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Future trends in retailing : merchandise line trands and store trends 1980-1990Leave the NDL website. Conjoint calibration of the customer/competitor interface in industrial marketsLeave the NDL website. The nature and consequences of marketing channel intermediary commitment : working paperLeave the NDL website. Where the rubber meets the road : a model of in-store consumer decision makingLeave the NDL website. A dynamic model of customers' usage of services : usage as an antecedent and consequence of satisfactionLeave the NDL website. Estimating dynamic effects of market communications expendituresLeave the NDL website. Managing hybrid marketing channels with automationLeave the NDL website. Marketing to and serving customers through the internetLeave the NDL website. The effects of perceived control and customer crowding on the service experienceLeave the NDL website. Analytic approaches to product and marketing planning : proceedings of workshopLeave the NDL website. Management control of product development projectsLeave the NDL website. The development of a contingency model of comparative advertisingLeave the NDL website. Impact of sales promotions on when, what, and how much to buyLeave the NDL website. Climbing the commitment ladder : the impact on customer commitment of disconfirmation of service expectationsLeave the NDL website. Identifying opportunities for repetition minimizationLeave the NDL website. 1997 report summaries collectionLeave the NDL website. A linkage model of corporate new venturesLeave the NDL website. Advertising's second audience : employee reactions to organizational communications : working paperLeave the NDL website. Does pioneering advantage exist? : a cross-national comparative studyLeave the NDL website. Forming perceptions of overall quality in consumer products : a process of quality element integration : working paperLeave the NDL website. Measurement and use of market response functions for allocating marketing resourcesLeave the NDL website. Demand for and use of global account managementLeave the NDL website. Corporate culture, customer orientation, and innovativeness in Japanese firms : a quadrad analysisLeave the NDL website. Diluting beliefs about family brands : when brand extensions have a negative impactLeave the NDL website. Research perspectives on the performance of salespeople : selected readingsLeave the NDL website. Marketing spending for new product introduction : entrant strategy and incumbent responseLeave the NDL website. The application of information display researchLeave the NDL website. Market structure as a measure of market performanceLeave the NDL website. Toward a conceptual understanding of the antecedents of strategic alliancesLeave the NDL website. Customerization : the next revolution in mass customizationLeave the NDL website. And now for something completely different : "really" new products : conference summary : the Hyatt Harborside, Boston, MA, September 29-30, 1994Leave the NDL website. Information processing from advertisements : toward an integrative frameworkLeave the NDL website. Quality-tier competition : impacts of the "whether" decision and the direction of price change : technical working paperLeave the NDL website. Beyond advertising and publicity : the domain of hybrid messagesLeave the NDL website. An overview of market segmentation : behavioral concepts and research approachesLeave the NDL website. The pricing of consumer goods : theory and practiceLeave the NDL website. A crossfunctional approach to evaluating multiple line extensions for assembled productsLeave the NDL website. The effect of marketplace factors on private label penetration in grocery productsLeave the NDL website. Testing a conceptual framework for consumer service marketingLeave the NDL website. 1992 report summariesLeave the NDL website. Modeling and measuring product development cycle time across industries : working paperLeave the NDL website. Flexible decomposition of price promotion effects using store-level scanner dataLeave the NDL website. The long-term differentiation value of marketing communication actionsLeave the NDL website. Learning orientation, working smart, and effective sellingLeave the NDL website. Recognizing and measuring brand assetsLeave the NDL website. A framework for identifying the legal and political risks of using new information technologies to support marketing programsLeave the NDL website. Sales forecasting methods : a survey of recent developmentsLeave the NDL website. Implementing the marketing concept through a program of customer visitsLeave the NDL website. Exploring the future of consumerismLeave the NDL website. Market orientation, performance, and the moderating influence of competitive environmentLeave the NDL website. An empirical study of marketing negotiations in the Soviet UnionLeave the NDL website. Retail patronage behaviorLeave the NDL website. Realtime response measures of television commercials : reliability, construct validity, new approaches to wearout, and potential applications for pretestingLeave the NDL website. Organizing for radical product innovationLeave the NDL website. The evolution of retail institutions in the United StatesLeave the NDL website. Marketing consumer services : new insightsLeave the NDL website. Global market strategies of U.S. and Japanese businessesLeave the NDL website. Research, development, and engineering metricsLeave the NDL website. Brand managers' perceptions of the marketing communications budget allocation processLeave the NDL website. The customer visit : an emerging practice in business-to-business marketingLeave the NDL website. Nutrition information in the supermarketLeave the NDL website. Consumption symbols as carriers of culture : a study of Japanese, Spanish, and North American brand personality dimensionsLeave the NDL website. The multinational corporation's degree of control over foreign subsidiaries : an empirical test of a transaction cost explanationLeave the NDL website. Brand equity : a perspective on its meaning and measurementLeave the NDL website. Trust and concern in consumers' perceptions of marketing information management practicesLeave the NDL website. Commercial adoption of advances in the analysis of scanner dataLeave the NDL website. Sales force performance and turnoverLeave the NDL website. Promoting effective selling alliances : the roles of trust and organizational differences : technical working paperLeave the NDL website. New product models : practice, shortcomings, and desired improvementsLeave the NDL website. The effect of market orientation on business profitabilityLeave the NDL website. CRISP : Customer response-based iterative segmentation procedures for response modeling in direct marketing : technical working paperLeave the NDL website. Consumer participation in mailing lists : a field experiment : working paperLeave the NDL website. Consumers' perceptions of the assortment offered in a grocery category : the impact of item reductionLeave the NDL website. Market share and growth are not good predictors of the A/S ratioLeave the NDL website. Measuring marketing productivity : linking marketing to financial returns, Octorber 3-4, 2002, The Fairmont Hotel, Dallas, TexasLeave the NDL website. Effects of television advertising on consumer socializationLeave the NDL website. The capabilities of market-driven organaizationsLeave the NDL website. Support systems for national account management programs : promises made, promises keptLeave the NDL website. Paradoxes of technology : consumer cognizance, emotions, and coping strategiesLeave the NDL website. Marketers' information practices and privacy concerns : how willing are consumers to provide personal information for shopping benefits?Leave the NDL website. From density to destiny : using spatial analysis for early predicition of new product successLeave the NDL website. Parent under pressure : influences on mothers' responses to children's purchase requestsLeave the NDL website. The relationship between advertising and promotion : some observations, speculations, and hypothesesLeave the NDL website. Cooperative advertising : practices and problemsLeave the NDL website. A framework for the comparison of marketing models : a delphi studyLeave the NDL website. Strategic market analysis : top-down and bottom-up approachesLeave the NDL website. Altering message spacing to enhance memory of television commercialsLeave the NDL website. Factors influencing grocery retailers' support of trade promotionsLeave the NDL website. Global brandingLeave the NDL website. Examining the impact of destructive acts in marketing channel relationshipsLeave the NDL website. Towards a system for monitoring brand health from store scanner dataLeave the NDL website. Market orientation and business performance : an analysis of panel dataLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the marketing science institute 20th anniversary conference : October 29-30, 1981Leave the NDL website. Marketing costs in consumer goods industriesLeave the NDL website. The salesperson as outside agent or employee : a transaction cost analysisLeave the NDL website. Competitive market strategies : some generalizations and hypothesesLeave the NDL website. Consumer generalization of nutrient content claims in advertising : working paperLeave the NDL website. Behavioral explanations for asymmetric price competitionLeave the NDL website. What is the true value of a lost customer?Leave the NDL website. Product managers' use of scanner data : a story of organizational learningLeave the NDL website. Preproduction market potential assessment of innovative consumer productsLeave the NDL website. On the conduct of in-store field experimentsLeave the NDL website. The effects of switching costs on the termination of distribution channel relationshipsLeave the NDL website. Price and brand name as indicators of quality dimensionsLeave the NDL website. The relationship between advertising and promotion in brand strategyLeave the NDL website. Relationship governance in a vertical network contextLeave the NDL website. Developing customers, products, and markets for services : the Hyatt Harborside Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts, December 7-8, 