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Note (General):

2001-2004年度: 京都市埋蔵文化財研究所発掘調査概報(2005-1「例言」による)

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平安宮典薬寮・御井跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京北辺三坊八町 (宇多院) 跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京七条一坊十五町跡Leave the NDL website. 長岡京右京二条三坊一・八町跡、上里遺跡Leave the NDL website. 六波羅蜜寺境内・六波羅政庁跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京九条一坊十五・十六町跡(西寺跡)、唐橋遺跡Leave the NDL website. 史跡本願寺境内・平安京左京七条二坊六町 (東市) 跡Leave the NDL website. 長岡京右京一条四坊十四・十五町跡Leave the NDL website. 史跡大覚寺御所跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京五条三坊六町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京八条三坊三町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京九条一坊九町跡(西寺跡)、唐橋遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京三条一坊六町跡Leave the NDL website. 伏見城跡・桃陵遺跡Leave the NDL website. 史跡教王護国寺境内・平安京跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京一条三坊十三町・二条三坊十六町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京一条二坊七町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京八条三坊七町跡Leave the NDL website. 白河街区跡・吉田上大路町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京三条三坊九町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京三条二坊十一町跡Leave the NDL website. 鳥羽離宮跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京九条二坊十六町跡・御土居跡Leave the NDL website. 寺町旧域・御土居跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京九条三坊十町跡・烏丸町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 長岡京左京三条四坊十・十一町跡Leave the NDL website. 史跡旧二条離宮(二条城)・平安京冷然院跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京五条三坊十町跡・烏丸綾小路遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京七条一坊四町跡・御土居跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京七条一坊二・四・七・八町跡、御土居跡、堂ノ口町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京三条三坊十町跡・烏丸御池遺跡・二条殿御池城跡Leave the NDL website. 法住寺殿跡Leave the NDL website. 上京遺跡・室町殿跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京九条一坊九町跡・唐橋遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京六条一坊七町跡Leave the NDL website. 長岡京右京北辺四坊八町跡・上里北ノ町遺跡・堂ノ上古墳Leave the NDL website. 大藪遺跡Leave the NDL website. 知恩院境内(京都市指定名勝知恩院方丈庭園)Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京四条二坊四町跡・壬生遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安宮正親司跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京五条一坊十四町跡Leave the NDL website. 大藪遺跡・下久世構跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京北辺四坊一町跡・公家町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京六条二坊六・十一町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京五条三坊三町跡Leave the NDL website. 長岡京左京一条四坊十二町跡Leave the NDL website. 北野廃寺・北野遺跡Leave the NDL website. 福西古墳群Leave the NDL website. 村ノ内町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京七条一坊九町跡Leave the NDL website. 長岡京左京二条四坊六・七町跡Leave the NDL website. 史跡妙心寺境内・平安京跡Leave the NDL website. 長岡京跡・ 羽束師遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京八条四坊九町跡・御土居跡Leave the NDL website. 山科本願寺跡Leave the NDL website. 史跡南禅寺境内Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京北辺三坊六町跡Leave the NDL website. 常盤仲之町遺跡・常盤東ノ町古墳群Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京五条四坊六町跡 ・西京極遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京八条四坊八町跡・御土居跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京八条四坊四・五町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京四条一坊十三町跡Leave the NDL website. 史跡賀茂御祖神社境内Leave the NDL website. 常盤仲之町遺跡・広隆寺旧境内Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京四条四坊三町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京五条三坊十六町跡・烏丸綾小路遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京三条三坊十三町跡・烏丸御池遺跡Leave the NDL website. 教王護国寺旧境内 (東寺旧境内)Leave the NDL website. 長岡京右京北辺四坊八町跡・上里北ノ町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京八条一坊十六町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京一条三坊三町跡Leave the NDL website. 名勝清風荘庭園Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京六条二坊一町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京三条三坊五町跡Leave the NDL website. 法勝寺跡Leave the NDL website. 革嶋館跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京九条大路跡・烏丸町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 白河街区跡・岡崎遺跡Leave the NDL website. 中久世遺跡・大藪遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京六条二坊三・六町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京四条三坊四町跡・烏丸綾小路遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京八条二坊十・十五町跡、衣田町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 上久世遺跡・上久世城跡Leave the NDL website. 