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Orientalia Lovaniensia analecta

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Title on spine of v. 5: OLAPublisher varies: Leuven University Press, Dept. Oriëntalistiek

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Phoenicia and the East Mediterranean in the first millennium B.C. : proceedings of the conference held in Leuven from the 14th to the 16th of November 1985Leave the NDL website. Indian epic values : Rāmāyaṇa and its impact : proceedings of the 8th Interanational Rāmāyaṇa Conference, Leuven, 6-8 July 1991Leave the NDL website. Coptic grammatical chrestomathy : a course for academic and private studyLeave the NDL website. Profusion de la vaste sphère : Klong-chen rab-ʾbyams (Tibet, 1308-1364) : sa vie, son œuvre, sa doctrineLeave the NDL website. Itineraria PhoeniciaLeave the NDL website. Le Sahara libyen dans l'Afrique du nord medievaleLeave the NDL website. Immigration and emigration within the ancient Near East : Festschrift E. LipińskiLeave the NDL website. A Ptolemaic lexikon : a lexicographical study of the texts in the temple of EdfuLeave the NDL website. Analyse à la lumière du temple d'HathorLeave the NDL website. Archaeological sitesLeave the NDL website. 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The rock tombs of Djehutinakht (no. 17K74/1), Khnumnakht (no. 17K74/2), and Iha (no. 17K74/3) : with an essay on the history and nature of nomarchal rule in the early Middle KingdomLeave the NDL website. The second intermediate period (thirteenth-seventeenth dynasties) : current research, future prospectsLeave the NDL website. Le cabinet de curiosités de Thoutmosis III : plantes et animaux du "Jardin botanique" de KarnakLeave the NDL website. For East is East : liber amicorum Wojciech SkalmowskiLeave the NDL website. A descriptive bibliography of Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938)Leave the NDL website. Moving across borders : foreign relations, religion, and cultural interactions in the ancient MediterraneanLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists, Cambridge, 3-9 September 1995Leave the NDL website. Kitāb al-maʻārif by Abū Sa'īd Maymūn B. Qāsim al-Ṭabarānī : critical edition with an introductionLeave the NDL website. 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Proceedings of the ninth International Congress of Egyptologists = Actes du neuvième Congrès international des égyptologues, Grenoble, 6-12 September 2004Leave the NDL website. Der Gott Chepri : Untersuchungen zu Schriftzeugnissen und ikonographischen Quellen vom Alten Reich bis in griechisch-römische ZeitLeave the NDL website. Variation in modern standard Arabic in radio news broadcasts : a synchronic descriptive investigation into the use of complementary particlesLeave the NDL website. Catalogue of the Coptic inscriptions in the Sudan National Museum at Khartoum (I. Khartoum Copt.)Leave the NDL website. Company of images modelling the imaginary world of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000-1500 BC) : proceedings of the International Conference of the EPOCHS ProjectLeave the NDL website. Fictionalizing the past : historical characters in Arabic popular epicLeave the NDL website. Hamlet on a hill : Semitic and Greek studies presented to Professor T. Muraoka on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthdayLeave the NDL website. Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk erasLeave the NDL website. Ritual and sacrifice in the ancient Near East : proceedings of the international conference organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 17th to the 20th of April 1991Leave the NDL website. Antioch from the Byzantine reconquest until the end of the Crusader principality : acta of the congress held at Hernen Castle in May 2003Leave the NDL website. The necropolis of Assiut : a case study of local Egyptian funerary culture from the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle KingdomLeave the NDL website. After Bardaisan : studies on continuity and change in Syriac Christianity in honour of Professor Han J.W. DrijversLeave the NDL website. Authority, privacy and public order in Islam : proceedings of the 22nd Congress of L'Union européenne des arabisants et islamisantsLeave the NDL website. Yūsuf al-S̲h̲irbīnī's : Kitāb hazz al-quḥūf bi-S̲h̲arḥ qaṣīd Abī S̲h̲ādūf = Brains confounded by the ode of Abū S̲h̲ādūf expoundedLeave the NDL website. Redefining Christian identity : cultural interaction in the Middle East since the rise of IslamLeave the NDL website. Dendara : traductionLeave the NDL website. Byzantino-Normannica : the Norman capture of Italy (to A. D. 1081) and the first two invasions in Byzantium (A.D. 1081-1085 and 1107-1108)Leave the NDL website. Les aventures d'Horus et Seth dans le Papyrus Chester Beatty I : mythe et roman en Égypte ancienneLeave the NDL website. A Hebrew Alexander romance according to MS London, Jews' College no. 145Leave the NDL website. Resheph : a Syro-Canaanite deityLeave the NDL website. Context and connection : studies on the archaeology of the ancient Near East in honour of Antonio SagonaLeave the NDL website. Crisis and religious renewal in the Brahmo Samaj, 1860-1884 : a documentary study of the emergence of the "New dispensation" under Keshab Chandra SenLeave the NDL website. Peter of Callinicum : anti-Tritheist dossierLeave the NDL website. Les voies processionnelles de ThèbesLeave the NDL website. La déesse sGrol-ma (Tārā) : recherches sur la nature et le statut d'une divinité du bouddhisme tibétainLeave the NDL website. Etruskisches Sprachgut im Lateinischen unter Ausschluss des spezifisch onomastischen BereichesLeave the NDL website. Between Rome and Jerusalem : Herod the Great and his sons in their struggle for recognition : a chronological investigation of the period 40 BC-39 AD, with a time setting of New Testament eventsLeave the NDL website. Untersuchungen zur späthieratischen BuchschriftLeave the NDL website. A palaeographic study of early writing in EgyptLeave the NDL website. Occasional papers of the School of ʻAbbasid Studies, Leuven, 28 June - 1 July 2004Leave the NDL website. Topics in Coptic syntax : structural studies in the Bohairic dialectLeave the NDL website. Arabic and Islamic studies in Europe and beyond = Études arabes et islamiques en Europe et au-delàLeave the NDL website. The Aramaeans : their ancient history, culture, religionLeave the NDL website. Altägyptische SternuhrenLeave the NDL website. Phoenician-Punic dictionaryLeave the NDL website. Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and Armenian studies : collected papersLeave the NDL website. Les complexes de la demeure du sistre et du trône de Rê : théologie et décoration dans le temple d'Hathor à DenderaLeave the NDL website. Handboek modern ArabischLeave the NDL website. Encyclopedic trends in Byzantium? : proceedings of the international conference held in Leuven, 6-8 May 2009Leave the NDL website. Philosophie et sciences à Byzance de 1204 à 1453 : les textes, les doctrines et leur transmission : actes de la table ronde organisée au XXe Congrès international d'études Byzantines, (Paris, 2001)Leave the NDL website. Yaḥyā ibn ʿAdī, théologien chrétien et philosophe arabe : sa théologie de l'incarnationLeave the NDL website. The Sabaite heritage in the Orthodox Church from the fifth century to the presentLeave the NDL website. Ancient Egyptian demonology : studies on the boundaries between the demonic and the divine in Egyptian magicLeave the NDL website. Osiris, Ramsès, Thot et le Nil : les chapelles secondaires des temples de Derr et Ouadi es-SebouaLeave the NDL website. Punic Wars : proceedings of the conference held in Antwerp from the 23th to the 26th of November 1988 in cooperation with the Department of History of the 'Universiteit Antwerpen' (U.F.S.I.A.)Leave the NDL website. Medioiranica : proceedings of the International Colloquium organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 