1995 : conference summaryLeave the NDL website. What makes consumers pay more for national brands than for store brands : image or quality?Leave the NDL website. Evolving relationships of retailers and manufacturersLeave the NDL website. Consumers' time expenditures : a behavioral model and empirical testLeave the NDL website. The strategic role of the salesperson in established buyer-seller relationships : working paperLeave the NDL website. Defining, measuring, and managing brand equityLeave the NDL website. Consumer decision processes in automobile purchasing : an exploratory studyLeave the NDL website. Selecting, evaluating, and updating prospects in direct mail marketing : technical working paperLeave the NDL website. Payoffs from participating in complementary product strategies : working paperLeave the NDL website. Behavioral and attitudinal measures of the relative importance of product attributes : the case of cold breakfast cerealsLeave the NDL website. Industrial product policy : viewpoints and issuesLeave the NDL website. Antecedents and consequences of customer value : testing an expanded frameworkLeave the NDL website. Integrating mechanisms for marketing and R & D : commentaryLeave the NDL website. Analytic approaches to product and marketing planning : the second conference : proceedings of conferenceLeave the NDL website. Receptivity to innovation : its relationship to the marketing of new industrial productsLeave the NDL website. An empirical examination of relationships in an extended service quality modelLeave the NDL website. What research says about a proposed code on television advertising for childrenLeave the NDL website. The salesperson as a marketing strategist : the relationship between field sales performance and insight about oneʾs customersLeave the NDL website. Consumer socializationLeave the NDL website. The impact of price forecasting on strategic planning : the case of petrochemicalsLeave the NDL website. A multiple exposure study of the effects of comparative and noncomparative television commercials on cognitive response, recall, and message acceptanceLeave the NDL website. Advertising effectiveness in a crowded television environmentLeave the NDL website. An approach to assess the importance of brand equity in acquisition decisions/ Vijay Mahajan, Vithala R. Rao, and Rajendra K. SrivastavaLeave the NDL website. The use of developmental and evaluative market researchLeave the NDL website. Market structure analysis of new product, market, and communication opportunitiesLeave the NDL website. Servqual : a multiple-item scale for measuring customer perceptions of service qualityLeave the NDL website. Evaluating the effects on consumer advertising on market position over time : how to tell whether advertising ever works : a conference summaryLeave the NDL website. Retail assortments-some theoretical and applied problemsLeave the NDL website. The effects of price-comparison advertising on buyers' perceptions of acquisition value and transaction value : working paperLeave the NDL website. The primacy of the idea itself as a predictor of new product successLeave the NDL website. National brand and store brand price competition : who hurts whom? : technical working paperLeave the NDL website. Toward understanding and controlling customer dissatisfaction with waitingLeave the NDL website. Young scholars program : January 11-14, 2001, Marriott Hotel, Park City, UtahLeave the NDL website. Consumerism and advertising : a U.S. management perspectiveLeave the NDL website. PIMS : a breakthrough in strategic planningLeave the NDL website. Conceptualization and measurement of consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction : proceedings of Conference conducted by Marketing Science InstituteLeave the NDL website. Cooperative advertising, its uses and effectiveness : some preliminary hypothesesLeave the NDL website. The effect of store brand share on retail margins : an empirical analysisLeave the NDL website. Global innovation of new products and servicesLeave the NDL website. The applied art of analyzing a decisionLeave the NDL website. Identifying competitive product-market boundaries : strategic and analytical issuesLeave the NDL website. Social alliances : company/nonprofit collaborationLeave the NDL website. Brands, brand managers, and the management of brands : where to next?Leave the NDL website. Making more effective use of market information : a conference summaryLeave the NDL website. Consider uncertainty and implementation in evaluating market information systems : working paperLeave the NDL website. Adaptive designs for likert-type data : an approach for implementing marketing surveysLeave the NDL website. Experimental research on the effects of TV clutter : dealing with a difficult media environmentLeave the NDL website. Managing customer satisfaction in consumer service businessesLeave the NDL website. Validating a dial-turning instrument for real-time measurement of affective and ebaluative responses to advertisingLeave the NDL website. The ownership effect in consumer responses to brand line stretchesLeave the NDL website. Driving customer equity : linking customer lifetime value to strategic marketing decisionsLeave the NDL website. Prepurchase preference and postconsumption satisfaction in a service exchange : working paperLeave the NDL website. Marketing performance : a conceptual frameworkLeave the NDL website. Using information technology to reduce coordination breakdowns in customer support teams : technical working paperLeave the NDL website. Metrics to value R&D : an annotated bibliography : special reportLeave the NDL website. Working wife and nonworking wife families as a basis for market segmentationLeave the NDL website. Using mini-concepts to identify opportunities for really new product functions : working paperLeave the NDL website. Increasing environmental sensitivity via workplace experiences : working paperLeave the NDL website. The incumbent's curse? : incumbency, size, and radical product innovationLeave the NDL website. The effect of fast market responsiveness on supply partnerships : working paperLeave the NDL website. Divide and prosper : effects of partitioned prices on consumers' price recall and demandLeave the NDL website. A framework for research issues raised at the MSI/DUKE channels conferenceLeave the NDL website. Varied consumer choice behavior : a theory, some empirical results, and their practical consequencesLeave the NDL website. The effects of sequential introduction of brand extensionsLeave the NDL website. Communication and control processes in the delivery of service qualityLeave the NDL website. Achieving strategic advantages in buyer-supplier relationships : working paperLeave the NDL website. Unobtrusive marketing research techniquesLeave the NDL website. Point-of-purchase behavior and price perceptions of supermarket shoppersLeave the NDL website. A cross-national and longitudinal study of product-country images with a focus on the U.S. and JapanLeave the NDL website. Assessing when increased media weight helps sales of real-world brandsLeave the NDL website. 2000 report summaries collectionLeave the NDL website. Innovative market research for breakthrough product designLeave the NDL website. Theory and application of defensive strategyLeave the NDL website. The relationship between recall, cognitive responses, and advertising effectiveness : effects of delay and contextLeave the NDL website. The adoption of marketing and sales automation : a model to explore benefits and risksLeave the NDL website. Superior customer value and business performance : the strong evidence for a market-driven cultureLeave the NDL website. A model of customer satisfaction with service encounters involving failure and recoveryLeave the NDL website. Simulation methods as an aid to designing market map studies : a managerial reviewLeave the NDL website. Is household-specific targeting worth it? : technical working paperLeave the NDL website. Marketing and the changing information environment : implications for strategy, structure, and the marketing mixLeave the NDL website. Developing a balanced markting information systemLeave the NDL website. Business buying behavior : a conference summaryLeave the NDL website. Price-matching refund policies as signals of store price imageLeave the NDL website. Designing positively evaluated logos : working paperLeave the NDL website. Understanding market orientation : a prospectively designed meta-analysis of three market orientation scales : working paperLeave the NDL website. Does "country-of-origin" matter? : some findings from a cross-cultural study of consumer views about foreign productsLeave the NDL website. Information and redress : consumer needs and company responses, the case of the personal care industryLeave the NDL website. Conceptualizing and testing a dynamic process model of service qualityLeave the NDL website. What does it take to take advantage of product innovation ? : working paperLeave the NDL website. Will it ever fly? modeling the takeoff of really new consumer durablesLeave the NDL website. Getting returns from service quality : is the conventional wisdom wrong?Leave the NDL website. Theories of entryLeave the NDL website. Behavioral research on personal selling : a review of some recent studies of interaction and influence processes in sales situationsLeave the NDL website. The use of pledges to build and sustain commitment in distribution channelsLeave the NDL website. What will the future bring? dominance, technology expectations, and radical innovationLeave the NDL website. Labeling research--the state of the artLeave the NDL website. 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Concentration, promotion, and market share stability in the pharmaceutical industryLeave the NDL website. Organizational capacities for sustained product innovationLeave the NDL website. Shopping behavior and consumer preference for store price format : why "large basket" shoppers prefer EDLPLeave the NDL website. Measuring product development time to improve the development processLeave the NDL website. Promotion has a negative effect on brand evaluations-or does it ? : additional disconfirming evidence : special reportLeave the NDL website. Decision difficulty in bundle choice : the role of complexity, uniqueness, and similarityLeave the NDL website. Seeing the voice of the customer : the zaltman metaphor elicitation techniqueLeave the NDL website. The value of segmented advertising appeals--an exploratory studyLeave the NDL website. LAPD : estimating distribution of consumer utility preference from scanner-panel data to infer patterns of competition : technical working paperLeave the NDL website. Marketing issues - challenges for marketing in the 1980'sLeave the NDL website. Marketing and economic performance : meaning and measurementLeave the NDL website. Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equityLeave the NDL website. The nature and determinants of customer expectations of serviceLeave the NDL website. Strategic management and marketing in the service sectorLeave the NDL website. The dialogue that happened : proceedings of workshop on the private costs of RegulationLeave the NDL website. Superiority in customer relationship management : consequences for competitive advantage and performanceLeave the NDL website. Consumer search and decision problems in a transitional economy : Hungary, 1989-1992Leave the NDL website. Carry-over effects in advertising communication : evidence and hypotheses form behavioral scienceLeave the NDL website. A model of distributor firm and manufacturer firm working partnershipsLeave the NDL website. Determining inter-brand substitutability through survey measurement of consumer preference structuresLeave the NDL website. The nature of organizational search in high-technology marketsLeave the NDL website. Knowledge, motivation, and adaptive behavior : a framework for improving selling effectivenessLeave the NDL website. Marketing in nonprofit organizationsLeave the NDL website. Consumer research inputs to public policy and legal decisions : workshop report -- summary versionLeave the NDL website. Using brain-wave measures to assess advertising effectsLeave the NDL website. Marketing and the public interest : proceedings of a symposiumLeave the NDL website. MSI reportsLeave the NDL website. Marketing industrial services in Japan and the United States : it's not just "who you know" : working paperLeave the NDL website. The world according to e : e-commerce and e-customers : December 2-3, 1999, Hyatt Regency, Coral Gables, FloridaLeave the NDL website. Product characteristic and price : their effect on brand preference in a consumer durables marketLeave the NDL website. Factors affecting information search for consumer durablesLeave the NDL website. An examination of product and market characteristics that affect the financial outcomes of brand extensionsLeave the NDL website. A model-based approach for planning and developing a family of technology-based productsLeave the NDL website. National account management : emerging insightsLeave the NDL website. A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future researchLeave the NDL website. The organizational context of industrial buying behaviorLeave the NDL website. Threats to validity in quasi-experimental evaluations of consumer protection reforms : a critical review of extant researchLeave the NDL website. Organizational buying behavior : a state-of-the-art review and conceptualizationLeave the NDL website. Consumer problems and consumerism : analysis of calls to a consumer hot lineLeave the NDL website. Econometric measurement of the duration of the advertising effect on salesLeave the NDL website. Slotting allowances and fees : schools of thought and the views of practicing managersLeave the NDL website. Discontinuities, value delivery, and the share-returns association : a re-examination of the "share-causes-profits" controversyLeave the NDL website. A strategic framework for diagnosing manufacturer-reseller conflictLeave the NDL website. To Standardize or not to standardize : marketing mix effectiveness in Europe : technical working paperLeave the NDL website. Market knowledge management : Octorber 15-16, 1998, La Mansión del Rio, San Antonio, TexasLeave the NDL website. The impact of price promotions on a brand's market share, sales pattern, and profitabilityLeave the NDL website. The effects of involvement and executional factors of a television commercial on brand attitude formationLeave the NDL website. Do American businesses use global strategy?Leave the NDL website. Environment, strategy, and the use of computer-based data : case studies in product managementLeave the NDL website. Determinants of salesforce performanceLeave the NDL website. The market value of trademarks measured via trademark litigationLeave the NDL website. A model incorporating promotion signal sensitivity for prescribing retailer promotion policyLeave the NDL website. Marketing performance assessment : an exploratory investigation into current practice and the role of firm orientationLeave the NDL website. Designing recognizable logos : working paperLeave the NDL website. Recommended cases in marketing--the experts' choicesLeave the NDL website. Capturing evolving visit behaivior in clickstream dataLeave the NDL website. Implementing global account management in multinational corporationsLeave the NDL website. What is the short-term effect of advertising?Leave the NDL website. Competitors as sources of innovative marketing strategiesLeave the NDL website. Priorities for research in strategic marketingLeave the NDL website. Organizational innovation for effective new product development : The Hyatt Harborside Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts, September 14-15, 1995 : conference summaryLeave the NDL website. Consumer knowledge of normal prices : an exploratory study and frameworkLeave the NDL website. Valuing market strategiesLeave the NDL website. Trade promotion by grocery products manufacturers : a managerial perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Consumerism and beyond : research perspectives on the future social environment : proceedings of conferenceLeave the NDL website. A working consensus to collaborate : a field study of manufacturer-supplier dyadsLeave the NDL website. Market-based assets and shareholder value : a framework for analysisLeave the NDL website. The nonresponse problem in consumer telephone surveysLeave the NDL website. Service quality implementation : the effects of organizational socialization and managerial actions on customer-contact employee behaviorsLeave the NDL website. Brand choice, purchase incidence, and segmentation : an integrated modeling approachLeave the NDL website. Organizational buying behavior : a state of the art review and conceptualizationLeave the NDL website. Competing in a deregulated or volatile marketLeave the NDL website. Technological change in the food industryLeave the NDL website. Economic foundations for pricingLeave the NDL website. The role of strategic planning in consumer-marketing businessesLeave the NDL website. Proceedings of the First ORSA/TIMS Special Interest Conference on Market Measurement and AnalysisLeave the NDL website. The amount and direction of effort : an attributional study of salesperson motivationLeave the NDL website. Customer relationship management : strategies and company-wide implementation, July 11-12, 2002, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, FranceLeave the NDL website. Brand equity and the marketing mix : creating customer value : conference summaryLeave the NDL website. Consumer intention to adopt interactive teleshopping : working paperLeave the NDL website. Entering new markets : strategies and performanceLeave the NDL website. From decision support to decision automation : a 2020 visionLeave the NDL website. Retail power : monster or mouse?Leave the NDL website. Determining the competitive structure of product-markets : practices, issues, and suggestionsLeave the NDL website. Business strategies in an information economyLeave the NDL website. Rediscovering the marketing conceptLeave the NDL website. Improving data quality in sample surveys : proceedings of Marketing Science Institute WorkshopLeave the NDL website. Sears, Roebuck and company : the dishwasher recallLeave the NDL website. Tears, cheers, and fears : the role of emotions in advertising : conference summaryLeave the NDL website. The role of package color in consumer purchase consideration and choiseLeave the NDL website. Criteria for assessing research on the effects of marketing communications : working paperLeave the NDL website. .ComQ : dimensionalizing, measuring, and predicting quality of the e-tail experinceLeave the NDL website. A hard and a soft look at building strong brands : March 14-15, 2002, Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel, Santa Monica, CaliforniaLeave the NDL website. Capabilities for forging customer relationshipsLeave the NDL website. Dangers in using market-level data for determining promotion effects : working paperLeave the NDL website. Becoming more market oriented : an exploratory study of the programmatic and market-back approachesLeave the NDL website. Conference on sales promotions from the consumer, manufacturer, and retailer perspectivesLeave the NDL website. Managing marketing channel relationships : report of conference cosponsored by Marketing Science Institute and Duke UniversityLeave the NDL website. Development and validation of the corporate social style inventory : a measure of customer service skillsLeave the NDL website. 1993 report summariesLeave the NDL website. "You are where you shop" : channel associations and the drivers of cross-channel variation in shopping behaviorLeave the NDL website. Evaluating development processes : QFD as an exampleLeave the NDL website. A note on alternative approaches to the multidimensional scaling of similarities dataLeave the NDL website. 