
A political text-book for 1860 : comprising a brief view of presidential nominations and elections, including all the national platforms ever yet adopted: also a history of the struggle respecting slavery in the territories, and of the action of Congress as to the freedom of the public lands, with the most notable speeches and letters of Messrs. Lincoln, Douglas, Bell, Cass, Seward, Everett, Breckinridge, H. V. Johnson, etc ., etc., touching the questions of the day; and returns of all presidential elections since 1836.

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A political text-book for 1860 : comprising a brief view of presidential nominations and elections, including all the national platforms ever yet adopted: also a history of the struggle respecting slavery in the territories, and of the action of Congress as to the freedom of the public lands, with the most notable speeches and letters of Messrs. Lincoln, Douglas, Bell, Cass, Seward, Everett, Breckinridge, H. V. Johnson, etc ., etc., touching the questions of the day; and returns of all presidential elections since 1836.

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compiled by Horace Greeley and John F. Cleveland
Negro Universities Press
Publication date
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26 cm
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Notes on use

Note (General):

"Originally published in 1886 by Brown Thurston and Hoyt, Fogg & Denham"

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