
Islamic history and civilization

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Islamic history and civilization

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Haarmann, Ulrichほか
E.J. Brill
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Formerly Arab history and civilizationEdited by Ulrich HaarmannEdirorial Board, Hinrich Biesterfeldt, Sebastian Günther

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The intensification and reorientation of Sunni jihad ideology in the Crusader period : Ibn ʿAsakir of Damascus (1105-1176) and his age, with an edition and translation of Ibn ʿAsakir's The forty hadiths for inciting jihadLeave the NDL website. Early Mamluk Syrian historiography : Al-Yūnīnī's Dhayl Mirʾāt al-zamānLeave the NDL website. Wissensvermittlung im Gespräch : eine Studie zu klassisch-arabischen DialogenLeave the NDL website. Islamic mysticism contested : thirteen centuries of controversies and polemicsLeave the NDL website. Muslim religious institutions in Imperial Russia : the Islamic world of Novouzensk District and the Kazakh Inner Horde, 1780-1910Leave the NDL website. Die Geheimnisse der oberen und der unteren Welt : Magie im Islam zwischen Glaube und WissenschaftLeave the NDL website. Mystiques, Ètat et société : les Halvetis dans l'aire balkanique, de la fin du XVe siècle à nos joursLeave the NDL website. Al-Māturīdī and the development of Sunnī theology in SamarqandLeave the NDL website. From Bāwīṭ to Marw : documents from the medieval Muslim worldLeave the NDL website. The piety of learning : Islamic studies in honor of Stefan ReichmuthLeave the NDL website. The heritage of Arabo-Islamic learning : studies presented to Wadad KadiLeave the NDL website. The quṣṣāṣ of early IslamLeave the NDL website. Analysing Muslim traditions : studies in legal, exegetical and Maghāzī ḥadīthLeave the NDL website. Commerce, culture, and community in a Red Sea port in the thirteenth century : the Arabic documents from QuseirLeave the NDL website. An Ismaili heresiography : the "Bāb al-shayṭān" from Abū Tammām's Kitāb al-shajaraLeave the NDL website. Muslims, Jews, and pagans : studies on early Islamic MedinaLeave the NDL website. Letters of a Sufi scholar : the correspondence of ʿAbd al-Ghanī al-Nābulusī (1641-1731)Leave the NDL website. Facts and artefacts : art in the Islamic world : festschrift for Jens Kröger on his 65th birthdayLeave the NDL website. Method and theory in the study of Islamic originsLeave the NDL website. The oliphant : Islamic objects in historical contextLeave the NDL website. Books and written culture of the Islamic world : studies presented to Claude Gilliot on the occasion of his 75th birthday = Islamicae litterae : scripta Claudio Gilliot septuagesimum quintum diem natalem celebranti dicataLeave the NDL website. The origins of Islamic jurisprudence : Meccan fiqh before the classical schoolsLeave the NDL website. Beyond the legacy of Genghis KhanLeave the NDL website. Al-Suyūṭī, a polymath of the Mamlūk period : proceedings of the themed day of the first Conference of the School of Mamlūk Studies (Ca' Foscari University, Venice, June 23, 2014)Leave the NDL website. The Epistle of the eloquent clarification concerning the refutation of Ibn QutaybaLeave the NDL website. The book of noble character : critical edition of Makārim al-akhlāq wa-maḥāsin al-ādāb wa-badāʾiʿ al-awṣāf wa-gharāʾib al-tashbīhāt, attributed to Abū Manṣūr al-Thaʿālibī (d. 429/1039)Leave the NDL website. The comfort of the mystics : a manual and anthology of early SufismLeave the NDL website. A turning point in Mamluk history : the third reign of al-Nāṣir Muḥammad ibn Qalāwūn (1310-1341)Leave the NDL website. The lineaments of Islam : studies in honor of Fred McGraw DonnerLeave the NDL website. Mālik and Medina : Islamic legal reasoning in the formative periodLeave the NDL website. Formation of a religious landscape : Shiʿi higher learning in Safavid IranLeave the NDL website. The feats of the knowers of God : Manāqeb al-ʿarefīnLeave the NDL website. The Fatimid Armenians : cultural and political interaction in the Near EastLeave the NDL website. Labour in the medieval Islamic worldLeave the NDL website. The formation of the Islamic understanding of kalāla in the second century AH (718-816 CE) : between scripture and canonLeave the NDL website. Through the eyes of the beholder : the Holy Land, 1517-1713Leave the NDL website. al-Ṣāḥib ibn ʿAbbād, promoter of rational theology : two Muʿtazilī kalām texts from the Cairo GenizaLeave the NDL website. Infants, parents and wet nurses : medieval Islamic views on breastfeeding and their social implicationsLeave the NDL website. The Mongol Empire and its legacyLeave the NDL website. Gender and Muslim constructions of exegetical authority : a rereading of the classical genre of Qurʾān commentaryLeave the NDL website. The transmission and dynamics of the textual sources of Islam : essays in honour of Harald MotzkiLeave the NDL website. The dragon in medieval East Christian and Islamic artLeave the NDL website. An Arabic musical and socio-cultural glossary of Kitāb al-aghānīLeave the NDL website. Firdaws al-iqbāl : history of KhorezmLeave the NDL website. Ärztliches Leben und Denken im arabischen MittelalterLeave the NDL website. The construction of knowledge in Islamic civilization : Qudāma b. Jaʿfar and his Kitāb al-kharāj wa-s̥ināʿat al-kitābaLeave the NDL website. Die Renaissance der Städte in Nordsyrien