental and motor abilities of women during menstruationLeave the NDL website. Behavior changes resulting from a study of communicable diseases : an evaluation of the effects of learning on certain actions of high school pupilsLeave the NDL website. American agricultural problems in the social studies : some important agricultural problems and related generalizations that should be considered in the general curriculum of urban and rural schoolsLeave the NDL website. A comparative study of the concentration and regular plans of organization in the senior high schoolLeave the NDL website. Content and form in tests of intelligenceLeave the NDL website. The psychology of reading and spelling : with special reference to disabilityLeave the NDL website. Measuring the effectiveness of sound pictures as teaching aidsLeave the NDL website. The concept standard : a historical survey of what men have conceived as constituting or determining life values. criticism and interpretation of the different theories together with general educational implicationsLeave the NDL website. Promotional plans in the high schoolLeave the NDL website. The free school idea in Virginia before the Civil War : a phase of political and social evolutionLeave the NDL website. General mathematics in American collegesLeave the NDL website. Normal school education and efficiency in teachingLeave the NDL website. Measurements of mechanical abilityLeave the NDL website. General education in the progressive collegeLeave the NDL website. Education for the disabled in war and industry : army hospital schools: a demonstration for the education of disabled in industryLeave the NDL website. Procedures for school district reorganizationLeave the NDL website. The improvement of college marking systemsLeave the NDL website. The Chinese system of public educationLeave the NDL website. A tentative inventory of the habits of children from two to four years of ageLeave the NDL website. The God of the Old Testament in relation to warLeave the NDL website. The production of later nineteenth century American dramaLeave the NDL website. The administration and cost of high school interscholastic athleticsLeave the NDL website. A study of intelligence test elementsLeave the NDL website. The origin of the moving school in MassachusettsLeave the NDL website. The Lancasterian system of instruction in the schools of New York cityLeave the NDL website. The geometry of repeating design and geometry of design for high schoolsLeave the NDL website. The readability of certain type sizes and forms in sight-saving classesLeave the NDL website. Radicalism and conservatism toward conventional religion : a psychological study based on a group of Jewish college studentsLeave the NDL website. Tests of literary vocabulary for teachers of EnglishLeave the NDL website. A critical study of homogeneous grouping : with a critique of measurement as the basis for classificationLeave the NDL website. Control of available public school income : with special reference to cities of New York StateLeave the NDL website. State constitutional provisions for education : fundamental attitude of the American people regarding education as revealed by state constitutional provisions, 1776-1929Leave the NDL website. A survey of the social and business usage of arithmeticLeave the NDL website. A diagnostic study of the subject matter of high school chemistryLeave the NDL website. Individual differences in ability and improvement and their correlationsLeave the NDL website. English in state teachers colleges : a catalogue studyLeave the NDL website. Progress through the grades of city schools : a study of acceleration and arrestLeave the NDL website. The educational views and influence of DeWitt ClintonLeave the NDL website. A study of opinions on some international problems : as related to certain experience and background factorsLeave the NDL website. Administrative procedures in curriculum making for public schoolsLeave the NDL website. Measurements of some Achievements in arithmeticLeave the NDL website. Civic education, its objectives and methods for a specific case group : a study in educational sociologyLeave the NDL website. Standardized reasoning tests in arithmetic and how to utilize themLeave the NDL website. Mathematical facts and processes prerequisite to the study of the calculusLeave the NDL website. The construction of junior church school curriculaLeave the NDL website. The history of local school control in the State of New YorkLeave the NDL website. The judicial power of the New York State Commissioner of Education : its growth and present status with a digest of decisionsLeave the NDL website. A critique of teachers' ratings of high school boys : as an indication of later neuropsychiatric rejection for the armed servicesLeave the NDL website. Ventilation in relation to mental workLeave the NDL website. Vocational guidance in Catholic secondary schools : a study of development and present statusLeave the NDL website. The interests, abilities and achievements of a special class for gifted childrenLeave the NDL website. An analytical contrast of oral with written EnglishLeave the NDL website. Teachers in Germany in the sixteenth century : conditions in Protestant elementary and secondary schoolsLeave the NDL website. The educational theories of Herbart and FroebelLeave the NDL website. Subject matter in health education : an analysis and evaluation of the contents of some courses of study and textbooks dealing with