
The sacred books of the Hindus

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The sacred books of the Hindus

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Basu, Baman Das
Sudhindra Nath Basu, Pâṇini Office
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Note (General):

Translated by various Sanskrit scholars, edited by B.D. BasuVariety of publisher's name: Sudhindranatha Vasu at the Panini Office

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The Bhakti-ratnâvali, with the commentary of Viṣṇu PurîLeave the NDL website. The Vaiśeṣika sûtras of KaṇādaLeave the NDL website. The positive background of Hindu sociologyLeave the NDL website. An introduction to the Yoga philosophyLeave the NDL website. The Sâṃkhya-pravachana-sûtram : with the vṛitti of Aniruddha, and the Bhâṣya of Vijnâna-Bhikṣu and extracts from the Vṛitti-sâra of Mahâdeva VedântinLeave the NDL website. The Vedânta-sûtras of Bâdarâyaṇa : with the commentary of BaladevaLeave the NDL website. The Vedânta-sûtras of Bâdarâyaṇa : with the commentary of BaladevaLeave the NDL website. Introduction to the Mimamsa sutras of JaiminiLeave the NDL website. Isa, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundaka and Manduka UpanisadsLeave the NDL website. Studies in the Vedânta sûtras of BâdarâyanaLeave the NDL website. The Matsya PuranamLeave the NDL website. The Adhyatma RamayanaLeave the NDL website. The Kausitaki UpanisatLeave the NDL website. [Sukra=niti=saraLeave the NDL website. Isa, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundaka and Manduka UpanisadsLeave the NDL website. The Siva samhitaLeave the NDL website. Patanjali's Yoga sutras : with the commentary of Vyâsa and the gloss of Vâchaspati MiśraLeave the NDL website. Patanjali's Yoga Sutras : with the commentary of Vyasa and the gloss of Vachaspati MisraLeave the NDL website. The Maitri UpanisatLeave the NDL website. The Aitareya Brahmanam of the Rigveda, containing the earliest speculations of the Brahmans on the meaning of the sacrificial prayers, and on the origin, performance and sense of the rites of the Vedic religionLeave the NDL website. The SukranītiLeave the NDL website. Chhandogya Upanisad : with the commentary of Śrî Madhv̂achârya, called also AnandatirthaLeave the NDL website. Studies in the Vedânta sûtrasLeave the NDL website. The SukranitiLeave the NDL website. The Br̥ihajjâtakam of Varâha MihiraLeave the NDL website. The Bṛihadaranyaka UpaniṣadLeave the NDL website. The Bhakti sûtras of NâradaLeave the NDL website. The Taitiriya UpanisatLeave the NDL website. The Sri Mad Devi BhagavatamLeave the NDL website. The Siddhânta darśanam of VyâsaLeave the NDL website. Studies in the first six Upanisads, and the Isa and Kena Upanisads : with the commentary of SankaraLeave the NDL website. The Vaiśeṣika sûtras of Kaṇāda : with the commentary of Śaṅkara Miśra and extracts from the gloss of Jayanârâyaṇa : together with notes from the commentary of Chandrakânta and an introduction by the translatorLeave the NDL website. The Pûrva Mimâṃsa Sûtras of Jaimini : chapters I-IIILeave the NDL website. Chhandogya UpanisadLeave the NDL website. The Brahma-vaivarta puranamLeave the NDL website. The Brihadaranyaka Upanisad : with the commentary of Sri Madhvâchârya, called also AnandatirthaLeave the NDL website. The Nyâya sûtras of GotamaLeave the NDL website. The Mîmâmsâ sûtras of Jaimini : chapters I-IIILeave the NDL website. The sources of Hindu law and duties of a studentLeave the NDL website. Studies in the UpanisadsLeave the NDL website. The Vedânta-sûtras of Bâdarâyaṇa : with the commentary of BaladevaLeave the NDL website. [Purva=Mimamsa=Sutras of JaiminiLeave the NDL website. Philosophical teachings in the UpanisatsLeave the NDL website. The Nyâya sutrâs of GotamaLeave the NDL website. The Sâṃkhya-pravachana-sûtra : with the vṛitti of Aniruddha, and the Bhâṣya of Vijnâna-Bhikṣu and extracts from the Vṛitti-sâra of Mahâdeva VedântinLeave the NDL website. The Garuḍa purâṇa (Sâroddhâra)Leave the NDL website. Aitareya UpaniṣatLeave the NDL website. Patanjali's Yoga Sutras : with the commentary of Vyasa and the gloss of Vachaspati MisraLeave the NDL website. Aitareya UpaniṣatLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • The Bhakti-ratnâvali, with the commentary of Viṣṇu Purî

