
Cambridge studies in comparative politics

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Cambridge studies in comparative politics

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Lange, Peter Michaelほか
Cambridge University Press
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Note (General):

General editor: Peter LangeGeneral editor varies: Kathleen ThelenSeries founder: Peter Lange

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Political topographies of the African state : territorial authority and institutional choiceLeave the NDL website. Labor unions, partisan coalitions, and market reforms in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. The political logic of poverty relief : electoral strategies and social policy in MexicoLeave the NDL website. Imagined economies : the sources of Russian regionalismLeave the NDL website. Challenging the state : crisis and innovation in Latin America and AfricaLeave the NDL website. Taxation, wage bargaining, and unemploymentLeave the NDL website. Post-communist party systems : competition, representation, and inter-party cooperationLeave the NDL website. Forces of labor : workers' movements and globalization since 1870Leave the NDL website. Federalism, fiscal authority, and centralization in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Exclusion by elections : inequality, ethnic identity, and democracyLeave the NDL website. Institutions on the edge : the origins and consequences of inter-branch crises in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Changing course in Latin America : party systems in the neoliberal eraLeave the NDL website. The political mobilization of the European left, 1860-1980 : the class cleavageLeave the NDL website. Global capital and national governmentsLeave the NDL website. Informal institutions and citizenship in rural Africa : risk and reciprocity in Ghana and Côte d'IvoireLeave the NDL website. Sustaining abundance : environmental performance in industrial democraciesLeave the NDL website. Forging democracy from below : insurgent transitions in South Africa and El SalvadorLeave the NDL website. Votes and violence : electoral competition and ethnic riots in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Contemporary capitalism : the embeddedness of institutionsLeave the NDL website. Deliberate discretion? : the institutional foundations of bureaucratic autonomyLeave the NDL website. The politics of welfare state reform in continental Europe : modernization in hard timesLeave the NDL website. Making markets in the welfare state : the politics of varying market reformsLeave the NDL website. The comparative political economy of the welfare stateLeave the NDL website. State power and social forces : domination and transformation in the Third WorldLeave the NDL website. Capitalism, democracy, and welfareLeave the NDL website. Democracy, development, and the countryside : urban-rural struggles in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Unemployment in the new EuropeLeave the NDL website. Politics after neoliberalism : reregulation in MexicoLeave the NDL website. Language repertoires and state construction in AfricaLeave the NDL website. The political mobilization of the European left, 1860-1980 : the class cleavageLeave the NDL website. Institutional change and political continuity in post-Soviet central Asia : power, perceptions, and pactsLeave the NDL website. Paths toward democracy : the working class and elites in Western Europe and South AmericaLeave the NDL website. The nationalization of politics : the formation of national electorates and party systems in Western EuropeLeave the NDL website. Voting for autocracy : hegemonic party survival and its demise in MexicoLeave the NDL website. Presidentialism and democracy in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Fiscal governance in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Postsocialist pathways : transforming politics and property in East Central EuropeLeave the NDL website. Candidate strategies and electoral competition in the Russian Federation : democracy without foundationLeave the NDL website. Bankers, bureaucrats, and central bank politics : the myth of neutralityLeave the NDL website. Courts under constraints : judges, generals, and presidents in ArgentinaLeave the NDL website. Party competition between unequals : strategies and electoral fortunes in Western EuropeLeave the NDL website. Why bother? : rethinking participation in elections and protestsLeave the NDL website. The evolution of modern states : Sweden, Japan, and the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Building states and markets after communism : the perils of polarized democracyLeave the NDL website. Inside rebellion : the politics of insurgent violenceLeave the NDL website. Social movements, political violence, and the state : a comparative analysis of Italy and GermanyLeave the NDL website. Votes for survival : relational clientelism in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Post-imperial democracies : ideology and party formation in Third Republic France, Weimar Germany, and post-Soviet RussiaLeave the NDL website. The market and the masses in Latin America : policy reform and consumption in liberalizing economiesLeave the NDL website. Democracy and redistributionLeave the NDL website. Rebelocracy : social order in the Colombian Civil WarLeave the NDL website. Elite parties, poor voters : how social services win votes in IndiaLeave the NDL website. The European parliament and supranational party system : a study in institutional developmentLeave the NDL website. Multiethnic coalitions in Africa : business financing of opposition election campaignsLeave the NDL