1994 report summariesLeave the NDL website. Selection and clustering of image dimentionsLeave the NDL website. Conditions conducive to the effective use of marketing research in the corporationLeave the NDL website. Toward the development of industry standards for response and nonresponse ratesLeave the NDL website. Shopping for appliances : consumers' strategies and patterns of information searchLeave the NDL website. Do pioneers really have long-term advantages? : a historical analysisLeave the NDL website. The organization of marketing activities of American manufacturersLeave the NDL website. Psychographics in department store imageryLeave the NDL website. EEG response to advertisements in print and broadcast mediaLeave the NDL website. Consumer research and corrective advertising : a new approachLeave the NDL website. Viewers' perceptions of prime-time television advertising and characteristics of commercials perceived as informativeLeave the NDL website. Behavioral perspectives on pricing : the Hyatt Harborside Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts, April 27-28, 1995 : conference summaryLeave the NDL website. Research frontiers in interactive marketing : September 8-9, 1997, The Charles Hotel, Cambridge, MassachusettsLeave the NDL website. Winners and losers in the e-commerce shakeoutLeave the NDL website. Customer profitability in supply chainLeave the NDL website. Cross-cultural comparisons : the myth of the stereotypeLeave the NDL website. The effects of national culture on organizational responses to the marketing conceptLeave the NDL website. Advertising's affective qualities and consumer responseLeave the NDL website. Prelaunch forecasting of new automobiles : models and implementationLeave the NDL website. Leapfrogging behavior and the purchase of industrial innovations : theory and evidenceLeave the NDL website. Asymmetric quality tier competition : an alternative explanationLeave the NDL website. Organizational team learning for really new product developmentLeave the NDL website. Why do consumers pay more for national brands than for store brands?Leave the NDL website. Marketing communications, procedural learning, and consumer decision makingLeave the NDL website. The dialogue that never happensLeave the NDL website. Pioneer brand advantage in Japan and the United States : working paperLeave the NDL website. Direct perceptual measurement : methodology and validityLeave the NDL website. Culture and consumer behavior : time for a fresh look?Leave the NDL website. Motivating the industrial salesforce : the attractiveness of alternative rewardsLeave the NDL website. 1998 report summaries collectionLeave the NDL website. Deriving joint space maps of bundle compositions and market segments : an application to new product options : technical working paperLeave the NDL website. Alternative strategies for strategy research in marketingLeave the NDL website. Comparing dynamic consumer decision processes in real and computer-simulated environmentsLeave the NDL website. Decomposing the effects of direct TV advertising : which ad works, when, where, and how often?Leave the NDL website. The effects of brand name suggestiveness on advertising recallLeave the NDL website. Electronic shopping for wine : how search costs affect consumer price sensitivity, satisfaction with merchandise, and retentionLeave the NDL website. Advertising exposure, loyalty, and brand purchase : a two-stage model of choiceLeave the NDL website. Assessing reseller performance from the supplier's perspectiveLeave the NDL website. Total market orientation, business performance, and innovationLeave the NDL website. Alliance management : a view from the past and a look to the future : working paperLeave the NDL website. Operation Santa Claus : a pilot study of decision-making by children and parentsLeave the NDL website. Marketing costs in industrial businesses : a study of variations in manufacturers' marketing expenditures and the relationship between changes in advertising and promotion expenditure and changes in market shareLeave the NDL website. The voice of the customerLeave the NDL website. The gray market threat to international marketing strategiesLeave the NDL website. A cross-national exploration of husband-wife involvement in selected household activitiesLeave the NDL website. Improving business and academic collaboration on research in marketingLeave the NDL website. The effects of merchandising and temporary promotional activities on the sales of fresh fruits and vegetables in supermarketsLeave the NDL website. Backward framing through memory reconstructionLeave the NDL website. Department store images : basic findingsLeave the NDL website. Designing successful transorganizational marketing alliancesLeave the NDL website. Nonmetric approaches to multivariate analysis in marketingLeave the NDL website. Services marketing : new insights from consumers and managersLeave the NDL website. Expert systems for marketingLeave the NDL website. Psychological theories and interpretations of learningLeave the NDL website. The relationship between advertising and promotion in brand strategyLeave the NDL website. Marketing information and decision systems : coming of age in the '70'sLeave the NDL website. The advertising-sales promotion trade-off : theory and practiceLeave the NDL website. Perceiving competitive reactions : the value of accuracy (and paranoia) : working paperLeave the NDL website. The relationship of shelf space to unit sales : a reviewLeave the NDL website. The impact of new product introductions on the market value of firmsLeave the NDL website. Practitioners' conceptions of the advertising process : an initial lookLeave the NDL website. Seeing differently : improving the ability of organizations to anticipate and respond to the constantly changing needs of customers and marketsLeave the NDL website. Boundary role ambiguity in marketing positions : scale development and validationLeave the NDL website. Why store brand penetration varies by retailerLeave the NDL website. Testing new direct marketing offerings : the interplay of management judgment and statistical modelsLeave the NDL website. Retail buyer decision-making in Japan : what U.S. sellers need to know : working paperLeave the NDL website. New but not improved : factors that affect the development of meaningful line extensionsLeave the NDL website. The social capital of the top marketing team, inter-firm market learning capability, and business performance : a test of a mediating modelLeave the NDL website. Marketing and competition : public policy issues and research needsLeave the NDL website. Referral infomediariesLeave the NDL website. Advertising versus prior beliefs : does cigarette and anti-smoking advertising alter young adolescents' perceptions of smokers?Leave the NDL website. Economic consequences of providing quality and customer satisfactionLeave the NDL website. Bridging the gap between our knowledge of who" uses coupons and "why" coupons are used : working paperLeave the NDL website. Bargain hunting or star gazing? : how consumers choose mutual fundsLeave the NDL website. Transaction decoupling : the effects of price bundling on the decision to consumeLeave the NDL website. Learning about marketsLeave the NDL website. Stochastic models of consumer choice behaviorLeave the NDL website. HEC symposium on advances in choice theory : cosponsored by the marketing science institute July 7-10, 1998 : graduate school of management. groupe HEC Jouy-en-Josas, FranceLeave the NDL website. Novel product concepts from lead users : segmenting users by experienceLeave the NDL website. The price elasticity of selective demand : a meta-analysis of sales response modelsLeave the NDL website. Consumer perceptions of product warranties : some preliminary findings among automobile tire purchasersLeave the NDL website. The effect of manufacturer advertising on consumer prices : a managerial overviewLeave the NDL website. Applying attitude research in public policyLeave the NDL website. Manufacturer and retailer relationships : replacing power with strategic marketing partnershipsLeave the NDL website. The effect of manufacturer advertising on retail pricingLeave the NDL website. Age classificationLeave the NDL website. National account managementLeave the NDL website. Organizational culture and marketing : defining the research agendaLeave the NDL website. Comparison advertising : issues and prospectsLeave the NDL website. Effects of nationality on global strategy in major American, European, and Japanese multinational companies : working paperLeave the NDL website. American marketing in the European common market, 1963-1973Leave the NDL website. Predicting post-advertisement attitudesLeave the NDL website. Central problems in the management of innovationLeave the NDL website. User : a scale to Measure use of market research : technical working paperLeave the NDL website. Americans' attitudes toward consumerismLeave the NDL website. Pretest market models : a critical evaluationLeave the NDL website. Manufacturing and distribution supply chain management : alliances and competitionLeave the NDL website. Industrial market segmentation : a nested approachLeave the NDL website. Advertising repetition : a critical review of wear-in and wear-outLeave the NDL website. Promoting a product line : managerial implicationsLeave the NDL website. Competitive reactions and modes of comtetitive reasonings : downplaying the unpredictable?Leave the NDL website. "Life cycle cost" : consumer information for energy decisionsLeave the NDL website. Company advertising with a social dimension : working paperLeave the NDL website. Viewpoints on the changing consumer goods distribution scene : summary of a Marketing Science Institute Conference, May 19 and 20, 1987Leave the NDL website. Marketing metricsLeave the NDL website. A niche share approach for assessing brand performance and identifying competitive groups : technical working paperLeave the NDL website. Consumer trust, value, and loyalty in relational exchangesLeave the NDL website. Managing innovation and new product developmentLeave the NDL website. Brand equity : a perspective on its meaning and measurementLeave the NDL website. 