
The Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese studies series

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The Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese studies series

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The Soil : a portrait of rural life in Meiji JapanLeave the NDL website. Endō Shūsaku : a literature of reconciliationLeave the NDL website. Men and masculinities in contemporary Japan : dislocating the salaryman doxaLeave the NDL website. Militarization and demilitarization in contemporary JapanLeave the NDL website. The voluntary and non-profit sector in Japan : the challenge of changeLeave the NDL website. The dynamics of Japan's relations with Africa : South Africa, Tanzania and NigeriaLeave the NDL website. Emperor Hirohito & Showa Japan : a political biographyLeave the NDL website. Social inequality in JapanLeave the NDL website. The US-Japan alliance : balancing soft and hard power in East AsiaLeave the NDL website. Japan's emerging youth policy : getting young adults back to workLeave the NDL website. Neighborhood associations and local governance in JapanLeave the NDL website. Urban spaces in Japan : cultural and social perspectivesLeave the NDL website. An emerging non-regular labour force in Japan : the dignity of dispatched workersLeave the NDL website. On the margins of Japanese society : volunteers and the welfare of the urban underclassLeave the NDL website. Japan's modern history, 1857-1937 : a new political narrativeLeave the NDL website. Japanese-Soviet/Russian relations since 1945 : a difficult peaceLeave the NDL website. Friendship and work culture of women managers in Japan : Tokyo after tenLeave the NDL website. Understanding Japanese societyLeave the NDL website. Understanding Japanese societyLeave the NDL website. The Buraku issue and modern Japan : the career of Matsumoto JiichirōLeave the NDL website. The dilemma of faith in modern Japanese literature : metaphors of ChristianityLeave the NDL website. Society and the state in interwar JapanLeave the NDL website. Reconstructing adult masculinities : part-time work in contemporary JapanLeave the NDL website. Green politics in JapanLeave the NDL website. Education reform in Japan : a case of immobilist politicsLeave the NDL website. Japan's emerging youth policy : getting young adults back to workLeave the NDL website. Academic nations in China and Japan : framed in concepts of nature, culture and the universalLeave the NDL website. Technology and industrial development in pre-war Japan : Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipyard, 1884-1934Leave the NDL website. Social inequality in JapanLeave the NDL website. Japan's early parliaments, 1890-1905 : structure, issues and trendsLeave the NDL website. The dilemma of faith in modern Japanese literature : metaphors of ChristianityLeave the NDL website. Femininity, self-harm and eating disorders in Japan : navigating contradiction in narrative and visual cultureLeave the NDL website. The organisational dynamics of university reform in Japan : international inside outLeave the NDL website. Institutions, incentives and electoral participation in Japan : cross-level and cross-national perspectivesLeave the NDL website. How the Japanese learn to workLeave the NDL website. Policy entrepreneurship and elections in Japan : a political biography of Ozawa IchiroLeave the NDL website. The changing face of Japanese retail : working in a chain storeLeave the NDL website. The making of urban Japan : cities and planning from Edo to the twenty-first centuryLeave the NDL website. Schoolgirls, money and rebellion in JapanLeave the NDL website. Ozawa Ichirō and Japanese politics : old versus newLeave the NDL website. Japanese science fiction : a view of a changing societyLeave the NDL website. A sociology of Japanese youth : from returnees to NEETsLeave the NDL website. Growing a Japanese science city : communication in scientific researchLeave the NDL website. The Democratic Party of Japan in power : challenges and failuresLeave the NDL website. Interpreting history in Sino-Japanese relations : a case study in political decision makingLeave the NDL website. The nature of the Japanese state : rationality and ritualityLeave the NDL website. Ceremony and ritual in Japan : religious practices in an industrialized societyLeave the NDL website. Life in a Japanese women's college : learning to be ladylikeLeave the NDL website. The right to life in JapanLeave the NDL website. Ceremony and ritual in Japan : religious practices in an industrialized societyLeave the