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ISSN for subseries "Elements in public policy": 25143565ISSN for subseries "Elements in evolutionary economics": 25143581ISSN for subseries "Elements ...

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Securing American elections : how data-driven election monitoring can improve our democracyLeave the NDL website. Wittgenstein on aspect perceptionLeave the NDL website. The acceptance and expression of prejudice during the Trump eraLeave the NDL website. Zombie ideas : why failed policy ideas persistLeave the NDL website. Behavioral public performance : how people make sense of government metricsLeave the NDL website. Economic news : antecedents and effectsLeave the NDL website. Kant's theory of conscienceLeave the NDL website. Objectivity in scienceLeave the NDL website. The economic origin of political partiesLeave the NDL website. Chemical senses in feeding, belonging, and surviving, or, are you going to eat that?Leave the NDL website. Europe and the Anglo-SaxonsLeave the NDL website. Evidential decision theoryLeave the NDL website. Cultural entrepreneurship : a new agenda for the study of entrepreneurial processes and possibilitiesLeave the NDL website. The evolution of affect theory : the humanities, the sciences, and the study of powerLeave the NDL website. Global climate governanceLeave the NDL website. International norms, moral psychology, and neuroscienceLeave the NDL website. Corporate governance : a surveyLeave the NDL website. State, society, and markets in North KoreaLeave the NDL website. Emotion, sense, experienceLeave the NDL website. Introducing Kant's critique of pure reasonLeave the NDL website. The strategic analysis of judicial behavior : a comparative perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Understanding and analyzing public policy designLeave the NDL website. Multimodal news analysis across culturesLeave the NDL website. Plato's ion : poetry, expertise and inspirationLeave the NDL website. Bayesianism and scientific reasoningLeave the NDL website. The political economy of public pensionsLeave the NDL website. Roll call rebels : strategic dissent in the United States and United KingdomLeave the NDL website. Higher-order logic and type theoryLeave the NDL website. Proofs and models in philosophical logicLeave the NDL website. Learning from video games (and everything else) : the general learning modelLeave the NDL website. Effective medium theory of metamaterials and metasurfacesLeave the NDL website. Epsilon-near-zero metamaterialsLeave the NDL website. Pedagogical translanguagingLeave the NDL website. Policy entrepreneurs and dynamic changeLeave the NDL website. Leadership standpoints : a practical framework for the next generation of nonprofit leadersLeave the NDL website. The acquisition of aspect in a second languageLeave the NDL website. Text analysis in Python for social scientists : prediction and classificationLeave the NDL website. Survival analysis : a new guide for social scientistsLeave the NDL website. Cognitive development in infancy and childhoodLeave the NDL website. PrioritarianismLeave the NDL website. Ontology and the foundations of mathematics : talking past each otherLeave the NDL website. Ethical constructivismLeave the NDL website. Philippa foot's metaethicsLeave the NDL website. Buddhism and monotheismLeave the NDL website. Salt : white gold in early EuropeLeave the NDL website. Relationality : the inner life of public policyLeave the NDL website. The hidden tier of social services : frontline workers' provision of informal resources in the public, nonprofit and private sectorsLeave the NDL website. Digital technology, politics, and policy-makingLeave the NDL website. Machine learning for experiments in the social sciencesLeave the NDL website. Bach, Handel and Scarlatti : reception in Britain 1750-1850Leave the NDL website. Reading spaces in modern Japan : the evolution of sites and practices of readingLeave the NDL website. Verbal irony processingLeave the NDL website. Completing a genuine economic and monetary unionLeave the NDL website. Bioethics, public reason, and religion : the liberalism problemLeave the NDL website. Moral responsibility reconsideredLeave the NDL website. The origins and consequences of congressional party election agendasLeave the NDL website. Ecosemiotics : the study of signs in changing ecologiesLeave the NDL website. Italo Calvino's animals : Anthropocene storiesLeave the NDL website. Emergence and reduction in physicsLeave the NDL website. Wasteocene : stories from the global dumpLeave the NDL website. The Philippines : from "people power" to democratic backslidingLeave the NDL website. Mediating innovation through language teacher educationLeave the NDL website. The representational consequences of electronic voting reform : evidence from ArgentinaLeave the NDL website. The politics of beauty : a study of Kant's critique of tasteLeave the NDL website. Concept and method in cross-cultural and cultural psychologLeave the NDL website. 