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Drivers and driving : 6 reportsLeave the NDL website. Roll-on, roll-off sea transportation : proceedings of the Symposium, 19 November 1956, Washington, D.C. : convened by the Maritime Cargo Transportation Conference, as part of a program undertaken at the request of the Departments of Defense and of CommerceLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the thirty-third annual meetingLeave the NDL website. The life sciences in AntarcticaLeave the NDL website. U.S. Transportation : resources, performance and problems : a collection of papers prepared for the Transportation Research Conference convened by the National Academy of Sciences at Woods Hole, Massachusetts August, 1960Leave the NDL website. Energy systems of extended endurance in the 1-100 kilowatt range for undersea applicationsLeave the NDL website. Investigating and forecasting traffic accidentsLeave the NDL website. Chemical structure information handling : a review of the literature, 1962-1968Leave the NDL website. University patent policies and practicesLeave the NDL website. The physical sciences in AntarcticaLeave the NDL website. Non-destructive testing of concreteLeave the NDL website. Japanese colonization in eastern ParaguayLeave the NDL website. Coturnix (Coturnix coturnix japonica): standards and guidelines for the breeding, care, and management of laboratory animals : a reportLeave the NDL website. Bituminous paving mixturesLeave the NDL website. Scientific information activities of the National Academy of Sciences--National Research Council : a report of the Office of DocumentationLeave the NDL website. Urban travel patterns for hospitals, universities, office buildings, and capitolsLeave the NDL website. Traffic flow characteristics 1963 and 1964 : 7 reportsLeave the NDL website. ThrombosisLeave the NDL website. Conference on Molecular and Radiation BiologyLeave the NDL website. Report of the subcommittee on long-term effects of ionizing radiations from external sources : of the committee on pathologic effects of atomic radiationLeave the NDL website. Urban mass transportation planning : 7 reportsLeave the NDL website. Curing of concrete, 1925-1960 : annotatedLeave the NDL website. Physics: survey and outlook : a report on the present state of U.S. physics and its requirements for future growthLeave the NDL website. Saline water conversion : proceedings of a symposium, 4-6 November 1957Leave the NDL website. Parking : 2 reportsLeave the NDL website. Terrestrial heat flowLeave the NDL website. Planetary astronomy : an appraisal of ground-based opportunitiesLeave the NDL website. Ground-based astronomy : a ten-year programLeave the NDL website. Survey of chemical notation systems : a report of the Committee on Modern Methods of Handling Chemical Information, National Academy of Sciences - National Research CouncilLeave the NDL website. Traffic safety and accident research : 6 reportsLeave the NDL website. Genetics in laboratory animal medicine : proceedings of a symposium conducted at Boston, Massachusetts, July 22, 1968Leave the NDL website. Instrumentation techniques in nuclear pulse analysis : proceedings of a conference held at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Calif., April 20-May 3, 1963Leave the NDL website. Space research : directions for the future; report of a study by the Space Science BoardLeave the NDL website. Transportation of subsistence to NEAC : a comparative study of conventional versus unitized systems of subsistence cargo transportation from U. S. depots to the North East Air CommandLeave the NDL website. Relation between vehicle characteristics and highway design a symposium : presentes at the thirty-seventh annual meeting january 6-10, 1958Leave the NDL website. A regional geography of IcelandLeave the NDL website. Atmospheric ozone studies : an outline for an international observation programLeave the NDL website. Statistical and mathematical aspects of traffic : 6 reportsLeave the NDL website. Statistical genetics and plant breeding : a symposium and workshop , sponsored by the Committee on Plant Breeding and Genetics of the Agricultural Board at the North Carolina State College, Raleigh, N.C., March 20-29, 1961Leave the NDL website. Polychaeta Myzostomidae and Sedentaria of AntarcticaLeave the NDL website. Bituminous materials, mixes and construction : 5 reportsLeave the NDL website. Road user and vehicle characteristics : 4 reportsLeave the NDL website. Highway capacity : 4 reportsLeave the NDL website. Antarctic research : the Matthew Fontaine Maury memorial symposiumLeave the NDL website. Science in the Arctic Ocean basinLeave the NDL website. Parking : 2 reportsLeave the NDL website. Origin and destination techniques and evalutions : 9 reportsLeave the NDL website. Aspects of traffic control devices : 4 reportsLeave the NDL website. Relocation of public utilities due to highway improvement : An analysis of legal aspectsLeave the NDL website. Chemistry : opportunities and needs : a report on basic research in U.S. chemistryLeave the NDL website. Roadside development : 14 reportsLeave the NDL website. Geochronology of North AmericaLeave the NDL website. Traffic flow theory : 5 reportsLeave the NDL website. Origin and destination: advances in transportation planning : 8 reportsLeave the NDL website. Final report on Road test One-MD : effect controlled truck axle loadings on concrete pavementLeave the NDL website. Measurements and standards of radioactivityLeave the NDL website. Traffic control devices : 5 reportsLeave the NDL website. Rock-mechanics research : a survey of United States research to 1965, with a partial survey of Canadian universitiesLeave the NDL website. Consolidated index of selected property values : physical chemistry and thermodynamicsLeave the NDL website. Shopping habits and travel patterns : a supplement to special report 11 "parking as a factor in business" : presented at the thirty-fourth Annual Meeting, January 11-14, 1955Leave the NDL website. Characterization of macromolecular structure : proceedings of a conference, April 5-7, 1967, Warrenton, VirginiaLeave the NDL website. Costs of health care facilities : report of a conference convened by the National Academy of Engineering December 5 and 6, 1967Leave the NDL website. Insulated masonry cavity walls : a research correlation conferenceLeave the NDL website. Directory of fire research in the United States, 1965-1967Leave the NDL website. Trip characteristics and traffic assignment : presented at the 38th annual meeting, January 5-9, 1959Leave the NDL website. Electronics in traffic operations : presented at the 41st annual meeting, January 8-12, 1962Leave the NDL website. Radiation preservation of foods : proceedings of an international conference, Boston, Massachusetts, September, 27-30, 1964Leave the NDL website. The occasion instant : the structure of social responses to unanticipated air raid warningsLeave the NDL website. Weather and climate modification : problems and prospectsLeave the NDL website. Origin and destination characteristics : 8 reportsLeave the NDL website. Widening and resurfacing with bituminous concreteLeave the NDL website. Travel forecasting : 8 reportsLeave the NDL website. Intersection capacityLeave the NDL website. Structural effects of heavy-duty trailer on concrete pavement : A supplemental investigation to road test one-mdLeave the NDL website. Administrative structure of local rural road organizationsLeave the NDL website. Transportation and economic development : 6 reportsLeave the NDL website. Parking : 2 reportsLeave the NDL website. Traffic behavior as related to several highway design features : presented at the Thirty-sixth Annual Meeting, January 7-11, 1957Leave the NDL website. Spacecraft in geographic research : report of a conferene on the Use of Orbiting Spacecraft in Geographic research, held at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas, January 28-30, 1965Leave the NDL website. Characterosotics of traffic flow : 5 reportsLeave the NDL website. Symposium on oceanographic instrumentation : Rancho Santa Fe, California, June 21-23, 1952Leave the NDL website. Annual report of the conference on electrical insulationLeave the NDL website. Radiobiological factors in manned space flightLeave the NDL website. Symposium on mutation and plant breedingLeave the NDL website. Experimental