21st to the 23rd of May 1990Leave the NDL website. Timelines : studies in honour of Manfred BietakLeave the NDL website. Babylonian topographical textsLeave the NDL website. Egyptian religion : the last thousand years : studies dedicated to the memory of Jan QuaegebeurLeave the NDL website. Les chauves d'HathorLeave the NDL website. Le clergé féminin d'Amon Thébain à la 21[e] dynastieLeave the NDL website. Sitting beside Lepsius : studies in honour of Jaromir Malek at the Griffith InstituteLeave the NDL website. Coptic studies on the threshold of a new millennium : proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies, Leiden, 27 August - 2 September 2000Leave the NDL website. Continuity and change in the realms of Islam : studies in honour of Professor Urbain VermeulenLeave the NDL website. Actes du huitième Congrès international d'études coptes : Paris, 28 juin-3 juillet 2004Leave the NDL website. Narratives of Egypt and the Ancient Near East : literary and linguistic approachesLeave the NDL website. Words, texts, and concepts cruising the Mediterranean Sea : studies on the sources, contents and influences of Islamic civilization and Arabic philosophy and science : dedicated to Gerhard Endress on his sixty-fifth birthdayLeave the NDL website. The Apis embalming ritual : P. Vindob. 3873Leave the NDL website. Orientalia antiquaLeave the NDL website. Indian toponyms in ancient Greek and Latin textsLeave the NDL website. Egypt at its origins : studies in memory of Barbara Adams : proceedings of the international conference, "Origin of the State, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt," Kraków, 28th August - 1st September 2002Leave the NDL website. Byzantine holy images : transcendence and immanence : the theological background of the iconography and aesthetics of the Chora ChurchLeave the NDL website. Nubian archaeology in the XXIst century : proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference for Nubian Studies, Neuchâtel, 1st-6th September 2014Leave the NDL website. Le quartier des prêtres dans le temple d'Amon à KarnakLeave the NDL website. Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk erasLeave the NDL website. Engineering and construction in Egypt's Early Dynastic periodLeave the NDL website. Theological rationalism in medieval Islam : new sources and perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Observing the scribe at work : scribal practice in the ancient worldLeave the NDL website. Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk erasLeave the NDL website. The anonymous Syriac Chronicle of 1234 and its sourcesLeave the NDL website. Contra Latinos et Adversus Graecos : the separation between Rome and Constantinople from the ninth to the fifteenth centuryLeave the NDL website. Dust, demons and pots : studies in honour of Colin A. HopeLeave the NDL website. Egyptian language in Greek sources : scripta onomastica of Jan QuaegebeurLeave the NDL website.

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Title on spine of v. 5: OLA
Publisher varies: Leuven University Press, Dept. Oriëntalistiek
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Afrikanischstämmiger Lehnwortschatz im älteren Ägyptisch : Untersuchungen zur ägyptisch-afrikanischen lexikalischen Interferenz im dritten und zweiten Jahrtausend v. Chr.
Sources and approaches across disciplines in Near Eastern studies : proceedings of the 24th congress, Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Leipzig 2008
Apokalyptik und Ägypten : eine kritische Analyse der relevanten Texte aus dem griechisch-römischen Ägypten
Choice cuts : meat production in ancient Egypt
Arbres et arbustes de l'Egypte ancienne : la liste de la tombe thébaine d'Ineni (no 81)
Le livre de parcourir l'éternité
Coptos, hommes et dieux sur le parvis de Geb
Mythologie et religion des sémites occidentaux
Un héritage de paix et de piété : étude sur les histoires ecclésiastiques de Socrate et de Sozomène