und Nordmesopotamien : städtische Entwicklung und wirtschaftliche Bedingungen in ar-Raqqa und Ḥarrān von der Zeit der beduinischen Vorherrschaft bis zu den SeldschukenLeave the NDL website. Islamic cultures, Islamic contexts : essays in honor of Professor Patricia CroneLeave the NDL website. The Works of Ibn Wāḍiḥ Al-Yaʿqūbī : an English TranslationLeave the NDL website. Moscheen und Madrasabauten in Iran, 1785-1848 : Architektur zwischen Rückgriff und NeurerungLeave the NDL website. Scent from the garden of paradise : musk and the Medieval Islamic worldLeave the NDL website. Hadji Bektach : un mythe et ses avatars : genèse et évolution du soufisme populaire en TurquieLeave the NDL website. Baṣran Muʿtazilite theology : Abū ʿAlī Muḥammad b. Khallād's Kitāb al-uṣūl and its reception : a critical edition of the Ziyādāt Sharḥ al-uṣūl by the Zaydī Imām al-Nāṭiq bi-l-ḥaqq Abū Ṭālib Yaḥyā b. al-Ḥusayn b. Hārūn al-Buṭḥānī (d. 424/1033)Leave the NDL website. Islam and state in Sumatra : a study of seventeenth-century AcehLeave the NDL website. Umayyad legacies : medieval memories from Syria to SpainLeave the NDL website. The Mongols' Middle East : continuity and transformation in Ilkhanid IranLeave the NDL website. Islamische Gelehrtenkultur in Nordindien : Entwicklungsgeschichte und Tendenzen am Beispiel von LucknowLeave the NDL website. Early Ibāḍī theology : six kalām textsLeave the NDL website. Treasure trove of benefits and variety at the table : a fourteenth-century Egyptian cookbook = كنز الفوائد في تنويع الموائدLeave the NDL website. Urban autonomy in medieval Islam : Damascus, Aleppo, Cordoba, Toledo, Valencia and TunisLeave the NDL website. The caliph and the heretic : Ibn Sabaʾ and the origins of ShiʿismLeave the NDL website. Developing perspectives in Mamluk history : essays in honor of Amalia LevanoniLeave the NDL website. Egypt's adjustment to Ottoman rule : institutions, waqf and architecture in Cairo, 16th and 17th centuriesLeave the NDL website. Sufism, black and white : a critical edition of Kitāb al-Bayāḍ wa-l-Sawād by Abū l-Ḥasan al-Sīrjānī (d. ca. 470/1077)Leave the NDL website. Foundations and formation of a tradition : reflections on the hereafter in the Quran and Islamic religious thoughtLeave the NDL website. Documents and the history of the early Islamic worldLeave the NDL website. Ibāḍī texts from the 2nd/8th centuryLeave the NDL website. Entre mémoire et pouvoir : l'espace syrien sous les derniers Omeyyades et les premiers Abbassides (v. 72-193/692-809)Leave the NDL website. Ideas, images, and methods of portrayal : insights into classical Arabic literature and IslamLeave the NDL website. Beyond death : mystical teachings of ʿAyn al-Quḍāt al-HamadhānīLeave the NDL website. Medieval Jerusalem and Islamic worship : holy places, ceremonies, pilgrimageLeave the NDL website. Continuity and change : the plurality of eschatological representations in the Islamicate worldLeave the NDL website. After one hundred years : the 1910 exhibition "Meisterwerke muhammedanischer Kunst" reconsideredLeave the NDL website. Constructive critics, Ḥadīth literature, and the articulation of Sunnī Islam : the legacy of the generation of Ibn Saʿd, Ibn Maʿīn, and Ibn ḤanbalLeave the NDL website. The exoteric Aḥmad Ibn Idrīs : a Sufi's critique on the Madhāhib and the Wahhābīs : four Arabic texts with translation and commentaryLeave the NDL website. The biography of Muḥammad : the issue of the sourcesLeave the NDL website. In the vicinity of the righteous : ziyāra and the veneration of Muslim saints in late medieval EgyptLeave the NDL website. Raison et révélation en Islam : les voies de la connaissance dans le commentaire coranique de Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (m. 606/1210)Leave the NDL website. The "ancient supremacy" : Bukhara, Afghanistan and the battle for Balkh, 1731-1901Leave the NDL website. Beyond schools : Muḥammad b. Ibrāhīm al-Wazīr's (d. 840/1436) epistemology of ambiguityLeave the NDL website. Intimate invocations : al-Ghazzī's biography of ʻAbd al-Ghanī al-Nābulusī (1641-1731)Leave the NDL website. The performing arts in medieval Islam : shadow play and popular poetry in Ibn Dāniyāl's Mamluk CairoLeave the NDL website. The chronicles and annalistic sources of the early Mamluk Circassian periodLeave the NDL website. Doctrinal instruction in early Islam : the Book of the explanation of the Sunna by Ghulām Khalīl (d. 275/888)Leave the NDL website. In the author's hand : holograph and authorial manuscripts in the Islamic handwritten traditionLeave the NDL website. In the Sultan's salon : learning, religion and rulership at the Mamluk court of Qāniṣawh al-Ghawrī (r. 1501-1516)Leave the NDL website. Best of delectable foods and dishes from al-Andalus and al-Maghrib : a cookbook by thirteenth-century Andalusi scholar Ibn Razīn al-Tujībī (1227-1293)Leave the NDL website. Ibn al-Jazzār's Zād al-musāfir wa-qūt al-ḥāḍir : provisions for the traveller and nourishment for the sedentary, Books I and II : diseases of the head and the faceLeave the NDL website. Magic in Malta : Sellem bin al-Sheikh Mansur and the Roman Inquisition, 1605Leave the NDL website. Doing justice to a wronged literature : essays on Arabic literature and rhetoric of the 12th-18th centuries in honour of Thomas BauerLeave the NDL website. From Samarqand to Toledo : Greek, Sogdian and Arabic documents and manuscripts from the Islamicate world and beyondLeave the