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IARC scientific publications

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Respiratory systemLeave the NDL website. N-nitroso compounds : occurrence and biological effects : proceedings of the VIIth International Symposium on N-nitroso Compounds held in Tokyo, 28 September-1 October 1981Leave the NDL website. Metabolic polymorphisms and susceptibility to cancerLeave the NDL website. Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in environmental samplesLeave the NDL website. Quantitative estimation and prediction of human cancer risksLeave the NDL website. Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes : some mycotoxinsLeave the NDL website. Postlabelling methods for the detection of DNA adductsLeave the NDL website. Application of biomarkers in cancer epidemiologyLeave the NDL website. Host factors in human carcinogenesis : proceedings of a Symposium organized by the IARC and co-sponsored by the Greek Ministry of Social Services ... [et al.] held in Cape Sunion, Greece, 8-11 June 1981Leave the NDL website. Digestive systemLeave the NDL website. Haematopoietic systemLeave the NDL website. Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes : some aromatic amines and 4-nitrobiphenylLeave the NDL website. Occupational Cancer in Developing CountriesLeave the NDL website. Cancer registration and its techniquesLeave the NDL website. Biomarkers in cancer chemopreventionLeave the NDL website. Atlas of cancer mortality in the European Economic CommunityLeave the NDL website. Tumours of the ratLeave the NDL website. Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes : some N-nitrosaminesLeave the NDL website. Perinatal and multigeneration carcinogenesisLeave the NDL website. Cancer survival in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. International incidence of childhood cancerLeave the NDL website. Integumentary systemLeave the NDL website. Nutrition and lifestyle : opportunities for cancer preventionLeave the NDL website. Environmental N-nitroso compounds analysis and formation : proceedings of a working conference held at the Polytechnical Institute, Tallinn, Estonian SSR, 1-3 October 1975Leave the NDL website. Urinary systemLeave the NDL website. Cancer mortality by occupation and social class, 1851-1971Leave the NDL website. Occupational exposure to silica and cancer riskLeave the NDL website. Cancer incidence in the USSRLeave the NDL website. Cancer in Italian migrant populationsLeave the NDL website. Methods for the measurement of vinyl chloride in poly(vinyl chloride), air, water and foodstuffsLeave the NDL website. Mycotoxins, endemic nephropathy, and urinary tract tumoursLeave the NDL website. N-nitroso compounds analysis and formation : proceedings of a working conference held at the Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany, 13-15 October 1971Leave the NDL website. Modulators of experimental carcinogenesis : proceedings of a symposium organized by the IARC and the All-Union Cancer Research Centre of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, held in Moscow, 28-30 June 1982Leave the NDL website. Analysis of volatile nitrosamines in foodLeave the NDL website. Soft tissue and musculoskeletal systemLeave the NDL website. Trends in cancer incidence and mortalityLeave the NDL website. The design and analysis of cohort studiesLeave the NDL website. Endocrine systemLeave the NDL website. Some mycotoxins /editor-in-chief, H. Egan ; editors, L. Stoloff ... [et al.] ; technical editor for IARC, W. DavisLeave the NDL website. The Role of the registry in cancer controlLeave the NDL website. Some metals : As, Be, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn ; editors I. K. O'Neill, P. Schuller & L. FishbeinLeave the NDL website. Patterns of cancer in five continentsLeave the NDL website. Carcinogenicity of alkylating cytostatic drugs : proceedings of a symposium organized by IARC and the German Cancer Research Centre, held at the German Cancer Research Centre, Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany, 25-27 November, 1985Leave the NDL website. Tumours of the ratLeave the NDL website. Methods for investigating localized clustering of diseaseLeave the NDL website. The Role of cyclic nucleic acid adducts in carcinogenesis and mutagenesis : proceedings of a meeting organized by the IARC and co-sponsored by the US National Cancer Institute, and the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory at the University of California, held in Lyon, 17-19 September 1984Leave the NDL website. Tumours of the mouseLeave the NDL website. Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes : some antineoplastic agentsLeave the NDL website. Some aromatic amines and azo dyes in the general and industrial environmentLeave the NDL website. Host environment interactions in the etiology of cancer in man : proceedings of a meeting held at Primošten, Yugoslavia, 27 August-2 September 1972Leave the NDL website. Virus-associated cancers in Africa = Les cancers associes aux virus en Afrique : Proceedings of Symposium organized by the Organization of African Unity ...Leave the NDL website. Indoor airLeave the NDL website. Long-term and short-term assays for carcinogens : a critical appraisal : reports of an ad-hoc working group which met in Lyon, 2-6 Dec. 1985Leave the NDL website. Cancer in Africa : epidemiology and preventionLeave the NDL website. Passive smokingLeave the NDL website. Cancer registration : principles and methodsLeave the NDL website. N-nitroso compounds in the environment : proceedings of a working conference held at the International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, 17-20 October 1973Leave the NDL website. Transformation assay of established cell lines : mechanisms and application : proceedings of a workshopLeave the NDL website. The epidemiology of cervical cancer and humen papillomavirusLeave the NDL website. Epidemiology of childhood cancerLeave the NDL website. Tumours of the mouseLeave the NDL website. Directory of on-going research in cancer epidemiologyLeave the NDL website. Complex mixtures and cancer riskLeave the NDL website. Handling chemical carcinogens in the laboratory, problems of safetyLeave the NDL website. Liver cancer : proceedings of a working conference held at the Chester Beatty Research Institute, London, England, 30 June to 3 July 1969Leave the NDL website. Evaluating effectiveness of primary prevention of cancerLeave the NDL website. Burkitt's lymphoma : a human cancer model : proceedings of a symposiumLeave the NDL website. Descriptive epidemiologyLeave the NDL website. Tobacco : a major international health hazard : proceedings of an international meeting organized by the IARC and co-sponsored by the All-Union Cancer Research Centre of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, USSR, held in Moscow, 4-6 June 1985Leave the NDL website. Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes : some N-nitrosamidesLeave the NDL website. Non-occupational exposure to mineral fibresLeave the NDL website. Hexachlorobenzene : proceedings of an international symposium held at IARC, Lyon, France 24-28 June 1985Leave the NDL website. Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes : some polycyclic heterocyclic hydrocarbonsLeave the NDL website. Screening tests in chemical carcinogenesis : proceedings of a workshop organized by IARC and the Commission of the European Communities and held in Brussels, Belgium, 9-12 June 1975Leave the NDL website. Tumours of the hamsterLeave the NDL website. Principles of chemopreventionLeave the NDL website. DNA of herpesviruses, viral antigens, cell-virus interactionLeave the NDL website. Mechanisms of fibre carcinogenesisLeave the NDL website. Models, mechanisms and etiology of tumour promotion : proceedings of a symposium organized by the Hungarian Cancer Society and the IARC, held in Budapest, 16-18 May 1983Leave the NDL website. Screening for cancer of the uterine cervix : from the IARC Working Group on Cervical Cancer Screening and the UICC Project Group in the Evaluation of Screening Programmes for CancerLeave the NDL website. Cancer survival in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Central AmericaLeave the NDL website. Cadmium in the human environment : toxicity and carcinogenicityLeave the NDL website. Atlas of cancer mortality in Central EuropeLeave the NDL website. Nickel in the human environment : proceedings of a joint symposium held at IARC, Lyon, France, 8-11 March 1983Leave the NDL website. N-Nitroso compounds /editor-in-chief, H. Egan ; editors, R. Preussmann ... [et al.]Leave the NDL website. Tumours of the mouseLeave the NDL website. Tumours of the ratLeave the NDL website. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma : etiology and control : proceedings of an international symposium jointly supported by IARC, the National Cancer Institute, (USA) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and help [sic] in Kyoto, Japan, 4-6 April 1977Leave the NDL website. Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes : some hydrazinesLeave the NDL website. Laboratory decontamination and destruction of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 in laboratory wastesLeave the NDL website. Cancer incidence in jewish migrants to Israel, 1961-1981Leave the NDL website. The use of short- and medium-term tests for carcinogens and data on genetic effects in carcinogenic hazard evaluationLeave the NDL website. Central nervous system ; heart ; eye ; MesotheliumLeave the NDL website. Tumours of the hamsterLeave the NDL website. Non-occupational exposure to mineral fibresLeave the NDL website. Survival of cancer patients in Europe : EUROCARE ... studyLeave the NDL website. N-nitroso compounds : occurrence, biological effects, and relevance to human cancer : proceedings of the VIIIth International Symposium on N-nitroso Compounds, held in Banff, Canada, 5-9 September, 1983Leave the NDL website. N-nitroso compounds, analysis, formation, and occurrence : proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on