website. Organized violence after civil war : the geography of recruitment in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Colonialism and postcolonial development : Spanish America in comparative perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Why ethnic parties succeed : patronage and ethnic head counts in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Trust and ruleLeave the NDL website. Varieties of liberalization and the new politics of social solidarityLeave the NDL website. Party competition between unequals : strategies and electoral fortunes in Western EuropeLeave the NDL website. Hierarchical capitalism in Latin America : business, labor, and the challenges of equitable developmentLeave the NDL website. When movements become parties : the Bolivian MAS in comparative perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Legislative politics in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Structuring politics : historical institutionalism in comparative analysisLeave the NDL website. Globalization and austerity politics in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Crony capitalism : corruption and development in South Korea and the PhilippinesLeave the NDL website. Information for autocrats : representation in Chinese local congressesLeave the NDL website. Immigration and conflict in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Inequality and democratization : an elite-competition approachLeave the NDL website. Cultural contestation in ethnic conflictLeave the NDL website. The politics of social risk : business and welfare state developmentLeave the NDL website. Who speaks for the poor? : electoral geography, party entry, and representationLeave the NDL website. Procedural politics : issues, influence, and institutional choice in the European UnionLeave the NDL website. Networks and institutions in Europe's emerging marketsLeave the NDL website. Why women protest : women's movements in ChileLeave the NDL website. Comparative politics : rationality, culture, and structureLeave the NDL website. How solidarity works for welfare : subnationalism and social development in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Regional economic voting : Russia, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic, 1990--1999Leave the NDL website. Who wants what? : redistribution preferences in comparative perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Nontaxation and representation : the fiscal foundations of political stabilityLeave the NDL website. Redeeming the communist past : the regeneration of communist parties in East Central EuropeLeave the NDL website. Stuffing the ballot box : fraud, electoral reform, and democratization in Costa RicaLeave the NDL website. Elite parties, poor voters : how social services win votes in IndiaLeave the NDL website. From open secrets to secret voting : democratic electoral reforms and voter autonomyLeave the NDL website. State repression and the domestic democratic peaceLeave the NDL website. Tying the autocrat's hands : the rise of the rule of law in ChinaLeave the NDL website. Mandates and democracy : neoliberalism by surprise in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Political parties, growth and equality : conservative and social democratic economic strategies in the world economyLeave the NDL website. Power in movement : social movements, collective action and politicsLeave the NDL website. Democratic experiments in Africa : regime transitions in comparative perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Globalization and mass politics : retaining the room to maneuverLeave the NDL website. Latin American party systemsLeave the NDL website. Electoral systems and the balance of consumer-producer powerLeave the NDL website. The architecture of government : rethinking political decentralizationLeave the NDL website. Ideological representation : achieved and astray : elections, institutions, and the breakdown of ideological congruence in parliamentary democraciesLeave the NDL website. Networks and institutions in Europe's emerging marketsLeave the NDL website. Traditional politics and regime change in BrazilLeave the NDL website. Boundary control : subnational authoritarianism in federal democraciesLeave the NDL website. Framing the race in South Africa : the political origins of racial-census electionsLeave the NDL website. Western intervention in the Balkans : the strategic use of emotion in conflictLeave the NDL website. Internationalization and domestic politicsLeave the NDL website. Dismantling the welfare state? : Reagan, Thatcher, and the politics of retrenchmentLeave the NDL website. The architecture of government : rethinking political decentralizationLeave the NDL website. Social revolutions in the modern worldLeave the NDL website. Fiscal governance in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Regressive taxation and the welfare state : path dependence and policy diffusionLeave the NDL website. Popular movements in autocracies : religion, repression, and indigenous collective action in MexicoLeave the NDL website. Quiet politics and business power : corporate control in Europe and JapanLeave the NDL website. Voting for policy, not parties : how voters compensate for power sharingLeave the NDL website. Welfare and capitalism in postwar JapanLeave the NDL website. The private sector in public office : selective property rights in ChinaLeave the NDL website. The paradox of traditional chiefs in democratic AfricaLeave the NDL website. Structuring politics : historical institutionalism in comparative analysisLeave the NDL website. Dismantling the welfare state? : Reagan, Thatcher, and the politics of retrenchmentLeave the NDL