NDL website. Beyond authenticity : alternative approaches to hadith narrations and collectionsLeave the NDL website. Mutʿat al-asmāʿ fī ʿilm al-samāʿ = The ears' pleasure and the science of listening to musicLeave the NDL website. The historian of Islam at work : essays in honor of Hugh N. KennedyLeave the NDL website. Le cycle de ʻAbd al-Muṭṭalib : restauration, sacrifice et naissance prophétique dans la Sīra d'Ibn IsḥāqLeave the NDL website. Constructing and contesting holy places in medieval Islam and beyondLeave the NDL website. Ideas in motion in Baghdad and beyond : philosophical and theological exchanges between Christians and Muslims in the third/ninth and fourth/tenth centuriesLeave the NDL website. The Iranian reception of Islam : the non-traditionalist strandsLeave the NDL website. Early Mamluk diplomacy (1260-1290) : treaties of Baybars and Qalāwūn with Christian rulersLeave the NDL website. Accusations of unbelief in Islam : a diachronic perspective on takfirLeave the NDL website. The Nuṣayrī-ʿAlawīs : an introduction to the religion, history and identity of the leading minority in SyriaLeave the NDL website. Traktat über die Derwischmützen (Risāle-i tāciyye) des Müstaqīm-zāde Süleymān Saʿdeddīn (st. 1788)Leave the NDL website. The Buwayhid dynasty in Iraq 334 H./945 to 403 H./1012 : shaping institutions for the futureLeave the NDL website. Insatiable appetite : food as cultural signifier in the Middle East and beyondLeave the NDL website. Timbuktu and the Songhay Empire : Al-Saʿdi's Taʾrīkh al-Sūdān down to 1613, and other contemporary documentsLeave the NDL website. The emergence of early Sufi piety and Sunnī scholasticism : ʿAbdallāh b. al-Mubārak and the formation of Sunnī identity in the second Islamic centuryLeave the NDL website. Early Sunnī historiography : a study of the Tārīkh of Khalīfa b. KhayyāṭLeave the NDL website. The making of a forefather : Abraham in Islamic and Jewish exegetical narrativesLeave the NDL website. L'imamat et l'occultation selon l'imamisme : étude bibliographique et histoire des textesLeave the NDL website. From al-Andalus to Khurasan : documents from the medieval Muslim worldLeave the NDL website. Islam, the Ancient Near East and varieties of GodlessnessLeave the NDL website. An Ayyubid notable and his world : Ibn al-ʿAdīm and Aleppo as portrayed in his biographical dictionary of people associated with the cityLeave the NDL website. Mysticism and philosophy in al-Andalus : Ibn Masarra, Ibn al-ʿArabī and the Ismāʿīlī traditionLeave the NDL website. The rebellion of Muḥammad al-Nafs al-Zakiyya in 145/762 : Ṭālibīs and early ʿAbbāsīs in conflictLeave the NDL website. Medieval Jerusalem and Islamic worship : holy places, ceremonies, pilgrimageLeave the NDL website. The fortress of the raven : Karak in the Middle Islamic period (1100 -1650)Leave the NDL website. Crisis and continuity at the Abbasid court : formal and informal politics in the caliphate of al-Muqtadir (295-320/908-32)Leave the NDL website. Papyrology and the history of early Islamic EgyptLeave the NDL website. The revolution which toppled the Umayyads : neither Arab nor ʿAbbāsidLeave the NDL website. The Citadel of Cairo : a new interpretation of Royal Mamluk architectureLeave the NDL website. Verbranntes Ufer : Auswirkungen mamlukischer Seepolitik auf Beirut und die syro-palästinensische Küste (1250-1517)Leave the NDL website. Patronate and patronage in early and classical IslamLeave the NDL website. Food and foodways of medieval Cairenes : aspects of life in an Islamic metropolis of the eastern MediterraneanLeave the NDL website. In defense of the Bible : a critical edition and an introduction to al-Biqāʿī's Bible treatiseLeave the NDL website. Taste of modernity : Sufism, Salafiyya, and Arabism in late Ottoman DamascusLeave the NDL website. The development of early sunnite Ḥadīth criticism : the Taqdima of Ibn Abī Ḥātim al-Rāzī (240/854-327/938)Leave the NDL website. State and rural society in medieval Islam : sultans, muqtaʿs and fallahunLeave the NDL website. A critique of the origins of Islamic economic thoughtLeave the NDL website. An ethnography of fragrance : the perfumery arts of ʿAdan/LaḥjLeave the NDL website. The grey falcon : the life and teaching of Shaykh ʿAbd al-Qādir al-JīlānīLeave the NDL website. New perspectives on Ibn ʿAsākir in Islamic historiographyLeave the NDL website. Society and culture in the early modern Middle East : studies on Iran in the Safavid periodLeave the NDL website. Al-Ḥīra : eine arabische Kulturmetropole im spätantiken KontextLeave the NDL website. Islamic art in the 19th century : tradition, innovation, and eclecticismLeave the NDL website. Early Islamic law in Basra in the 2nd/8th century : Aqwāl Qatāda b. Diʿāma al-SadūsīLeave the NDL website. The Qurʾānic pagans and related mattersLeave the NDL website. Henry George Farmer and the First International Congress of Arab Music (Cairo 1932)Leave the NDL website. The unveiling of secrets Kashf al-Asrār : the visionary autobiography of Rūzbihān al-Baqlī (1128-1209 A.D.)Leave the NDL website. Religion and politics under the early ʿAbbāsids : the emergence of the proto-Sunnī eliteLeave the NDL website. The Great Mosque of Damascus : studies on the makings of an Umayyad visual cultureLeave the NDL website. The rise of a capital : al-Fusṭāṭ and its hinterland, 18/639-132/750Leave the NDL website. Fünfundzwanzig arabische Geschäftsdokumente aus dem Rotmeer-Hafen