N-nitroso Compounds held in Budapest, 16-20 October 1979Leave the NDL website. Cancer incidence in five continents : a technical reportLeave the NDL website. Biological effects of mineral fibres = Effets biologiques des fibres minéralesLeave the NDL website. Trends in cancer incidence in Singapore, 1968-1982Leave the NDL website. Mechanisms of carcinogenesis : contributions of molecular epidemiologyLeave the NDL website. Relevance of N-nitroso compounds to human cancer : exposures and mechanisms : proceedings of the IXth International Symposium on N-nitroso Compounds, held in Baden, Austria, 1-5 September 1986Leave the NDL website. Molecular and cellular aspects of carcinogen screening tests : proceedings of a meetingLeave the NDL website. Cancer incidence in five continentsLeave the NDL website. Carcinogenic risks : strategies for intervention = Risques cancerogenes : strategies d'intervention : proceedings of a symposium organized by IARC and L'Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (National Institute of Health and Medical Research), held at the International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, 30 November-2 December 1977Leave the NDL website. Methods for detecting DNA damaging agents in humans : applications in cancer epidemiology and preventionLeave the NDL website. Environmental aspects of N-nitroso compounds : proceedings of a working conference held at the New England Center for Continuing Education, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire, USA, 22-24 August, 1977Leave the NDL website. Cell-virus interactions, host response to herpesvirus infection and associated tumours, role of co-factorsLeave the NDL website. Autopsy in epidemiology and medical researchLeave the NDL website. Atlas der Krebsinzidenz in der ehemaligen Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1978-1982 : Wolf Heiger Mehnert ... [et al.] ; in Zusamenarbeit mit Peter Bernstein, Wolfhard Staneczek, Lutz Beckmann = Atlas of cancer incidence in the former German Democratic Republic, 1978-1982Leave the NDL website. Human papillomavirus and cervical cancerLeave the NDL website. Transplacental carcinogenesis : proceedings of a meeting held at the Medizinische Hochschule, Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany, 6-7 October 1971Leave the NDL website. The analysis of case-control studiesLeave the NDL website. Second cancer in relation to radiation treatment for cervical cancer : from the International Radiation Study Group on Cervical CancerLeave the NDL website. Epidemiology, host response and controlLeave the NDL website. The analysis of case-control studiesLeave the NDL website. Social inequalities and cancerLeave the NDL website. The design and analysis of long-term animal experimentsLeave the NDL website. Biochemistry of viral replication and in vitro transformationLeave the NDL website. Female genital systemLeave the NDL website. Oncogenesis and herpesviruses : proceedings of a symposium held at Christ's College, Cambridge, England, 20 to 25 June 1971Leave the NDL website. Atlas of cancer in Scotland, 1975-1980 : incidence and epidemiological perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Cancer occurrence in developing countriesLeave the NDL website. Benzene and alkylated benzenesLeave the NDL website. Male genital systemLeave the NDL website. Relevance to human cancer of N-nitroso compounds, tobacco, and mycotoxinsLeave the NDL website. Chemoprevention in cancer controlLeave the NDL website. Mechanisms of carcinogenesis in risk identificationLeave the NDL website. Monitoring human exposure to carcinogenic and mutagenic agents : proceedings of a joint symposium held in Espoo, Finland 12-15, December 1983Leave the NDL website. Biological effects of asbestos : proceedings of a working conferenceLeave the NDL website. Environmental pollution and carcinogenic risks = Pollution de l'environnement et risques cancerogenes : Lyon, 3-5 Nov. 1975Leave the NDL website. DNA adducts : identification and biological significanceLeave the NDL website. Atlas of Cancer Mortality in the European Union and the European Economic Area 1993-1997Leave the NDL website. Polychlorinated dioxins and dibenzofuransLeave the NDL website. Butadiene and styrene : assessment of health hazardsLeave the NDL website. Species differences in thyroid, kidney and urinary bladder carcinogenesisLeave the NDL website. Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes : some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsLeave the NDL website. Cancer : causes, occurrence and controlLeave the NDL website. Cancer incidence in Singapore, 1968-1977Leave the NDL website. Some volatile halogenated hydrocarbonsLeave the NDL website. Exocyclic DNA adducts in mutagenesis and carcinogenesisLeave the NDL website. Interpretation of negative epidemiological evidence for carcinogenicity : proceedings of a symposium held in Oxford, 4-6 July 1983Leave the NDL website. Chemical carcinogenesis essays : proceedings of a workshop on approaches to assess the significance of experimental chemical carcinogenesis data for man, organized by IARC and the Catholic University of Louvain, Brussels, Belgium, 10-12 December 1973Leave the NDL website. Age-related factors in carcinogenesis : proceedings of a symposium organized by the IARC and the N.N. Petrov Research Institute of Oncology, held in Leningrad, 7-9 December 1983Leave the NDL website. Air pollution and cancer in man : proceedings of the Second Hanover International Carcinogenesis Meeting held in Hanover, 22-24 October, 1975Leave the NDL website. Cell differentiation, genes and cancerLeave the NDL website. The design and analysis of cohort studiesLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Respiratory system