website. Comparative perspectives on social movements : political opportunities, mobilizing structures, and cultural framingsLeave the NDL website. Race and regionalism in the politics of taxation in Brazil and South AfricaLeave the NDL website. Uncertain boundaries : the social and political construction of European economiesLeave the NDL website. When things fell apart : state failure in late-century AfricaLeave the NDL website. Power in movement : social movements and contentious politicsLeave the NDL website. Rebelocracy : social order in the Colombian Civil WarLeave the NDL website. Crucibles of political loyalty : church institutions and electoral continuity in HungaryLeave the NDL website. Age in the welfare state : the origins of social spending on pensioners, workers, and childrenLeave the NDL website. Presidential impeachment and the new political instability in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. The promise and limits of private power : promoting labor standards in a global economyLeave the NDL website. The political construction of business interests : coordination, growth, and equalityLeave the NDL website. Representation through taxation : revenue, politics, and development in postcommunist statesLeave the NDL website. Insurgent collective action and civil war in El SalvadorLeave the NDL website. The transformation of European social democracyLeave the NDL website. Comparative historical analysis in the social sciencesLeave the NDL website. Regime threats and state solutions : bureaucratic loyalty and embeddedness in KenyaLeave the NDL website. Forces of labor : workers' movements and globalization since 1870Leave the NDL website. The art of political control in ChinaLeave the NDL website. Politics for profit : business, elections, and policymaking in RussiaLeave the NDL website. Authoritarian police in democracy : contested security in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Making peace in drug wars : crackdowns and cartels in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. How insurgency begins : rebel group formation in Uganda and beyondLeave the NDL website. Property without rights : origins and consequences of the property rights gapLeave the NDL website. Welfare and capitalism in postwar JapanLeave the NDL website. The comparative politics of immigration : policy choices in Germany, Canada, Switzerland, and the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Information, accountability, and cumulative learning : lessons from Metaketa ILeave the NDL website. Revolution in Syria : identity, networks, and repressionLeave the NDL website. Resisting extortion : victims, criminals, and states in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Big data and the welfare state : how the information revolution threatens social solidarityLeave the NDL website. When people want punishment : retributive justice and the puzzle of authoritarian popularityLeave the NDL website. Coalitions of the weak : elite politics in China from Mao's stratagem to the rise of XiLeave the NDL website. The governance cycle in parliamentary democracies : a computational social science approachLeave the NDL website. The patriarchal political order : the making and unraveling of the gendered participation gap in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Fair enough? : support for redistribution in the age of inequalityLeave the NDL website. Voting for autocracy : hegemonic party survival and its demise in MexicoLeave the NDL website. The market and the masses in Latin America : policy reform and consumption in liberalizing economiesLeave the NDL website. The politics of authoritarian ruleLeave the NDL website. Labor rights and multinational productionLeave the NDL website. Reconstructing the state : personal networks and elite identity in Soviet RussiaLeave the NDL website. Partisan politics in the global economyLeave the NDL website. Crude democracy : natural resource wealth and political regimesLeave the NDL website. The political geography of inequality : regions and redistributionLeave the NDL website. Political branding in cities : the decline of machine politics in Bogotá, Naples, and ChicagoLeave the NDL website. Unions, employers, and central banks : macroeconomic coordination and institutional change in social market economiesLeave the NDL website. The price of a vote in the Middle East : clientelism and communal politics in Lebanon and YemenLeave the NDL website. Globalization and mass politics : retaining the room to maneuverLeave the NDL website. Presidential impeachment and the new political instability in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Traditional politics and regime change in BrazilLeave the NDL website. How institutions evolve : the political economy of skills in Germany, Britain, the United States, and JapanLeave the NDL website. Understanding ethnic violence : fear, hatred, and resentment in twentieth-century Eastern EuropeLeave the NDL website. Warlords and coalition politics in post-Soviet statesLeave the NDL website. Contemporary capitalism : the embeddedness of institutionsLeave the NDL website. Bankers, bureaucrats, and central bank politics : the myth of neutralityLeave the NDL website. Rivalry and revenge : the politics of violence during Civil WarLeave the NDL website. Contested economic institutions : the politics of macroeconomics and wage bargaining in advanced democraciesLeave the NDL website. Public support for market reforms in new democraciesLeave the NDL website. Merchant capital and the roots of state power in Senegal, 1930-1985Leave the NDL website. Politics after neoliberalism : reregulation in MexicoLeave the NDL website. Skeletons in the closet : transitional justice in