al-Quṣayr al-Qadīm (7./13. Jh.) (P.QuseirArab. II)Leave the NDL website. Texts, documents, and artefacts : Islamic studies in honour of D.S. RichardsLeave the NDL website. Herbal medicine in Yemen : traditional knowledge and practice, and their value for today's worldLeave the NDL website. A Muslim theologian in the sectarian milieu : ʿAbd al-Jabbār and the critique of Christian originsLeave the NDL website. Licit magic : the life and letters of al-Ṣāḥib b. ʿAbbād (d. 385/995)Leave the NDL website. The last pagans of Iraq : Ibn Waḥshiyya and his Nabatean agricultureLeave the NDL website. Die Eroberung von Damaskus : quellenkritische Untersuchung zur Historiographie in klassisch-islamischer ZeitLeave the NDL website. Sufism in an age of transition : ʿUmar al-Suhrawardī and the rise of the Islamic mystical brotherhoodsLeave the NDL website. The Sudan of the three Niles : the Funj chronicle, 910-1288/1504-1871Leave the NDL website. Unity in diversity : mysticism, messianism and the construction of religious authority in IslamLeave the NDL website. The companions of the prophet : a study of geographical distribution and political alignmentsLeave the NDL website. Locating Hell in Islamic traditionsLeave the NDL website. Essays on Islamic piety and mysticismLeave the NDL website. al-Muʾayyad al-Shīrāzī and Fatimid daʿwa poetry : a case of commitment in classical Arabic literatureLeave the NDL website. Majd al-Dīn al-Fīrūzābādī (1329-1415) : a polymath on the eve of the early modern periodLeave the NDL website. The Islamic scholarly tradition : studies in history, law, and thought in honor of Professor Michael Allan CookLeave the NDL website. Mustafa ʿÂli's Epic deeds of artists : a critical edition of the earliest Ottoman text about the calligraphers and painters of the Islamic worldLeave the NDL website. Musical and socio-cultural anecdotes from Kitāb al-aghānī al-kabīrLeave the NDL website. De la figuration humaine au portrait dans l'art islamiqueLeave the NDL website. Poetics of Islamic historiography : deconstructing Ṭabarī's HistoryLeave the NDL website. The book in Mamluk Egypt and Syria (1250-1517) : scribes, libraries and marketLeave the NDL website. Mamluk Cairo, a crossroads for embassies : studies on diplomacy and diplomaticsLeave the NDL website. Arabic humanities, Islamic thought : essays in honor of Everett K. RowsonLeave the NDL website. Histories of the Middle East : studies in Middle Eastern society, economy and law in honor of A.L. UdovitchLeave the NDL website. Kleine SchriftenLeave the NDL website. The ʿAbbasid and Carolingian empires : comparative studies in civilizational formationLeave the NDL website. Excellence and precedence : medieval Islamic discourse on legitimate leadershipLeave the NDL website. New frontiers of Arabic papyrology : Arabic and multilingual texts from early IslamLeave the NDL website. Annals of the caliphs' kitchens : Ibn Sayyār al-Warrāq's tenth-century Baghdadi cookbookLeave the NDL website. The book of noble character : critical edition of Makārim al-akhlāq wa-maḥāsin al-ādāb wa-badāʾiʿ al-awṣāf wa-gharāʾib al-tashbīhāt, attributed to Abū Manṣūr al-Thaʿālibī (d. 429/1039)Leave the NDL website. The raven and the falcon : youth versus old age in medieval Arabic literatureLeave the NDL website. The canonization of al-Bukhārī and Muslim : the formation and function of the Sunnī Ḥadīth CanonLeave the NDL website. Das Aleppiner Kalifat (A.D. 1261) : vom Ende des Kalifates in Bagdad über Aleppo zu den Restaurationen in KairoLeave the NDL website. Material evidence and narrative sources : interdisciplinary studies of the history of the Muslim Middle EastLeave the NDL website. Höfische Musikkultur im klassischen Islam : Ibn Faḍlallāh al-ʿUmarī (gest. 749/1349) über die dichterische und musikalische Kunst der SängersklavinnenLeave the NDL website. Knowledge and education in classical Islam : religious learning between continuity and changeLeave the NDL website. New readings in Arabic historiography from late medieval Egypt and Syria : proceedings of the themed day of the fifth Conference of the School of Mamluk StudiesLeave the NDL website. In the Sultan's salon : learning, religion and rulership at the Mamluk court of Qāniṣawh al-Ghawrī (r. 1501-1516)Leave the NDL website. Reflecting mirrors, East and West : transcultural comparisons of advice literature for rulers (8th-13th century)Leave the NDL website. Supplier Dieu dans l'Égypte toulounide : le florilège de l'invocation d'après Ḫālid b. Yazīd (IIIe/IXe siècle)Leave the NDL website. Islam on the margins : studies in memory of Michael BonnerLeave the NDL website. Muḥammad and his followers in context : the religious map of late antique ArabiaLeave the NDL website. Teachers and students, reflections on learning in near and Middle Eastern cultures : collected studies in honour of Sebastian GuntherLeave the NDL website. Light upon light : essays in Islamic thought and history in honor of Gerhard BoweringLeave the NDL website. Carrying on the tradition : a social and intellectual history of Hadith transmission across a thousand yearsLeave the NDL website. Approaches to the study of pre-modern Arabic anthologiesLeave the NDL website. Early Ibadi theology : new material on rational thought in Islam from the pen of al-Fazārī (2nd/8th century)Leave the NDL website. Egypt and Syria under Mamluk rule : political, social and cultural aspectsLeave the NDL website. Naẓar : vision, belief, and