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Conference Board report

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Planning corporate capital structuresLeave the NDL website. Unusual foreign payments : a survey of the policies and practices of U.S. companiesLeave the NDL website. Compensating salesmen and sales executivesLeave the NDL website. Antitrust problems and national priorities : competitive measures and competitive facts : Transcript of conference, March 2, 1972Leave the NDL website. Regulation : its impact on decision makingLeave the NDL website. Organization and control of international operationsLeave the NDL website. Financial management of company pension plansLeave the NDL website. Urban trends and the energy situation : proceedings of the Committee on Investment Consequences of Urban Growth Trends, June 18, 1974Leave the NDL website. Managing older workers : company policies and attitudes : a research report from the Conference BoardLeave the NDL website. Matrix organization of complex businesses : a research report from the Conference BoardLeave the NDL website. Extra pay for service abroadLeave the NDL website. A guide to consumer markets 1973/1974Leave the NDL website. Information technology : initiatives for today -- decisions that cannot wait : some major problem areas and leadership optionsLeave the NDL website. The corporate economistLeave the NDL website. The Philadelphia market, 1972/1973Leave the NDL website. Education in industry : a research report from the Conference Board's Public Affairs Research Division, Walter A. Hamilton, vice presidentLeave the NDL website. Industry roles in health careLeave the NDL website. Marketing strategies : a symposiumLeave the NDL website. Human resources : toward rational policy planningLeave the NDL website. Resolving labor-management disputes: a nine-country comparisonLeave the NDL website. Top executives view health care issuesLeave the NDL website. The new generation of marketers : a management viewLeave the NDL website. Selling and servicing the national accountLeave the NDL website. Corporate contributions in smaller companiesLeave the NDL website. The consumer affairs department : organization and functionsLeave the NDL website. The New York market, 1972/1973Leave the NDL website. Antitrust and shifting national controls policies: impact in differently positioned companies : transcript of conferenceLeave the NDL website. Corporate organization structures, financial enterprisesLeave the NDL website. Relative national accounts : a statistical basebookLeave the NDL website. The impact of the tax reform act of 1969 on company foundationsLeave the NDL website. Staffing systems : managerial and professional jobsLeave the NDL website. Changes in occupational characteristics : planning ahead for the 1980's : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of Economic ResearchLeave the NDL website. Employing older Americans : opportunities and constraintsLeave the NDL website. Capital shortage, its causes and cures : a worldwide survey of chief executivesLeave the NDL website. What troubles the world's business leadersLeave the NDL website. 1992 : leading issues for European companiesLeave the NDL website. Beyond knowledge management : new ways to work and learnLeave the NDL website. Planning and the chief executiveLeave the NDL website. Franchised distributionLeave the NDL website. The world economy in the 1970's : trends and issuesLeave the NDL website. Antitrust in a rapidly changing economy : large-scale investments and competition : papers from the Fourteenth Conference on Antitrust Issues in Today's Economy, March 6, 1975Leave the NDL website. Impact of commodity shortages : a world surveyLeave the NDL website. Managing corporate external relations : changing perspectives and responsesLeave the NDL website. The Chicago market, 1972/1973 : based on a survey conducted by the United States Bureau of the CensusLeave the NDL website. The U.S. economy in 1990Leave the NDL website. Corporate directorship practices : role, selection and legal status of the boardLeave the NDL website. Corporate directorship practices : compensationLeave the NDL website. The organization & staffing of corporate public affairsLeave the NDL website. Foreign production costs : a survey of recent trends and their effects on business policy : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of International AffairsLeave the NDL website. Multinationals in contention : responses at governmental and international levels : a research report from the Conference Board's Public Affairs Research DivisionLeave the NDL website. Business outlook 1975 : a discussion by the Conference Board Economic Forum held at the Waldorf-Astoria New York City November 21,1974Leave the NDL website. Organization development : a reconnaissanceLeave the NDL website. The search for common ground : a survey of efforts to develop codes of behavior in international investmentLeave the NDL website. Innovations in managing human resourcesLeave the NDL website. Capital appropriations and expenditures : a quarterly forecasting modelLeave the NDL website. A guide to consumer markets 1974/1975Leave the NDL website. Export