
Northeast Asian study series

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Northeast Asian study series

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Center for Northeast Asian Studies, Tohoku University
Publication date
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26 cm
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Table of Contents

  • Building a GIS platform for the quantitative approach to regional studies in Northeast Asia

  • Facets of transformation of the Northeast Asian countries

  • International workshop on global change : view of Siberian from NOAA satellite

  • Good to eat, good to live with : nomads and animals in northern Eurasia and Africa

  • 1911 оны Монголын үндэсний хувьсгалын урьдчилсан нөхцөл ба олон улсын байдал

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Material Type
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東北大学東北アジア研究センター トウホク ダイガク トウホク アジア ケンキュウ センター
Publication Date
Publication Date (W3CDTF)
26 cm
Alternative Title
Northeast Asian studies series
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