post-Communist EuropeLeave the NDL website. Continuity and change in contemporary capitalismLeave the NDL website. Institutional change and political continuity in Post-Soviet Central Asia : power, perceptions, and pactsLeave the NDL website. Informal institutions and citizenship in rural Africa : risk and reciprocity in Ghana and Côte d'IvoireLeave the NDL website. Heroic defeats : the politics of job lossLeave the NDL website. Federalism, fiscal authority, and centralization in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Rebuilding Leviathan : party competition and state exploitation in post-communist democraciesLeave the NDL website. Clientelism, interests, and democratic representation : the European experience in historical and comparative perspectiveLeave the NDL website. How institutions evolve : the political economy of skills in Germany, Britain, the United States, and JapanLeave the NDL website. The puzzle of strikes : class and state strategies in postwar ItalyLeave the NDL website. The political economy of trust : institutions, interests and inter-firm cooperation in Italy and GermanyLeave the NDL website. Brokers, voters, and clientelism : the puzzle of distributive politicsLeave the NDL website. The logic of violence in civil warLeave the NDL website. Accountability without democracy : solidary groups and public goods provision in rural ChinaLeave the NDL website. Macroeconomic policies of developed democraciesLeave the NDL website. Stuffing the ballot box : fraud, electoral reform, and democratization in Costa RicaLeave the NDL website. Governing from below : urban regions and the global economyLeave the NDL website. Deadly clerics : blocked ambition and the paths to jihadLeave the NDL website. Procedural politics : issues, influence, and institutional choice in the European UnionLeave the NDL website. Popular movements in autocracies : religion, repression, and indigenous collective action in MexicoLeave the NDL website. Comparing policy networks : labor politics in the U.S., Germany, and JapanLeave the NDL website. Property and political order in Africa : land rights and the structure of politicsLeave the NDL website. The political economy of trust : institutions, interests, and inter-firm cooperation in Italy and GermanyLeave the NDL website. Selected works of Michael Wallerstein : the political economy of inequality, unions, and social democracyLeave the NDL website. Alien ruleLeave the NDL website. Warlords and coalition politics in post-Soviet statesLeave the NDL website. State repression and the domestic democratic peaceLeave the NDL website. The political geography of inequality : regions and redistributionLeave the NDL website. Global capital, political institutions, and policy change in developed welfare statesLeave the NDL website. Waves of war : nationalism, state formation, and ethnic exclusion in the modern worldLeave the NDL website. Perils of centralization : lessons from church, state, and corporationLeave the NDL website. Regressive taxation and the welfare state : path dependence and policy diffusionLeave the NDL website. Courts under constraints : judges, generals, and presidents in ArgentinaLeave the NDL website. Organized violence after Civil War : the geography of recruitment in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Hamilton's paradox : the promise and peril of fiscal federalismLeave the NDL website. Ordering power : contentious politics and authoritarian leviathans in Southeast AsiaLeave the NDL website. Reconstructing the state : personal networks and elite identity in Soviet RussiaLeave the NDL website. Legislative voting and accountabilityLeave the NDL website. Demanding development : the politics of public goods provision in India's urban slumsLeave the NDL website. Imagined economies : the sources of Russian regionalismLeave the NDL website. Making peace in drug wars : crackdowns and cartels in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. No other way out : states and revolutionary movements, 1945-1991Leave the NDL website. Policy, office, or votes? : how political parties in Western Europe make hard decisionsLeave the NDL website. Tying the autocrat's hands : the rise of the rule of law in ChinaLeave the NDL website. Why ethnic parties succeed : patronage and ethnic head counts in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Money, markets, and the state : social democratic economic policies since 1918Leave the NDL website. Citizens and community : political support in a representative democracyLeave the NDL website. Voting for policy, not parties : how voters compensate for power sharingLeave the NDL website. Nationalist mobilization and the collapse of the Soviet StateLeave the NDL website. The price of a vote in the Middle East : clientelism and communal politics in Lebanon and YemenLeave the NDL website. Democracy, development, and the countryside : urban-rural struggles in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Risk inequality and welfare states : social policy preferences, development, and dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Merchant capital and the roots of state power in Senegal, 1930-1985Leave the NDL website. Conservative parties and the birth of democracyLeave the NDL website. Between states : interim governments and democratic transitionsLeave the NDL website. Making markets in the welfare state : the politics of varying market reformsLeave the NDL website. Votes and violence : electoral competition and ethnic riots in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Forbearance as redistribution : the politics of informal welfare in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. The historical roots of political violence : revolutionary terrorism in affluent countriesLeave the NDL website. Uncertain boundaries : the social and political construction of European economiesLeave the NDL website. State in society : studying how states and societies transform and constitute one anotherLeave the NDL website. Subversive institutions : the design and the destruction of socialism and the stateLeave the NDL website. Presidentialism, parliamentarism, and democracyLeave the NDL website. How solidarity works for welfare : subnationalism and social development in IndiaLeave the NDL website. Making autocracy work : representation and responsiveness in modern ChinaLeave the NDL website. From the ballot to the blackboard : the redistributive political economy of educationLeave the NDL website. Electoral politics and Africa's urban transition : class and ethnicity in GhanaLeave the NDL website. Political order and inequality : their foundations and their consequences for human welfareLeave the NDL website. Rivalry and revenge : the politics of violence during Civil WarLeave the NDL website. Political competition, partisanship, and policy making in Latin American public utilitiesLeave the NDL website. Oil is not a curse : ownership structure and institutions in Soviet successor statesLeave the NDL website. The political logic of poverty relief : electoral strategies and social policy in MexicoLeave the NDL website. Democracy derailed in Russia : the failure of open politicsLeave the NDL website. Comparative politics : rationality, culture, and structureLeave the NDL website. Health politics : interests and institutions in Western EuropeLeave the NDL website. Autocracy and redistribution : the politics of land reformLeave the NDL website. From the ballot to the blackboard : the redistributive political economy of educationLeave the NDL website. Power in movement : social movements and contentious politicsLeave the NDL website. Public opinion, democracy, and market reform in AfricaLeave the NDL website. The foundations of ethnic politics : separatism of states and nations in Eurasia and the worldLeave the NDL website. Homicidal ecologies : illicit economies and complicit states in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Making race and nation : a comparison of South Africa, the United States, and BrazilLeave the NDL website. Politics for profit : business, elections, and policymaking in RussiaLeave the NDL website. The comparative politics of immigration : policy choices in Germany, Canada, Switzerland, and the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Political order and inequality : their foundations and their consequences for human welfareLeave the NDL website. Indebted societies : credit and welfare in rich democraciesLeave the NDL website. Precolonial legacies in postcolonial politics : representation and redistribution in decentralized West AfricaLeave the NDL website. The political economy of development : a game theoretic approachLeave the NDL website. Power in movement : social movements and contentious politicsLeave the NDL website. Fair enough? : support for redistribution in the age of inequalityLeave the NDL website. Votes, drugs, and violence : the political logic of criminal wars in MexicoLeave the NDL website. The political economy of development : a game theoretic approachLeave the NDL website. Votes, drugs, and violence : the political logic of criminal wars in MexicoLeave the NDL website. Revolution in Syria : identity, networks, and repressionLeave the NDL website. Indebted societies : credit and welfare in rich democraciesLeave the NDL website. Coalitions of the weak : elite politics in China from Mao's stratagem to the rise of XiLeave the NDL website. Big data and the welfare state : how the information revolution threatens social solidarityLeave the NDL website. The scarce state : inequality and political power in the hinterlandLeave the NDL website. Resisting extortion : victims, criminals and states in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Inequality and political cleavage in Africa : regionalism by designLeave the NDL website. The art of political control in ChinaLeave the NDL website. Conservative parties and the birth of democracyLeave the NDL website. Property without rights : origins and consequences of the property rights gapLeave the NDL website. Authoritarian police in democracy : contested security in Latin AmericaLeave the NDL website. Regime threats and state solutions : bureaucratic loyalty and embeddedness in KenyaLeave the NDL website. Power in movement : social movements and contentious politicsLeave the NDL website. From pews to politics : religious sermons and political participation in AfricaLeave the NDL website. Recognition politics : indigenous rights and ethnic conflict in the AndesLeave the NDL website. State-building as lawfare : custom, Sharia, and state law in postwar ChechnyaLeave the NDL website. Precolonial legacies in postcolonial politics : representation and redistribution in decentralized West AfricaLeave the NDL website. The governance cycle in parliamentary democracies : a computational social science approachLeave the NDL website. Inequality and political cleavage in Africa : regionalism by designLeave the NDL website. Inward conquest : the political origins of modern public servicesLeave the NDL website. How insurgency begins : rebel group formation in Uganda and beyondLeave the NDL website. Inward conquest : the political origins of modern public servicesLeave the NDL website. Democracy and redistributionLeave the NDL website. Policy, office, or votes? : how political parties in Western Europe make hard decisionsLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Political topographies of the African state : territorial authority and institutional choice

