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The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science

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The Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science

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Adams, Herbert Baxter
Johns Hopkins University Press
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Editor: Herbert B. AdamsPublisher varies: Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins Press

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Erin's daughters in America : Irish immigrant women in the nineteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. The criminal law system of medieval and Renaissance FlorenceLeave the NDL website. Municipal problems in mediæval SwitzerlandLeave the NDL website. French freemasonry under the Third RepublicLeave the NDL website. Econimics and politics Maryland, 1720-1750 and the public services of Daniel Dulany the elderLeave the NDL website. Fashoda reconsidered : the impact of domestic politics on French policy in Africa, 1893-1898Leave the NDL website. Renaissance humanism in papal Rome : humanists and churchmen on the eve of the ReformationLeave the NDL website. God in La Mancha : religious reform and the people of Cuenca, 1500-1650Leave the NDL website. A study of judicial administration in the state of MarylandLeave the NDL website. South Carolina, Maryland, and VirginiaLeave the NDL website. A spirited resistance : the North American Indian struggle for unity, 1745-1815Leave the NDL website. Recent problems in admiralty jurisdictionLeave the NDL website. Studies in state taxation with particular reference to the Southern StatesLeave the NDL website. The financial history of Baltimore, 1900-1926Leave the NDL website. The self-reconstruction of Maryland, 1864-1867Leave the NDL website. Workmen's compensation in MarylandLeave the NDL website. The agrarian movement in North Dakota . The Virginia frontier, 1754-1763 . The ordinance-making powers of the President of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Money and conquest : allied occupation currencies in World War IILeave the NDL website. David Ricardo : a centenary estimateLeave the NDL website. European schools of history and politicsLeave the NDL website. Colonial trade of Maryland 1689-1715Leave the NDL website. Commercial banking and the stock market before 1863Leave the NDL website. History of State Banking in MarylandLeave the NDL website. Benjamin Franklin as an economistLeave the NDL website. True yankees : the South Seas and the discovery of American identityLeave the NDL website. Pastoral economics in the Kingdom of NaplesLeave the NDL website. A history of criminal syndicalism legislation in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Social science, municipal and federal governmentLeave the NDL website. The mission of William Carmichael to SpainLeave the NDL website. Abandoned children of the Italian Renaissance : orphan care in Florence and BolognaLeave the NDL website. Descriptions of MarylandLeave the NDL website. Trade and aid : Eisenhower's foreign economic policy, 1953-1961Leave the NDL website. The Negro in Maryland : a study of the institution of slaveryLeave the NDL website. Oil and the American century : the political economy of U.S. foreign oil policy, 1941-1954Leave the NDL website. The Carolina pirates and colonial commerce, 1670-1740Leave the NDL website. The Wabash trade route in the development of the Old NorthwestLeave the NDL website. Tendencies in American economic thoughtLeave the NDL website. To sow one acre more : childbearing and farm productivity in the antebellum northLeave the NDL website. Diplomatic and constitutional historyLeave the NDL website. Elbeuf during the revolutionary period : history and social structureLeave the NDL website. The Bishop Hill Colony : a religious communistic settlement in Henry County, IllinoisLeave the NDL website. Recent administration in VirginiaLeave the NDL website. The city government of BaltimoreLeave the NDL website. Slavery in Missouri, 1804-1865Leave the NDL website. Contemporary French opinion on the American Civil War . Frederick Law Olmsted : a critic of the Old South . Constitutional doctrines of Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes . The Reformation in Poland : some social and economic aspectsLeave the NDL website. Liberty and property : political economy and policymaking in the new nation, 1789-1812Leave the NDL website. Dutch village communities on the Hudson RiverLeave the NDL website. A rural Society in medieval France : the Gâtine of Poitou in the eleventh and twelfth centuriesLeave the NDL website. The wage policies of labor organizations in a period of industrial depressionLeave the NDL website. Four studies in French romantic historical writingLeave the NDL website. Daniel Raymond : an early chapter in the history of economic theory in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. State tax commissions in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Birth rates of the white population in the United States, 1800-1860 : an economic studyLeave the NDL website. The early period of reconstruction in South CarolinaLeave the NDL website. The agrarian movement in North DakotaLeave the NDL website. The study of history in England and ScotlandLeave the NDL website. Local institutionsLeave the NDL website. The right of search and the slave trade in Anglo-American relations, 1814-1862Leave the NDL website. The international beginnings of the Congo Free StateLeave the NDL website. Local institutions of MarylandLeave the NDL website. The Capital Issues Committee and War Finance CorporationLeave the NDL website. From barter to slavery : the economic relations of Portuguese and Indians in the settlement of Brazil, 1500-1580Leave the NDL website. The influence of the proprietors in founding the State of New JerseyLeave the NDL website. Charles J. Bonaparte : patrician reformer, his earlier careerLeave the NDL website. The communes of Lombardy from the VI. to the X. century : an investigation of the causes which led to the development of municipal unity among the Lombard communesLeave the NDL website. Federal examiners and the conflict of law and administrationLeave the NDL website. The labor law of MarylandLeave the NDL website. Death and property in Siena, 1205-1800 : strategies for the afterlifeLeave the NDL website. History of taxation in Connecticut, 1636-1776Leave the NDL website. Money, class, and party : an economic study of Civil War and ReconstructionLeave the NDL website. South American trade of BaltimoreLeave the NDL website. The departments of the American Federation of LaborLeave the NDL website. Municipal expendituresLeave the NDL website. The revolt of 1916 in Russian Central AsiaLeave the NDL website. Tribe, race, history : native Americans in southern New England, 1780-1880Leave the NDL website. Death and ritual in Renaissance FlorenceLeave the NDL website. Coöperation on the Pacific coastLeave the NDL website. Town and county government in the English colonies of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Social control in slave plantation societies : a comparison of St. Domingue and CubaLeave the NDL website. The international beginnings of the Congo Free StateLeave the NDL website. The neutrality of the American Lakes and Anglo-American relationsLeave the NDL website. Maryland's attitude in the struggle for CanadaLeave the NDL website. The street railway system of Philadelphia : its history and present conditionLeave the NDL website. William Penn's legacy : politics and social structure in provincial Pennsylvania, 1726-1755Leave the NDL website. When champagne became French : wine and the making of a national identityLeave the NDL website. The dynamics of supply : estimation of farmers' response to priceLeave the NDL website. The fathers of the towns : leadership and community structure in eighteenth-century New EnglandLeave the NDL website. Neighbors in conflict : the Irish, Germans, Jews, and Italians of New York City, 1929-1941Leave the NDL website. Between crown and commerce : Marseille and the early modern MediterraneanLeave the NDL website. The boycott in American trade unionsLeave the NDL website. The condition of the western farmer as illustrated by the economic history of a Nebraska townshipLeave the NDL website. The savings Bank of Baltimore, 1818-1866 : a historical and analytical studyLeave the NDL website. Erin's daughters in America : Irish immigrant women in the nineteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Public relations and business, 1900-1929Leave the NDL website. The early relations between Maryland and Virginia . Is history past politics?Leave the NDL website. Public educational work in BaltimoreLeave the NDL website. Paper money in Maryland, 1727-1789 . The shop committee in the United States . Bavaria and the Reich : the conflict over the law for the protection of the republic . James Henry Hammond, 1807-1864Leave the NDL website. The