  • N-nitroso compounds : occurrence and biological effects : proceedings of the VIIth International Symposium on N-nitroso Compounds held in Tokyo, 28 September-1 October 1981

  • Metabolic polymorphisms and susceptibility to cancer

  • Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in environmental samples

  • Quantitative estimation and prediction of human cancer risks

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Respiratory system
N-nitroso compounds : occurrence and biological effects : proceedings of the VIIth International Symposium on N-nitroso Compounds held in Tokyo, 28 September-1 October 1981
Metabolic polymorphisms and susceptibility to cancer
Analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in environmental samples
Quantitative estimation and prediction of human cancer risks
Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes : some mycotoxins
Postlabelling methods for the detection of DNA adducts
Application of biomarkers in cancer epidemiology
Host factors in human carcinogenesis : proceedings of a Symposium organized by the IARC and co-sponsored by the Greek Ministry of Social Services ... [et al.] held in Cape Sunion, Greece, 8-11 June 1981
Digestive system
Haematopoietic system
Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes : some aromatic amines and 4-nitrobiphenyl
Occupational Cancer in Developing Countries
Cancer registration and its techniques
Biomarkers in cancer chemoprevention
Atlas of cancer mortality in the European Economic Community
Tumours of the rat
Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes : some N-nitrosamines
Perinatal and multigeneration carcinogenesis
Cancer survival in developing countries
International incidence of childhood cancer
Integumentary system
Nutrition and lifestyle : opportunities for cancer prevention
Environmental N-nitroso compounds analysis and formation : proceedings of a working conference held at the Polytechnical Institute, Tallinn, Estonian SSR, 1-3 October 1975
Urinary system
Cancer mortality by occupation and social class, 1851-1971
Occupational exposure to silica and cancer risk
Cancer incidence in the USSR
Cancer in Italian migrant populations
Methods for the measurement of vinyl chloride in poly(vinyl chloride), air, water and foodstuffs
Mycotoxins, endemic nephropathy, and urinary tract tumours
N-nitroso compounds analysis and formation : proceedings of a working conference held at the Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany, 13-15 October 1971
Modulators of experimental carcinogenesis : proceedings of a symposium organized by the IARC and the All-Union Cancer Research Centre of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, held in Moscow, 28-30 June 1982
Analysis of volatile nitrosamines in food
Soft tissue and musculoskeletal system
Trends in cancer incidence and mortality
The design and analysis of cohort studies
Endocrine system
Some mycotoxins /editor-in-chief, H. Egan ; editors, L. Stoloff ... [et al.] ; technical editor for IARC, W. Davis
The Role of the registry in cancer control
Some metals : As, Be, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn ; editors I. K. O'Neill, P. Schuller & L. Fishbein
Patterns of cancer in five continents
Carcinogenicity of alkylating cytostatic drugs : proceedings of a symposium organized by IARC and the German Cancer Research Centre, held at the German Cancer Research Centre, Heidelberg, Federal Republic of Germany, 25-27 November, 1985
Tumours of the rat
Methods for investigating localized clustering of disease
The Role of cyclic nucleic acid adducts in carcinogenesis and mutagenesis : proceedings of a meeting organized by the IARC and co-sponsored by the US National Cancer Institute, and the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory at the University of California, held in Lyon, 17-19 September 1984
Tumours of the mouse
Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes : some antineoplastic agents
Some aromatic amines and azo dyes in the general and industrial environment
Host environment interactions in the etiology of cancer in man : proceedings of a meeting held at Primošten, Yugoslavia, 27 August-2 September 1972
Virus-associated cancers in Africa = Les cancers associes aux virus en Afrique : Proceedings of Symposium organized by the Organization of African Unity ...
