
International scholars forum : a series of books by American scholars

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International scholars forum : a series of books by American scholars

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Table of Contents

  • The arrow and the lyre : a study of the role of love in the works of Thomas Mann

  • The theory and practice of exchange control in Germany : a study of monopolistic exploitation in international markets

  • Polity and economy : an interpretation of the principles of Adam Smith

  • Systematic botany

  • Polity and economy : an interpretation of the principles of Adam Smith

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Related Material
The arrow and the lyre : a study of the role of love in the works of Thomas Mann
The theory and practice of exchange control in Germany : a study of monopolistic exploitation in international markets
Polity and economy : an interpretation of the principles of Adam Smith
Systematic botany
Polity and economy : an interpretation of the principles of Adam Smith
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The fictional technique of Scott Fitzgerald
Bits of table talk on Pushkin, Mickiewicz, Goethe, Turgenev and Sienkiewicz
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https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA03603505 : BA03603505