Studies in ancient Egyptian funerary literature
Religion und Philosophie im alten Ägypten : Festgabe für Philippe Derchain zu seinem 65. Geburtstag am 24. Juli 1991
Middle Iranian studies : proceedings of the International Symposium organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 17th to the 20th of May 1982
Social aspects of funerary culture in the egytian [i.e. egyptian] Old and Middle Kingdoms : proceedings of the international symposium held at Leiden University, 6-7 June, 1996
The Aramaic language in the Achaemenid period : a study in linguistic variation
Coptic society, literature and religion from late antiquity to modern times : proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September 17th - 22th, 2012 and plenary reports of the Ninth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Cairo, September 15th - 19th, 2008
Coptology : past, present, and future : studies in honour of Rodolphe Kasser
Kindgötter im Ägypten der griechisch-römischen Zeit : Zeugnisse aus Stadt und Tempel als Spiegel des interkulturellen Kontakts
Bits, bytes, and binyanim : a quantitative study of verbal lexeme formations in the Hebrew Bible
Identity puzzles : medieval Christian art in Syria and Lebanon
Les épîtres sacrées des Druzes : Rasāʾil al-Ḥikma, volumes 1 et 2
Dieux et déesses de l'univers phénicien et punique
Carthago : acta Colloquii Bruxellensis habiti diebus 2 et 3 mensis Maii anni 1986
ʿAbbasid studies : occasional papers of the School of ʿAbbasid Studies, Cambridge, 6-10 July 2002
Law, Christianity and modernism in Islamic society : proceedings of the Eighteenth Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, held at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (September 3-September 9, 1996)
Bibel, Byzanz und Christlicher Orient : Festschrift für Stephen Gerö zum 65. Geburtstag
Semitic languages : outline of a comparative grammar
East and West in the Crusader states : context, contacts, confrontations
Philae and the end of ancient Egyptian religion : a regional study of religious transformation (298-642 CE)
Prosopographie der literarisch bezeugten Karthager
The language of Qohelet in its context : essays in honour of Prof. A. Schoors on the occasion of his seventieth birthday
The predynastic Egyptian cemetery of El-Gerzeh : social identities and mortuary practices
Histoire, géographie et religion de l'Égypte ancienne : opera selecta
The ships of the ancient Near East (c. 2000-500 B.C.)
Les annales des prêtres de Karnak (XXI-XXIIImes dynasties) et autres textes contemporains relatifs à l'initiation des prêtres d'Amon
Essai sur les douze travaux d'Héracles
Identity and Christian-Muslim interaction : medieval art of the Syrian Orthodox from the Mosul area
On the fringe of commentary : metatextuality in ancient Near Eastern and ancient Mediterranean cultures
Devenir moine à Byzance : coutumes sociales, règles monastiques et rituels liturgiques
Dendara V-VI : traduction
The coinage of the Phoenician city of Tyre in the Persian period (5th-4th cent. BCE)
Le dieu égyptien Shaï dans la religion et l'onomastique
Monophysite texts of the sixth century
Punica, Libyca, Ptolemaica : Festschrift für Werner Huß zum 65. Geburtstag dargebracht von Schülern, Freunden und Kollegen
Les pyramidions égyptiens du nouvel empire
Perspectives arabes et médiévales sur la tradition scientifique et philosophique grecque : actes du colloque de la SIHSPAI (Société internationale d'histoire des sciences et de la philosophie arabes et islamiques), Paris, 31 mars - 3 avril 1993
Studies in Arabic and Islam : proceedings of the 19th Congress, Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Halle 1998
Arabic theology, Arabic philosophy : from the many to the one : essays in celebration of Richard M. Frank
L'iconographie de la barque processionnelle divine en Egypte au nouvel empire
Old Babylonian legal and administrative texts from Philadelphia
Die ägyptischen Motive in der Glyptik des östlichen Mittelmeerraumes zu Anfang des 2. Jts. v. Chr.