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Wittgenstein on criteria and practicesLeave the NDL website. The politics of cross-border mobility in Southeast AsiaLeave the NDL website. Interpreting discrete choice modelsLeave the NDL website. A practical introduction to regression discontinuity designs : extensionsLeave the NDL website. Short-term student exchanges and intercultural learningLeave the NDL website. A safety valve model of equity as anti-opportunismLeave the NDL website. Wittgenstein and Russell : the vicissitudes of judgement and propositionLeave the NDL website. Industrial policy : the coevolution of public and private sources of finance for important emerging and evolving technologiesLeave the NDL website. Starting points : intellectual and institutional foundations of organization theoryLeave the NDL website. Mechanisms in molecular biologyLeave the NDL website. The divine attributesLeave the NDL website. Media and power in Southeast AsiaLeave the NDL website. The sublimeLeave the NDL website. Making global policyLeave the NDL website. The challenge of evolution to religionLeave the NDL website. Epistemology and methodology in ethicsLeave the NDL website. Uneven trajectories : Latin American societies in the twenty-first centuryLeave the NDL website. How to study animal mindsLeave the NDL website. Images as data for social science research : an introduction to convolutional neural nets for image classificationLeave the NDL website. Scholastic affect : gender, maternity and the history of emotionsLeave the NDL website. Using shiny to teach econometric modelsLeave the NDL website. Empirical fiscal federalismLeave the NDL website. Bilingual development in childhoodLeave the NDL website. The design argumentLeave the NDL website. Dr. Charles Burney and the organLeave the NDL website. Christianity and violenceLeave the NDL website. Physics and computationLeave the NDL website. The economics of conflict and peace : history and applicationsLeave the NDL website. The metaphysics of biologyLeave the NDL website. The chromium isotope system as a tracer of ocean and atmosphere redoxLeave the NDL website. Board dynamicsLeave the NDL website. The study of US state policy diffusion : what Hath Walker wrought?Leave the NDL website. Integrating logics in the governance of emerging technologies : the case of nanotechnologyLeave the NDL website. Ethnographic returns : memory processes and archive filmLeave the NDL website. Conducting sentiment analysisLeave the NDL website. Monotheism and human natureLeave the NDL website. State capacity and economic development : present and pastLeave the NDL website. Leadership studies and the desire for shared agreement : a narrative inquiryLeave the NDL website. Unity of scienceLeave the NDL website. Can blockchain solve the hold-up problem in contracts?Leave the NDL website. Higher order networks : an introduction to simplicial complexesLeave the NDL website. Experimental Beckett : contemporary performance practicesLeave the NDL website. The method of hypothesis and the nature of soul in Plato's PhaedoLeave the NDL website. Philosophy of neuroscienceLeave the NDL website. The global Middle Ages : an introductionLeave the NDL website. The political economy of Gulf defense establishmentsLeave the NDL website. Classical first-order logicLeave the NDL website. Sociological approaches to theories of lawLeave the NDL website. The nature and challenges of indigenous psychologiesLeave the NDL website. Technology and language teachingLeave the NDL website. Violence and the rise of centralized states in East AsiaLeave the NDL website. The cognitive foundation of post-colonial Englishes : construction grammar as the cognitive theory for the dynamic modelLeave the NDL website. Rethinking the resource curseLeave the NDL website. Language teacher agencyLeave the NDL website. Sr isotopes in seawater : stratigraphy, paleo-tectonics, paleoclimate, and paleoceanographyLeave the NDL website. Set theoryLeave the NDL website. Fighting armed conflicts in Southeast Asia : ethnicity and differenceLeave the NDL website. Explicit and implicit learning in second language acquisitionLeave the NDL website. Advanced issues in the green economy and sustainable development in emerging market economiesLeave the NDL website. Networks in the public sector : a multilevel framework and systematic reviewLeave the NDL website. Country size and public administrationLeave the NDL website. Graphical models for categorical dataLeave the NDL website. Trust in government agencies in the time of COVID-19Leave the NDL website. Japan as a global military power : new capabilities, alliance integration, bilateralism-plusLeave the NDL website. Civil society in Southeast Asia : power struggles and political regimesLeave the NDL website. Children's eyewitness testimony and event memoryLeave the NDL website. The RMB in the global economyLeave the NDL website. Kant's theory of labourLeave the NDL website. Contemporary virtue ethicsLeave the NDL website. Structure and equivalenceLeave