2001 report summaries collectionLeave the NDL website. A conceptual framework for understanding e-service quality : implications for future research and managerial practiceLeave the NDL website. The effects of television clutter : an experimental investigationLeave the NDL website. Pricing process as a capability : a case studyLeave the NDL website. The effects of risk preference, uncertainty, and incentive compensation on salesperson motivationLeave the NDL website. Market orientation : antecendents and consequencesLeave the NDL website. Industrial product policy : managing the existing product lineLeave the NDL website. Marketing communication and the hierarchy-of-effectsLeave the NDL website. A review and integration of research on organizational buying behavior : working paperLeave the NDL website. Using dominance measures to evaluate brand extensionsLeave the NDL website. Developing a balanced marketing information systemLeave the NDL website. Affective and cognitive reactions to advertisingLeave the NDL website. Variety for sale : mass customization or mass confusion?Leave the NDL website. Temporary promotions as a function of trade deals : a descriptive analysisLeave the NDL website. Analyzing variations in advertising and promotional expenditures : key correlates in consumer, industrial, and service marketsLeave the NDL website. Comments on Christian Grönroos' Strategic management and marketing in the service sectorLeave the NDL website. Incorporating marketing into corporate planning modelsLeave the NDL website. Advertising effects : a taxonomy and review of concepts, methods, and results from the academic literature : working paperLeave the NDL website. The feelings mechanism : the impact of feelings on ad-based affect and cognitionLeave the NDL website. A segmentation model for the targeted marketing of consumer durables : technial working paperLeave the NDL website. Choosing what I want versus rejecting what I don't want : an application of decision framing to product option choice decisionsLeave the NDL website. Factors affecting organizational performance : a five-country comparisonLeave the NDL website. Channel member response to trade programsLeave the NDL website. Measuring the effect of retail store promotions on brand and store substitutionLeave the NDL website. Influences on children's product requests and mothers' answers : a multivariate analysis of diary dataLeave the NDL website. Quality and customer service : the critical focus for a firm : A conference summaryLeave the NDL website. Marketing communications strategies today and tomorrow : intergration, allocation, and interactive technologies : conference summary : Royal Sonesta Hotel, MA, March 24-25, 1994Leave the NDL website. Nutrition and the American consumer : a survey of interest groupsLeave the NDL website. Communications spending decisions for industrial products : a literature reviewLeave the NDL website. A PL1 program for trade-off analysisLeave the NDL website. Measuring social values : a multi-item adaptation to the list of values (MILOV) : working paperLeave the NDL website. Management applications of retail image researchLeave the NDL website. The long-term impact of promotion and advertising on consumer brand choice : working paperLeave the NDL website. Managerial aspects of market structure analysis and market mapsLeave the NDL website. Business strategic orientation, information systems strategic orientation, and strategic alignment : working paperLeave the NDL website. Measuring consumer willingness to pay at the point of purchaseLeave the NDL website. Truth in concentration in the land of 80/20 lawsLeave the NDL website. Comparative product information and its interaction with brand name and product typeLeave the NDL website. Factor analysis : limitations and alternativesLeave the NDL website. Measuring consumer perceptions of brand quality with scanner data : implications for brand equityLeave the NDL website. Does market orientation matter for small firms? : working paperLeave the NDL website. Exploring the usefulness of brain waves as measures of advertising response . Eeg activity reflects the content of commercialsLeave the NDL website. Measuring young children's preferences : the use of behaviorally anchored rating scalesLeave the NDL website. Effective sales promotion lessons for today : a review of twenty years of Marketing Science Institute-sponsored researchLeave the NDL website. Socially responsible organizational buyingLeave the NDL website. Managing customer-initiated contacts with manufacturers : the impact on share of category requirements and word-of-mouth behaiviorLeave the NDL website. A brand-switching model with implications for marketing strategiesLeave the NDL website. The effect of R&D-manufacturing-marketing integration on new product performance in Japanese and U.S. firms : a contingency perspective : working paperLeave the NDL website. A product-market-based measure of brand equityLeave the NDL website. Measuring simple preferences : an approach to blind, forced-choice product testingLeave the NDL website. Children's purchase requests and parental responses : results from a diary studyLeave the NDL website. A knowledge-based approach for screening product innovationsLeave the NDL website.

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Estimating dynamic effects of market communications expenditures
Managing hybrid marketing channels with automation
Marketing to and serving customers through the internet
The effects of perceived control and customer crowding on the service experience
Analytic approaches to product and marketing planning : proceedings of workshop
Management control of product development projects
The development of a contingency model of comparative advertising
Impact of sales promotions on when, what, and how much to buy
Climbing the commitment ladder : the impact on customer commitment of disconfirmation of service expectations
Identifying opportunities for repetition minimization
1997 report summaries collection
A linkage model of corporate new ventures
Advertising's second audience : employee reactions to organizational communications : working paper
Does pioneering advantage exist? : a cross-national comparative study
Forming perceptions of overall quality in consumer products : a process of quality element integration : working paper
Measurement and use of market response functions for allocating marketing resources
Demand for and use of global account management
Corporate culture, customer orientation, and innovativeness in Japanese firms : a quadrad analysis
Diluting beliefs about family brands : when brand extensions have a negative impact
Research perspectives on the performance of salespeople : selected readings
Marketing spending for new product introduction : entrant strategy and incumbent response
The application of information display research
Market structure as a measure of market performance
Toward a conceptual understanding of the antecedents of strategic alliances
Customerization : the next revolution in mass customization
And now for something completely different : "really" new products : conference summary : the Hyatt Harborside, Boston, MA, September 29-30, 1994
Information processing from advertisements : toward an integrative framework
Quality-tier competition : impacts of the "whether" decision and the direction of price change : technical working paper
Beyond advertising and publicity : the domain of hybrid messages
An overview of market segmentation : behavioral concepts and research approaches
The pricing of consumer goods : theory and practice
A crossfunctional approach to evaluating multiple line extensions for assembled products
The effect of marketplace factors on private label penetration in grocery products
Testing a conceptual framework for consumer service marketing
1992 report summaries
Modeling and measuring product development cycle time across industries : working paper
Flexible decomposition of price promotion effects using store-level scanner data
The long-term differentiation value of marketing communication actions
Learning orientation, working smart, and effective selling
Recognizing and measuring brand assets
A framework for identifying the legal and political risks of using new information technologies to support marketing programs
Sales forecasting methods : a survey of recent developments
Implementing the marketing concept through a program of customer visits
Exploring the future of consumerism
Market orientation, performance, and the moderating influence of competitive environment
An empirical study of marketing negotiations in the Soviet Union
Retail patronage behavior
Realtime response measures of television commercials : reliability, construct validity, new approaches to wearout, and potential applications for pretesting
Organizing for radical product innovation
The evolution of retail institutions in the United States
Marketing consumer services : new insights
Global market strategies of U.S. and Japanese businesses
Research, development, and engineering metrics
Brand managers' perceptions of the marketing communications budget allocation process
The customer visit : an emerging practice in business-to-business marketing
Nutrition information in the supermarket
Consumption symbols as carriers of culture : a study of Japanese, Spanish, and North American brand personality dimensions
The multinational corporation's degree of control over foreign subsidiaries : an empirical test of a transaction cost explanation
Brand equity : a perspective on its meaning and measurement
Trust and concern in consumers' perceptions of marketing information management practices
Commercial adoption of advances in the analysis of scanner data
Sales force performance and turnover
Promoting effective selling alliances : the roles of trust and organizational differences : technical working paper
New product models : practice, shortcomings, and desired improvements
The effect of market orientation on business profitability
CRISP : Customer response-based iterative segmentation procedures for response modeling in direct marketing : technical working paper
Consumer participation in mailing lists : a field experiment : working paper
Consumers' perceptions of the assortment offered in a grocery category : the impact of item reduction
Market share and growth are not good predictors of the A/S ratio
Measuring marketing productivity : linking marketing to financial returns, Octorber 3-4, 2002, The Fairmont Hotel, Dallas, Texas
Effects of television advertising on consumer socialization
The capabilities of market-driven organaizations
Support systems for national account management programs : promises made, promises kept
Paradoxes of technology : consumer cognizance, emotions, and coping strategies
Marketers' information practices and privacy concerns : how willing are consumers to provide personal information for shopping benefits?