organization of state administration in Delaware . The theory of inter-sectoral money flows and income formation . Sectional biases in congress on foreign policyLeave the NDL website. The study of history in Germany and FranceLeave the NDL website. The supreme court and political questionsLeave the NDL website. The decline of the Venetian nobility as a ruling classLeave the NDL website. The Germanic origin of New England towns : read before the Harvard Historical Society, May 9, 1881Leave the NDL website. The study of history in Holland and BelgiumLeave the NDL website. The English statutes in MarylandLeave the NDL website. The American Colonization Society, 1817-1840Leave the NDL website. Frederick Law Olmsted : a critic of the Old SouthLeave the NDL website. The Canadian Reciprocity Treaty of 1854Leave the NDL website. Local government in Illinois . Local government in PennsylvaniaLeave the NDL website. Daniel Webster and Jacksonian democracyLeave the NDL website. The international molders union of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. The presidential campaign of 1832Leave the NDL website. The privileges and immunities of state citizenshipLeave the NDL website. Modern Yemen, 1918-1966Leave the NDL website. State banking in the United Stats since the Passage of the National Bank ActLeave the NDL website. A provincial elite in early modern Tuscany : family and power in the creation of the stateLeave the NDL website. Beginnings of Maryland, 1631-1639Leave the NDL website. Peltries or plantations : the economic policies of the Dutch West India Company in New Netherland, 1623-1639Leave the NDL website. The Baltimore clearing houseLeave the NDL website. Studies in the history of the English feudal baronyLeave the NDL website. Venetians in Constantinople : nation, identity, and coexistence in the early modern MediterraneanLeave the NDL website. The finances and administration of ProvidenceLeave the NDL website. A trial bibliography of American trade-union publicationsLeave the NDL website. The genesis of California's first constitution (1846-49)Leave the NDL website. A History of Slavery in VirginiaLeave the NDL website. The standard of living in JapanLeave the NDL website. The Labadist Colony in MarylandLeave the NDL website. Constitutional doctrines of Justice Oliver Wendell HolmesLeave the NDL website. Investment management : an analysis of the experiences of American management investment trustsLeave the NDL website. Germany and Morocco before 1905Leave the NDL website. The slave states in the presidential election of 1860Leave the NDL website. The state as a party litigant . The relation of Thomas Jefferson to American foreign policy, 1783-1793 . Ecclesiastical censure at the end of the fifteenth century . The constitutional status and government of AlaskaLeave the NDL website. The religious development in the province of North CarolinaLeave the NDL website. Tench Coxe : a study in American economic developmentLeave the NDL website. History of coöperation in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The history of the Woman's Peace PartyLeave the NDL website. Coöperation in the NorthwestLeave the NDL website. English colonial administration under Lord Clarendon, 1660-1667Leave the NDL website. History of slavery in ConnecticutLeave the NDL website. The journeymen barbers' international union of AmericaLeave the NDL website. The river towns of Connecticut : a study of Wethersfield, Hartford, and WindsorLeave the NDL website. Eat my dust : early women motoristsLeave the NDL website. A study of the legislature of the state of Maryland : with special reference to the sessions of 1927 and 1929Leave the NDL website. The United States Department of Agriculture : a study in administrationLeave the NDL website. Lourmarin in the eighteenth century : a study of a French villageLeave the NDL website. Mercenary companies and the decline of SienaLeave the NDL website. Taxation in the United States, 1789-1816Leave the NDL website. Switzerland at the beginning of the sixteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. The right to vote : politics and the passage of the fifteenth amendmentLeave the NDL website. The great national project : a history of the Chesapeake and Ohio CanalLeave the NDL website. Trust companies in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Some Presidential interpretations of the PresidencyLeave the NDL website. Lay sermonsLeave the NDL website. Twilight of progressivism : the western Republican senators and the New DealLeave the NDL website. The standard of living in Japan . Sumptuary law in Nürnberg : a study in paternal government . The privileges and immunities of state citizenship . French protestantism, 1559-1562Leave the NDL website. Local government in the South and the Southwest . Popular election of U.S. SenatorsLeave the NDL website. Nobles in nineteenth-century France : the practice of inegalitarianismLeave the NDL website. The past and the present of political economyLeave the NDL website. Historical scholarship in the United States, 1876-1901 : as revealed in the correspondence of Herbert B. AdamsLeave the NDL website. James Henry Hammond, 1807-1864Leave the NDL website. Sumptuary legislation and personal regulation in EnglandLeave the NDL website. The Ormée of Bordeaux : a revolution during the FrondeLeave the NDL website. The church and popular educationLeave the NDL website. Malaria and colonization in the Carolina Low Country, 1526-1696Leave the NDL website. French opposition to the Mexican policy of the Second EmpireLeave the NDL website. The foreign relations of the federal stateLeave the NDL website. Coöperation on the Pacific coastLeave the NDL website. Land laws of mining districtsLeave the NDL website. Local government in Michigan and the NorthwestLeave the NDL website. The Anglo-Japanese allianceLeave the NDL website. The yellow dog contractLeave the NDL website. Studies in state taxation with particular reference to the Southern StatesLeave the NDL website. Economic history-Maryland and the southLeave the NDL website. Sumptuary law in Nürnberg : a study in paternal governmentLeave the NDL website. The rise and development of the bicameral system in AmericaLeave the NDL website. The supreme court of the United States : its history and influence in our constitutional systemLeave the NDL website. The control of strikes in American trade unionsLeave the NDL website. State administration in MarylandLeave the NDL website. Seminary notes on recent historical literatureLeave the NDL website. Doplomatic history trade unionsLeave the NDL website. The constitutional development of Japan, 1853-1881Leave the NDL website. Saint Mary Magdalene in mediaeval literatureLeave the NDL website. The practice and procedure of international conferencesLeave the NDL website. Notes on the progress of the colored people in Maryland : since the warLeave the NDL website. The ideology of the Great Fear : the Soissonnais in 1789Leave the NDL website. Power, knowledge, and expertise in Elizabethan EnglandLeave the NDL website. Industry and commerce of the city of Rome, 50 B.C.-200 A.D.Leave the NDL website. American relations in the Pacific and the Far East, 1784-1900Leave the NDL website. The organization of State administration in DelawareLeave the NDL website. The provisional government of Maryland (1774-1777)Leave the NDL website. Village communities of Cape Anne and Salem : from the historical collections of the Essex InstituteLeave the NDL website. Hours of laborLeave the NDL website. Municipal government and land tenureLeave the NDL website. The investment value of goodwillLeave the NDL website. State aid to higher education : a series of addresses delivered at the Johns Hopkins UniversityLeave the NDL website. Beloved lady : a history of Jane Addams' ideas on reform and peaceLeave the NDL website. The floating debt of the Federal Government, 1919-1936Leave the NDL website. The presidential campaign of 1832 . The Canadian Reciprocity Treaty of 1854 . Recent problems in admiralty jurisdiction . The creation of the Presidency, 1775-1789 : a study in constitutional historyLeave the NDL website. Paper money in Maryland, 1727-1789Leave the NDL website. The United States Department of Agriculture : a study in administration . The Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers . The employment of the plebiscite in the determination of sovereigntyLeave the NDL website. Indiana, North Carolina and MarylandLeave the NDL website. The local merchants of Prato : small entrepreneurs in the late medieval economyLeave the NDL website. Price discrimination in selling gas and electricityLeave the NDL website. The beginnings of American nationality : the constitutional relations between the Continental Congress and the Colonies and States from 1774 to 1789Leave the NDL website. The capitulatory régime of Turkey : its history, origin, and natureLeave the NDL website. Florentine life during the RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. The state in constitutional