
Common sense : in nine conferences, between a British merchant and a candid merchant of America, in their private capacities as friends, tracing the several causes of the present contests between the mother country and her American subjects ; the fallacy of their prepossessions ; and the ingratitude and danger of them ; the reciprocal benefits of the national friendship ; and the moral obligations of individuals which enforce it ; with various anecdotes, and reasons drawn from facts, tending to conciliate all differences, and establish a permanent union for the common happiness and glory of the British empire

Icons representing 図書

Common sense : in nine conferences, between a British merchant and a candid merchant of America, in their private capacities as friends, tracing the several causes of the present contests between the mother country and her American subjects ; the fallacy of their prepossessions ; and the ingratitude and danger of them ; the reciprocal benefits of the national friendship ; and the moral obligations of individuals which enforce it ; with various anecdotes, and reasons drawn from facts, tending to conciliate all differences, and establish a permanent union for the common happiness and glory of the British empire

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Research Reprints
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24 cm
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Notes on use

Note (General):

London, Sold by J. Dodsley, 1775

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