Indoor air
Long-term and short-term assays for carcinogens : a critical appraisal : reports of an ad-hoc working group which met in Lyon, 2-6 Dec. 1985
Cancer in Africa : epidemiology and prevention
Passive smoking
Cancer registration : principles and methods
N-nitroso compounds in the environment : proceedings of a working conference held at the International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, 17-20 October 1973
Transformation assay of established cell lines : mechanisms and application : proceedings of a workshop
The epidemiology of cervical cancer and humen papillomavirus
Epidemiology of childhood cancer
Tumours of the mouse
Directory of on-going research in cancer epidemiology
Complex mixtures and cancer risk
Handling chemical carcinogens in the laboratory, problems of safety
Liver cancer : proceedings of a working conference held at the Chester Beatty Research Institute, London, England, 30 June to 3 July 1969
Evaluating effectiveness of primary prevention of cancer
Burkitt's lymphoma : a human cancer model : proceedings of a symposium
Descriptive epidemiology
Tobacco : a major international health hazard : proceedings of an international meeting organized by the IARC and co-sponsored by the All-Union Cancer Research Centre of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, USSR, held in Moscow, 4-6 June 1985
Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes : some N-nitrosamides
Non-occupational exposure to mineral fibres
Hexachlorobenzene : proceedings of an international symposium held at IARC, Lyon, France 24-28 June 1985
Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes : some polycyclic heterocyclic hydrocarbons
Screening tests in chemical carcinogenesis : proceedings of a workshop organized by IARC and the Commission of the European Communities and held in Brussels, Belgium, 9-12 June 1975
Tumours of the hamster
Principles of chemoprevention
DNA of herpesviruses, viral antigens, cell-virus interaction
Mechanisms of fibre carcinogenesis
Models, mechanisms and etiology of tumour promotion : proceedings of a symposium organized by the Hungarian Cancer Society and the IARC, held in Budapest, 16-18 May 1983
Screening for cancer of the uterine cervix : from the IARC Working Group on Cervical Cancer Screening and the UICC Project Group in the Evaluation of Screening Programmes for Cancer
Cancer survival in Africa, Asia, the Caribbean and Central America
Cadmium in the human environment : toxicity and carcinogenicity
Atlas of cancer mortality in Central Europe
Nickel in the human environment : proceedings of a joint symposium held at IARC, Lyon, France, 8-11 March 1983
N-Nitroso compounds /editor-in-chief, H. Egan ; editors, R. Preussmann ... [et al.]
