
Intellectual history of the modern age

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Intellectual history of the modern age

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series editor, Angus Burgin ... [et al.]
University of Pennsylvania Press
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Table of Contents

  • Suffering scholars : pathologies of the intellectual in Enlightenment France

  • Thinking in public : Strauss, Levinas, Arendt

  • Race, nation, history : Anglo-German thought in the Victorian era

  • The color of equality : race and common humanity in Enlightenment thought

  • Élie Halévy : Republican liberalism confronts the era of tyranny

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Material Type
series editor, Angus Burgin ... [et al.]
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Related Material
Suffering scholars : pathologies of the intellectual in Enlightenment France
Thinking in public : Strauss, Levinas, Arendt
Race, nation, history : Anglo-German thought in the Victorian era
The color of equality : race and common humanity in Enlightenment thought
Élie Halévy : Republican liberalism confronts the era of tyranny
History after Hitler : a transatlantic enterprise
Christian human rights
Identity : the necessity of a modern idea
Nietzsche in the nineteenth century : social questions and philosophical interventions
The belief in intuition : individuality and authority in Henri Bergson and Max Scheler
Before the religious right : liberal Protestants, human rights, and the polarization of the United States
The labor of the mind : intellect and gender in Enlightenment cultures
Violence and power in the thought of Hannah Arendt
Between cultures : Europe and its others in five exemplary lives
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