and international lawLeave the NDL website. Warrior pursuits : noble culture and civil conflict in early modern FranceLeave the NDL website. The ordinance-making powers of the President of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Education, history, and politicsLeave the NDL website. An introduction to the study of the constitution : a study showing the play of physical and social factors in the creation of institutional lawLeave the NDL website. Local institutions of VirginiaLeave the NDL website. Bubonic plague in early modern Russia : public health & urban disasterLeave the NDL website. Rudimentary society among boysLeave the NDL website. Neutral rights and obligations in the Anglo-Bower WarLeave the NDL website. Municipal indebtedness : a study of the debt-to-property ratioLeave the NDL website. Henry Charles Carey : a study in American economic thoughtLeave the NDL website. Constitutional history of HawaiiLeave the NDL website. Institutions and economicsLeave the NDL website. David Ricardo : a centenary estimateLeave the NDL website. Slavery agitation in Virginia, 1829-1832Leave the NDL website. Municipal government, history and politicsLeave the NDL website. Beneficiary features of American trade unionsLeave the NDL website. The revision and amendment of state constitutionsLeave the NDL website. The natural philosophy of Margaret Cavendish : reason and fancy during the scientific revolutionLeave the NDL website. The state as a party litigantLeave the NDL website. The question of expatriation in America prior to 1907Leave the NDL website. Liberty in absolutist Spain : the Habsburg sale of towns, 1516-1700Leave the NDL website. Maryland, Virginia, and WashingtonLeave the NDL website. Richard HildrethLeave the NDL website. Burgundy to Champagne : the wine trade in early modern FranceLeave the NDL website. The security affiliates of national banksLeave the NDL website. Contribution of the ideologues to French revolutionary thoughtLeave the NDL website. American policy of recognition towards MexicoLeave the NDL website. Warrior pursuits : noble culture and civil conflict in early modern FranceLeave the NDL website. White servitude in the colony of Virginia : a study of the system of indentured labor in the American coloniesLeave the NDL website. The history of the woman's peace partyLeave the NDL website. Purity lost : transgressing boundaries in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1000-1400Leave the NDL website. The unheralded triumph : city government in America, 1870-1900Leave the NDL website. The theory of inter-sectoral money flows and income formationLeave the NDL website. Health & healing in eighteenth-century GermanyLeave the NDL website. Seminary libraries and university extensionLeave the NDL website. Jared Sparks and Alexis de TocquevilleLeave the NDL website. The mission of William Carmichael to Spain . The workers' (communist) party and American trade unions . The Virginia constitutional convention of 1901-1902 . The protection of citizens abroad by the armed forces of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Firstborn of Venice : Vicenza in the early Renaissance stateLeave the NDL website. Coöperation in Maryland and the SouthLeave the NDL website. The world of the Paris café : sociability among the French working class, 1789-1914Leave the NDL website. History, politics, and educationLeave the NDL website. The boycott in American trade unionsLeave the NDL website. The Romanization of Africa ProconsularisLeave the NDL website. Divine feminine : theosophy and feminism in EnglandLeave the NDL website. The savage ideal : intolerance and intellectual leadership in the South, 1890-1914Leave the NDL website. The quinquennales : an historical studyLeave the NDL website. The bomb and America's missile ageLeave the NDL website. Congressional investigating committeesLeave the NDL website. Britons in American labor : a history of the influence of the United Kingdom immigrants on American labor, 1820-1914Leave the NDL website. Liberty in absolutist Spain : the Habsburg sale of towns, 1516-1700Leave the NDL website. The closed shop in American trade unionsLeave the NDL website. The National Bituminous Coal Commission : administration of the Bituminous coal act, 1937-1941Leave the NDL website. Cuba and international relations : a historical study in American diplomacyLeave the NDL website. State government in Maryland 1777-1781Leave the NDL website. State right political parties in North Carolina, 1776-1861Leave the NDL website. Development of the township, hundred, and shireLeave the NDL website. West Florida and its relation to the historical cartography of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Slavery in the State of North CarolinaLeave the NDL website. Hours of labor . Some Presidential interpretations of the Presidency . The governor of Maryland : a constitutional study . The yellow dog contractLeave the NDL website. The protection of citizens abroad by the armed forces of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Church and state in North CarolinaLeave the NDL website. The foreign commerce of Japan since the restoration, 1869-1900Leave the NDL website. Shipbuilders of the Venetian arsenal : workers and workplace in the preindustrial cityLeave the NDL website. A people in revolution : the American Revolution and political society in New York, 1760-1790Leave the NDL website. The Romanization of Africa ProconsularisLeave the NDL website. Coöperation in the middle statesLeave the NDL website. The Union Pacific Railroad : a case in premature enterpriseLeave the NDL website. Unemployment and American trade unions . The labor law of Maryland . The American Colonization Society, 1817-1840 . The obligation of contracts clause of the United States ConstitutionLeave the NDL website. The nobility of Toulouse in the eighteenth century : a social and economic studyLeave the NDL website. The wholesale marketing of fruits and vegetables in BaltimoreLeave the NDL website. Schooling in Renaissance Italy : literacy and learning, 1300-1600Leave the NDL website. Taxation in southern states, church and educationLeave the NDL website. Labor slavery and self-governmentLeave the NDL website. Hunting and fishing in the new South : black labor and white leisure after the Civil WarLeave the NDL website. Apprenticeship in American trade unionsLeave the NDL website. The Virginia Committee System and the American revolutionLeave the NDL website. Elizabethan parish in its ecclesiastical and financial aspectsLeave the NDL website. The Negro in Maryland politics, 1870-1912Leave the NDL website. The history of Japanese paper currency (1868-1890)Leave the NDL website. The standard rate in American trade unionsLeave the NDL website. The employment of the plebiscite in the determination of sovereigntyLeave the NDL website. The struggle of Protestant dissenters for religious toleration in VirginiaLeave the NDL website. Western Maryland in the revolutionLeave the NDL website. Life and administration of Sir Robert EdenLeave the NDL website. Baltimore, slavery, and constitutional historyLeave the NDL website. Trends in birth rates in the United States since 1870Leave the NDL website. Medieval Jewry in Northern France : a political and social historyLeave the NDL website. Old Maryland manors : with the records of a Court Leet and a Court BaronLeave the NDL website. Methods of historical studyLeave the NDL website. The slave states in the presidential election of 1860Leave the NDL website. Southern commercial conventions, 1837-1859Leave the NDL website. Twilight of progressivism : the western Republican senators and the New DealLeave the NDL website. Anti-slavery leaders of North CarolinaLeave the NDL website. The town and city government of New HavenLeave the NDL website. Contemporary American opinion of the French revolutionLeave the NDL website. From Muslim to Christian Granada : inventing a city's past in early modern SpainLeave the NDL website. State administration in MarylandLeave the NDL website. Jurisdiction in American building-trades unionsLeave the NDL website. Government of the colony of South CarolinaLeave the NDL website. The military coup d'état as a political process : Ecuador, 1948-1966Leave the NDL website. The savant and the state : science and cultural politics in Nineteenth-Century FranceLeave the NDL website. Men of empire : power and negotiation in Venice's maritime stateLeave the NDL website. The Russian revolutionary émigrés, 1825-1870Leave the NDL website. Constitution and admission of Iowa into the UnionLeave the NDL website. Tribe, race, history : native Americans in Southern New England, 1780-1880Leave the NDL website. Daniel Raymond, an early chapter in the history of economic theory in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The history and development of the Fourth Amendment to the United States ConstitutionLeave the NDL website. A matter of allegiances ; Maryland from 1850 to 1861Leave the NDL website. William Rufus Day : Supreme Court Justice from