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Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisuja

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Helsingin Kauppakorkeakoulu
Helsinki School of Economics
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21-30 cm
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Description based on: D ; 51([1981])Some issues have English title: Publications of the Helsinki School of Economics; Some issues have only sub-series...

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The change in the configuration of strategy and structureLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Recent Developments in Business Management Research, Korpilampi, Espoo, Finland, August 24-28, 1986Leave the NDL website. Comparative cause mapping of management cognitions : a computer database method for natural dataLeave the NDL website. An empirical study of wage formation in Finnish manufacturing industryLeave the NDL website. Obstacles to and strategies of the internationalization of Finnish service companiesLeave the NDL website. Projektexport utförd av nordiska företag : problem, kartläggning och data angående åren 1973-75 : NORDARB-projektetLeave the NDL website. Semiotics of managementLeave the NDL website. Kulutus : valikoima kotimaista ja ulkomaista kirjallisuutta = Consumption : selected bibliographyLeave the NDL website. Kansantaloustieteellinen kirjallisuus Suomessa,1973= Bibliography of economics literature in Finland, 1973Leave the NDL website. Markkinoinnin kommunikaation kirjallisuus Suomessa vuosilta, 1945-1969 : Bibliography of marketing communications in Finland, 1945-1969Leave the NDL website. Formation and maintenance of market structureLeave the NDL website. Staff behaviour : study of staff units and project groups in the structure and process of organizationLeave the NDL website. Consumer perception and preferences of message structureLeave the NDL website. A multiperiod mixed-integer optimization model of the Soviet-type industrial enterpriseLeave the NDL website. Contact patterns and learning in organizations : with a network analysis in two industrial organizationsLeave the NDL website. De direkta investeringarna mellan de nordiska länderna : en teoretisk och empirisk analys : NORDARB-projektetLeave the NDL website. On the determinants of corporate business interruption insurance purchases : empirical evidenceLeave the NDL website. Finland : sources of information : a selective list of publicationsLeave the NDL website. ATK-Kirjallisuutta, Yhteisluettelo 1967-1972 = ADP-Literature, a union catalogue 1967-1972Leave the NDL website. Inflation and the user cost of capitalLeave the NDL website. Företagssamarbete mellan industriföretag i Norden särskilt från sysselsättningseffektens synvinkel : NORDARB-projektetLeave the NDL website. Central bank policy and external disturbances under fixed exchange rates : a rational expectations approachLeave the NDL website. Kansantaloustieteellinen kirjallisuus Suomessa = Bibliography of economics literature in FinlandLeave the NDL website. Periferia-alue linja-autoliikennetiheyden ja toiminnallisten aluejakojen valossaLeave the NDL website. Managing end user computingLeave the NDL website. Contingencies of organizational communication : studies in organization and organizational communicationLeave the NDL website. An empirical study into tourists' cognitive choice structure : Finland's perceived competitive position as a Travel DestinationLeave the NDL website. A dynamic disequilibrium model of the firm for substitutable factors of productionLeave the NDL website. Mythology in management cultureLeave the NDL website. The relative valuation of dividends and capital gains in FinlandLeave the NDL website. The Rocky road to publishing in the management and decision sciences : a case study of choice behavior in interactive multiple criteria decision-makingLeave the NDL website. Kuljetustalous, kirjallisuus Suomessa 1945-1972 = Transportation literature in Finland, 1945-1972Leave the NDL website. International intra-industry competitiveness anatomizedLeave the NDL website. Stochastic comparisons of nonhomogeneous queueing systems with exponential serversLeave the NDL website. On the optimality of the shortest line disciplineLeave the NDL website. Effects of youth unemploymentLeave the NDL website. Approximating many server queues by means of single server queuesLeave the NDL website. Theory and practice in structural adjustment : the case of ZambiaLeave the NDL website. On instrument costs in decentralized macroeconomic decision makingLeave the NDL website. ATK-kirjallisuutta : yhteisluettelo 1973-1976 = ADP-literature : a union catalogue, 1973-1976Leave the NDL website. Consumer price perception : a multi-dimensional analysis of perceived quality and adaptation-level price as determinants of price perceptionLeave the NDL website. Information