marketing services and costsLeave the NDL website. Corporate directors' compensationLeave the NDL website. Economic fact and antitrust goals : inputs for corporate planning : transcript of conferenceLeave the NDL website. Public affairs in the United States and Europe : report on a Public Affairs Conference, Le Beau Rivage, Lausanne-Ouchy, Switzerland, March 16-17, 1971Leave the NDL website. Cash management in the moderate-sized companyLeave the NDL website. Technician education -- Who chooses it?Leave the NDL website. Food and population : the next crisisLeave the NDL website. Employing the disadvantaged : a company perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Top executive compensationLeave the NDL website. Foreign investment and employment : an examination of foreign investments to make 58 products overseas : a research report from the Conference BoardLeave the NDL website. Corporate directorship practices : membership and committees of the boaed/ by Jeremy BaconLeave the NDL website. Managing labor relationsLeave the NDL website. Planning and forecasting in the smaller companyLeave the NDL website. Profile of employee benefitsLeave the NDL website. Policies on leaves for political and social actionLeave the NDL website. Supervisory trainingLeave the NDL website. Reporting transnational business operationsLeave the NDL website. Mortgage debt for non-real-estate purposesLeave the NDL website. Communicating with professional investorsLeave the NDL website. Education in industry : a research report from the Conference Board's Public Affairs Research DivisionLeave the NDL website. Business looks at the international monetary system : recent experience and proposals for reformLeave the NDL website. The defense industry : some perspectives from the financial community : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of Management ResearchLeave the NDL website. Government services in major metropolitan areas : functions, costs, efficiencyLeave the NDL website. Corporate philanthropic public service activities : prepared for the Commission on Private Philanthropy and Public NeedsLeave the NDL website. Relative growth of the "largest" manufacturing corporations, 1947-1971 : subsets from an unknown setLeave the NDL website. Corporations and their outside auditors, a changing relationshipLeave the NDL website. The challenge of consumerism : a symposiumLeave the NDL website. Leasing : experiences and expectationsLeave the NDL website. Aspects of incomes policies abroadLeave the NDL website. Input-output analysis : a nontechnical descriptionLeave the NDL website. Understanding the balance of paymentsLeave the NDL website. Toward a national antitrust policy : information problems and antitrust : papers from the Fifteenth Conference on Antitrust Issues in Today's Economy, New York, New York, March 4, 1976, and papers from the Limited Briefing on Antitrust in the United States, Frankfurt, Germany, October 29, 1975Leave the NDL website. Management science in business : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of Management ResearchLeave the NDL website. Staff services in smaller companies : the view from the topLeave the NDL website. Investment banking arrangementsLeave the NDL website. Information systems for sales and marketing managementLeave the NDL website. Organization change : perceptions and realitiesLeave the NDL website. Multinational corporations in comparative perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Multinational corporations and developing countriesLeave the NDL website. The expanded EEC and U.S. businessLeave the NDL website. U.S. business leaders : a study of opinions and characteristicsLeave the NDL website. Protecting corporate assets under floating currencies : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of International AffairsLeave the NDL website. Financial planning for executivesLeave the NDL website. Disclosure of financial forecasts to security analysts and the publicLeave the NDL website. Marketing-cost ratios of U.S. manufacturers : a technical analysisLeave the NDL website. Corporate boards and corporate governanceLeave the NDL website. Qualified stock options for executivesLeave the NDL website. Auditing corporate data-processing activitiesLeave the NDL website. Options in new-product organizationLeave the NDL website. Inflation in the United States, causes and consequences : proceedingsLeave the NDL website. The chief marketing executive : a profileLeave the NDL website. The federal budget : its impact on the economyLeave the NDL website. Energy : update and outlook, November 1974Leave the NDL website. Support from foreign affiliatesLeave the NDL website. Business leadership in social change : report on a public affairs conference, the Waldorf-Astoria, New York City, April 14, 1971Leave the NDL website. Labor relations outlook, 1976 : excerpted from the October 15, 1975, meeting of the Conference Board Labor Relations Forum, New York CityLeave the NDL website. The Detroit market, 1972/1973 : based on a survey conducted by the United States Bureau of the CensusLeave the NDL website. Biennial survey of company contributionsLeave the NDL website. Multinational corporations and