
Coastal and estuarine studies

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Coastal and estuarine studies

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American Geophysical Union
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Table of Contents

  • Small islands : marine science and sustainable development

  • Seasonal and interannual variability of the western Mediterranean Sea

  • Physical processes in lakes and oceans

  • Tropical mangrove ecosystems

  • Nitrogen loading in coastal water bodies : an atmospheric perspective

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Related Material
Small islands : marine science and sustainable development
Seasonal and interannual variability of the western Mediterranean Sea
Physical processes in lakes and oceans
Tropical mangrove ecosystems
Nitrogen loading in coastal water bodies : an atmospheric perspective
Ecosystems at the land-sea margin : drainage basin to coastal sea
Aquaculture : fundamental and applied research
Buoyancy effects on coastal and estuarine dynamics
Nearshore and estuarine cohesive sediment transport
Coastal hypoxia : consequences for living resources and ecosystems
Eutrophication in coastal marine ecosystems
Quantitative skill assessment for coastal ocean models
Coastal ocean prediction
The Bio-physics of marine larval dispersal
Dynamics and exchanges in estuaries and the coastal zone
Arctic oceanography : marginal ice zones and continental shelves
Physical processes in a large lake : Lake Biwa, Japan
Mixing in estuaries and coastal seas
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
Original Data Provider (Database)
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA22803716 : BA22803716