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School of Economics, University of Osaka Prefecture
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Geography of the Family in JapanLeave the NDL website. Determinants analysis of the out-migration between prefectures in Japan : from socio-economic and local administration and finance standpointsLeave the NDL website. 時間の奥行きと目標志向性が進路決定の自己効力感に及ぼす影響Leave the NDL website. The effects of inside stakeholders on the timing of downsizing in Japanese firmsLeave the NDL website. English divide has begun : Estimating causal effects of English proficiency on earnings for Japanese domestic workersLeave the NDL website. A population-macroeconomic growth model for developing countries : Towards the achievement of development goalsLeave the NDL website. Technical appendix to simple recipe for monetarists from deflationary activistsLeave the NDL website. Is direct underwriting of public bonds by the central bank an effective policy in Japan?Leave the NDL website. 日本企業の株式所有構造と経営者の属性 : 主要証券取引所に上場する全「製造」企業および「商業」に分類される企業にかんする実証分析Leave the NDL website. 「ウォルター・レイトンの社会哲学」Leave the NDL website. Son preference and fertility in JapanLeave the NDL website. Optimal collusion under imperfect monitoring in multimarket contactLeave the NDL website. Statistical foundation of the composite indexLeave the NDL website. A reconsideration of the dynamic Laffer curve in a two-sector model of endogenous growthLeave the NDL website. The value of information in multimarket contactLeave the NDL website. Layton on industrial and applied economicsLeave the NDL website. Two types of discretion : monetary policy before 1979 and in the Greenspan eraLeave the NDL website. Productive efficiency and production factors redundancy on manufacturing industries in JapanLeave the NDL website. 三位一体改革による財政への影響と効果 : 改革期間 平成16~21年度Leave the NDL website. Bayesian estimation of the monthly natural rates, gaps, and real GDP with mixed-frequency seriesLeave the NDL website. Industrial efficiency evaluation and improvement measures of regional economy with estimation of industrial production function and DEA Method : In Osaka economy as an exampleLeave the NDL website. Folk theorem for infinitely repeated games played by organizations with short-lived membersLeave the NDL website. The effects of inside stakeholders on the timing of downsizing in Japanese firmsLeave the NDL website. Measuring the natural rates, gaps, and deviation cyclesLeave the NDL website. The development of private enterprises and the struggle for existence of state-owned enterprises in a transition economyLeave the NDL website. When does the stork bring the baby? : Shotgun babies vs. Non-shotgun babiesLeave the NDL website. The unions' effects on downsizing and top executives in JapanLeave the NDL website. 基準財政需要の見直しによる地方交付税,国庫支出金への影響と各地方自治体財政へのインパクトについてLeave the NDL website. China's monetary policy rules and the stability of inflationLeave the NDL website. 理念の浸透方法が及ぼす影響に関するコミットメントの媒介・仲介効果Leave the NDL website. Opening a direct digital channel : the impact of versioning on the physical product market with heterogeneous retailersLeave the NDL website. Discretion in a neoclassical Phillips curve model : an explanation of asymmetric effects of inflation targetingLeave the NDL website. Evolution of payoff-dependent preferencesLeave the NDL website. Measuring inflation expectations using interval-coded dataLeave the NDL website. 電気自動車普及に関する一考察Leave the NDL website. 足許の社会移動動向を反映した大阪府将来人口の推計 : 平成12(2000)~42(2030)年Leave the NDL website. 経済学の成績に対する数学学習の効果Leave the NDL website. アーサー・レオン・ボウレイの統計学方法論 : マーシャルの方法論の影響を中心にしてLeave the NDL website. Constructing a coincident index of business cycles without assuming a one-factor modelLeave the NDL website. Policy responses under inflation targeting : a VAR analysis with sign restrictionsLeave the NDL website. ケンブリッジ学派におけるウォルター・レイトン : 「物価研究入門」(初版)を中心としてLeave the NDL website. Do coincident indicators have one-factor structure?Leave the NDL website. The nonstraightforward relationship between population growth and economic welfare in a neoclassical growth modelLeave the NDL website. The determinants in the timing of downsizing in large Japanese firms : long-term employment practices and corporate governanceLeave the NDL website. Is the eldest son different? The residential choice of siblings in JapanLeave the NDL website. Does the monetary policy rule under asymmetric preferences stimulate China's inflation to be more fluctuated?Leave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Geography of the Family in Japan