NDL website. The Buraku issue and modern Japan : the career of Matsumoto JiichirōLeave the NDL website. Labour market deregulation in Japan and Italy : worker protection under neoliberal globalisationLeave the NDL website. The Japanese high school : silence and resistanceLeave the NDL website. Life course, happiness and well-being in JapanLeave the NDL website. Women's gidayū and the Japanese theatre traditionLeave the NDL website. Cold war frontiers in the Asia-Pacific : divided territories in the San Francisco systemLeave the NDL website. Japan's foreign aid challenge : policy reform and aid leadershipLeave the NDL website. Engineers in Japan and Britain : education, training and employmentLeave the NDL website. Neighborhood associations and local governance in JapanLeave the NDL website. The politics of agriculture in JapanLeave the NDL website. Modern Japan : a social and political historyLeave the NDL website. Japan and protection : the growth of protectionist sentiment and the Japanese responseLeave the NDL website. Labour market deregulation in Japan and Italy : worker protection under neoliberal globalisationLeave the NDL website. Public policy and economic competition in Japan : change and continuity in antimonopoly policy, 1973-1995Leave the NDL website. Japanese economic development : theory and practiceLeave the NDL website. The myth of Japanese uniquenessLeave the NDL website. Modern Japan : a social and political historyLeave the NDL website. Party politics and decentralization in Japan and France : when the opposition governsLeave the NDL website. Japan, race and equality : the racial equality proposal of 1919Leave the NDL website. Japan's security relations with China since 1989 : from balancing to bandwagoning?Leave the NDL website. Britain's educational reform : a comparison with JapanLeave the NDL website. Japan's postwarLeave the NDL website. Child guidance centres in Japan : alternative care, social work and the familyLeave the NDL website. New directions in Japan's security : non-U.S. centric evolutionLeave the NDL website. Dōwa policy and Japanese politicsLeave the NDL website. Japan and East Asian regionalismLeave the NDL website. The changing Japanese political system : the Liberal Democratic Party and the Ministry of FinanceLeave the NDL website. The Japanese-Soviet neutrality pact : a diplomatic history, 1941-1945Leave the NDL website. Living cities in Japan : citizens' movements, machizukuri and local environmentsLeave the NDL website. Language and the modern state : the reform of written JapaneseLeave the NDL website. The establishment of the Japanese constitutional systemLeave the NDL website. Japanese economic development : theory and practiceLeave the NDL website. Labour migration from China to Japan : international students, transnational migrantsLeave the NDL website. Opposition politics in Japan : strategies under a one-party dominant regimeLeave the NDL website. Social class in contemporary Japan : structures, sorting and strategiesLeave the NDL website. A history of Japanese economic thoughtLeave the NDL website. Understanding Japanese societyLeave the NDL website. Institutions, incentives and electoral participation in Japan : cross-level and cross-national perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Labour migration from China to Japan : international students, transnational migrantsLeave the NDL website. Industrial relations in Japan : the peripheral workforceLeave the NDL website. Urban spaces in Japan : cultural and social perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Japan's sea lane security, 1940-2004 : a matter of life and death?Leave the NDL website. Emperor Hirohito and Shōwa Japan : a political biographyLeave the NDL website. Japan's international fisheries policy : law, diplomacy and politics governing resource securityLeave the NDL website. The transformation of the Japanese left : from old socialists to new democratsLeave the NDL website. Ideology and practice in modern JapanLeave the NDL website. Academic nations in China and Japan : framed in concepts of nature, culture and the universalLeave the NDL website. Femininity, self-harm and eating disorders in Japan : navigating contradiction in narrative and visual cultureLeave the NDL website. Configurations of family in contemporary JapanLeave the NDL website. Japanese electoral politics : creating a new party systemLeave the NDL website. Resolving the Russo-Japanese territorial dispute : Hokkaido-Sakhalin relationsLeave the NDL website. Japan's sea lane security, 1940-2004 : a matter of life and