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IUP library of fundamental source books

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Second report of the Royal Commission on the Working of the Elementary Education Acts, England and Wales, with appendices, 1887Leave the NDL website. Report from the Select Committee on Assurance Associations, with minutes of evidence, appendix and index, together with reports on fire insurance duties and life annuities, 1829-63Leave the NDL website. 1891 census England and Wales. Area, housing and populationLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Crime and punishment : Penal servitudeLeave the NDL website. First report of the Commissioners on the Municipal Corporations of England and Wales, with appendix. Part 1, 1835Leave the NDL website. Appendix to the final report of the Royal Commission on the Working of the Elementary Education Acts, England and Wales, together with information relating to training colleges, 1888Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Colonies : New ZealandLeave the NDL website. First report of the Commissioners on the Housing of the Working Classes [England and Wales], with minutes of evidence and appendix, 1884-85Leave the NDL website. Reports from Select Committees on Metropolis and Town Sewers, with proceedings minutes of evidence, appendices and indexLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Government: Civil serviceLeave the NDL website. Report of the Commissioners on the state of popular education in England, with an index, 1861Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : agricultureLeave the NDL website. 1851 census Great Britain. Reports and tables on education, England and Wales, and on religious worship and education, ScotlandLeave the NDL website. Select Committee report on town holdings, with minutes of evidence, appendix and index, 1887Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Industrial revolution : FactoriesLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Health : Medical professionLeave the NDL website. Appendix [part III] to the first report of the Commissioners on the Municipal Corporations of England and Wales, 1835Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Trade and industry : DepressionLeave the NDL website. Reports from select committees on public walks and on the improvement of the metropolis : with minutes of evidence, appendices and indexLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : National finance : Income taxLeave the NDL website. Second report of the Commissioners on Schools in Scotland, with an appendix and reports from Assistant Commissioners, 1867Leave the NDL website. Statistical report of the Royal Commission on the Working of the Elementary Education Acts England and Wales, together with information relating to foreign educational systems, 1888Leave the NDL website. Appendix to the report of the Commissioners on the Revenues and Management of Certain Colleges and Schools,1864Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Poor lawLeave the NDL website. Third report of the Royal Commission on the working of the Elementary Education Acts, England and Wales, with appendices, 1887Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Colonies : GeneralLeave the NDL website. Report from Select Committee on Hand-loom Weavers' Petitions : with the minutes of evidence, and index ; also, Analysis of the evidence taken before the Select Committee on Hand-loom Weavers' Petitions (1834-1835)Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Legal administration : generalLeave the NDL website. First report of the Commissioners on Schools in Scotland, with appendix, 1865-67Leave the NDL website. Reports from the Actuarial Commission with reports from Select Committees on National Provident Insurance : with minutes of evidence, appendices and indices, 1876-87Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Education, Public librariesLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : [Trade and industry] : TobaccoLeave the NDL website. 1851 Census Great Britain : numbers of inhabitants 1801-51 volume 2, index to place namesLeave the NDL website. Select Committee report and reports from Her Majesty's Commissioners on the Civil Service : with proceedings, minutes of evidence and appendices, 1856-57Leave the NDL website. 1841 census Great Britain : occupation abstract, with prefaceLeave the NDL website. Further reports of the Assistant Commissioners on the state of popular education in England, with appendices, 1861Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Slave tradeLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Fuel and power : Mining royaltiesLeave the NDL website. Report from the Royal Commission on Water Supply to the Metropolis and Large Towns and a report on the chemical quality of metropolis water, with minutes of evidence appendices and index, 1851-69Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Urban areas : HousingLeave the NDL website. First report and second report (part 1) of the Commissioners on Friendly and Benefit Building Societies : with minutes of evidence, appendix, index and a supplementary report, 1871-73Leave the NDL website. Second report of the Commissioners on Friendly and Benefit