From density to destiny : using spatial analysis for early predicition of new product success
Parent under pressure : influences on mothers' responses to children's purchase requests
The relationship between advertising and promotion : some observations, speculations, and hypotheses
Cooperative advertising : practices and problems
A framework for the comparison of marketing models : a delphi study
Strategic market analysis : top-down and bottom-up approaches
Altering message spacing to enhance memory of television commercials
Factors influencing grocery retailers' support of trade promotions
Global branding
Examining the impact of destructive acts in marketing channel relationships
Towards a system for monitoring brand health from store scanner data
Market orientation and business performance : an analysis of panel data
Proceedings of the marketing science institute 20th anniversary conference : October 29-30, 1981
Marketing costs in consumer goods industries
The salesperson as outside agent or employee : a transaction cost analysis
Competitive market strategies : some generalizations and hypotheses
Consumer generalization of nutrient content claims in advertising : working paper
Behavioral explanations for asymmetric price competition
What is the true value of a lost customer?
Product managers' use of scanner data : a story of organizational learning
Preproduction market potential assessment of innovative consumer products
On the conduct of in-store field experiments
The effects of switching costs on the termination of distribution channel relationships
Price and brand name as indicators of quality dimensions
The relationship between advertising and promotion in brand strategy
Relationship governance in a vertical network context
Developing customers, products, and markets for services : the Hyatt Harborside Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts, December 7-8, 1995 : conference summary
What makes consumers pay more for national brands than for store brands : image or quality?
Evolving relationships of retailers and manufacturers
Consumers' time expenditures : a behavioral model and empirical test
The strategic role of the salesperson in established buyer-seller relationships : working paper
Defining, measuring, and managing brand equity
Consumer decision processes in automobile purchasing : an exploratory study
Selecting, evaluating, and updating prospects in direct mail marketing : technical working paper
Payoffs from participating in complementary product strategies : working paper
Behavioral and attitudinal measures of the relative importance of product attributes : the case of cold breakfast cereals
Industrial product policy : viewpoints and issues
Antecedents and consequences of customer value : testing an expanded framework
Integrating mechanisms for marketing and R & D : commentary
Analytic approaches to product and marketing planning : the second conference : proceedings of conference
Receptivity to innovation : its relationship to the marketing of new industrial products
An empirical examination of relationships in an extended service quality model
What research says about a proposed code on television advertising for children
The salesperson as a marketing strategist : the relationship between field sales performance and insight about oneʾs customers
Consumer socialization
The impact of price forecasting on strategic planning : the case of petrochemicals
A multiple exposure study of the effects of comparative and noncomparative television commercials on cognitive response, recall, and message acceptance
Advertising effectiveness in a crowded television environment
An approach to assess the importance of brand equity in acquisition decisions/ Vijay Mahajan, Vithala R. Rao, and Rajendra K. Srivastava
The use of developmental and evaluative market research
Market structure analysis of new product, market, and communication opportunities
Servqual : a multiple-item scale for measuring customer perceptions of service quality
Evaluating the effects on consumer advertising on market position over time : how to tell whether advertising ever works : a conference summary
Retail assortments-some theoretical and applied problems
The effects of price-comparison advertising on buyers' perceptions of acquisition value and transaction value : working paper
The primacy of the idea itself as a predictor of new product success
National brand and store brand price competition : who hurts whom? : technical working paper
Toward understanding and controlling customer dissatisfaction with waiting
Young scholars program : January 11-14, 2001, Marriott Hotel, Park City, Utah
Consumerism and advertising : a U.S. management perspective
PIMS : a breakthrough in strategic planning
Conceptualization and measurement of consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction : proceedings of Conference conducted by Marketing Science Institute
Cooperative advertising, its uses and effectiveness : some preliminary hypotheses
The effect of store brand share on retail margins : an empirical analysis
Global innovation of new products and services
The applied art of analyzing a decision
Identifying competitive product-market boundaries : strategic and analytical issues
Social alliances : company/nonprofit collaboration
Brands, brand managers, and the management of brands : where to next?
Making more effective use of market information : a conference summary
Consider uncertainty and implementation in evaluating market information systems : working paper
Adaptive designs for likert-type data : an approach for implementing marketing surveys
Experimental research on the effects of TV clutter : dealing with a difficult media environment
Managing customer satisfaction in consumer service businesses
Validating a dial-turning instrument for real-time measurement of affective and ebaluative responses to advertising
The ownership effect in consumer responses to brand line stretches
Driving customer equity : linking customer lifetime value to strategic marketing decisions
Prepurchase preference and postconsumption satisfaction in a service exchange : working paper
Marketing performance : a conceptual framework
Using information technology to reduce coordination breakdowns in customer support teams : technical working paper
Metrics to value R&D : an annotated bibliography : special report
Working wife and nonworking wife families as a basis for market segmentation
Using mini-concepts to identify opportunities for really new product functions : working paper
Increasing environmental sensitivity via workplace experiences : working paper
The incumbent's curse? : incumbency, size, and radical product innovation
The effect of fast market responsiveness on supply partnerships : working paper
Divide and prosper : effects of partitioned prices on consumers' price recall and demand
A framework for research issues raised at the MSI/DUKE channels conference
Varied consumer choice behavior : a theory, some empirical results, and their practical consequences
The effects of sequential introduction of brand extensions
Communication and control processes in the delivery of service quality
Achieving strategic advantages in buyer-supplier relationships : working paper
Unobtrusive marketing research techniques
Point-of-purchase behavior and price perceptions of supermarket shoppers
A cross-national and longitudinal study of product-country images with a focus on the U.S. and Japan
Assessing when increased media weight helps sales of real-world brands
2000 report summaries collection
Innovative market research for breakthrough product design
Theory and application of defensive strategy
The relationship between recall, cognitive responses, and advertising effectiveness : effects of delay and context
The adoption of marketing and sales automation : a model to explore benefits and risks
Superior customer value and business performance : the strong evidence for a market-driven culture
A model of customer satisfaction with service encounters involving failure and recovery
Simulation methods as an aid to designing market map studies : a managerial review
Is household-specific targeting worth it? : technical working paper
Marketing and the changing information environment : implications for strategy, structure, and the marketing mix
Developing a balanced markting information system
Business buying behavior : a conference summary
Price-matching refund policies as signals of store price image
Designing positively evaluated logos : working paper
Understanding market orientation : a prospectively designed meta-analysis of three market orientation scales : working paper
Does "country-of-origin" matter? : some findings from a cross-cultural study of consumer views about foreign products
Information and redress : consumer needs and company responses, the case of the personal care industry
Conceptualizing and testing a dynamic process model of service quality
What does it take to take advantage of product innovation ? : working paper
Will it ever fly? modeling the takeoff of really new consumer durables
Getting returns from service quality : is the conventional wisdom wrong?