perception in Islamic culturesLeave the NDL website. Ibadi texts in Oman from the 3rd/9th centuryLeave the NDL website. Histoires hafsides : pouvoir et idéologieLeave the NDL website. Radiant lights, eloquent words : a scholarly edition of al-Anwār al-bahiyya fī taʾrīf [i.e. taʿrīf] maqāmāt fuṣaḥāʾ al-bariyyaLeave the NDL website. The echoes of fitna : accumulated meaning and performative historiography in the first Muslim civil warLeave the NDL website. Islamic thought and the art of translation : texts and studies in honor of William C. Chittick and Sachiko MurataLeave the NDL website. The historical chronicle of Abū ʿAbdallāh Maḥammad Ibn Ibrāhīm al-Dukkālī : Fes in the mid-18th century (1149/1736-1179/1766)Leave the NDL website. Rulers as authors in the Islamic world : knowledge, authority and legitimacyLeave the NDL website. Religious and intellectual diversity in the Islamicate world and beyond : essays in honor of Sarah StroumsaLeave the NDL website. Religious and intellectual diversity in the Islamicate world and beyond : essays in honor of Sarah StroumsaLeave the NDL website. Building bridges : Ignaz Goldziher and his correspondents : Islamic and Jewish studies around the turn of the twentieth centuryLeave the NDL website. Encounters with the hidden imam in early and pre-modern Twelver Shīʿī IslamLeave the NDL website. Marwān ibn Janāḥ : on the nomenclature of medicinal drugs (Kitāb al-talkhīṣ) : edition, translation and commentary, with special reference to the Ibero-Romance terminologyLeave the NDL website. Damascus life 1480-1500 : a report of a local notaryLeave the NDL website. Studies in Islamic historiography : essays in honour of Professor Donald P. LittleLeave the NDL website. Les fatimides et la mer (909-1171)Leave the NDL website. Culture matérielle et contacts diplomatiques entre l'Occident latin, Byzance et l'Orient islamique (XIe-XVIe siècle)Leave the NDL website. Ḥāwī l-funūn wa-salwat al-maḥzūn = Encompasser of the arts and consoler of the grief-strickenLeave the NDL website. Muslim al-Naysābūrī (d. 261/875) : the sceptical traditionalistLeave the NDL website. A companion to late antique and medieval Islamic Cordoba : capital of Roman Baetica and Caliphate of al-AndalusLeave the NDL website. Creating an Islamic city : Beirut, jihad, and the sacredLeave the NDL website. Historicizing Sunni Islam in the Ottoman Empire, c. 1450-c. 1750Leave the NDL website. Mediterranean captivity through Arab eyes, 1517-1798Leave the NDL website. From Qom to Barcelona : Aramaic, South Arabian, Coptic, Arabic and Judeo-Arabic documentsLeave the NDL website. Schutz und Andacht im Islam : Dokumente in Rollenform aus dem 14.-19. Jh.Leave the NDL website.

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Table of Contents

  • The intensification and reorientation of Sunni jihad ideology in the Crusader period : Ibn ʿAsakir of Damascus (1105-1176) and his age, with an edition and translation of Ibn ʿAsakir's The forty hadiths for inciting jihad

  • Early Mamluk Syrian historiography : Al-Yūnīnī's Dhayl Mirʾāt al-zamān

  • Wissensvermittlung im Gespräch : eine Studie zu klassisch-arabischen Dialogen

  • Islamic mysticism contested : thirteen centuries of controversies and polemics

  • Muslim religious institutions in Imperial Russia : the Islamic world of Novouzensk District and the Kazakh Inner Horde, 1780-1910

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Alternative Title
Arab history and civilization
Islamic history and civilization : studies and texts
Islam history and civilization : studies and texts
Place of Publication (Country Code)
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Note (General)
Formerly Arab history and civilization
Edited by Ulrich Haarmann
Edirorial Board, Hinrich Biesterfeldt, Sebastian Günther
Related Material
The intensification and reorientation of Sunni jihad ideology in the Crusader period : Ibn ʿAsakir of Damascus (1105-1176) and his age, with an edition and translation of Ibn ʿAsakir's The forty hadiths for inciting jihad
Early Mamluk Syrian historiography : Al-Yūnīnī's Dhayl Mirʾāt al-zamān
Wissensvermittlung im Gespräch : eine Studie zu klassisch-arabischen Dialogen
Islamic mysticism contested : thirteen centuries of controversies and polemics
Muslim religious institutions in Imperial Russia : the Islamic world of Novouzensk District and the Kazakh Inner Horde, 1780-1910
Die Geheimnisse der oberen und der unteren Welt : Magie im Islam zwischen Glaube und Wissenschaft
Mystiques, Ètat et société : les Halvetis dans l'aire balkanique, de la fin du XVe siècle à nos jours
Al-Māturīdī and the development of Sunnī theology in Samarqand
From Bāwīṭ to Marw : documents from the medieval Muslim world
The piety of learning : Islamic studies in honor of Stefan Reichmuth
The heritage of Arabo-Islamic learning : studies presented to Wadad Kadi
The quṣṣāṣ of early Islam
Analysing Muslim traditions : studies in legal, exegetical and Maghāzī ḥadīth
Commerce, culture, and community in a Red Sea port in the thirteenth century : the Arabic documents from Quseir
An Ismaili heresiography : the "Bāb al-shayṭān" from Abū Tammām's Kitāb al-shajara
Muslims, Jews, and pagans : studies on early Islamic Medina
Letters of a Sufi scholar : the correspondence of ʿAbd al-Ghanī al-Nābulusī (1641-1731)
Facts and artefacts : art in the Islamic world : festschrift for Jens Kröger on his 65th birthday