content of interim earnings components : application of event study and association study methodsLeave the NDL website. Kansantaloustieteellinen kirjallisuus Suomessa, 1960-1972 = Bibliography of economics literature in Finland, 1960-1972Leave the NDL website. Corporate modelling in system dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Price image versus price reality : objective and subjective determinants of consumer price perception.Leave the NDL website. Conflicts among the basic subunits of the firm : exploring the impact of nature of business, competitive strategy and managerial organization on conflicts in Finnish food industry firmsLeave the NDL website. Profitability and cash stream analysesLeave the NDL website. The politics of universalism : the case of Finnish sickness insuranceLeave the NDL website. Interaction between energy supply and long-term development of the Finnish economyLeave the NDL website. Store size and the central place hierarchy : a case study in Southwest Häme (Lounais-Häme), FinlandLeave the NDL website. Matkailu : valikoima kotimaista ja ulkomaista kirjallisuutta = Tourism ; selected bibliographyLeave the NDL website. Die möglichkeiten der kapitalflussrechungen als hilfe von unternehmensanalysenLeave the NDL website. Four papers in system dynamicsLeave the NDL website. Economic integration and R&DLeave the NDL website. Organisaatio-opin ja yrityksen hallinnon kirjallisuus Suomessa vuodelta 1971 = Bibliography of organization and administration in Finland, 1971Leave the NDL website. Kahden eteläsuomalaisen kylän talousmaantieteellinen rakenneLeave the NDL website. Benennungen im rechnungswesen : eine terminologische analyseLeave the NDL website. Role switching in network : case on a supplier of customized systemsLeave the NDL website. Approximating many server queues by means of single server queues II : simulation experimentsLeave the NDL website. Report of the Seventh Scandinavian Research Seminar on Systemeering : Helsinki, Aug 26-29, 1984Leave the NDL website. Cash-based profitability and financing of industries : Finland 1961-1973, Sweden 1966-1974Leave the NDL website. A note on the comparison of two sums of exponentially distributed random variablesLeave the NDL website. Determinants of corporate financial policy : theory and evidence on Finnish dataLeave the NDL website. Locality and dependence : on the relations between enterprises and local governmentsLeave the NDL website. A model of business strategy, empirical testing in knitwear industryLeave the NDL website. Mergers and acquisitions between Finland and Sweden, 1981-1991 : an analysis of success in four casesLeave the NDL website. Sources of company informationLeave the NDL website. Listing on foreign stock exchanges : an empirical study on company-specific factors influencing Finnish industrial companies to list their shares on foreign stock exchangesLeave the NDL website. Tutkimusprojekti : Suomalais-Saksalaiset kulttuurierot talouselämän viestinnässä : väliraportti = Forschungsprojekt : Deutsch-Finnische kulturunterschiede in der wirtschaftskommunikation : zwischenberichtLeave the NDL website. Dual management : a semiotic study on duality in Japanese culture and its manifestations in Japanese busines managementLeave the NDL website. Suomen liiketaloustieteellinen kirjallisuus 1945-1970 = Business literature in Finland 1945-1970Leave the NDL website. Vertical oligopolistic markets - the export market for forest productsLeave the NDL website. Strategic group formation : the case of Scandinavian furniture producers on the FRG marketLeave the NDL website. Educational equality in the 1970's : a study of students at the Helsinki School of EconomicsLeave the NDL website. Coordination and cooperation in vertical marketing systems : a model verificationLeave the NDL website. Imperfect competition and firm's evaluation modelsLeave the NDL website. Liiketaloustieteellinen kirjallisuus Suomessa 1973 = Bibliography of business economics literature in Finland 1973Leave the NDL website. Yhteiskuntatieteellinen tutkimus Suomessa = Research reports on social sciences in Finland 1960-1972Leave the NDL website. Talviulkoilualueet, niiden edellytykset ja käyttö erityisesti Etelä-Suomen olosuhteissa : talousmaantieteellinen selvitysLeave the NDL website. Entrepreneurship : an economic perspectiveLeave the NDL website. The value-added chain approach as a method of assessing business strategies. case : the Finnish Food-Processing IndustryLeave the NDL website. Current market position and future earnings power : Finnish paper industry firms 1970-1985Leave the NDL website. EEC, EFTA, NORDEK : valikoima pohjoismaista yhteismarkkinakirjallisuutta : a selected list of common market literature in the Nordic countriesLeave the NDL website. An assessment of modeling activities : a normative implementation model and an empirical testLeave the NDL