The Hindī songs of Nāmdev
The pre-Hellenistic Israelite anthroponymy and prosopography
Dendara : les fêtes d'Hathor
Dispute poems and dialogues in the ancient and mediaeval Near East : forms and types of literary debates in Semitic and related literatures
Numismatica antiqua
The rock tombs of Djehutinakht (no. 17K74/1), Khnumnakht (no. 17K74/2), and Iha (no. 17K74/3) : with an essay on the history and nature of nomarchal rule in the early Middle Kingdom
The second intermediate period (thirteenth-seventeenth dynasties) : current research, future prospects
Le cabinet de curiosités de Thoutmosis III : plantes et animaux du "Jardin botanique" de Karnak
For East is East : liber amicorum Wojciech Skalmowski
A descriptive bibliography of Allama Muhammad Iqbal (1877-1938)
Moving across borders : foreign relations, religion, and cultural interactions in the ancient Mediterranean
Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Egyptologists, Cambridge, 3-9 September 1995
Kitāb al-maʻārif by Abū Sa'īd Maymūn B. Qāsim al-Ṭabarānī : critical edition with an introduction
Society and economy in the Eastern Mediterranean (c. 1500-1000 B.C.) : proceedings of the International Symposium held at the University of Haifa from the 28th of April to the 2nd of May 1985
Another mouthful of dust : Egyptological studies in honour of Geoffrey Thorndike Martin
Iranica in the Achaemenid period (ca. 550-330 B.C.) : lexicon of old Iranian proper names and loanwords, attested in non-Iranian texts
Languages and cultures in contact : at the crossroads of civilizations in the Syro-Mesopotamian realm ; proceedings of the 42th RAI
Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Egyptologists : University of the Aegean, Rhodes, 22-29 May 2008
The Sarvāṅgī of the Dādūpanthī Rajab
Scribal practices and the social construction of knowledge : in antiquity, late antiquity and medieval Islam
Toponymes et gentilices bibliques face à l'histoire
Igor'-Severjanin : his life and work--the formal aspects of his poetry
Dendara : le temple d'Isis
Crafts in the early Isin period : a study of the Isin craft archive from the reigns of Išbi-Erra and Šū-Ilišu
Lexikon der ägyptischen Götter und Götterbezeichnungen
Foundations of power and conflicts of authority in late-antique monasticism : proceedings of the international seminar Turin, December 2-4, 2004
The land of Israel : cross-roads of civilizations : proceedings of the conference held in Brussels from the 3rd to the 5th of December 1984 to mark the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Institute of Archaeology Queen Elisabeth of Belgium at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem : in memory of Professor Y. Yadin and Professor Ch. Perelman
Proceedings of the ninth International Congress of Egyptologists = Actes du neuvième Congrès international des égyptologues, Grenoble, 6-12 September 2004
Der Gott Chepri : Untersuchungen zu Schriftzeugnissen und ikonographischen Quellen vom Alten Reich bis in griechisch-römische Zeit
Variation in modern standard Arabic in radio news broadcasts : a synchronic descriptive investigation into the use of complementary particles
Catalogue of the Coptic inscriptions in the Sudan National Museum at Khartoum (I. Khartoum Copt.)
Company of images modelling the imaginary world of Middle Kingdom Egypt (2000-1500 BC) : proceedings of the International Conference of the EPOCHS Project
Fictionalizing the past : historical characters in Arabic popular epic
Hamlet on a hill : Semitic and Greek studies presented to Professor T. Muraoka on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday
Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk eras
Ritual and sacrifice in the ancient Near East : proceedings of the international conference organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 17th to the 20th of April 1991
Antioch from the Byzantine reconquest until the end of the Crusader principality : acta of the congress held at Hernen Castle in May 2003
The necropolis of Assiut : a case study of local Egyptian funerary culture from the Old Kingdom to the end of the Middle Kingdom
After Bardaisan : studies on continuity and change in Syriac Christianity in honour of Professor Han J.W. Drijvers
Authority, privacy and public order in Islam : proceedings of the 22nd Congress of L'Union européenne des arabisants et islamisants
Yūsuf al-S̲h̲irbīnī's : Kitāb hazz al-quḥūf bi-S̲h̲arḥ qaṣīd Abī S̲h̲ādūf = Brains confounded by the ode of Abū S̲h̲ādūf expounded
Redefining Christian identity : cultural interaction in the Middle East since the rise of Islam
Dendara : traduction
Byzantino-Normannica : the Norman capture of Italy (to A. D. 1081) and the first two invasions in Byzantium (A.D. 1081-1085 and 1107-1108)
Les aventures d'Horus et Seth dans le Papyrus Chester Beatty I : mythe et roman en Égypte ancienne
