
Benvenuto Franci, Carlo Galeffi, Paolo Silveri, Afro Poli, José Mardones, Mariano Stabile, Antonio Scotti, Francesco D'andrade, Vanni Marcoux, u.a./a.m.o.

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Benvenuto Franci, Carlo Galeffi, Paolo Silveri, Afro Poli, José Mardones, Mariano Stabile, Antonio Scotti, Francesco D'andrade, Vanni Marcoux, u.a./a.m.o.

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Meyerbeer, Giacomoほか
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4 3/4 in.
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Note (General):

Sung in Italian (disc 1, disc 2: 1st-6th, 10th works) and German (disc 2: 7th-9th, 11th-14th)Title from pamphletTorsten Ralf, Felix Senius, Set Svanho...

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Publication Date (W3CDTF)
4 3/4 in.
Place of Publication (Country Code)
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Note (General)
Sung in Italian (disc 1, disc 2: 1st-6th, 10th works) and German (disc 2: 7th-9th, 11th-14th)
Title from pamphlet
Torsten Ralf, Felix Senius, Set Svanholm, tenors ; Benvenuto Franci, Carlo Galeffi, Paolo Silveri, Afro Poli, Umberto Urbano, Enrico Molinari, Gino Vanelli, Gaetano Viviani, Mariano Stabile, Antonio Scotti, Francesco D'Andrade, baritones ; José Mardones, Francesco Navarini, Vanni Marcoux, basses
Recorded: 1907-1948
Compact discs; analog recording
History: 205152-302