Building Societies ([Part II]), minutes of evidence with appendices, and ([Part III]) index to the evidence, 1872Leave the NDL website. Reports from Select Committees and other papers on corrupt practices, and other matters relating to elections : with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendices and indices, 1870-98Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : NewspapersLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Monetary policy : Commercial distressLeave the NDL website. First and second reports from the Select Committee Appointed to Inquire into the Constitution of the Diplomatic and Consular Services : with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendices and indices, and an additional reportLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Government : Municipal corporationsLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Crime and punishment : PrisonsLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Industrial revolution : TradeLeave the NDL website. Reports from Select Committees on Artisans' and Laboures' Dwellings, with minutes of evidence, appendices and indices, 1881-82Leave the NDL website. Minutes of evidence taken before the Select Committee on the Metropolis Water Supply Bills, with further minutes of evidence and an indexLeave the NDL website. Reports of the Commissioners on the State of Education in Wales, with appendices, [part II and part III], 1847Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Trade and industry : Navigation lawsLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Colonies : East IndiaLeave the NDL website. 1851 Census Great Britain : instructions to enumerators, tables of population and housing, numbers of inhabitants 1801-51 volume 1 with census reportLeave the NDL website. Report of the Commissioners on the Revenues and Management of Certain Colleges and Schools, 1864Leave the NDL website. Report from the Select Committee on the present diplomatic service of the country : with proceedings, minutes of evidence appendix and indexLeave the NDL website. Select Committee reports on perpetual pensions and reports from the Commissioners on Civil Establishments : with minutes of evidence, appendices and index, 1887-92Leave the NDL website. 1871 census Scotland, tables of population, eighth decennial census, volumes I and II with reportsLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Industrial relationsLeave the NDL website. 1851 census Great Britain. Report and tables on religious worship, England and WalesLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Industrial revolution : TextilesLeave the NDL website. First and second reports from the Royal Commission on the Sewage of Towns and other reports and papers on drainage and sewerage with appendices, 1854-61Leave the NDL website. Select Committee report on town holdings, with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix and index, 1890-92Leave the NDL website. Reports of the Assistant Commissioners on Friendly and Benefit Building Societies, with indices, 1874Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Urban areas : PlanningLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : [Monetary policy] : Joint stock banksLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : National finance : GeneralLeave the NDL website. Reports of the Commissioners on the State of Education in Wales, with appendix (Part I), 1847Leave the NDL website. Answers to the circular of questions of the Commissioners on Popular Education in England : 1861Leave the NDL website. Reports from the Select Committee and from Her Majesty's Commissioners on the London Water (Transfer) Bills and on metropolitan water companies, with proceedings minutes of evidence appendices and indices, 1895-1900Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Legal administration: Criminal lawLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Health : Food and drugsLeave the NDL website. Analytical index to the reports of the Commissioners on the Municipal Corporations of England and Wales, 1839Leave the NDL website. 1851 Census Great Britain. Ages, civil condition, occupations and birthplacesLeave the NDL website. Report from His Majesty's Commissioners on the Administration and Practical Operation of the Poor Laws with appendix (A) part I : Reports from Assistant Commissioners and indices 1834Leave the NDL website. First report from the Royal Commission on the Discharge of the Sewage of the Metropolis, with minutes of evidence appendices and a digest of the evidence, 1884Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Education : British MuseumLeave the NDL website. Reports of the Assistant Commissioners on the state of popular education in Continental Europe and on educational charities in England and Wales : 1861Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Slave tradeLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Education : Fine artsLeave the NDL website. Special report and report from the select committee on loans to foreign states with proceedings minutes of evidence, appendix and indexLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Industrial revolution : Children's employmentLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Monetary policy : GeneralLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Urban areas : SanitationLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Education : Scientific and technicalLeave the NDL website. Report from the Select Committee on Civil Service Appointments : with minutes of evidence, appendix, index and a report on supplemental and temporary clerks, 1860-1865Leave the NDL website. Report from the Select Committee on Municipal Corporations : with minutes of evidence and indexLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Fuel and power : Coal tradeLeave the NDL website. Royal Commission on Secondary EducationLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Famine (Ireland)Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Colonies : Canadian boundaryLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Shipping safetyLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Military and navalLeave the NDL website. Report from the Commissioners on the London Stock Exchange : with minutes of evidence, appendix, index and analysis, 1878Leave the NDL website. Third report from the Royal Commission on the Sewage of Towns and Select Committee and other reports on the disposal and treatment of town sewage with minutes of evidence appendices and index, 1865-76Leave the NDL website. Evidence before the Commissioners on the Revenues and Management of Certain Colleges and Schools, 1864Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : PopulationLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Stage and theatreLeave the NDL website. 1891 census, England and Wales: ages, marital condition, occupations, birthplaces and infirmitiesLeave the NDL website. Comparative account of the population of Great Britain in the years 1801, 1811,1821,1831Leave the NDL website. Ulster and Connacht : area, population and housingLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : health, mentalLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Marriage and divorceLeave the NDL website. Third report of the Commissioners on schools in Scotland together with reports from Assistant Commissioners and special reports on public and private schools, Sessions 1867-68Leave the NDL website. Reports from select committees and committees of secrecy on the state of commercial credit, the Bank of England and the high price of gold bullion with minutes of evidence and appendicesLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Social problems : DrunkennessLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Civil disorderLeave the NDL website. Indices to the first report [England and Wales], with the second report [Scotland] and third report [Ireland] of the Commissioners on the Housing of the Working classes, with minutes of evidence, appendices and indices 1884-85Leave the NDL website. Select Committee report on town holdings, with minutes of evidence, appendix and index, 1890Leave the NDL website. Correspondence, reports and other papers relating to the slave trade, 1876-88Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Slave tradeLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : [Fuel and power] : Mining districtsLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : [General] indexLeave the NDL website. Reports from Select Committees on the London Water Supply and the London Water Commission Bill, with proceedings minutes of evidence appendices and indices, 1880-91Leave the NDL website. Reports from Select Committees on Metropolis and Town Sewers, with proceedings minutes of evidence, appendices and indexLeave the NDL website. Appendix (part II) : to the first report of the Commissioners on the Municipal Corporations of England and Wales, 1835Leave the NDL website. First and second reports from the select committee of secrecy on banks of issue with minutes of evidence, appendix and indexLeave the NDL website. Reports papers and a treasury minute relating to the re-organisation of the permanent civil service, 1854-55Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Monetary policy : Savings banksLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Fuel and power : GasLeave the NDL website. Appendix (part IV and part V) to the first report of the Commissioners on the Municipal Corporations of England and Wales, 1835Leave the NDL website. 1861 and 1871 censuses England and Wales : general reportsLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Health : GeneralLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Inventions : GeneralLeave the NDL website. Second report of the Royal Commission on Civil Service Establishments of the Different Offices of State at Home and Abroad : with minutes of evidence and appendix, 1888Leave the NDL website. Report from the select committee on bank acts with proceedings and minutes of evidence 1857Leave the NDL website. Report from the Royal Commission on the Supply of Water to the Metropolis, with minutes of evidence, 1893-94Leave the NDL website. Final report of the Royal Commission on the Working of the elementary education acts, England and Wales, with digest of evidence and indexLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Anthropology : AboriginesLeave the NDL website. Report of the Select Committee of the House of Lords and of the Commissioners on the Patent Office Accounts