continuously-reinforced concrete pavements : progress report--1959 : presented at the 38th annual meeting january 5-9, 1959Leave the NDL website. Conference on Physical and Chemical Properties of Sea Water : Easton, Maryland, September 4-5, 1958Leave the NDL website. Multichannel pulse height analyzers : proceedings of an informal conference, Gatlinburg, Tenn., Sept.26-28,1956Leave the NDL website. The impact of science and technology on regional economic development : an assessment of national policies regarding research and development in the context of regional economic developmentLeave the NDL website. Animals for research : a directory of sources of laboratory animals, fluids, tissues, organs, equipment and materialsLeave the NDL website. Oceanography information sources : a staff report of the Committee on OceanographyLeave the NDL website. Biology and the exploration of Mars : report of a study held under the Auspices of the Space Science Board, National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1964-1965Leave the NDL website. Developing concepts of land acquisitionLeave the NDL website. High-temperature chemistry : current and future problems : a conference organized at Rice University, Houston, Texas, January 26-27, 1966Leave the NDL website. Urban research 1960 : presented at the 39th annual meeting, January 11-15, 1960Leave the NDL website. Proceedings of the thirty-second annual meetingLeave the NDL website. Traffic flow theory : 3 reportsLeave the NDL website. Magneto-fluid dynamics : proceedings of a symposium, held in Williamsburg, Virginia, and Washington, D.C., January, 1960Leave the NDL website. Antarctic Ascidiacea : monographic account of the known species based on specimens collected under U.S. Government auspices, 1947-1965Leave the NDL website. Industrial research laboratories of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Traffic control : devices and delineation ; 7 reportsLeave the NDL website. The mathematical sciences: undergraduate education : a reportLeave the NDL website. Crack control in concrete masonry unit constructionLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Underwater Physiology Symposium : January 10-11, 1955, Washington, D.C.Leave the NDL website. Joint and crack sealingLeave the NDL website. Increasing traffic capacity of arterial streets : presented at the 39th annual meeting january 11-15, 1960Leave the NDL website. Research in radiology : proceedings of an informal conference Highland Park, Illinois, May 10-12, 1957Leave the NDL website. Traffic accidents and violationsLeave the NDL website. Traffic control devices : 3 reportsLeave the NDL website. Animal models for biomedical research : proceedings of a symposiumLeave the NDL website. Night visibility : 7 reportsLeave the NDL website. Transportation economics : 11 reportsLeave the NDL website. Characteristics of vehicle operatoes : presented at the thirty-seventh annual meeting january 6-10, 1958Leave the NDL website. Traffic control : 3 reportsLeave the NDL website. Shopping centers and parking : 3 reportsLeave the NDL website. Methods for the examination of poultry biologics : a report of the Poultry Disease Subcommittee, Committee on Animal Health, Agricultural Board, Division of Biology and AgricultureLeave the NDL website. Joint spacing in concrete pavements : 10-year reports on six experimental projectsLeave the NDL website. Allocating highway cost responsibility : reports on studies in five statesLeave the NDL website. Traffic characteristics as related to highway capacityLeave the NDL website. Progress in meeting protein needs of infants and preschool children : proceedings of an International Conference held in Washington, D.C. August 21-24, 1960, under the auspices of the Committee on Protein Malnutrition, Food and Nutrition Board and the Nutrition Study Section, National Institutes of HealthLeave the NDL website. Highway sufficiency ratings : presented at the thirty-first annual meeting, January 1952Leave the NDL website. Statewide transportation planning : 5 reportsLeave the NDL website. Road user characteristics : 9 reportsLeave the NDL website. Basic mechanisms in radiobiology : proceedings of an informal conference held at Highland Park, Illinois, May 7-9, 1953Leave the NDL website. Passenger transportation : 6 reportsLeave the NDL website. Biology of the Antarctic seasLeave the NDL website. Use of human subjects in safety evaluation of food chemicals : proceedings of a conferenceLeave the NDL website. Pavement researchLeave the NDL website. Clays and clay minerals : proceedings of the Third National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals, The Rice Institute, Houston, Texas, October 26-29, 1954Leave the NDL website. Conference on Hemoglobin, 2-3 May 1957 : held under the auspices of the Division of Medical Sciences, National Academy of Sciences-- National Research Council, with the support of the National Heart Institute, National Institutes of HealthLeave the NDL website. The growth of world population : analysis of the problems and recommendations for research and trainingLeave the NDL website. Flexible culverts under high fills : presented at the 34th annual meeting, Jan. 11 - 14, 1955Leave the NDL website. Psychopharmacology : problems in evaluation : proceedings of a Conference on the Evaluation of Pharmacotherapy in Mental Illness sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Academy of Sciences--National Research Council, and the American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C. September 18-22, 1956Leave the NDL website. Physics of precipitation : proceedings of the Cloud Physics Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, June 3-5, 1959Leave the NDL website. Intergovernmental relations in State highway legislation, an analysis : a report of the highway laws projectLeave the NDL website. The science of geography : report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Geography, Earth Sciences Division, National Academy of Sciences-National Research CouncilLeave the NDL website. Passenger transportation : 5 reportsLeave the NDL website. Community values and socioeconomic impacts : 5 reportsLeave the NDL website. Travel factors and travel models : 6 reportsLeave the NDL website. Properties of concrete : 4 reportsLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the thirty-fourth annual meeting, Washington, D.C., January 11-14, 1955Leave the NDL website. The mathematical sciences : a reportLeave the NDL website. Bituminous paving mixtures fundamentals for designLeave the NDL website. Origin and destination : methods and evalution : 10 reportsLeave the NDL website. Contemporary geodesy : proceedings of a conference held at the Harvard College Observatory - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 1-2, 1958Leave the NDL website. Field guide to JapanLeave the NDL website. Road-user characteristics 1963 : 5 reportsLeave the NDL website. Distribution of load stresses in highway bridgesLeave the NDL website. Durability of concreteLeave the NDL website. The earth's crust and upper mantle : structure, dynamic processes, and their relation to deep-seated geological phenomenaLeave the NDL website. Design and testing of flexible pavementLeave the NDL website. Industrial research laboratories of the United StatesLeave the NDL website. The physiology of induced hypothermia : proceedings of a symposium, 28-29 October 1955Leave the NDL website. Traffic assignment : 4 reports : presented at the 42nd annual meeting, January 7-11, 1963Leave the NDL website. The feasibility of a global observation and analysis experiment : a report of the Panel on International Meteorological Cooperation to the Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, National Academy of Sciences, National Research CouncilLeave the NDL website. Travel characteristics in urban areas : presented at the thirty-seventh annual meeting january 6-10, 1958Leave the NDL website. Urban transportation : demand and coodinationLeave the NDL website. Design of a deep ocean drilling shipLeave the NDL website. Clays and clay minerals : proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, October 10-13, 1955Leave the NDL website. A review of bloat in ruminants : a report of the Committee on Animal Health of the Agricultural BoardLeave the NDL website. Fundamentals of hyperbaric medicineLeave the NDL website. Mathematical and statistical aspects