Method and theory in the study of Islamic origins
The oliphant : Islamic objects in historical context
Books and written culture of the Islamic world : studies presented to Claude Gilliot on the occasion of his 75th birthday = Islamicae litterae : scripta Claudio Gilliot septuagesimum quintum diem natalem celebranti dicata
The origins of Islamic jurisprudence : Meccan fiqh before the classical schools
Beyond the legacy of Genghis Khan
Al-Suyūṭī, a polymath of the Mamlūk period : proceedings of the themed day of the first Conference of the School of Mamlūk Studies (Ca' Foscari University, Venice, June 23, 2014)
The Epistle of the eloquent clarification concerning the refutation of Ibn Qutayba
The book of noble character : critical edition of Makārim al-akhlāq wa-maḥāsin al-ādāb wa-badāʾiʿ al-awṣāf wa-gharāʾib al-tashbīhāt, attributed to Abū Manṣūr al-Thaʿālibī (d. 429/1039)
The comfort of the mystics : a manual and anthology of early Sufism
A turning point in Mamluk history : the third reign of al-Nāṣir Muḥammad ibn Qalāwūn (1310-1341)
The lineaments of Islam : studies in honor of Fred McGraw Donner
Mālik and Medina : Islamic legal reasoning in the formative period
Formation of a religious landscape : Shiʿi higher learning in Safavid Iran
The feats of the knowers of God : Manāqeb al-ʿarefīn
The Fatimid Armenians : cultural and political interaction in the Near East
Labour in the medieval Islamic world
The formation of the Islamic understanding of kalāla in the second century AH (718-816 CE) : between scripture and canon
Through the eyes of the beholder : the Holy Land, 1517-1713
al-Ṣāḥib ibn ʿAbbād, promoter of rational theology : two Muʿtazilī kalām texts from the Cairo Geniza
Infants, parents and wet nurses : medieval Islamic views on breastfeeding and their social implications
The Mongol Empire and its legacy
Gender and Muslim constructions of exegetical authority : a rereading of the classical genre of Qurʾān commentary
The transmission and dynamics of the textual sources of Islam : essays in honour of Harald Motzki
The dragon in medieval East Christian and Islamic art
An Arabic musical and socio-cultural glossary of Kitāb al-aghānī
Firdaws al-iqbāl : history of Khorezm
Ärztliches Leben und Denken im arabischen Mittelalter
The construction of knowledge in Islamic civilization : Qudāma b. Jaʿfar and his Kitāb al-kharāj wa-s̥ināʿat al-kitāba
Die Renaissance der Städte in Nordsyrien und Nordmesopotamien : städtische Entwicklung und wirtschaftliche Bedingungen in ar-Raqqa und Ḥarrān von der Zeit der beduinischen Vorherrschaft bis zu den Seldschuken
Islamic cultures, Islamic contexts : essays in honor of Professor Patricia Crone
The Works of Ibn Wāḍiḥ Al-Yaʿqūbī : an English Translation
Moscheen und Madrasabauten in Iran, 1785-1848 : Architektur zwischen Rückgriff und Neurerung
Scent from the garden of paradise : musk and the Medieval Islamic world
Hadji Bektach : un mythe et ses avatars : genèse et évolution du soufisme populaire en Turquie
Baṣran Muʿtazilite theology : Abū ʿAlī Muḥammad b. Khallād's Kitāb al-uṣūl and its reception : a critical edition of the Ziyādāt Sharḥ al-uṣūl by the Zaydī Imām al-Nāṭiq bi-l-ḥaqq Abū Ṭālib Yaḥyā b. al-Ḥusayn b. Hārūn al-Buṭḥānī (d. 424/1033)
Islam and state in Sumatra : a study of seventeenth-century Aceh
Umayyad legacies : medieval memories from Syria to Spain
The Mongols' Middle East : continuity and transformation in Ilkhanid Iran
Islamische Gelehrtenkultur in Nordindien : Entwicklungsgeschichte und Tendenzen am Beispiel von Lucknow
Early Ibāḍī theology : six kalām texts
Treasure trove of benefits and variety at the table : a fourteenth-century Egyptian cookbook = كنز الفوائد في تنويع الموائد
Urban autonomy in medieval Islam : Damascus, Aleppo, Cordoba, Toledo, Valencia and Tunis
The caliph and the heretic : Ibn Sabaʾ and the origins of Shiʿism
Developing perspectives in Mamluk history : essays in honor of Amalia Levanoni
Egypt's adjustment to Ottoman rule : institutions, waqf and architecture in Cairo, 16th and 17th centuries
Sufism, black and white : a critical edition of Kitāb al-Bayāḍ wa-l-Sawād by Abū l-Ḥasan al-Sīrjānī (d. ca. 470/1077)
Foundations and formation of a tradition : reflections on the hereafter in the Quran and Islamic religious thought
Documents and the history of the early Islamic world
Ibāḍī texts from the 2nd/8th century
Entre mémoire et pouvoir : l'espace syrien sous les derniers Omeyyades et les premiers Abbassides (v. 72-193/692-809)
Ideas, images, and methods of portrayal : insights into classical Arabic literature and Islam
Beyond death : mystical teachings of ʿAyn al-Quḍāt al-Hamadhānī
Medieval Jerusalem and Islamic worship : holy places, ceremonies, pilgrimage
Continuity and change : the plurality of eschatological representations in the Islamicate world
After one hundred years : the 1910 exhibition "Meisterwerke muhammedanischer Kunst" reconsidered
Constructive critics, Ḥadīth literature, and the articulation of Sunnī Islam : the legacy of the generation of Ibn Saʿd, Ibn Maʿīn, and Ibn Ḥanbal
The exoteric Aḥmad Ibn Idrīs : a Sufi's critique on the Madhāhib and the Wahhābīs : four Arabic texts with translation and commentary
The biography of Muḥammad : the issue of the sources
In the vicinity of the righteous : ziyāra and the veneration of Muslim saints in late medieval Egypt
Raison et révélation en Islam : les voies de la connaissance dans le commentaire coranique de Faḫr al-Dīn al-Rāzī (m. 606/1210)