national elites : a study in tensionsLeave the NDL website. Managing in inflation : excerpted from the Conference on Inflation and Corporate Management : a report from the Conference Board's Division of Management ResearchLeave the NDL website. A guide to consumer markets 1970Leave the NDL website. Integrating foreign subsidiaries into host countriesLeave the NDL website. Business and education : a fragile partnershipLeave the NDL website. The problems facing international managementLeave the NDL website. Transnational money management : issues and practicesLeave the NDL website. Corporate organization structures : manufacturingLeave the NDL website. Evolving corporate policy and organization for East-West tradeLeave the NDL website. Business outlook 1974 : a discussion by the Conference Board Economic Forum held at the Waldorf-Astoria New York City November 13, 1973Leave the NDL website. Energy and public policy -- 1972Leave the NDL website. Public disclosure of corporate earnings forecastsLeave the NDL website. Unionization of professional societies : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of Management ResearchLeave the NDL website. The national wealth of the United States by major sector and industry : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of Economic ResearchLeave the NDL website. Managing the corporate brandLeave the NDL website. Evaluating new-product proposalsLeave the NDL website. Containing inflation in the environment of the 1970'sLeave the NDL website. The 1975 mid-year business outlook : with added comment on capital requirements and policy equipment : proceedings the Conference Board Economic Forum, Friday, May 16, 1975, the Waldorf-Astoria, New York, New YorkLeave the NDL website. The changing world economy : problems of interdependence : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of International AffairsLeave the NDL website. A guide to forecasting interest ratesLeave the NDL website. Top executive compensationLeave the NDL website. Business outlook 1973 : a discussion by the Conference Board Economic Forum, held at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York City, November 20, 1972Leave the NDL website. Worker participation : new voices in managementLeave the NDL website. Support from U.S. HeadquartersLeave the NDL website. The multinational union challenges the multinational companyLeave the NDL website. Production cost trends and outlook : a study of international business experienceLeave the NDL website. How smaller companies protect their trade secretsLeave the NDL website. Capital investments : appraisals and limitsLeave the NDL website. Dividend policies and practicesLeave the NDL website. The world economy in the 1980's : trends and issuesLeave the NDL website. Corporate directorship practices : compensation 1975Leave the NDL website. Overseas research and development by United States multinationals, 1966-1975 : estimates of expenditures and a statistical profileLeave the NDL website. Are today's schools preparing tomorrow's business leaders? : A worldwide survey of chief executivesLeave the NDL website. Private enterprise looks at its imageLeave the NDL website. Some guidelines for advertising budgetingLeave the NDL website. Corporate response to employees' housing needsLeave the NDL website. Planning and the corporate planning directorLeave the NDL website. Corporate directorship practices : the audit committeeLeave the NDL website. Experience with foreign production work forcesLeave the NDL website. Salesmen's call reportsLeave the NDL website. Measuring the cost of industrial water pollution control : a research methodology and summary of five detailed industry studies by Bernard A. Gelb, Kyu Sik Lee, Leonard I. Nakamura, John Soloday, Mark L. WehleLeave the NDL website. Social responsibility and the smaller company : some perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Managing corporate political action committeesLeave the NDL website. Long-term projections of primary metals marketsLeave the NDL website. Job design for motivation : experiments in job enlargement and job enrichmentLeave the NDL website. Screening requests for corporate contributionsLeave the NDL website. The Los Angeles market, 1972/1973Leave the NDL website. Financial manualsLeave the NDL website. Corporate moves to the suburbs : problems and opportunitiesLeave the NDL website. International transfer of technology : a worldwide survey of chief executivesLeave the NDL website. The federal budget : its impact on the economyLeave the NDL website. Product-line strategiesLeave the NDL website. Line-of-business reporting : problems in the formulation of a data programLeave the NDL website. Sales forecastingLeave the NDL website. Getting more out of R&D and technology : a conference report from the Conference BoardLeave the NDL website. Tomorrow's marketing : a symposiumLeave the NDL website. Business and the development of ghetto enterpriseLeave the NDL website. Information technology : some critical implications for decision makersLeave the NDL website. Early retirement programsLeave the NDL website. Meeting human needs : corporate programs and partnershipsLeave the NDL website. Corporate use of