the NDL website. Translation as experimentalism : exploring play in poeticsLeave the NDL website. Morality and practical reasonsLeave the NDL website. A history of political scienceLeave the NDL website. Monotheism and existentialismLeave the NDL website. Language change and cognitive linguistics : case studies from the history of RussianLeave the NDL website. Abstraction in experimental design : testing the tradeoffsLeave the NDL website. Latin America global insertion, energy transition, and sustainable developmentLeave the NDL website. Revisiting the rule of lawLeave the NDL website. Aristotle's ethics : Nicomachean and Eudemian themesLeave the NDL website. Debt sustainability : a global perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Policy feedback : how policies shape politicsLeave the NDL website. Contentious politics in emergency critical junctures : progressive social movements during the pandemicLeave the NDL website. The rise of American girls' literatureLeave the NDL website. New adult fictionLeave the NDL website. Monotheism and contemporary atheismLeave the NDL website. Power and regions in ancient states : an Egyptian and Mesoamerican perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Monotheism and the meaning of lifeLeave the NDL website. Monotheism and faith in GodLeave the NDL website. Defining policy analysis : a journey that never endsLeave the NDL website. Race, policing, and public governance : on the other side of nowLeave the NDL website. Disrupted governance : towards a new policy scienceLeave the NDL website. Cinderella's glass slipper : towards a cultural history of Renaissance materialitiesLeave the NDL website. One road to riches? : how state building and democratization affect economic developmentLeave the NDL website. Phonetics in language teachingLeave the NDL website. On-screen language in video games : a translation perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Fiction and pragmaticsLeave the NDL website. Responsibility for healthLeave the NDL website. Moral relativism and pluralismLeave the NDL website. Corpus pragmaticsLeave the NDL website. Beyond the anthropological differenceLeave the NDL website. Advice in conversation : corpus pragmatics meets mixed methodsLeave the NDL website. Epistemology of experimental physicsLeave the NDL website. Deep history, climate change, and the evolution of human cultureLeave the NDL website. Varieties of nationalism : communities, narratives, identitiesLeave the NDL website. Bargaining theoryLeave the NDL website. Evolutionary game theoryLeave the NDL website. The history and methodology of expected utilityLeave the NDL website. Coordinate structuresLeave the NDL website. Environmental politics in East AsiaLeave the NDL website. Digital globalization : politics, policy, and a governance paradoxLeave the NDL website. God and human genetic engineeringLeave the NDL website. Parfit's ethicsLeave the NDL website. Understanding accountability in democratic governanceLeave the NDL website. Displacement in war-torn Ukraine : state, displacement and belongingLeave the NDL website. Public administration and democracy : the complementarity principleLeave the NDL website. Can construction grammar be proven wrong?Leave the NDL website. Constructionist approaches : past, present, futureLeave the NDL website. Wittgenstein on forms of lifeLeave the NDL website. Risks in Renaissance art : production, purchase, and receptionLeave the NDL website. Adaptive inventories : a practical guide for applied researchersLeave the NDL website. HylomorphismLeave the NDL website. Public policy and universities : the interplay of knowledge and powerLeave the NDL website. Defence acquisition and procurement : how (not) to buy weaponsLeave the NDL website. Pragmatic inference : misunderstandings, accountability, deniabilityLeave the NDL website. Doing linguistics with a corpus : methodological considerations for the everyday userLeave the NDL website. Social media and international relationsLeave the NDL website. Child development in evolutionary perspectiveLeave the NDL website. The problem of evilLeave the NDL website. Monotheism and religious diversityLeave the NDL website. The ethical commonwealth in history : peace-making as the moral vocation of humanityLeave the NDL website. Cross-border interbank contagion risk analysis : evidence from selected emerging and less-developed economies in the Asia-Pacific regionLeave the NDL website. The rise of sophisticated authoritarianism in Southeast AsiaLeave the NDL website. Human color vision and tetrachromacyLeave the NDL website. Monotheism and hope in GodLeave the NDL website. Machine learning for asset managersLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Designing for policy effectiveness : defining and understanding a concept

  • Independent Timor-Leste : between coercion and consent

  • Twitter as data

  • Developmental states

  • Value-creating boards : challenges for future research and practice

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ISSN for subseries "Elements in public policy": 25143565