OhioLeave the NDL website. Coöperation in the middle statesLeave the NDL website. Governor Thomas H. Hicks of Maryland and the Civil WarLeave the NDL website. Mutual savings banks in BaltimoreLeave the NDL website. Church and state in New EnglandLeave the NDL website. The governor of Maryland : a constitutional studyLeave the NDL website. Maryland during the English Civil WarsLeave the NDL website. The old English manor : a study in English economic historyLeave the NDL website. The location of Yamatai : a case study in Japanese historiography, 720-1945Leave the NDL website. The Anglo-Japanese allianceLeave the NDL website. The free Negro in Virginia 1619-1865Leave the NDL website. The idea of the American South, 1920-1941Leave the NDL website. Slavery and servitude in the colony of North CarolinaLeave the NDL website. Western river transportation : the era of early internal development, 1810-1860Leave the NDL website. The working people of Paris, 1871-1914Leave the NDL website. The financial administration of the colony of VirginiaLeave the NDL website. The protection of citizens abroad by the armed forces of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The economic history of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 1827-1853Leave the NDL website. The proffered crown : Saint-Simonianism and the doctrine of hopeLeave the NDL website. Sumptuary legislation and personal regulation in England . The doctrine of continuous voyage . The wage policies of labor organizations in a period of industrial depressionLeave the NDL website. The history of suffrage in VirginiaLeave the NDL website. Beneficiary features of American trade unionsLeave the NDL website. Three phases of coöperation in the WestLeave the NDL website. Local government in WisconsinLeave the NDL website. The world of the Paris café : sociability among the French working class, 1789-1914Leave the NDL website. A baronial family in medieval England : the Clares, 1217-1314Leave the NDL website. History of the Know Nothing party in MarylandLeave the NDL website. Majority rule in international organization : a study of the trend from unanimity to majority decisionLeave the NDL website. Continental opinion regarding a proposed Middle European Tariff-UnionLeave the NDL website. The revolt of 1916 in Russian Central AsiaLeave the NDL website. The economics of the international patent systemLeave the NDL website. The movement for the acquisition of all Mexico, 1846-1848Leave the NDL website. Juana the mad : sovereignty and dynasty in renaissance EuropeLeave the NDL website. British committees, commissions, and councils of trade and plantations, 1622-1675Leave the NDL website. Jurisdiction in American building-trades unions . Slavery in Missouri, 1804-1865 . Colonial trade of Maryland, 1689-1715Leave the NDL website. The Negro in Maryland politics, 1870-1912Leave the NDL website. Sectional biases in congress on foreign policyLeave the NDL website. The economic thought of Woodrow WilsonLeave the NDL website. Robert Oliver, merchant of Baltimore, 1783-1819Leave the NDL website. The Roman rhetorical schools as a preparation for the courts under the Early EmpireLeave the NDL website. Anglo-American relations and Southern historyLeave the NDL website. The Constitutional doctrines of Justice HarlanLeave the NDL website. Institutional and economic historyLeave the NDL website. David Ricardo : a centenary estimateLeave the NDL website. The effect of the War of 1812 upon the consolidation of the UnionLeave the NDL website. The finances and administration of providenceLeave the NDL website. The doctrine of continuous voyageLeave the NDL website. Government and religion of the Virginia IndiansLeave the NDL website. Capitalism in Amsterdam in the seventeenth centuryLeave the NDL website. The social history of skepticism : experience and doubt in early modern cultureLeave the NDL website. Public lands and agrarian laws of the Roman republicLeave the NDL website. Church and state : Columbus and AmericaLeave the NDL website. The organizability of laborLeave the NDL website. Columbus and his discovery of AmericaLeave the NDL website. The speakers of the U.S. House of Representatives : a bibliography, 1789-1984Leave the NDL website. The international aspects of electrical communications in the Pacific areaLeave the NDL website. Slavery and servitude in the colony of North CarolinaLeave the NDL website. United States policy and the partition of Turkey, 1914-1924Leave the NDL website. Geopolitik : doctrine of national self-sufficiency and empireLeave the NDL website. An introduction to the study of the constitutional and political history of the StatesLeave the NDL website. Municipal history of New OrleansLeave the NDL website. Legislative and judicial history of the fifteenth amendmentLeave the NDL website. England and the French Revolution, 1789-1797Leave the NDL website. The unanimity rule and the League of NationsLeave the NDL website. Mathew Carey : a study in American economic developmentLeave the NDL website. The city government of PhiladelphiaLeave the NDL website. The standard of living in JapanLeave the NDL website. Church and state in early MarylandLeave the NDL website. The American doctrine of state successionLeave the NDL website. Three phases of coöperation in the WestLeave the NDL website. Congressional investigating committees . A study of judicial administration in the state of Maryland . The financial history of Baltimore, 1900-1926 . Franco-German relations 1878-1885Leave the NDL website. The development of the English law of conspiracyLeave the NDL website. The shop committee in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The growth of German historicismLeave the NDL website. The Reformation in Poland : some social and economic aspectsLeave the NDL website. Ecclesiastical censure at the end of the fifteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. The political history of Virginia during the reconstructionLeave the NDL website. Baltimore, 1870-1900 : studies in social historyLeave the NDL website. The social condition of laborLeave the NDL website. The patent grantLeave the NDL website. International and colonial historyLeave the NDL website. Causes of the American RevolutionLeave the NDL website. The street railway system of Philadelphia : its history and present conditionLeave the NDL website. Representation in VirginiaLeave the NDL website. Renaissance humanism in papal Rome : humanists and churchmen on the eve of the ReformationLeave the NDL website. British block grants and central-local financeLeave the NDL website. Government and administration of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Search and seizure and the Supreme Court : a study in constitutional interpretationLeave the NDL website. Local government and free schools in South CarolinaLeave the NDL website. Bavaria and the Reich : the conflict over the law for the protection of the republicLeave the NDL website. The city government of BostonLeave the NDL website. Religious authority in the Spanish RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. Life of Commissary James Blair, founder of William and Mary CollegeLeave the NDL website. Village justice : community, family, and popular culture in early modern ItalyLeave the NDL website. Recent American socialismLeave the NDL website. Italy's relations with England, 1896-1905Leave the NDL website. The government of American trade unionsLeave the NDL website. Legislative and judicial history of the fifteenth amendmentLeave the NDL website. The conservative regime: South Carolina, 1877-1890Leave the NDL website. Maryland business corporations, 1783-1852Leave the NDL website. A study of the topography and municipal history of PrænesteLeave the NDL website. The legates of Galatia from Augustus to DiocletianLeave the NDL website. Social and industrial historyLeave the NDL website. National collective bargaining in the pottery industryLeave the NDL website. Maryland under the commonwealth : a chronicle of the years 1649-1658Leave the NDL website. The capitalization of goodwillLeave the NDL website. British corporation finance, 1775-1850 : a study of preference sharesLeave the NDL website. Law and citizenship in early modern FranceLeave the NDL website. Antwerp in the age of Reformation : underground Protestantism in a commercial metropolis, 1550-1577Leave the NDL website. The barristers of Toulouse in the eighteenth century (1740-1793)Leave the NDL website. The early development of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal ProjectLeave the NDL website. Reckoning with the beast : animals, pain, and humanity in the Victorian mindLeave the NDL website. Coöperation in New EnglandLeave the NDL website. The Napoleonic exiles in America : a study in American diplomatic history 1815-1819Leave the NDL website. The doctrine of non-suability of the state in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Federal Government in CanadaLeave the NDL website. This Sheba, Self : the conceptualization of economic