A Hebrew Alexander romance according to MS London, Jews' College no. 145
Resheph : a Syro-Canaanite deity
Context and connection : studies on the archaeology of the ancient Near East in honour of Antonio Sagona
Crisis and religious renewal in the Brahmo Samaj, 1860-1884 : a documentary study of the emergence of the "New dispensation" under Keshab Chandra Sen
Peter of Callinicum : anti-Tritheist dossier
Les voies processionnelles de Thèbes
La déesse sGrol-ma (Tārā) : recherches sur la nature et le statut d'une divinité du bouddhisme tibétain
Etruskisches Sprachgut im Lateinischen unter Ausschluss des spezifisch onomastischen Bereiches
Between Rome and Jerusalem : Herod the Great and his sons in their struggle for recognition : a chronological investigation of the period 40 BC-39 AD, with a time setting of New Testament events
Untersuchungen zur späthieratischen Buchschrift
A palaeographic study of early writing in Egypt
Occasional papers of the School of ʻAbbasid Studies, Leuven, 28 June - 1 July 2004
Topics in Coptic syntax : structural studies in the Bohairic dialect
Arabic and Islamic studies in Europe and beyond = Études arabes et islamiques en Europe et au-delà
The Aramaeans : their ancient history, culture, religion
Altägyptische Sternuhren
Phoenician-Punic dictionary
Apocrypha, Pseudepigrapha, and Armenian studies : collected papers
Les complexes de la demeure du sistre et du trône de Rê : théologie et décoration dans le temple d'Hathor à Dendera
Handboek modern Arabisch
Encyclopedic trends in Byzantium? : proceedings of the international conference held in Leuven, 6-8 May 2009
Philosophie et sciences à Byzance de 1204 à 1453 : les textes, les doctrines et leur transmission : actes de la table ronde organisée au XXe Congrès international d'études Byzantines, (Paris, 2001)
Yaḥyā ibn ʿAdī, théologien chrétien et philosophe arabe : sa théologie de l'incarnation
The Sabaite heritage in the Orthodox Church from the fifth century to the present
Ancient Egyptian demonology : studies on the boundaries between the demonic and the divine in Egyptian magic
Osiris, Ramsès, Thot et le Nil : les chapelles secondaires des temples de Derr et Ouadi es-Seboua
Punic Wars : proceedings of the conference held in Antwerp from the 23th to the 26th of November 1988 in cooperation with the Department of History of the 'Universiteit Antwerpen' (U.F.S.I.A.)
Medioiranica : proceedings of the International Colloquium organized by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven from the 21st to the 23rd of May 1990
Timelines : studies in honour of Manfred Bietak
Babylonian topographical texts
Egyptian religion : the last thousand years : studies dedicated to the memory of Jan Quaegebeur
Les chauves d'Hathor
Le clergé féminin d'Amon Thébain à la 21[e] dynastie
Sitting beside Lepsius : studies in honour of Jaromir Malek at the Griffith Institute
Coptic studies on the threshold of a new millennium : proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Coptic Studies, Leiden, 27 August - 2 September 2000
Continuity and change in the realms of Islam : studies in honour of Professor Urbain Vermeulen
Actes du huitième Congrès international d'études coptes : Paris, 28 juin-3 juillet 2004
Narratives of Egypt and the Ancient Near East : literary and linguistic approaches
Words, texts, and concepts cruising the Mediterranean Sea : studies on the sources, contents and influences of Islamic civilization and Arabic philosophy and science : dedicated to Gerhard Endress on his sixty-fifth birthday
The Apis embalming ritual : P. Vindob. 3873
Orientalia antiqua
Indian toponyms in ancient Greek and Latin texts
Egypt at its origins : studies in memory of Barbara Adams : proceedings of the international conference, "Origin of the State, Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt," Kraków, 28th August - 1st September 2002
Byzantine holy images : transcendence and immanence : the theological background of the iconography and aesthetics of the Chora Church
Nubian archaeology in the XXIst century : proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference for Nubian Studies, Neuchâtel, 1st-6th September 2014
Le quartier des prêtres dans le temple d'Amon à Karnak
Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk eras
Engineering and construction in Egypt's Early Dynastic period
Theological rationalism in medieval Islam : new sources and perspectives
Observing the scribe at work : scribal practice in the ancient world
Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk eras
The anonymous Syriac Chronicle of 1234 and its sources
Contra Latinos et Adversus Graecos : the separation between Rome and Constantinople from the ninth to the fifteenth century
Dust, demons and pots : studies in honour of Colin A. Hope
Egyptian language in Greek sources : scripta onomastica of Jan Quaegebeur
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