
International library of colonial history

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International library of colonial history

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Publisher varies: Bloomsbury Academic

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Imperial violence and the path to independence : India, Ireland and the crisis of empireLeave the NDL website. Governing Hong Kong : administrative officers from the nineteenth century to the handover to China, 1862-1997Leave the NDL website. Modern medicine in the Holy Land : pioneering British medical services in late Ottoman PalestineLeave the NDL website. Artisans, Sufis, shrines : colonial architecture in nineteenth-century PunjabLeave the NDL website. Club government : how the early Victorian world was ruled from London clubsLeave the NDL website. Protectorate Cyprus : British imperial power before World War ILeave the NDL website. Writing, travel, and empire : in the margins of anthropologyLeave the NDL website. Slavery in Africa and the Caribbean : a history of enslavement and identity since the 18th centuryLeave the NDL website. Indian Muslim minorities and the 1857 rebellion : religion, rebels and jihadLeave the NDL website. Power and passion in Egypt : a life of Sir Eldon Gorst , 1861-1911Leave the NDL website. Echoes of empire : memory, identity and colonial legaciesLeave the NDL website. Monuments, power and poverty in India : from Ashoka to the RajLeave the NDL website. Race and power in British India : Anglo-Indians, class and identity in the nineteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Britain, South Africa and the East Africa campaign, 1914-1918 : the Union comes of ageLeave the NDL website. Art in the service of colonialism : French art education in Morocco, 1912-1956Leave the NDL website. Race and Power in British India : Anglo-Indians, Class and Identity in the Nineteenth CenturyLeave the NDL website. Without glory in Arabia : the British retreat from AdenLeave the NDL website. An imperial crisis in British India : the Manipur uprising of 1891Leave the NDL website. Monuments, power and poverty in India : from Ashoka to the RajLeave the NDL website. Symbol of authority : the British district officer in AfricaLeave the NDL website. The Portuguese in the east : a cultural history of a maritime trading empireLeave the NDL website. Princely India and the British : political development and the operation of EmpireLeave the NDL website. Artisans, Sufis, shrines : colonial architecture in nineteenth-century PunjabLeave the NDL website. Princely India and the British : political development and the operation of EmpireLeave the NDL website. Indian Muslim minorities and the 1857 rebellion : religion, rebels and jihadLeave the NDL website. An imperial crisis in British India : the Manipur uprising of 1891Leave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Imperial violence and the path to independence : India, Ireland and the crisis of empire

  • Governing Hong Kong : administrative officers from the nineteenth century to the handover to China, 1862-1997

  • Modern medicine in the Holy Land : pioneering British medical services in late Ottoman Palestine

  • Artisans, Sufis, shrines : colonial architecture in nineteenth-century Punjab

  • Club government : how the early Victorian world was ruled from London clubs

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Publisher varies: Bloomsbury Academic
Related Material
Imperial violence and the path to independence : India, Ireland and the crisis of empire
Governing Hong Kong : administrative officers from the nineteenth century to the handover to China, 1862-1997
Modern medicine in the Holy Land : pioneering British medical services in late Ottoman Palestine
Artisans, Sufis, shrines : colonial architecture in nineteenth-century Punjab
Club government : how the early Victorian world was ruled from London clubs
Protectorate Cyprus : British imperial power before World War I
Writing, travel, and empire : in the margins of anthropology
Slavery in Africa and the Caribbean : a history of enslavement and identity since the 18th century
Indian Muslim minorities and the 1857 rebellion : religion, rebels and jihad
Power and passion in Egypt : a life of Sir Eldon Gorst , 1861-1911
Echoes of empire : memory, identity and colonial legacies
Monuments, power and poverty in India : from Ashoka to the Raj
Race and power in British India : Anglo-Indians, class and identity in the nineteenth century
Britain, South Africa and the East Africa campaign, 1914-1918 : the Union comes of age
Art in the service of colonialism : French art education in Morocco, 1912-1956
Race and Power in British India : Anglo-Indians, Class and Identity in the Nineteenth Century
Without glory in Arabia : the British retreat from Aden
An imperial crisis in British India : the Manipur uprising of 1891
Monuments, power and poverty in India : from Ashoka to the Raj
Symbol of authority : the British district officer in Africa
The Portuguese in the east : a cultural history of a maritime trading empire
Princely India and the British : political development and the operation of Empire
Artisans, Sufis, shrines : colonial architecture in nineteenth-century Punjab
Princely India and the British : political development and the operation of Empire
Indian Muslim minorities and the 1857 rebellion : religion, rebels and jihad
An imperial crisis in British India : the Manipur uprising of 1891
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