The international library of critical writings in economics
The international library of critical writings in economics
- Material type
- 図書
- Author
- series editor, Mark Blaug
- Publisher
- E. Elgar
- Publication date
- c1990-
- Material Format
- Paper
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- -
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Note (General):
- "An Elgar reference collection"Publisher's place in UK changed: Vols. 1-60 for 1990-1995 by "Aldershot, Hants". Vols. 61- for 1996- by "Cheltenham"Pub...
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- Material Type
- 図書
- Author/Editor
- series editor, Mark Blaug
- Author Heading
- Publication, Distribution, etc.
- Publication Date
- c1990-
- Publication Date (W3CDTF)
- 1990
- Place of Publication (Country Code)
- uk
- Target Audience
- 一般
- Note (General)
- "An Elgar reference collection"Publisher's place in UK changed: Vols. 1-60 for 1990-1995 by "Aldershot, Hants". Vols. 61- for 1996- by "Cheltenham"Publisher's place in USA changed: Vols. 1-<74 > for 1990-1997 by "Brookfield, Vt". Vols. <76-80 > for 1997 by "Lyme, NH". Vols. <83 >- for 1997- by "Northampton, MA, [USA]"Whatever possible, the articles in these volumes have been reproduced as originally published using facsimile reproduction, inclusive of footnotes and pagination to facilitate ease of reference
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