and the Resignation of Mr Edmunds : with minutes of evidence, appendix and index, 1865Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Crime and punishment : PoliceLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Urban areas : Water supplyLeave the NDL website. Reports from secret committees of the House of Commons and the House of Lords on the expediency of the resumption of cash payments with minutes of evidence and appendicesLeave the NDL website. Report from the select committee on banks of issue with minutes of evidence, appendix and indexLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Government : ElectionsLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Industrial revolution : DesignLeave the NDL website. First and second reports from the Select Committee on Open Spaces (Metropolis) : with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendices and indexLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Health : Infectious diseasesLeave the NDL website. Appendix and index to the report from the select committee on bank acts 1857Leave the NDL website. Select Committee report on town holdings, with minutes of evidence and index, 1886Leave the NDL website. Leinster and Munster area, population and housingLeave the NDL website. Select Committee report on Bertolacci's Petition and reports of the Commissioners on the Superannuation Act : with minutes of evidence, appendices and index, 1857-58Leave the NDL website. Report from the select committee on banks of issue with proceedings minutes of evidence, appendix and indexLeave the NDL website. Reports from Select Committees appointed to inquire into the consular department and the consular service : with proceedings, minutes of evidence appendices and indexLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Colonies : AfricaLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Social problems : Sunday observanceLeave the NDL website. Report from the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the constitution of the Diplomatic and Consular Services : with proceedings, minutes of evidence and appendixLeave the NDL website. Select Committee report on Town Holdings : with proceedings and an indexLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Colonies : CanadaLeave the NDL website. 1871 Census England and Wales : preliminary report with tables, area housing and populationLeave the NDL website. Reports from select committees of the House of Commons and the House of Lords on promissory notes in Scotland and Ireland with minutes of evidence, appendices and indexLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Social problems : GamblingLeave the NDL website. Report from the Select Committee on Bribery at Elections : together with minutes of evidence, appendix and indexLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Monetary policy : CurrencyLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Transport and communicationsLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : FisheriesLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Transport and communications : Posts and telegraphsLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Education : GeneralLeave the NDL website. Schools Inquiry CommissionLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Trade and industry : Silver and gold waresLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Industrial relationsLeave the NDL website. 1881 and 1891 censuses, England and Wales : 1881 general report, 1891 preliminary and general reports, population of islandsLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Colonies : West IndiesLeave the NDL website. Reports from the Select Committees on the London Streets Bill, and on Town Improvements, with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix and index, 1890-94Leave the NDL website. Select Committee and other reports on friendly societies, building societies and industrial and provident societies : with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendices and indices, 1886-99Leave the NDL website. Report from the Select Committee on Civil Service Superannuation : with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix and index, 1856Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : ReligionLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : [Fuel and power]: mining accidentsLeave the NDL website. Appendix to the general report together with local reports of the Commissioners on the Municipal Corporations of Scotland, 1836Leave the NDL website. Returns and other papers including commissioners' report on the administration and finances of the Cape Government, 1816-27Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Crime and punishment : Juvenile offendersLeave the NDL website. 