
Table of Contents

  • 愛知県のゾウムシ類 = Weevils of Aichi prefecture

  • 北アルプス常念岳において腐肉トラップで捕獲された甲虫類の垂直分布と季節消長 : 1960年の調査結果 = Vertical distribution and seasonal prevelence of occurrence of Coleoptera captured by carion bait traps at Mt. Jônen of the North Japan Alps, based on the survey of 1960

  • 和佐又山産甲虫類目録 = Beetles of Mt. Wasamata and its adjacent regions, Kii Peninsula, central Japan

  • 鳥飼兵治氏の台湾甲虫誌 = Taiwanese beetle collection by Hyôji Torigai

  • 細川浩司氏蒐集の邦産コメツキムシ = Elaterid-beetles (Elateridae, Coleoptera) collected by Mr. Koji Hosokawa from Japan

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チイキ コウチュウ シゼンシ = Regional natural history of Coleoptera
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愛知県のゾウムシ類 = Weevils of Aichi prefecture
北アルプス常念岳において腐肉トラップで捕獲された甲虫類の垂直分布と季節消長 : 1960年の調査結果 = Vertical distribution and seasonal prevelence of occurrence of Coleoptera captured by carion bait traps at Mt. Jônen of the North Japan Alps, based on the survey of 1960
和佐又山産甲虫類目録 = Beetles of Mt. Wasamata and its adjacent regions, Kii Peninsula, central Japan
鳥飼兵治氏の台湾甲虫誌 = Taiwanese beetle collection by Hyôji Torigai
細川浩司氏蒐集の邦産コメツキムシ = Elaterid-beetles (Elateridae, Coleoptera) collected by Mr. Koji Hosokawa from Japan
韮崎市 (山梨県) の甲虫 = Beetles of the city of Nirasaki (Yamanashi prefecture, Japan)
荒田家 (京都府舞鶴市高野台) の邸宅内で採集された甲虫類の目録 = A list of beetles collected at Arata's residence in Takanodai, Maizuru, Kyoto, Japan
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国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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