commodity futuresLeave the NDL website. Compensating key personnel overseasLeave the NDL website. Current trends in public affairsLeave the NDL website. Corporate organization for pollution controlLeave the NDL website. Top executive compensationLeave the NDL website. Internal auditingLeave the NDL website. A guide to consumer markets 1972/1973Leave the NDL website. Antitrust and shifting national controls policies: impact in differently positioned companies : transcript of conferenceLeave the NDL website. Security bargains reconsidered : SUB severance pay guaranteed workLeave the NDL website. East-West trade : the lessons from experience : international survey of business opinion and experienceLeave the NDL website. Manpower planning : evolving systemsLeave the NDL website. Relocation expenses in CanadaLeave the NDL website. Training the sales force : a progress reportLeave the NDL website. Purchasing practices in the smaller companyLeave the NDL website. International executives evaluate the NEPLeave the NDL website. Business outlook 1971 : a discussion by the Conference Board Economic Forum and Guests, held at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York City, November 24, 1970Leave the NDL website. Customer service : a progress reportLeave the NDL website. National health insurance and corporate benefit plans : an interim reportLeave the NDL website. Nondiscrimination in employment : changing perspectives, 1963-1972Leave the NDL website. The short-term marketing planLeave the NDL website. Who is top management?Leave the NDL website. A guide to consumer markets 1971/1972Leave the NDL website. Restructuring proposals : measuring competition in numerical gridsLeave the NDL website. Managing trade receivablesLeave the NDL website. Health-care issues for industry : proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Conference Board in cooperation with the Alcoa Foundation, the Commonwealth Fund, and the Rockefeller Brothers FundLeave the NDL website. The Heller budget in wage negotiationsLeave the NDL website. The widening cycle : an examination of U.S. experience with stabilization policy in the last decadeLeave the NDL website. Managing the corporate tax functionLeave the NDL website. Dental insurance plansLeave the NDL website. Economic forecasting and corporate planningLeave the NDL website. Corporate organization for environmental policymakingLeave the NDL website. Corporate organization structures : service companiesLeave the NDL website. Metropolitan America : the development of its major marketsLeave the NDL website. Franchised distributionLeave the NDL website. Decision making in marketing : a colloquiumLeave the NDL website. Some innovations in the training of educational leadersLeave the NDL website. Foreign investment in the United States : policy, problems, and obstaclesLeave the NDL website. Repurchasing common stockLeave the NDL website. Dialogue on concentration, oligopoly, and profit : concepts vs. dataLeave the NDL website. Capital markets and water quality needs, 1975-1985 : a conference held June 11-12, 1975 at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York CityLeave the NDL website. The board of directors : perspectives and practices in nine countriesLeave the NDL website. Nondiscrimination in employment, 1973-1975 : a broadening and deepening national effortLeave the NDL website. Tax-exempt business enterprise : its extent and impact on tax revenuesLeave the NDL website. The Board of directors : new challenges, new directionsLeave the NDL website. A manager's guide to corporate cultureLeave the NDL website. Managing product recalls : a conference report from the Conference BoardLeave the NDL website. Corporate guides to long-range planning : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of Management ResearchLeave the NDL website. Linking work-family issues to the bottom line [BY Dana Friedman]Leave the NDL website. Toward a national antitrust policy : information problems and antitrust : papers from the Fifteenth Conference on Antitrust Issues in Today's Economy, New York, New York, March 4, 1976, and papers from the Limited Briefing on Antitrust in the United States, Frankfurt, Germany, October 29, 1975Leave the NDL website. Senior management and the data processing functionLeave the NDL website. Generating new-product ideasLeave the NDL website. Answers to inflation and recession : economic policies for a modern society : a colloquium held April 8-9, 1975 at the Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C.Leave the NDL website. The Challenge of overpopulation and food shortages : summary of a colloquium held in cooperation with Planned Parenthood Association of Northeast Texas and the Population Crisis CommitteeLeave the NDL website. Handling protest at annual meetingsLeave the NDL website. Industry expenditures for water pollution abatementLeave the NDL website. Cash managementLeave the NDL website. Business outlook 1972 : a discussion by the Conference Board Economic Forum and Guests, held at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York City, November 23, 1971Leave the NDL website. Consumer protection : implications for international tradeLeave the NDL website.