death?Leave the NDL website. Men and masculinities in contemporary Japan : dislocating the salaryman doxaLeave the NDL website. An emerging non-regular labour force in Japan : the dignity of dispatched workersLeave the NDL website. Democracy in postwar Japan : Maruyama Masao and the search for autonomyLeave the NDL website. Japan's interventionist state : the role of the MAFFLeave the NDL website. Japanese-German business relations : cooperation and rivalry in the inter-war periodLeave the NDL website. The fantastic in modern Japanese literature : the subversion of modernityLeave the NDL website. Japan's international fisheries policy : law, diplomacy and politics governing resource securityLeave the NDL website. The Japanese high school : silence and resistanceLeave the NDL website. Globalizing Japan : ethnography of the Japanese presence in Asia, Europe, and AmericaLeave the NDL website. The Japanese numbers game : the use and understanding of numbers in modern JapanLeave the NDL website. Japan, internationalism and the UNLeave the NDL website. The US-Japan alliance : balancing soft and hard power in East AsiaLeave the NDL website. The changing Japanese political system : the Liberal Democratic Party and the Ministry of FinanceLeave the NDL website. How the Japanese learn to workLeave the NDL website. Militarization and demilitarization in contemporary JapanLeave the NDL website. Japanese economic development : theory and practiceLeave the NDL website. Party politics and decentralization in Japan and France : when the opposition governsLeave the NDL website. Ozawa Ichirō and Japanese politics : old versus newLeave the NDL website. Configurations of family in contemporary JapanLeave the NDL website. Technology and industrial development in pre-war Japan : Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipyard 1884-1934Leave the NDL website. Modern Japan : a social and political historyLeave the NDL website. The great transformation of Japanese capitalismLeave the NDL website. The great transformation of Japanese capitalismLeave the NDL website. The making of urban Japan : cities and planning from Edo to the twenty-first centuryLeave the NDL website. Industrial harmony in modern Japan : the invention of a traditionLeave the NDL website. Japan's agricultural policy regimeLeave the NDL website. The myth of Japanese uniquenessLeave the NDL website. Japan's postwarLeave the NDL website. Japan : beyond the end of historyLeave the NDL website. The establishment of the Japanese constitutional systemLeave the NDL website. Banking policy in Japan : American efforts at reform during the occupationLeave the NDL website. Japan at play : the ludic and the logic of powerLeave the NDL website. On the margins of Japanese society : volunteers and the welfare of the urban underclassLeave the NDL website. Japan's world power : assessment, outlook and visionLeave the NDL website. Japanese science fiction : a view of a changing societyLeave the NDL website. Emperor Hirohito and Shōwa Japan : a political biographyLeave the NDL website. Globalizing Japan : ethnography of the Japanese presence in Asia, Europe, and AmericaLeave the NDL website. The Japanese numbers game : the use and understanding of numbers in modern JapanLeave the NDL website. Reconstructing adult masculinities : part-time work in contemporary JapanLeave the NDL website. Understanding Japanese societyLeave the NDL website. Social class in contemporary Japan : structures, sorting and strategiesLeave the NDL website. Treacherous women of imperial Japan : patriarchal fictions, patricidal fantasiesLeave the NDL website. The nature of the Japanese state : rationality and ritualityLeave the NDL website. Education reform in Japan : a case of immobilist politicsLeave the NDL website. Life in a Japanese women's college : learning to be ladylikeLeave the NDL website. Policy entrepreneurship and elections in Japan : a political biography of Ozawa IchiroLeave the NDL website. Natural disaster and nuclear crisis in Japan : response and recovery after Japan's 3/11Leave the NDL website. Emperor Hirohito and Shōwa Japan : a political biographyLeave the NDL website. Biotechnology in JapanLeave the NDL website. The race to commercialize biotechnology : molecules, markets and the state in the United States and JapanLeave the NDL website. Japan, race and equality : the racial equality proposal of 1919Leave the NDL website. Endō Shūsaku : a literature of reconciliationLeave the NDL website. Resolving the Russo-Japanese territorial dispute : Hokkaido-Sakhalin relationsLeave the NDL website. Japan's