  • The Vaiśeṣika sûtras of Kaṇāda

  • The positive background of Hindu sociology

  • An introduction to the Yoga philosophy

  • The Sâṃkhya-pravachana-sûtram : with the vṛitti of Aniruddha, and the Bhâṣya of Vijnâna-Bhikṣu and extracts from the Vṛitti-sâra of Mahâdeva Vedântin

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Alternative Title
Sacred books of the Hindus
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Note (General)
Translated by various Sanskrit scholars, edited by B.D. Basu
Variety of publisher's name: Sudhindranatha Vasu at the Panini Office
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The Bhakti-ratnâvali, with the commentary of Viṣṇu Purî
The Vaiśeṣika sûtras of Kaṇāda
The positive background of Hindu sociology
An introduction to the Yoga philosophy
The Sâṃkhya-pravachana-sûtram : with the vṛitti of Aniruddha, and the Bhâṣya of Vijnâna-Bhikṣu and extracts from the Vṛitti-sâra of Mahâdeva Vedântin
The Vedânta-sûtras of Bâdarâyaṇa : with the commentary of Baladeva
The Vedânta-sûtras of Bâdarâyaṇa : with the commentary of Baladeva
Introduction to the Mimamsa sutras of Jaimini
Isa, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundaka and Manduka Upanisads
Studies in the Vedânta sûtras of Bâdarâyana
The Matsya Puranam
The Adhyatma Ramayana
The Kausitaki Upanisat
Isa, Kena, Katha, Prasna, Mundaka and Manduka Upanisads
The Siva samhita
Patanjali's Yoga sutras : with the commentary of Vyâsa and the gloss of Vâchaspati Miśra
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras : with the commentary of Vyasa and the gloss of Vachaspati Misra
The Maitri Upanisat
The Aitareya Brahmanam of the Rigveda, containing the earliest speculations of the Brahmans on the meaning of the sacrificial prayers, and on the origin, performance and sense of the rites of the Vedic religion
The Sukranīti
Chhandogya Upanisad : with the commentary of Śrî Madhv̂achârya, called also Anandatirtha
Studies in the Vedânta sûtras
The Sukraniti
The Br̥ihajjâtakam of Varâha Mihira
The Bṛihadaranyaka Upaniṣad
The Bhakti sûtras of Nârada
The Taitiriya Upanisat
The Sri Mad Devi Bhagavatam
The Siddhânta darśanam of Vyâsa
Studies in the first six Upanisads, and the Isa and Kena Upanisads : with the commentary of Sankara
The Vaiśeṣika sûtras of Kaṇāda : with the commentary of Śaṅkara Miśra and extracts from the gloss of Jayanârâyaṇa : together with notes from the commentary of Chandrakânta and an introduction by the translator
The Pûrva Mimâṃsa Sûtras of Jaimini : chapters I-III
Chhandogya Upanisad
The Brahma-vaivarta puranam
The Brihadaranyaka Upanisad : with the commentary of Sri Madhvâchârya, called also Anandatirtha
The Nyâya sûtras of Gotama
The Mîmâmsâ sûtras of Jaimini : chapters I-III
The sources of Hindu law and duties of a student
Studies in the Upanisads
The Vedânta-sûtras of Bâdarâyaṇa : with the commentary of Baladeva
[Purva=Mimamsa=Sutras of Jaimini
Philosophical teachings in the Upanisats
The Nyâya sutrâs of Gotama
The Sâṃkhya-pravachana-sûtra : with the vṛitti of Aniruddha, and the Bhâṣya of Vijnâna-Bhikṣu and extracts from the Vṛitti-sâra of Mahâdeva Vedântin
The Garuḍa purâṇa (Sâroddhâra)
Aitareya Upaniṣat
Patanjali's Yoga Sutras : with the commentary of Vyasa and the gloss of Vachaspati Misra
Aitareya Upaniṣat