health and suggestions for using such an analysisLeave the NDL website. The courts and the curriculumLeave the NDL website. The influence of reconstruction on education in the SouthLeave the NDL website. The development of the modern problems course in the senior high schoolLeave the NDL website. The measurement of Certain Elements of hand sewingLeave the NDL website. The financial control of education in the consolidated city of New York : with special reference to interrelations between the public school system, the municipal government and the StateLeave the NDL website. Desirable physical facilities for an activity programLeave the NDL website. Children's explanations of natural phenomenaLeave the NDL website. The fundamental skills of algebraLeave the NDL website. The algebra of Omar KhayyamLeave the NDL website. The accomplishment ratio : a treatment of the inherited determinants of disparity in school productLeave the NDL website. Characteristics of good and poor spellers : a diagnostic studyLeave the NDL website. The struggle for Federal Aid : first phase : a history of the attempts to obtain Federal aid for the common schools 1870-1890Leave the NDL website. The environment of three-year-old children : factors related to intelligence and vocabulary testsLeave the NDL website. Predicting the quality of teaching : the predictive value of certain traits for effectiveness in teachingLeave the NDL website. Correlation of some psychological and educational measurements : with special attention to the measurement of mental abilityLeave the NDL website. School learning with various methods of practice and rewardsLeave the NDL website. Public school tax management in TexasLeave the NDL website. Problems of the city school superintendent in the field of arithmeticLeave the NDL website. Participation in organizations : a study of Columbia college alumniLeave the NDL website. Educational service, its functions and possibilitiesLeave the NDL website. A study of the problems of 652 gainfully enployed married women homemakersLeave the NDL website. The relations between scholastic achievement in a school of social work and six factors in students' backgroundLeave the NDL website. The social factors affecting special supervision in the public schools of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The education of girls in ChinaLeave the NDL website. Evaluation of English literature in the High schoolLeave the NDL website. School costs and school accountingLeave the NDL website. The reasoning ability of children of the fourth, fifth, and sixth school gradesLeave the NDL website. The psychology of special disability in spellingLeave the NDL website. Causes of the elimination of students in public secondary schools of New York CityLeave the NDL website. The use of practice exercises in the teaching of capitalization and punctuationLeave the NDL website. Teachers' marks : their variability and standardizationLeave the NDL website. The development of a state's minimum educational programLeave the NDL website. Coöperation and competition : an experimental study in motivationLeave the NDL website. A state's supervision of its elementary schools : the development and present activities of the Elementary Division of the State Department of Education of Louisiana, and a program for its future serviceLeave the NDL website. Participation in curriculum making as a means of supervision of rural schoolsLeave the NDL website. Variability in recognizing scientific inquiry : an analysis of high school science textbooksLeave the NDL website. Educational diagnosis of individual pupils : a study of the individual achievements of seventy-two junior high school boys in a group of eleven standardized testsLeave the NDL website. Educational guidance : an experimental study in the analysis and prediction of ability of high school pupilsLeave the NDL website. Empirical studies in school reading : with special reference to the Evaluation of literary reading booksLeave the NDL website. State scholarship students at Hunter College of the City of New YorkLeave the NDL website. Educational inbreedingLeave the NDL website. Scheubel as an algebraist : being a study of algebra in the middle of the sixteenth century, together with a translation of and a commentary upon an unpublished manuscript of Scheubel's, now in the Library of Columbia universityLeave the NDL website. The Pennsylvania State normal schools and public school systemLeave the NDL website. Standardized reasoning tests in arithmetic and how to utilize themLeave the NDL website. Democracy and mission education in KoreaLeave the NDL website. The control of state-supported teacher-training programs for NegroesLeave the NDL website. Educational attitudes and policies of organized labor in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The costs of compulsory attendance service in the state of New York; and some factors affecting the costLeave the NDL website. A study of homogeneous grouping : in terms of individual variations and the teaching problemLeave the NDL website. Physical capacity tests in the administration of physical educationLeave the NDL website. History of speech education at Columbia College, 1754-1940Leave the NDL website. Agricultural instruction in the public high schools of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Admission to college by certificateLeave the NDL website. County unification in KansasLeave the NDL website. Potential economics in the reorganization of