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Conference Board research report
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A Conference Board report
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Organization and control of international operations
Financial management of company pension plans
Urban trends and the energy situation : proceedings of the Committee on Investment Consequences of Urban Growth Trends, June 18, 1974
Managing older workers : company policies and attitudes : a research report from the Conference Board
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Relative national accounts : a statistical basebook
The impact of the tax reform act of 1969 on company foundations
Staffing systems : managerial and professional jobs
Changes in occupational characteristics : planning ahead for the 1980's : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of Economic Research
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1992 : leading issues for European companies
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The Chicago market, 1972/1973 : based on a survey conducted by the United States Bureau of the Census
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Foreign production costs : a survey of recent trends and their effects on business policy : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of International Affairs
Multinationals in contention : responses at governmental and international levels : a research report from the Conference Board's Public Affairs Research Division
Business outlook 1975 : a discussion by the Conference Board Economic Forum held at the Waldorf-Astoria New York City November 21,1974
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The search for common ground : a survey of efforts to develop codes of behavior in international investment
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Capital appropriations and expenditures : a quarterly forecasting model
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Economic fact and antitrust goals : inputs for corporate planning : transcript of conference
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Employing the disadvantaged : a company perspective
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Foreign investment and employment : an examination of foreign investments to make 58 products overseas : a research report from the Conference Board
Corporate directorship practices : membership and committees of the boaed/ by Jeremy Bacon
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Profile of employee benefits
Policies on leaves for political and social action
Supervisory training
Reporting transnational business operations
Mortgage debt for non-real-estate purposes
Communicating with professional investors
Education in industry : a research report from the Conference Board's Public Affairs Research Division
Business looks at the international monetary system : recent experience and proposals for reform
The defense industry : some perspectives from the financial community : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of Management Research
Government services in major metropolitan areas : functions, costs, efficiency
Corporate philanthropic public service activities : prepared for the Commission on Private Philanthropy and Public Needs
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Corporations and their outside auditors, a changing relationship
The challenge of consumerism : a symposium
Leasing : experiences and expectations
Aspects of incomes policies abroad
Input-output analysis : a nontechnical description
Understanding the balance of payments
Toward a national antitrust policy : information problems and antitrust : papers from the Fifteenth Conference on Antitrust Issues in Today's Economy, New York, New York, March 4, 1976, and papers from the Limited Briefing on Antitrust in the United States, Frankfurt, Germany, October 29, 1975
Management science in business : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of Management Research
Staff services in smaller companies : the view from the top
Investment banking arrangements
Information systems for sales and marketing management
Organization change : perceptions and realities
Multinational corporations in comparative perspective
Multinational corporations and developing countries
The expanded EEC and U.S. business
U.S. business leaders : a study of opinions and characteristics
Protecting corporate assets under floating currencies : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of International Affairs
Financial planning for executives
Disclosure of financial forecasts to security analysts and the public
Marketing-cost ratios of U.S. manufacturers : a technical analysis
Corporate boards and corporate governance
Qualified stock options for executives
Auditing corporate data-processing activities
Options in new-product organization
Inflation in the United States, causes and consequences : proceedings
The chief marketing executive : a profile
The federal budget : its impact on the economy
Energy : update and outlook, November 1974
Support from foreign affiliates
Business leadership in social change : report on a public affairs conference, the Waldorf-Astoria, New York City, April 14, 1971
Labor relations outlook, 1976 : excerpted from the October 15, 1975, meeting of the Conference Board Labor Relations Forum, New York City
The Detroit market, 1972/1973 : based on a survey conducted by the United States Bureau of the Census
Biennial survey of company contributions
Multinational corporations and national elites : a study in tensions
Managing in inflation : excerpted from the Conference on Inflation and Corporate Management : a report from the Conference Board's Division of Management Research
A guide to consumer markets 1970
Integrating foreign subsidiaries into host countries
Business and education : a fragile partnership
The problems facing international management
Transnational money management : issues and practices
Corporate organization structures : manufacturing
Evolving corporate policy and organization for East-West trade
Business outlook 1974 : a discussion by the Conference Board Economic Forum held at the Waldorf-Astoria New York City November 13, 1973
Energy and public policy -- 1972
Public disclosure of corporate earnings forecasts
Unionization of professional societies : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of Management Research
The national wealth of the United States by major sector and industry : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of Economic Research
Managing the corporate brand
Evaluating new-product proposals
Containing inflation in the environment of the 1970's
