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懷香記Leave the NDL website. 宵光記Leave the NDL website. 新鐫圖像音註周羽教子尋親記Leave the NDL website. 博笑記Leave the NDL website. 高文擧珍珠記Leave the NDL website. 倒鴛鴦傳奇Leave the NDL website. 金童玉女嬌紅記Leave the NDL website. 黨人碑Leave the NDL website. 姜詩躍鯉記Leave the NDL website. 千鍾禄 ; 萬里圓Leave the NDL website. 錦衣歸 ; 萬年觴Leave the NDL website. 三桂聯芳記Leave the NDL website. 幻縁箱傳奇Leave the NDL website. 石麟鏡 ; 五代榮Leave the NDL website. 玉簪記Leave the NDL website. 原本王状元荊釵記Leave the NDL website. 易鞋記Leave the NDL website. 蘇英皇后鸚鵡記Leave the NDL website. 一笠菴新編眉山秀傳奇Leave the NDL website. 金鎖記Leave the NDL website. 譚友夏鍾伯敬批評綰春園傳奇Leave the NDL website. 灌園記Leave the NDL website. 醉菩提傳奇Leave the NDL website. 秦樓月Leave the NDL website. 長命縷Leave the NDL website. 一笠菴新編占花魁傳奇Leave the NDL website. 修文記Leave the NDL website. 小青娘風流院傳奇Leave the NDL website. 李卓吾批評琵琶記Leave the NDL website. 雙和合 ; 二種Leave the NDL website. 夏爲堂人天樂傳奇Leave the NDL website. 水滸記Leave the NDL website. 管鮑分金記Leave the NDL website. 新刻出像音註岳飛破虜東窗記Leave the NDL website. 劉漢卿白蛇記Leave the NDL website. 原本王状元荊釵記Leave the NDL website. 節孝記Leave the NDL website. 古名家雜劇Leave the NDL website. 觀世音修行香山記Leave the NDL website. 琴心記Leave the NDL website. 吕眞人黄粱夢境記Leave the NDL website. 三元記Leave the NDL website. 驚鴻記Leave the NDL website. 劉玄徳三顧草廬記Leave the NDL website. 吉慶圖Leave the NDL website. 紅梅記Leave the NDL website. 臙脂記Leave the NDL website. 魏仲雪批評投筆記Leave the NDL website. 八義雙盃記Leave the NDL website. 鳴鳳記Leave the NDL website. 獅吼記Leave the NDL website. 吕眞人黄粱夢境記Leave the NDL website. 花筵賺Leave the NDL website. 靈寶刀Leave the NDL website. 金剛鳳傳奇Leave the NDL website. 綵樓記Leave the NDL website. 意中人Leave the NDL website. 魏監磨忠記Leave the NDL website. 金鈿盒傳奇Leave the NDL website. 玉茗堂批評續西廂昇仙記Leave the NDL website. 一笠菴新編永團圓傳奇Leave the NDL website. 泊菴芙蓉影Leave the NDL website. 節侠記Leave the NDL website. 如是觀Leave the NDL website. 西湖記Leave the NDL website. 羅衫記傳奇Leave the NDL website. 四聲猿Leave the NDL website. 櫻桃夢Leave the NDL website. 楊東來批評西游記Leave the NDL website. 青衫記Leave the NDL website. 元宵鬧傳奇Leave the NDL website. 精忠記Leave the NDL website. 林冲寳劍記Leave the NDL website. 李卓吾批評幽閨記Leave the NDL website. 劍嘯閣自訂西樓夢傳奇Leave the NDL website. 魏仲雪批評投筆記Leave the NDL website. 何文秀玉釵記Leave the NDL website. 泊菴芙蓉影Leave the NDL website. 古城記Leave the NDL website. 一笠菴新編人獸關傳奇Leave the NDL website. 蝴蝶夢Leave the NDL website. 麒麟罽Leave the NDL website. 玉茗堂批評種玉記Leave the NDL website. 墨憨齋新訂精忠旗傳奇Leave the NDL website. 重校五倫傳香嚢記Leave the NDL website. 