of traffic : 7 reportsLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the Symposium on Aspects of Deep-sea Research : National Academy of Sciences--National Research Council, Washington, D.C., February 29 - March 1, 1956Leave the NDL website. The Crust and upper mantle of the Pacific areaLeave the NDL website. Waste management and control : a report to the Federal Council for Science and TechnologyLeave the NDL website. Conference on Insecticide Resistance and Insect Physiology, December 8-9, 1951, University of Cincinnati sponsored by the Division of Medical Sciences, National Research Council, at the request of the Army Medical Research and Development BoardLeave the NDL website. Survey of European non-conventional chemical notation systemsLeave the NDL website. Highway curves and test track designLeave the NDL website. Median design : effect on traffic behavior : presented at the Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting, January 17-20, 1956Leave the NDL website. Semiconductor nuclear particle detectors : proceedings of an informal conference Asheville, N. C., September 28-30, 1960Leave the NDL website. Arctic sea ice : conference held at Easton, Maryland, February 24-27, 1958Leave the NDL website. The great Alaska earthquake of 1964 : hydrologyLeave the NDL website. Chemical and mechanical stabilizationLeave the NDL website. Report of a conference on linear algebras : June 6-8, 1956, Ram's Head Inn, Shelter Island, Long Island, New YorkLeave the NDL website. Toxicants occurring naturally in foodsLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the 41st annual meetingsLeave the NDL website. Development of new non-skid road surface treatmentLeave the NDL website. Records of load tests on friction pilesLeave the NDL website. Land use forecasting concepts : 7 reportsLeave the NDL website. Improvements in the transportation planning process : 6 reportsLeave the NDL website. Origin and destination characteristics : 5 reportsLeave the NDL website. An evaluation of public health hazards from microbiological contamination of foodsLeave the NDL website. Solid-earth geophysics : survey and outlookLeave the NDL website. Parking and buying habits of a store's customers : a supplement to special report 11 "parking as a factor in business" : presented at the thirty-fifth Annual Meeting, January 17-20, 1956Leave the NDL website. Parking requirements in zoning ordinances : a supplement to Bulletin 24Leave the NDL website. United States National Committee for the International Geophysical Year : Antarctic Program , September 1957Leave the NDL website. Traffic control devices : 7 reportsLeave the NDL website. Origin and destination : 4 reportsLeave the NDL website. Zoning for truck-loading facilities : requirements for off-street truck-loading-and-unloading facilities in zoning and other local ordinancesLeave the NDL website. Mass differnces II : a compilation of experimental atomic mass differences found from beta decay, reaction energies, microwave data, alpha decay, and mass doubletsLeave the NDL website. Proceedings first International Conference on the Use of Antibiotics in Agriculture : held under the auspices of the Agricultural Board and the Agricultural Research Institute National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 19-21 October, 1955Leave the NDL website. Considerations on the disposal of radioactive wastes from nuclear-powered ships into the marine environment : a report of the committee on effects of atomic radiation on oceanography and fisheries of the Naional Academy of Sciences' study of the biological effects of atomic radiationLeave the NDL website. Atmospheric chemistry of chlorine and sulfur compounds : proceedings of a symposium held at the Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 4-6, 1957Leave the NDL website. Traffic speed and volume measurementsLeave the NDL website. United States IGY bibliography, 1953-1960 : an annotated bibliography of United States contributions to the IGY and IGC (1957-1959)Leave the NDL website. Soil and soil - aggregate stabilizationLeave the NDL website. Nonhuman primates : standards and guidelines for the breeding, care, and management of laboratory animalsLeave the NDL website. Penetration of charged particles in matter : proceedings of an informal conference Gatlinburg, Tennessee, September 15-18, 1958Leave the NDL website. Guidelines for development of programs in science instruction : report of a study, making specific reference to the teaching function of the laboratory in secondary school science programsLeave the NDL website. Protection against decay and termites in residential construction and 1958 addendum : report no. 2 to the Federal Housing AdministrationLeave the NDL website. Urban transportation planning techniques and concepts : 8 reportsLeave the NDL website. Cellular plastics : proceedings of a conference, Natick, Massachusetts, April 13-15, 1966Leave the NDL website. Entomology of AntarcticaLeave the NDL website. Fundamental and practical concepts of soil freezingLeave the NDL website. Language and machines : computers in translation and linguistics : a reportLeave the NDL website. Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics : September 24-28, 1956, Washington, D.C.Leave the NDL website. Field studies of methods and materials for joint and crack sealingLeave the NDL website. Polychaeta Errantia of AntarcticaLeave the NDL website. Automobile parking in the United State : selected references, 1946-1952Leave the NDL website. Basic mechanisms in radiobiologyLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the third International Conference on Hyperbaric MedicineLeave the NDL website. Traffic origin-and-destination studies : appraisal of methods : presented at the 39th annual meeting, January 11-15, 1960Leave the NDL website. International Symposium on the Use of Models in Fire Research, sponsored by the Committee on Fire Research. the Fire Research Conference, National Academy of Sciences, November 9-10, 1959Leave the NDL website. Some economic effects of highway improvementLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the thirty-fifth annual meeting, Washington, D.C., January 17-20, 1956Leave the NDL website. Physical and chemical properties of cement and aggregate in concreteLeave the NDL website. Systematic biology : proceedings of an international conferenceLeave the NDL website. Electron spin resonance and the effects of radiation on biological systemsLeave the NDL website. Frost action on soils a symposiumLeave the NDL website. Ceramic processingLeave the NDL website. Metal metabolism and microbiological deterioration : a conference, June 1, 1956Leave the NDL website. The use of drugs in animal feeds : proceedings of a symposiumLeave the NDL website. Studies in antarctic meteorologyLeave the NDL website. Studies in penetration of charged particles in matterLeave the NDL website. Freeway traffic characteristics and control : 5 reportsLeave the NDL website. Antarctic bird studiesLeave the NDL website. Connecticut highway maintenance production studyLeave the NDL website. Durability of concrete physical aspectsLeave the NDL website. Effects of temperature and heat on engineering behavior of soils : proceedings of an international conference held at Washington, D.C., January 16, 1969, with the support of the National Science FoundationLeave the NDL website. Tests of energy-absorbing traffic barriersLeave the NDL website. Insect-pest management and controlLeave the NDL website. An introduction to traffic flow theoryLeave the NDL website. Outdoor advertising along highways : a legal analysisLeave the NDL website. Urban transportation planning : concepts and application : presented at the 40th annual meeting, January 9-13, 1961Leave the NDL website. Traffic and operations--general 1963 : 6 reportsLeave the NDL website. Animals for research : a directory of sources of laboratory animals, tissues and fluids, equipment, and materialsLeave the NDL website. Road user characteristics : 7 reportsLeave the NDL website. A strategic approach to urban research and development : social and behavioral science considerations : Report of the Committee on Social and Behavioral Urban Research Division of Behavioral Sciences National Research Council to the Department of Housing and Urban DevelopmentLeave the NDL website. Theory of traffic flow : presented at the 41st annual meeting, January 