  • Labor unions, partisan coalitions, and market reforms in Latin America

  • The political logic of poverty relief : electoral strategies and social policy in Mexico

  • Imagined economies : the sources of Russian regionalism

  • Challenging the state : crisis and innovation in Latin America and Africa

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Note (General)
General editor: Peter Lange
General editor varies: Kathleen Thelen
Series founder: Peter Lange
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Political topographies of the African state : territorial authority and institutional choice
Labor unions, partisan coalitions, and market reforms in Latin America
The political logic of poverty relief : electoral strategies and social policy in Mexico
Imagined economies : the sources of Russian regionalism
Challenging the state : crisis and innovation in Latin America and Africa
Taxation, wage bargaining, and unemployment
Post-communist party systems : competition, representation, and inter-party cooperation
Forces of labor : workers' movements and globalization since 1870
Federalism, fiscal authority, and centralization in Latin America
Exclusion by elections : inequality, ethnic identity, and democracy
Institutions on the edge : the origins and consequences of inter-branch crises in Latin America
Changing course in Latin America : party systems in the neoliberal era
The political mobilization of the European left, 1860-1980 : the class cleavage
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Informal institutions and citizenship in rural Africa : risk and reciprocity in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire
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State power and social forces : domination and transformation in the Third World
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Unemployment in the new Europe
Politics after neoliberalism : reregulation in Mexico
Language repertoires and state construction in Africa
The political mobilization of the European left, 1860-1980 : the class cleavage
Institutional change and political continuity in post-Soviet central Asia : power, perceptions, and pacts
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The evolution of modern states : Sweden, Japan, and the United States
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Social movements, political violence, and the state : a comparative analysis of Italy and Germany
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Procedural politics : issues, influence, and institutional choice in the European Union
Networks and institutions in Europe's emerging markets
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Redeeming the communist past : the regeneration of communist parties in East Central Europe
Stuffing the ballot box : fraud, electoral reform, and democratization in Costa Rica
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State repression and the domestic democratic peace
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Power in movement : social movements, collective action and politics
Democratic experiments in Africa : regime transitions in comparative perspective
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Networks and institutions in Europe's emerging markets
Traditional politics and regime change in Brazil
Boundary control : subnational authoritarianism in federal democracies
Framing the race in South Africa : the political origins of racial-census elections
Western intervention in the Balkans : the strategic use of emotion in conflict
Internationalization and domestic politics
Dismantling the welfare state? : Reagan, Thatcher, and the politics of retrenchment
The architecture of government : rethinking political decentralization
Social revolutions in the modern world
Fiscal governance in Europe
Regressive taxation and the welfare state : path dependence and policy diffusion
Popular movements in autocracies : religion, repression, and indigenous collective action in Mexico
Quiet politics and business power : corporate control in Europe and Japan
Voting for policy, not parties : how voters compensate for power sharing
Welfare and capitalism in postwar Japan
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The paradox of traditional chiefs in democratic Africa
Structuring politics : historical institutionalism in comparative analysis
Dismantling the welfare state? : Reagan, Thatcher, and the politics of retrenchment
Comparative perspectives on social movements : political opportunities, mobilizing structures, and cultural framings
Race and regionalism in the politics of taxation in Brazil and South Africa
Uncertain boundaries : the social and political construction of European economies
When things fell apart : state failure in late-century Africa
Power in movement : social movements and contentious politics
Rebelocracy : social order in the Colombian Civil War
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Age in the welfare state : the origins of social spending on pensioners, workers, and children
Presidential impeachment and the new political instability in Latin America
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The political construction of business interests : coordination, growth, and equality
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Forces of labor : workers' movements and globalization since 1870
The art of political control in China
Politics for profit : business, elections, and policymaking in Russia
Authoritarian police in democracy : contested security in Latin America
Making peace in drug wars : crackdowns and cartels in Latin America
How insurgency begins : rebel group formation in Uganda and beyond
