
Thomistic ressourcement series

Icons representing 図書

Thomistic ressourcement series

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Catholic University of America Press
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Table of Contents

  • Aquinas on transubstantiation : the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist

  • The cleansing of the heart : the sacraments as instrumental causes in the Thomistic tradition

  • Bound for beatitude : a Thomistic study in eschatology and ethics

  • Christ and spirituality in St. Thomas Aquinas

  • To stir a restless heart : Thomas Aquinas and Henri de Lubac on nature, grace, and the desire for God

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Related Material
Aquinas on transubstantiation : the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist
The cleansing of the heart : the sacraments as instrumental causes in the Thomistic tradition
Bound for beatitude : a Thomistic study in eschatology and ethics
Christ and spirituality in St. Thomas Aquinas
To stir a restless heart : Thomas Aquinas and Henri de Lubac on nature, grace, and the desire for God
The incarnate Lord : a Thomistic study in Christology
The ideal bishop : Aquinas's commentaries on the pastoral epistles
Revelations of humanity : anthropological dimensions of theological controversies
Angels and demons : a catholic introduction
Reading Job with St. Thomas Aquinas
Aquinas and the theology of the body : the Thomistic foundations of John Paul II's anthropology
On the Trinitarian mystery of God
Reading the Song of Songs with St. Thomas Aquinas
The mystery of union with God : dionysian mysticism in Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas
The Trinity : on the nature and mystery of the one God
The metaphysical foundations of love : Aquinas on participation, unity, and union
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