8-12, 1962Leave the NDL website. Frost action on in roads and airfields : a review of the literatureLeave the NDL website. Developing transportation plans : 6 reportsLeave the NDL website. Doctorate production in United States universities, 1920-1962 : with baccalaureate origins of doctorates in sciences, arts, and professionsLeave the NDL website. Hormonal relationships and applications in the production of meats, milk, and eggs (Supplement) : a report of the Committee on Animal NutritionLeave the NDL website. Ungraded aggregates in bituminous mixesLeave the NDL website. Vehicle performance as affected by pavement edge lines and traffic signalsLeave the NDL website. Long-range planning for urban research and development : technological considerationsLeave the NDL website. Research in radiotherapy : approaches to chemical sensitization : proceedings of an informal conference Carmel, California, May 6-8, 1960Leave the NDL website. Trip generation and urban freeway planning : presented at the 38th annual meeting, January 5-9, 1959Leave the NDL website. The SS Warrior : an analysis of an export transportation system from shipper to consigneeLeave the NDL website. Electronic surveying : 1960 developments : presented at the 39th annual meeting January 11-15, 1960Leave the NDL website. Stability of rock slopes : 5 reportsLeave the NDL website. Symposium on Structure of Portland Cement Paste and Concrete : subject classification : 32 cement and concreteLeave the NDL website. An evaluation of the salmonella problemLeave the NDL website. Stabilization of soil with calcium chloride : annotatedLeave the NDL website. Origin and destination technology : 9 reportsLeave the NDL website. Pavement-marking materialsLeave the NDL website. Nuclear geophysics : proceedings of a conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, June 7-9, 1962Leave the NDL website. The earth beneath the continents : a volume of geophysical studies in honor of Merle A. TuveLeave the NDL website. Hormonal relationships and applications in the production of meats, milk, and eggsLeave the NDL website. Flexible pavement design in four statesLeave the NDL website. Instrumentation in bio-medical researchLeave the NDL website. Field guide to West and Central AfricaLeave the NDL website. Traffic accident studies--1958 : presentes at the thirty-seventh annual meeting january 6-10, 1958Leave the NDL website. Traffic behavior on freewaysLeave the NDL website. Vibration and stresses in girder bridges : presented at the Thirty-fourth annual meeting January 11-14, 1955Leave the NDL website. Effects of traffic control devices : presented at the 38th annual meeting january 5-9, 1959Leave the NDL website. The growth of U.S. population : analysis of the problems and recommendations for research, training, and serviceLeave the NDL website. Clays and clay minerals : Fifth National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals, University of Illinois, October 8-10, 1956Leave the NDL website. Driver characteristic and behavior studies : presented at the thirty-sixth annual meeting january 7-11, 1957Leave the NDL website. Highway economics : 7 reportsLeave the NDL website. Bituminous resurfacingLeave the NDL website. The science of geography : report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Geography, Earth Sciences Division, National Academy of Sciences-National Research CouncilLeave the NDL website. Economic benefits from oceanographic researchLeave the NDL website. Proceedings Permafrost International Conference : 11-15 November 1963 Lafayette, IndianaLeave the NDL website. Conference on transportation research : report of a study group convened by the National Academy of Sciences, at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, August 1960Leave the NDL website. Unsolved problems in polymer science : a compilation of essaysLeave the NDL website. Highway engineering training programs : For professional and preprofessional employees : An analysisLeave the NDL website. Scientific and technical societies of the United States and CanadaLeave the NDL website. Report of an International Conference on Operator Theory and Group Representations : October 20-23, 1955[i.e.1953] Arden House, Harriman, New YorkLeave the NDL website. Motor vehicle use characteristics : 3 reportsLeave the NDL website. Geology and paleontology of the AntarcticLeave the NDL website. Night visibility 1959 : presented at the 38th annual meeting January 5-9, 1959Leave the NDL website. Travel patterns : 8 reportsLeave the NDL website. Pavement slipperiness factors and their measurementLeave the NDL website. Travel time and vehicle speed : 4 reportsLeave the NDL website. A Program for outdoor recreation research : report on a study conference conducted, June 2-8, 1968Leave the NDL website. Road roughness and slipperiness : some factors and test methodsLeave the NDL website. Instrumentation for measuring characteristics of concreteLeave the NDL website. The role of dietary fat in human health : a report of the Food and Nutrition BoardLeave the NDL website. Problems related to interplanetary matter : proceedings of an informal conference, Highland Park, Illinois, June 20-22, 1960Leave the NDL website. Transportation system evaluation : 12 reportsLeave the NDL website. An Oceanic quest: the International Decade of Ocean ExplorationLeave the NDL website. Parking and its relationships to business : summary report of projectLeave the NDL website. Basic mechanisms in radiobiology : proceedings of an informal conference held at Highland Park, Illinois, May 13-15, 1954Leave the NDL website. Measurements and relationships of soil stress and strength 5 reportsLeave the NDL website. The atmospheres of Mars and Venus : a report by the Ad Hoc Panel on Planetary Atmospheres of the Space Science BoardLeave the NDL website. Patterns of settlement and subsistence in southwestern AngolaLeave the NDL website. Economic cost of traffic accidents : presented at the 39th annual meeting January 11-15, 1960Leave the NDL website. Highway system classification : a legal analysisLeave the NDL website. Residential building sewers : report no. 16 to the Federal Housing AdministrationLeave the NDL website. Factors influencing travel patternsLeave the NDL website. Transportation system planning and current census techniques for planning : 7 reportsLeave the NDL website. Studies in highway engineering economy : presented at the 41st annual meeting, January 8-12, 1962Leave the NDL website. Clays and clay minerals : proceedings of the Second National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, October 15-17, 1953Leave the NDL website. The AASHO road test : proceedings of a conference held May 16-18, 1962, St. Louis, MoLeave the NDL website. Oceanography 1966: achievements and opportunitiesLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the thirty-sixth annual meeting, Washington, D.C. Jan. 7-11, 1957Leave the NDL website. Field guide to OceaniaLeave the NDL website. Forecasting highway trips : presented at the 40th annual meeting, January 9-13, 1961Leave the NDL website. Doctorate recipients from United States universities, 1958-1966 : sciences, humanities, professions, arts; a statistical reportLeave the NDL website. Experimental concrete pavementsLeave the NDL website. Landslide Occurrence and AnalysisLeave the NDL website. Basic mechanisms in radiobiology : proceedings of an informal conference Highland Park, Illinois, May 14-16, 1956Leave the NDL website. Continuing numerical data projects : a survey and analysisLeave the NDL website. Composition of concentrate by-product feeding stuffsLeave the NDL website. Present needs for research on the use and care of natural resourcesLeave the NDL website. Biological energy interrelationships and glossary of energy terms : a report of the Committee on Animal Nutrition of the Agricultural Board, Division of Biology and Agriculture, National Academy of Sciences, National Research CouncilLeave the NDL website. Gravity anomalies : unsurveyed areasLeave the NDL website. The distribution of population in Costa RicaLeave the NDL website. Criteria for selection and design of residential slabs-on-groundLeave the NDL website. Accident analysis and impact studiesLeave the NDL website. Research in solid-state sciences : opportunities and relevance to national needsLeave the NDL website. Prenatal and postnatal mortality in cattle : a report