life in eighteenth-century AmericaLeave the NDL website. A study of slavery in New JerseyLeave the NDL website. The adoption of the fourteenth amendmentLeave the NDL website. The Gas Light Company of Baltimore : a study of natural monopolyLeave the NDL website. Economic and social aspects of federal reclamation ; with a foreword by Elwood MeadLeave the NDL website. Internal taxation in the PhilippinesLeave the NDL website. The struggle for religious freedom in Virginia : the BaptistsLeave the NDL website. History of the land question in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Causes of the Maryland Revolution of 1689Leave the NDL website. Good neighbor diplomacy : United States policies in Latin America, 1933-1945Leave the NDL website. The Virginia constitutional convention of 1901-1902Leave the NDL website. The international aspect of the missionary movement in ChinaLeave the NDL website. The constitutional status and government of AlaskaLeave the NDL website. India's political crisisLeave the NDL website. Maryland during and after the revolution : a political and economic studyLeave the NDL website. Economic and social aspects of federal reclamation . Russo-American relations, 1815-1867 . A study of the legislature of the state of Maryland : with special reference to the sessions of 1927 and 1929 . Southern commercial conventions, 1837-1859Leave the NDL website. British block grants and central-local finance . Noble landowners and agriculture in Austria, 1815-1848 : a study in the origins of the peasant emancipation of 1848Leave the NDL website. Coöperation in the NorthwestLeave the NDL website. Parish institutions of Maryland : with illustrations from parish recordsLeave the NDL website. Noble landowners and agriculture in Austria, 1815-1848 : a study in the origins of the peasant emancipation of 1848Leave the NDL website. The landed estates of the Esterházy princes : Hungary during the reforms of Maria Theresia and Joseph IILeave the NDL website. Congressional investigating committeesLeave the NDL website. Admission to American trade unionsLeave the NDL website. The predictions of Hamilton and De TocquevilleLeave the NDL website. English and Catholic : the Lords Baltimore in the seventeenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Grand Central's engineer : William J. Wilgus and the planning of modern ManhattanLeave the NDL website. The Dreyfus affair and the crisis of French manhoodLeave the NDL website. Franco-German relations 1878-1885Leave the NDL website. The international mandatesLeave the NDL website. Internal improvements in AlabamaLeave the NDL website. The juristic status of Egypt and the SudanLeave the NDL website. Henry Barnard's American journal of educationLeave the NDL website. Representation and suffrage in Massachusetts, 1620-1691Leave the NDL website. How NATO adapts : strategy and organization in the Atlantic Alliance since 1950Leave the NDL website. Samuel Adams : the man of the town-meetingLeave the NDL website. Southern Quakers and slavery : a study in institutional historyLeave the NDL website. The virtuous marketplace : women and men, money and politics in Paris, 1830-1870Leave the NDL website. Saxon tithing-men in America : read before the American Antiquarian Society, October 21, 1881Leave the NDL website. Indian money as a factor in New England civilizationLeave the NDL website. The Cincinnati Southern Railway : a study in municipal activity ; A memorial of Lucius S. MerriamLeave the NDL website. The road to normalcy : the presidential campaign and election of 1920Leave the NDL website. Party organization and machinery in Michigan since 1890Leave the NDL website. The obligation of contracts clause of the United States ConstitutionLeave the NDL website. On the threshold of modernity : relativism in the French RenaissanceLeave the NDL website. Contemporary French opinion on the American Civil WarLeave the NDL website. The standard of living in JapanLeave the NDL website. The genesis of a New England State (Connecticut) : read before the Historical and Political Association, April 13, 1883Leave the NDL website. Colonial origins of New England SenatesLeave the NDL website. The first Ottoman constitutional period : a study of the Midhat constitution and parliamentLeave the NDL website. Colonial and economic historyLeave the NDL website. Selling beauty : cosmetics, commerce, and French society, 1750-1830Leave the NDL website. Poverty and charity in Aix-en-Provence, 1640-1789Leave the NDL website. The establishment of municipal government in San FranciscoLeave the NDL website. The world's representative assemblies of to-day : a study in comparative legislationLeave the NDL website. Hezekiah Niles as an economistLeave the NDL website. Internal improvements in North Carolina, previous to 1860Leave the NDL website. God in La Mancha : religious reform and the people of Cuenca, 1500-1650Leave the NDL website. The new balance of power in EuropeLeave the NDL website. Local government in Canada : an historical studyLeave the NDL website. Andrea Barbarigo : merchant of Venice, 1418-1449Leave the NDL website. The ordinance power of the Japanese emperorLeave the NDL website. Notes on the literature of charitiesLeave the NDL website. The helper and American trade unionsLeave the NDL website. Political theory and institutions of the KhawārijLeave the NDL website. State activities in relation to labor in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Coöperation in Maryland and the SouthLeave the NDL website. The Paris Commune in French politics, 1871-1880 : the history of the amnesty of 1880Leave the NDL website. A Puritan colony in MarylandLeave the NDL website. Party and constituency : pressures on CongressLeave the NDL website. The rise of cotton mills in the SouthLeave the NDL website. Tobacco regulation in colonial MarylandLeave the NDL website. Pennsylvania boroughsLeave the NDL website. The trade union labelLeave the NDL website. State banking in the United States since the passage of the National Bank ActLeave the NDL website. English institutions and the American IndianLeave the NDL website. The wheats of classical antiquityLeave the NDL website. Science and rationalism in the government of Louis XIV, 1661-1683Leave the NDL website. The workers' (communist) party and American trade unionsLeave the NDL website. History of the tobacco industry in Virginia from 1860 to 1894Leave the NDL website. The history of university education in Maryland . The Johns Hopkins University (1876-1891) . With supplementary notes on university extension and the university of the futureLeave the NDL website. The Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin WorkersLeave the NDL website. The departments of the American Federation of Labor . State legislative committees : a study in procedure . Franch opposition to the Mexican policy of the Second Empire . Henry Charles Carey : a study in American economic thoughtLeave the NDL website. State and federal government in SwitzerlandLeave the NDL website. Spanish-American diplomatic relations preceding the war of 1898Leave the NDL website. Early diplomatic negotiations of the United States with RussiaLeave the NDL website. Justice in colonial VirginiaLeave the NDL website. The political doctrines of Sun Yat-sen : an exposition of the San Min Chu ILeave the NDL website. Unemployment and American trade unionsLeave the NDL website. Enterprise and anthracite : economics and democracy in Schuylkill County, 1820-1875Leave the NDL website. Tenure of office under the constitution : a study in law and public policyLeave the NDL website. Money and transportation in Maryland, 1720-1765Leave the NDL website. Quakers in PennsylvaniaLeave the NDL website. The influence of border troubles on relations between the United States and Mexico, 1876-1910Leave the NDL website. The finances of American trade unionsLeave the NDL website. The land system in Maryland, 1720-1765Leave the NDL website. American constitutions : the relations of the three departments as adjusted by a centuryLeave the NDL website. Arnold ToynbeeLeave the NDL website. The Moneroe mission to France, 1794-1796Leave the NDL website. The intercourse between the United States and Japan : an historical sketchLeave the NDL website. The empress, the queen, and the nun : women and power at the court of Philip III of SpainLeave the NDL website. English culture in Virginia : a study of the Gilmer letters and an account of the English professors obtained by Jefferson for the University of VirginiaLeave the NDL website. A financial history of Maryland, 1789-1848Leave the NDL website. Spanish colonization in the SouthwestLeave the NDL website. Gender and justice : violence, intimacy and community in fin-de siècle ParisLeave the NDL website. The Maryland constitution of 1864Leave the NDL website. National Labor Federations in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The growth of major steel companies, 1900-1950Leave the NDL website. Public trusteeshipLeave the NDL website. The transition of North