The "ancient supremacy" : Bukhara, Afghanistan and the battle for Balkh, 1731-1901
Beyond schools : Muḥammad b. Ibrāhīm al-Wazīr's (d. 840/1436) epistemology of ambiguity
Intimate invocations : al-Ghazzī's biography of ʻAbd al-Ghanī al-Nābulusī (1641-1731)
The performing arts in medieval Islam : shadow play and popular poetry in Ibn Dāniyāl's Mamluk Cairo
The chronicles and annalistic sources of the early Mamluk Circassian period
Doctrinal instruction in early Islam : the Book of the explanation of the Sunna by Ghulām Khalīl (d. 275/888)
In the author's hand : holograph and authorial manuscripts in the Islamic handwritten tradition
In the Sultan's salon : learning, religion and rulership at the Mamluk court of Qāniṣawh al-Ghawrī (r. 1501-1516)
Best of delectable foods and dishes from al-Andalus and al-Maghrib : a cookbook by thirteenth-century Andalusi scholar Ibn Razīn al-Tujībī (1227-1293)
Ibn al-Jazzār's Zād al-musāfir wa-qūt al-ḥāḍir : provisions for the traveller and nourishment for the sedentary, Books I and II : diseases of the head and the face
Magic in Malta : Sellem bin al-Sheikh Mansur and the Roman Inquisition, 1605
Doing justice to a wronged literature : essays on Arabic literature and rhetoric of the 12th-18th centuries in honour of Thomas Bauer
From Samarqand to Toledo : Greek, Sogdian and Arabic documents and manuscripts from the Islamicate world and beyond
Beyond authenticity : alternative approaches to hadith narrations and collections
Mutʿat al-asmāʿ fī ʿilm al-samāʿ = The ears' pleasure and the science of listening to music
The historian of Islam at work : essays in honor of Hugh N. Kennedy
Le cycle de ʻAbd al-Muṭṭalib : restauration, sacrifice et naissance prophétique dans la Sīra d'Ibn Isḥāq
Constructing and contesting holy places in medieval Islam and beyond
Ideas in motion in Baghdad and beyond : philosophical and theological exchanges between Christians and Muslims in the third/ninth and fourth/tenth centuries
The Iranian reception of Islam : the non-traditionalist strands
Early Mamluk diplomacy (1260-1290) : treaties of Baybars and Qalāwūn with Christian rulers
Accusations of unbelief in Islam : a diachronic perspective on takfir
The Nuṣayrī-ʿAlawīs : an introduction to the religion, history and identity of the leading minority in Syria
Traktat über die Derwischmützen (Risāle-i tāciyye) des Müstaqīm-zāde Süleymān Saʿdeddīn (st. 1788)
The Buwayhid dynasty in Iraq 334 H./945 to 403 H./1012 : shaping institutions for the future
Insatiable appetite : food as cultural signifier in the Middle East and beyond
Timbuktu and the Songhay Empire : Al-Saʿdi's Taʾrīkh al-Sūdān down to 1613, and other contemporary documents
The emergence of early Sufi piety and Sunnī scholasticism : ʿAbdallāh b. al-Mubārak and the formation of Sunnī identity in the second Islamic century
Early Sunnī historiography : a study of the Tārīkh of Khalīfa b. Khayyāṭ
The making of a forefather : Abraham in Islamic and Jewish exegetical narratives
L'imamat et l'occultation selon l'imamisme : étude bibliographique et histoire des textes
From al-Andalus to Khurasan : documents from the medieval Muslim world
Islam, the Ancient Near East and varieties of Godlessness
An Ayyubid notable and his world : Ibn al-ʿAdīm and Aleppo as portrayed in his biographical dictionary of people associated with the city
Mysticism and philosophy in al-Andalus : Ibn Masarra, Ibn al-ʿArabī and the Ismāʿīlī tradition
The rebellion of Muḥammad al-Nafs al-Zakiyya in 145/762 : Ṭālibīs and early ʿAbbāsīs in conflict
Medieval Jerusalem and Islamic worship : holy places, ceremonies, pilgrimage
The fortress of the raven : Karak in the Middle Islamic period (1100 -1650)
Crisis and continuity at the Abbasid court : formal and informal politics in the caliphate of al-Muqtadir (295-320/908-32)
Papyrology and the history of early Islamic Egypt
The revolution which toppled the Umayyads : neither Arab nor ʿAbbāsid
The Citadel of Cairo : a new interpretation of Royal Mamluk architecture
Verbranntes Ufer : Auswirkungen mamlukischer Seepolitik auf Beirut und die syro-palästinensische Küste (1250-1517)
Patronate and patronage in early and classical Islam
Food and foodways of medieval Cairenes : aspects of life in an Islamic metropolis of the eastern Mediterranean
In defense of the Bible : a critical edition and an introduction to al-Biqāʿī's Bible treatise
Taste of modernity : Sufism, Salafiyya, and Arabism in late Ottoman Damascus
The development of early sunnite Ḥadīth criticism : the Taqdima of Ibn Abī Ḥātim al-Rāzī (240/854-327/938)
State and rural society in medieval Islam : sultans, muqtaʿs and fallahun
A critique of the origins of Islamic economic thought
An ethnography of fragrance : the perfumery arts of ʿAdan/Laḥj
The grey falcon : the life and teaching of Shaykh ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī
New perspectives on Ibn ʿAsākir in Islamic historiography
Society and culture in the early modern Middle East : studies on Iran in the Safavid period
Al-Ḥīra : eine arabische Kulturmetropole im spätantiken Kontext
Islamic art in the 19th century : tradition, innovation, and eclecticism
Early Islamic law in Basra in the 2nd/8th century : Aqwāl Qatāda b. Diʿāma al-Sadūsī
The Qurʾānic pagans and related matters
Henry George Farmer and the First International Congress of Arab Music (Cairo 1932)
The unveiling of secrets Kashf al-Asrār : the visionary autobiography of Rūzbihān al-Baqlī (1128-1209 A.D.)