website. Environmental strategy in the enterpriseLeave the NDL website. The department of basic research at the Helsinki School of Economics : working progress 1987Leave the NDL website. Arvoanalyysi : uudempaa kotimaista ja ulkomaista kirjallisuutta = Value analysis : recent Finnish and foreign literatureLeave the NDL website. Managerial application potential of multiattribute choice modelsLeave the NDL website. Essays on trade and international competitivenessLeave the NDL website. Taloustieteellinen tutkimus Suomessa 1976 : aikakauslehtiartikkeleita = Literature in economics and business sciences in Finland, 1976 : periodical articlesLeave the NDL website. A note on the proofs of hall and heyde for the invariance principles in the martingale limit theoryLeave the NDL website. Eurocall 1991 : Conference on Computer Assisted Language Learning : 21-23 August 1991 FinlandLeave the NDL website. Proceedings : seminar on methodology in management and business research : August 21 to 24, 1983 Säästöpankkiopisto, Espoo, FinlandLeave the NDL website. Problems in the redescription of business enterprises : proceedings of the First Summer Seminar of the Group on the Theory of the Firm, 7-8 August 1984, Espoo, FinlandLeave the NDL website. Effective marginal tax rates on investment in Finland /Jouko Ylä-LiedenpohjaLeave the NDL website. Structure of the Finnish book publishing industry and performance of firms, 1965-85Leave the NDL website. Yhteiskuntatieteellinen tutkimus Suomessa = Research reports on social sciences in Finland : 1960-1973Leave the NDL website. Essays on EC trade policies and developmentLeave the NDL website. Critical areas in the capital investment process of enterprises : a study of the success and failure of strategy and capital investments in the 30 largest Finnish industrial enterprisesLeave the NDL website. Cyclical fluctuation under central planning : an inquiry into the nature and causes of cyclical fluctuation in the Soviet economyLeave the NDL website. Research approaches on business enterprises : proceedings of the second summer seminar of the Group on the Theory of the Firm, 6-7 June 1985, Espoo, FinlandLeave the NDL website. On the classification of centers particularly with regard to the retail trade on the low and medium hierarchical levels in Southwest Häme (Lounais-Häme), FinlandLeave the NDL website. Liiketaloustieteellinen kirjallisuus Suomessa = Bibliography of business economics literature in FinlandLeave the NDL website. Foreign tourists in Finland : in the light of camping statisticsLeave the NDL website. The time series properties of corporate cash flows : preliminary evidence from some Finnish firmsLeave the NDL website. Making of success and failure in mergers and acquisitions : a study of managerial actors in two casesLeave the NDL website. Production planning in a paper millLeave the NDL website. Internal strategy of management in industrial organizationsLeave the NDL website. Internationalization and foreign market penetration patterns : Finnish companies operating in JapanLeave the NDL website. Industrial buying behavior of production materials : a conceptual model and analysisLeave the NDL website. Joint venture decisionLeave the NDL website. Taloustieteellisiä aikakauslehtiä = Union list of periodicals in the fields of economics and business sciencesLeave the NDL website. Proceedings : research seminar on strategy : June 14 to 18 1982, Sannäs, FinlandLeave the NDL website. Measurement problems in intra-industry tradeLeave the NDL website. Industrial buying behavior of production materials : a conceptual model and analysisLeave the NDL website. Konsumtionsstilen som en del av levnadssättet : forskningsrapportLeave the NDL website. Polluting firm and environmental policyLeave the NDL website. Directory of economic libraries in ScandinaviaLeave the NDL website. Leisure time and consumption : an explorative study of the Finnish wage earner families in 1971Leave the NDL website. Effect of tariffs on imports to FinlandLeave the NDL website. Youth attitudes towards workLeave the NDL website. Brand choice under perceived uncertainty : development and testing of a multiattribute choice modelLeave the NDL website.

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Material Type
Publication, Distribution, etc.
21-30 cm
Alternative Title
Publications of the Helsinki School of Economics
The Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration publications
Kauppakorkeakoulun julkaisusarja
Helsingin kauppakorkeakoulun kirjaston julkaisuja
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Note (General)
Description based on: D ; 51([1981])
Some issues have English title: Publications of the Helsinki School of Economics; Some issues have only sub-series no., i.e. Series C
D-188 (1993) has English title: The Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration publications
Ser. B has ISSN: 0356889X