翡翠園Leave the NDL website. 修文記Leave the NDL website. 紅情言Leave the NDL website. 奇遇玉丸記Leave the NDL website. 新刻魏仲雪先生批評投筆記Leave the NDL website. 五福記Leave the NDL website. 天馬媒Leave the NDL website. 四豔記Leave the NDL website. 龍膏記Leave the NDL website. 雙螭璧Leave the NDL website. 遙集堂新編馬郎俠牟尼合記Leave the NDL website. 劉秀雲臺記Leave the NDL website. 靈犀錦傳奇Leave the NDL website. 商輅三元記Leave the NDL website. 詩賦盟傳奇Leave the NDL website. 目連救母勸善戲文Leave the NDL website. 小孫屠沒興遭盆吊 . 張協状元 . 宦門子弟錯立身Leave the NDL website. 牧羊記Leave the NDL website. 觀音魚籃記 . 袁文正還魂記Leave the NDL website. 新編磨塵鑑Leave the NDL website. 朝陽鳳Leave the NDL website. 元明雜劇Leave the NDL website. 鳳求凰Leave the NDL website. 瓔珞會Leave the NDL website. 劉漢卿白蛇記Leave the NDL website. 蘇英皇后鸚鵡記Leave the NDL website. 環翠堂樂府三祝記Leave the NDL website. 釵釧記Leave the NDL website. 鮫綃記Leave the NDL website. 丹桂記Leave the NDL website. 新刊重訂附釋標註出相伍倫全備忠孝記Leave the NDL website. 虎符記Leave the NDL website. 雙烈記Leave the NDL website. 姜詩躍鯉記Leave the NDL website. 紫瓊瑤 ; 釣魚船Leave the NDL website. 元本蔡伯喈琵琶記Leave the NDL website. 金丸記Leave the NDL website. 韓湘子九度文公昇仙記Leave the NDL website. 古雜劇Leave the NDL website. 豔雲亭Leave the NDL website. 未央天傳奇Leave the NDL website. 李卓吾批評幽閨記Leave the NDL website. 重刻元本題評音釋西廂記Leave the NDL website. 龍燈賺Leave the NDL website. 金瓶梅Leave the NDL website. 快活三Leave the NDL website. 伍倫全備忠孝記Leave the NDL website. 青袍記Leave the NDL website. 軒轅鏡Leave the NDL website. 李十郎紫簫記Leave the NDL website. 埋劍記Leave the NDL website. 新刻回春記Leave the NDL website. 重訂拜月亭記Leave the NDL website. 重校金印記Leave the NDL website. 墨憨齋訂定萬事足傳奇Leave the NDL website. 舉鼎記傳奇Leave the NDL website. 邯鄲夢記Leave the NDL website. 劉秀雲臺記Leave the NDL website. 韓朋十義記Leave the NDL website. 鸞鎞記Leave the NDL website. 新編雙魚珮傳奇Leave the NDL website. 墨憨齋重定雙雄傳奇Leave the NDL website. 陸天池西廂記Leave the NDL website. 旗亭記Leave the NDL website. 鴛鴦縧傳奇Leave the NDL website. 冬青記Leave the NDL website. 桃林賺傳奇Leave the NDL website. 薛仁貴跨海征東白袍記Leave the NDL website. 張玉娘閨房三清鸚鵡墓貞文記Leave the NDL website. 明月環傳奇Leave the NDL website. 海潮音 ; 讀書聲Leave the NDL website. 上林春Leave the NDL website. 鮫綃記Leave the NDL website. 詠懷堂新編勘蝴蝶雙金榜記Leave the NDL website. 劉玄徳三顧草廬記Leave the NDL website. 范雎綈袍記Leave the NDL website. 裴度香山還帯記Leave the NDL website. 荷花蕩Leave the NDL website. 五福記 . 竊符記Leave the NDL website. 重訂拜月亭記Leave the NDL website. 目連救母勸善戲文Leave the NDL website. 徐孝克孝義祝髮記Leave the NDL website. 醉郷記Leave the NDL website. 新刊元本蔡伯喈琵琶記Leave the NDL website. 竇禹鈞全徳記Leave the NDL website. 