of the subcommittee on prenatal and postnatal mortality in bovines committee on animal health national research councilLeave the NDL website. Shopper attitudes : a supplement to special report 11 "parking as a factor in business"Leave the NDL website. Land use and development at highway interchanges : a symposium : presented at the 40th annual meeting, January 9-13, 1961Leave the NDL website. Freeway traffic characteristics and control : 19 reportsLeave the NDL website. Digital computer needs in universities and colleges : A report of the Committee on Uses of Computers, National Academy of Sciences-National Research CouncilLeave the NDL website. Landslide and foundation investigations and stability analysisLeave the NDL website. Report of the committee on pathologic effects of atomic radiation : from a study of the biological effects of atomic radiationLeave the NDL website. Summary reportLeave the NDL website. Indirect and sociological effects of highway location and improvement : 10 reportsLeave the NDL website. Information systems for land use and transportation planning : 8 reportsLeave the NDL website. Body composition in animals and man : proceedings of a symposium held May 4, 5, and 6, 1967, at the University of Missouri, ColumbiaLeave the NDL website. Symposium on air force human engineering, personnel, and training researchLeave the NDL website. Stresses in Soils and Layered Systems : 9 reportsLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the thirty-first annual meetingLeave the NDL website. Basic problems and techniques in range research : a report of joint committee of the American society of range management and agricultural boardLeave the NDL website. Trip characteristics and traffic assignment : presented at the 41th annual meeting january 8-12, 1962Leave the NDL website. International directory of psychologists, exclusive of the U.S.A. : prepared for the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council by the Committee on an International Directory of Psychologists, Division of Anthropology and PsychologyLeave the NDL website. The Eastern European academies of sciences : a directoryLeave the NDL website. Field guide to India . with a section on PakistanLeave the NDL website. Concepts of biologyLeave the NDL website. Highway needs studies 1958 : presented at the thirty-seventh annual meetingjanuary 6-10, 1958Leave the NDL website. Driver characteristicsLeave the NDL website. Highway research and urban transportation planning in other countries : 4 reportsLeave the NDL website. Transportation systems planning : 12 reportsLeave the NDL website. Proceedings second Symposium on Underwater Physiology : February 25-26, 1963, Washington, D. C.Leave the NDL website. University research and patent policies, practices and proceduresLeave the NDL website. Parking turnouts and rest areas : summary and report by project comittee on parking turnouts and rest areas presentedLeave the NDL website. Annual report 1957 : Conference on Electrical Insulation of the Division of Engineering and Industrial ResearchLeave the NDL website. Road user characteristics : 7 reportsLeave the NDL website. Antarctic soils and soil forming processesLeave the NDL website. Semiconductor nuclear-particle detectors and circuits : proceedings of a conference conducted by the Subcommittee on Instruments and Techniques, Committee on Nuclear ScienceLeave the NDL website. Traffic congestion as a factor in road-user taxation : 6 reportsLeave the NDL website. A framework for urban studies : an analysis of urban-metropolitan development and research needs : a report to the Committee on urban researchLeave the NDL website. Annual report 1960 : conference on electrical insulation : division of engineering and industrial researchLeave the NDL website. Histocompatibility testing : report of a Conference and Workshop on sponsored by the Division of Medical Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council 7-12 June, 1964Leave the NDL website.

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National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council
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Publication (National Research Council (U. S.))
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Proceedings of the thirty-third annual meeting
The life sciences in Antarctica
U.S. Transportation : resources, performance and problems : a collection of papers prepared for the Transportation Research Conference convened by the National Academy of Sciences at Woods Hole, Massachusetts August, 1960
Energy systems of extended endurance in the 1-100 kilowatt range for undersea applications
Investigating and forecasting traffic accidents
Chemical structure information handling : a review of the literature, 1962-1968
University patent policies and practices
The physical sciences in Antarctica
Non-destructive testing of concrete
Japanese colonization in eastern Paraguay
Coturnix (Coturnix coturnix japonica): standards and guidelines for the breeding, care, and management of laboratory animals : a report
Bituminous paving mixtures
Scientific information activities of the National Academy of Sciences--National Research Council : a report of the Office of Documentation
Urban travel patterns for hospitals, universities, office buildings, and capitols
Traffic flow characteristics 1963 and 1964 : 7 reports
Conference on Molecular and Radiation Biology
Report of the subcommittee on long-term effects of ionizing radiations from external sources : of the committee on pathologic effects of atomic radiation
Urban mass transportation planning : 7 reports
Curing of concrete, 1925-1960 : annotated
Physics: survey and outlook : a report on the present state of U.S. physics and its requirements for future growth
Saline water conversion : proceedings of a symposium, 4-6 November 1957
Parking : 2 reports
Terrestrial heat flow
Planetary astronomy : an appraisal of ground-based opportunities
Ground-based astronomy : a ten-year program
Survey of chemical notation systems : a report of the Committee on Modern Methods of Handling Chemical Information, National Academy of Sciences - National Research Council
Traffic safety and accident research : 6 reports
Genetics in laboratory animal medicine : proceedings of a symposium conducted at Boston, Massachusetts, July 22, 1968
Instrumentation techniques in nuclear pulse analysis : proceedings of a conference held at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, Calif., April 20-May 3, 1963
Space research : directions for the future; report of a study by the Space Science Board
Transportation of subsistence to NEAC : a comparative study of conventional versus unitized systems of subsistence cargo transportation from U. S. depots to the North East Air Command
Relation between vehicle characteristics and highway design a symposium : presentes at the thirty-seventh annual meeting january 6-10, 1958
A regional geography of Iceland
Atmospheric ozone studies : an outline for an international observation program
Statistical and mathematical aspects of traffic : 6 reports
Statistical genetics and plant breeding : a symposium and workshop , sponsored by the Committee on Plant Breeding and Genetics of the Agricultural Board at the North Carolina State College, Raleigh, N.C., March 20-29, 1961
Polychaeta Myzostomidae and Sedentaria of Antarctica
Bituminous materials, mixes and construction : 5 reports
Road user and vehicle characteristics : 4 reports
Highway capacity : 4 reports
Antarctic research : the Matthew Fontaine Maury memorial symposium
Science in the Arctic Ocean basin
Parking : 2 reports
Origin and destination techniques and evalutions : 9 reports
Aspects of traffic control devices : 4 reports
Relocation of public utilities due to highway improvement : An analysis of legal aspects
Chemistry : opportunities and needs : a report on basic research in U.S. chemistry
Roadside development : 14 reports
Geochronology of North America
Traffic flow theory : 5 reports
Origin and destination: advances in transportation planning : 8 reports
Final report on Road test One-MD : effect controlled truck axle loadings on concrete pavement
Measurements and standards of radioactivity
Traffic control devices : 5 reports
Rock-mechanics research : a survey of United States research to 1965, with a partial survey of Canadian universities
Consolidated index of selected property values : physical chemistry and thermodynamics