local school attendance unitsLeave the NDL website. Vocational personalities : an application of the Rorschach group methodLeave the NDL website. The relative merits of conventional and imaginative types of problems in arithmeticLeave the NDL website. First year algebra scalesLeave the NDL website. Education for modernization in China : a search for criteria of curriculum construction in view of the transition in national life, with special reference to secondary educationLeave the NDL website. The educational significance of sixteenth century arithmetic : from the point of view of the present timeLeave the NDL website. The organization of mental abilities in the age range 13 to 17Leave the NDL website. An inventory of the minds of individuals of six and seven years mental ageLeave the NDL website. The education of young children in EnglandLeave the NDL website. Training in high-school mathematics essential for success in certain college subjectsLeave the NDL website. Consumers uses of arithmetic : an investigation to determine the actual uses made of arithmetic in adult social life, exclusive of vocational usesLeave the NDL website. A study of problem material in high school algebraLeave the NDL website. The professional treatment of the subject matter of arithmetic for teacher-training institutions : grades I to VILeave the NDL website. The ability of high school pupils to select essential data in solving problemsLeave the NDL website.

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Material Type
Publication, Distribution, etc.
Alternative Title
Teachers College, Columbia University. Contributions to education
Columbia Universiry, Teachers College. Contributions to education
Columbia University contributions to education Teachers College series
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Note (General)
See also "Contributions to education" (AMS Press, reprint) (BA05071768)
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Factors related to the changes in school adjustment of high school pupils : with special reference to selected factors in the home environment
Administration of enrichment to superior children in the typical classroom
The education of girls in China
The development of school support in colonial Massachusetts
Later Roman education in Ausonius, Capella and the Theodosian code : with translations and commentary
The organization of instruction materials : with special relation to the elementary school curriculum
The recapitulation theory and human infancy
Extra costs and incidental costs in the erection of school buildings
The educational theory and practice of T.H. Green
Fundamentals of housing study : a determination of factors basic to an understanding of American housing problems
The rise of local school supervision in Massachusetts (the school committee, 1635-1827)
Adjustment of school organization to various population groups
Some fiscal aspects of public education in American cities
Paraguay : its cultural heritage, social conditions, and educational problems
The factors operating in the location of State normal schools
The administration of merit-type teachers' salary schedules
The professional education of elementary teachers in the field of arithmetic
The influence of tax-leeway on educational adaptability : a study of the relationship of residual or potential economic ability, expressed as tax-leeway, to educational adaptations in the State of New York
The overlapping of attainments in certain sixth, seventh, and eighth grades
Marks of readable style : a study in adult education
English grammar schools in the reign of Queen Elizabeth
Apprenticeship & apprenticeship education in colonial New England & New York
School funds and their apportionment : a consideration of the subject with reference to a more general equalization of both the burdens and the advntages of education
City school expenditures : the variability and interrelation of the various items
The social understandings of the superintendent of schools
Systematic study in the elementary schools
Administrative procedures for changing curriculum patterns for selected state teachers colleges : with special reference to New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania
Correlations of mental abilities
The measurement of fair-mindedness
Forty years of the public schools in Mississippi : with special reference to the education of the negro
The seven liberal arts : a study in mediaeval culture
A study of young high school graduates
The question as a measure of efficiency in instruction : a critical study of class-room practice
Fiscal support of state Teachers Colleges
Personal traits and success in teaching
The teaching of general mathematics in the secondary schools of the United States : a study of the development and present status of general mathematics
The concept of method
A comparative study of achievement in country and town schools
A study of organization and method of the course of study in agriculture in secondary schools
Housing of high school programs
Inter-institutional agreements in higher education : an analysis of the documents relating to inter-institutional agreements with special reference to coordination
Bodily rhythmic movements of young children in relation to rhythm in music : an analytical study of an organized curriculum in bodily rhythms, including potential and functioning aspects in selected nursery school, kindergarten, and first grade groups