筆耒齋訂定二奇縁傳奇Leave the NDL website. 環翠堂樂府投桃記Leave the NDL website. 舉鼎記Leave the NDL website. 秋虎丘Leave the NDL website. 狄梁公返周望雲忠孝記Leave the NDL website. 雙蝶夢Leave the NDL website. 藍橋玉杵記Leave the NDL website. 玉鴛鴦Leave the NDL website. 鸚鵡洲Leave the NDL website. 青虹嘯傳奇Leave the NDL website. 林冲寳劍記Leave the NDL website. 玉茗堂批評異夢記Leave the NDL website. 環翠堂樂府彩舟記Leave the NDL website. 聚寶盆Leave the NDL website. 三桂聯芳記Leave the NDL website. 英雄槪傳奇Leave the NDL website. 古今名劇合選Leave the NDL website. 玉茗堂批評異夢記Leave the NDL website. 新刻出像音註商輅三元記Leave the NDL website. 玉茗堂批評種玉記Leave the NDL website. 非非想Leave the NDL website. 奇遇玉丸記Leave the NDL website. 節俠記Leave the NDL website. 陽春奏Leave the NDL website. 劍侠傳雙紅記Leave the NDL website. 翠屏山 . 千祥記Leave the NDL website. 鬱輪袍傳奇Leave the NDL website. 劍俠傳雙紅記Leave the NDL website. 徐孝克孝義祝髮記Leave the NDL website. 一笠菴新編一棒雪傳奇Leave the NDL website. 鸚鵡洲Leave the NDL website. 四美記Leave the NDL website. 衣珠記 . 倒浣紗傳奇Leave the NDL website. 新刻出像音註花欄韓信千金記Leave the NDL website. 韓湘子九度文公昇仙記Leave the NDL website. 刻李九我先生批評破窰記Leave the NDL website. 武侯七勝記Leave the NDL website. 曇花記Leave the NDL website. 三社記Leave the NDL website. 櫻桃夢Leave the NDL website. 療妬羹記Leave the NDL website. 投梭記Leave the NDL website. 連環記Leave the NDL website. 周羽教子尋親記Leave the NDL website. 重重喜傳奇Leave the NDL website. 八義記Leave the NDL website. 乾坤嘯Leave the NDL website. 錦箋記Leave the NDL website. 吐絨記Leave the NDL website. 劉智遠白兔記Leave the NDL website. 李卓吾先生批評幽閨記Leave the NDL website. 綵毫記Leave the NDL website. 新刻出像音註劉玄徳三顧草廬記Leave the NDL website. 金丸記Leave the NDL website. 續精忠記Leave the NDL website. 劍嘯閣鷫鸘裘記Leave the NDL website. 稱人心 . 長生樂Leave the NDL website. 新編金童玉女嬌紅記Leave the NDL website. 畫中人傳奇Leave the NDL website. 金童玉女嬌紅記Leave the NDL website. 環翠堂樂府義烈記Leave the NDL website. 裴度香山還帯記Leave the NDL website. 墨憨齋重定三會親風流夢Leave the NDL website. 南調西廂記Leave the NDL website. 屠赤水批評荊釵記Leave the NDL website. 元刋雜劇三十種Leave the NDL website. 識間堂第一種飜西廂Leave the NDL website. 新刻出像音註増補劉智遠白兔記Leave the NDL website. 重校十無端巧合紅蕖記Leave the NDL website. 藍橋玉杵記Leave the NDL website. 雙魚記Leave the NDL website. 驚鴻記Leave the NDL website. 張子房赤松記Leave the NDL website. 張巡許遠雙忠記Leave the NDL website. 遍地錦Leave the NDL website. 新刊重訂出像附釋標註音釋趙氏孤児記Leave the NDL website. 小青娘風流院傳奇Leave the NDL website. 觀世音修行香山記Leave the NDL website. 天寶曲史Leave the NDL website. 橘浦記Leave the NDL website. 岳飛破虜東窗記Leave the NDL website. 新刊重訂出相附釋標註月亭記Leave the NDL website. 紅梨花記Leave the NDL website. 何文秀玉釵記Leave the NDL website. 