Shopping habits and travel patterns : a supplement to special report 11 "parking as a factor in business" : presented at the thirty-fourth Annual Meeting, January 11-14, 1955
Characterization of macromolecular structure : proceedings of a conference, April 5-7, 1967, Warrenton, Virginia
Costs of health care facilities : report of a conference convened by the National Academy of Engineering December 5 and 6, 1967
Insulated masonry cavity walls : a research correlation conference
Directory of fire research in the United States, 1965-1967
Trip characteristics and traffic assignment : presented at the 38th annual meeting, January 5-9, 1959
Electronics in traffic operations : presented at the 41st annual meeting, January 8-12, 1962
Radiation preservation of foods : proceedings of an international conference, Boston, Massachusetts, September, 27-30, 1964
The occasion instant : the structure of social responses to unanticipated air raid warnings
Weather and climate modification : problems and prospects
Origin and destination characteristics : 8 reports
Widening and resurfacing with bituminous concrete
Travel forecasting : 8 reports
Intersection capacity
Structural effects of heavy-duty trailer on concrete pavement : A supplemental investigation to road test one-md
Administrative structure of local rural road organizations
Transportation and economic development : 6 reports
Parking : 2 reports
Traffic behavior as related to several highway design features : presented at the Thirty-sixth Annual Meeting, January 7-11, 1957
Spacecraft in geographic research : report of a conferene on the Use of Orbiting Spacecraft in Geographic research, held at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Manned Spacecraft Center, Houston, Texas, January 28-30, 1965
Characterosotics of traffic flow : 5 reports
Symposium on oceanographic instrumentation : Rancho Santa Fe, California, June 21-23, 1952
Annual report of the conference on electrical insulation
Radiobiological factors in manned space flight
Symposium on mutation and plant breeding
Experimental continuously-reinforced concrete pavements : progress report--1959 : presented at the 38th annual meeting january 5-9, 1959
Conference on Physical and Chemical Properties of Sea Water : Easton, Maryland, September 4-5, 1958
Multichannel pulse height analyzers : proceedings of an informal conference, Gatlinburg, Tenn., Sept.26-28,1956
The impact of science and technology on regional economic development : an assessment of national policies regarding research and development in the context of regional economic development
Animals for research : a directory of sources of laboratory animals, fluids, tissues, organs, equipment and materials
Oceanography information sources : a staff report of the Committee on Oceanography
Biology and the exploration of Mars : report of a study held under the Auspices of the Space Science Board, National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, 1964-1965
Developing concepts of land acquisition
High-temperature chemistry : current and future problems : a conference organized at Rice University, Houston, Texas, January 26-27, 1966
Urban research 1960 : presented at the 39th annual meeting, January 11-15, 1960
Proceedings of the thirty-second annual meeting
Traffic flow theory : 3 reports
Magneto-fluid dynamics : proceedings of a symposium, held in Williamsburg, Virginia, and Washington, D.C., January, 1960
Antarctic Ascidiacea : monographic account of the known species based on specimens collected under U.S. Government auspices, 1947-1965
Industrial research laboratories of the United States
Traffic control : devices and delineation ; 7 reports
The mathematical sciences: undergraduate education : a report
Crack control in concrete masonry unit construction
Proceedings of the Underwater Physiology Symposium : January 10-11, 1955, Washington, D.C.
Joint and crack sealing
Increasing traffic capacity of arterial streets : presented at the 39th annual meeting january 11-15, 1960
Research in radiology : proceedings of an informal conference Highland Park, Illinois, May 10-12, 1957
Traffic accidents and violations
Traffic control devices : 3 reports
Animal models for biomedical research : proceedings of a symposium
Night visibility : 7 reports
Transportation economics : 11 reports
Characteristics of vehicle operatoes : presented at the thirty-seventh annual meeting january 6-10, 1958
Traffic control : 3 reports
Shopping centers and parking : 3 reports
Methods for the examination of poultry biologics : a report of the Poultry Disease Subcommittee, Committee on Animal Health, Agricultural Board, Division of Biology and Agriculture
Joint spacing in concrete pavements : 10-year reports on six experimental projects
Allocating highway cost responsibility : reports on studies in five states
Traffic characteristics as related to highway capacity
Progress in meeting protein needs of infants and preschool children : proceedings of an International Conference held in Washington, D.C. August 21-24, 1960, under the auspices of the Committee on Protein Malnutrition, Food and Nutrition Board and the Nutrition Study Section, National Institutes of Health
Highway sufficiency ratings : presented at the thirty-first annual meeting, January 1952
Statewide transportation planning : 5 reports
Road user characteristics : 9 reports
Basic mechanisms in radiobiology : proceedings of an informal conference held at Highland Park, Illinois, May 7-9, 1953
Passenger transportation : 6 reports
Biology of the Antarctic seas
Use of human subjects in safety evaluation of food chemicals : proceedings of a conference
Pavement research
Clays and clay minerals : proceedings of the Third National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals, The Rice Institute, Houston, Texas, October 26-29, 1954
Conference on Hemoglobin, 2-3 May 1957 : held under the auspices of the Division of Medical Sciences, National Academy of Sciences-- National Research Council, with the support of the National Heart Institute, National Institutes of Health
The growth of world population : analysis of the problems and recommendations for research and training
Flexible culverts under high fills : presented at the 34th annual meeting, Jan. 11 - 14, 1955
Psychopharmacology : problems in evaluation : proceedings of a Conference on the Evaluation of Pharmacotherapy in Mental Illness sponsored by the National Institute of Mental Health, the National Academy of Sciences--National Research Council, and the American Psychiatric Association, Washington, D.C. September 18-22, 1956
Physics of precipitation : proceedings of the Cloud Physics Conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, June 3-5, 1959
Intergovernmental relations in State highway legislation, an analysis : a report of the highway laws project
The science of geography : report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Geography, Earth Sciences Division, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council
Passenger transportation : 5 reports
Community values and socioeconomic impacts : 5 reports
Travel factors and travel models : 6 reports
Properties of concrete : 4 reports
Proceedings of the thirty-fourth annual meeting, Washington, D.C., January 11-14, 1955
The mathematical sciences : a report
Bituminous paving mixtures fundamentals for design
Origin and destination : methods and evalution : 10 reports
Contemporary geodesy : proceedings of a conference held at the Harvard College Observatory - Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 1-2, 1958
Field guide to Japan
Road-user characteristics 1963 : 5 reports
Distribution of load stresses in highway bridges
Durability of concrete
The earth's crust and upper mantle : structure, dynamic processes, and their relation to deep-seated geological phenomena
Design and testing of flexible pavement
Industrial research laboratories of the United States
The physiology of induced hypothermia : proceedings of a symposium, 28-29 October 1955
Traffic assignment : 4 reports : presented at the 42nd annual meeting, January 7-11, 1963
The feasibility of a global observation and analysis experiment : a report of the Panel on International Meteorological Cooperation to the Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council
Travel characteristics in urban areas : presented at the thirty-seventh annual meeting january 6-10, 1958