interventionist state : the role of the MAFFLeave the NDL website. Democracy in postwar Japan : Maruyama Masao and the search for autonomyLeave the NDL website. Green politics in JapanLeave the NDL website. Architecture and authority in JapanLeave the NDL website. Understanding Japanese societyLeave the NDL website. The right to life in JapanLeave the NDL website. The transformation of the Japanese left : from old socialists to new democratsLeave the NDL website. Dōwa policy and Japanese politicsLeave the NDL website. Japan's new ruralities : coping with decline in the peripheryLeave the NDL website. The failure of political opposition in Japan : implications for democracy and a vision for the futureLeave the NDL website. The making of urban Japan : cities and planning from Edo to the twenty-first centuryLeave the NDL website. Gradual institutional change in Japan : Kantei leadership under the Abe administrationLeave the NDL website. The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan : the realities of 'power'Leave the NDL website. Friendship and work culture of women managers in Japan : Tokyo after tenLeave the NDL website. Japan's new ruralities : coping with decline in the peripheryLeave the NDL website. Tenkō : cultures of political conversion in transwar JapanLeave the NDL website. Rethinking locality in JapanLeave the NDL website. Fall-out from Fukushima : nuclear evacuees seeking compensation and legal protection after the triple meltdownLeave the NDL website. The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan : the realities of 'power'Leave the NDL website. The Democratic Party of Japan in power : challenges and failuresLeave the NDL website. Japan and the New Silk Road : diplomacy, development and connectivityLeave the NDL website. Tenkō : cultures of political conversion in transwar JapanLeave the NDL website. Rethinking locality in JapanLeave the NDL website. The organisational dynamics of university reform in Japan : international inside outLeave the NDL website. The failure of political opposition in Japan : implications for democracy and a vision for the futureLeave the NDL website. Child guidance centres in Japan : alternative care, social work, and the familyLeave the NDL website. Becoming a farmer in contemporary JapanLeave the NDL website. Understanding Japanese societyLeave the NDL website. Nippon Kaigi : political nationalism in contemporary JapanLeave the NDL website. Gradual institutional change in Japan : Kantei leadership under the Abe administrationLeave the NDL website. New directions in Japan's security : non-U.S. centric evolutionLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • The Soil : a portrait of rural life in Meiji Japan

  • Endō Shūsaku : a literature of reconciliation

  • Men and masculinities in contemporary Japan : dislocating the salaryman doxa

  • Militarization and demilitarization in contemporary Japan

  • The voluntary and non-profit sector in Japan : the challenge of change

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Material Type
Alternative Title
Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese studies series
Nissan Institute/RoutledgeCurzon Japanese studies series
The Nissan Institute/RoutledgeCurzon Japanese studies series
Nissan Institute/Routledge Japanese studies
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Note (General)
Imprint varies: RoutledgeCurzon
Related Material
The Soil : a portrait of rural life in Meiji Japan
Endō Shūsaku : a literature of reconciliation
Men and masculinities in contemporary Japan : dislocating the salaryman doxa
Militarization and demilitarization in contemporary Japan
The voluntary and non-profit sector in Japan : the challenge of change
The dynamics of Japan's relations with Africa : South Africa, Tanzania and Nigeria
Emperor Hirohito & Showa Japan : a political biography
Social inequality in Japan
The US-Japan alliance : balancing soft and hard power in East Asia
Japan's emerging youth policy : getting young adults back to work
Neighborhood associations and local governance in Japan
Urban spaces in Japan : cultural and social perspectives
An emerging non-regular labour force in Japan : the dignity of dispatched workers
On the margins of Japanese society : volunteers and the welfare of the urban underclass
Japan's modern history, 1857-1937 : a new political narrative
Japanese-Soviet/Russian relations since 1945 : a difficult peace
Friendship and work culture of women managers in Japan : Tokyo after ten
Understanding Japanese society
Understanding Japanese society