A study of international attitudes of high school students : with special reference to those nearing completion of their high school courses
Normal school education in Connecticut
Visual characteristics of poor readers
The psychogalvanic reactions of exceptional and normal school children
Variation in the achievements of pupils : a study of the achievements of pupils in the fifth and seventh grades, and in classes of different sizes
Spinoza as educator
Scouting in the schools : a study of the relationships between the schools and the Boy Scouts of America
Some present aspects of the work of teachers' voluntary associations in the United States
Rights and liabilities of public school boards under capital outlay contracts
The conflict of naturalism and humanism
The administration of discipline in the high school
Mental fatigue
Decisions and attitudes as outcomes of the discussion of a social problem : an experimental study
The history and significance of certain standard problems in algebra
School funds in the province of Quebec
The development of free school in the United States as illustrated by Connecticut and Michigan
Homework in the New York City elementary schools
The interrelations of mental abilities
Functional periodicity : an experimental study of the mental and motor abilities of women during menstruation
Behavior changes resulting from a study of communicable diseases : an evaluation of the effects of learning on certain actions of high school pupils
American agricultural problems in the social studies : some important agricultural problems and related generalizations that should be considered in the general curriculum of urban and rural schools
A comparative study of the concentration and regular plans of organization in the senior high school
Content and form in tests of intelligence
The psychology of reading and spelling : with special reference to disability
Measuring the effectiveness of sound pictures as teaching aids
The concept standard : a historical survey of what men have conceived as constituting or determining life values. criticism and interpretation of the different theories together with general educational implications
Promotional plans in the high school
The free school idea in Virginia before the Civil War : a phase of political and social evolution
General mathematics in American colleges
Normal school education and efficiency in teaching
Measurements of mechanical ability
General education in the progressive college
Education for the disabled in war and industry : army hospital schools: a demonstration for the education of disabled in industry
Procedures for school district reorganization
The improvement of college marking systems
The Chinese system of public education
A tentative inventory of the habits of children from two to four years of age
The God of the Old Testament in relation to war
The production of later nineteenth century American drama
The administration and cost of high school interscholastic athletics
A study of intelligence test elements
The origin of the moving school in Massachusetts
The Lancasterian system of instruction in the schools of New York city
The geometry of repeating design and geometry of design for high schools
The readability of certain type sizes and forms in sight-saving classes
Radicalism and conservatism toward conventional religion : a psychological study based on a group of Jewish college students
Tests of literary vocabulary for teachers of English
A critical study of homogeneous grouping : with a critique of measurement as the basis for classification
Control of available public school income : with special reference to cities of New York State
State constitutional provisions for education : fundamental attitude of the American people regarding education as revealed by state constitutional provisions, 1776-1929
A survey of the social and business usage of arithmetic
A diagnostic study of the subject matter of high school chemistry
Individual differences in ability and improvement and their correlations
English in state teachers colleges : a catalogue study
Progress through the grades of city schools : a study of acceleration and arrest
The educational views and influence of DeWitt Clinton
A study of opinions on some international problems : as related to certain experience and background factors
Administrative procedures in curriculum making for public schools
Measurements of some Achievements in arithmetic
Civic education, its objectives and methods for a specific case group : a study in educational sociology
Standardized reasoning tests in arithmetic and how to utilize them
Mathematical facts and processes prerequisite to the study of the calculus
The construction of junior church school curricula
The history of local school control in the State of New York
The judicial power of the New York State Commissioner of Education : its growth and present status with a digest of decisions
A critique of teachers' ratings of high school boys : as an indication of later neuropsychiatric rejection for the armed services
Ventilation in relation to mental work
Vocational guidance in Catholic secondary schools : a study of development and present status
The interests, abilities and achievements of a special class for gifted children
An analytical contrast of oral with written English
Teachers in Germany in the sixteenth century : conditions in Protestant elementary and secondary schools
The educational theories of Herbart and Froebel