The 1975 mid-year business outlook : with added comment on capital requirements and policy equipment : proceedings the Conference Board Economic Forum, Friday, May 16, 1975, the Waldorf-Astoria, New York, New York
The changing world economy : problems of interdependence : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of International Affairs
A guide to forecasting interest rates
Top executive compensation
Business outlook 1973 : a discussion by the Conference Board Economic Forum, held at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York City, November 20, 1972
Worker participation : new voices in management
Support from U.S. Headquarters
The multinational union challenges the multinational company
Production cost trends and outlook : a study of international business experience
How smaller companies protect their trade secrets
Capital investments : appraisals and limits
Dividend policies and practices
The world economy in the 1980's : trends and issues
Corporate directorship practices : compensation 1975
Overseas research and development by United States multinationals, 1966-1975 : estimates of expenditures and a statistical profile
Are today's schools preparing tomorrow's business leaders? : A worldwide survey of chief executives
Private enterprise looks at its image
Some guidelines for advertising budgeting
Corporate response to employees' housing needs
Planning and the corporate planning director
Corporate directorship practices : the audit committee
Experience with foreign production work forces
Salesmen's call reports
Measuring the cost of industrial water pollution control : a research methodology and summary of five detailed industry studies by Bernard A. Gelb, Kyu Sik Lee, Leonard I. Nakamura, John Soloday, Mark L. Wehle
Social responsibility and the smaller company : some perspectives
Managing corporate political action committees
Long-term projections of primary metals markets
Job design for motivation : experiments in job enlargement and job enrichment
Screening requests for corporate contributions
The Los Angeles market, 1972/1973
Financial manuals
Corporate moves to the suburbs : problems and opportunities
International transfer of technology : a worldwide survey of chief executives
The federal budget : its impact on the economy
Product-line strategies
Line-of-business reporting : problems in the formulation of a data program
Sales forecasting
Getting more out of R&D and technology : a conference report from the Conference Board
Tomorrow's marketing : a symposium
Business and the development of ghetto enterprise
Information technology : some critical implications for decision makers
Early retirement programs
Meeting human needs : corporate programs and partnerships
Corporate use of commodity futures
Compensating key personnel overseas
Current trends in public affairs
Corporate organization for pollution control
Top executive compensation
Internal auditing
A guide to consumer markets 1972/1973
Antitrust and shifting national controls policies: impact in differently positioned companies : transcript of conference
Security bargains reconsidered : SUB severance pay guaranteed work
East-West trade : the lessons from experience : international survey of business opinion and experience
Manpower planning : evolving systems
Relocation expenses in Canada
Training the sales force : a progress report
Purchasing practices in the smaller company
International executives evaluate the NEP
Business outlook 1971 : a discussion by the Conference Board Economic Forum and Guests, held at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York City, November 24, 1970
Customer service : a progress report
National health insurance and corporate benefit plans : an interim report
Nondiscrimination in employment : changing perspectives, 1963-1972
The short-term marketing plan
Who is top management?
A guide to consumer markets 1971/1972
Restructuring proposals : measuring competition in numerical grids
Managing trade receivables
Health-care issues for industry : proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Conference Board in cooperation with the Alcoa Foundation, the Commonwealth Fund, and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund
The Heller budget in wage negotiations
The widening cycle : an examination of U.S. experience with stabilization policy in the last decade
Managing the corporate tax function
Dental insurance plans
Economic forecasting and corporate planning
Corporate organization for environmental policymaking
Corporate organization structures : service companies
Metropolitan America : the development of its major markets
Franchised distribution
Decision making in marketing : a colloquium
Some innovations in the training of educational leaders
Foreign investment in the United States : policy, problems, and obstacles
Repurchasing common stock
Dialogue on concentration, oligopoly, and profit : concepts vs. data
Capital markets and water quality needs, 1975-1985 : a conference held June 11-12, 1975 at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York City
The board of directors : perspectives and practices in nine countries
Nondiscrimination in employment, 1973-1975 : a broadening and deepening national effort
Tax-exempt business enterprise : its extent and impact on tax revenues
The Board of directors : new challenges, new directions
A manager's guide to corporate culture
Managing product recalls : a conference report from the Conference Board
Corporate guides to long-range planning : a research report from the Conference Board's Division of Management Research
Linking work-family issues to the bottom line [BY Dana Friedman]
Toward a national antitrust policy : information problems and antitrust : papers from the Fifteenth Conference on Antitrust Issues in Today's Economy, New York, New York, March 4, 1976, and papers from the Limited Briefing on Antitrust in the United States, Frankfurt, Germany, October 29, 1975
Senior management and the data processing function
Generating new-product ideas
Answers to inflation and recession : economic policies for a modern society : a colloquium held April 8-9, 1975 at the Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C.
The Challenge of overpopulation and food shortages : summary of a colloquium held in cooperation with Planned Parenthood Association of Northeast Texas and the Population Crisis Committee
Handling protest at annual meetings
Industry expenditures for water pollution abatement
Cash management
Business outlook 1972 : a discussion by the Conference Board Economic Forum and Guests, held at the Waldorf-Astoria, New York City, November 23, 1971
Consumer protection : implications for international trade
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