1841 Census Great Britain. statements on population : enumeration, abstract, indexes to place nameLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Colonies : AustraliaLeave the NDL website. Minutes of evidence before the Select Committee on the London Drainage Bill, with an index and reports on sanitation, with an abstract of evidence appendices and plans, 1846-53Leave the NDL website. Reports, papers and correspondence relating to the Commission on Popular Education in England, 1861-62Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Monetary policy : Decimal coinageLeave the NDL website. Third report and fourth report (part 1) of the Commissioners on Friendly and Benefit Building Societies : with minutes of evidence, appendices and an index, 1873-74Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : agriculture : animal healthLeave the NDL website. First report of the Royal Commission on the Working of the Elementary Education Acts, England and Wales : with appendix, 1886Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Slave tradeLeave the NDL website. Reports from committees and from commissioners on the employment of Royal Engineers, on Civil Service writers, and other affairs relating to the administration of the civil service : with minutes of evidence, appendices and indices, 1867-74Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Trade and industry : ExplosivesLeave the NDL website. Second and final report from the Royal Commission on the Discharge of Sewage of the Metropolis and reports from Select Committees on Sewerage Bills, with minutes of evidence appendices and index, 1884-91Leave the NDL website. Reports from Committees and Commissions on customs officers, civil establishments and Civil Service copyists, with minutes of evidence, appendices and an index, 1881-87Leave the NDL website. Report from the General Board of Health on the Supply of Water to the Metropolis, with appendices, 1850Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Crime and punishment : TransportationLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Insurance : Friendly societiesLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Education : GeneralLeave the NDL website. Reports from Select Committees on Controverted Elections and on Election proceedings and expenses : with minutes of evidence and appendices, 1834-44Leave the NDL website. Select Committee report on town holdings : with minutes of evidence, appendix and index, 1888Leave the NDL website. Reports from Select Committees on Parliamentary and Municipal Elections : with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendices and index, 1868-70Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Education : Poorer classesLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : [General] indexLeave the NDL website. 1891 Census ScotlandLeave the NDL website. Select committee reports on money lending with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendices and indices, 1897-98Leave the NDL website. General and local reports of the Commissioners on the Municipal Corporations of Scotland, 1835Leave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Government: Diplomatic serviceLeave the NDL website. 1871 census, England and Wales; ages, civil condition, occupations and birthplacesLeave the NDL website. Reports from committees and commissioners on official salaries and the emoluments of public offices : with minutes of evidence, appendices and an index, 1837-50Leave the NDL website. Reports from Select Committees on the Supply of Water to the Metropolis, with minutes of evidence and appendices and an additional report from the House of Lords, with minutes of evidence appendix and indexLeave the NDL website. Reports from Select Committees on Election Petition Recognizances, the Corrupt Practices Prevention Act (1854), and the Elective Franchise, with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendices and indices, 1852-60Leave the NDL website. Further appendix and an index to the fourth report of the Commissioners on Friendly and Benefit Building Societies, 1874Leave the NDL website. Reports from Select Committees on Friendly Societies : with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix and indicesLeave the NDL website. Second report of the Commissioners on the Municipal Corporations of England and Wales : with correspondence and protests from certain Commissioners, 1835-38Leave the NDL website. General reportLeave the NDL website. Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : EmigrationLeave the NDL website. Reports from select committees on the improvement of the metropolis and on the regulation of buildings and the improvement of boroughs with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendices and indicesLeave the NDL website. Reports from Select Committees on the Laws Respecting Friendly Societies, with a report from the House of Lords on the Provident Associations' Fraud Prevention Bill : with minutes of evidence and appendicesLeave the NDL website. Statistics relating to schools in Scotland, [by the Education Commission (Scotland)]; and, A report to the Commissioners in England and Scotland on the Common School system of the United States and Canada, 1867, [by James Fraser]Leave the NDL website. Report from the committee of secrecy on the Bank of England charter with minutes of evidence, appendix and indexLeave the NDL website. First, second and third reports of the Civil Service Inquiry Commission : with appendices and index, 1875-76Leave the NDL website. Minutes of evidence taken before the Select Committee on the Metropolis Water Bills, with an indexLeave the NDL website. Reports of the Assistant Commissioners on the state of popular education in England, with appendices, 1861Leave the NDL website.