Urban transportation : demand and coodination
Design of a deep ocean drilling ship
Clays and clay minerals : proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, October 10-13, 1955
A review of bloat in ruminants : a report of the Committee on Animal Health of the Agricultural Board
Fundamentals of hyperbaric medicine
Mathematical and statistical aspects of traffic : 7 reports
Proceedings of the Symposium on Aspects of Deep-sea Research : National Academy of Sciences--National Research Council, Washington, D.C., February 29 - March 1, 1956
The Crust and upper mantle of the Pacific area
Waste management and control : a report to the Federal Council for Science and Technology
Conference on Insecticide Resistance and Insect Physiology, December 8-9, 1951, University of Cincinnati sponsored by the Division of Medical Sciences, National Research Council, at the request of the Army Medical Research and Development Board
Survey of European non-conventional chemical notation systems
Highway curves and test track design
Median design : effect on traffic behavior : presented at the Thirty-fifth Annual Meeting, January 17-20, 1956
Semiconductor nuclear particle detectors : proceedings of an informal conference Asheville, N. C., September 28-30, 1960
Arctic sea ice : conference held at Easton, Maryland, February 24-27, 1958
The great Alaska earthquake of 1964 : hydrology
Chemical and mechanical stabilization
Report of a conference on linear algebras : June 6-8, 1956, Ram's Head Inn, Shelter Island, Long Island, New York
Toxicants occurring naturally in foods
Proceedings of the 41st annual meetings
Development of new non-skid road surface treatment
Records of load tests on friction piles
Land use forecasting concepts : 7 reports
Improvements in the transportation planning process : 6 reports
Origin and destination characteristics : 5 reports
An evaluation of public health hazards from microbiological contamination of foods
Solid-earth geophysics : survey and outlook
Parking and buying habits of a store's customers : a supplement to special report 11 "parking as a factor in business" : presented at the thirty-fifth Annual Meeting, January 17-20, 1956
Parking requirements in zoning ordinances : a supplement to Bulletin 24
United States National Committee for the International Geophysical Year : Antarctic Program , September 1957
Traffic control devices : 7 reports
Origin and destination : 4 reports
Zoning for truck-loading facilities : requirements for off-street truck-loading-and-unloading facilities in zoning and other local ordinances
Mass differnces II : a compilation of experimental atomic mass differences found from beta decay, reaction energies, microwave data, alpha decay, and mass doublets
Proceedings first International Conference on the Use of Antibiotics in Agriculture : held under the auspices of the Agricultural Board and the Agricultural Research Institute National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council, 19-21 October, 1955
Considerations on the disposal of radioactive wastes from nuclear-powered ships into the marine environment : a report of the committee on effects of atomic radiation on oceanography and fisheries of the Naional Academy of Sciences' study of the biological effects of atomic radiation
Atmospheric chemistry of chlorine and sulfur compounds : proceedings of a symposium held at the Robert A. Taft Sanitary Engineering Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, November 4-6, 1957
Traffic speed and volume measurements
United States IGY bibliography, 1953-1960 : an annotated bibliography of United States contributions to the IGY and IGC (1957-1959)
Soil and soil - aggregate stabilization
Nonhuman primates : standards and guidelines for the breeding, care, and management of laboratory animals
Penetration of charged particles in matter : proceedings of an informal conference Gatlinburg, Tennessee, September 15-18, 1958
Guidelines for development of programs in science instruction : report of a study, making specific reference to the teaching function of the laboratory in secondary school science programs
Protection against decay and termites in residential construction and 1958 addendum : report no. 2 to the Federal Housing Administration
Urban transportation planning techniques and concepts : 8 reports
Cellular plastics : proceedings of a conference, Natick, Massachusetts, April 13-15, 1966
Entomology of Antarctica
Fundamental and practical concepts of soil freezing
Language and machines : computers in translation and linguistics : a report
Symposium on Naval Hydrodynamics : September 24-28, 1956, Washington, D.C.
Field studies of methods and materials for joint and crack sealing
Polychaeta Errantia of Antarctica
Automobile parking in the United State : selected references, 1946-1952
Basic mechanisms in radiobiology
Proceedings of the third International Conference on Hyperbaric Medicine
Traffic origin-and-destination studies : appraisal of methods : presented at the 39th annual meeting, January 11-15, 1960
International Symposium on the Use of Models in Fire Research, sponsored by the Committee on Fire Research. the Fire Research Conference, National Academy of Sciences, November 9-10, 1959
Some economic effects of highway improvement
Proceedings of the thirty-fifth annual meeting, Washington, D.C., January 17-20, 1956
Physical and chemical properties of cement and aggregate in concrete
Systematic biology : proceedings of an international conference
Electron spin resonance and the effects of radiation on biological systems
Frost action on soils a symposium
Ceramic processing
Metal metabolism and microbiological deterioration : a conference, June 1, 1956
The use of drugs in animal feeds : proceedings of a symposium
Studies in antarctic meteorology
Studies in penetration of charged particles in matter
Freeway traffic characteristics and control : 5 reports
Antarctic bird studies
Connecticut highway maintenance production study
Durability of concrete physical aspects
Effects of temperature and heat on engineering behavior of soils : proceedings of an international conference held at Washington, D.C., January 16, 1969, with the support of the National Science Foundation
Tests of energy-absorbing traffic barriers
Insect-pest management and control
An introduction to traffic flow theory
Outdoor advertising along highways : a legal analysis
Urban transportation planning : concepts and application : presented at the 40th annual meeting, January 9-13, 1961
Traffic and operations--general 1963 : 6 reports
Animals for research : a directory of sources of laboratory animals, tissues and fluids, equipment, and materials
Road user characteristics : 7 reports
A strategic approach to urban research and development : social and behavioral science considerations : Report of the Committee on Social and Behavioral Urban Research Division of Behavioral Sciences National Research Council to the Department of Housing and Urban Development
Theory of traffic flow : presented at the 41st annual meeting, January 8-12, 1962
Frost action on in roads and airfields : a review of the literature
Developing transportation plans : 6 reports
Doctorate production in United States universities, 1920-1962 : with baccalaureate origins of doctorates in sciences, arts, and professions
Hormonal relationships and applications in the production of meats, milk, and eggs (Supplement) : a report of the Committee on Animal Nutrition
Ungraded aggregates in bituminous mixes
Vehicle performance as affected by pavement edge lines and traffic signals
Long-range planning for urban research and development : technological considerations
Research in radiotherapy : approaches to chemical sensitization : proceedings of an informal conference Carmel, California, May 6-8, 1960
Trip generation and urban freeway planning : presented at the 38th annual meeting, January 5-9, 1959
The SS Warrior : an analysis of an export transportation system from shipper to consignee
Electronic surveying : 1960 developments : presented at the 39th annual meeting January 11-15, 1960
Stability of rock slopes : 5 reports
Symposium on Structure of Portland Cement Paste and Concrete : subject classification : 32 cement and concrete
An evaluation of the salmonella problem
Stabilization of soil with calcium chloride : annotated
Origin and destination technology : 9 reports
Pavement-marking materials