Carolina from colony to commonwealthLeave the NDL website. The city government of Saint LouisLeave the NDL website. The road to normalcy : the presidential campaign and election of 1920Leave the NDL website. Dressing Renaissance Florence : families, fortunes, & fine clothingLeave the NDL website. The Dutch Republic and the American RevolutionLeave the NDL website. The land system of the New England coloniesLeave the NDL website. Colonies, revolution, reconstructionLeave the NDL website. The relation of Thomas Jefferson to American foreign policy, 1783-1793Leave the NDL website. The Federal Reserve Board : a study of Federal Reserve Structure and credit controlLeave the NDL website. The Virginia frontier, 1754-1763Leave the NDL website. Beverley Tucker : heart over head in the Old SouthLeave the NDL website. American economic historyLeave the NDL website. History of Reconstruction in Louisiana : through 1868Leave the NDL website. Institutional beginnings in a Western StateLeave the NDL website. Maryland's influence upon land cessions to the United States : with minor papers on George Washington's interest in western lands, the Potomac Company, and a national universityLeave the NDL website. Dressing Renaissance Florence : families, fortunes, & fine clothingLeave the NDL website. American economic historyLeave the NDL website. Norman constables in America : read before the New England Historic, Genealogical Society, February 1, 1882Leave the NDL website. When champagne became French : wine and the making of a national identityLeave the NDL website. Genoa and the sea : policy and power in an early modern maritime republic, 1559-1684Leave the NDL website. White servitude in Maryland, 1634-1820Leave the NDL website. Republicans face the Southern question : the new departure years, 1877-1897Leave the NDL website. Refined tastes : sugar, confectionery, and consumers in nineteenth-century AmericaLeave the NDL website. Working women of early modern VeniceLeave the NDL website. The government of China (1644-1911)Leave the NDL website. Venetians in Constantinople : nation, identity, and coexistence in the early modern MediterraneanLeave the NDL website. The rise of the states : evolution of American state governmentLeave the NDL website. French protestantism, 1559-1562Leave the NDL website. The federal trust policyLeave the NDL website. The constitutional beginnings of North Carolina (1663-1729)Leave the NDL website. The creation of the Presidency, 1775-1789 : a study in constitutional historyLeave the NDL website. Studies on Scipio AfricanusLeave the NDL website. Administrative and political historyLeave the NDL website. An introduction to American institutional historyLeave the NDL website. Russo-American relations, 1815-1867Leave the NDL website. Ultraroyalism in Toulouse : from its origins to the revolution of 1830Leave the NDL website. The foreign debt of the Argentine RepublicLeave the NDL website. State legislative committees : a study in procedureLeave the NDL website. Town government in Rhode Island . The Narragansett planters : a study of causesLeave the NDL website. The colonial executive prior to the RestorationLeave the NDL website. The postal power of congress : a study in constitutional expansionLeave the NDL website. Coöperation in New EnglandLeave the NDL website. Schooling in Renaissance Italy : literacy and learning, 1300-1600Leave the NDL website. The Negro in the District of ColumbiaLeave the NDL website. Baltimore and the nineteenth of April, 1861 : a study of the warLeave the NDL website. Spanish institutions of the SouthwestLeave the NDL website. Biomedical computing : digitizing life in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Philadelphia 1681-1887 : a history of municipal developmentLeave the NDL website. Between Christians and Moriscos : Juan de Ribera and religious reform in Valencia, 1568-1614Leave the NDL website. The empress, the queen, and the nun : women and power at the court of Philip III of SpainLeave the NDL website. The Republic of New Haven : a history of municipal evolutionLeave the NDL website.

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Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science
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Editor: Herbert B. Adams
Publisher varies: Johns Hopkins University; Johns Hopkins Press
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The capitulatory régime of Turkey : its history, origin, and nature
Florentine life during the Renaissance
The state in constitutional and international law
Warrior pursuits : noble culture and civil conflict in early modern France
The ordinance-making powers of the President of the United States
Education, history, and politics
An introduction to the study of the constitution : a study showing the play of physical and social factors in the creation of institutional law
Local institutions of Virginia
Bubonic plague in early modern Russia : public health & urban disaster
Rudimentary society among boys
Neutral rights and obligations in the Anglo-Bower War
Municipal indebtedness : a study of the debt-to-property ratio
Henry Charles Carey : a study in American economic thought
Constitutional history of Hawaii
Institutions and economics
David Ricardo : a centenary estimate
Slavery agitation in Virginia, 1829-1832
Municipal government, history and politics
Beneficiary features of American trade unions
The revision and amendment of state constitutions
The natural philosophy of Margaret Cavendish : reason and fancy during the scientific revolution
The state as a party litigant
The question of expatriation in America prior to 1907
Liberty in absolutist Spain : the Habsburg sale of towns, 1516-1700
Maryland, Virginia, and Washington
Richard Hildreth
Burgundy to Champagne : the wine trade in early modern France
The security affiliates of national banks
Contribution of the ideologues to French revolutionary thought
American policy of recognition towards Mexico
Warrior pursuits : noble culture and civil conflict in early modern France
White servitude in the colony of Virginia : a study of the system of indentured labor in the American colonies
The history of the woman's peace party
Purity lost : transgressing boundaries in the Eastern Mediterranean, 1000-1400
The unheralded triumph : city government in America, 1870-1900
The theory of inter-sectoral money flows and income formation
Health & healing in eighteenth-century Germany
Seminary libraries and university extension
Jared Sparks and Alexis de Tocqueville
The mission of William Carmichael to Spain . The workers' (communist) party and American trade unions . The Virginia constitutional convention of 1901-1902 . The protection of citizens abroad by the armed forces of the United States
Firstborn of Venice : Vicenza in the early Renaissance state
Coöperation in Maryland and the South
The world of the Paris café : sociability among the French working class, 1789-1914
History, politics, and education
The boycott in American trade unions
The Romanization of Africa Proconsularis
Divine feminine : theosophy and feminism in England
The savage ideal : intolerance and intellectual leadership in the South, 1890-1914
The quinquennales : an historical study
The bomb and America's missile age
Congressional investigating committees
Britons in American labor : a history of the influence of the United Kingdom immigrants on American labor, 1820-1914
Liberty in absolutist Spain : the Habsburg sale of towns, 1516-1700
The closed shop in American trade unions
The National Bituminous Coal Commission : administration of the Bituminous coal act, 1937-1941
Cuba and international relations : a historical study in American diplomacy
State government in Maryland 1777-1781
State right political parties in North Carolina, 1776-1861
Development of the township, hundred, and shire
West Florida and its relation to the historical cartography of the United States
Slavery in the State of North Carolina
Hours of labor . Some Presidential interpretations of the Presidency . The governor of Maryland : a constitutional study . The yellow dog contract
The protection of citizens abroad by the armed forces of the United States
Church and state in North Carolina
The foreign commerce of Japan since the restoration, 1869-1900
Shipbuilders of the Venetian arsenal : workers and workplace in the preindustrial city
A people in revolution : the American Revolution and political society in New York, 1760-1790
The Romanization of Africa Proconsularis
Coöperation in the middle states
The Union Pacific Railroad : a case in premature enterprise
Unemployment and American trade unions . The labor law of Maryland . The American Colonization Society, 1817-1840 . The obligation of contracts clause of the United States Constitution
The nobility of Toulouse in the eighteenth century : a social and economic study
The wholesale marketing of fruits and vegetables in Baltimore
Schooling in Renaissance Italy : literacy and learning, 1300-1600
Taxation in southern states, church and education
Labor slavery and self-government