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Second report of the Royal Commission on the Working of the Elementary Education Acts, England and Wales, with appendices, 1887
Report from the Select Committee on Assurance Associations, with minutes of evidence, appendix and index, together with reports on fire insurance duties and life annuities, 1829-63
1891 census England and Wales. Area, housing and population
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Crime and punishment : Penal servitude
First report of the Commissioners on the Municipal Corporations of England and Wales, with appendix. Part 1, 1835
Appendix to the final report of the Royal Commission on the Working of the Elementary Education Acts, England and Wales, together with information relating to training colleges, 1888
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Colonies : New Zealand
First report of the Commissioners on the Housing of the Working Classes [England and Wales], with minutes of evidence and appendix, 1884-85
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Report of the Commissioners on the state of popular education in England, with an index, 1861
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : agriculture
1851 census Great Britain. Reports and tables on education, England and Wales, and on religious worship and education, Scotland
Select Committee report on town holdings, with minutes of evidence, appendix and index, 1887
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Industrial revolution : Factories
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Health : Medical profession
Appendix [part III] to the first report of the Commissioners on the Municipal Corporations of England and Wales, 1835
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Trade and industry : Depression
Reports from select committees on public walks and on the improvement of the metropolis : with minutes of evidence, appendices and index
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : National finance : Income tax
Second report of the Commissioners on Schools in Scotland, with an appendix and reports from Assistant Commissioners, 1867
Statistical report of the Royal Commission on the Working of the Elementary Education Acts England and Wales, together with information relating to foreign educational systems, 1888
Appendix to the report of the Commissioners on the Revenues and Management of Certain Colleges and Schools,1864
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Poor law
Third report of the Royal Commission on the working of the Elementary Education Acts, England and Wales, with appendices, 1887
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Colonies : General
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First report of the Commissioners on Schools in Scotland, with appendix, 1865-67
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Select Committee report and reports from Her Majesty's Commissioners on the Civil Service : with proceedings, minutes of evidence and appendices, 1856-57
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Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Fuel and power : Mining royalties
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First report and second report (part 1) of the Commissioners on Friendly and Benefit Building Societies : with minutes of evidence, appendix, index and a supplementary report, 1871-73
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Reports from Select Committees and other papers on corrupt practices, and other matters relating to elections : with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendices and indices, 1870-98
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Newspapers
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Monetary policy : Commercial distress
First and second reports from the Select Committee Appointed to Inquire into the Constitution of the Diplomatic and Consular Services : with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendices and indices, and an additional report
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Government : Municipal corporations
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Crime and punishment : Prisons
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Industrial revolution : Trade
Reports from Select Committees on Artisans' and Laboures' Dwellings, with minutes of evidence, appendices and indices, 1881-82
Minutes of evidence taken before the Select Committee on the Metropolis Water Supply Bills, with further minutes of evidence and an index
Reports of the Commissioners on the State of Education in Wales, with appendices, [part II and part III], 1847
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Trade and industry : Navigation laws
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Colonies : East India
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Select Committee reports on perpetual pensions and reports from the Commissioners on Civil Establishments : with minutes of evidence, appendices and index, 1887-92
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1851 census Great Britain. Report and tables on religious worship, England and Wales
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Industrial revolution : Textiles
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Select Committee report on town holdings, with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix and index, 1890-92
Reports of the Assistant Commissioners on Friendly and Benefit Building Societies, with indices, 1874
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Urban areas : Planning
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : [Monetary policy] : Joint stock banks
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : National finance : General
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Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Legal administration: Criminal law
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Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Military and naval
Report from the Commissioners on the London Stock Exchange : with minutes of evidence, appendix, index and analysis, 1878
Third report from the Royal Commission on the Sewage of Towns and Select Committee and other reports on the disposal and treatment of town sewage with minutes of evidence appendices and index, 1865-76
Evidence before the Commissioners on the Revenues and Management of Certain Colleges and Schools, 1864