Theories of entry
Behavioral research on personal selling : a review of some recent studies of interaction and influence processes in sales situations
The use of pledges to build and sustain commitment in distribution channels
What will the future bring? dominance, technology expectations, and radical innovation
Labeling research--the state of the art
Consumer satisfaction and dissatisfaction : perspectives and overview
Relationships between changes in industrial advertising and promotion expenditures and changes in market share
Salesforce compensation : insights from management science
Sustained spending and persistent response : a new look at long-term marketing profitability
Brand constructs : the complementarity of consumer associative networks and multidimensional scaling
Profitability and market structure : an analysis of major manufacturers of nondurable consumer products
The effects of felt involvement on consumers' attention and comprehension processes
Validation of mother-child purchase influence frequency reports by the multitrait-multimethod matrix
Success in high technology markets : is marketing capability critical?
Concentration, promotion, and market share stability in the pharmaceutical industry
Organizational capacities for sustained product innovation
Shopping behavior and consumer preference for store price format : why "large basket" shoppers prefer EDLP
Measuring product development time to improve the development process
Promotion has a negative effect on brand evaluations-or does it ? : additional disconfirming evidence : special report
Decision difficulty in bundle choice : the role of complexity, uniqueness, and similarity
Seeing the voice of the customer : the zaltman metaphor elicitation technique
The value of segmented advertising appeals--an exploratory study
LAPD : estimating distribution of consumer utility preference from scanner-panel data to infer patterns of competition : technical working paper
Marketing issues - challenges for marketing in the 1980's
Marketing and economic performance : meaning and measurement
Conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based brand equity
The nature and determinants of customer expectations of service
Strategic management and marketing in the service sector
The dialogue that happened : proceedings of workshop on the private costs of Regulation
Superiority in customer relationship management : consequences for competitive advantage and performance
Consumer search and decision problems in a transitional economy : Hungary, 1989-1992
Carry-over effects in advertising communication : evidence and hypotheses form behavioral science
A model of distributor firm and manufacturer firm working partnerships
Determining inter-brand substitutability through survey measurement of consumer preference structures
The nature of organizational search in high-technology markets
Knowledge, motivation, and adaptive behavior : a framework for improving selling effectiveness
Marketing in nonprofit organizations
Consumer research inputs to public policy and legal decisions : workshop report -- summary version
Using brain-wave measures to assess advertising effects
Marketing and the public interest : proceedings of a symposium
MSI reports
Marketing industrial services in Japan and the United States : it's not just "who you know" : working paper
The world according to e : e-commerce and e-customers : December 2-3, 1999, Hyatt Regency, Coral Gables, Florida
Product characteristic and price : their effect on brand preference in a consumer durables market
Factors affecting information search for consumer durables
An examination of product and market characteristics that affect the financial outcomes of brand extensions
A model-based approach for planning and developing a family of technology-based products
National account management : emerging insights
A conceptual model of service quality and its implications for future research
The organizational context of industrial buying behavior
Threats to validity in quasi-experimental evaluations of consumer protection reforms : a critical review of extant research
Organizational buying behavior : a state-of-the-art review and conceptualization
Consumer problems and consumerism : analysis of calls to a consumer hot line
Econometric measurement of the duration of the advertising effect on sales
Slotting allowances and fees : schools of thought and the views of practicing managers
Discontinuities, value delivery, and the share-returns association : a re-examination of the "share-causes-profits" controversy
A strategic framework for diagnosing manufacturer-reseller conflict
To Standardize or not to standardize : marketing mix effectiveness in Europe : technical working paper
Market knowledge management : Octorber 15-16, 1998, La Mansión del Rio, San Antonio, Texas
The impact of price promotions on a brand's market share, sales pattern, and profitability
The effects of involvement and executional factors of a television commercial on brand attitude formation
Do American businesses use global strategy?
Environment, strategy, and the use of computer-based data : case studies in product management
Determinants of salesforce performance
The market value of trademarks measured via trademark litigation
A model incorporating promotion signal sensitivity for prescribing retailer promotion policy
Marketing performance assessment : an exploratory investigation into current practice and the role of firm orientation
Designing recognizable logos : working paper
Recommended cases in marketing--the experts' choices
Capturing evolving visit behaivior in clickstream data
Implementing global account management in multinational corporations
What is the short-term effect of advertising?
Competitors as sources of innovative marketing strategies
Priorities for research in strategic marketing
Organizational innovation for effective new product development : The Hyatt Harborside Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts, September 14-15, 1995 : conference summary
Consumer knowledge of normal prices : an exploratory study and framework
Valuing market strategies
Trade promotion by grocery products manufacturers : a managerial perspective
Consumerism and beyond : research perspectives on the future social environment : proceedings of conference
A working consensus to collaborate : a field study of manufacturer-supplier dyads
Market-based assets and shareholder value : a framework for analysis
The nonresponse problem in consumer telephone surveys
Service quality implementation : the effects of organizational socialization and managerial actions on customer-contact employee behaviors
Brand choice, purchase incidence, and segmentation : an integrated modeling approach
Organizational buying behavior : a state of the art review and conceptualization
Competing in a deregulated or volatile market
Technological change in the food industry
Economic foundations for pricing
The role of strategic planning in consumer-marketing businesses
Proceedings of the First ORSA/TIMS Special Interest Conference on Market Measurement and Analysis
The amount and direction of effort : an attributional study of salesperson motivation
Customer relationship management : strategies and company-wide implementation, July 11-12, 2002, INSEAD, Fontainebleau, France
Brand equity and the marketing mix : creating customer value : conference summary
Consumer intention to adopt interactive teleshopping : working paper
Entering new markets : strategies and performance
From decision support to decision automation : a 2020 vision
Retail power : monster or mouse?
Determining the competitive structure of product-markets : practices, issues, and suggestions
Business strategies in an information economy
Rediscovering the marketing concept
Improving data quality in sample surveys : proceedings of Marketing Science Institute Workshop
Sears, Roebuck and company : the dishwasher recall
Tears, cheers, and fears : the role of emotions in advertising : conference summary
The role of package color in consumer purchase consideration and choise
Criteria for assessing research on the effects of marketing communications : working paper
.ComQ : dimensionalizing, measuring, and predicting quality of the e-tail experince
A hard and a soft look at building strong brands : March 14-15, 2002, Loews Santa Monica Beach Hotel, Santa Monica, California
Capabilities for forging customer relationships
Dangers in using market-level data for determining promotion effects : working paper
Becoming more market oriented : an exploratory study of the programmatic and market-back approaches
Conference on sales promotions from the consumer, manufacturer, and retailer perspectives
Managing marketing channel relationships : report of conference cosponsored by Marketing Science Institute and Duke University
Development and validation of the corporate social style inventory : a measure of customer service skills
1993 report summaries
"You are where you shop" : channel associations and the drivers of cross-channel variation in shopping behavior
Evaluating development processes : QFD as an example
A note on alternative approaches to the multidimensional scaling of similarities data
1994 report summaries
Selection and clustering of image dimentions
Conditions conducive to the effective use of marketing research in the corporation
Toward the development of industry standards for response and nonresponse rates
Shopping for appliances : consumers' strategies and patterns of information search
Do pioneers really have long-term advantages? : a historical analysis
The organization of marketing activities of American manufacturers
Psychographics in department store imagery
EEG response to advertisements in print and broadcast media
Consumer research and corrective advertising : a new approach
Viewers' perceptions of prime-time television advertising and characteristics of commercials perceived as informative
Behavioral perspectives on pricing : the Hyatt Harborside Hotel, Boston, Massachusetts, April 27-28, 1995 : conference summary
Research frontiers in interactive marketing : September 8-9, 1997, The Charles Hotel, Cambridge, Massachusetts
Winners and losers in the e-commerce shakeout
Customer profitability in supply chain
Cross-cultural comparisons : the myth of the stereotype
The effects of national culture on organizational responses to the marketing concept
Advertising's affective qualities and consumer response
Prelaunch forecasting of new automobiles : models and implementation
Leapfrogging behavior and the purchase of industrial innovations : theory and evidence
Asymmetric quality tier competition : an alternative explanation
Organizational team learning for really new product development
Why do consumers pay more for national brands than for store brands?
