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International codification of the rules relating to seamen's articles of agreement : first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Communication to the international labour office of statistical and other information regarding emigration and immigration and the repatriation and transit of emigrants : second item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Questions agricoles : deuxième question inscrite à l'ordre du jour : Conférence internationale du travail, troisième session, Genève, avril 1921Leave the NDL website. Détermination de principes généraux pour l'inspection du travailLeave the NDL website. Maintenance of rights in course of acquisition and acquired rights under invalidity, old-age and widows' and orphans' insurance on behalf of workers who transfer their residence from one country to another : first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Forced labour : item I on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Regulation of contracts of employment of indigenous workers : second item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. The regulation of certain special systems of recruiting workers : first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. The age of admission of children to employment in non-industrial occupations : third item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work : first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Arrêt hebdomadaire de vingt-quatre heures dans la verrerie à bassins : troisième question à l'ordre du jourLeave the NDL website. Sickness insurance : item I on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Hours of work of salaried employees : item II on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Technical and vocational education and apprenticeship : first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work in coal mines : sixth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Night work in bakeries : fourth item of the agendaLeave the NDL website. Employment of women on underground work in mines of all kinds : second item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Travail de nuit dans les boulangeriesLeave the NDL website. General principles for the inspection of the conditions of work of seamen : second item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Rapport sur la détermination de principes généraux pour l'inspection du travailLeave the NDL website. Invalidity, old-age and widows' and orphans' insurance : second item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work in the textile industry : second item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Holidays with pay : second item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Protection against accidents of workers engaged in loading or unloading ships : item II on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Hours of work in coal mines : item II on the agendaLeave the NDL website. A) Réforme de la composition du conseil d'administration du Bureau international du travail ; B) Périodicité des sessions de la conférence : première question à l'ordre du jourLeave the NDL website. Weekly suspension of work for twenty-four hours in glass-manufacturing processes where tank furnaces are used : third item of the agendaLeave the NDL website. Development of facilities for the utilisation of workers' leisure : first item of the agendaLeave the NDL website. Désinfection des laines contaminées par les spores charbonneuses : Conférence internationale du travail, troisieme session, Genève, avril 1921 : question III (a) de l'ordre du jourLeave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work in the building and civil engineering industry : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. General principles for the organisation of factory inspectionLeave the NDL website. A. Reform of the constitution of the governing body of the International Labour Office ; B. Periodicity of the sessions of the conference : first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Utilisation des loisirs des ouvriers : première question à l'ordre du jourLeave the NDL website. Safety provisions for workers in the building industry with reference to scaffolding and hoisting machinery : first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Deuxiéme rapport supplémentaire sur la détermination de principes généraux pour l'inspection du travailLeave the NDL website. Prevention of industrial accidents : item I on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Réforme de la constitution du conseil d'administration du Bureau international du travail : première question inscrite à l'ordre du jour : Conférence internationale du travail, troisième session, Genève, octobre 1921Leave the NDL website. Generalisation of the reduction of hours of work in industry, commerce and offices : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work in iron and steel works : fifth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Recruiting, placing and conditions of labour (equality of treatment) of migrant workers : third item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. The minimum requirement of professional capacity in the case of captains, navigating and engineer officers in charge of watches on board merchant ships : fourth item IV on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Rapport supplémentaire sur la détermination de principes généraux pour l'inspection du travailLeave the NDL website. Minimum wage-fixing machinery : item I on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Egalité de traitement des travailleurs étrangers et nationaux victimes d'accidents du travail : deuxième question à l'ordre du jourLeave the NDL website. Methods of providing rest and alternation of shifts in automatic sheet-glass worksLeave the NDL website. Reduction of hours of work on public works undertaken or subsidised by governments : third item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Unemployment insurance and various forms of relief for the unemployed : second item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Regulation of hours of work and rest periods of professional drivers (and their assistants) of vehicles engaged in road transport : fourth item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. The regulation of hours of work on board ship : first item on the agendaLeave the NDL website. Communication au Bureau international du travail des informations statistiques ou autres concernant l'émigration, l'immigration, le rapatriement, ou le transit des émigrants : deuxième question de l'ordre du jour : Conférence internationale du travail, quatrième session, Genève, octobre, 1922Leave the NDL website. Reform of constitution of the governing body of the International Labour Office : first item on the agenda : International Labour Conference, Third session, Geneva, October, 1921Leave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • International codification of the rules relating to seamen's articles of agreement : first item on the agenda

  • Communication to the international labour office of statistical and other information regarding emigration and immigration and the repatriation and transit of emigrants : second item on the agenda

  • Questions agricoles : deuxième question inscrite à l'ordre du jour : Conférence internationale du travail, troisième session, Genève, avril 1921