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Population
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Stage and theatre
1891 census, England and Wales: ages, marital condition, occupations, birthplaces and infirmities
Comparative account of the population of Great Britain in the years 1801, 1811,1821,1831
Ulster and Connacht : area, population and housing
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : health, mental
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Marriage and divorce
Third report of the Commissioners on schools in Scotland together with reports from Assistant Commissioners and special reports on public and private schools, Sessions 1867-68
Reports from select committees and committees of secrecy on the state of commercial credit, the Bank of England and the high price of gold bullion with minutes of evidence and appendices
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Social problems : Drunkenness
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Civil disorder
Indices to the first report [England and Wales], with the second report [Scotland] and third report [Ireland] of the Commissioners on the Housing of the Working classes, with minutes of evidence, appendices and indices 1884-85
Select Committee report on town holdings, with minutes of evidence, appendix and index, 1890
Correspondence, reports and other papers relating to the slave trade, 1876-88
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Slave trade
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : [Fuel and power] : Mining districts
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : [General] index
Reports from Select Committees on the London Water Supply and the London Water Commission Bill, with proceedings minutes of evidence appendices and indices, 1880-91
Reports from Select Committees on Metropolis and Town Sewers, with proceedings minutes of evidence, appendices and index
Appendix (part II) : to the first report of the Commissioners on the Municipal Corporations of England and Wales, 1835
First and second reports from the select committee of secrecy on banks of issue with minutes of evidence, appendix and index
Reports papers and a treasury minute relating to the re-organisation of the permanent civil service, 1854-55
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Monetary policy : Savings banks
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Fuel and power : Gas
Appendix (part IV and part V) to the first report of the Commissioners on the Municipal Corporations of England and Wales, 1835
1861 and 1871 censuses England and Wales : general reports
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Health : General
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Inventions : General
Second report of the Royal Commission on Civil Service Establishments of the Different Offices of State at Home and Abroad : with minutes of evidence and appendix, 1888
Report from the select committee on bank acts with proceedings and minutes of evidence 1857
Report from the Royal Commission on the Supply of Water to the Metropolis, with minutes of evidence, 1893-94
Final report of the Royal Commission on the Working of the elementary education acts, England and Wales, with digest of evidence and index
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Anthropology : Aborigines
Report of the Select Committee of the House of Lords and of the Commissioners on the Patent Office Accounts and the Resignation of Mr Edmunds : with minutes of evidence, appendix and index, 1865
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Crime and punishment : Police
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Urban areas : Water supply
Reports from secret committees of the House of Commons and the House of Lords on the expediency of the resumption of cash payments with minutes of evidence and appendices
Report from the select committee on banks of issue with minutes of evidence, appendix and index
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Government : Elections
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Industrial revolution : Design
First and second reports from the Select Committee on Open Spaces (Metropolis) : with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendices and index
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Health : Infectious diseases
Appendix and index to the report from the select committee on bank acts 1857
Select Committee report on town holdings, with minutes of evidence and index, 1886
Leinster and Munster area, population and housing
Select Committee report on Bertolacci's Petition and reports of the Commissioners on the Superannuation Act : with minutes of evidence, appendices and index, 1857-58
Report from the select committee on banks of issue with proceedings minutes of evidence, appendix and index
Reports from Select Committees appointed to inquire into the consular department and the consular service : with proceedings, minutes of evidence appendices and index
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Colonies : Africa
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Social problems : Sunday observance
Report from the Select Committee appointed to inquire into the constitution of the Diplomatic and Consular Services : with proceedings, minutes of evidence and appendix
Select Committee report on Town Holdings : with proceedings and an index
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Colonies : Canada
1871 Census England and Wales : preliminary report with tables, area housing and population
Reports from select committees of the House of Commons and the House of Lords on promissory notes in Scotland and Ireland with minutes of evidence, appendices and index
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Social problems : Gambling
Report from the Select Committee on Bribery at Elections : together with minutes of evidence, appendix and index
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Monetary policy : Currency
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Transport and communications
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Fisheries
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Transport and communications : Posts and telegraphs
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Education : General
Schools Inquiry Commission
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Trade and industry : Silver and gold wares