ISSN for subseries "Elements in evolutionary economics": 25143581
ISSN for subseries "Elements in religion and violence": 25143786
ISSN for subseries "Elements in public economics": 25162268
ISSN for subseries "Elements in American politics": 25151592
ISSN for subseries "Elements in politics and society in Southeast Asia": 2515298X
ISSN for subseries "Elements in quantitative and computational methods for the social sciences": 25143794
ISSN for subseries "Elements in the economics of emerging markets": 2631858X
ISSN for subseries "Elements in quantitative finance": 26318563
ISSN for subseries "Elements in public and nonprofit administration": 2515429X
ISSN for subseries "Elements in the philosophy of religion": 25159763
ISSN for subseries "Elements in political economy": 25143816
ISSN for subseries "Elements in the philosophy of science": 25177265
ISSN for subseries "Elements in campaigns and elections": 26330962
ISSN for subseries "Elements in decision theory and philosophy": 25174819; ISSN for subseries "Elements in the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein": 26327104; ISSN for subseries "Elements in politics and communication": 26339889; ISSN for subseries "Elements in law, economics and politics": 27324923; ISSN for subseries "Elements in the philosophy of biology": 25151118; ISSN for subseries "Elements in the philosophy of physics": 26324121; ISSN for subseries "Elements in Ancient Philosophy": 2631410X; ISSN for subseries "Elements in the philosophy of mind": 26339072; ISSN for subseries "Elements in philosophy of law": 26315807; ISSN for subseries "Elements in ancient East Asia": 26327317; ISSN for subseries "Elements in politics and society in East Asia": 2632735X; ISSN for subseries "Elements in the politics of development": 25151576; ISSN for subseries "Elements in magic": 27324079; ISSN for subseries "Elements in child development": 2632993X; ISSN for subseries "Elements in phonology": 26339056
ISSN for subseries "Elements in reinventing capitalism": 26348950; ISSN for subseries "Elements in experimental political science": 2633335X; ISSN for subseries "Elements in publishing and book culture": 25148516; ISSN for subseries "Elements in Psycholinguistics": 2753975X; ISSN for subseries "Elements in political psychology": 26333546; ISSN for subseries "Elements in pragmatics": 26336456; ISSN for subseries "Elements in publishing and book culture": 25148516; ISSN for subseries "Elements in phonetics": 26341670; ISSN for subseries "Elements in construction grammar": 27532666; ISSN for subseries "Elements in generative syntax": 26350718; ISSN for subseries "Elements in global development studies": 26340305; ISSN for subseries "Elements in the Renaissance": 26319098; ISSN for subseries "Elements in the problems of God": 27548716
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Conducting sentiment analysis
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Leadership studies and the desire for shared agreement : a narrative inquiry
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Philosophy of neuroscience
The global Middle Ages : an introduction
The political economy of Gulf defense establishments
Classical first-order logic
Sociological approaches to theories of law
The nature and challenges of indigenous psychologies
Technology and language teaching
Violence and the rise of centralized states in East Asia
The cognitive foundation of post-colonial Englishes : construction grammar as the cognitive theory for the dynamic model
Rethinking the resource curse
Language teacher agency
Sr isotopes in seawater : stratigraphy, paleo-tectonics, paleoclimate, and paleoceanography
Set theory
Fighting armed conflicts in Southeast Asia : ethnicity and difference
Explicit and implicit learning in second language acquisition
Advanced issues in the green economy and sustainable development in emerging market economies
Networks in the public sector : a multilevel framework and systematic review
Country size and public administration
Graphical models for categorical data
Trust in government agencies in the time of COVID-19
Japan as a global military power : new capabilities, alliance integration, bilateralism-plus
Civil society in Southeast Asia : power struggles and political regimes
Children's eyewitness testimony and event memory
The RMB in the global economy
Kant's theory of labour
Contemporary virtue ethics
Structure and equivalence
Translation as experimentalism : exploring play in poetics
Morality and practical reasons
A history of political science
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Abstraction in experimental design : testing the tradeoffs
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Revisiting the rule of law
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Power and regions in ancient states : an Egyptian and Mesoamerican perspective
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Beyond the anthropological difference
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