
Ancient laws and institutes of England : comprising laws enacted under the Anglo-Saxon kings from Aethelbirht to Cnut, with an English translation of the Saxon; the laws called Edward the Confessor's; the laws of William the Conqueror, and those ascribed to Henry the First; also, Monumenta ecclesiastica anglicana, from the seventh to the tenth century; and the ancient Latin version of the Anglo-Saxon laws, with a compendious glossary, &c

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Ancient laws and institutes of England : comprising laws enacted under the Anglo-Saxon kings from Aethelbirht to Cnut, with an English translation of the Saxon; the laws called Edward the Confessor's; the laws of William the Conqueror, and those ascribed to Henry the First; also, Monumenta ecclesiastica anglicana, from the seventh to the tenth century; and the ancient Latin version of the Anglo-Saxon laws, with a compendious glossary, &c

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Great Britain. Record Commissionほか
Printed by command of his late Majesty King William IV. Under the direction of the commissioners on the public records of the kingdom
Publication date
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40 cm. (fol.)
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Contains Latin and Anglo-Saxon texts translated into English, texts in Latin, notes in English, and some Anglo-Saxon texts in the runic alphabetPrefac...

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Material Type
Publication Date
Publication Date (W3CDTF)
40 cm. (fol.)
Alternative Title
Ancient laws and institutes of England
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