
Selected works of Lafcadio Hearn's first edition

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Selected works of Lafcadio Hearn's first edition

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Hearn, Lafcadio
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Two years in the French West Indies
Youma : the story of a West-Indian slave
Chita : a memory of Last Island
In ghostly Japan
"Out of the East" : Reveries and studies in new Japan
Japan : an attempt at interpretation
Kwaidan : stories and studies of strange things
"Gombo zhèbes." : little dictionary of Creole proverbs, selected from six Creole dialects, translated into French and into English, with notes, complete index to subjects and some brief remarks upon the Creloe idioms of Louisiana
Some Chinese ghosts
Kottō : being Japanese curios, with sundry cobwebs
Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan
Exotics and retrospectives
Kokoro : hints and echoes of Japanese inner life
Stray leaves from strange literature : stories reconstructed from the Anvari-Soheili, Baitál Pachisí, Mahabharata, Pantchatantra, Gulistan, Talmud, Kalewala, etc
Gleanings in Buddha-fields : studies of hand and soul in the Far East
A Japanese miscellany
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