紅梨記Leave the NDL website. 一笠菴彙編清忠譜傳奇Leave the NDL website. 景園記傳奇Leave the NDL website. 粧樓記Leave the NDL website. 雙福壽 ; 吉祥兆Leave the NDL website. 張玉娘閨房三清鸚鵡墓貞文記Leave the NDL website. 血影石傳奇Leave the NDL website. 靈犀佩傳奇Leave the NDL website. 人中龍傳奇Leave the NDL website. 喜逢春Leave the NDL website. 孔夫子周遊列國大成麒麟記Leave the NDL website. 金花記傳奇Leave the NDL website. 元本題評西廂記Leave the NDL website. 雙珠記Leave the NDL website. 小孫屠等三種Leave the NDL website. 南調西廂記Leave the NDL website. 白兔記Leave the NDL website. 雜劇選Leave the NDL website. 李卓吾先生批評琵琶記Leave the NDL website. 翠屏山 . 千祥記Leave the NDL website. 牛頭山Leave the NDL website. 麒麟罽Leave the NDL website. 竇禹鈞全徳記Leave the NDL website. 新刻原本王状元荊釵記Leave the NDL website. 望湖亭記Leave the NDL website. 唐韋状元自製箜篌記Leave the NDL website. 青袍記Leave the NDL website. 懷古堂新編後漁家樂傳奇Leave the NDL website. 殺狗記Leave the NDL website. 重校五倫傳香嚢記Leave the NDL website. 馮京三元記Leave the NDL website. 春蕪記Leave the NDL website. 二胥記Leave the NDL website. 鴛鴦夢傳奇Leave the NDL website. 高文擧珍珠記Leave the NDL website. 管鮑分金記Leave the NDL website. 新刊大字魁本全相參増竒妙註釋西廂記Leave the NDL website. 蘇武牧羊記Leave the NDL website. 冬青記Leave the NDL website. 一種情Leave the NDL website. 東方朔偸桃記Leave the NDL website. 環翠堂樂府投桃記Leave the NDL website. 袁文正還魂記Leave the NDL website. 新刻出像音註姜詩躍鯉記Leave the NDL website. 虎符記Leave the NDL website. 玉茗堂批評焚香記Leave the NDL website. 臙脂記Leave the NDL website. 新刊重訂出相附釋標註裴度香山還帯記Leave the NDL website. 新刻出像音註唐朝張巡許遠雙忠記Leave the NDL website. 秣陵春傳奇Leave the NDL website. 重訂趙氏孤兒記Leave the NDL website. 節義鴛鴦塚嬌紅記Leave the NDL website. 張子房赤松記Leave the NDL website. 連環記Leave the NDL website. 詠懷堂新編十錯認春燈謎記Leave the NDL website. 薛平遼金貂記Leave the NDL website. 西園記Leave the NDL website. 韋鳳翔古玉環記Leave the NDL website. 韓信千金記Leave the NDL website. 范雎綈袍記Leave the NDL website. 長命縷Leave the NDL website. 宵光記Leave the NDL website. 紅梨花記Leave the NDL website. 重訂趙氏孤兒記Leave the NDL website. 節孝記Leave the NDL website. 牡丹亭Leave the NDL website. 金鎖記Leave the NDL website. 夢花酣Leave the NDL website. 義俠記Leave the NDL website. 韓夫人題紅記Leave the NDL website. 懷遠堂批點燕子箋Leave the NDL website. 墨憨齋重訂夢磊傳奇Leave the NDL website. 紅梅記Leave the NDL website. 環翠堂樂府彩舟記Leave the NDL website. 玉茗堂批評焚香記Leave the NDL website. 紫釵記Leave the NDL website. 新編龍鳳錢Leave the NDL website. 環翠堂樂府重訂天書記Leave the NDL website. 金丸記Leave the NDL website. 觀音魚籃記 . 袁文正還魂記Leave the NDL website. 黄孝子尋親記Leave the NDL website. 楊東來先生批評西游記Leave the NDL website. 節義鴛鴦塚嬌紅記Leave the NDL website. 滑稽館新編三報恩傳奇Leave the NDL website. 繡襦記Leave the NDL website. 