Hunting and fishing in the new South : black labor and white leisure after the Civil War
Apprenticeship in American trade unions
The Virginia Committee System and the American revolution
Elizabethan parish in its ecclesiastical and financial aspects
The Negro in Maryland politics, 1870-1912
The history of Japanese paper currency (1868-1890)
The standard rate in American trade unions
The employment of the plebiscite in the determination of sovereignty
The struggle of Protestant dissenters for religious toleration in Virginia
Western Maryland in the revolution
Life and administration of Sir Robert Eden
Baltimore, slavery, and constitutional history
Trends in birth rates in the United States since 1870
Medieval Jewry in Northern France : a political and social history
Old Maryland manors : with the records of a Court Leet and a Court Baron
Methods of historical study
The slave states in the presidential election of 1860
Southern commercial conventions, 1837-1859
Twilight of progressivism : the western Republican senators and the New Deal
Anti-slavery leaders of North Carolina
The town and city government of New Haven
Contemporary American opinion of the French revolution
From Muslim to Christian Granada : inventing a city's past in early modern Spain
State administration in Maryland
Jurisdiction in American building-trades unions
Government of the colony of South Carolina
The military coup d'état as a political process : Ecuador, 1948-1966
The savant and the state : science and cultural politics in Nineteenth-Century France
Men of empire : power and negotiation in Venice's maritime state
The Russian revolutionary émigrés, 1825-1870
Constitution and admission of Iowa into the Union
Tribe, race, history : native Americans in Southern New England, 1780-1880
Daniel Raymond, an early chapter in the history of economic theory in the United States
The history and development of the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution
A matter of allegiances ; Maryland from 1850 to 1861
William Rufus Day : Supreme Court Justice from Ohio
Coöperation in the middle states
Governor Thomas H. Hicks of Maryland and the Civil War
Mutual savings banks in Baltimore
Church and state in New England
The governor of Maryland : a constitutional study
Maryland during the English Civil Wars
The old English manor : a study in English economic history
The location of Yamatai : a case study in Japanese historiography, 720-1945
The Anglo-Japanese alliance
The free Negro in Virginia 1619-1865
The idea of the American South, 1920-1941
Slavery and servitude in the colony of North Carolina
Western river transportation : the era of early internal development, 1810-1860
The working people of Paris, 1871-1914
The financial administration of the colony of Virginia
The protection of citizens abroad by the armed forces of the United States
The economic history of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, 1827-1853
The proffered crown : Saint-Simonianism and the doctrine of hope
Sumptuary legislation and personal regulation in England . The doctrine of continuous voyage . The wage policies of labor organizations in a period of industrial depression
The history of suffrage in Virginia
Beneficiary features of American trade unions
Three phases of coöperation in the West
Local government in Wisconsin
The world of the Paris café : sociability among the French working class, 1789-1914
A baronial family in medieval England : the Clares, 1217-1314
History of the Know Nothing party in Maryland
Majority rule in international organization : a study of the trend from unanimity to majority decision
Continental opinion regarding a proposed Middle European Tariff-Union
The revolt of 1916 in Russian Central Asia
The economics of the international patent system
The movement for the acquisition of all Mexico, 1846-1848
Juana the mad : sovereignty and dynasty in renaissance Europe
British committees, commissions, and councils of trade and plantations, 1622-1675
Jurisdiction in American building-trades unions . Slavery in Missouri, 1804-1865 . Colonial trade of Maryland, 1689-1715
The Negro in Maryland politics, 1870-1912
Sectional biases in congress on foreign policy
The economic thought of Woodrow Wilson
Robert Oliver, merchant of Baltimore, 1783-1819
The Roman rhetorical schools as a preparation for the courts under the Early Empire
Anglo-American relations and Southern history
The Constitutional doctrines of Justice Harlan
Institutional and economic history
David Ricardo : a centenary estimate
The effect of the War of 1812 upon the consolidation of the Union
The finances and administration of providence
The doctrine of continuous voyage
Government and religion of the Virginia Indians
Capitalism in Amsterdam in the seventeenth century
The social history of skepticism : experience and doubt in early modern culture
Public lands and agrarian laws of the Roman republic
Church and state : Columbus and America
The organizability of labor
Columbus and his discovery of America
The speakers of the U.S. House of Representatives : a bibliography, 1789-1984
The international aspects of electrical communications in the Pacific area
Slavery and servitude in the colony of North Carolina
United States policy and the partition of Turkey, 1914-1924
Geopolitik : doctrine of national self-sufficiency and empire
An introduction to the study of the constitutional and political history of the States
Municipal history of New Orleans
Legislative and judicial history of the fifteenth amendment
England and the French Revolution, 1789-1797
The unanimity rule and the League of Nations
Mathew Carey : a study in American economic development
The city government of Philadelphia
The standard of living in Japan
Church and state in early Maryland
The American doctrine of state succession
Three phases of coöperation in the West
Congressional investigating committees . A study of judicial administration in the state of Maryland . The financial history of Baltimore, 1900-1926 . Franco-German relations 1878-1885
The development of the English law of conspiracy
The shop committee in the United States
The growth of German historicism
The Reformation in Poland : some social and economic aspects
Ecclesiastical censure at the end of the fifteenth century
The political history of Virginia during the reconstruction
Baltimore, 1870-1900 : studies in social history
The social condition of labor
The patent grant
International and colonial history
Causes of the American Revolution
The street railway system of Philadelphia : its history and present condition
Representation in Virginia
Renaissance humanism in papal Rome : humanists and churchmen on the eve of the Reformation
British block grants and central-local finance
Government and administration of the United States
Search and seizure and the Supreme Court : a study in constitutional interpretation
Local government and free schools in South Carolina
Bavaria and the Reich : the conflict over the law for the protection of the republic
The city government of Boston
Religious authority in the Spanish Renaissance
Life of Commissary James Blair, founder of William and Mary College
Village justice : community, family, and popular culture in early modern Italy
Recent American socialism
Italy's relations with England, 1896-1905
The government of American trade unions
Legislative and judicial history of the fifteenth amendment
The conservative regime: South Carolina, 1877-1890
Maryland business corporations, 1783-1852
A study of the topography and municipal history of Præneste
The legates of Galatia from Augustus to Diocletian
Social and industrial history
National collective bargaining in the pottery industry
Maryland under the commonwealth : a chronicle of the years 1649-1658
The capitalization of goodwill
British corporation finance, 1775-1850 : a study of preference shares
Law and citizenship in early modern France
Antwerp in the age of Reformation : underground Protestantism in a commercial metropolis, 1550-1577
The barristers of Toulouse in the eighteenth century (1740-1793)
The early development of the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Project
Reckoning with the beast : animals, pain, and humanity in the Victorian mind
Coöperation in New England
The Napoleonic exiles in America : a study in American diplomatic history 1815-1819
The doctrine of non-suability of the state in the United States
Federal Government in Canada
This Sheba, Self : the conceptualization of economic life in eighteenth-century America
A study of slavery in New Jersey
The adoption of the fourteenth amendment
The Gas Light Company of Baltimore : a study of natural monopoly
Economic and social aspects of federal reclamation ; with a foreword by Elwood Mead
Internal taxation in the Philippines
The struggle for religious freedom in Virginia : the Baptists
History of the land question in the United States
Causes of the Maryland Revolution of 1689
Good neighbor diplomacy : United States policies in Latin America, 1933-1945
The Virginia constitutional convention of 1901-1902
