
Journal of economics = Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie

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Journal of economics = Zeitschrift für Nationalökonomie

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Table of Contents

  • Welfare economics of the second best

  • Growth, trade, and economic institutions

  • Die Rolle des Machtfaktors in der Zinstheorie

  • Journal of economics : master index of articles and book reviews : volumes 1-50, supplementa 1-5

  • Mathematical utility theory : utility functions, models, and applicaitons in the social sciences

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Related Material
Welfare economics of the second best
Growth, trade, and economic institutions
Die Rolle des Machtfaktors in der Zinstheorie
Journal of economics : master index of articles and book reviews : volumes 1-50, supplementa 1-5
Mathematical utility theory : utility functions, models, and applicaitons in the social sciences
Contributions to the Von Neumann growth model : proceedings of a conference organized by the Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria, July 6 and 7, 1970.
Public production : International Seminar in Public Economics, Bonn, August 1981
Capital flows and exchange rate determination
Die neuere Entwicklung des Geldwesens und der Geldtheorie
Public pension economics
Zur gegenwärtigen Krisenlage und inflationistischen Krisenbekämpfungspolitik
Inequalities : theory, experiments and applications
Entrepreneurship : the Bonn-Harvard Schumpeter centennial, Bonn, September 1983
Das Geldertragsstreben als Organisationsprinzip des Tauschverkehrs
Die wirtschaftlichen Wirkungen des technischen Fortschritts
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA00512072 : BA00512072