灰方窯跡・灰方の塚跡・南春日町片山遺跡・勝持寺旧境内Leave the NDL website. 史跡旧二条離宮(二条城)Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京二条四坊十五町跡・東京極大路跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京四条一坊十二・十三町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京四条三坊十二町跡Leave the NDL website. 音羽・五条坂窯跡(浅見五郎助窯)Leave the NDL website. 史跡法観寺境内Leave the NDL website. 長岡京右京二条三坊八・九町跡、上里遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京二条二坊十町 (高陽院) 跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京四条二坊十一町・西堀川小路跡、御土居跡Leave the NDL website. 白河街区跡・法勝寺跡・岡崎遺跡Leave the NDL website. 小倉町別当町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京三条二坊十五町・三坊三町跡Leave the NDL website. 羽束師志水町遺跡・長岡京跡Leave the NDL website. 常盤東ノ町古墳群・村ノ内町遺跡・常盤仲之町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京八条二坊三町跡Leave the NDL website. 寺町旧域Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京四条三坊三町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京四条四坊一町跡・烏丸御池遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京一条二坊十六町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京五条二坊八町跡・妙満寺の構え跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京八条三坊一町跡・東本願寺前古墓群Leave the NDL website. 音羽・五条坂窯跡(道仙窯)Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京一条四坊二・七町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京四条四坊十二・十三町跡、富小路跡Leave the NDL website. 寺町旧域 (妙満寺跡・本能寺跡)Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京六条一坊三町跡・御土居跡Leave the NDL website. 平安宮内裏跡・聚楽第跡Leave the NDL website. 白河街区跡・吉田上大路町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 特別史跡・特別名勝鹿苑寺 (金閣寺) 庭園Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京三条一坊六・七町跡、壬生遺跡Leave the NDL website. 史跡仁和寺御所跡Leave the NDL website. 富ノ森城跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京六条一坊三町・七条一坊一町跡、御土居跡Leave the NDL website. 平安宮主水司跡・醤院跡、二条城北遺跡Leave the NDL website. 植物園北遺跡Leave the NDL website. 大藪遺跡・下久世構跡Leave the NDL website. 勝持寺旧境内Leave the NDL website. 革嶋館跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京八条三坊四・五町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京三条三坊十町 (押小路殿・二条殿) 跡Leave the NDL website. 龍安寺御陵ノ下町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 長岡京左京二条四坊五・十二町跡Leave the NDL website. 常盤仲之町遺跡・上ノ段町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 大藪遺跡・大藪城跡Leave the NDL website. 史跡本願寺境内・平安京左京七条二坊七町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京二条三坊十五町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京一条四坊九町跡Leave the NDL website. 法性寺跡Leave the NDL website. 中臣遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京四条三坊十一町跡Leave the NDL website. 長岡京左京三条三坊十町跡・鶏冠井清水遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京五条三坊九町跡・烏丸綾小路遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京八条三坊九町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京二条四坊十五町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京跡・御土居跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京六条四坊二町跡・西京極遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京五条二坊十一町跡・烏丸綾小路遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京六条二坊六町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京六条三坊五町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京七条一坊七町跡Leave the NDL website. 常盤東ノ町古墳群Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京九条三坊八町跡・烏丸町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京三条一坊六・七町跡 : 西三条第 (百花亭) 跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京六条一坊十四町跡Leave the NDL website. 寺町旧域(本能寺跡)Leave the NDL website. 伏見城跡Leave the NDL website. 特別史跡・特別名勝鹿苑寺 (金閣寺) 庭園Leave the NDL website. 福西古墳群(4号墳)Leave the NDL website. 史跡・名勝高台寺庭園Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京北辺二坊八町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京跡・史跡西寺跡Leave the NDL website. 上京遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京二条二坊十一町・西堀川小路跡、御土居跡Leave the NDL website. 延勝寺跡・岡崎遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京六条四坊一町跡・西京極遺跡Leave the NDL website. 長岡京左京三条四坊十三町跡Leave the NDL website. 御土居跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京一条四坊九町跡・公家町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京四条一坊九町跡・壬生遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安宮大炊寮跡・二条城北遺跡Leave the NDL website. 常盤仲之町遺跡・一ノ井遺跡Leave the NDL website. 白河街区跡・岡崎遺跡Leave the NDL website. 史跡慈照寺 (銀閣寺) 旧境内Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京三条二坊十四町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京五条三坊十四町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京三条三坊四町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京五条二坊四町跡Leave the NDL website. 