浣紗記Leave the NDL website. 岳飛破虜東窗記Leave the NDL website. 東郭記Leave the NDL website. 一種情Leave the NDL website. 墨憨齋新訂灑雪堂傳奇Leave the NDL website. 精忠記Leave the NDL website. 十錦塘Leave the NDL website. 新刻宋璟鶼釵記Leave the NDL website. 殺狗記Leave the NDL website. 竊符記Leave the NDL website. 蘇武牧羊記Leave the NDL website. 緑牡丹傳奇Leave the NDL website. 新刻全像古城記Leave the NDL website. 環翠堂樂府三祝記Leave the NDL website. 古本荊釵記Leave the NDL website. 伍倫全備忠孝記Leave the NDL website. 紅拂記Leave the NDL website. 新編臙脂雪傳奇Leave the NDL website. 白兔記Leave the NDL website. 譚友夏批點想當然傳奇Leave the NDL website. 張深之先生正北西廂秘本Leave the NDL website. 十五貫Leave the NDL website. 情郵傳奇Leave the NDL website. 環翠堂樂府義烈記Leave the NDL website. 錦蒲團Leave the NDL website. 張巡許遠雙忠記Leave the NDL website. 繡幃燈傳奇Leave the NDL website. 韋鳳翔古玉環記Leave the NDL website. 二胥記Leave the NDL website. 張深之正北西廂秘本Leave the NDL website. 李九我批評破窰記Leave the NDL website. 韓夫人題紅記Leave the NDL website. 一笠菴新編兩鬚眉傳奇Leave the NDL website. 雙鳳齊鳴記Leave the NDL website. 櫻桃記Leave the NDL website. 易鞋記Leave the NDL website. 厓山烈傳奇Leave the NDL website. 紅羅鏡 . 新編磨塵鑑Leave the NDL website. 舉鼎記Leave the NDL website. 喜逢春Leave the NDL website. 王商忠節癸靈廟玉玦記Leave the NDL website. 丹桂記Leave the NDL website. 脈望館鈔校本古今雜劇Leave the NDL website. 李卓吾批評玉合記Leave the NDL website. 麒麟閣Leave the NDL website. 桃符記Leave the NDL website. 明珠記Leave the NDL website. 玉鏡臺記Leave the NDL website. 玉茗堂批評續西廂昇仙記Leave the NDL website. 譚友夏批點想當然傳奇Leave the NDL website. 鴛鴦棒Leave the NDL website. 弄珠樓Leave the NDL website. 琥珀匙Leave the NDL website. 王昭君出塞和戎記Leave the NDL website. 御雪豹Leave the NDL website. 黄孝子傳奇Leave the NDL website. 環翠堂樂府重訂天書記Leave the NDL website. 李九我批評破窰記Leave the NDL website. 量江記Leave the NDL website. 靈犀佩傳奇Leave the NDL website. 重校金印記Leave the NDL website. 薛仁貴跨海征東白袍記Leave the NDL website. 奪秋魁Leave the NDL website. 韓朋十義記Leave the NDL website. 望湖亭記Leave the NDL website. 裴度香山還帯記Leave the NDL website. 金蓮記Leave the NDL website. 古城記Leave the NDL website. 屠赤水批評荊釵記Leave the NDL website. 旗亭記Leave the NDL website. 薛平遼金貂記Leave the NDL website. 四喜記Leave the NDL website. 竹葉舟傳奇Leave the NDL website. 五鬧蕉帕記Leave the NDL website. 韓信千金記Leave the NDL website. 雙冠誥Leave the NDL website. 靈寶刀Leave the NDL website. 王昭君出塞和戎記Leave the NDL website. 墨憨齋詳訂酒家傭傳奇Leave the NDL website. 新刊奇妙全相註釋西廂記Leave the NDL website. 御袍恩Leave the NDL website. 四豔記Leave the NDL website. 南柯夢Leave the NDL website. 唐韋状元自製箜篌記Leave the NDL website. 太平錢Leave the NDL website.

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