
Harmonie & Turcherie : Donizetti Haydn Mendelssohn Mozart Rossini Schubert Spohr Witt

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Harmonie & Turcherie : Donizetti Haydn Mendelssohn Mozart Rossini Schubert Spohr Witt

Material type
Haydn, Michaelほか
Arcana : Outhere Music
Publication date
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13 x 14 cm.)
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Notes on use

Note (General):

Marcello Gatti, Luigi Lupo, flutes ; Alfredo Bernardini, Paolo Grazzi, oboes ; Lorenzo Coppola, Danilo Zauli, Miriam Caldarini (4th work), Igor Armani...

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Recording Media

Material Type
Publication Date (W3CDTF)
13 x 14 cm.)
Place of Publication (Country Code)
Target Audience
Note (General)
Marcello Gatti, Luigi Lupo, flutes ; Alfredo Bernardini, Paolo Grazzi, oboes ; Lorenzo Coppola, Danilo Zauli, Miriam Caldarini (4th work), Igor Armani (4th), clarinets ; Alberto Grazzi, Maurizio Barigione, Giorgio Mandolesi (1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th), Michaele Fattori (4th, 6th, 8th-9th), bassoons ; Simone Amelli, Francesco Gibellini, trumpets ; Dileno Baldin, Francesco Meucci, horns ; Corrado Colliard, cimbasso, post horn, alto trombone ; Riccardo Armari, tenor trombone ; Riccardo Balbinutti, Stefano Bardella, Luca Favaro, Philipp Höller, percussions ; Zefiro ; Alfredo Bernardini, direction
Recorded in Gustav Mahler Hall, Kulturzentrum Grand Hotel, Dobbiaco, 23-26 January 2015
Compact disc
Arcana: A 391
マーキュリー: Mer-A391
Pamphlet contains program notes in English with French and Italian translations
Leaflet contains program notes in Japanese