Marketing communications, procedural learning, and consumer decision making
The dialogue that never happens
Pioneer brand advantage in Japan and the United States : working paper
Direct perceptual measurement : methodology and validity
Culture and consumer behavior : time for a fresh look?
Motivating the industrial salesforce : the attractiveness of alternative rewards
1998 report summaries collection
Deriving joint space maps of bundle compositions and market segments : an application to new product options : technical working paper
Alternative strategies for strategy research in marketing
Comparing dynamic consumer decision processes in real and computer-simulated environments
Decomposing the effects of direct TV advertising : which ad works, when, where, and how often?
The effects of brand name suggestiveness on advertising recall
Electronic shopping for wine : how search costs affect consumer price sensitivity, satisfaction with merchandise, and retention
Advertising exposure, loyalty, and brand purchase : a two-stage model of choice
Assessing reseller performance from the supplier's perspective
Total market orientation, business performance, and innovation
Alliance management : a view from the past and a look to the future : working paper
Operation Santa Claus : a pilot study of decision-making by children and parents
Marketing costs in industrial businesses : a study of variations in manufacturers' marketing expenditures and the relationship between changes in advertising and promotion expenditure and changes in market share
The voice of the customer
The gray market threat to international marketing strategies
A cross-national exploration of husband-wife involvement in selected household activities
Improving business and academic collaboration on research in marketing
The effects of merchandising and temporary promotional activities on the sales of fresh fruits and vegetables in supermarkets
Backward framing through memory reconstruction
Department store images : basic findings
Designing successful transorganizational marketing alliances
Nonmetric approaches to multivariate analysis in marketing
Services marketing : new insights from consumers and managers
Expert systems for marketing
Psychological theories and interpretations of learning
The relationship between advertising and promotion in brand strategy
Marketing information and decision systems : coming of age in the '70's
The advertising-sales promotion trade-off : theory and practice
Perceiving competitive reactions : the value of accuracy (and paranoia) : working paper
The relationship of shelf space to unit sales : a review
The impact of new product introductions on the market value of firms
Practitioners' conceptions of the advertising process : an initial look
Seeing differently : improving the ability of organizations to anticipate and respond to the constantly changing needs of customers and markets
Boundary role ambiguity in marketing positions : scale development and validation
Why store brand penetration varies by retailer
Testing new direct marketing offerings : the interplay of management judgment and statistical models
Retail buyer decision-making in Japan : what U.S. sellers need to know : working paper
New but not improved : factors that affect the development of meaningful line extensions
The social capital of the top marketing team, inter-firm market learning capability, and business performance : a test of a mediating model
Marketing and competition : public policy issues and research needs
Referral infomediaries
Advertising versus prior beliefs : does cigarette and anti-smoking advertising alter young adolescents' perceptions of smokers?
Economic consequences of providing quality and customer satisfaction
Bridging the gap between our knowledge of who" uses coupons and "why" coupons are used : working paper
Bargain hunting or star gazing? : how consumers choose mutual funds
Transaction decoupling : the effects of price bundling on the decision to consume
Learning about markets
Stochastic models of consumer choice behavior
HEC symposium on advances in choice theory : cosponsored by the marketing science institute July 7-10, 1998 : graduate school of management. groupe HEC Jouy-en-Josas, France
Novel product concepts from lead users : segmenting users by experience
The price elasticity of selective demand : a meta-analysis of sales response models
Consumer perceptions of product warranties : some preliminary findings among automobile tire purchasers
The effect of manufacturer advertising on consumer prices : a managerial overview
Applying attitude research in public policy
Manufacturer and retailer relationships : replacing power with strategic marketing partnerships
The effect of manufacturer advertising on retail pricing
Age classification
National account management
Organizational culture and marketing : defining the research agenda
Comparison advertising : issues and prospects
Effects of nationality on global strategy in major American, European, and Japanese multinational companies : working paper
American marketing in the European common market, 1963-1973
Predicting post-advertisement attitudes
Central problems in the management of innovation
User : a scale to Measure use of market research : technical working paper
Americans' attitudes toward consumerism
Pretest market models : a critical evaluation
Manufacturing and distribution supply chain management : alliances and competition
Industrial market segmentation : a nested approach
Advertising repetition : a critical review of wear-in and wear-out
Promoting a product line : managerial implications
Competitive reactions and modes of comtetitive reasonings : downplaying the unpredictable?
"Life cycle cost" : consumer information for energy decisions
Company advertising with a social dimension : working paper
Viewpoints on the changing consumer goods distribution scene : summary of a Marketing Science Institute Conference, May 19 and 20, 1987
Marketing metrics
A niche share approach for assessing brand performance and identifying competitive groups : technical working paper
Consumer trust, value, and loyalty in relational exchanges
Managing innovation and new product development
Brand equity : a perspective on its meaning and measurement
2001 report summaries collection
A conceptual framework for understanding e-service quality : implications for future research and managerial practice
The effects of television clutter : an experimental investigation
Pricing process as a capability : a case study
The effects of risk preference, uncertainty, and incentive compensation on salesperson motivation
Market orientation : antecendents and consequences
Industrial product policy : managing the existing product line
Marketing communication and the hierarchy-of-effects
A review and integration of research on organizational buying behavior : working paper
Using dominance measures to evaluate brand extensions
Developing a balanced marketing information system
Affective and cognitive reactions to advertising
Variety for sale : mass customization or mass confusion?
Temporary promotions as a function of trade deals : a descriptive analysis
Analyzing variations in advertising and promotional expenditures : key correlates in consumer, industrial, and service markets
Comments on Christian Grönroos' Strategic management and marketing in the service sector
Incorporating marketing into corporate planning models
Advertising effects : a taxonomy and review of concepts, methods, and results from the academic literature : working paper
The feelings mechanism : the impact of feelings on ad-based affect and cognition
A segmentation model for the targeted marketing of consumer durables : technial working paper
Choosing what I want versus rejecting what I don't want : an application of decision framing to product option choice decisions
Factors affecting organizational performance : a five-country comparison
Channel member response to trade programs
Measuring the effect of retail store promotions on brand and store substitution
Influences on children's product requests and mothers' answers : a multivariate analysis of diary data
Quality and customer service : the critical focus for a firm : A conference summary
Marketing communications strategies today and tomorrow : intergration, allocation, and interactive technologies : conference summary : Royal Sonesta Hotel, MA, March 24-25, 1994
Nutrition and the American consumer : a survey of interest groups
Communications spending decisions for industrial products : a literature review
A PL1 program for trade-off analysis
Measuring social values : a multi-item adaptation to the list of values (MILOV) : working paper
Management applications of retail image research
The long-term impact of promotion and advertising on consumer brand choice : working paper
Managerial aspects of market structure analysis and market maps
Business strategic orientation, information systems strategic orientation, and strategic alignment : working paper
Measuring consumer willingness to pay at the point of purchase
Truth in concentration in the land of 80/20 laws
Comparative product information and its interaction with brand name and product type
Factor analysis : limitations and alternatives
Measuring consumer perceptions of brand quality with scanner data : implications for brand equity
Does market orientation matter for small firms? : working paper
Exploring the usefulness of brain waves as measures of advertising response . Eeg activity reflects the content of commercials
Measuring young children's preferences : the use of behaviorally anchored rating scales
Effective sales promotion lessons for today : a review of twenty years of Marketing Science Institute-sponsored research
Socially responsible organizational buying
Managing customer-initiated contacts with manufacturers : the impact on share of category requirements and word-of-mouth behaivior
A brand-switching model with implications for marketing strategies
The effect of R&D-manufacturing-marketing integration on new product performance in Japanese and U.S. firms : a contingency perspective : working paper
A product-market-based measure of brand equity
Measuring simple preferences : an approach to blind, forced-choice product testing
Children's purchase requests and parental responses : results from a diary study
A knowledge-based approach for screening product innovations