Emancipation, democracy and the modern critique of law : reconsidering Habermas
Michael Oakeshott's political philosophy of international relations : civil association and international society
Dialogues with contemporary political theorists
Hans J. Morgenthau's theory of international relations : disenchantment and re-enchantment
After the nation? : critical reflections on nationalism and postnationalism
Consociationalism and power-sharing in Europe : Arend Lijphart's theory of political accommodation
Integration of immigrants and the theory of recognition : 'just integration'
Global justice and the politics of recognition
Overcoming poststructuralism : Rawls, Kratochwil and the structure of normative reasoning in international relations
Kant and the end of war : a critique of just war theory
Consociationalism and power-sharing in Europe : Arend Lijphart's theory of political accommodation
Dialogues with contemporary political theorists
Cosmopolitanism in a multipolar world : soft sovereignty in democratic regional powers
Global theory from Kant to Hardt and Negri
Freedom after the critique of foundations : Marx, liberalism, Castoriadis and agonistic autonomy
Philosophy and political engagement : reflection in the public sphere
International political theory after Hobbes : analysis, interpretation and orientation
On Rawls, development and global justice : the freedom of peoples
Thomas Hobbes's conception of peace : civil society and international order
Hannah Arendt's theory of political action : daimonic disclosure of the "who"
The non-sovereign self, responsibility, and otherness : Hannah Arendt, Judith Butler, and Stanley Cavell on moral philosophy and political agency
Egalitarian rights recognition : a political theory of human rights
Philosophy and political engagement : reflection in the public sphere
Transitional justice in established democracies : a political theory
The politics and business of self-interest from Tocqueville to Trump
Asylum as reparation : refuge and responsibility for the harms of displacement
British modern international thought in the making : politics and economy from Hobbes to Bentham
The Palgrave handbook of international political theory
The Palgrave handbook of international political theory
Theology and world politics : metaphysics, genealogies, political theologies