
George L. Mosse series in modern European cultural and intellectual history

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George L. Mosse series in modern European cultural and intellectual history

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University of Wisconsin Press
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Nazi culture : intellectual, cultural and social life in the Third ReichLeave the NDL website. Shaping the new man : youth training regimes in Fascist Italy and Nazi GermanyLeave the NDL website. Of God and gods : Egypt, Israel, and the rise of monotheismLeave the NDL website. The perils of normalcy : George L. Mosse and the remaking of cultural historyLeave the NDL website. Jews and other Germans : civil society, religious diversity, and urban politics in Breslau, 1860-1925Leave the NDL website. Confronting history : a memoirLeave the NDL website. The Jews in Mussolini's Italy : from equality to persecutionLeave the NDL website. Collected memories : Holocaust history and postwar testimonyLeave the NDL website. Cataclysms : a history of the twentieth century from Europe's edgeLeave the NDL website. The invisible Jewish Budapest : metropolitan culture at the Fin de SiècleLeave the NDL website. What history tells : George L. Mosse and the culture of modern EuropeLeave the NDL website. Reason after its eclipse : on late critical theoryLeave the NDL website. Carl Schmitt and the Jews : the "Jewish question," the Holocaust, and German legal theoryLeave the NDL website. Some measure of justice : the Holocaust era restitution campaign of the 1990sLeave the NDL website. An uncompromising generation : the Nazi leadership of the Reich Security Main OfficeLeave the NDL website. Jews and other Germans : civil society, religious diversity, and urban politics in Breslau, 1860-1925Leave the NDL website. The Holocaust and the West German historians : historical interpretation and autobiographical memoryLeave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • Nazi culture : intellectual, cultural and social life in the Third Reich

  • Shaping the new man : youth training regimes in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany

  • Of God and gods : Egypt, Israel, and the rise of monotheism

  • The perils of normalcy : George L. Mosse and the remaking of cultural history

  • Jews and other Germans : civil society, religious diversity, and urban politics in Breslau, 1860-1925

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Related Material
Nazi culture : intellectual, cultural and social life in the Third Reich
Shaping the new man : youth training regimes in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany
Of God and gods : Egypt, Israel, and the rise of monotheism
The perils of normalcy : George L. Mosse and the remaking of cultural history
Jews and other Germans : civil society, religious diversity, and urban politics in Breslau, 1860-1925
Confronting history : a memoir
The Jews in Mussolini's Italy : from equality to persecution
Collected memories : Holocaust history and postwar testimony
Cataclysms : a history of the twentieth century from Europe's edge
The invisible Jewish Budapest : metropolitan culture at the Fin de Siècle
What history tells : George L. Mosse and the culture of modern Europe
Reason after its eclipse : on late critical theory
Carl Schmitt and the Jews : the "Jewish question," the Holocaust, and German legal theory
Some measure of justice : the Holocaust era restitution campaign of the 1990s
An uncompromising generation : the Nazi leadership of the Reich Security Main Office
Jews and other Germans : civil society, religious diversity, and urban politics in Breslau, 1860-1925
The Holocaust and the West German historians : historical interpretation and autobiographical memory
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