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Industrial relations
1881 and 1891 censuses, England and Wales : 1881 general report, 1891 preliminary and general reports, population of islands
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Colonies : West Indies
Reports from the Select Committees on the London Streets Bill, and on Town Improvements, with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix and index, 1890-94
Select Committee and other reports on friendly societies, building societies and industrial and provident societies : with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendices and indices, 1886-99
Report from the Select Committee on Civil Service Superannuation : with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix and index, 1856
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Religion
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : [Fuel and power]: mining accidents
Appendix to the general report together with local reports of the Commissioners on the Municipal Corporations of Scotland, 1836
Returns and other papers including commissioners' report on the administration and finances of the Cape Government, 1816-27
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Crime and punishment : Juvenile offenders
1841 Census Great Britain. statements on population : enumeration, abstract, indexes to place name
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Colonies : Australia
Minutes of evidence before the Select Committee on the London Drainage Bill, with an index and reports on sanitation, with an abstract of evidence appendices and plans, 1846-53
Reports, papers and correspondence relating to the Commission on Popular Education in England, 1861-62
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Monetary policy : Decimal coinage
Third report and fourth report (part 1) of the Commissioners on Friendly and Benefit Building Societies : with minutes of evidence, appendices and an index, 1873-74
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : agriculture : animal health
First report of the Royal Commission on the Working of the Elementary Education Acts, England and Wales : with appendix, 1886
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Slave trade
Reports from committees and from commissioners on the employment of Royal Engineers, on Civil Service writers, and other affairs relating to the administration of the civil service : with minutes of evidence, appendices and indices, 1867-74
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Trade and industry : Explosives
Second and final report from the Royal Commission on the Discharge of Sewage of the Metropolis and reports from Select Committees on Sewerage Bills, with minutes of evidence appendices and index, 1884-91
Reports from Committees and Commissions on customs officers, civil establishments and Civil Service copyists, with minutes of evidence, appendices and an index, 1881-87
Report from the General Board of Health on the Supply of Water to the Metropolis, with appendices, 1850
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Crime and punishment : Transportation
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Insurance : Friendly societies
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Education : General
Reports from Select Committees on Controverted Elections and on Election proceedings and expenses : with minutes of evidence and appendices, 1834-44
Select Committee report on town holdings : with minutes of evidence, appendix and index, 1888
Reports from Select Committees on Parliamentary and Municipal Elections : with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendices and index, 1868-70
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Education : Poorer classes
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : [General] index
1891 Census Scotland
Select committee reports on money lending with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendices and indices, 1897-98
General and local reports of the Commissioners on the Municipal Corporations of Scotland, 1835
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Government: Diplomatic service
1871 census, England and Wales; ages, civil condition, occupations and birthplaces
Reports from committees and commissioners on official salaries and the emoluments of public offices : with minutes of evidence, appendices and an index, 1837-50
Reports from Select Committees on the Supply of Water to the Metropolis, with minutes of evidence and appendices and an additional report from the House of Lords, with minutes of evidence appendix and index
Reports from Select Committees on Election Petition Recognizances, the Corrupt Practices Prevention Act (1854), and the Elective Franchise, with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendices and indices, 1852-60
Further appendix and an index to the fourth report of the Commissioners on Friendly and Benefit Building Societies, 1874
Reports from Select Committees on Friendly Societies : with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendix and indices
Second report of the Commissioners on the Municipal Corporations of England and Wales : with correspondence and protests from certain Commissioners, 1835-38
General report
Irish University Press series of British parliamentary papers : Emigration
Reports from select committees on the improvement of the metropolis and on the regulation of buildings and the improvement of boroughs with proceedings, minutes of evidence, appendices and indices
Reports from Select Committees on the Laws Respecting Friendly Societies, with a report from the House of Lords on the Provident Associations' Fraud Prevention Bill : with minutes of evidence and appendices
Statistics relating to schools in Scotland, [by the Education Commission (Scotland)]; and, A report to the Commissioners in England and Scotland on the Common School system of the United States and Canada, 1867, [by James Fraser]
Report from the committee of secrecy on the Bank of England charter with minutes of evidence, appendix and index
First, second and third reports of the Civil Service Inquiry Commission : with appendices and index, 1875-76
Minutes of evidence taken before the Select Committee on the Metropolis Water Bills, with an index
Reports of the Assistant Commissioners on the state of popular education in England, with appendices, 1861
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