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九姓达靼游牧王国史研究 (8-11世纪)Leave the NDL website. 萨满教美术的艺术民俗学解析 : 以吉林省乌拉街满族镇萨满教为个案 = An artistic folklore analysis of shamanist art : a case about shamanism in Ula Street Town of Jilin ProvinceLeave the NDL website. 文本与唱本 : 苗族古歌的文学人类学研究Leave the NDL website. 马克思主义在青年中的传播 : 历史视野与哲学思考Leave the NDL website. 仲裁立法的自由化、国际化和本土化 : 以贸法会仲裁示范法为比较Leave the NDL website. 国有大型企业制度改造的理论与实践Leave the NDL website. 东巴仪式叙事程式研究 = A study of the ritual narrative formular in DongbaLeave the NDL website. 《穀梁》文献征 = A philological study on Chun-qiu Gu-liang-zhuanLeave the NDL website. 地方政府行为与中国经济波动 = Local government behavior and China's economic fluctuationsLeave the NDL website. 国家治理 : 研究方法与理论建构 = State governance : methods and theoriesLeave the NDL website. 边民生活政治 : 滇越跨境民族的记忆、心境与行动Leave the NDL website. 出土简帛与《淮南子》研究Leave the NDL website. 战国王年问题研究 = A study on the King's chronicle of the Warring states periodLeave the NDL website. 西南民族地区纠纷解决机制研究Leave the NDL website. 清代榷关与北路贸易 : 以杀虎口、张家口和归化城为中心 = Que Guan (customs and excise office) and the north trade in Qing dynasty : taking shahukou, zhangjiakou and the guihua city as the centerLeave the NDL website. 北周佛教美术研究 : 以长安造像为中心Leave the NDL website. 明清宫词与宫廷文化研究 = Studies on the GongCi and the palace culture in Ming and Qing dynastiesLeave the NDL website. 《大清律辑注》研究Leave the NDL website. 金融危机、影子银行与中国银行业发展研究Leave the NDL website. 清代版本学史Leave the NDL website. 宋诗叙事性研究Leave the NDL website. 宋代江浙诗韵研究 = Study on the rhymes of poets in Jiangzhe in Song dynastyLeave the NDL website. 当代华语青春电影研究 (1978-2018) = A study of contemporary Chinese youth films (1978-2018)Leave the NDL website. 庄子齐物思想研究 = The study on Chuang-Tzu's thought of "the equality of things"Leave the NDL website. 古典实用主义奠基者的信念观研究 : 以皮尓士和詹姆斯为例Leave the NDL website. 简帛文献与《管子》研究 = Research on bamboo slips, silk manuscripts and GuanziLeave the NDL website. 文献编纂与"大一统"观念 : 《大清一统志》研究 = Document compilation and great unification concept : research of da Qing yi tong zhiLeave the NDL website. 抗战时期区域教育研究:以山西为个案Leave the NDL website. 唐代钱法考Leave the NDL website. 明清以来徽州地区农业地理研究 = Research on agricultural geography in Huizhou Prefecture since the Ming and Qing DynastiesLeave the NDL website. 从于阗到敦煌 : 以唐宋时期图像的东传为中心 = From Khotan to Dunhuang : based on the images spreaded to the East during Tang and Song dynastiesLeave the NDL website. 唐代关中本土文学群体研究Leave the NDL website. 晚清民初词体声律学研究Leave the NDL website. 唐代景教文献研究Leave the NDL website. 清政府对苗疆生态环境的保护 = Protection of the ecological environment in Miaojiang region by the Qing governmentLeave the NDL website. 满铁与国联调查团研究 : Research on the South Manchuria Railway Company and the Lytton CommissionLeave the NDL website. 宋代乐论研究 = Study on the yue theory of Song dynastyLeave the NDL website. 社会结构对法官裁判的影响:以1060个刑事判决为样本 = The influence of the social structure to judgment : 1060 criminal judgments as samplesLeave the NDL website. 唐宋湖南移民史研究 = A study of the history of Hunan immigration in the Tang and Song DynastiesLeave the NDL website. 敦煌寫本《籯金》系類書整理與研究 = The collation and research on dunhuang manuscipts of yingjinLeave the NDL website. 清前期包衣牛录组织研究Leave the NDL website. 宋學淵源記箋證Leave the NDL website. 长沙走马楼三国孙吴简牍官文书整理与研究Leave the NDL website. 流动人口网络社区的文化认同Leave the NDL website. 中产阶层逆城市化的移民现象 : 以大理为例 = Research on migration phenomenon of the middle class in counter-urbanization : taking Dali as an exampleLeave the NDL website. 内蒙古牧区工作成就启示研究(1947-1966) = The achievements of policies in the Inner Mongolia pastoral region and their Lessons (1947-1966)Leave the NDL website. 中国人口老龄化与劳动生产率 : 影响机制及其政策应对= Aging population's impact mechanism on labor productivity and policy response in ChinaLeave the NDL website. 气象与风俗 : 荻生徂徠儒学思想研究Leave the NDL website. 咸的历程 : 明清以来云南石羊古镇城镇化研究 = A Journey of Salty : The Research of Old Shiyang Town's Urbanization in Yunnan Since Ming and Qing DynastyLeave the NDL website. 中国高铁轨道产业"走出去" : 基于专利路线图的发展策略研究Leave the NDL website. 马克思恩格斯列宁民族理论文献在中国的百年传播=The propagation of the Marx, Engels and Lenin's literature on the ethno-national theory in China for more than 100 yearsLeave the NDL website. 清代捐纳与国家治理 = Juanna and national governance in Qing dynastyLeave the NDL website. 唐代东都职官制度研究Leave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • 九姓达靼游牧王国史研究 (8-11世纪)