  • Détermination de principes généraux pour l'inspection du travail

  • Maintenance of rights in course of acquisition and acquired rights under invalidity, old-age and widows' and orphans' insurance on behalf of workers who transfer their residence from one country to another : first item on the agenda

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International codification of the rules relating to seamen's articles of agreement : first item on the agenda
Communication to the international labour office of statistical and other information regarding emigration and immigration and the repatriation and transit of emigrants : second item on the agenda
Questions agricoles : deuxième question inscrite à l'ordre du jour : Conférence internationale du travail, troisième session, Genève, avril 1921
Détermination de principes généraux pour l'inspection du travail
Maintenance of rights in course of acquisition and acquired rights under invalidity, old-age and widows' and orphans' insurance on behalf of workers who transfer their residence from one country to another : first item on the agenda
Forced labour : item I on the agenda
Regulation of contracts of employment of indigenous workers : second item on the agenda
The regulation of certain special systems of recruiting workers : first item on the agenda
The age of admission of children to employment in non-industrial occupations : third item on the agenda
Reduction of hours of work : first item on the agenda
Arrêt hebdomadaire de vingt-quatre heures dans la verrerie à bassins : troisième question à l'ordre du jour
Sickness insurance : item I on the agenda
Hours of work of salaried employees : item II on the agenda
Technical and vocational education and apprenticeship : first item on the agenda
Reduction of hours of work in coal mines : sixth item on the agenda
Night work in bakeries : fourth item of the agenda
Employment of women on underground work in mines of all kinds : second item on the agenda
Travail de nuit dans les boulangeries
General principles for the inspection of the conditions of work of seamen : second item on the agenda
Rapport sur la détermination de principes généraux pour l'inspection du travail
Invalidity, old-age and widows' and orphans' insurance : second item on the agenda
Reduction of hours of work in the textile industry : second item on the agenda
Holidays with pay : second item on the agenda
Protection against accidents of workers engaged in loading or unloading ships : item II on the agenda
Hours of work in coal mines : item II on the agenda
A) Réforme de la composition du conseil d'administration du Bureau international du travail ; B) Périodicité des sessions de la conférence : première question à l'ordre du jour
Weekly suspension of work for twenty-four hours in glass-manufacturing processes where tank furnaces are used : third item of the agenda
Development of facilities for the utilisation of workers' leisure : first item of the agenda
Désinfection des laines contaminées par les spores charbonneuses : Conférence internationale du travail, troisieme session, Genève, avril 1921 : question III (a) de l'ordre du jour
Reduction of hours of work in the building and civil engineering industry : fourth item on the agenda
General principles for the organisation of factory inspection
A. Reform of the constitution of the governing body of the International Labour Office ; B. Periodicity of the sessions of the conference : first item on the agenda
Utilisation des loisirs des ouvriers : première question à l'ordre du jour
Safety provisions for workers in the building industry with reference to scaffolding and hoisting machinery : first item on the agenda
Deuxiéme rapport supplémentaire sur la détermination de principes généraux pour l'inspection du travail
Prevention of industrial accidents : item I on the agenda
Réforme de la constitution du conseil d'administration du Bureau international du travail : première question inscrite à l'ordre du jour : Conférence internationale du travail, troisième session, Genève, octobre 1921
Generalisation of the reduction of hours of work in industry, commerce and offices : fifth item on the agenda
Reduction of hours of work in iron and steel works : fifth item on the agenda
Recruiting, placing and conditions of labour (equality of treatment) of migrant workers : third item on the agenda
The minimum requirement of professional capacity in the case of captains, navigating and engineer officers in charge of watches on board merchant ships : fourth item IV on the agenda
Rapport supplémentaire sur la détermination de principes généraux pour l'inspection du travail
Minimum wage-fixing machinery : item I on the agenda
Egalité de traitement des travailleurs étrangers et nationaux victimes d'accidents du travail : deuxième question à l'ordre du jour
Methods of providing rest and alternation of shifts in automatic sheet-glass works
Reduction of hours of work on public works undertaken or subsidised by governments : third item on the agenda
Unemployment insurance and various forms of relief for the unemployed : second item on the agenda
Regulation of hours of work and rest periods of professional drivers (and their assistants) of vehicles engaged in road transport : fourth item on the agenda
The regulation of hours of work on board ship : first item on the agenda
Communication au Bureau international du travail des informations statistiques ou autres concernant l'émigration, l'immigration, le rapatriement, ou le transit des émigrants : deuxième question de l'ordre du jour : Conférence internationale du travail, quatrième session, Genève, octobre, 1922
Reform of constitution of the governing body of the International Labour Office : first item on the agenda : International Labour Conference, Third session, Geneva, October, 1921
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