Nuclear geophysics : proceedings of a conference, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, June 7-9, 1962
The earth beneath the continents : a volume of geophysical studies in honor of Merle A. Tuve
Hormonal relationships and applications in the production of meats, milk, and eggs
Flexible pavement design in four states
Instrumentation in bio-medical research
Field guide to West and Central Africa
Traffic accident studies--1958 : presentes at the thirty-seventh annual meeting january 6-10, 1958
Traffic behavior on freeways
Vibration and stresses in girder bridges : presented at the Thirty-fourth annual meeting January 11-14, 1955
Effects of traffic control devices : presented at the 38th annual meeting january 5-9, 1959
The growth of U.S. population : analysis of the problems and recommendations for research, training, and service
Clays and clay minerals : Fifth National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals, University of Illinois, October 8-10, 1956
Driver characteristic and behavior studies : presented at the thirty-sixth annual meeting january 7-11, 1957
Highway economics : 7 reports
Bituminous resurfacing
The science of geography : report of the Ad Hoc Committee on Geography, Earth Sciences Division, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council
Economic benefits from oceanographic research
Proceedings Permafrost International Conference : 11-15 November 1963 Lafayette, Indiana
Conference on transportation research : report of a study group convened by the National Academy of Sciences, at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, August 1960
Unsolved problems in polymer science : a compilation of essays
Highway engineering training programs : For professional and preprofessional employees : An analysis
Scientific and technical societies of the United States and Canada
Report of an International Conference on Operator Theory and Group Representations : October 20-23, 1955[i.e.1953] Arden House, Harriman, New York
Motor vehicle use characteristics : 3 reports
Geology and paleontology of the Antarctic
Night visibility 1959 : presented at the 38th annual meeting January 5-9, 1959
Travel patterns : 8 reports
Pavement slipperiness factors and their measurement
Travel time and vehicle speed : 4 reports
A Program for outdoor recreation research : report on a study conference conducted, June 2-8, 1968
Road roughness and slipperiness : some factors and test methods
Instrumentation for measuring characteristics of concrete
The role of dietary fat in human health : a report of the Food and Nutrition Board
Problems related to interplanetary matter : proceedings of an informal conference, Highland Park, Illinois, June 20-22, 1960
Transportation system evaluation : 12 reports
An Oceanic quest: the International Decade of Ocean Exploration
Parking and its relationships to business : summary report of project
Basic mechanisms in radiobiology : proceedings of an informal conference held at Highland Park, Illinois, May 13-15, 1954
Measurements and relationships of soil stress and strength 5 reports
The atmospheres of Mars and Venus : a report by the Ad Hoc Panel on Planetary Atmospheres of the Space Science Board
Patterns of settlement and subsistence in southwestern Angola
Economic cost of traffic accidents : presented at the 39th annual meeting January 11-15, 1960
Highway system classification : a legal analysis
Residential building sewers : report no. 16 to the Federal Housing Administration
Factors influencing travel patterns
Transportation system planning and current census techniques for planning : 7 reports
Studies in highway engineering economy : presented at the 41st annual meeting, January 8-12, 1962
Clays and clay minerals : proceedings of the Second National Conference on Clays and Clay Minerals, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, October 15-17, 1953
The AASHO road test : proceedings of a conference held May 16-18, 1962, St. Louis, Mo
Oceanography 1966: achievements and opportunities
Proceedings of the thirty-sixth annual meeting, Washington, D.C. Jan. 7-11, 1957
Field guide to Oceania
Forecasting highway trips : presented at the 40th annual meeting, January 9-13, 1961
Doctorate recipients from United States universities, 1958-1966 : sciences, humanities, professions, arts; a statistical report
Experimental concrete pavements
Landslide Occurrence and Analysis
Basic mechanisms in radiobiology : proceedings of an informal conference Highland Park, Illinois, May 14-16, 1956
Continuing numerical data projects : a survey and analysis
Composition of concentrate by-product feeding stuffs
Present needs for research on the use and care of natural resources
Biological energy interrelationships and glossary of energy terms : a report of the Committee on Animal Nutrition of the Agricultural Board, Division of Biology and Agriculture, National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council
Gravity anomalies : unsurveyed areas
The distribution of population in Costa Rica
Criteria for selection and design of residential slabs-on-ground
Accident analysis and impact studies
Research in solid-state sciences : opportunities and relevance to national needs
Prenatal and postnatal mortality in cattle : a report of the subcommittee on prenatal and postnatal mortality in bovines committee on animal health national research council
Shopper attitudes : a supplement to special report 11 "parking as a factor in business"
Land use and development at highway interchanges : a symposium : presented at the 40th annual meeting, January 9-13, 1961
Freeway traffic characteristics and control : 19 reports
Digital computer needs in universities and colleges : A report of the Committee on Uses of Computers, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council
Landslide and foundation investigations and stability analysis
Report of the committee on pathologic effects of atomic radiation : from a study of the biological effects of atomic radiation
Summary report
Indirect and sociological effects of highway location and improvement : 10 reports
Information systems for land use and transportation planning : 8 reports
Body composition in animals and man : proceedings of a symposium held May 4, 5, and 6, 1967, at the University of Missouri, Columbia
Symposium on air force human engineering, personnel, and training research
Stresses in Soils and Layered Systems : 9 reports
Proceedings of the thirty-first annual meeting
Basic problems and techniques in range research : a report of joint committee of the American society of range management and agricultural board
Trip characteristics and traffic assignment : presented at the 41th annual meeting january 8-12, 1962
International directory of psychologists, exclusive of the U.S.A. : prepared for the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council by the Committee on an International Directory of Psychologists, Division of Anthropology and Psychology
The Eastern European academies of sciences : a directory
Field guide to India . with a section on Pakistan
Concepts of biology
Highway needs studies 1958 : presented at the thirty-seventh annual meetingjanuary 6-10, 1958
Driver characteristics
Highway research and urban transportation planning in other countries : 4 reports
Transportation systems planning : 12 reports
Proceedings second Symposium on Underwater Physiology : February 25-26, 1963, Washington, D. C.
University research and patent policies, practices and procedures
Parking turnouts and rest areas : summary and report by project comittee on parking turnouts and rest areas presented
Annual report 1957 : Conference on Electrical Insulation of the Division of Engineering and Industrial Research
Road user characteristics : 7 reports
Antarctic soils and soil forming processes
Semiconductor nuclear-particle detectors and circuits : proceedings of a conference conducted by the Subcommittee on Instruments and Techniques, Committee on Nuclear Science
Traffic congestion as a factor in road-user taxation : 6 reports
A framework for urban studies : an analysis of urban-metropolitan development and research needs : a report to the Committee on urban research
Annual report 1960 : conference on electrical insulation : division of engineering and industrial research
Histocompatibility testing : report of a Conference and Workshop on sponsored by the Division of Medical Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council 7-12 June, 1964