The international aspect of the missionary movement in China
The constitutional status and government of Alaska
India's political crisis
Maryland during and after the revolution : a political and economic study
Economic and social aspects of federal reclamation . Russo-American relations, 1815-1867 . A study of the legislature of the state of Maryland : with special reference to the sessions of 1927 and 1929 . Southern commercial conventions, 1837-1859
British block grants and central-local finance . Noble landowners and agriculture in Austria, 1815-1848 : a study in the origins of the peasant emancipation of 1848
Coöperation in the Northwest
Parish institutions of Maryland : with illustrations from parish records
Noble landowners and agriculture in Austria, 1815-1848 : a study in the origins of the peasant emancipation of 1848
The landed estates of the Esterházy princes : Hungary during the reforms of Maria Theresia and Joseph II
Congressional investigating committees
Admission to American trade unions
The predictions of Hamilton and De Tocqueville
English and Catholic : the Lords Baltimore in the seventeenth century
Grand Central's engineer : William J. Wilgus and the planning of modern Manhattan
The Dreyfus affair and the crisis of French manhood
Franco-German relations 1878-1885
The international mandates
Internal improvements in Alabama
The juristic status of Egypt and the Sudan
Henry Barnard's American journal of education
Representation and suffrage in Massachusetts, 1620-1691
How NATO adapts : strategy and organization in the Atlantic Alliance since 1950
Samuel Adams : the man of the town-meeting
Southern Quakers and slavery : a study in institutional history
The virtuous marketplace : women and men, money and politics in Paris, 1830-1870
Saxon tithing-men in America : read before the American Antiquarian Society, October 21, 1881
Indian money as a factor in New England civilization
The Cincinnati Southern Railway : a study in municipal activity ; A memorial of Lucius S. Merriam
The road to normalcy : the presidential campaign and election of 1920
Party organization and machinery in Michigan since 1890
The obligation of contracts clause of the United States Constitution
On the threshold of modernity : relativism in the French Renaissance
Contemporary French opinion on the American Civil War
The standard of living in Japan
The genesis of a New England State (Connecticut) : read before the Historical and Political Association, April 13, 1883
Colonial origins of New England Senates
The first Ottoman constitutional period : a study of the Midhat constitution and parliament
Colonial and economic history
Selling beauty : cosmetics, commerce, and French society, 1750-1830
Poverty and charity in Aix-en-Provence, 1640-1789
The establishment of municipal government in San Francisco
The world's representative assemblies of to-day : a study in comparative legislation
Hezekiah Niles as an economist
Internal improvements in North Carolina, previous to 1860
God in La Mancha : religious reform and the people of Cuenca, 1500-1650
The new balance of power in Europe
Local government in Canada : an historical study
Andrea Barbarigo : merchant of Venice, 1418-1449
The ordinance power of the Japanese emperor
Notes on the literature of charities
The helper and American trade unions
Political theory and institutions of the Khawārij
State activities in relation to labor in the United States
Coöperation in Maryland and the South
The Paris Commune in French politics, 1871-1880 : the history of the amnesty of 1880
A Puritan colony in Maryland
Party and constituency : pressures on Congress
The rise of cotton mills in the South
Tobacco regulation in colonial Maryland
Pennsylvania boroughs
The trade union label
State banking in the United States since the passage of the National Bank Act
English institutions and the American Indian
The wheats of classical antiquity
Science and rationalism in the government of Louis XIV, 1661-1683
The workers' (communist) party and American trade unions
History of the tobacco industry in Virginia from 1860 to 1894
The history of university education in Maryland . The Johns Hopkins University (1876-1891) . With supplementary notes on university extension and the university of the future
The Amalgamated Association of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers
The departments of the American Federation of Labor . State legislative committees : a study in procedure . Franch opposition to the Mexican policy of the Second Empire . Henry Charles Carey : a study in American economic thought
State and federal government in Switzerland
Spanish-American diplomatic relations preceding the war of 1898
Early diplomatic negotiations of the United States with Russia
Justice in colonial Virginia
The political doctrines of Sun Yat-sen : an exposition of the San Min Chu I
Unemployment and American trade unions
Enterprise and anthracite : economics and democracy in Schuylkill County, 1820-1875
Tenure of office under the constitution : a study in law and public policy
Money and transportation in Maryland, 1720-1765
Quakers in Pennsylvania
The influence of border troubles on relations between the United States and Mexico, 1876-1910
The finances of American trade unions
The land system in Maryland, 1720-1765
American constitutions : the relations of the three departments as adjusted by a century
Arnold Toynbee
The Moneroe mission to France, 1794-1796
The intercourse between the United States and Japan : an historical sketch
The empress, the queen, and the nun : women and power at the court of Philip III of Spain
English culture in Virginia : a study of the Gilmer letters and an account of the English professors obtained by Jefferson for the University of Virginia
A financial history of Maryland, 1789-1848
Spanish colonization in the Southwest
Gender and justice : violence, intimacy and community in fin-de siècle Paris
The Maryland constitution of 1864
National Labor Federations in the United States
The growth of major steel companies, 1900-1950
Public trusteeship
The transition of North Carolina from colony to commonwealth
The city government of Saint Louis
The road to normalcy : the presidential campaign and election of 1920
Dressing Renaissance Florence : families, fortunes, & fine clothing
The Dutch Republic and the American Revolution
The land system of the New England colonies
Colonies, revolution, reconstruction
The relation of Thomas Jefferson to American foreign policy, 1783-1793
The Federal Reserve Board : a study of Federal Reserve Structure and credit control
The Virginia frontier, 1754-1763
Beverley Tucker : heart over head in the Old South
American economic history
History of Reconstruction in Louisiana : through 1868
Institutional beginnings in a Western State
Maryland's influence upon land cessions to the United States : with minor papers on George Washington's interest in western lands, the Potomac Company, and a national university
Dressing Renaissance Florence : families, fortunes, & fine clothing
American economic history
Norman constables in America : read before the New England Historic, Genealogical Society, February 1, 1882
When champagne became French : wine and the making of a national identity
Genoa and the sea : policy and power in an early modern maritime republic, 1559-1684
White servitude in Maryland, 1634-1820
Republicans face the Southern question : the new departure years, 1877-1897
Refined tastes : sugar, confectionery, and consumers in nineteenth-century America
Working women of early modern Venice
The government of China (1644-1911)
Venetians in Constantinople : nation, identity, and coexistence in the early modern Mediterranean
The rise of the states : evolution of American state government
French protestantism, 1559-1562
The federal trust policy
The constitutional beginnings of North Carolina (1663-1729)
The creation of the Presidency, 1775-1789 : a study in constitutional history
Studies on Scipio Africanus
Administrative and political history
An introduction to American institutional history
Russo-American relations, 1815-1867
Ultraroyalism in Toulouse : from its origins to the revolution of 1830
The foreign debt of the Argentine Republic
State legislative committees : a study in procedure
Town government in Rhode Island . The Narragansett planters : a study of causes
The colonial executive prior to the Restoration
The postal power of congress : a study in constitutional expansion
Coöperation in New England
Schooling in Renaissance Italy : literacy and learning, 1300-1600
The Negro in the District of Columbia
Baltimore and the nineteenth of April, 1861 : a study of the war
Spanish institutions of the Southwest
Biomedical computing : digitizing life in the United States
Philadelphia 1681-1887 : a history of municipal development
Between Christians and Moriscos : Juan de Ribera and religious reform in Valencia, 1568-1614
The empress, the queen, and the nun : women and power at the court of Philip III of Spain
The Republic of New Haven : a history of municipal evolution