常盤仲之町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安宮豊楽院跡・鳳瑞遺跡Leave the NDL website. 長岡京左京三条四坊六町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京三条三坊三町跡・西ノ京遺跡Leave the NDL website. 史跡・名勝嵐山Leave the NDL website. 本山古墳群Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京七条四坊四町跡Leave the NDL website. 長岡京左京九条三坊四町跡・淀水垂大下津町遺跡・與杼神社旧境内Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京三条二坊十町 (堀河院) 跡Leave the NDL website. 史跡教王護国寺境内Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京六条二坊三町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京一条三坊十町跡・旧二条城跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京五条三坊十一町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安宮中務省跡Leave the NDL website. 円勝寺跡・成勝寺跡・白河街区跡・岡崎遺跡Leave the NDL website. 公家町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京七条一坊二町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京六条四坊八町跡・西京極遺跡Leave the NDL website. 伏見城跡・桃山古墳群Leave the NDL website. 史跡賀茂別雷神社境内Leave the NDL website. 植物園北遺跡Leave the NDL website. 上里北ノ町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 史跡本願寺境内・平安京左京七条二坊十町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安宮造酒司跡・鳳瑞遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京四条三坊八町跡・烏丸御池遺跡Leave the NDL website. 史跡旧二条離宮(二条城)・平安宮跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京五条三坊五町跡・烏丸綾小路遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京二条二坊九町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京六条四坊三町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京六条一坊三町跡Leave the NDL website. 長岡京右京二条三坊九・十六町跡、上里遺跡Leave the NDL website. 法住寺殿跡・六波羅政庁跡・方広寺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京七条二坊四町(西市)跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京四条四坊二町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京三条三坊三町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京四条二坊十五町跡・本能寺城跡Leave the NDL website. 長岡京跡・淀城跡Leave the NDL website. 六波羅政庁跡・京焼窯跡 (井野祝峰窯)Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京四条一坊二町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京二条三坊十五・十六町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京二条二坊十二町跡・西ノ京遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京一条四坊十五町跡・公家町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京六条一坊十一・十四町跡Leave the NDL website. 白河街区跡・吉田上大路町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京九条二坊四・五町跡、唐橋遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京九条三坊八町跡・烏丸町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 円勝寺跡・成勝寺跡・白河街区跡・岡崎遺跡Leave the NDL website. 日野谷寺町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 室町殿跡・上京遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京六条二坊九町跡・烏丸綾小路遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京八条四坊八町跡・御土居跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京四条三坊三町跡Leave the NDL website. 法住寺殿跡・六波羅政庁跡・方広寺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京六条三坊四町跡Leave the NDL website. 周山廃寺Leave the NDL website. 伏見城跡Leave the NDL website. 史跡賀茂別雷神社境内Leave the NDL website. 山科本願寺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安宮中和院跡・聚楽遺跡Leave the NDL website. 史跡賀茂別雷神社境内Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京八条四坊一町跡・御土居跡Leave the NDL website. 伏見城跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京六条三坊四町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京一条四坊十町跡・公家町遺跡・京都新城跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京一条四坊十町跡・公家町遺跡・京都新城跡Leave the NDL website. 長岡京跡・淀水垂大下津町遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京三条一坊二町跡・壬生遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京六条三坊六町跡Leave the NDL website. 富ノ森城跡Leave the NDL website. 嵯峨遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京三条三坊十四町跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京七条一坊十二町跡Leave the NDL website. 円勝寺跡・成勝寺跡・白河街区跡・岡崎遺跡Leave the NDL website. 法住寺殿跡Leave the NDL website. 室町殿跡・上京遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京五条四坊六町跡 ・西京極遺跡Leave the NDL website. 富ノ森城跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京四条一坊跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京三条一坊六・七町跡、壬生遺跡Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京三条二坊十四町跡・西ノ京遺跡Leave the NDL website. 円勝寺跡・成勝寺跡・白河街区跡・岡崎遺跡Leave the NDL website. 羽束師志水町遺跡・長岡京跡Leave the NDL website. 伏見城跡・福島太夫遺跡Leave the NDL website. 史跡旧二条離宮(二条城)Leave the NDL website. 平安京左京四条一坊三町跡Leave the NDL website. 長岡京跡・淀城跡Leave the NDL website. 史跡旧二条離宮(二条城)Leave the NDL website. 平安京右京三条二坊十二町跡・御土居跡・西ノ京遺跡Leave the NDL website.

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