  • Determinants analysis of the out-migration between prefectures in Japan : from socio-economic and local administration and finance standpoints

  • 時間の奥行きと目標志向性が進路決定の自己効力感に及ぼす影響

  • The effects of inside stakeholders on the timing of downsizing in Japanese firms

  • English divide has begun : Estimating causal effects of English proficiency on earnings for Japanese domestic workers

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大阪府立大学経済学部 オオサカ フリツ ダイガク ケイザイ ガクブ
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Related Material
Geography of the Family in Japan
Determinants analysis of the out-migration between prefectures in Japan : from socio-economic and local administration and finance standpoints
The effects of inside stakeholders on the timing of downsizing in Japanese firms
English divide has begun : Estimating causal effects of English proficiency on earnings for Japanese domestic workers
A population-macroeconomic growth model for developing countries : Towards the achievement of development goals
Technical appendix to simple recipe for monetarists from deflationary activists
Is direct underwriting of public bonds by the central bank an effective policy in Japan?
日本企業の株式所有構造と経営者の属性 : 主要証券取引所に上場する全「製造」企業および「商業」に分類される企業にかんする実証分析
Son preference and fertility in Japan
Optimal collusion under imperfect monitoring in multimarket contact
Statistical foundation of the composite index
A reconsideration of the dynamic Laffer curve in a two-sector model of endogenous growth
The value of information in multimarket contact
Layton on industrial and applied economics
Two types of discretion : monetary policy before 1979 and in the Greenspan era
Productive efficiency and production factors redundancy on manufacturing industries in Japan
三位一体改革による財政への影響と効果 : 改革期間 平成16~21年度
Bayesian estimation of the monthly natural rates, gaps, and real GDP with mixed-frequency series
Industrial efficiency evaluation and improvement measures of regional economy with estimation of industrial production function and DEA Method : In Osaka economy as an example
Folk theorem for infinitely repeated games played by organizations with short-lived members
The effects of inside stakeholders on the timing of downsizing in Japanese firms
Measuring the natural rates, gaps, and deviation cycles
The development of private enterprises and the struggle for existence of state-owned enterprises in a transition economy
When does the stork bring the baby? : Shotgun babies vs. Non-shotgun babies
The unions' effects on downsizing and top executives in Japan
China's monetary policy rules and the stability of inflation
Opening a direct digital channel : the impact of versioning on the physical product market with heterogeneous retailers
Discretion in a neoclassical Phillips curve model : an explanation of asymmetric effects of inflation targeting
Evolution of payoff-dependent preferences
Measuring inflation expectations using interval-coded data
足許の社会移動動向を反映した大阪府将来人口の推計 : 平成12(2000)~42(2030)年
アーサー・レオン・ボウレイの統計学方法論 : マーシャルの方法論の影響を中心にして
Constructing a coincident index of business cycles without assuming a one-factor model
Policy responses under inflation targeting : a VAR analysis with sign restrictions
ケンブリッジ学派におけるウォルター・レイトン : 「物価研究入門」(初版)を中心として
Do coincident indicators have one-factor structure?
The nonstraightforward relationship between population growth and economic welfare in a neoclassical growth model
The determinants in the timing of downsizing in large Japanese firms : long-term employment practices and corporate governance
Is the eldest son different? The residential choice of siblings in Japan
Does the monetary policy rule under asymmetric preferences stimulate China's inflation to be more fluctuated?
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