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[Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University]
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Some properties of brackish sediments along the Chao Phraya River of ThailandLeave the NDL website. On the two-gap analysis of foreign aidLeave the NDL website. マクロ生産性変化の測定 1951-1968年Leave the NDL website. Topographical analysis of the southern basin of the central plain, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Physiography of rice land in the Chao Phraya Basin of ThailandLeave the NDL website. Family circle, community, and Nation in MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. Economic theory and social accounting systemLeave the NDL website. Climate of South and Southeast Asia according to Thornthwaite's Classification SchemeLeave the NDL website. Minimum wage regulation and economic growthLeave the NDL website. 家族・親族集団の国際比較 : タイ国と日本Leave the NDL website. A review of rice experiments in ThailandLeave the NDL website. Indigenous entrepreneurs in the ASEAN countriesLeave the NDL website. Japanese entrepreneurship in the early stage of economic developmentLeave the NDL website. A revised index of industrial production for Japan, 1905-1935Leave the NDL website. The aftereffects of hajj and kaan buatLeave the NDL website. The challenge of the rising sunLeave the NDL website. Econometric growth model forecasting simulations for postwar Japan : 1952-1980Leave the NDL website. 南タイ農村の経済生活 : タイ・イスラム村落での実態調査Leave the NDL website. パガン,ピンヤ,インワ時代のビルマの社会Leave the NDL website. Numerical classification of the climate of South and Southeast AsiaLeave the NDL website. Environmental determinants affecting the potential dissemination of high yielding varieties of rice : a case study of the Chao Phraya River basinLeave the NDL website. 南タイにおける通婚圏の形成Leave the NDL website. An Ecological Interpretation of Thai HistoryLeave the NDL website. Thai pattern of social organization : note on a comparative studyLeave the NDL website. タイ仏教の構造Leave the NDL website. 人口史研究の意義と方法 : 経済発展論の立場からLeave the NDL website. Freight rates and productivity in ocean transportation for Japan, 1875-1943Leave the NDL website. Postwar Japan in the world economyLeave the NDL website. パガン,ピンヤ,インワ時代のビルマ人仏教徒の呪詛Leave the NDL website. Geographical distribution and ecotypic differentiation of wild rice in ThailandLeave the NDL website. Grain loss during hand harvesting in the rice cultivation in Kedah, West MalaysiaLeave the NDL website. 東南アジア農業開発研究の方法と問題Leave the NDL website. Yield components survey in the Suraburi-Ayutthaya area, 1967Leave the NDL website. Gramineae and Cyperaceae of ThailandLeave the NDL website. Policy-induced growth and the older generationLeave the NDL website. A study of Philippine manufacturing corporationsLeave the NDL website. 東北タイの水田Leave the NDL website. Changes in fertility in Japan by region : 1920-1965Leave the NDL website. Urbanization and rural change : Tambon Om NoiLeave the NDL website. The agriculture of Nepal : its ecology and historical developmentLeave the NDL website. 農業地理学と発展途上国農業開発 : 応用地理学の一課題Leave the NDL website. A list of Labiatae known from ThailandLeave the NDL website. An outline of the structure of the Akha language (Part 1) : Introduction and PhonemicsLeave the NDL website. スコータイにおける大寺派上座部仏教の受容をめぐる諸問題Leave the NDL website. Seventeenth century Japanese documents about SiamLeave the NDL website. Long-term models of the japanese economyLeave the NDL website. The present state of research on urbanization and its effect on cultural changes in ASPAC member countries : a bibliographic surveyLeave the NDL website. The problem of accounting for productivity change in the construction price indexLeave the NDL website. The growth rate as a determinant of the saving ratioLeave the NDL website. 多極化と「従属体系」状況の変容 : 地域主義との関連Leave the NDL website. The cretical problems of development countriesLeave the NDL website. An analysis of the effect of environmental factors on paddy rice yields : a case study from the northern region of the greater Chao Phraya projectLeave the NDL website. 家族の周期と村落構造 : タイ国東北部の稲作農村Leave the NDL website. 熱帯農学の教育・研究にかんする国際協力Leave the NDL website. The political elite cycle in ThailandLeave the NDL website. Economic growth, savings and housing finance in JapanLeave the NDL website. Demand functions : an application to the japanese expenditure patternLeave the NDL website. ラーマ1世における仏教の「擁護」Leave the NDL website. A method of fertility evaluation for paddy soilsLeave the NDL website. The taman siswa movement : its early eight years and Javanese backgroundLeave the NDL website. Modern economists' views on the Japanese economy - a SurveyLeave the NDL website. タイ国における出家行動の地域的変異についての一考察Leave the NDL website. Productivity change in the Japanese economy, 1905-65Leave the NDL website. 東南アジア農業開発と農業教育Leave the NDL website. Impatiens of Thailand and MalayaLeave the NDL website. Possibility of higher yield viewed from the yield component surveys in farmers' fieldsLeave the NDL website. Hedyotis (Rubiaceae) of ThailandLeave the NDL website. Japanese firms in AsiaLeave the NDL website. A method of capability evaluation for upland soilsLeave the NDL website. 二重構造Leave the NDL website. Debt accumulation, oil crisis and international financingLeave the NDL website. The alteration of cultivated rice in Thailand and CombodiaLeave the NDL website. Taxonomy and phytogeography of some temperate species in ThailandLeave the NDL website. Some characteristics of political leadership in Thailand : Sarit Thanarat's "Revolutionary party edicts"Leave the NDL website. The global energy problems and Japanese crisis management policiesLeave the NDL website. パガン,ピンヤ,インワ時代のビルマ人仏教徒の功徳Leave the NDL website. タイ人の家族と宗教Leave the NDL website. Two brackish clay beds along the Chao Phraya River of ThailandLeave the NDL website. Gerakan Taman Siswa : delapan tahun pertama dan later belakang JawaTaman SiswaLeave the NDL website. A note on buddhistic millenarian revolts in Northeastern SiamLeave the NDL website. Topographical control over the agriculture in the Mae Nam DeltaLeave the NDL website. 南タイ農村民の村外居住体験について : タイ・イスラム村落におけるケース・スタディLeave the NDL website. Anatomy of the Debate on Japanese CapitalismLeave the NDL website. Response to nitrogen of some native varieties under field conditionsLeave the NDL website. Imported inflation and the upward revaluation of the Yen, 1965-1974Leave the NDL website. Japan's dependence on exports in contrast with that of six other nationsLeave the NDL website. 日本農民の伝統的な離婚傾向と親族構造とのかかわりについてLeave the NDL website. The quaternary stratigraphy in the Northern Basin of the Central Plain, ThailandLeave the NDL website. Some properties of soils and substrata in the Lampang BasinLeave the NDL website. フィリピン経済とナショナリズムLeave the NDL website. Japan and Southeast AsiaLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Some properties of brackish sediments along the Chao Phraya River of Thailand