The Buraku issue and modern Japan : the career of Matsumoto Jiichirō
The dilemma of faith in modern Japanese literature : metaphors of Christianity
Society and the state in interwar Japan
Reconstructing adult masculinities : part-time work in contemporary Japan
Green politics in Japan
Education reform in Japan : a case of immobilist politics
Japan's emerging youth policy : getting young adults back to work
Academic nations in China and Japan : framed in concepts of nature, culture and the universal
Technology and industrial development in pre-war Japan : Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipyard, 1884-1934
Social inequality in Japan
Japan's early parliaments, 1890-1905 : structure, issues and trends
The dilemma of faith in modern Japanese literature : metaphors of Christianity
Femininity, self-harm and eating disorders in Japan : navigating contradiction in narrative and visual culture
The organisational dynamics of university reform in Japan : international inside out
Institutions, incentives and electoral participation in Japan : cross-level and cross-national perspectives
How the Japanese learn to work
Policy entrepreneurship and elections in Japan : a political biography of Ozawa Ichiro
The changing face of Japanese retail : working in a chain store
The making of urban Japan : cities and planning from Edo to the twenty-first century
Schoolgirls, money and rebellion in Japan
Ozawa Ichirō and Japanese politics : old versus new
Japanese science fiction : a view of a changing society
A sociology of Japanese youth : from returnees to NEETs
Growing a Japanese science city : communication in scientific research
The Democratic Party of Japan in power : challenges and failures
Interpreting history in Sino-Japanese relations : a case study in political decision making
The nature of the Japanese state : rationality and rituality
Ceremony and ritual in Japan : religious practices in an industrialized society
Life in a Japanese women's college : learning to be ladylike
The right to life in Japan
Ceremony and ritual in Japan : religious practices in an industrialized society
The Buraku issue and modern Japan : the career of Matsumoto Jiichirō
Labour market deregulation in Japan and Italy : worker protection under neoliberal globalisation
The Japanese high school : silence and resistance
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Women's gidayū and the Japanese theatre tradition
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Japan and protection : the growth of protectionist sentiment and the Japanese response
Labour market deregulation in Japan and Italy : worker protection under neoliberal globalisation
Public policy and economic competition in Japan : change and continuity in antimonopoly policy, 1973-1995
Japanese economic development : theory and practice
The myth of Japanese uniqueness
Modern Japan : a social and political history
Party politics and decentralization in Japan and France : when the opposition governs
Japan, race and equality : the racial equality proposal of 1919
Japan's security relations with China since 1989 : from balancing to bandwagoning?
Britain's educational reform : a comparison with Japan
Japan's postwar
Child guidance centres in Japan : alternative care, social work and the family
New directions in Japan's security : non-U.S. centric evolution
Dōwa policy and Japanese politics
Japan and East Asian regionalism
The changing Japanese political system : the Liberal Democratic Party and the Ministry of Finance
The Japanese-Soviet neutrality pact : a diplomatic history, 1941-1945
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Language and the modern state : the reform of written Japanese
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Japanese economic development : theory and practice
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Opposition politics in Japan : strategies under a one-party dominant regime
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Japan's sea lane security, 1940-2004 : a matter of life and death?
Emperor Hirohito and Shōwa Japan : a political biography
Japan's international fisheries policy : law, diplomacy and politics governing resource security
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Femininity, self-harm and eating disorders in Japan : navigating contradiction in narrative and visual culture
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Japanese electoral politics : creating a new party system
Resolving the Russo-Japanese territorial dispute : Hokkaido-Sakhalin relations
Japan's sea lane security, 1940-2004 : a matter of life and death?