Religion and politics under the early ʿAbbāsids : the emergence of the proto-Sunnī elite
The Great Mosque of Damascus : studies on the makings of an Umayyad visual culture
The rise of a capital : al-Fusṭāṭ and its hinterland, 18/639-132/750
Fünfundzwanzig arabische Geschäftsdokumente aus dem Rotmeer-Hafen al-Quṣayr al-Qadīm (7./13. Jh.) (P.QuseirArab. II)
Texts, documents, and artefacts : Islamic studies in honour of D.S. Richards
Herbal medicine in Yemen : traditional knowledge and practice, and their value for today's world
A Muslim theologian in the sectarian milieu : ʿAbd al-Jabbār and the critique of Christian origins
Licit magic : the life and letters of al-Ṣāḥib b. ʿAbbād (d. 385/995)
The last pagans of Iraq : Ibn Waḥshiyya and his Nabatean agriculture
Die Eroberung von Damaskus : quellenkritische Untersuchung zur Historiographie in klassisch-islamischer Zeit
Sufism in an age of transition : ʿUmar al-Suhrawardī and the rise of the Islamic mystical brotherhoods
The Sudan of the three Niles : the Funj chronicle, 910-1288/1504-1871
Unity in diversity : mysticism, messianism and the construction of religious authority in Islam
The companions of the prophet : a study of geographical distribution and political alignments
Locating Hell in Islamic traditions
Essays on Islamic piety and mysticism
al-Muʾayyad al-Shīrāzī and Fatimid daʿwa poetry : a case of commitment in classical Arabic literature
Majd al-Dīn al-Fīrūzābādī (1329-1415) : a polymath on the eve of the early modern period
The Islamic scholarly tradition : studies in history, law, and thought in honor of Professor Michael Allan Cook
Mustafa ʿÂli's Epic deeds of artists : a critical edition of the earliest Ottoman text about the calligraphers and painters of the Islamic world
Musical and socio-cultural anecdotes from Kitāb al-aghānī al-kabīr
De la figuration humaine au portrait dans l'art islamique
Poetics of Islamic historiography : deconstructing Ṭabarī's History
The book in Mamluk Egypt and Syria (1250-1517) : scribes, libraries and market
Mamluk Cairo, a crossroads for embassies : studies on diplomacy and diplomatics
Arabic humanities, Islamic thought : essays in honor of Everett K. Rowson
Histories of the Middle East : studies in Middle Eastern society, economy and law in honor of A.L. Udovitch
Kleine Schriften
The ʿAbbasid and Carolingian empires : comparative studies in civilizational formation
Excellence and precedence : medieval Islamic discourse on legitimate leadership
New frontiers of Arabic papyrology : Arabic and multilingual texts from early Islam
Annals of the caliphs' kitchens : Ibn Sayyār al-Warrāq's tenth-century Baghdadi cookbook
The book of noble character : critical edition of Makārim al-akhlāq wa-maḥāsin al-ādāb wa-badāʾiʿ al-awṣāf wa-gharāʾib al-tashbīhāt, attributed to Abū Manṣūr al-Thaʿālibī (d. 429/1039)
The raven and the falcon : youth versus old age in medieval Arabic literature
The canonization of al-Bukhārī and Muslim : the formation and function of the Sunnī Ḥadīth Canon
Das Aleppiner Kalifat (A.D. 1261) : vom Ende des Kalifates in Bagdad über Aleppo zu den Restaurationen in Kairo
Material evidence and narrative sources : interdisciplinary studies of the history of the Muslim Middle East
Höfische Musikkultur im klassischen Islam : Ibn Faḍlallāh al-ʿUmarī (gest. 749/1349) über die dichterische und musikalische Kunst der Sängersklavinnen
Knowledge and education in classical Islam : religious learning between continuity and change
New readings in Arabic historiography from late medieval Egypt and Syria : proceedings of the themed day of the fifth Conference of the School of Mamluk Studies
In the Sultan's salon : learning, religion and rulership at the Mamluk court of Qāniṣawh al-Ghawrī (r. 1501-1516)
Reflecting mirrors, East and West : transcultural comparisons of advice literature for rulers (8th-13th century)
Supplier Dieu dans l'Égypte toulounide : le florilège de l'invocation d'après Ḫālid b. Yazīd (IIIe/IXe siècle)
Islam on the margins : studies in memory of Michael Bonner
Muḥammad and his followers in context : the religious map of late antique Arabia
Teachers and students, reflections on learning in near and Middle Eastern cultures : collected studies in honour of Sebastian Gunther
Light upon light : essays in Islamic thought and history in honor of Gerhard Bowering
Carrying on the tradition : a social and intellectual history of Hadith transmission across a thousand years
Approaches to the study of pre-modern Arabic anthologies
Early Ibadi theology : new material on rational thought in Islam from the pen of al-Fazārī (2nd/8th century)
Egypt and Syria under Mamluk rule : political, social and cultural aspects
Naẓar : vision, belief, and perception in Islamic cultures
Ibadi texts in Oman from the 3rd/9th century
Histoires hafsides : pouvoir et idéologie
Radiant lights, eloquent words : a scholarly edition of al-Anwār al-bahiyya fī taʾrīf [i.e. taʿrīf] maqāmāt fuṣaḥāʾ al-bariyya
The echoes of fitna : accumulated meaning and performative historiography in the first Muslim civil war
Islamic thought and the art of translation : texts and studies in honor of William C. Chittick and Sachiko Murata
The historical chronicle of Abū ʿAbdallāh Maḥammad Ibn Ibrāhīm al-Dukkālī : Fes in the mid-18th century (1149/1736-1179/1766)
Rulers as authors in the Islamic world : knowledge, authority and legitimacy
Religious and intellectual diversity in the Islamicate world and beyond : essays in honor of Sarah Stroumsa
Religious and intellectual diversity in the Islamicate world and beyond : essays in honor of Sarah Stroumsa
Building bridges : Ignaz Goldziher and his correspondents : Islamic and Jewish studies around the turn of the twentieth century
Encounters with the hidden imam in early and pre-modern Twelver Shīʿī Islam
Marwān ibn Janāḥ : on the nomenclature of medicinal drugs (Kitāb al-talkhīṣ) : edition, translation and commentary, with special reference to the Ibero-Romance terminology
Damascus life 1480-1500 : a report of a local notary
Studies in Islamic historiography : essays in honour of Professor Donald P. Little
Les fatimides et la mer (909-1171)
Culture matérielle et contacts diplomatiques entre l'Occident latin, Byzance et l'Orient islamique (XIe-XVIe siècle)
Ḥāwī l-funūn wa-salwat al-maḥzūn = Encompasser of the arts and consoler of the grief-stricken
Muslim al-Naysābūrī (d. 261/875) : the sceptical traditionalist
A companion to late antique and medieval Islamic Cordoba : capital of Roman Baetica and Caliphate of al-Andalus
Creating an Islamic city : Beirut, jihad, and the sacred
Historicizing Sunni Islam in the Ottoman Empire, c. 1450-c. 1750
Mediterranean captivity through Arab eyes, 1517-1798
From Qom to Barcelona : Aramaic, South Arabian, Coptic, Arabic and Judeo-Arabic documents
Schutz und Andacht im Islam : Dokumente in Rollenform aus dem 14.-19. Jh.