  • On the two-gap analysis of foreign aid

  • マクロ生産性変化の測定 1951-1968年

  • Topographical analysis of the southern basin of the central plain, Thailand

  • Physiography of rice land in the Chao Phraya Basin of Thailand

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SEAS リプリント シリーズ
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Related Material
Some properties of brackish sediments along the Chao Phraya River of Thailand
On the two-gap analysis of foreign aid
マクロ生産性変化の測定 1951-1968年
Topographical analysis of the southern basin of the central plain, Thailand
Physiography of rice land in the Chao Phraya Basin of Thailand
Family circle, community, and Nation in Malaysia
Economic theory and social accounting system
Climate of South and Southeast Asia according to Thornthwaite's Classification Scheme
Minimum wage regulation and economic growth
家族・親族集団の国際比較 : タイ国と日本
A review of rice experiments in Thailand
Indigenous entrepreneurs in the ASEAN countries
Japanese entrepreneurship in the early stage of economic development
A revised index of industrial production for Japan, 1905-1935
The aftereffects of hajj and kaan buat
The challenge of the rising sun
Econometric growth model forecasting simulations for postwar Japan : 1952-1980
南タイ農村の経済生活 : タイ・イスラム村落での実態調査
Numerical classification of the climate of South and Southeast Asia
Environmental determinants affecting the potential dissemination of high yielding varieties of rice : a case study of the Chao Phraya River basin
An Ecological Interpretation of Thai History
Thai pattern of social organization : note on a comparative study
人口史研究の意義と方法 : 経済発展論の立場から
Freight rates and productivity in ocean transportation for Japan, 1875-1943
Postwar Japan in the world economy
Geographical distribution and ecotypic differentiation of wild rice in Thailand
Grain loss during hand harvesting in the rice cultivation in Kedah, West Malaysia
Yield components survey in the Suraburi-Ayutthaya area, 1967
Gramineae and Cyperaceae of Thailand
Policy-induced growth and the older generation
A study of Philippine manufacturing corporations
Changes in fertility in Japan by region : 1920-1965
Urbanization and rural change : Tambon Om Noi
The agriculture of Nepal : its ecology and historical development
農業地理学と発展途上国農業開発 : 応用地理学の一課題
A list of Labiatae known from Thailand
An outline of the structure of the Akha language (Part 1) : Introduction and Phonemics
Seventeenth century Japanese documents about Siam
Long-term models of the japanese economy
The present state of research on urbanization and its effect on cultural changes in ASPAC member countries : a bibliographic survey
The problem of accounting for productivity change in the construction price index
The growth rate as a determinant of the saving ratio
多極化と「従属体系」状況の変容 : 地域主義との関連
The cretical problems of development countries
An analysis of the effect of environmental factors on paddy rice yields : a case study from the northern region of the greater Chao Phraya project
家族の周期と村落構造 : タイ国東北部の稲作農村
The political elite cycle in Thailand
Economic growth, savings and housing finance in Japan
Demand functions : an application to the japanese expenditure pattern
A method of fertility evaluation for paddy soils
The taman siswa movement : its early eight years and Javanese background
Modern economists' views on the Japanese economy - a Survey
Productivity change in the Japanese economy, 1905-65
Impatiens of Thailand and Malaya
Possibility of higher yield viewed from the yield component surveys in farmers' fields
Hedyotis (Rubiaceae) of Thailand
Japanese firms in Asia
A method of capability evaluation for upland soils
Debt accumulation, oil crisis and international financing
The alteration of cultivated rice in Thailand and Combodia
Taxonomy and phytogeography of some temperate species in Thailand
Some characteristics of political leadership in Thailand : Sarit Thanarat's "Revolutionary party edicts"
The global energy problems and Japanese crisis management policies
Two brackish clay beds along the Chao Phraya River of Thailand
Gerakan Taman Siswa : delapan tahun pertama dan later belakang JawaTaman Siswa
A note on buddhistic millenarian revolts in Northeastern Siam
Topographical control over the agriculture in the Mae Nam Delta
南タイ農村民の村外居住体験について : タイ・イスラム村落におけるケース・スタディ
Anatomy of the Debate on Japanese Capitalism
Response to nitrogen of some native varieties under field conditions
Imported inflation and the upward revaluation of the Yen, 1965-1974
Japan's dependence on exports in contrast with that of six other nations
The quaternary stratigraphy in the Northern Basin of the Central Plain, Thailand
Some properties of soils and substrata in the Lampang Basin
Japan and Southeast Asia
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