Men and masculinities in contemporary Japan : dislocating the salaryman doxa
An emerging non-regular labour force in Japan : the dignity of dispatched workers
Democracy in postwar Japan : Maruyama Masao and the search for autonomy
Japan's interventionist state : the role of the MAFF
Japanese-German business relations : cooperation and rivalry in the inter-war period
The fantastic in modern Japanese literature : the subversion of modernity
Japan's international fisheries policy : law, diplomacy and politics governing resource security
The Japanese high school : silence and resistance
Globalizing Japan : ethnography of the Japanese presence in Asia, Europe, and America
The Japanese numbers game : the use and understanding of numbers in modern Japan
Japan, internationalism and the UN
The US-Japan alliance : balancing soft and hard power in East Asia
The changing Japanese political system : the Liberal Democratic Party and the Ministry of Finance
How the Japanese learn to work
Militarization and demilitarization in contemporary Japan
Japanese economic development : theory and practice
Party politics and decentralization in Japan and France : when the opposition governs
Ozawa Ichirō and Japanese politics : old versus new
Configurations of family in contemporary Japan
Technology and industrial development in pre-war Japan : Mitsubishi Nagasaki Shipyard 1884-1934
Modern Japan : a social and political history
The great transformation of Japanese capitalism
The great transformation of Japanese capitalism
The making of urban Japan : cities and planning from Edo to the twenty-first century
Industrial harmony in modern Japan : the invention of a tradition
Japan's agricultural policy regime
The myth of Japanese uniqueness
Japan's postwar
Japan : beyond the end of history
The establishment of the Japanese constitutional system
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On the margins of Japanese society : volunteers and the welfare of the urban underclass
Japan's world power : assessment, outlook and vision
Japanese science fiction : a view of a changing society
Emperor Hirohito and Shōwa Japan : a political biography
Globalizing Japan : ethnography of the Japanese presence in Asia, Europe, and America
The Japanese numbers game : the use and understanding of numbers in modern Japan
Reconstructing adult masculinities : part-time work in contemporary Japan
Understanding Japanese society
Social class in contemporary Japan : structures, sorting and strategies
Treacherous women of imperial Japan : patriarchal fictions, patricidal fantasies
The nature of the Japanese state : rationality and rituality
Education reform in Japan : a case of immobilist politics
Life in a Japanese women's college : learning to be ladylike
Policy entrepreneurship and elections in Japan : a political biography of Ozawa Ichiro
Natural disaster and nuclear crisis in Japan : response and recovery after Japan's 3/11
Emperor Hirohito and Shōwa Japan : a political biography
Biotechnology in Japan
The race to commercialize biotechnology : molecules, markets and the state in the United States and Japan
Japan, race and equality : the racial equality proposal of 1919
Endō Shūsaku : a literature of reconciliation
Resolving the Russo-Japanese territorial dispute : Hokkaido-Sakhalin relations
Japan's interventionist state : the role of the MAFF
Democracy in postwar Japan : Maruyama Masao and the search for autonomy
Green politics in Japan
Architecture and authority in Japan
Understanding Japanese society
The right to life in Japan
The transformation of the Japanese left : from old socialists to new democrats
Dōwa policy and Japanese politics
Japan's new ruralities : coping with decline in the periphery
The failure of political opposition in Japan : implications for democracy and a vision for the future
The making of urban Japan : cities and planning from Edo to the twenty-first century
Gradual institutional change in Japan : Kantei leadership under the Abe administration
The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan : the realities of 'power'
Friendship and work culture of women managers in Japan : Tokyo after ten
Japan's new ruralities : coping with decline in the periphery
Tenkō : cultures of political conversion in transwar Japan
Rethinking locality in Japan
Fall-out from Fukushima : nuclear evacuees seeking compensation and legal protection after the triple meltdown
The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan : the realities of 'power'
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Japan and the New Silk Road : diplomacy, development and connectivity
Tenkō : cultures of political conversion in transwar Japan
Rethinking locality in Japan
The organisational dynamics of university reform in Japan : international inside out
The failure of political opposition in Japan : implications for democracy and a vision for the future
Child guidance centres in Japan : alternative care, social work, and the family
Becoming a farmer in contemporary Japan
Understanding Japanese society
Nippon Kaigi : political nationalism in contemporary Japan
Gradual institutional change in Japan : Kantei leadership under the Abe administration
New directions in Japan's security : non-U.S. centric evolution
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