Property without rights : origins and consequences of the property rights gap
Welfare and capitalism in postwar Japan
The comparative politics of immigration : policy choices in Germany, Canada, Switzerland, and the United States
Information, accountability, and cumulative learning : lessons from Metaketa I
Revolution in Syria : identity, networks, and repression
Resisting extortion : victims, criminals, and states in Latin America
Big data and the welfare state : how the information revolution threatens social solidarity
When people want punishment : retributive justice and the puzzle of authoritarian popularity
Coalitions of the weak : elite politics in China from Mao's stratagem to the rise of Xi
The governance cycle in parliamentary democracies : a computational social science approach
The patriarchal political order : the making and unraveling of the gendered participation gap in India
Fair enough? : support for redistribution in the age of inequality
Voting for autocracy : hegemonic party survival and its demise in Mexico
The market and the masses in Latin America : policy reform and consumption in liberalizing economies
The politics of authoritarian rule
Labor rights and multinational production
Reconstructing the state : personal networks and elite identity in Soviet Russia
Partisan politics in the global economy
Crude democracy : natural resource wealth and political regimes
The political geography of inequality : regions and redistribution
Political branding in cities : the decline of machine politics in Bogotá, Naples, and Chicago
Unions, employers, and central banks : macroeconomic coordination and institutional change in social market economies
The price of a vote in the Middle East : clientelism and communal politics in Lebanon and Yemen
Globalization and mass politics : retaining the room to maneuver
Presidential impeachment and the new political instability in Latin America
Traditional politics and regime change in Brazil
How institutions evolve : the political economy of skills in Germany, Britain, the United States, and Japan
Understanding ethnic violence : fear, hatred, and resentment in twentieth-century Eastern Europe
Warlords and coalition politics in post-Soviet states
Contemporary capitalism : the embeddedness of institutions
Bankers, bureaucrats, and central bank politics : the myth of neutrality
Rivalry and revenge : the politics of violence during Civil War
Contested economic institutions : the politics of macroeconomics and wage bargaining in advanced democracies
Public support for market reforms in new democracies
Merchant capital and the roots of state power in Senegal, 1930-1985
Politics after neoliberalism : reregulation in Mexico
Skeletons in the closet : transitional justice in post-Communist Europe
Continuity and change in contemporary capitalism
Institutional change and political continuity in Post-Soviet Central Asia : power, perceptions, and pacts
Informal institutions and citizenship in rural Africa : risk and reciprocity in Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire
Heroic defeats : the politics of job loss
Federalism, fiscal authority, and centralization in Latin America
Rebuilding Leviathan : party competition and state exploitation in post-communist democracies
Clientelism, interests, and democratic representation : the European experience in historical and comparative perspective
How institutions evolve : the political economy of skills in Germany, Britain, the United States, and Japan
The puzzle of strikes : class and state strategies in postwar Italy
The political economy of trust : institutions, interests and inter-firm cooperation in Italy and Germany
Brokers, voters, and clientelism : the puzzle of distributive politics
The logic of violence in civil war
Accountability without democracy : solidary groups and public goods provision in rural China
Macroeconomic policies of developed democracies
Stuffing the ballot box : fraud, electoral reform, and democratization in Costa Rica
Governing from below : urban regions and the global economy
Deadly clerics : blocked ambition and the paths to jihad
Procedural politics : issues, influence, and institutional choice in the European Union
Popular movements in autocracies : religion, repression, and indigenous collective action in Mexico
Comparing policy networks : labor politics in the U.S., Germany, and Japan
Property and political order in Africa : land rights and the structure of politics
The political economy of trust : institutions, interests, and inter-firm cooperation in Italy and Germany
Selected works of Michael Wallerstein : the political economy of inequality, unions, and social democracy
Alien rule
Warlords and coalition politics in post-Soviet states
State repression and the domestic democratic peace
The political geography of inequality : regions and redistribution
Global capital, political institutions, and policy change in developed welfare states
Waves of war : nationalism, state formation, and ethnic exclusion in the modern world
Perils of centralization : lessons from church, state, and corporation
Regressive taxation and the welfare state : path dependence and policy diffusion
Courts under constraints : judges, generals, and presidents in Argentina
Organized violence after Civil War : the geography of recruitment in Latin America
Hamilton's paradox : the promise and peril of fiscal federalism
Ordering power : contentious politics and authoritarian leviathans in Southeast Asia
Reconstructing the state : personal networks and elite identity in Soviet Russia
Legislative voting and accountability
Demanding development : the politics of public goods provision in India's urban slums
Imagined economies : the sources of Russian regionalism