  • 萨满教美术的艺术民俗学解析 : 以吉林省乌拉街满族镇萨满教为个案 = An artistic folklore analysis of shamanist art : a case about shamanism in Ula Street Town of Jilin Province

  • 文本与唱本 : 苗族古歌的文学人类学研究

  • 马克思主义在青年中的传播 : 历史视野与哲学思考

  • 仲裁立法的自由化、国际化和本土化 : 以贸法会仲裁示范法为比较

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China social sciences postdoctoral library
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その他の出版者: 经济管理出版社, 中国社会科学出版社, 方志出版社
Related Material
九姓达靼游牧王国史研究 (8-11世纪)
萨满教美术的艺术民俗学解析 : 以吉林省乌拉街满族镇萨满教为个案 = An artistic folklore analysis of shamanist art : a case about shamanism in Ula Street Town of Jilin Province
文本与唱本 : 苗族古歌的文学人类学研究
马克思主义在青年中的传播 : 历史视野与哲学思考
仲裁立法的自由化、国际化和本土化 : 以贸法会仲裁示范法为比较
东巴仪式叙事程式研究 = A study of the ritual narrative formular in Dongba
《穀梁》文献征 = A philological study on Chun-qiu Gu-liang-zhuan
地方政府行为与中国经济波动 = Local government behavior and China's economic fluctuations
国家治理 : 研究方法与理论建构 = State governance : methods and theories
边民生活政治 : 滇越跨境民族的记忆、心境与行动
战国王年问题研究 = A study on the King's chronicle of the Warring states period
清代榷关与北路贸易 : 以杀虎口、张家口和归化城为中心 = Que Guan (customs and excise office) and the north trade in Qing dynasty : taking shahukou, zhangjiakou and the guihua city as the center
北周佛教美术研究 : 以长安造像为中心
明清宫词与宫廷文化研究 = Studies on the GongCi and the palace culture in Ming and Qing dynasties
宋代江浙诗韵研究 = Study on the rhymes of poets in Jiangzhe in Song dynasty
当代华语青春电影研究 (1978-2018) = A study of contemporary Chinese youth films (1978-2018)
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文献编纂与"大一统"观念 : 《大清一统志》研究 = Document compilation and great unification concept : research of da Qing yi tong zhi
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宋代乐论研究 = Study on the yue theory of Song dynasty
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唐宋湖南移民史研究 = A study of the history of Hunan immigration in the Tang and Song Dynasties
敦煌寫本《籯金》系類書整理與研究 = The collation and research on dunhuang manuscipts of yingjin
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内蒙古牧区工作成就启示研究(1947-1966) = The achievements of policies in the Inner Mongolia pastoral region and their Lessons (1947-1966)
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气象与风俗 : 荻生徂徠儒学思想研究
咸的历程 : 明清以来云南石羊古镇城镇化研究 = A Journey of Salty : The Research of Old Shiyang Town's Urbanization in Yunnan Since Ming and Qing Dynasty
中国高铁轨道产业"走出去" : 基于专利路线图的发展策略研究
马克思恩格斯列宁民族理论文献在中国的百年传播=The propagation of the Marx, Engels and Lenin's literature on the ethno-national theory in China for more than 100 years
清代捐纳与国家治理 = Juanna and national governance in Qing dynasty