Subject matter in health education : an analysis and evaluation of the contents of some courses of study and textbooks dealing with health and suggestions for using such an analysis
The courts and the curriculum
The influence of reconstruction on education in the South
The development of the modern problems course in the senior high school
The measurement of Certain Elements of hand sewing
The financial control of education in the consolidated city of New York : with special reference to interrelations between the public school system, the municipal government and the State
Desirable physical facilities for an activity program
Children's explanations of natural phenomena
The fundamental skills of algebra
The algebra of Omar Khayyam
The accomplishment ratio : a treatment of the inherited determinants of disparity in school product
Characteristics of good and poor spellers : a diagnostic study
The struggle for Federal Aid : first phase : a history of the attempts to obtain Federal aid for the common schools 1870-1890
The environment of three-year-old children : factors related to intelligence and vocabulary tests
Predicting the quality of teaching : the predictive value of certain traits for effectiveness in teaching
Correlation of some psychological and educational measurements : with special attention to the measurement of mental ability
School learning with various methods of practice and rewards
Public school tax management in Texas
Problems of the city school superintendent in the field of arithmetic
Participation in organizations : a study of Columbia college alumni
Educational service, its functions and possibilities
A study of the problems of 652 gainfully enployed married women homemakers
The relations between scholastic achievement in a school of social work and six factors in students' background
The social factors affecting special supervision in the public schools of the United States
The education of girls in China
Evaluation of English literature in the High school
School costs and school accounting
The reasoning ability of children of the fourth, fifth, and sixth school grades
The psychology of special disability in spelling
Causes of the elimination of students in public secondary schools of New York City
The use of practice exercises in the teaching of capitalization and punctuation
Teachers' marks : their variability and standardization
The development of a state's minimum educational program
Coöperation and competition : an experimental study in motivation
A state's supervision of its elementary schools : the development and present activities of the Elementary Division of the State Department of Education of Louisiana, and a program for its future service
Participation in curriculum making as a means of supervision of rural schools
Variability in recognizing scientific inquiry : an analysis of high school science textbooks
Educational diagnosis of individual pupils : a study of the individual achievements of seventy-two junior high school boys in a group of eleven standardized tests
Educational guidance : an experimental study in the analysis and prediction of ability of high school pupils
Empirical studies in school reading : with special reference to the Evaluation of literary reading books
State scholarship students at Hunter College of the City of New York
Educational inbreeding
Scheubel as an algebraist : being a study of algebra in the middle of the sixteenth century, together with a translation of and a commentary upon an unpublished manuscript of Scheubel's, now in the Library of Columbia university
The Pennsylvania State normal schools and public school system
Standardized reasoning tests in arithmetic and how to utilize them
Democracy and mission education in Korea
The control of state-supported teacher-training programs for Negroes
Educational attitudes and policies of organized labor in the United States
The costs of compulsory attendance service in the state of New York; and some factors affecting the cost
A study of homogeneous grouping : in terms of individual variations and the teaching problem
Physical capacity tests in the administration of physical education
History of speech education at Columbia College, 1754-1940
Agricultural instruction in the public high schools of the United States
Admission to college by certificate
County unification in Kansas
Potential economics in the reorganization of local school attendance units
Vocational personalities : an application of the Rorschach group method
The relative merits of conventional and imaginative types of problems in arithmetic
First year algebra scales
Education for modernization in China : a search for criteria of curriculum construction in view of the transition in national life, with special reference to secondary education
The educational significance of sixteenth century arithmetic : from the point of view of the present time
The organization of mental abilities in the age range 13 to 17
An inventory of the minds of individuals of six and seven years mental age
The education of young children in England
Training in high-school mathematics essential for success in certain college subjects
Consumers uses of arithmetic : an investigation to determine the actual uses made of arithmetic in adult social life, exclusive of vocational uses
A study of problem material in high school algebra
The professional treatment of the subject matter of arithmetic for teacher-training institutions : grades I to VI
The ability of high school pupils to select essential data in solving problems
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