Making peace in drug wars : crackdowns and cartels in Latin America
No other way out : states and revolutionary movements, 1945-1991
Policy, office, or votes? : how political parties in Western Europe make hard decisions
Tying the autocrat's hands : the rise of the rule of law in China
Why ethnic parties succeed : patronage and ethnic head counts in India
Money, markets, and the state : social democratic economic policies since 1918
Citizens and community : political support in a representative democracy
Voting for policy, not parties : how voters compensate for power sharing
Nationalist mobilization and the collapse of the Soviet State
The price of a vote in the Middle East : clientelism and communal politics in Lebanon and Yemen
Democracy, development, and the countryside : urban-rural struggles in India
Risk inequality and welfare states : social policy preferences, development, and dynamics
Merchant capital and the roots of state power in Senegal, 1930-1985
Conservative parties and the birth of democracy
Between states : interim governments and democratic transitions
Making markets in the welfare state : the politics of varying market reforms
Votes and violence : electoral competition and ethnic riots in India
Forbearance as redistribution : the politics of informal welfare in Latin America
The historical roots of political violence : revolutionary terrorism in affluent countries
Uncertain boundaries : the social and political construction of European economies
State in society : studying how states and societies transform and constitute one another
Subversive institutions : the design and the destruction of socialism and the state
Presidentialism, parliamentarism, and democracy
How solidarity works for welfare : subnationalism and social development in India
Making autocracy work : representation and responsiveness in modern China
From the ballot to the blackboard : the redistributive political economy of education
Electoral politics and Africa's urban transition : class and ethnicity in Ghana
Political order and inequality : their foundations and their consequences for human welfare
Rivalry and revenge : the politics of violence during Civil War
Political competition, partisanship, and policy making in Latin American public utilities
Oil is not a curse : ownership structure and institutions in Soviet successor states
The political logic of poverty relief : electoral strategies and social policy in Mexico
Democracy derailed in Russia : the failure of open politics
Comparative politics : rationality, culture, and structure
Health politics : interests and institutions in Western Europe
Autocracy and redistribution : the politics of land reform
From the ballot to the blackboard : the redistributive political economy of education
Power in movement : social movements and contentious politics
Public opinion, democracy, and market reform in Africa
The foundations of ethnic politics : separatism of states and nations in Eurasia and the world
Homicidal ecologies : illicit economies and complicit states in Latin America
Making race and nation : a comparison of South Africa, the United States, and Brazil
Politics for profit : business, elections, and policymaking in Russia
The comparative politics of immigration : policy choices in Germany, Canada, Switzerland, and the United States
Political order and inequality : their foundations and their consequences for human welfare
Indebted societies : credit and welfare in rich democracies
Precolonial legacies in postcolonial politics : representation and redistribution in decentralized West Africa
The political economy of development : a game theoretic approach
Power in movement : social movements and contentious politics
Fair enough? : support for redistribution in the age of inequality
Votes, drugs, and violence : the political logic of criminal wars in Mexico
The political economy of development : a game theoretic approach
Votes, drugs, and violence : the political logic of criminal wars in Mexico
Revolution in Syria : identity, networks, and repression
Indebted societies : credit and welfare in rich democracies
Coalitions of the weak : elite politics in China from Mao's stratagem to the rise of Xi
Big data and the welfare state : how the information revolution threatens social solidarity
The scarce state : inequality and political power in the hinterland
Resisting extortion : victims, criminals and states in Latin America
Inequality and political cleavage in Africa : regionalism by design
The art of political control in China
Conservative parties and the birth of democracy
Property without rights : origins and consequences of the property rights gap
Authoritarian police in democracy : contested security in Latin America
Regime threats and state solutions : bureaucratic loyalty and embeddedness in Kenya
Power in movement : social movements and contentious politics
From pews to politics : religious sermons and political participation in Africa
Recognition politics : indigenous rights and ethnic conflict in the Andes
State-building as lawfare : custom, Sharia, and state law in postwar Chechnya
Precolonial legacies in postcolonial politics : representation and redistribution in decentralized West Africa
The governance cycle in parliamentary democracies : a computational social science approach
Inequality and political cleavage in Africa : regionalism by design
Inward conquest : the political origins of modern public services
How insurgency begins : rebel group formation in Uganda and beyond
Inward conquest : the political origins of modern public services
Democracy and redistribution
Policy, office, or votes? : how political parties in Western Europe make hard decisions
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