
Westview special studies in West European politics and society

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Westview special studies in West European politics and society

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Westview Press
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Related Material
Maintaining a satisfactory environment : an agenda for international environmental policy
The Austrian socialist experiment : social democracy and austromarxism, 1918-1934
Portugal since the revolution : economic and political perspectives
Social and political structures in West Germany : from authoritarianism to postindustrial democracy
Another Germany : a reconsideration of the imperial era
The Austrian party system
The Spanish political system : Franco's legacy
West German foreign policy, 1949-1979
Ireland : nation, state, and class struggle
Ideology and politics : the Socialist Party of France
The Evolution of an international actor : Western Europe's new assertiveness
Portugal's political development : a comparative approach
The SPD and the challenge of mass politics : the dilemma of the German Volkspartei
The Foreign policies of the French Left
Communism and political systems in Western Europe
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA00186933 : BA00186933