Tumours of the mouse
Tumours of the rat
Nasopharyngeal carcinoma : etiology and control : proceedings of an international symposium jointly supported by IARC, the National Cancer Institute, (USA) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and help [sic] in Kyoto, Japan, 4-6 April 1977
Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes : some hydrazines
Laboratory decontamination and destruction of aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 in laboratory wastes
Cancer incidence in jewish migrants to Israel, 1961-1981
The use of short- and medium-term tests for carcinogens and data on genetic effects in carcinogenic hazard evaluation
Central nervous system ; heart ; eye ; Mesothelium
Tumours of the hamster
Non-occupational exposure to mineral fibres
Survival of cancer patients in Europe : EUROCARE ... study
N-nitroso compounds : occurrence, biological effects, and relevance to human cancer : proceedings of the VIIIth International Symposium on N-nitroso Compounds, held in Banff, Canada, 5-9 September, 1983
N-nitroso compounds, analysis, formation, and occurrence : proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on N-nitroso Compounds held in Budapest, 16-20 October 1979
Cancer incidence in five continents : a technical report
Biological effects of mineral fibres = Effets biologiques des fibres minérales
Trends in cancer incidence in Singapore, 1968-1982
Mechanisms of carcinogenesis : contributions of molecular epidemiology
Relevance of N-nitroso compounds to human cancer : exposures and mechanisms : proceedings of the IXth International Symposium on N-nitroso Compounds, held in Baden, Austria, 1-5 September 1986
Molecular and cellular aspects of carcinogen screening tests : proceedings of a meeting
Cancer incidence in five continents
Carcinogenic risks : strategies for intervention = Risques cancerogenes : strategies d'intervention : proceedings of a symposium organized by IARC and L'Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (National Institute of Health and Medical Research), held at the International Agency for Research on Cancer, Lyon, France, 30 November-2 December 1977
Methods for detecting DNA damaging agents in humans : applications in cancer epidemiology and prevention
Environmental aspects of N-nitroso compounds : proceedings of a working conference held at the New England Center for Continuing Education, University of New Hampshire, Durham, New Hampshire, USA, 22-24 August, 1977
Cell-virus interactions, host response to herpesvirus infection and associated tumours, role of co-factors
Autopsy in epidemiology and medical research
Atlas der Krebsinzidenz in der ehemaligen Deutschen Demokratischen Republik, 1978-1982 : Wolf Heiger Mehnert ... [et al.] ; in Zusamenarbeit mit Peter Bernstein, Wolfhard Staneczek, Lutz Beckmann = Atlas of cancer incidence in the former German Democratic Republic, 1978-1982
Human papillomavirus and cervical cancer
Transplacental carcinogenesis : proceedings of a meeting held at the Medizinische Hochschule, Hannover, Federal Republic of Germany, 6-7 October 1971
The analysis of case-control studies
Second cancer in relation to radiation treatment for cervical cancer : from the International Radiation Study Group on Cervical Cancer
Epidemiology, host response and control
The analysis of case-control studies
Social inequalities and cancer
The design and analysis of long-term animal experiments
Biochemistry of viral replication and in vitro transformation
Female genital system
Oncogenesis and herpesviruses : proceedings of a symposium held at Christ's College, Cambridge, England, 20 to 25 June 1971
Atlas of cancer in Scotland, 1975-1980 : incidence and epidemiological perspective
Cancer occurrence in developing countries
Benzene and alkylated benzenes
Male genital system
Relevance to human cancer of N-nitroso compounds, tobacco, and mycotoxins
Chemoprevention in cancer control
Mechanisms of carcinogenesis in risk identification
Monitoring human exposure to carcinogenic and mutagenic agents : proceedings of a joint symposium held in Espoo, Finland 12-15, December 1983
Biological effects of asbestos : proceedings of a working conference
Environmental pollution and carcinogenic risks = Pollution de l'environnement et risques cancerogenes : Lyon, 3-5 Nov. 1975
DNA adducts : identification and biological significance
Atlas of Cancer Mortality in the European Union and the European Economic Area 1993-1997
Polychlorinated dioxins and dibenzofurans
Butadiene and styrene : assessment of health hazards
Species differences in thyroid, kidney and urinary bladder carcinogenesis
Laboratory decontamination and destruction of carcinogens in laboratory wastes : some polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Cancer : causes, occurrence and control
Cancer incidence in Singapore, 1968-1977
Some volatile halogenated hydrocarbons
Exocyclic DNA adducts in mutagenesis and carcinogenesis
Interpretation of negative epidemiological evidence for carcinogenicity : proceedings of a symposium held in Oxford, 4-6 July 1983
Chemical carcinogenesis essays : proceedings of a workshop on approaches to assess the significance of experimental chemical carcinogenesis data for man, organized by IARC and the Catholic University of Louvain, Brussels, Belgium, 10-12 December 1973
Age-related factors in carcinogenesis : proceedings of a symposium organized by the IARC and the N.N. Petrov Research Institute of Oncology, held in Leningrad, 7-9 December 1983
Air pollution and cancer in man : proceedings of the Second Hanover International Carcinogenesis Meeting held in Hanover, 22-24 October, 1975
Cell differentiation, genes and cancer
The design and analysis of cohort studies
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